V ... THE -OREGON '' D AIE.YT JOtTRNAL, PORTtAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23. 180S. L&tn -1 TODAY' t SUFFER- FEELING ALTOHG HOPS Fully Fifty Thousand Bales Have , Already Been Sold and Deal era Are Eager.'.. ::' TURKEY MARKET HAS , r A SLIGHT WEAKN ESS ' Cold Snap ; Causes better Demand for Millfeed Export Flour Looks , ' Like a Decline All Fish Scarce . Except Salmon. front Street, Not. 28.-Tb principal features Stf the Portland wholesale marksu today ara: . Hop markat much tlf fee. Wheat a dull bnt ancbanged. : ' " Export flour will probabljr drop. " , Mtllfoeds ara Quoted firmer. Plrnlo ham He ofT. ' . . . ' Turkey markat a trifle weak, ' ' Chickens moving acaln St prtca. . v ; Egg markat la very firm. ' ' . -A : ' AU fish aieapt aalmna! crc. , - '; 'Potato markat la picking ap. - Car sweets aad cat banaaaa. , Temporary essrclty awaat potato. ?V;VV.'' Hay Crop f Oregea. ''Btw. Prod act ton itot. .. . . .... . ...... .. . . . .Hft.uOO Sold to data - A........BO.OW Amount aaaaM. ' '. r7. '. . .46.000 ' T data fully 50,000 balaa of tola year- arop f nopa nan baas aold tn the atata of Oregon. Out of a total crop of S3.0U0 bales there ara eo.000 balaa at praaent anaow. IkJa 1 remark able la view of tba (act that nopa all orer -tha world tn pant year wara record-breaker. Everywhere bopa trow there haa been aa enor Bona damaad thla ceasou. notwithstanding tbat tha toara eald tba crap would ba hardly worth tba picking. There ara very Uttla remaining nnaold af tba English and German crops of 1005, and tba mm la traa of tba production la Maw Vark. California grower, aa wall aa tboaa la Waahmctta. ear aald about half-their product and tbara la at preeent demand for every bala prowa. No toea.r.. however, ara grower acarad tn death aa to prleas tbk aaaaon. ,A eonioe4 able anmbor at tlx a ara Mill offering to sell; bat they ara not praaalnr tba dealera aa they won previous to tba tlma Tba Journal told of " tha lannenaa profit tba aboru wara making. If tba promt wiling continues ap to tba first of tba pear abont 10,000 additional balef wUI ba disposed af. - Tbla would plaoa tba amount of hop unsold tba first at tha year at 85,000 balaa. tba aama amount aa tba previous son. Many aalea of bopa at Ho ara reported. Tboaa. however, are for strictly choice goods. Several dealer ara bora front tba east trying to.plca BP "enans." but tbalr effort bare ' not heea crowned with onrocos, for tba growers apot tbeni at one and prefet to do poetaeae with beoM people. eev .'".. W-',.- Turky Market Trifle wak.. A ' trifle weakneee la howa In tba turkey market todar. Beeetor are Mbreal, bnt not bardeneome. Batallera are not buying- aa freely aa expected, and tba market range today be tween SOtjtte for At bird, with few oalra at tba latter agar. Ura tarter at not morlitg at all. the trade being la the dreaeed There te a Tery liberal demand for dreeaed darka and geeee. ,f " nod P. ni Br1r' now ruling ara considered aatUfaetory to ablp- Trbe.egg 'market kV Tery itiff. jlth prleea cow thtulng to rule around S3. 1 "Xxwrnilnon-wai twUWy Crip. ' ViiUra ere enaalderln the adTleablllty f making a coo re lea la expert flour q net t lout In order to keep tne atoraa monng fipf. -r M yr. -h. ell nreaent oroera will be filled.-Urul tr.de m light. Wheal la rather dull on aeronat af the allgbt eakneee elaewbere, but pneea ara tne aama. Vlilletuffa ara eery firm, today on account el the' raid ahap. which will atop the ahipmrnte from tlwaeatarwV Oreaoaand Waahlng toa. Local demand wlU likewme ahow aa la- Taanerary Soarelty -'af Sweat aUUaa. There la a temporary aceretty of aweet pott tuea la the wnoleeale marketa today, although a car waa anlnaded during tha morning. , Prlcoa are 2Sc per 100 pounda higher. ... ' Orapea ara abowlng a alight adrane aa " count of tha demand for ThaokaglTlng trade. Suppllea are 2ulte good. ' - ; ' A ear of bananea la due today from Mew Orleaaa from aa aatl-truat firm. - AH tub Eaoapt Salmoa Xl taaroa.. There la a scarcity of fteh la the local mar ket owing to the unfaTorable weather. Jhip. plica are abort, with the exception of as Ire on, the recelpta of which aaem to hold aa longer thaa ul. Quality not ao good, howerjr. Catflah, baUbut and -elama ara among tboaa that fall to arrleo fast enouirh. A aturawm wse ahowa by 0. 1. B. Malartey today which weighed 900 pounds after being dressed and without Ha bead. The fish waa caoght Bear TTha folkowtng price ara pala by the' trade t; proot street dealera for choice quality In round lata. Prior paid producers are ao specified: Brain, near sad Peed.. WHBAT New club. Tic: red Buasliu, 8e; klneetem. TSc; ealley, 77Bc. - BARLIT-reed. I .00, foUed, 3.W OM 00, krewia ,'0M-(-t M -COKII Whole. IST.OOl eraeked. SSS-O pat tea. .- -w j. . ii . -,. ' OATProeocer' prleo-Ko. I whlto. S.00 m-mm $91. H)fl 3ft iQ1 , PL0UB New-essrera Oregoa patent. 14.3d; tralrhtr; tS WOl TO; export. X.40Q3.S; al K .Tbe.0: rao H. -0i ry. SOa. I6.M); bslea. IXT5. ..... . . ' MILtSTUrFS Brsn. ". per ' ton; sald dllnn, a.00: short, country, l.60; city, IN. 50! crop. I1S.00.-1 i , HAT Predueer price Tl moth y, Willamette eelley. fancy. ll.eoU.mi Jijlh"?,, T.00 aoo; asstrra Oregon. SUOOtJinQO, mixed. h 6a .00; cVrrec. SB 00O10.00 J grala. I.BV P.00; ch.at taooasM. . , - - Sutler, Xgg n4 Penltry. ... BDTTBrt PAT P. o. a. Portland Sweet aresm. eour, toH.. BUTTBR City creamery, SOct outald faacy, flite; ordinary?-an i store, laOlTe. BOOS No. I Presk Oregon, candled, . $Se; ' cold tlnrsg aad eastern, ST02.He. . CHKB8B Hew mil cream, twin, MM C . Tonng America, IB He; Cheddar, I4H. - O A MB Jackrahblts, I.T per doa. . -POULTRY Mixed chicken. 11 He; fancy hen. llHOlte V Ik; rooster, old. SUe per lb; fryer. 11 HOI per '"J-TT'1""' 1M e lm, lb.. ..k... tTAI?t; g" .pc .T-J' w,-. -y ; riy Hi ar It; ll tt, atVtff dVW JrTf IVI J"1I W.W4 100 " Wtol 4 Ms. HOPS 1006 Oregon, choice. 10Hf)tlet prime, TCct poor grade, HTe Waahiag Mm. JOt! 104 crop, T" for choice. W001e-1OS clip, ealley.-aoarse to'medlam, 4HxSVai Saa. . SeOKTeJ aaatera Oregon, WC if 2c, i MOHAIR Homlnsl. SSaSla. ' ; SUSRPflKINS Shearing. lsOlOe eacht short rooL SflAeOe each; mediaa woah 04To each; long wool, TScCIl 00 eaah. TALLOOrPrlmo, per lb, BUt)4a Ro. I had freaae, fniUe. CHITT1M BARK H3 per Sfc ' HIDES n,. No. 1, IS lb an it. Hue (TH per lh dry kin. K. t. S to IS lb, ieei dry calf. No, 1. ander B Iba.llet aslted bides, steer, attend. 00 lbs nd. peer, loeille) TUESDAY PRICES IN - r- THE WHEAT MARKET d jChlcoio ...... Deo. ' May. ,' I ,11 A I .17 ....... .H p Minneapolis . , d Milwaukee .... d fit. Louis ..... Liverpool d Winnipeg;'.,,,. d Now York d Kan nan City... nuluth d Ban FrnncUco. .14 A ' .IT HA. d ; .h "SU .aV t r - .111 s. . , . 70 .KKB 1 US " 1 tl S MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY . ' TIPS TO SHIPPERS " 1 ' ohaMaavaeanmaBnysiawxuBai d A feeling showlns consider- d d able more otrcmgth Is wltneaaod d d In tbo potato market today. Tho d A -nlA .nn he csusod lsfXCr bUT- 'd d lnar orders and th ' feeling la d) d ' California Is conalderably Ira- d at nroved over that of a few days dV aso. Dealers who would not con- d) alder purchases s day or so- ago , 4 d are again ontarina tho market, , o HtJ4c: at aad bull, oeund. SOTet kip. IS to SO lbs. Pel ealf, sound, nailer 15 lbs,- He; frees, unsaltrd. le keel culU. le per lb sessj boreehldee. salted, esch, II 2ftl.Ml dry. eeee, 1.001.60; colt hldee. 860"oi '. eomuoa, each. 10loc; Aagora, aaeh. t&cQ 9l.Wk r . v. ; ' " , Prulta aal egetaUea. ' POTATOKS Best Oregoa. 80o per sekj ear Iota. 600(100 nor eack; ordinary. Piti:c; car lots. 40uMui sweets, Sl-M 2-0Osts i P ONIONS Oregoa yellow Denvere. S1.SSJ oar let. 1 00l.lo; garlic. 810o per lb. raaUH rKOITS Apple, uregon. ILOOCfl SO; fancy. 11.750200: oranges, aeer aavel, IU.Oua3.73; seediaaa. 52.00(3X23; ba aansa, dHCaRHe P U; ".'i choice. ,5.60fcS.J5 per box: ',IKT' per box; limes, kteilcaa. flM per 100; pineapple. 14.00 doa; grapes. HOUl pi f1 il.26dl.50 per box: pomegranltea. 115 pel box; tengerlnr. Sl.TS. - , '. VCOKIABLKS Turnip. oW, ll.OS per actt! carrots. 1.00 per eecki beets, ll.OOta I. tS per eack i Oregoa adlabee. S5e per do; csbbsge. Ore (us. 00QT6e per- ewtf .Sreen peppers. Te per Iht Csllfornl tomatoes, II. WW lJi6: parsnips, 11 0001. 25; string besns. S(10c: cauliflower. I1.S5O2.0O per crate: rhubarb, ! grcea peso, lOe per lb; boreeradlah. I0e per lb; artichokes, T6cm.26 per do; botbonse lettuce. II. 0001.73 per box; eelery. local. 005e per doa; eggplant, 11.60 per erste; pumpkins I Vtc: squash. lUc; cranberrle. Jerseys. ia.0OQlS.M per bbl: Coos bay sod Tillamook, 110.00; rad ishes, pile per do. ... . DRIED rRUlTN Apple. , evanerated, 10J 10Vi per lb: apricots, .lOUlc per ll; peackea. 10?13o per lb: sacks, He per lb Iom: pro nee. SO to 40. SHc; "e drop on each sixteenth smsller slss; flga. California black, SHOsc per lb; California white. Be per lb; dates, gokea, S per lb; tarda, ll t&c per 15-lb Sieueilss. Huts, Xto. - ' BtrOAK Sack hesle Cube. SS-SO; powdered. IS.ffil fruit granulsted, S5.5B: dry granulated. 16-55; Coof. A. 55.30: beet granulated. 15.55; extra C. $5 00; goldea C, S4.S6; U yellow, 4.S6 bbl. loci H bbls. 85o boles, BO adraaee oa eack baal. less S5e per ret for oasb. IS dare: maple. I4dl6e par lb. (Above price apply to aalea -of lee tha ear lot. Car lota at (pedal price oubjoct to flortnatiena.) .; HONEY 13.80 per erste. COFFElt Pack a brand. BIB.TS. SALT (loare Half around. 100. pea. to,: ktbU.. dairy. SOa.' 111.00: 100a, 110.75: im ported LIverpooL BO. lT.0ot 100. SIS 50; t34e. Its 00; extra Sne. hhl. t. , !. 54 5011601 kalk, tSO Iba. 54.00O5.O0; pseas, jo. anrtsev,. .-. - I , SALT Ooaree Half grarrnd, tOOa. per ton, IT.OO; AOs, per ton. 17.50: 1 leerpool. Inmp rock. tin.no per tool BO-lh rock. IT 00; lOO. SS-75. ORAIN BAOS Calcutta. TH. RTCS Imperial Japan. . 1. Set It, t, BffiSVe: New Orleans bead. - Te; AJaxv Be; Creole. BU- . - ' BRANS Small 1 white, i W Ttlj largo white. 3.0n; pink. IJTB: bayou. S40; Llmaa. 15-00; Mexican rede. 61 o. - - - .. NTJTS Peenota, yombso. . H pep lb: Ttrrtnla, THe per Ibt roosted.' Set oocoaauta, Snt90c per doe; walnnta, inerlflH Oar lb: pin nut. 101 pee lb: hickory , nut. I0e per Ibt cbeetnut. eseteen. IB MSc ter fh Brestl auta. 14c per lb! frtberte. 14C"c per Bat fancy pecaa. I5V-1Hei nlmop. 1317 per lb. Taint. OopI Ona. Xto, ROrR Pnr Maalla, : stonaard. MHI dial. He. COAL OrL Pearl v Astral Caaes. per gel: water white. Iron bbl. I5e nor aal; wooden , lSe per gait headlight. ITO-deg., aaaaa, t2Hc per pal T ASOLINBSS-drgT cases, S4H .. SraFsIl lejM, ta ee Ml BINfTNE S-de. eeaea, S bar gal;1 fna hbrs. INUe tier ssL TTJRPENTTNsT la cases, SB, per gall woodea bbl. nee per ral. WBITB LEAD Tea lota. TH per tb 500-lb TST.- per Wu lee hits, SMa-pee-Hfc WtR NAtT.S Preeent haee at IS. TO. e r.fNRr.icn mr Pure raw. tn 5-bbl Iota.- BOci 1-bhl lot. 61C . ode per gal: genuine kettle boiled, cue. Me per gs); 3 bbl lot, (tact 1-bhl lot. 53e per gal: ground cake, ear lots. . per too: lee than ear wt. sm.oo pop ton. Vesta, Pish and ProTleieae. - PREsn MEATS Trent ' street Beef steer. 8Se par lb bog, brack. T Via per Ibt peck er. To per lb; duiis, arise per in; cows. SHQSe per in; veal, extra, new id: oni nry. Sc per lb; poor, Bo par lb mattoo, fancy, SitTHe per lb. llAMS. BACOH. TTC Portl.na pack Ooe.1) hams, 10 to 14 lb. 13 per Iht 14 to IS lb. 13He Ibt breekCast bacon. I6?lBVte per lb; picnic, SHc per lb; regular abort clears, mi moked. lie per lb) emoked, lie per lb; rlrer backs, ansmoked. lo4c per Ibi smoked. 114 per lb; Unloa butta, IS te is Iba, a. mnked. Be per lb: amoked. so per lb: clear bellies, ansmoked, lie per lb: smoked. Us par lb; shoulders. I He see lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. Ins. 11 per Tb; 5, 11H per lb; BO-lh tin, lotfe par lb; steam rendered, . 10s, I0e per lb 5s, . lOfcs per lb; enmpeond, ion, e. CANNED SALMON Colombia rleea. 1-Ih tall. tl.BO; l ib tall. 12.76; fancy 1-th Sata, SI.BO; H-lb faacy Sat. 11.15; fsacy l ib aval. .T Alaska Ulla, plnav SBQSOc; red. 11.50; nomlnai ts. tall, 12.00. ' PISH Hock cod. ye par ret sounriers. Be per rhi hsllhnt. Tc ner Th: crab. SI.BO nee do: striped bees, 12U per lb: catflah, Te per lb; salmon, , sllrersldes. Se per lb; eteelhead. Tc per -lb; herring, oe per io antea, ue per id; shrimps, 10 per n; oerch. Bo per lb; blsck eud, Te per lb; silver smalt. To per lb; lobsters, 16c; freak mackerel, a . per lb;. prawSah, S5 per doa vianvna coeaiwsier esy, pur gai, pz-an; eack. 13.75. CLAM S Uard-shelL par has, (ISO, . rasa Slama, M-00 per boa. CATTLE DEMAND IS QUITE GOOD M PKlCf ' Considerable Dullness, Shown In Sheep and Weakness . " ' ' . te. Useesi " V , 1 Portland Tnlon Stockrsrd. Nov. ZS. Lire. lock-receipt!. , . . Hon. . rattle: Sheen. Today :., Tl .50 . 213 week ago .. . J no . pus Prevloue week .......... Bt v - S3 ' , j2T Month ago , .. . 180 ' ... Cbttl demaad I onlt .food st qnntatloas. but there. 1 eonaldarabl dullnea ba sheep and weakness la hog. ... ... OfOclal Ueaatork price: , ' -' Hog Best eastern Crrgna, - $5. 5005. SO; blocker and Chink fats, 15.00; atocker and feeders, 14. 004. 23. ' Cattle Beat aaatera 'Oregon steer. $8.2BQ I 50: U(ht and medium Steers. 13 20: llcht cows. 52 23; atockera and feeders. $2.26: bulls, 11.60. - Pheep Wethers, 5e; mixed slieep, 4S(6Hc; tralght ewes. Sc: lamb. Bf6e. 1 cilve Uond vest, t.'j) to Al pounds, BflBHe; rough and heavy, 14314c. : -J sUBTXIK HOOS STXABT."-' Chicago, Nov, 28. Urea took receipt: . Hogs. " Cattle. , Sheep. Chicago SO.oiiO T.ono 2i).ono Kansas City 14.( IJ.O11O , 4.0110 Omaha S.MO 1.5u0 T.000 - Hg Opened steady with 8 0"0 left over. Receipts a year go were sti.000. - Prices: Mixed and butcher. S4.55r4.fti): good sed he.T.r. 54 70 4.374; rough, 4.Bot4.SO; tight, S4.BOs4.S2H. , , , fsttie nresny. - Sheep Ntrong. , . T : , . r " ii' ' OOTXmimia-T BOVDt, . New York. No. 2g. 4"eiiiniat bond: . , . Iste. Rid. Aak. No, J reg........... 10 It) 10:114 1(H No. S coupon...,,,. li 18US 10S III Nn. S reg , 103 11H lot I32M 132i. 1044 No. S small banl. ....... .... No. 4 rrg.,..-r. f. 10OT 10s ion 13H 1MI IKi'i UQ'l No. 4 ciMipog .v.... inoT No.. 4 reg.,... lftV'3 No. 4 ronpnn...... 125 Dirt, of loluiubli. S-S3.. ..... MILLING CALL IS THE BASIS Better Demand Rules in Chicago Wheat Market and Prices v v Have an Upturn. , j :'vv; ,0 ".; RUSSIAN NEWS IS MUCH OF A FACTOR May and July Have Net Risa of a Half December Up an Eighth . Corn's Action Is DisappolntiRf ' Provisions Favorable. ' ' TX'ESDAT'i WHEAT MARKET. . ""'CToaa" Cloee-Oatn ' Ctm Tue. klon. Tue.'Tsr Ago December... .34 A .R'i'.A .004. , 31 07 May ". .7i .7A J0OZ 1.00 July...., -sags .S2H ooii Chicago. Nov. IS. Logaa BryaS aay: Bids by a general eommhwfcm houee for wheat lata In the eeselon gsre the market a better tone, with the rlnalne e better for May.- The strength waa well malntakisd, the market at no time show In any radical to or peeling otr. New from Russia regarding the eerluue turn of affairs at Sehastopol undoubtedly contributed somewhat to the buying, but It seems aa IX the continued excellent milling demend for the wbeet at yst the moment the real hesla for strength. The volume of boamees picked UP somewhat oa the upturn, hut th trade la (bJU Aotiol of Oora I Slew." In th face of higher rablea and a good weather map. the action of today' corn msrket wsa dlssnnolntlne. and even the little upturn in wheat failed to causa any cnthusissm oa the baring aide. The rang waa extremely narrow and trad moat unsatisfactory. In oata the volume of bnstneea show very little Increase. Tba Undertone keep strong. Paverakla far Hog Advanoe. Puhlkt oenttment te decidedly more favorable to the provlalon market and, while peckers sre hireelv interested Is, this advance at tlila 4lmv4t seem aa if tb market had good groaadV work on which to build better prices. Official quotations by Orer beck, Starr Cook company. . WttHAX, Open. High. Low-. Cloee. nee....,.S .R3V S .S44 ..S3 a .84 a Map ! .NT -..N7V4 . r.SS July..... .82 .j .83, .." 3iB .44 A ,44 B CORN. ' New See. .484 .-43'4 - .48 U My....rt.43T4 .44-4 t ,ai Jury..... A .44 , .4354 " , . ' ' OATH. " , Dec...... f MM, . ' . May...... .814 .SIX." .814 Jolyu... My, Mm J0 . . MENS PORK. Jaa...... 13 IT ; 1S.T0 . IS.1T '.', .28B ' .81 A SOHA 18.88 -13.63 , ; t.3 ; ' t.5 May ..1S.2T; - 13.TA . 13.25 Pee...:., T.rer-.' I.B'.';T.M Jan . , , , , , : 8. ttf". n . J 7,22 ' i f ' ST ' May...... .T.10- T.8T . . . . - 8H9RT. BJfifl, Jsa. S.T2 "T.OO S.TS - TOO May...... S.0 T.25 . S.S0 T2 ban raAjrciBco saAix xajixxt. Ban rraaclaee, Nov. 28. Official morning oeesioa : , . , .- . .. : ,. -WHBAT. .'- -OpesM -Hlah. Law. " Clnee, Mar wa4l-4014: 11.41 Kt.40U $1 41 Decs in ber.r. 1.33 tj 1.H8SJ 'l J8l- I - BABLBT. . May.......... 121 , 1.22 - 1.21 ' 121 ' 1 21 r.i.isjj December..... 1.18 1.1844 L1844 11H BstsLDanriT'a kunr mrpoai. ' ' Chicago." Koy. ' 23. Brsditreet' arala viamla aunnhf: ' . t. report of ' '- - - V fncreese Bn Wheel, east of Keck leal. J.. .1.813.004 Europe aad ,aroa t .y. ..1000.000 Total .. .2.8f;.oo Corn Oata 117S.IXX) 405,000 PXIMAXT KAI MOTXMNT. f Chicago, Nov. 28, Primary recerpbrt Today Tear Ago ' : Bush. Bush. Wheat 1,82.000 1.1A6.004 Corn T82,000 - 838.0IW Shlpmeatai Wheat .................... .T7S.00S , B88.MW Com ..." 808.000 448.000 Clearance: Wheat. Tl.ono bushels! corn. 115.000 bushel: oata. 84.000 bushels: flour. 28.000 barre. . - . " ." ' . CHICAOO OKATtT OAK tOTS. Chicago, Nov. 28. tJrsrn car lots: - V 5 Car Orad Pet .'1804 Wheat . m ' "' B 153 7 Cora .827 2 37 . 440 Oata ...........2111 8 26S 124 Wheat can todar: M in nee nolle 452. Dulutk 231. leer ago: Mlnueapolla SttS, Duiuth 233, . CHICAOO CASH WHXAT, Chicago, Nov."8. Cb wheat: Bid. Ask. No. t red. ..8 .85 u a No, B red.. .,..... ., .. -4H!C v.... No. S hard.... .824 .834 Nn. S hard .SO ,NIi No. 1 northern .88 , .88 No. northern. J. ..84 . .87 NO. S spring........ . .SO i M " : UTzarooL OMAnt kajixkt. Llvernool. Nov. 28. Clnee: Wheat. Pecember. 8a 10d. t4rl lower; March, 6a lOHd, H lower; Msy, Sa Bd. i lower. Corn January. 4a BVid, i higher; March, 4 SUd. i higher. , . , - , . .. COTTON EIGHTEEN TO r . NINETEEN POINTS OFF New York. Nov. 23. Cotton future eloeed 18 to 10 point lower. firricial quotation by urerneex, atsrr a vooie company: Open. High. Lew. Cine. Jnury :.t. 1143 114S 1133 1133 113: 1158 ......1IT3 -1IT3 1181 : has has has ......1133 1 135 1173 11NT 117 llT 1137 ' 1100 1J 1181 1181 1160 1138 lehniery ... Msrrh April ...... 1147S 11810"2 11873 HO 117374 117a73 117S1) 1153 a 38 1114018 111J30 Msy '. June ....... July ........ August . . , . . November December . , .1125 112S . Ill tli 111 Oette Lswsr. l.lrernnol. Nov. 28 Cotton . rntnre closed gulet and barely tesfl. S to B polnte lower. ... 1 1 ; Ian raAjrcnoo local tocxs. '-- ! San Prandao. Nov, 88. Official loa. morn ing sees ion j Bid. . 47 .404 W 14'4 .84 a . - e . 82 . 124 eSI . 324 rt2 Aak. ' 48 13 82 83 ' 28 10314 Contra Cost Water. ............ Hrirln Valley Water Ilntual- Electric. .... ... Nan 1'ranrlsco Oa Electric Giant Powder . .......... Hawellaa t'ommerrlsl. Honoke Bnaar. Makawell Sugar... Onnniea Nniir i,.,,,,,, Paanhaa Mngsr Ocesnle Steamship ...,., Pact fie Plate telephone........ California Win j. .r.. Kf Pacific Coast Hon... l.VJU 133 . STVt 80 .. 61 . California fruit Cannera. ....... Alaska Picker-. ,......, ' : comstocx Mnrnio BToexs, r , aa WanrlSeo, Kov. 28. OfSclal lose, mora le r naloni Bid. Bullion ... ,.... Jtl PJelehee -r. . t,,. .31 Con. Csl.-T ... 1 60 Ophlr . . ........ B.73 Caledonia ...... .88 Mexican ....... 1.30 And' ,...... .21 . ' Bid. Saveg .47 Potnal.- ti - -OS I n Ion Co 54 Yellow Jacket.. , .IS . Kxcheuner . . . j. .. .44 , Hale 1 Norero 1.06 Beerpkia .10 7w Tei Srlver, Vi More Than Half Th it Year's Hop Crop of Oregon Hat Already Been Sold and There It a Demand for Every Bale--Tone Is Firmer. TEfJflESSEE GAIi'lED JIID LOST Early Rise of Six Points Is Shown During Exciting Trad 1 Ing Close Is Unchanged. ERRATIC SESSION OF 1 ,1 NEW YORK MARKET Favorites Are Both Down and Up 'Advance in Copper Metal Fails to ' Check Drop in Araalgainated and Stock Coea Down. ' ADVANCES. 3 - Anaconda . H.IIIInola Central.. Atchison, pfd ...I, lVuMeilcsa Ceatral. 34 ,Poundryv,.' Norfolk H .vaFrsuo ruei Vitrarinc stall 1 St. Paul Kll'reeerd Steel Csr. O. N. W IV Rock Island, pfd.. i thnsdlsa IWanaah. pfd ..... t tmoraoe Houtbera. 11 U. H. Rubber Uroat Wcatera.... 2 LOSSES. Ifc Hep. Steel. Pfd... Souther Paclsc... i V. S. Steel ...... Amalgamated , Atrhleoa Smelter ....... do prefemd. ! do preferred..... N. Y. Central ! Ontario A Western. 4 1 l'enneylvanla nrontiyn ?-r' Ixuilsvllle Metropolitan ...... Ksty North Americas ,. Reading Bep. Steel ........ V Peonie s Oaa . 41 Rock Island1 ..... H r., id pta a, Houthern Ry ...... 44 1? VuUm Paclflc ..... " IV Wabaah ' Wall. Street New Tork, Nov. 28. The stork market waa very erratic today, ther being Mvor loaaeo aa well a decline. Th rise la copper metal failed - to check the decline la Amalgamated, which stock rlneed 1 lower. The action of Tennessee Coal was exciting, the market opening 2 point up aad running a klgh as 120. a rise of S points. It. bowerer, ket all of this later and closed unchanged. OfScbl quotation by Orer beck, Starr a Cooks company I DESCRIPTION. r Aaaronda Mining .Co.... Amal. Conner Co..,.,.. Atchlsan. com,..,,. do preferred Am.-Csr Feaadry, c. do preferred 155 8J 87 i 104 8T4 1004 14lC 1322 Am, Sugar, com.. Am, Smelt., com,.. do preferred. .....v... Baltimore A Ohm, com. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit Caaadlaa Pacific, com.. Chicago at Alloa, com., 131 112 87 V. do preferred 4. w-ei tr. w., 'Com..,,-.,, CbU MIL St. P..,.. C. N. W., com Cheeapeak Ohio Com. fuel A Iron, com Colo. Son t hern, com do serood preferred... Delewar Hudson.... D. R. O., com - do preferred......... Erie, -com.............. do (eonnd preferred., do first preferred... Illinois Central... 'tiii I7H44 : SIP44I21S 81 4 173 1 Louuvllle A Nsskrlll.. Met. St. Ry Manhattan Rr... Mexican Central Ry. .. Mlim., St. P. Bte. M do .preferred Missouri Pacific ioniioin 37 874 150 3j 13l4 (100V411004 1 .. . .11. e.. ar -4., com.. New Tork Central. rssti 50 150 ' Northern Pacific Am. locomotive. , do ' ore f erred.... IBS (IPS 724 71 I 71' 1204 8T 118 11114 Norfolk a Weetermncom.l Sntt 88(4 North American. N. I., (mt. At Western . Penneylvanla By. 101T4 1004Ilnl 3314 6241 140 i I4OI4II4OU P. O. L. "C. Co Presoed Steel Car, com. do preferred Pacific Mall S. S. Co... Seeding, com IOikll03 1043.1104 504 MS, 41 61 U ew 08U noil 60 14 188MH38V do second .preferred... no first nref erred ... . P3,; 33 Rep. Iron A Steel., com. do preferred. ......... Rock island, com.....".. do preferred .,.,...., Bontker Ry., com...... 'do oreferred . . . . ...... 81 10214 2414 2W 103 U 2hH S24 35 SOU 3314I 34 At M14I PS Southern Pscioc e'i st4 nn at. u a s. p., 2d pfd.. do let preferred. . .... St L. A .8. W com.o.. 8641 674 33. I 58 n u 1 ns4 221 1 22. 22 IJ do preferred...,.,... w 684 1 5741 B4 Trias A Psclar. x-. a. . . 1 . . . Tenneeiee Onl-A Iropji 1274ll2S 122H rnlon Pacific, com., . II. S. Buhher, com. . . , U. 8, "Steel Co., com. ; do preferred ....... .' Wleconeln Central, anm do preferred, .i. ... Western Unloa Tele... U87 1411X8 5411 67 8TP.I 106 U. I It m 1 04 k 1 1 A4 4 "H . I sw P2V4 Wabaah. com do preferred iul n 1 tt 42wri4i 414 46(41 45 I 45 Central I,eether.. ...... ..4 48 do "preferred. ........ .IIOSU I06t4'105t4'103 tot a i si ice ror oy. i.enn.Tiiu snare. Call money closed 8404 per cant. : TONOPAJI MTJnNtt PTOCIS. Saa Frtnclsco.. Kv.. 28 Tonooah itoek. of- tcil ckarn, stbrnlng . oemloa: , Bid. I - 1 Bid. Montana ..'.....82.35 Jumbo .75 Midway , 1.42V4 inmbo frten.. .. .20. MrNamar .... .40 Black Butt'..'.,; .' .12 Belmont ...i.. 1.83- Men Idea Anobor., ..82 North Star i.., .88 . Silver Pick .... .oft Rescue- ,.t. ..07. .07 .ST- .124 ' .88 B 23 .88 Ray ft O'Brien.. Oold Monntsln.. Jim Butter .... IfiblA Tonnpsh.... .25 .18 .26 .07 : .10 .12 .28 O. Bull rrng.-,., PlsmondSeld ... Lone Star Home Nevada .,. Red Top Ton. Extension.. Goldfleld ICaah Boy ....... Sandstorm ..... Sandstorm Ex.. 45 Hold fr 00A West End 1.1714 A dsns ........ .05 I Denver .24 .17 Krllnae ....... .30 .07 . Bluebell .ng Mnhswk Pixie .......... Kendall ' 81 INatlonal Bak.. .15 Columbia Mt.... 14A "r ... BOSTON OOPPZaV STOCKS. Beaton, Nov. 28. Copper clnee: Bid. Bid. Adventure ..'. T.2S Allnue 41.73 Arcadian .... ' S.I2H Atlsntle ...., "24 00 Blniham .... 84.6fl Old Domlnoa..! 32. no Osceola ...... li7 Parrot - 2N.50 Phoenix ...... 1.50 Qiilnry irrT.oo Kiiyal 28.30 Santa Pa ' 2 50 Shannon 7 76 Tamarack .... 128 flo Trinity ....... 10 50 I'nlted Conner. 83 50 Calumet SHO.iiOA Centennial ..." 28.25 . tVwper Range. 74.(o Ily Weit.... 1M.76 Em ......... 1.73 Franklin .... 18.00 Greene Copper 27. So U tah 68 75 Graaby S.STUi Victoria ...... 850 Mass ........ Michigan .... Mohawk. ..... 8.50 IWInon 1830 IB'olverlne .... 128.00 78 IU. B. Mining.. 40.0II S7.7B rievsoa tna. North Butta.. B62mTenn. Copper., 78.50 I . . ; RIW TORK CVRB. ; New tork, Nov. 28. Curb: Bid. I Bid. -' Can S InfrMarlne . Greene Copper'.... 2i ' Interbnrongb ..... Greene cepper.r,, XT tnn. twptier ..... Int. Paper B IMarkay C.' .... 0HI0AA0 lOCAL STOCK B. i Chlcoao. Nov. 28. Local Mock: Bid. Btacult . Bnxbotrd ...... 01 ttlsmond Mstck ,.144(4 Swift 4V Co list Pnemutle Tool. . 48 -Subway 50 S ' 8 TB tan Carbon .......tirt teYflag Rata, - - Near Tnrk. Nov. x. SteHIn rates: Demand. 4SS.ave4SdJO; SO dy. 432 0j48a.SO. PORTLAND BANK STAIimpT. ' Clewrlneo ......w..... ............ .544. 1S 48 Jaloce M.. llt.5W.40 WATER PIPE IVILL COST L10RE Successful Bidder Secures Con tract at Ywo Thousand Dollar Advance Over Old Offer. , FORMER PRICES WERE r . CONSIDERED TOO HlCH Bida Were Withdrawn and Yesterday New .Lot Were Opened, ' All' of Which : Were Much Higher Money Coea to Chicago Firm. Th United 8UUS Cast Iron A Foun dry company of Chicago was awarded th contract for furnishing; tha city with It.eSO lineal foot of 1, SO (and 14 Inch cast Iron pipe, to be ud In tho xtenslon of tho hlgh-preaaure servlco on tha east side, by ths municipal water board yesterday, for the sum of 8154,851. This bid was 11,085 In ex cess of the proposal of the Oregon Iron 4V Steel company of this-, city, which was withdrawn because - of - the, recent saltation.'.'.'. ,",,' ... The contract will be signed Immedi ately and the Bret shipment of pipe de livered In this city within. 4B days from the signing of the contract. If there is sny delinquency tn filling the terms of the contract a fins of f 150 a day will be Imposed. Paquet,- Qtblch ft Joplln signed the contract for laying; the pipe today, the conalderatlon being 134.135,. - Contrary to 'expectation -the Oreaori Iron ft Steel company did not submit a proposal yeeterday. The next lowest bidder for cast Iron pipe was the R. D. Wood ft Company of Philadelphia. for $lt5.l. The board was not Ions In reaching decision In accepting the bid for the cast Iron after a personal Investigation by mrmbere of the board of the condi tlen of the Bull Run water mstn, which showed 1.148 pita in- the steel-riveted pipe In s totsl distance of 1.07T feet of pipe uncovered. ........ . As a result of ths controversy - over the award nag the contract the city will have to pay 11.441 more for the pipe than If the contract had been awarded eo the Oregon Iron A Steel company. Three samples of corporation stop cock were snslysed by a local chemist for the board and It was discovered that not one of . them conformed to 'specifi cation. ' .' . - - ' - ' :- FIRST ELECTION IS HELD IN MONTENEGRO ' (Journal Bpedtl Servic.)' Vienna.. Nor. - 28. A dtapatch from Cettlnje- sa ye that1 . great 7 Interest - la manlfeated In Montenegro In the elec tions for deputies that sre being held In pursuance of the . recent mani festo of Prince Nicholas, - granting to the people a representative asaemblp. Montenegro Is ao diminutive a country, with Its population of ,00,000.' that Europe haa been accustomed to pay lit tle regard to It. But the present move changing from an absolute monarchy to a parliamentary form tf government Is of such Importance that It cannot be overlooked, especially In view of the currentdrift of affaire In -Russia nd other parts of the continent, - In granting the people a rtpreaenta- -live, assembly the . roignlng-prlnee of -Montenegro baa once again given evt-j dence of the faxt that he la. the ahrewd eat and most stateamsnhke of . aTtthe ruler ef the Balltan states. -.Ths move wss made on his -own Initiative,, MRS. CHADWiCK OFFERS TO TELL BIG SECRETS ' . -. '-, (Journal Special. Servic. ) " Cleveland. Ohio. Nov. 28. In connec tion with the bankruptcy proceeding brought againat her. " Mrs. Caasle 1 Chad wick has written a letter to Ref eree Remington requesting- him to set a date for roopening her' esse snd ea tresses a desire to again go on the stand. , She declares that if given this opportunity to again take the stand she win tell ell the facts concerning her. flnanclaaVffalrs without, tha lesst res ervation. . Mrs. Chad wick say a that should the supreme court at Washington decide against her and she Is sentenced to the penitentiary, that she will give out some sddltlonal Interesting information. She says that a number of prominent finan ciers profited largely through her deal ings and that if she goea to prison, these men should go with her. . . , .. .. . . DYNAMITE IS PLACED r ON TRACK FOR TRAIN Wslla Wslls. Wash., Nov. J.-Ths do- llc have Just given out that the W. C R. panaanger train running between Walla Walls and Dayton narrowly ea. caped being blown up Saturday night oft the-down run. A little alrl. living Juat east of the city limits, found a stick of dynamite carefully placed across one of the rails late 8sturdsy evening. ' Not Knowing; it a deadly nature ahs was pounding the stick with a rock when a telephone lineman came along and took It away from her. The dynamite was turned over to the, police and an In vestigation ts being madsT The officers ' ssy that but for the little girl rinding the dynamite the pas-' enger train would undoubtedly .have been blown up, Ths officers believe that th dynamite wss Rolen from the city - powder houss ' snd plsced on the track by boys who did not realise Its sxploslrs power.. . . ! " Vsw Teak at Kagea.. 1 ' ' Eugene, Or., No. 28. The work of erecting a large water-tank la tke Southern Parlrtc yarda here haa aeea eommenced. With the preeent arrangement of trains the 'tank I not needed. I hut it t aald that It will be need for th luromorlve aej trains f th Wondtmrn- fiatroro snd Wendllng bra neb es. whoa rone will. It Is ssld, terminate at Kugene whea tha BpringBeia-Heneereoa - rutorr is completed. - - KIW TORE 007TEX MARKET. KW Tork. N.t. 23. Coffee futures eleaed 10 to IB runes- lewar. OrAdel etnae: - ----- 4 ' " - . , Bid. Aak. I BIS. Aak. January ...5U.T3 .80'July ...m.,.17.28 37 3u Pehruiry ,. 8 5 0-iAunat T 38 T 40 March ..... 8.P0 8 September ,. T 43 T .Vi April ,-.,, T 00 T.OS'October ..... T.50 T.65 Mav T.IO f. 18 November ... 8 5 ' S TO June...;,,.. T.15 T.20I December .. SS3 S.TO OVERBPCK,STARR & COpKE CO j -..z -. Members Chicago Board of Trade. - ' amAxw, rmoTiaiOaTX cottost, btocr-r astd stni 10). Third Btrew-." McKay-Bnlldlna.. Portland. Or. W2 SO A RTBi'TXT COSHlCISSlOsT mTJSTWTTB. CosUliuous Markets by Privste tVlre. Quirk Service. Rt.f Kill MTF8 LaJd at TUton, bankers, and Uni'.od Utae National llaok c Portland -- TRANSPORTATION. Astdrici & Columbia - River Railrod Co. UNION DBPOT. 1 Arrlvaa. 8 30 a. mT Dally. Per Maygars. Rainier, 11:20 1 Dsily. t'latsaaaie ' vteetpori. tlirtoa, Astoria, war reutou. r la ral. Ham mood, Port Steven. Oearhart Park, Seaside. Astoria and . Ssasbor. T-co p. m. Dally. ' Express Dally, t Aatorla Exproxa. BMp. 1 Dally. J. C. MAYO, O. P. and P. A.. Atorl. Or. C A. STKWABT. CommercUl Agent. 24S Aid atrest. Phoae Msln SOS. ALASICA PAST ASD-POPPLAB STEAMSDIPB lieav Seattle B a. a. "yCTPTasON." November 28, via Wrssxsl. DOLPHIN," Kevemser S, 17, via Wraagol. "TAaALLON," NevemWr 10. St. via , , Wrong!, Metlkhtl. . . - CALLING. AT " ' ; " Ketchikan, fauna. Deugla, Hslnee, Bkag way. Oenneot with W. P. 4 T. rout far . AUla, Dawaoa, Taaaaa, Noma, ate. : ' Per AU Beutkesstara Alaaka Pert. Call or nd for "Trip' to Wonderful Alsak" "Indian Baaketry.'t "Totem Pol." . -?TrJsVALABKA B. S. CO. . - f rank Woolsey Co.. Agent. 2K2 Oak St. rVwttand, Or. For pnodeni dental work. World-re- - 4waod apeclallataV (.west prices conltnt wltn ttnt-eiass J", ' o ta ua"; Vv-f' (SEW YORK DENTISTS POVITI ATO MOBJUSOBT sTTBV Opoa day and night, from B;8 a. aa. 11 til fa p am. , - $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turldsh ' Bath King's Baths 1 aavantk sad Waetw Ingtosi Its. Wilisl ana larprest a4exS tatka.eicr. v Every I7cr.sh m miarmu sen snows snow . about u wenoerrnt MARVEL Vt air ban Spray lTanwVstMsrss, MJf iirms. Hem eat. If be cannot supnly seam other, but mnd atainn for tllustrsted book ..lis. tt f nil osrtlflulsxa and iltrectlnna In. vslusblstolsilles, Maktll, rX. tt. ess sr.. its Hiss.. VOE S ALB BT WOODAAS. - CLARK B 0O " ITD .."toM HJJT5I "i J V9tt4inwttJtttiitUJHiwli sjec f. I .m. m ShiSsbs mmm s.esBaa I t9 1II SI "1 Pt3 KMa3t3Ven'arUWUIM43 r tit rn m wi i w i1" irriir. a iH:p.v:t.i.t-it-soyfiM;w.i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MART N ABSOl.D, wife of Frederick K. Ar nold, at her residence, 335 Jefferson street, st '' 8 a. tn November 23. Fu iters! from tne house t p. m. Wednesday. Friends Invited. Service at the grave private. MINING MAN LOST IN MONTANA WILDS fjoarnal Speelsl ScrvW.1 - Basin,' Mont, Nov. IB. J. H. Rule, a well-known mining man of Basin, waa Inst In the mountains while hunting last Friday and is believed to have perished In the extreme - cold. Two jearchlna parties sre ouL f ' Wood to Burn. "'. A cnmnlete line of novelties arid use ful articles In bass wood.' AU the new -..., nnit ruiiternn. Roxee).. stools. laoourettes, rsrd tables, panels, etc.. etc - Pyresrraphle sets or parts of sets. Best goods, lowest . prices. Sanborn. Vail A Co., 170 Klrst street. . NEGRO SHOT TO DEATH . 'BY AN INDIANA POSSE ' t : ' r'l ' ' fjouraal BpecUl tervle.) Blo6mlngton, Ind., Nov. 28. A posse this momina surrounded and shot to Ammtt. fie naecn who vesterdatr fatally wounded John Walts. ... ... " : tfew moral- Talephon. (Special Dlanatch te The Journal.) ' ' ' Touchet, Weehj Nov. . The Pleas. snt Rldgs Telephone company has been formed here among a number of farmers to , build a rural telephone line from this point to Adklns station, a distance of. 15 miles. Ths county commissioners at Walla 'Walla yeeterday gave r the company right-" or way over county roads. The new line starts off wth 10 subscribers' and' Will connect with the city exchange st Walla Walls. ' . . Terrlfid Saoe Wltk Death. . . , Tleath was fast approaching,' writes Ralnh F. Fernandes of Tampa. Via.. describing his fearful fse with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart dleease, which had robbed me of sleep and or an intereet in lire, i naa tnea many different doctors snd several mad iclnes. but got no benefit, until 1 began tn use F.lectrla Bitters. - 8o wonderful was their, effect that in three days L folt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubloe." fltiaranteed at Hkldmorea drug store, "HI Thlra street; price (Oo, Bowimra, RrorcrsTB a oo, . (Ejslabllshed !. - tiiti ajtp btoor: noma i " asoon 4, Oreaad wioer, CstAhtRKK or ooinamcm. Xi. l -w a llnal rn.ian ant .x-' 'm " ia,lr'i lailaslly. Ash ism miI.Ijc. -V - the y5Ti.. 5 . - ' sir- ::JT vjig . as ,n in 1 TRANr?CTATIC M Onrinn 3 Trains to the East Daily 5 , Thrauxh Pullnma tadard and tnarlat lse In -csr dally to Omaha. Chlcsgo, Spokassi tourist alseplngar dslly to kansss titjrr tbreugh Pallmsa tourist leeplng-er (peraun ally conducted) .weekly to Ckleseo, Recllutud ' ehslrears (sesu free) to the Beet dally. ' ; UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive. - CHICAOO-PORTLAND ... SPECIAL. 815 a. m 8 28 p.m. Pot th East via Bust- Dally. - . Dally, lug to, SPOKANC rt.TBrt. i Por Kaatarn Wnshlng- ton. Wall Walla, Lew. 813 p.m. 8 03 a.m. too, Coeur d'Alene Dally. Dally, nd Oraat Karthers points. ' ' . ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:15 p. m 1 IU. rr th East via Hunt- Dally. Dally. lnitoa. ' Oelumbia River Dtvmiea. rOR A8TOBI A snd way I 8 -on p. . point, eooaectlng with Daily tmr. for Ilwaeo and ex. Sunday. About S:on p. as. as. aundaA North Beach. stmr. Ssturdsy. Hassslo. Asht. dock. llOXW p. x. . Yamkill Rlvav Reus. POR DATTOlf. Oregon City and Tamhlll river Clare, . stars. Both and ortoe, Aafa-at. dock. T OO . m. T 30 , X. Dally ex. 8uady. Dally ex.. Sunday. (Wafer permitting.) . Snake River Roue. POR LBWISTOf 1. I B:0 s. I mA . . or noon sr-l Ms sa. Rlpsrt. wV,h., etmrs. rJi HV.' r Spokane and Lawtatoa. !N'--11r Dlly x. Friday. ifclUii OPFICB. fhUi and WsaaTagteiriah Talephnne Mala T13. ' ". W. SflNOSR. City Ticket Agent. A. L. CBA10. Geaeral Pwasager AganC - EASTvu SOUTH Lmv. CMOM DEPOT. nviii.mn CIPRSSB. Train for Sale ax, HoseJ burg. Asniasa. s.n-r: mento,Ufoea. aan t.a a. Cisco, ptoriton, m mm gele. El Po New Ot leana aad the Best. Morning , trsln eos nects st Woodburn dslly except Sunday with trele foe Mount. Angel. Sllverten. frownavlll. Spring 11 d. Wndllng nd Netion, ' Eugeepngr-enn-necu st Woodburn with Mt. Angel and Bllver tnn locaL Cnrvalll pea ana r. . Sheridan peiengr. forest Prove passenger. T:28 , m. t :M s. m. 6:BB p. S3, s:15 p. m. 10:85 a.i 2:88 a. c 5:30 p. at. 4:50 p. sa. IO:4p.m 8:25 a. m. I1:5Q p. m. Dally. 1 '-' v,-.; .. ; -IIDelly except Sunday. . , Pertlaad-0wsg hhurhaa Bervte aad Tamkll) . DivuMon. . ... . IVpnt foot of Jeffereoo trejf. ' Leve Portland sally for Oewege T S8 a m.l 12:50. 2:05. 8:00. 8:20 8:25. 8 .30 10 :1 UM J. m. Dslly Isxcept Sunder). B:30. B.80. 8.JJ. 0-25 a. m. Sundsy only, S:"p a. m. ' . Returning from Oowego. arrlT. Portland dally 8:80 a. m." 1:65, 9M. 8.03. S:1B. T:S3. 8:53. 1 - jb ni. 1255 araB ,llTBIgpldBdn; "Leaves "rem same depot for DalUa aad Inter. medUre point dally :1B p. BV Arrlv Port land 10:10 a. m. , , . Tke lnilependence.fonmetk "rne I munis Sally te klfrnr""1 "' A'rlle. con necting with Southern Psclflo cofnfa"J'' track at Dallas ad Independence. . ,, F1rt-cls fare from Portland t . . -ente and San Francisco 820. hertb .8.: , far 815. eeondleee berths . . Tlekets tn Eastern points sari L-'-e. wso Janaa. Cbtna. Honolulu and '' j . City TUSet iirnn, J-"-"" Ington treete. Phoa Mala Tl. -o W STINQER. A. L. CRAI. Clt? Ticket Agenf. Oen. PsAgeafc TIME CARD TRAINS Portland: DATLT CHIOS DEPOT, Telknrston ' Park-Kansas Clty-St. Leon Spe t.l Cbehalls. leu- tralls. Olympla. Orsy Harbor. Bout neaa. la mm Seattle. Sookans. Iwlston, Botta. Bit- lines. Uenver. Oanka. Kansas City. St. Louie ane Bautnraai. . North t oaat Limited. electric llxhted. for Ta- oma. Seattle, Btmaan. Butte, Minneapolis. SL Panl Snd the Ksat. Pngrt Sound Limited. for Cbehalls. Centralis Tacoma aad Seattle onlr. Twta Clt Exnr. for Tkcom. Sesttl. Spo. ksne. Helens, unite. Yellowstone Park. Mlo nespolls, St. Psul sad tns r.aai. . , . A. D. CHARLTON, ' Amlatant - General rnger Agept, 255 Mnrrlsntr St., enr. Third, i i Portland. Oregoh. - - - ' . 1. " 1THC COMfOKTAsMX WAV. cty Ti.k.t orio. It) Bd St. rka BIO, 9 Ovcrlasl TrtizzZz'.ly 7 AThh OrUstsl Limiud. the raat aa iPX.BsrDX3 m,r,t t U-TO-DATR J . ' FT I OOTjmTl 8 l.OTII-- etvaA lAHRlVh, Portland (7:00 s.tn, flaaoattle B:tOp. m. 8:10 ft m 11:41 p. m 8 15 p. rtu ITlaBvokaae il00a.ni. (O. m. at bt. co.)I reat STorthara toanaahlp Oo. " Palling from Henttle . B. DAKOTA. JtTO. IS. si m -wsim ForJen n4 Clilua I'urt anl i ninnnn. MIPPOsT TUBEST II' ' (Japan Mail H'-"ui"p mfany) a. a. ito ma v. tails from 'hent tie rr J , China and ell aiti.' Iw' About f ..,. 1. r 11 T.. r -j I on f f .1 'r .V mm & Depart. I Arrive. I 1:30 a.m. f:80P.s. 1 8:00 p.m. I 1:00 k. Bk :M p. SI. iiOSS P. 8a. IU;45 p. m l 50 p. sa. t . i - Tor tl. k.... 1 vatlona. ei. . ; 1 rl iw-J, t: i' I'blllppln a.....uLULA jls Kw Xerk. Ko. 15. surar, U. "I