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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
Tils OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; - THURSDAY EVENING. ' NOVEMBER. 20, 1905. mm Old&Wortm Store Close ens s an at 8 A.M. at 6 P.M. GOOP EVElilNa THE DIFFERENT STORE " 5TH, 6TH, WASHINGTON STS. MP The: Manual Training School Vot ing Contest Result .Special Notice ' W ehallTiave to ask our young frienda to curb their, anxiety anent the reault in the recent Manual Training vote.. Our counter were fairly swamped at the closing hour on Wednesday wittr a deluge of ballota which will take at leaat a day to count' W. want all of our helpera to enjoy their Thanksgiving to the utmost nd cannot even think of asking them to wade thro' aucb a aea of votes until they have fortified themselves with a good Thanksgiving dinner and enjoyed the rest and recreation which ia aura to follow. On Friday we will take up the task with strength anew and carry it thro' to the end, announcing the result in Saturday's paper morning and evening.. . W know our young friends will await with commendable patience for that announcement, knowing that in ao doing they 'will help to contribute to the Holiday enjoyment of others. - ;,;.! .v,,, :,.'.:, Vote for Benevolent Fund Distribu tion at 6 K M. Wednesday . Fatten Horn . ...... ..............'I.........:..... ..........11.214 Fruit and .Flower Mission V.i...... .............. le.OT t People Institute . J.."".I;J!C.'!I!!!!w.!r.Il!..i.!I! J5 nuip, f , .. , .. . ...,.,...... . 4. 4. ..... S,VO Old Ladles' Home 7,1 8L Vincent's Hospital .,;.,,...,......, ....i. ........ 7.144 Salvation Array . mi. 7.071 Mount St. Joseph's Home for the Axed t........ 4.00S rwH AIM e. . ' t . . . ... Vlsl tins; Nurse Association ........... J. .. . .;. 1.451 1 Y?'unt,etr of A merle , J, ..,.,'.....,..'';,,'..., .......... ...... l.ili Children's Home ii.... ............... .'........... 1.4.T0 Good Samaritan Hospital 4 t.i.. ........ .1,414 Boys' and Olrls' Aid Sacitty v. ........... .;..., 7714 Mount St. Joseph's Horn, tor the Aged ....................... .7 m grx.wvji tun - w. c. Orphans' Humane Society . . ..a.,,,.........,,... . . I Ladles' "Hebrew Benevolent Society ...... ,.,...;.,.. M Mercy Home. ....:.", IS ' C. A. ..,...........,....- 1$ Men s Resort .........,. I...... .v,...,.,....,.........,V.i a 1 Old Folks' Horn. : tl Travelers Aid ...... '..,... ......... ..........4... ........ ' 14 Jewish. Women a Society .,...... ..'... '.........'.. ;7,; -Women's Exchange . . ...................................... -v. f Convent of the Good Shepherd ........ . ...... ' ' Bisters of Merer Home t ......... . ' 7' T. M. C. A.-..........,......' .........v. ,.'.' v 7 North .End Mission .... ......,. .. ... ....... - ' Working Girls' Home ..w......... ......... ..,...., .. ;'l. The Light Shines Full on Christmas and Santa "Rules the Roost I " v Thanksgiving over, with all it joys, its reunions and it feasting we speed the parting guest with a blessing and turn our face joy fully toward a gladsome sound that cornea Jingling thro' the frosty air, o'er hill, and dale, and mountain tip the 'tinkling bella of St. Nick's team that' ready. W want you to share the pleasure of these early Christmas shopping daya with the store end especially urge you to begin your planning tomorrow; for if you join the rank of the "put-offs" you'll find yourself in Christina' awkward aquad. in a bustle and rash and buy-what-you-can-find ecraroble that knows naught of the genuine joy one can get out of shopping leisurely for Christmas rifts. ' We've marked hundred of Christmassy things wonderfully low for tomorrow' th Grand Friday Economy Sale ! THE STORE IS TRANS FORMED INTO A BIO GROWING 35 Christmas Village nt Bt. Joseph's Home for the Aed .7 t jerton Home . . tit tans Home v 1T1 Total . .Vv.i.. The Useful for Christmas :,' ' " ' ANNEXpSBCOND FLOOR.- Women's $2.50 Sateen Petticoats ii , . j.. . a i . i . Woniea's ' Mercerised Sateen Petticoats.. fleunce and thrM mmm nf IuiiuiiikI,i accordlan pleated flounce, with raffles; our $1.60 vajue. upecial Kconomy Bale price, each . ...f 1.69 In black oa Vl ea er deeo , .. A GRAND TWO DAT SELLING CARNIVAL IN, THE " ; , r .v - Dress Goods Salons ; k :.'..i';-.-....: ' Finn; street annex first floor. .'... ,.: '" Great Speclala for two days' eelllnr. A arand opportunity to select Dreea '.- Lenrths aa Christmas Gifts. . , -' COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOR FRIDAT AND SATURDAY.' " 31-inch Imported French Challle, In plain and neat figured deslns. These wanted aoode all eome with attractive satin stripes, and are both in dark x and light colore; regular lie value. Bpeclai for Friday and Saturday,. , yard x v..' 8e - 4 7 " .i BLACK DRESS GOODS SECTION.. . We find we have too many fine Black French, German and English Broad- cloths, In both the chiffon and regular finish, and rather than- carry thee . , goods over to another fall., we Intend tutting the prices to make a quick turnover, as below " . ,. . t Our regular tl.S grade. 'Reduced to yard ..S2.1A Our regular 1 00 grade.- Reduced to, yard . S2.BB Reduced to, yard ...3.04 Reduced to, yard jum4 S3.57 Our regular tS.S grade. Our regular tt.04 grade. Our regular grade. Reducsd to yard $3.93 Thess numbers at the regular prices are the best Walues sham, in th. u. a fact acknowledged by the beet Judges te be found the Dressmaker. ... Buy "Her" a Silk Dress length ' ; for Christmas ; T . FIFTH STREET ANNEX F1R8T, FLOOR. " '. . - What eeuld be more suitable? What would she appreciate more? And ) If you're a man our salesfolk may give you valuable hints In the buying: our word for It the values are matchless. If you. kind reader, are a woman, you know we write the truth about these silks that go tomorrow Into a great two day- . . ...... ,i , ,. , MONSTER STOCK REDUCING 8ALR OF SWELL. DEPENDABLE SILKS. Thousands of yards taken from our stock to be sold at prices less than the , cost to. manufacture. Theee are not an aooumulation of old silks carried - ever from season to season, but every yard Is this year's goods. . The lots r eonatst ef Plain Loulslene, Plain Pongee, Plain Waeh Taffeta. Neat Whit Figured Silks, Figured Colored Foulards, Novelty Plaid Silks, Neat Figured , I , jniiion jaiieiaa, imi r lgurea .necaaa ana Binpea iouisiene, rialn and Changeable Peau de Cygne. This Immense collection you wlllilnd la Bilk ' 1 Anne on Bargain Tables, divided in four Big Lots ..... T Lot 1. at, yard ..............394 Lot t, at. yard ............see Lot I. at, yard i 664 '. Ti 1 at . varil . c Zl.'- I ...,.. .nov - . - USEFUL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS IN THE , Women's Knit Underwear andj hosiery Shops First Floor .'. :. ; r :' v : '. t. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY.-' .. -' .' ? - :'- -- 'WOMEN'S 12.6 UNION SUITS' FOR' 11.71. " :Tt Women's white and sliver gray Cashmera Union Suite: eplendld winter weight,' soft and warm; our . .vaiua. special economy ttaie price, tna ' suit. . .f 1.T3 WOMEN'S fl.10 UNDERWEAR FOR 11.11. ,' Women's white Swiss ribbed Merino Vests and Tights, made of long selected wool, medium weight,-our ii.fce value., special Economy Sale price, the garment ... r .....................!,....... .f 1.15 , ' WOMEN'S tl.H UNDERWEAR FOR tSa Women's WhIU' CashmerePanta-and Tights, fine ribbed; eur fl.10 value. Special Economy Bale price, tne garment ,.......!,. .95 - WOMEN'S 60j CASHMERE HOSE FOR He ' Women'- Natural Caehmere Hose. Imported clock, finished foot,, double sola; great too value. Special Kcnnomy sale price, the palr., .......88 ' WOMEN'S tie COTTON HOSE FOR JSe. ' . Women's Black Cotton Fleece-lined JIom, eeamlees, fine ribbed; eur tie value. Special Economy Bele price, me pair 254 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSE.. . ' ; ' 1 Children's Stuttgarter Union. Suite of fine long selected wool, eon-ehrlnkable. -1b aUva gray-onlyJThee are extra fine garments . f ,, - . , 1 fllsa It; our 11.(0 value. Special at, the suit SI. 19 Slse 10; our IMS value.- Special at. int suit ................ 29 " Slse 12; Qiir II 0 value. Special at, the eult ......111.40 Bis II; our. 11.11 value-Bpeclal atjthe suit u....... ......... ...i 11.53 - Slse tt; our 11 1 value.T Special at, the eutt .1 U.T Slse t; our 11.21 rvalue.. Specie! at, the eult .1 H. 75 Slse 10; our 12 40'velue. Special at, the eult ,i.k..............,..,..i 11.87 Sle 111 our 12 RS vslue. Speclsl at, the autt 1 11.98 Bise It; our 11.70 value. Special at, the eult .................... . j..ja.lO .................. ;ii.4 ni - v A GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE OF WOMEN'S - HajQdsome IStreet Suits and Beautiful, ' . ; ' ' . Grand Salon of Dreas Second Floor. . Largest'Apparel Stores for .Women west of Chicago-r-more garments than shown by any other, TWO Portland Stores COMBINED! ' Lowest prices on the Coast for equal quality. All garments made by men tailors and expert modistes in clean, airy, sanitary shops and factories under the utmost healthful con ditions and strict, sanitary, law and supervision. . ( - v ' 1 ' i ' ''. " ' ; r ' CORRECT .STYLES GREATEST 'VARIETY SUPERIOR QUALITY BEST : VALUES IN .' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' AUTHORITATIVE FASHIONABLE ATTIRE. ; , - Thousands of carefully selected styles are ready for holiday buyers. The most - advanced models of the winter's metropolitan favorites. Our expert buyers have interpreted the season's newest and most advanced fashiona with remarkable precision aa is shown by reports -of Fashion -Journals anent the atyles worn at New .York s recent Equine Exhibit.' It' clearly seen that we have a decisive advantage,, not alone in showing the widest variety of CORRECT STYLES, but even more so in the rejection of everything not in good taste. Come down to the store tomorrow with another assurance of the best valuea of all the year being shown you. 7, EC1 ALr-NOT E TO MOTH ER S Just received -by-express f ronv- one -of the , foremost-New-York--maJiers.iifjuniorapparel NEW . i "SAILOR". SUITS for children' school wear. The latest eastern favorites for little misses. ....... .......v. flO.OO to 35.00 Special for Two Days RmATTsnrATORiis WOMEN'S I2&50 ANOs$32J0 TAILORED SUITS FOR $2U5, ' Very newest and most popular models in the three-quarter edat effect and smartest mannish mixed materials English, American and Glen- garry woolens in mixtures of gray, blue; tan, brown etc. Coats with either fly fronts or buttoned thro'. Skirts in plaited effects.. "Best regular 528.50 and $32.50 values. Special for two days 7 -- : .only at ..... I fa . 7 $740 AND $J0 SILK PETTICOATS $5.78. ." Rich, Handsome, Rustling Silks in taffeta and chiffon taffeta Won . derfully pretty in make up. Attractive colors and all wanted shades. ' " Flounced, ruffled, plaited and shirred effects. Very swagger skirts, and the best ?7U and values in town, opeciai ior wo days at ......t. fS.78 SOMETHING USEFUL FOR THB LASSIE'S WARDROBE BUT NOW FOR.. CHRISTMAS AND SAVE A PART OF THE PRICE SPECIAL . FOR FRIDAY SECOND FLOOR.. . ' . Children's Dresses at One-Fourth Off ! Chll(frn' ' Dreesee - ef all klnda. . for party. . atret and aohool wear. The styles and ma- terlale are all new and the eolortne are la . th new fall shades, both plain and mixed. ' Kapecially attractive are theee little dreasM In the Runlan. Sailor, and Qlbson effects. Slsee 1 to 1 yeere ;; .. . Reaular prlcea are from..t-00 - to lit. 90 Special Sale prices ...... TS to S11.2S Or 4..... .vwn lavsta Vf;rr CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' WHITE- FLAN NELETTE NIGHTGOWNS. These NIMowb ar made with yoke-end turned down collar; yoke, collar and cuffa ' ar trimmed w)th fancy flnlahlnr braid A a J;' our SSo value. Special at, earh..44e Aae- 4; our 0c value. Are ; our 15c value. Aae I; our 70c value. Aae 19; our 7 60 value. Aae 11; our I Oct value. Special at, each. Special at. each. Special at. each. Special at each. 48e 54e 690 .4 Special at, earh..A9e A 14; our S5o value. 7 Special at, each..74e A CHARMING CHRISTMAS GIFT, PRETTY AND USEFUL SPECIAL FRIDAY IN The Art Stitchery Shop Annex , Second : Floor ' .u . , ' 7"' COLORED LINEN CENTERPIECES FOR 4e. - . 7. Centerpieces of colored linen. In assorted colore, tinted and stamped In a send variety of floral and conventional design": aisea 27 and St inches square; ' regular 76o to ft.OO values.' Special Economy Bale price, each... 49e ELEGANT HOLIDAY REMEMBRANCES AT BARGAIN PRICES .IN. 7 Housefurnishing ShopsThird Floor - ' JARDINIERES AT REDUCED PRICES. '"' 7 - .. Glased Jardinieres and Umbrella Stand, la mottles and blende, in assorted colore , - . , '. , v . Jardinieres 4-Inch slxe; our lOo value. ; Special at, each .............. .19 Jardinieres 7-lnoh else; our 40o-value. Special at, each ............. 23 Jardinieres S-lnch else; our 40c value.. Special at. each 39 Jardinieres and Umbrella Stands tH-lnch slse; our lOo value. Special at.' each . '.39f Umbrella Stands Our $1.25 value. Special at, each ................ .S1.45 Umbrella Stands Our tl.&e value. Special at, each ............... i . .Mt.SH Umbrella Stands Our I2.7S value. ' Special at. each .$1.85 Our 111.50 value. Special at, each Our 115.00 value. Special at, each - Oue-tlt.OO- valuerBteel at, -each Our 120.00 value. Special at. each Our $14.00 value. Special at, each Our $40.00 value. Special at, each Our $60.00 value. Special at, each Our $40.00 value. - Special at, each Rousing Values in Stylish Footwear Sixth Streetnnes First Floor. '' .. ;''. " Splendid Shoes and Leggings make useful Christmas gifts and sure to be appreciated. Don'tmiss these bargain on Friday. WOMEN'S $340 TO, $5.00 SHOES' FOR $2.79.! In addition to the Urge lot of Shoes advertised few days ago, of which we have sold so many, we have added still more discontinued lines such as . .Laird, Schober Co.,-Philadelphia, and Helmers and McKensie, Cincinnati, 7 . Ohio. These are all fine Shoes in both lace and button styles, with thin' -vnr iicrht nir-inrt are regular m.uj ana ss.uu values, ftoeciai - economy aie rnce, xue pair, ...... , 'MEN'S $5.00 AND $.00 SHOES FOR $4.49. -Men's English Grain High-Top Lace Boots, with - viscolized water-proof soles double to heels; fa.79 WOMEN'S $5.00 SHOES FOR $3.97. , Women's High-Grade Hand-Turned Dress Boots, made of patent Ideal Kid, with Louis XV heels. These shoes were made , by . Wright and Peters, Rochester, N. Y., and . are a regular 1 $5.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair........ 93.79 " JERSEY LEGGINGS. -.Women' Black Jersey Legging, full length. Price, the pair... Women' Black Jersey Leggings, three-quarter - length. Price, the pair T9 Children' Black Jersey Leggings, full length. Price, the pair....; ... Children' Chinchilla Legging, in dark blue, tan and white very handsome. Price. the pair .91.24 our regular $5.00 and $6.00 values.'' Special for Friday Economy Sale and for Saturday positively these two days only at, the pair. 9 4.49 A Sensation in JMILINER Y Circles ' ! ; Winding Up the Season In a Blaae of Bargain Glory L v - , 3P0 CHARMING, STYLISH HATS, EACH. AT 9c ' By far the most wonderful Millinery value this or any other house ha ' . ever offered in Portland.) In. fact to our knowledge no' house in ' America has ever attempted to create such a buying furore by 'the :, . making of such, ridiculous prices on such splendid values in handsome, -" stylish Millinery. We've selected about 500 of the season's most popu lar styles in Ready-fp-Wear Hat in every-desirable color and shape not a Hat in the lot but that would be a remarkable value at 2fi0T Some that would be exceptional bargains at $3.00. But for Friday -- 3 you may choose at will from the entire lot for... ...69ei 7 ' ;; ' 1 See the Hat In Display; Window. SOME BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS AMONG THE FRIDAT SPECIALS - . IN THE ,.,...,-.;.-..'. Women's Furnishing Shops on - , First Floor ;-v. vV--.--- ' EXQUISITE LACE AND SPANGLED ROBES.. ." Of fine Teara Lace and handsome Princess Lace. What a beautiful Christ mas irt one of then robes would, make for .wife or sister. They ar priced for Friday Economy Sal as follows; . - Our $10.00 value. , Special at, each' 9T.BO ...B1U.1X . . . r; . . . ; ii . . i 1 1.2 5 S13.KO ............. . t,.. f 2T.OO ..I ..S30.00 937.50 ...940.OO DAINTY VEILINQSWORTH 7(e and 11.0 for 470. X new lot of pretty Silk Tuxedo 'en, with sUk chenille dots. In all th awell eolors or brown, violet, araea, .navy, . black and wbtte. xnese veils are on and one half yards Ion a and there ar juet It dosen of them, all told; reaular ' 75c and $1.00 value. Spatial .Economy Sale price, each . iV.vvr.?Ti.'.v474 ' l&c RIBBONS TOR" lte-.-wvJ - - J A lot of awell Satin Taffeta Ribbons. IV and 4Vt Inches wide, in all eolora. There are also some allk taffeta ribbons In the lot; valuea to $5c Bpeclai ' Economy Sale price, the yard ' ...:.K..18e . "- WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, .. " I ' ' EMBROIDERED LINEN COLLARS FOR tie. Ladles' EmbroidereifLlnen Collars, embroidered la colors In buttonhole effect; our 45o and 76c values. Special Economy Sale price, each. ........ .1 ,2Se , - . $o WINDSOR TIES, JSc. , f . Ladles' ftne Silk Wlndaor Ties, In a variety of eolora;. out SOe value.' Special Economy Sale price, each ............. ...,..;.wC.... , ..2S UMBRELLAS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. $l.l for MEN'S $1.71 UMBRELLAS. ' ) Men's It-inch Cotton Gloria Umbrellas, with natural wood handle and steel .. rod; our $1.7$ value. Special Economy Sal price, each .....'....91.19 tto FOR WOMEN'S I1.S0 UMBRELLAS. . . Ladles' Black Cotton Gloria Umbrella, with Prince and opera crook natural wood handles; umbrella regular slserour Sl.l value. Special Economy . .. . - . - : ' 1 Tr" 1 PRETTT CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES. In the Jewelry Shops-Special Friday First Floor Sixth Street Annex, . JEWEL POCKETS, tie. The safest and most convenient way to carry Jewels and extra money Is la a Jewel Pocket auapended from the neck. We offer a line of Jewel Pockets, mad of finest quality chamois, with silk covering; our regular 46 value. Special Economy Bale price, .each .....29 .., GARTER POCKETS FOR $1.1 AND fl.t. We hav a Una of the popular "Scott" Garter Pocket. Th baa ar mad of th finest quality chamois, with silk covering, and are attached to garter made of fine silk elastic, with fancy buckiea. The pockets ar much used to carry Jewels and money .. ,r ;,'. .C- Our $1.15 value, - Special at. each ...91.89 Our tl.lS value, Special at, each i . ..i ...... ....B1..3& He FOR BUCKSKIN MONET OR TOBACCO' POUCHES. . Indian tanned Buckskin Pooch, with drawstring: very convenient for either money or tobacco pouches. Special Economy Sal price, each. ....... .1B FEW CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS AMONG THE FRIDAT ECONOMY - : SPECIALS IN THE ' ' ... Small Wares Sho irst Floor -Corset For-Christms CiftWhy-NH? Great-Bargain .Friday,in Royial Woroester . Corsets for 82c ANNEX SALONS SECOND FLOOR. Royal Worcester Straight:Fronl Corset, with medium long Princess nip lace trimmed at top-coW. white and drab aixes 18 to 30. Special for Friday Economy Sale at.uhe pair. ....... .82 14o TOILET PINS, to. Large -eube of 100 assorted sis Jet-headed Toilet Pine; regular, valu le. Special, each . ........9a 10 WIRE HAIR PINS. So. Large slse cabinet box of 100 assorted heavy and invisible wire Hair Pins; regular valu lOo. Special,, each 6e Wire Coat Hangars. Special, each 4a 100 GARTER ELASTIC , Plain Garter Elaetlo, In black, pink, blu and red, Inch wide, extra quality; regular valu 10c Special, th yard . ............... e WHITE SILK DRESS SHIELDS. 1(0. Whlt"8llk Dree Shields, light weight, else t and 4. Special at th pair. 194 J5o WHI8K BROOMS. lo. , Extra quality fine corn 'Whisk Brooms, metal cap, double string; rsgnlar valu JSe. Special, each ......19e lfltch Hasel Toilet Soap, three cake In box. Special ..............10e le TALCUM POWDER, 4a ' ' Violet Talcum Powder, In wood boxes; regular value lOd. Special. ..44 l&e TOOTH BRUSHES, lie. Beet quality Imported English Tooth Bruah, 4 rows bristles, ' aaaortM . shapes and cuts; regulsr valu 15c. Special, each-,....,..,...-. 19e 4o SMELLING SALTS. tSc. - - Large else bottle Crown Lavender English Smelling Salts; regular valu io. Bpeclai . 3 5 HERE'S A QUARTET OF BARGAINS FOR The Man's Christmas Th savings era marked. . Select now from freah assortment at bargain . price. . 7 FRIDAT ECONOMY SPECIALS IN The "Man's Shop Sixth Street, First Floor . - MEN'S tte LIJfEN. HANDKERCHIEFS, ITe. A line of Men'a plain white pur linen Handkerchief, hemstitched, with aed 14 Inch hems; reaular value IRo. Special, each ...................... 174 . MEN'S 1 5.5 6MOKINO JACKETS. llftS. A new line of Men'a Smoking Jackets, all staes. In dark wlua and dark brn . 4 Chance to buy ar Chrlstmaa preaent now; rewuUr value li i. fpermi, each . . v. : MEN'S $1.0 JERSEY OVF.R8HIRTH. I . ' 17 A line of Men's plain navy blue all wool Jeraey Overxf.:m. ' 1 Special, each THKER PAIRS OF MKN8 600 BfiAMt A small line of Men's fumlMH t'limer gren and Muck; beet 600 vaIii i