The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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, FOR rail
How hard a mother has tp coa before
. ...... .... h.r -I, ii.i in take lis first stej.
START" $0011
It Is Just about as hard to lu
A,, .;,.. r"v . - -firmed 1ft"
valid, espe
Suffering Dr. Lane and City Engineer Find
Lower Albina as Patrol-
W. C. T. U. Will Organize at St.
Johns Next Tuesday With Big
Rally Meeting.
V man Said. , ; v . ,
J J I 1 dally one
i - ' ' ' '
I'll "rl"
City Executive,' on Inspection Tour.
-' . Conies to Place Where Wheels Sink
Deep and Horse Cannot Pull Rig
'" Out Of Rut .;',':' ';'. '
Patrolman J. J. Murphy was right.
, Mayor Lena and City Engineer Taylor
ot stuck In the mud In lower Alblna
'and had to leava their buggy and walk.
: , And thereby hange tala. - V
' The policeman handed In a report te
Chief or Police Orttsmaoher laat weak,
, ; In which ba draw attention to the bad
condition of the thoroughfare in the
Lower Alblna district.
. "If the mayor and members . of the
executive board will o through that
part of the city with me on a rainy
day," he aaserted, "I will ahow them a
condition of -affaire that will amase
, them. But they should not undertake
: the trip without : a guardian, because
" planka hare disappeared from some of
the roads and they might meet with
. Injury." - ..' .... ---
T ", When the report wes handed Maydr
r- lane he la an Id to have determined to
make a personal -" Investigation. . lie
went to Lower Alblna In a buggy with
" City Engineer Taylor. They got along
Y'hll right 4intlt theyreached a point In
front of a planing mill on Lorlng street,
when the wheels of their vehicle sank
deep In the muck and rolre and the
horse was unable to pull the buggy
; After that . Mayor Iane walked and
: the city engineer drove alone until they
reached a part of the roadway where
the buggy could progress without great
difficulty. ' x '
. it la said that there will be changes
In Lower Alblna before long.
t '' - - ' - i -
Mo Money to Pursue Investifcja
f tion as to Saving Magnetic ;
; l Gold In Black 'Sand. .
,j ; Experiments with blsck sends In
. saving magnetite, gold and! rare mtn-
erals which have been- carried on by Dr.
U T. ay In Portland for the United
i Htates Geological aurvey. are about to
he discontinued and the plant dismantled
for. lack of funds., , '
- The Pbrtland Chamber of commerce Id
-trylnav to-, arrange for continuation of
.'the experiments. At the laat session of
- was made to anable the geological feur-
,, 'vey to examine the black aanda of tbe
. ' wwat and determine what useful mln-
erala they contain and how they can be
. .' economically extracted.' These-in vest i-
. rations have been carried on In Port
, land during the laat summer, and the
axperimente -ha"v been beneftctat to the
- , etatas of South Dakota. Montana. Wyc-
mlng, California. Colorado. Washington,
Idaho and Oregon. About SI carload
lots snd 400 small samples from all
parts of the country, especially fon-
; tana, remain to be tested. , -
These facts are set out in a letter
' the chamber sending to the commer
cial bodies of Butte. Spokane. Lewlston,
. ' Tacoma. Denver, Boise. Seattle. Belling
ham. Everett and other cltlea, aaklng
them to eaert their Influence to secure,
by Joint resolution of congress, before
the Chrlstmss holidays, a further ap
propriation of 120.000 to keep the work
' going until the matter can be reached
toy congress in the regular way.. The
Portland chamber volunteers to aasume
all expense thus far Incurred by ron-
greea tor equipment and furalsh free
j qusrters and electricity. , ,
. Uaeatknslaetie. ; - . ' "
From tha Washington Star.
"Be studious, my son." said the ha
bitual adviser, "snd you may have a
tablet m the Hall of Fame."
v "Tea." answered the captloua youth,
and be pointed out-as an ..example of
. i what ordinary people get In while real
genius Is excluded." . . - .
Psrk and Washington, Portland, Oregon
TR School of Qnality" ;
A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
v . Thousands' of graduates in posi
tions; Iiundreda placed each year;
more calls for help tharr we can meet
it pays to attend our school; larg
est, moct modern, best equipped.
Departments: Business, Shorthand,
Typewriting. Penmanship. English.
Open all the year. Catalogue, pen
work free! Call, telephone or write.
. . ;..L-
Strength For the Weak
And pleasure for the strong is to be found in every ,
bottle of Whiskey and Wine we selL- There's not a
brand in our store but what has some distinctive -merit.
, All are well matured, have a rich flavor and
we highly recommend for family use ; .
Try Bottle of National Medicinal Port as :
, Tonic, goll Quartrr$ 1 .00
7 " ; r FIFTH AND STARK - ;f
The Quality Store ; " Telephone Main 6499
'- FreeJDeliyery
take the first step to
he&lth Thera Is a lack
of confidence, and porhsrs a crushing
experience of a former fsllure which
depresses and discourages the suffaror.
In spite of doubt and fears you will
take the first step to health whin you
take the first dose of Dr. Pierce's Uolden
Medical Discovery. It never falls to
help. In ninety-eight eases out of one
hundred It never fails U cure. Never
mind about the symptom. Obstinate
cough, bleeding of the lungs, spitting of
blood, emaciation, tilght-sweats,- condi
tions which if neglected or unsklllfully
treated terminate In consumption, have
all been perfectly and permanently cured
by "Golden Medical Discovery."
I in thankful to ssy that Dr. Pierce's
Golden MethVal Dlsrovery cured me of cod
snmptton. writes Mrs. Mettle L Itenton. of
ktorssnuxi. N. C "My health had bevn bad
and for several months before 1 bean the
uo your ntedlcln. 1 bad symptoms of ooh
suniptfon. Hsd nKht-sweaU, a bad cough,
Uma of appetite and a great loss of Heth.
There were other symptoms of disease tliat
disappeared by the use of the medicine. By
the lime I used one bottle of 'Ooliien Hod
Iral llwovery ' I began to regain my appe
tite and after using two and a bait bottles
aiy cough was cured. 1 could eat heartily
end all symptoms of consumption bad dis
appeared. Toole seven bullies of 'Golden
Medical Discovery' and one of the 'Favor
ite Prescript ai.' Am very thankful I re
ceived so much benefit. I believe I would
have been dead If I bad waited and not taken
TDt. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery."
Blck persons are invited to consult Dr.
E. V. Pierce, by letter, absolutely without
fee or charge. Every letter is regarded
as sacredly confidential. - Each answer Is
mailed In a plain envelope. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and burg
cal Institute, Buffalo, K. Y. .
Bg Acreage and, Vast . Yield of
V Wf eat Make Walla Walla j
T?-- Valley Men Wealthy.
' 8perlal Dispsteta to The Jesraal.)..
Walla Walla, Wash Nov. SO. Vaat
fortunes made by farming In the "Walla
Walla valley are easily- accounted for
by glancs ovSr the records i of the
soreage seeded- down to winter m heat In
Walla Walla, county alone this year. A
list of the- acreage that big farmers Will
farm next year, compiled by a Journal
representative, ahowa that II farmera of
Walla Walla county will harveat crops
next stasoa off of S9,l0 acres of land.
the moat of which has already been
seeded down. If 10 Is aa good a crop
year as- ItOS wew-those. farmers-will
harvest In the. neighborhood of 1.600.000
bushels of wheat, counting the average.
yield at St bunheie to the acre, or snore
trTaiTBris'TBurin of mm w aTrfrwiityT;
entire yield this - year. Twenty-five
buabels to the sere is a very conserva
tive estimate, la only avery few sec
tions ot Eureka flat did the yield rail
below IS bushels and In many Instances
the yield was ss high as 40 bushels. In
the foothill district the average ylsld
seldom falls below II and as high as
(S bushels to the acre.
George Drumheller, who sold his 1S0S
crop for M3.000. heads the list of these
big wheat raisers with 4.(00 acres, one
hslf of which he hss lust finished seed
ing. Drumheller is a very conservative
farmer and It is to this that he owes
his success. - He generally seeds one,
half of hia landa to winter wheat and
the other half to spring wheat. By ,
fall, .owing to thla method, his average
yield Is some lower than other farmera,
but he lessens the chances of losing a
whole crop through a hard winter. . Laat
spring ha wss compelled to re seed sev
eral thousand acres of winter wheat at
a cost of nearly 110,000.. -
Next to Drumheller -comes John Hoff
man and Orote brothers, who will farm
between them (.000 acres. The Orote
brothers are farming the Plckard ranch.
Hoffman ewna i.600 acres and leaaes the
balance of the 4,000 acres he has al
ready aaeded to winter wheat.- The Hat
of farmers and the acreage they are
fsrmlng are aa follows: ;
Alx Irysdale, LOOOi C B. : Tpton.
S.tOO; Abbot sV Harvey, i.000; H. F.
Clod 1 us. a.259; Mlnnlck. brothers.. Z.tog;
H. V. Pence. 1.000; W. P. Reser. 1.60 J;
Oliver Cornwall. 00; A. 3. Kvana. 600;
John Hoffman. 4. 000;, George Drumhel
ler, 4,600; William Jones, 1.000; John
Kydd, 1,260; Jap Scott, 1.260; Johnson
brothers, . z.660; Orote brothers, - 4,000;
Lemuel Hail, -1.000; George gtruthers.
S.0O0; William Hector. 1,300; Oroas eV
Sons. S.600; Dr. J. J. Gross, 1,000; W.
F. Marsh. .700; Wsrren Marsh, l.tOO;
Mrs. P. Martin. 600; Pentaoost rothers,
I. 600; Patrick Lyons, 600; Bruce Ferrel,
1.000; T. F. Toneeth, 1,000; Que Fergu
son. t.000; Paxton sV Btlne. J.OOfi; Harry
Collins. 1.000,; Daniel Donovan. 900; A.
M. oblnaon. 1,600.
:','.' As to Xls erre. :
From the Chicago Tribune.
. Mr. Llngerlong (looking at the clock)
I dare aay It's- time foe me to go.
Miss Tsrtum StiU. It oughtn't to taks
much courage to say that, ought it?
i ; I
If Possible tha One Already Granted
Will Be Reacinded but This Course
Does Not Appeal to the Business
Men. ' ' ' : '; -v
Forces working for ths cause Of tem
perance and against the saloon lo St
Johns are combining, adding new re-
eruita to tbe ranka and preparing to
make It Interesting for the ttt. Johns
Hotel company, that was recently given
a liquor license by the council. One of
the most significant announcements in
this relation Is that of the organisa
tion of the Women's Chrlstlsn Temper
ance Union.' which will form -a local
branch In the town at a mass meeting In
the Methodist . church - next Tuesday
evening at which state and county tem
perance workers will be present and the
women of St. Johna" enrolled. In tbe
cause. - For some time the organisation
of a local union has been under consid
eration by the county officers. The
news of -the" granting of a saloon li
cense decided them and already more
than 10 St. Johns women are pledged
to the fls-ht a rains t the saloon.
. In thla work they will be supported
by the ministers of ths local church and
If necessnrv Portland ministers and re
formers will help. The - Intention of
the temperance people Is to do nothing
hssUly but to If possible secure evi
dence that will result In the license al
ready g rap ted being thrown out and the
money paid to the city refunded.. Should
thia not prove possible a determined
fight , will be made against allowing
other saloons admission, in which cam
paign ths temperance forces and the
81 Johns Hotel compsny will be a unit,
a monopoly being what the corporation
was desirous of securing. - , - .
Though one member of th council
has come Into tbe open, with the charge
that all was not above board In the
rrantina- Of the license, the charges have
not been eubstanttated. Representatives
of the hotel company assert mai tney
expect to comply with all the condi
tions imposed and to conduct a legiti
mate business as authorised. The site
f tti tit AOS hotel building has been
secured and work will start at once 10
that the license may be taken advantage
nf iMn as nosslble. '
One- legal question that might be
raised against the validity of the license
Is-being-talked -of br the- temperance
nnnla and mav be brought to court.
At the June election the majority of
the people st the request or ths coun
cil voted aa-alnst the admission of ea-
loona. but It Is aaserted by the city of
ficials that this was merely a straw
vote taken to discover what the people
desired and was not binding except as
an expression of public opinion. The
later action of the majority Crf the busi
ness men In petitioning foe a saloon la
a. IS as tha enunrll lnhc,.aS-Ya.HlVjina
binding as the so-called atraw vote, and
apparently there will te mile opposition
rrom the cniei taxpayers, mptamj
the 11,000 received has been expended
In the purchase of a city hall site and
ir the license wsa remanueu wra wi
money returnedthe taxpayerawpul4
have to make up the amount ,
Board 'of Trade Meets With Bast tide
CotmcUaasa Saturday JTlffct.
' Saturday night the Woodlawn board
of trade will hold a good cltissns' meet
ing and rally at which the east side
members of the city council will be
present. - Headed ' by Councilman
Vaughn, the Woodlawn organisation has
been keeping watch over the gravel pita
of ths suburb te see that they are not
farther extended by private contractors
has been fighting for street Improve
ments and a better water and fire serv
ice. Some things have been gained and
others still are being fought for, and at
the meeting Saturday the councilman
will be Informed aa to the neede of the
district and pledged to support certain
ordinances. It la planned alanto per
fect a cloaer relation to- the East Side
Improvement association, ta aid the cen
tral body In its general campaign, and
to call to its sttentjon certain Improve
ments needed by the upper Union ave
nue district
Oood Start Hade and Bvsry rlok Betaf
Closely Zaspeeted by OouoU. ;
" Construction of ' the ' big Irvlngton
aewer la well under way and much of
the conduit work at the opening of the
aewer Into the Willamette near the Al
blna ferry slip haa been ; completed.
Workmen are preparing to tunnel un
der the fill at Larrabee street and after
this work Is finished the laying of the
big main will proceed much more rapid
ly. The sewer will drain one of the
chief districts of the eaat aide which has
st present poor drainage facilities.-East
aide property ownera and their repre
sentatives In the council are taking care
that the Tanner creek fiasco be not re
peated and every day some member ot
the council .visits the scene. Inspects ths
work being performed and watchea care
fully the nature of the brick and mortar
used. So far no flaw haa beenound.
Preeideat Fuller Denies BeporteA Ba
- largassent ef Beadqaarters.
Rumors have been eurrent - among
amployes of the- Portland Consolidated
company concerning the Immediate en
largement of the new ear barn. on Mich
igan avenue. Should such reports have
proved true It would mean the doing
away with the Tsarns at Woodlawn and
the housing of all Burnslde and steel
bridge line cars st the Michigan avenue
barn. President Fuller ef the company,
however, says that no "Immediate en
largement Is planned, but that the com
pany haa under consideration the build
ing jpt another track they length of the
barn for the storing of cars; this work
hss not ss yet been authorised. For the
present there will be no change made
as to -the housing-of esst side cars.
O. B. ft V. Announced fcew Figure for
. rfcaaksgfvtar aad Holidays. -November
2. December zt and 60, the
Or R,4a- W. cwnpawy will sell reond
trip besch tickets at the rate of 4.
Particulars by sskltig St. the city ticket
nfflre. Third snd Washington streets,
.rortlaaw . ' . ; i-'"-
Great Christmas
Now la the time to prepare' for
M mi chance of a lifetime to get everything at Its lowest prlre ..JBvyry
' We have 'Just received a double ehtpment from Japan and have de
termined 'to dispose of them at such Quotations thst none other (in
compere with them and we furthermore -guarantee satisfaction to ths
people who buy of us. . t
. Tou are cordially invited to give us a call before purchasing1 else
where and ws assurs you ths best of attention.
SALE ai follows: SILK p P
HANDKERCHIEFS, 22-inch, S) K f?
regular 50c, SPECIAL . ... . tJ
Western Importing Co.
CHAS. B. TOUNO. Preeldent.
l Ayfsal ' " 1 r
Knocks at the doors of Portland's shopping community
beckoning them to takc iadvantagc ; of the greatest
bargains of the year offered -in Ladies' Suits, Jackets,
Furs, Waists,' Dress and Walking Skirts at 233 Wash
ington Street No thrifty woman can afford to miss
this opportunity to buy high-grade garments at less
than the cost of the cloth they are made o ; Entire
stock must be disposed of nothing reserved values
and costs not considered. Sale begins Friday, Decem
' ' . ' ber 1, at 10 A. M. -: "
253 Washington St
Open Evenings " ' Between First and Second
Chrtstmas and we' are going to give
JAMES M. KAN, Oen., Manager.
Mvt I Wish John
No coupons are required, no waiting for contest, but it
will be given on next Fridajr to the firs purchaser that
day of any upright piano on our floors. You have the
selection of SOHMER, DECKER, FOSTER, etc., as
well as bargains in slightly used Hardman, Conover,
Victor and Doll pianos. We will forfeit $500 to any
charitable institution if thia is not on the square- , We
consider this a good advertisement aa it seta Portland
people talking. The piano player is positively a free gift
Manufacturers' Piano Co.
- 350 Alder Street r
We treat saeeessfuny ell private ner
vous aud chronic- diseases ef men: also
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and
- throat troubles,, We euro STFHIue
.l.h.. - ntira for.
ever. We remove STRICTURE, with
out operation er pain, in It days. .
Ws stop drains, night losses and
spermatorrhea by a new method in
short time. We can restore the eexual
vigor ot any man under 60 by meana of
local treatment peculiar to ourselves.
W Cure Qonorrhoea
- , .., In si Week
. es v w wsu
Ths doe tors ef this lnstltat ere alt
regular graduates, have had ssanv'
y.ars' exp.rl.nee, have been knewa laf
Portland for 16 years, ha ve a rspu U to
a m .lain, mtktt will BBoiruii do nu
anless eertala euro eaa bo affected.
We guarantee a core In every eaee we
undertake or charge no fee. Consult,
tlon free. Letters confidential. Inatruc
x tlve BOOK FOB MEN mailed free la
alaln wrmnner.
n We rare the worst eases ef piles in two or three treataseata, wltkoat opera.
Uon. Cure guaranteed. . '
If you eaanot sail at efflea, write for sjwastlea hlaak. Basse) treatsseaS eae-
OAea hours. to and T te S. 6hmdays snd holidays. 1 te It. -
Offieee U Vsa Noy Hotel. 6M Thlr
Would Pet Thisl
V V 1L s liasf XL hw
4 StreeC Cornet Fine. Portlaa Or.