.V7'. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMDER 3. lgC5- AA-gaafhawhan. W carol 1J , T P T hi Entered at tha postofflce at Portland, Om ror treneportaiioa inrunga in mw e falin Ine anla- V B. 1 T IS- ' P.a paper. 1 out; M It W pegs. eealaj , t a pe, oaat. Tdttortal Room. ......afata t buelaeea Oiric ...... .........Mala r ob now advertism. iifiMmitnii . reeland-BenJamla Special AdTortlemg l&u haaaae atreet. Jerk; Xrllo !" ; lug, utk-ago. , . i . . v , OTHCXITTIOV BATES. ' i The Daily Journal, with Sunday, t year... 17.58 i The Dally Jueruel, 1 year O.W The Dally JournaL with Huoday, asooth. 8.78 Dall JmruL wltb Sunday. month. I H The Dally Journal S uaootba...., ... lAO . Tie Daily Journal, with Sunday, 1 mouth.. MO Tb Dally, (mt week, Mwri, Sunday - ciuwa ......,. ... -- The l'.lly, per wwk, delivered. Sunday . . antMl . . .10 -r kv hl.iL ' rh r.nr journal, wits 8uwi, 1 yaar....f7.oo I, I,.,!- 1 ., I I Muv .. ..... KM The I H r Journal. With Monday. BaOatha. 8.76 Tin Dally Journal, months t'S "lb Iiailr Journal, wltb rlunday, 8 Bmathe. 1.00 Tli Iially Journal. 8 month . t lb Dally Journal, wltb Sunday, 1 aeoatb.. -Al The Dally Journal. 1 month. . -BO The .-Minrley Journal, J fMr..... ! Tim Sunday Journal, roootlii. ...... ...... LOO ' The Bead-Weekly tonaL '" . Tha Semi-Weekly Journal, I U II page . T taw. UlorMlf-U ' KU 1 yar -M aittMicM ahMM W Bia4 br draft, foatal - bmm, aipraaa ,onlr aaa aaiall taowtt ara : aeccpUM ta 1 aaa -ct poataf atampa. , - c --t ihk jonanx. , P. V 8M lSI, rartlaaC Ongam.. - ' j WIIU TKB'jQUMAt JUT M rOTD. Tba JeamaJ ma ka toaaat aal at to Tnimwmc alacaa: hums. IDAHO &. Sallar A Oo.( W. E. al lntjra. : - - - . CHICAGO PoatoftJoa Mava company; 1TI Oaar bora treat. . . I DENVER, )IX)Bi.DO J. Black. Hxtaaatk aa4 Vurtla atrrta. -i . Kansas ITY Ta Nor Naara eoaipaaT. 1 ' MINNEAPOLIS-!. . KaTaaaara, aO tWola Tlilral itml. KKW. YORK OTTT Bmtaaa'a, Calaa arroara. OMAJ3A MWar Hotal atwa ataad; Macaatk Blatteaarr aoaipaay. ISM FUnram atraal. ALT I.AKS CITY Kcnroa Horal cwwa ataad; Barrmr Bra., 41 Waat Samnd atraat, Moata. : ST. LOLIR fhHI Roadar. 1 fcacoat atraatl . T. Jert, MM OMt atrcat. . - -' AN KBAKCI800 W. . Ardtacv Palan BVxH . atan4 awt' IOM Market atnat: 0X4 ulth Braa., 2.10 Hattar atraat a4 alnt " rraada botali raator aV Oraar, rarry kll4 nir; . waaatiajF. amtk imra ataaa, aav Bar Markat and Xttnif arraa Kaarna; BATTI.B Balntar Graai awa ataa4; W. U Hhanka. Bntal Raattla aawa ataad. . SPOKANO, WABillKUTON Joaa W. Orabaa Co. TAOOMA, WARniNOTON Oarral.Ktwa aaav han: Hotal Tarvwna Mara atanA. : TftTOBlA. . BBITIKH JOLUMBIA i Rnok A rattaaary eompaar. , WEATHER SEPOST. Taa dtatnrbaar. raatrraar am Naraila aa4 . aaatkwaatara Idaho baa awraa! raplrHy aortbeaat war and tnrraaaad la rnerrr. Tha caatar nt , rha aiala . dlatarbaar la aotr rar aotiibni . Mtnaiauia and a aaoond 6i praaalua ta rratral orer aaatcra Oolorado.. . Haarj aaowa bara fallra In aaatara Orr-got, aaarara Wasblnttoa. Idaho, . Narada. Ctab, Uolorado, Wratnlna.. Montana. Xanraakai . taa Dakataa,- Mlnaaania. Wkrnnain ; and atirtharn Mich lean, and atodaratelv aaa ralna bare fa Ilea, In California, Arlataia. Kaw llaxleo. OkUhatna, Kanaaa. Mwaaarl, Arkanaaa, l.wa. Illlaola aad tba Ofala Tallaj and lowrr Ukt rrrkn. v , . . . It la nark eoldrr thla morfffnc ta tba tntor- mountain atataa. bat tk f uipTtrnrra araat of tiH Caacada aioantalna did not fall aa low aa ri ' paetad. owtnr to tha praaarKa of a new dla ntrhanre which ta now apparently central ff t ape Flatterr and will more Inland durtnc the nexi aa nonrv anq ranae ram or anow In 1 hut I rrianr tn temDeratni'e. TF.MP Free. In Mas. Mln. laat M kr. BMitnn. If mm. 2 hrWUK. 111... M Ct -.SO .no 1 0 . .1 .o -T. U IVnTir, Cl... .,'"44 32 ' 42 ' 44 M ' S2 .:...40 . Kamui c tty. W,;.;.. m leiM AnffrlM. Cml. M ' Nwr York, N. Y... 4 : SI. letVUl, Mft........W ,.i TactMUB. Wnh T. hlnirtan. TX C lio.. AUCTION SALES. t KI1NEHPAY nwmlnr at 10 orlort at nalea- room. 1 Drat at. 1. T. WUaun. aartloaaar '. wrnt E80AT at 2 p. m., at 111 Flrat at. C. U Ford, auctioneer. . . . , . MARRIAGE LICENSES. f "bar lea -fV Haynea, Sherwood. Oragoa, 84: i Dia B. Keener, .12. " t Bojd B.Weirh. 31: la hell a W. Koltnef, 20. I. Trnltt, 2T: Maad Fanleoaea, 27. : :r---CJiint TliTwfnftt Wt joifiiw& Ob rvt ti,' 'tfl. t"' " ." J4ia P. Frer. 2a; Nelll B. Ilowertoa. 21. ' v Aleunder tort. 211: I.anra Laraoa, 2S. " Thomaa 8. Taffee. 93: Edna T. fope. XI. 1 ' . Harrr A. Filer. S3; Marie R. Kltamllier, to. ' Iwla U Brnnaoa. 2H: Marlon Tollman, 20. P4ec Kerr. 44: Laaria' M. Kln. 28. i Waddtnc Card. W. O. Smirk A Ca., Waah. faa-ton bld., ear. Foartk and Waahlngtoa ata. Mlaa Bertha Marti a. Sli Atlakr bld. , Stanplng and Sn needlework? leaannl vta BIRTHS. ' 11TT-Woreintier 11 to Mr. aad Mra. Philip !.. ft North Thirteenth atreet. a ai. ' lyt KfWTROM Noetnber 20. to Mr. and Mra. (!. R. Lnndarrom, VI Ilolladaf areno. a eon. ; . .. deaths...-: ... RITTRB Nawembar 2S. flladya 0. Bitter, aged S months. 4XS Jtorth Twenty -third atreet; eawse, tonallltla. Hartal at Blrarrtew rama : tery. - - KOWALSK Noremher 91, John Kowalsk, aged SI years, ISA4 Delay afreet; ranae, heart dta. east. Burial at Lena Fir cemetery. LFLAND Norember 24. George Leland. aged IM years, at Uood Samaritan boepltal; eanee, oedema ad 4oans. Boetsi at Lane Plr cemetery. RINCK Naremher 20. Mra. J. H. Black, aged . ha reare, at Hu- Vlaaaat a aoapltal. UTUTlrW CXaUCTERY. . Magi grea 110. FimllT Inta T0 to tl.flna. . .The only cemetery, la. Portland which pee. ' petually mslaulna aad rare for lota. Far fall . laf'irasartoa apply te W. R. Mscfcawata. War -eestsr Mock. city. W. M. La ad. praaldaat. 1. P. Ftnley A Bon, funeral direct or and evhalmeea. eoraer Third aad Madlaoa (treat. Offlca af eouatr coroner. Telephone Mala S. Danatng. MrBnte A Olmaagm, ndertakers and rmbalaren; mndera ta every detail. Seventh and Pin-. Mala 480. Lady assistant. ? Pnnsral wraarba and cot Be war a anectalty at Boa City wreenbewaa. Twenty asanad aad Kaat Morrison, apposite cemetery. , ! The Bdward Holm , ruderte king- eomeany, , fanersl dlieetorg aad Beetle laser. Sag Third at. Phwaa SOT. Clarke Braa. fat flower. . 200 Morrises atraat. BOnt.RT. TUB FLORIST. 124 FIFTH STRRRT FUNERAL NOTICES. WJJUS At his late reatdenee. 40I Beat Rleventh . eireet, rJoremner 2T. lttOn. L. B. Wise, aged IX year. 8 months. 30 days. Fanersl. will . take plae Wedaeaaiay. Nevemher 20, at 2 p. m.. from P. S. Ihinnlng's rhapal. cor net .f r.aar Aer aaa taat aiita ata. rrteada la- vlted. I, " " " ' reXl-estate transfers. f. o. Uernnl'W end hnahend ta CV I.. Bra. he her snl lf KVil feet beginning '' t.ere.1 1, M. Herat Tract, section 1. tee m Mr 1 nh. range 1 east ...... ILSnO A H. .aF et el. la A. M. Wright, . i let. 1 a f to hlock 1: lo.. I to 20. t'l-k 2 Kat 1t"0 sdilllkw .... S,S00 r, U. MrT and wife to w. I., tjreene, W.t 4. M-k . Wo.llawn: tote-8 In i V tola 2.1 and 24. bio. k S. (olumhls . - FrMfhaB ....... 1 X II. I srker sed wife te W. L. tlreene. u. sis ul 9i bl.M.k a. rolnmtita , llclahta " 1 . I. Mutsbaaaat to W. VfcUto, lata 17 o : INTEREST , SAYINGS 'BANK OF ;' Tfcc Title Gearatec k Trust' 'Company Pay 4 per cent on Certificates tj urnokit. fivi a ner cent interest on daily balances of deposit accounts, subject to cnecK. . .. Ranking - hounrv .1 .'. .9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays .9a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings.. .... .5 to 8 o'clock DIRECTORS: . V. M. Ladd. J. Thojrhurrt.Ross. T. T. Burkhart JFrank M. Warren. George H. HilL- . 240 Washiiiftcn Street 1 . . Corner Second.'? - . -H t " PORTLAND, OREGON. NorthwesferiDi'-i- 'HkMutraaIife Oil mWADKEE wis; ; "Paanla arc not (olii ta eeaaa ta bn Ufa lm araoca. but tba wlaer aaea are autnc to axerctea more rare EJn rbonalnf tba eompan and la at lectin the poller." Trera Beport of Inaaranea Comialaaloejar of Maaaacbuaatta. Jane SO, 1M. . y- uiamaiinaunc xnaurera neleet Tba Nca-tb- . weatera Mutual and we ara ' dnlng tba Imrrret bsalneaa la tba blatorj af tha aoat- OCB POLICT-BOLOBB9 ABI SAtlSmD. , S.;Tackwool&Soa; ; ; ' OENEHAL AOKNTft. ; "J- ' ' CONCORD BUILDINO, POBTLAND, CtEGOM. Another. Homeseekers' Excur sion to HoYer, ' Tha NEW TOWN on tha now railroad now bulldlna: u6 tha north bank of tha Columbia, lonatadl in tha bent and earli est part of tha famoua TAKIM A-KKN-NEWICK valleya, IrVigated by tha bent ditch In Waahlnarton. NEW TOWN, NKW RAIIvROAD, NEW BTEAMKH LINE, KKW CHANCB TO (QET IN ON THE uflOUND FLOOR. Coma and hava a talk with Mr. Arle Hover. vtr-preat-dant of tha Hover J jind Company, tha company that owna HOVER And KEN- newick, win, mg indtircmanta to aarly aettlerai. ctpex-lal railroad ratal to new HOVER. Fran literature and In formation at UtH Sixth atraat. corner wannrriKion, foriiana, branch offlca Hover Land Company. Lots -50 x 100 Feet Each ' Hlberala Bavtnta Bank.' owner, win eetl with ant reaer, a limited namber of eknle and -Prf perfect. For particular Inquire at room SOS McKay Mrtg., Third and Stark a treat. Aay pinna will bay these lota on sight. BASTERN DKNT18T ' Would Hk t bay eut a Portland aentlet wka aaa a good Incatlon. ' Write full particular! aad terms ta 8. S.. ear JornjL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.: and IS. 27 and S. block S. Penlnaulsr ' addition; lot 8. block SB, tot 18. block ' S. Best Porttand BOO B. S. Bos worth to A. U Bar bur, lot 11, block S. Brush's addltloa 100 8. J. Itndqulst and wife to A. Kamph anoThuahand. west K lot 8. black 234. Ksst Portland 1.TO0 . m. ivrauer to r. nenaeld. I acre na ainnlng northwest corner Vjorthweut i of section 80, township 1 Berth, range ' , 4 eaat . J 1 M. C. Jobnaop and bnaband to T. Courier. lot- 21, block 2. Ctovardale Tract 3.300 W. M. Killlngsworta at al. to M. J. . Smith, lot S aad S. block 4. Walnut .Perk l.fJOO t. B. MeOooell to H. SutherUad. fet IS. bloett 28S, Conch addition 4,000 v. w. aternoraa ana wire to o. Ia Bra. baker. It acres section 1. -townahln 1 sonth. range I east , 1,000 a. m. vnyse-ana wue wt. u rrrnnaier and wife, lota S to It, block 10, Lanrelwond . A. O. Johnson te p. W. Pick, eaat HO feet lot T. block S. flarrlsoa eubdlrlalon. W. A. Curry aad wife to E. T. Bancroft and wife, lot t, block 44. U on ton . ... t. MrNulty and wife to Lena Bancroft. lot S, block 44. Ltnnton 7. Curry et si. to A. C McNully, lot S, block 44. Ltnutoa M. Cogdal to W. A. Carry, lot 8, block 44, Llnnton ' D. Van Bantn and wife to H. R. Joy, lot S. block 2. D. Sbowera. Second, ad dition ...i ' i 400 Arleta Lnd company to John Roman, lota 12 aad 18. block S. Arleta Park No. 1 too W. T. Ream and wife to M. M. Movtaa. J. A. Smith t A. u. narhnr, lunxan reet , heeinnlna aonthweat eoraer lot 1. block ' 8, -AIMna BA0 M P. I Montgnsserr to J. Bowman.. lot 10. Mock 4T. Albinn 100 H. B. Sawdon tn K M. Brvla at L. lot 8. block B. fUllwood 14B Prank Jemstedt et a I. to P. A, Rerck.- lot .. t itook'a anbdlTtaaa block ZTL caruuierr addition t . .'. , 1.TB0 Title Onarantee A Trust rempanr to J. P. Wilson, lot 8. block 8. Albin.-...: 1.6B0 D. T. Bldgeway and wife to M.i Mcror- t rlriltoa T23 E. Teller to Fran Filing, lota 8 and 8, kbwk ton Eaat Portland 4.000 C. Cogswell to . F. Wlleoa. Wrt t and . . S . block 220, Hnlladay's addltloa ... . 2,000 ColnmMa Real Batata company to'U o. . entloa V. S .'. . SO au.i h kn. eat um. wtt ainamiar aa. . ' W; H. Smith to B. B. Tata, lota 24 and 28. North Villa .' 200 Title ttnarantre to H. Lemke, Mt -1 , block , 11. Weat Piedmont wv A. Long and bnsiaad to W. A. Sloan, ' . lota 8 and S. alork. 14. Mount Tabor . 1 jriu atari u J. M. Ileal to W. Riley. .1KB acre begin. mug a. . c. roo aoo in m . line C. Kelly donation lend claim, - ' (aeetlen 12, tawnahlp 1 south, rang ' 1 af ; 1,200 W. MarMaster and wtfa to S. E. Smyarr, f lata 1 aad 2. blurb , North Alhtna.... 1 Set roar Isran aad abatracta at real aetata from the Till Caere atee A Traat ansa. pany. 240 Washington street, anraer Second. " MEETING "NOTICES. t' ' PORTLAKI CAMP. Team Wt. W. 0. W, will . give a whist party Wed needs evening, No . vemner 2a, la Woothnea hall. Tenth and Waaa ' tngton sis.' AdmlaaUin l&e. Refreehinenls. NOTICE. FOR BAt.R Bnttermllk route, horse, . harness una wsgna. eueap. . Aauraa son Morta I era ty aecand at. - ' - - r . r - Tl "KKBYH Cease down and aea onr poultry faro baring. Poena PaclCla 0oV . , . i,-,., V..,-,-. -,.lf..-. i 9-y NOTICE. PROPOAAUI rOB CIAITHINU AND FQI'IP. AUB. Depot Qutrteraiaater' orno.- a New Moataoaiarr at.. Baa taaeleci Cel., Mo. j 24. l06. Bealed arupnaaln, la triplicate, aab ' iect ta tha aaual eoudltloaa. will b recelT! 4 awre Belli lo a'elork a. at.. DereniTer 4. IWiMk, and thea opened, for furnlahlng and dellTarlng .1 m. .he aia Franelaco. Boatoa. New York. Pkllattalpbla. Chicago or Ht. Loati depota of Jbe quartermaaera department ' I". A Arnir. 1A.0U0 pair riieert aboe. old pat- ' tern. Tba right la reered to reject or rvMt n ee all nroutaial or a ar part ' thereof. Pref.treaca will be gleea ta article of domeetic manufaetnra, eondltlnwi af quaU Itr and prlca lnclndlng In tba price of for eign prodiHtlona or tnanufactnre tba dut j thereon) being equal. Htandard aamplea eaa be aeea at.' and blank fur propuaale and full Informallua will be furniahed !"' applica tion to thla office. BnTelnpea eonlalnlug pro. poaal to be 1nVreed, "ITopnaal for Cloth ing. No. 10 310. la be opened at lo e'rlork a. m.. Iecemlir 4, 1UU0." C. A. Derol, Depot Quartcrmaater, V. 8. Army. LOST AND FOUND. 1HT Gold beart. eagnrrd "P. A.." aad mall diamond ring, ncrtira (o H. oeamer, 12K4 Ttllard a.j reward. LOST On Rnaaell t.. bet. Mlala1tp and lUHiner aea., pair tn i.e.Tii' ir-w. eiiiiuiiii.n rtm. Return to I1SH Rtnaell at., or pnon Kaat 2300. Reward. . 8TRAVKU rranf South Mt. Tahor. black aow, lha . aad 1 J erne 7 red. BO IM, cell a; kaat 13112. Reward.. - . ' ONE whir Knritab aetter do, with lemaa eara. Bet am to 300 aeeoooxat. Hawaroj. LOUT Katardat eranlnk. pmbahlr on rirat at., pair anertaeMa In raee. i-ieaae ieaa at Moar tana raatanrant. St Pint. - Reward, . LOOT Black aeal para, containing about 12. M la moner. anw letter anei niner artrciea. rnwwa fnkm 11S4. SOI Margnerlte are. - . LT In front 'Mrqnam Grand theatre, Moa- nar aiTernoon. .nveoioer a, rnna a rnr nanlrrel muff. " Finder will be rewarded ky tearing at 2:11 Nortk Twaaty-foarth at. LOST Creacent-ahaned breaatpln, made af email tmmreta. Hewara 41 eetamea - 7raing Telegram bnalnea office. HELP WANTED MALE. 20 tO SM-aer week anally made elllng lck ana aectncnr nenenr tor uuioa uuiui Air Aaa'a.. TOO Marquam bldg. . . , , , . RECt'RB A OOOD POSITION. -We aaaiat rempetent of nee men. bookkeeper, atenograpbera, eaablera, collector, bill clerk. S-Deral ckiral, technical, eommerrlal men. ualneaa Man' Clearlug Bouae, 110 Second. MRN and boya wanted to earn SB dayr after X monttnv inarructioo, poaitioa ruaranwea; special taltton kalf price, a few daya only. Coyaa Broe. Co- Plumbing Sanool. New .York. Cincinnati, O., St. Lonla, Ma. Free catalogu. WANTED Pupil to learn telegraphy; growing demod roe operator; position eeeurea grna natee, 4.H Third at., room 0. after d p. m. WANTBD ClerVa and window-i aa in ta atndy ahow-card writing at T. M. C. A. night aebosl: peraoaal Uitructloa.. , Apply for par ttrnlar-. . .. . w ' ..... v . Portland Barber College. Tnltlon reaaoaabla aa aay acbool oa coaat. . sbt rundera at. MR! WANTFD 100 man to get -room aad board nt Golden Went, Herat! th and Braretti Inraattgatat It will pay yon. - - ACTITB aolldtora wanted for a good pay" propoalnon; aaiary and eommiaaioa. 310 Allaky Wlg- Third and Morrlaon. B0T8 Wanted to wrap soap. Apply S4S flood at. PRI OOIWT wanted: aire reference. . La Oranda Jtng C., La uraade, Oregna. . , ,., PBF.B Waterproof ahlne with wrery pair half aolea: It doesn't waaa orr; try 11; ou oorue; agent wanted. 28S Bnrnatda at. WANTIIA young man for efftce - work j mnat ae correct at ngnrre an. wnw a aar baalnea hand. Apply M. Seller A Co. h WANTED Man to do Coocrete and sir ration. Inquire SOS Fourth.. .... REPORTER wanted' with annse experience ; . email wage- to begin with. Evening Journal. Moarow. Ida be. rt ti " r"" - k1' t-ti.e.. . 82.25. 82.Bi: yard fnremsa. $2.Z; boy. l 25; other, utmorrmeag aaoor nuraan, xuovt Morrison. . ' WEEKLY guaranfeo and perms nent Income ta pood agents: beat netting noiinea oa auraet. Vnton Matnal Aid A'a. TOS Marouam bldg. r HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Old ns . saak wire fran ' learn good trad. 62 Front at. 11 year. ta tears fa ore Mocks: chance te Inqnlra Leweogart A Co., HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 84SH sn-ashlrar-ton St.. cor. Se Tenth, upstair. Pboaa Mala 2002. Female help wanted. - - . WANTED Competent cook and general houae wnck tn aroall family. Apply moratag, sir)) Twelfth . . .. . , WANTED flood girl who can be depended upon for light bouaekeeplna: good borne for right party. Phone Eaat IBM. -. r . ' WANTED Immediately, rvery rlperlcnced arennd airl. Srsllsaa nrlrate family; beat wages. -230H Yamhill. Pbnna Mala 6418. WOMAN, over 20. eaorgetle, reliable, B tak cbarg T a Yla1 afftca. Call a addreaa room 28. Lewis bldg. . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WASTED tarniedlataly, 8 men ar women ta 8a caavaaalag. Call ap Eaat BST: good propositVon. WANTED At oaca, a bright, energetic, pre , aentable man or woman, a good talker, ta itake ap aa attractive proooeltloo. Inqulr ' TSS Chamber of Commerce, (a. an WAN.TED With some capital, bright aner- rile men or woman; good salary. , Addreaa 10, ear Journal. . . i WANTED 8 good agents, salary ar commission. Call room S. Lahbe bldg. - BELP wanted end anpplled. male or female. B. O, Drake. 206H Washington St. Black 1038. SITUATIONS 1 WANTED MALE. EXPEBIENCED dtahwaaher want work; eaa also do abort order cooking. Addreaa K 8, care Journal. V WANTED Sltuatteej by yoang man aa ateangra. pher; accnraie. rapid, experienced In law, timber and real eatatc; references. . Addrear IC 4, care Journal. MAN.' axecutlve ability, capable Correspondent, open for office work; klfheet Merancea. K 8. care Journal. , . , . WANTED Janitor work for Sender afternoon only. Addreaa 834 Rodney aea. . BOOKKEEPBB. yoang maa, fboroughly oempe tenf. with 10 years' eiperlenca, Sesina posi tion. Addreaa I B2. Josrnsl. .. r SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITt'ATION . wanted: exerlenced Swedish gtfl, cooking and general work, private family; wsgna from .": baa rcfereacea. (0Vi Yam. - hill. Mala 6418. - EXPERIENCED teacher desire position Hi .country school ar aa aa asatetant; eastern (rreenn preferred. Addreaa K 8, eara af . JoamaL ............. ..... WANTED REAL ESTATE. '' WANTKI) Let clone IS. alee small farm; bara customer. 208 Fourth at, -a I HAVE buyer waiting ta bear of small borne la or neat Portland, any direct km; If yon ar reedy to aell addreak F 8, ear Joaraal. WAtjTSD Ta bay or leeae a building lot close la. McPbersoa, Ollma hotel, pmt aad Alder. LIST YOI'R LANDS WITH US FOR QUICK RrTTVRNR. FARM LANDS A SPBC1 Al-Tt. OREtiO BROS., B1T-818 FENTOM BLDG. WANTED f or i-reers bona aa eaat etda end vacant residence lot en weat aide. , 81 ' Chser ad fcsmmarist EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . . BAKaBJt'8 . BM PLO V v E5i X OfriCB. . rubV Mk.N. - - 88 K. Baoaad at. Phoa Mala 1528. PACIFIC Coast Emn. Co. K. liable mploTaMat agwia ae . . w e. own, amain ajoiv- . JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. Henry Tahara, mil prnrett L . Phooa Pa cine 640. BIO FOt'R BMP. AGENCY ,Hlp supplied bee. lo n. aeoona it i eons aiaia into.. NATIONAL, Employment and Labor Ageacy. ail no SB. rnoneisin lait SCANDINAVIAN-AMHHICAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. S North Hecuod; rurnianaa all klnda ata p torment tor men and womcA. Msia ateta. Hit Portia sd Empleyment Co., tnSH Morrfso t. Phone pctnc X.W. WANTED TO RENT. WB want- desirable houaea and 8st. all parti of tha city; hire high-cue client waltlagi rant collected, property earen" for. , THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 243 Stark t. - r Phone Mb In I07S. WANTED To rent fsrm, IS ar 20 acre, aeal city; Donee aaa nam. at. u. alorgta. m Mllwankle at. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent: something saw; good Belter, big aragea. im9 mcaay owg. - . AGENTS wsntad te sell nursery stock I new ad complete eqtnt ramisBea me; easa weekly, capital City nonary Salem. Oregon. i .. A WINNER tor sa-nta Health and accident Insurance oa popular monthly payment. For liberal term, addreaa O. A, Lyman, mana ger. Continental Casualty Co., N. W. bept., 82S Mohawk bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED Live agents to sell aaarttel needed an. arrary aente. auareaw v I, vnr. eowruai. WANTED Agents, coram lee loa and aalarr. New lorn uutntttng vo., nratat. AO E NTS wanted: anmcthtng1 new; aartlcnlan free. Aoureea I. . nee a. tie no. uregoa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS " 8EFV tae Lawta 404 ta stamp and Clark fair at bo reel aead stamps for handaome nbota book. nearly too photo of fair. 7HsSB Inches. Weatera View Booh Co.. Pertland. Boa 8V4. PAINTINfl. epruylBg aad whltewsrlnt tree. be cement, herns- dock, etc.; largeat gaeniiat . spraying outfit oa the coaat. M. O. Moras a A Co., 8To MUwauki at. Pbon Eaat 2S1T. STAPLES. TUB JEWELS B BUYS OLD OOLP ANU HII.VEK. . .,,-,.. HIOHERT eab price paid for bottles aad anh of eery Oeacnptlon. rorturxt rjortie onopty CO.. 801-Nortk Elgbtaantb. Phoao Mala S2SS. P. J. RYDER, prtnter. Second and Washing-tea at. : Pboaa Mala bass. - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.? ' WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY I D TTTINfl. : WEFTKBH HAI.VAUM LtA.. . o27 28 WASBINOTON. PACIFIC TVS. WAJCTTD 2 4O0 cedar poles. Apply to O. I. Brown, chief engineer uregoa niter rower A Railway Co., First and Alder !,. Porf hind. Oregon.. ' HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fornltara ta aay quantity! alao take aerna on eemmlealoa and guarsnte . beat reanlts. Tba Portlsrel Auction Boom. A. Scbnbnch. nron.. til Pint . t. Pbon Mala Bess. s riNTED-.Iand to clear by a new method; leave ready for the plow In a tew daya. Write ' or call Portland Clearing aompaay, 200 Taylor at., Portland. Oregon. . fANTED-Oood Ira pr In atone, not lea than 2ft44 Inches, for printing offlca. : Box 140, Drain. Oregon. , . LADY grrfng east wanta cheap ticket at one, Phone .Main leTS. or aaoresa a a, journal. WANTED Dors and wagon for llsrht delivery, astanaara corte m nptre miiib. jaw oecopa. ibto. tall ri. vtsnt, new weatern notes AAXAi Waoied X gnod' family to take eara of a ana sunarnan nome, nnrurnisnen. tasi win board man aad wife. J 4. care Jokrnal. v . WANTED Second-haad ' dear abowaiarg aad walleaae. K 8, ear Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KINO 80S "Jerferana St.. now buIWlng. handsomely rarnisnea. witn avery ssoaern con venience: all out aide room., srltb beat, gaa cr electric lights, porcelsln baths: rata from U tn 818 pat. Bkoatk; apaclal rata to t at Basra THE HAMANN. 1SS N. IStb.. cor. Hnyt Newjy furnished moms. $1.80 np: convenient location, IB mlnntaa' walk to fair ground; Morrleoa ' car at am ton depot direct to house. Phono 8470. THB HUB. 89 Eleveotb at., cor. Stark New rbemlng-bonne, newly furnished, steam beat. gas light and bethel eloae to business see , ttoa, 1 block from earllne; all tha comfort of a bom; ererythlog as to data., Mr. P. A. Clancy, prop. Z .. WBIJ, mrnlabad rooms, board) good meat ton; car eerrlca. , 401 Tenth at. , Pboaa PaclfM bns. - ": v HOTEL PALMEB. - , Centrally located at "the corner of Aldsr and . Park eta.; steam beat, hot and cold water, fro porcelain be tha: rwosaa BOa, Toe aad 81 i , apaclal weekly rate. " , ,, . MASQCAM HOl'SK. 14ff4 Stfc Rooma aa suit or single; housekeeping-rooms: gaa stores, ' bath, electric lights; transients solicited. CHEAPHST and beat located room In Portland, $1 and ap. ' Oilman. First and Alder ata. BBAtTTIFT'L front suite and 2 other desirable ; furnished room in modern bom of print - family; phone, bath, furnace beat, walking d lata ace. SOU Fourth at. Psoas Pa cine 818. FUBNI8HBD rooma, single or en eotte, $8 oat month and ap. Hotel Farrmount. Twenty ' alitb and Upshor and Vangha ata. , . , - NICELY farnlBbod rooma at moderate prloaa for rent at Ursa prlvata bona. . close 1b. Call at 147 Tenth at., near Aider. . ii . A FRONT parlor for gentleman of refinement who . wishes room - near tha center . of city. BS1 . Everett at. .... HOTEL MONARCH. SOB Stark at.J transient so. II cited; prices reaannahle. Pboaa Pacific 800, THB GRAND Newly farnlabr week or month. 2S8V Grand furniahed room by tba av. , . : . . ON S or two rooms, lovely homo,- reasonable; ' hreakfsat If wanted: could he arranged tot housekeeping. Phono Eaat BeOS ansrnlaga or evening.. f HOTEL NORTHERN Single rooma. room and , bnsrd, and rooma for honsekeeplng: 810 per . month op. 12th and MsrsbaU ata. Mala NICE rooma, reanonshl. TS Alder, oppoalts Arlington club. Main 8088. THE BENNETT. - 86m Morrison Famished rooms, ana per dsy. 8X60 per week ana au. THE' DORMER, Thirteenth and Jefferson El. Kntlf furnished rooms, modern brtefc. atea at, bath: reaaonahle. Mala 8468. THB BELLEVt'R. . 2I8H Ponrth at. Neatly fnmlsbed - rooms; electric Debts, porcelain bathe; very low rates by wsea? ar saonth. . Hood 701. - t. i. - - . rttONT room with elenv. facfn tba narkt . bath. 32 Weat Park, near Market.. Pboaa rront lettn. rrRNISHED room. 8 pnenle 81, VI; 1 hereon 81: W"r eitra for nee af cooking; phono and ba,t. ana irvmaj ev. - , - - - CIrSB' tn ana p to right party, nlc front . - .t- . J Jul V.ta.1.111 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT Furnished hntiaekeeplng-room In heat brlcktiUx k on essi aide; gaa range. : bath, etc.; no tranalenta; prices moderate, ' Lncia blk.. 10i Cnloa vevi--Tarner Eaat Alder. I 'bona F.st 4024. -.- TT1B MITCHELL, riaadera and Seventh Booma, . beuaekeeeing aad transient; conrsuleat; price rraeimabl . - , . - JP0R RENT HOUSEKEEPING nnrirrritnvn.Bnnua w . . , ' - .err reaaonsnie; rlretrlc light and phooa Included. Sol W THB OLADSTOXB 61 2 H Ssvter t. furnished ronwjai uauer new .ntaaagvtuenl; prlcea re' . eonebla, , ' . .. ll.TB.'PRB WEEK Largo cbMa fnrolahed K.. i. .aura- an vain. . ta Sherman, Sonth PorUsnd, FI'RNISRRD, anfurnlaked housekeeping, eleep. , iuiwe owi i a, pi wren. , no Tenth, near Stark. , TWO boosekeeplngenoma. enmpletelv furniahed, 80, Including water and phone. Mala 4u2U. 18 8 COMPLETELY furniahed housekeeping. mom, inciuuiug Fetor and aewlug ntachlne. 251 Fifth at. . . THREE furnished or unfurnished housekeeping mouie in new anouern llal. csu Bwrnlnga. - 88 Fifth at. HAVE your room papered and painted. 88.00. HOI'SEKEEPIN'G room,' modern and resaan- "w. iriepnooe 0M rilin ei. ROOMS AND BOARD. , , . . BOOM AND BOARD ' FOB ONE. ' Rnom with boerd $22.60. for one, or 820 each for two; wit hoot board. BS and $10 per month; refennoa. 48 Bast Ninth at,, aorta. THB COMMERCIAL Select family hotel; nicely furniahed: single or en enlte) tahle first class; free hath: ter beat; rates reasonable. 4M Waeblngtoa at. FIRST-CLASS rooma and board fnr permanent people, $22.60 and $30 per Btr.nl h; table board $4 per -week. A a tor house. Ttb aad Msdleoe at. Pbon Mala 8281. ROOMS with hoard for permanent tenants. reaaoaablei Bret -class . doom cooking. 231 Sixth at. - r LENOT RESTAURANT. 208 Salmon; board and room: modern netcc owg. LINDELIi HOTEL." Ponrtb and Marker New brick, elegantly nimtaned. moaera utrongo out: rates reeanaabe. ... THB MICHIGAN HOTEL. Mrs. Elva Ftndley, ri rattle aa room and board. '$4 pot week. v THB MANITOU, 2S1 ISth sa. Handsomely fur nished evmes na anitee: atenm neat,, nn UNFURNISHED r ROOMS.' ' t 'f . ' SO1" rAIBMOUNT.' J rv ' . North , Tweatyalxrb at., - from - Cpshar t .- ',' .. -f - Taogba. ... ; . ; y .. , - Boema fnmlrid aad mfnrntaaed, sing la fad aa salta. $1 nor weak and oa. . j A perms nent madiea ' bullelng. plastered Sad wltb Wthrootns and taodera ploniblas. . ; PIPED TOrt OAS FOB COOKtltO. . AU. .OCTSIDB BOOMS. ,' . FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BKKT A new need r a bouse of 8 rooms. I.mIm , Ml Cm Te.lee a, ... ... TOR RENT -$9 iter month. S-soom cot tag aa the corner of Idaho and Wl soon In eta, In quire 4B1 Johnson, north. ' Bone For Bent . ' Sent Collected. EDWARD U HYKSON. JvU.ja'iod;- Pbooo Blnck 81BS. $18 MODERN S room ctrtUre. nice Incatlon 1 . yara, natnr aaai Anneny. Awnij-eioui cur. 803 Neleou. . Dr. Darling. ... HOl'SB. 207 North Twentieth. T reoma. porca lata bath, rnmaco. cement naaement. B. L. UUsen. 420 Cbamber of Com awe. FOB BENT T room boose, east aide: hot ard cold water and bath: basement; block land; rent 816. Scott 1622. 10 HorSBS. large and email, modern and otherwise. IS to 816: near car: electric light. V echool. etc. Also bargshM for Inreetmetit, imprered ar animproved. Homo Land Co, l'nlvonlty Park. Pbona Bast 670 (office), or Scott 1208 t residence 1. . , . BENT Mr-dam -rootn hues. No. Sas Thnrmaa at. Apply J. B. James, gj waanaigtoa si. 8-ROOM cottage, fnrnlnbed. or aa hooae. keeping suite; water, nata ana pnoaa. u Mnala-oraary, . Fi-" 'r. NEW 8-room hooee and quarter block. Hanaorb and Esat Twanty-aixta ata, eJi oo. a, nu Lombard. S14 ( hamper or coi 11-BOOM modern bonee. Mt. Tabor, 8-10, with water. WHliaa m. urainara. roaaa aaui FOB RENT 8 new -room b truss, full base menta, bath. ua jiorta Brtgnu.. rnoaa aiaai 1700. - AFTER Decern he 1. 8-room bonne. No. 40 Broadway, aw. inquire asa vtnaningtoa ex. 7-ROOM furnished bona for rent. 80S Seventh at., near Columbia, raona union ooay. FOR RENT Modern 8 -room cottage, 840 Baat IStb at. Inqolr as4 uniiegs st. .... FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. OFFICES.' nafuratshed. and mpla-rooml alna L - . . .AMO k . iMl. . . au wue. wwie". . "rr . a levator. FOB RENT Store situated at Washington and Seventh f.t cnen ran, appiy t"r perrio. nlara at Columbia Phonograph Co., 871 Wsh Ingtoa t.,-eolnmhia bldg. CENTRALLY located offlce-raoms. with phoae. light and beat. BT.00 per moata. H. 1 Cato, 118 Second at. BOOMS and office tn Lew la bldg. , 4i 1 POR BENT Desk room and everything far nlaned. a. a. j season m vo.. o ntsra a. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNt . k TURK FOR SAIeS. . . NEW furniture af 8-room modern Bat. cine tn: cash bergala; 88X60, I'bene PaclSe 000. 4 BOOM Sat BOS Morrlaon t. furniture for aal at great reduction; lelng city, lajl aid Inspect. FOB best ranlta on --'., J -. "FrBNiTUBB" . Whether to buy or sell, ting np Main 8858. POBTLAND A'-cnoN BOOMS. 811 Flrat t. FOR SALE FARMS. tan ACRE dairy ranch for rent, atock for aato. Call or addreee znav, neconq at. , . FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. POR BENT About Jaeoery 1. Mtnry brick building lOOslutV uertbeaet onr. Third aad Madleoai will r mode I aad lease whole or Krt to dealrable parties. Apply to It, T. i. No. t Flrat at., room 10. FOR R R NT Hothouse, 8.000 feat of f laae. hot water plant, on .at car lines: rm location : with or without B-ronm bouee: plenty of ground; will beet Inspection. Addreaa K 8, Journal offlca. . .- FOB BENT 8 etory - warehooae, lorxion, aa . trackage, northwest enr. Fourth and Hoyt, . Anplr I. p. Teal. $14 Worcester, blk. Msia 668,. - --,--' ''ir,": ." " j :,'f --s -'-t- t FOR RENT FLATS.4 $10 S-tooM .'" Key at: O'NatraVB-fueery aBn-ss Hrwvrl m ngt fir Ant atYSL. ( BUSINESS CHANCES, k f- . NOTICB to , BUYERS AND SELLERS "A 7 R00MIK0 H0L8E8. REMEMBER, thla offlce dock not PUR CHASE rooming house, discouraging owners ky telling then there to no market, and thereby buying the honee at a BARGAIN and then putting It bn tha marhst at a BIG ADVANCE. , W glre a BUTEB tb IbeneBt of any BARGAIN wa know of, aad charge only a moderate commission to the SELLER. . Wa employ no "IH'MMIES." ir. PB0TECT Bl'YER 'ABI WELL AS SELLER AND ACT I 8THICTLY , , AS faVte P"N 'al' 3s. '"" ' If' ron wsnt ' FAIR DEALINGS tnd NO MISREPRESENTATIONS, yon will, get kt In this offlce. -Wsfrh cur ads- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Booma 1 and 2 133U Fifth t,, cor. Alder. . Phoa Mala 8118. WB, tba undersigned furniture and piano mov er, will require the payment or au cnsrea ' upon delivery, of goods, after Dec. 1. IfMM. 11. B. Haak. C. P. Harder. O. F. Iluewy. Cosgrore Bros..- PoctUsd Delivery Co.. Poet Special Delivery Co., Pack a Delivery Co, Holmea Transfer Co.. Northwestern Transfer 'Co., Oregon Auto Deepetch Co.. John Hemp, ton. James McLlnden, .Owen McLindea. Pacific Tranufer Co.. Oregon Tranafer Co.. Portland Van A Storage Co., Wakeman-Morse Transfer Co., Baal Sid. Transfer Co., C. O. Pick Traua fer A Storage Co- C. M. Ohx-n. rlaggag A Omnlbna Transfer Co., A. J. klnrpky. CONTINUED II mess compels at' ta sell ar changa furnlablngs and business or nant jk room hotel In Portland: eeatral location, good ' Kaaae. M Oil ma a betel First and Aloe. WHO IS M. O. MOR0AN A CO.1t A BESTACBANT on Sixth at. doing a (nod oaslnesa, also one aa rmrnaine St.; norn are bargalna. Sit aPlaa . NatleneJ Bedl Ka. tat On. IP you want a fam. city or rmhurhan property. , a good oaeineea or any gma. or nave any kind of property to aell or exchange, call na or addreaa Northwest Land Co.. 2flS Morrr- - art at., room 211. rhona Mstai 8418. SALOON doing hnahnna of 8S0 per day, fine location, very eheen rent: it clear f-on per month; wftl aell at $1,250. Adilree R 40. JoarnaL - - - - POR SALE Oa account af sickness, a lea, clean. mooer. making bnelnss aa eaat aide; aales from $18 to $.16 per day: price $1,400. ar will Invoice: a agent wanted. G BO. ear Journal. BLACKSMITH SHOP doing good bBstnesa past . IS yeers, run supply of too la, ansatiry e . . . I . 111.. I. W- I.. CM.I trees, cblcken-houee, 2 pesnenger-boatn, cs ar)e each dsv. 2 mlnntee' walk to each plac; all for $200 If taken anna. Apply ta Tbompaoa Foster. Bldgeoeld. Washington, PARTNER wnnted ta good real eater office: email tnveetment reqnlreq. Appl xtllfe MOT rlson, car. Flrat. room 8. POR SALE Cigar, tobacco, new and billiard- hn: Bosineea ooing gi.eoo a montn; inesie . atock and iiturea. about $4.0oo. . Addreaa C K. DeNrffa, Bumpier, Oregon. SAI-OON tor Bale, fair nuyraa hinrlness; cam and eee. r 21 Albino a J. H. Leader.. AN INVESTMENT To nut an a amall concen t rating plant oa our mine, we nrier inw.'aa aha re of treasury atock at a very lew price t mln la pevdnctug ere and will shin aextt lor a led In Bumpier district; saeare from $S ta $104: other proditeeru near. For price, pay meat. Informstlon. addreaa A ara 11 a Mining Co., La draada. Oregoa. - ' FOB SALE IS-room lodging-house, cheap aad easy terms. Inquire at ,10T . Fourth t. WANTEDJ-Tonr buslnaa to sell: wa toll all hlnda property. Hd Burnslde at. MILK dairy for eele with 'route. For further particular apply to 428 Jobtieoa St., at 8 ' a. m. ... ... -.. .,., ,.- , FOB SALE Beat paying stork dry goods., cloth ing, etc.. good valley town; sell all or part: good leae; Invoice about $12,000. If roe - mean h ualneaa. addreaa Harris, earn of Joumsl. IrrWrTfooair1ne1ls-Toa $1V; centrally locatrd: learlDg city. 100 H Slith, room B. Partfle 170. - EDITOR would Ilk leas aa good newspaper Slant with option to buy. Aaares 4 1. ear oamal. FOB RENT A very dealrable location for rea tanrant or ranch counter, pertly furnished; a map for right party. 02 Kllllngnwarth avn. JAMES W. GREEN 20 reare' expertenc hi well bortng bualnoaa In and shout rertlsnd: beet of rfernca. 800 Yancaaver av. Baat : toes. LEAKS with opt loa ta nurchasa county neat weekly In Dregou. new ekop. single true. . aetter. lota of type, water power, cylinder . and Job press; good paying business; will aell tog cash at "a uncvtfioe; reasons for aal goad. A snsp for the. right parties, Ad area. A. B. C. care Journal $3.2-0 GENERAL merchandise rtne and post. - office; good country town, doing good bus,, neea; excellent train set i lee; fin location tor right party: don't tall to tnveetlgata ' this. Addreee ''Day." BTB Kaat Merrleon tH portlnnd. Oregon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. tM ' ACBBS os Wtberg laae; all cleared and fenced. BO gravel, old house, plenty bearing orchard. tl.SBO; all or half eaah. - Beantlfnl corner lot BAx70, on which ta a good Urge and modern 8-room boose (mating aver 84,0001 and a 6-room modern house: la central residence district, Kaat Portland; rent af both honee 866.' Prlca BS.no. t or 8 half Ms. East Portland, close In. sufficient to build 8 or 8-room cottage; abort ' walking diets nee to west aide: cost of V let . and ancb bono limit $2,600 or lea,. 8 large modern kon.es and 76x100, alrailarly located, rent $. $10,600. - . . . $2. 260 Corner bit and 8-room new modern , cottage, fall tmnament. rooma large! arrange. . Bient coUTcnlrat; Hswthorne a Pint addltloa; tarma. . CULVER. 82t Chamber af Cororaerc. e SUBURBAN home of 4 Urge lets, good hone . and ha ma, ebade and fruit treea. and all kind of eh rubbery, 1 block of curling aad echool. . Thto pleee to tha cheap at buy In Portland, owner la toarlug city. 866 Broad at., Monla ' villa. - A SNAP at railway term Inn Hotel building and 81 bta adjoining railroad! cor. Washing- " ton and Broadway sta.. Mrshfleld, Coo bay. "Oregon; arlca ed.MO. Title Onaraat A Abstract Co., Marahfleld, Or. ' , - ONB acre of good anil, hearing fruit treea of all kinds; good A room honee, barn, ehlrkeii ' bonne, etc.; good wall of water; situated in , Mllwankle, eloae to etreetrar Una and good advent: 210 feet atreet frontage: thla place la for eele at a bargain price; If yon want an Ideal suburban borne Inreatlgata thla place. - Also 40 acres of the beat garden ami on Sc tton l ine mod. all In cultlTattou, part In fmlt and berrlea, good Sons snd ham, 6 ml lea oat; , will sell la 20-acr tracts. East Sida Deal ' Estate Co., 404- Eaat Morrleoa at., i ' POB SAI.F Torino-foot let a East Serrateentk and Conch; will aell for 81.260 If sold la aext ! few day; feces east; well worth $1.400i will . aell pert of lot If desired. Addreaa S 48. eara JoarnaL - GOOD THINGS TO BUY. " $TTS 4 room honse and Ti acre Of frq.lt one bVnrh from car tn Oak Grove. $2.W" T-room house, all nvatera, and f ( lots on corner on Mt. Scott car. ' 8 fin lets BOtloo near tba matneaa renter of St. John for $) each. 11,000 a lota and a small heus hi St. John; term. $1,400 New 8 room bona oa 80x100; frail nd' shrubbery! half ceah.. .v OREOO BROS. " ; Phono Mala tsoa. 817-18 Fentoa bldg. THREE new h on sea, rent or eel l anap. 9S4 Fourth at., room IB. Owner. . $3. Ton, a SNAP Comfortable niodera honee, . eloaa la oa tha eaat side, 8 llring-reoroa, hath 1 etc., get and electricity, large basement eno falsing laundry, - two etor and fnerrooms; everything ehont the honee In fl rat-class ra . pair; the lot to IBS feet deep, contain chicken bone and yard end number of Sne trait treeet aa Ideal bonae fog comfort and crm t rentenee. Call or addreaa tha ownr, room Soo, tha Msransss. - fee. Mala 883, 8 la f P. Bk. - , iWM M' Rates BBDEB AWT CLAB8IF10ATI0B .:;i7c'Centi'i5er. Line V . . ' i , , - , . . No ad. take foe teas than IB per dsy. Seven words, aa a nils, constitute a line, but each line la charged regatdleea af the nnmber of word. WltifLY BA1E tn.erttena (blnladlng ' one bunday Issus) 8$ CIA 1.8 fat Una net week. KflMTrlLY BATE (taelodlnff all aaday laaueai 81.00 per Jiae par meatb. AVFSTI8MENT8 must be In J earns! buaiaaaa efBoa hr It e'oloek rreek day and hy IB 'eleek Saturday eveatng ' the Sunday iaane. to aeeara elaasifloatten. Xnaplay ratea glvaa open appliontiaa a the of Boa. - i ' THE JOUMAUi ; V BRANCH OFFICES t . ..i f Wm b .reoatved at ' recular mstnfflee late. Fotlowln la a Hat of aathorlee.1 neenta., who will forward you advertise. nent hi tlm for publication Is tba aexl . NORTH. BID.. . . B. A. Preston.. druggUt, ' . Tweaty-rhtrd gnl Ttiurtran street. Nob Ulll Phsrmacy. 888 OMaaa treet. corner Twenty-flret . A. W. Allen, pbarmaclat, Sixtoentk ami Marshall atreet. MeCommoa'e Pharmacy, , Nineteenth and Washington etreete, " r 1 . . . ' . ' .'I .. , .. . SOUTH USB. B. P. Jon A Co., cYugilata, Front aad Ort'ba street. , - Cottel Drug aompaay, Flrat and Ore at streets. Fabian Brer ley. druggist. 400 Jelereua atreet. corner Tenth. . Bettman'a Pharmacy, aoraat Sixth and HaeHeon streets. ' Phtmmer Drug oturrpeny, 200 Third atraat. rorner Merttooa. ,. v ; ,.. i ,: AJT UBS. ...X-- W. 8. Low, draggiat. corner Grand aveaaa ad Paet Bnrnelde atraat.- - . . Nichols Tlmmneon. 12S TAassell atreet . rner Amine aawa,. - Janck Drug comnnnr. comer Hawthorne and Urend nveaaaa. - W o. Cable, nrugglet, corner Hollads rvnoe aad Larrabe atraat, neur steel hrMrec-- R A, Wilson, IBS Grand arena. Bear Bast Vforrleon. R. W. Bell. t&8 Baat avratb street. enrnor Stapbcna. . v.; '-.y, HIGHXAlfTX ' P. i. Clark, draggiat. toot North Ualoa avenae. ..Vi...... - , . TBBTUDB. .'..- J. E.., Worth, pharmacist. ,888 ., Belawat .street. . . , , BB00KXYB , . Brnoklya Pharmacy company, Powell aad Mllwankle street., . , ekH ARLETA. OREGON'. - U.' Arleta Pharmacy. Mam and Footer streets. ,e ' BELL WOOD. ...';' Hemstoek't 4rhormacy. MB Cmatnia Bva. ana. corner Baat Thirteenth atraat, , , . - . . v ' t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. .A TEW BARGAINS. '8- $60n take tha Swnttur of a IB-room bonae, located In hart af city, rrnt $47.80. clearing Ass- Bionth. 8600 take, the fnrrrttnre of - lo-ROOtf honee. loestod In beet real dene district yea 847.60. clearing B.1B.M -u month. - $l.00-takr the Dimltnre of A 2H.ROOM , J .bona. Bear UNION ..DEPOT: --new furniture .and new hulldlngr honee clearing $73 a month. Thto I REDUCTION of 8HI for a "ylJICK SALE." . owner wlebe lo apetid winter In California. . SI.40O take furniture of g 22-room honae," . best rreldence dlatrlct, run a r.U!rT , BOARD1NU-HOISE. rent $dO; man and wife . ran clear $123. a month bara aad have aa elegant home, . . B.-i0O tahea fnreltnr of a ll-ROOM bouee . b'at resldeoc dtatrlct. rant StB, aeoae vlear- llrg $4. v . Bl.ooO takre fnrnltura of a 12-ROOM bcuao neer Empire Thentre. rent S.V aleartng $'. a month. This la a REDI'CTIOX of $2M f.ar a "QUICK SALE.", Thla place la Al ta -avery particular. 12AO -takes furniture of a T.BI iceir af' yryr-refltrt-!?' 1 up1 upstair rented for BIB. . We alto hare t few I'SPLP.VDID BUYS" tn large honse, Jo to no HOOMS. Tbeaa . are STANDARD ftOUSES with good leasee. See lie If you want te bur a ROOMING . HOUSE, a we eBaka a SPECIALTY of thla Class of buatnee. WE GUARANTEE ALL TITT.PS AND PRO , TECT BUYER AS WEU. AS SEU.EB. I.' PORTLAND BFAL ESTATE AGENCY. Booma 1 and 2. 1M'4, Fifth at.,: cor. Alder. . , .. '. rboBf MahyBllS. .... i i - i .. .,i i , ' FOB SALE t a bargala. modern T roem beeae on Eaat -Tar lor. eloae In: terra to eult parcbeaar."- Apply P 41, eara JoarnaL FOR SALE Cheap, elrhtly Ma. close In, Lower Alblna Inqolr owner. 800 Market at POB SALE S B-rooot rottagn on east sld-T haneaient and ynrd. hot and cold water,.eet'a price $100. Addreaa 0 40, Joaraal. A S-STORY brick building. 100x100.- oa Bait aide will pay S per cent Be an gsn.ono: S2S.oooi eaa sir terms. . Addreaa Hi care JoarnaL v ..... POB SALE New Bandera Broom bouee. qalro 808 East Second, north. ' In- . -"'''-..'V ACB1 TEACTii . 7 , ', OUR SPECIALTY IS) ACRE TRACTST Fnll-taed streets, -water to eeco pcra. ' TERMS-8lOtPEB ACRE CASH ' , .' $10 PER AC Bt PER MONTH. Too so ta theee acre on tha. sam r-tf, . Ry the same Be fare the lo( man pays. The : men la your neighbor, hut he la re. e trie fed ta majority of feature that auk. -a true eu bur ben home, t . " . . A. C. CHrBCHILL A C0 IXC 110 Second it. . FOR SALE B-renm cot rage. 8 Iota, aB krnda of , frnlt, berries, floe anil, good wateri 20 mm- . , ntea' walk to car line. 10 to Southern peclffc'. ' 12 miles from Portland. Be owner, A. B. Draper, SU Waahlngton at, city. ' FOB SALEWAt a bargain. B-room cot tag at ; strmnyalde, easy raonthly paymenta. Tha. A me Blerenntllo Agency, Abtngtnn b. TWO Ho rota. lOOxlooarraBt good view of ewe eionntatna: diean. h A1BO furnished 6oom .honee, bara. ; Eaat 428. or Main HIS. , -r FOB SALE Modera suburban enttags. close ta earllne, Bna location, ground looxloo. O. 1 " P. Townslte -Co 1.14 First ,at. BELLWOOD LOT. $1 down and $6 a month; . from $76 to $200. . ... acllwood Towaslta Co. Phoae Esat 4T04. LOTS, arreag and - reatdenee on Portia rd . Hlgra. j. o. n homer, soo xamnu oor. ara a nonn 1.. mevtee block, aeee Rerthern , PBCirtO terminal; goon income prnvrri... van eorlrc Bit PI at Katloosl aeal Est ara Co. WAGNER A PETTY: Tot Commercial hlk.i kare , , soma of the beat buys In tha city. Sea tbrra before buying and be eon Tl need. - . ; , . 8 ACRES verr fin land, teea then one ml'e from electric line. II miles from Portland. -, on fin rosd: flier la no rock or grave I; He ' , level and easy to dear; $06 pet acra, an . kind of term. 148. car of Journal. , T-ROOM bonae. I-ower Alblna. one block fro n 2 car line, .very cheap for eaah. Call it IM Morrleoa. . too FARMS, smell tea eta tnd Ma; bevgalne on .1:' O. W, P. etertrle line. O. B. Add! ton, Ltata, Oregon Take Mount Scott ear. Be. - - II H ACRES. H mile from electric line; na rock or gravel: fin anil, eaay tn clear; rtiii. ' alng water, rosd on 3 ahteer 176 per acre, L easy twrrna. I 60. eara af Journal. 80-FOOT lot an Kearney et.. $i.Ton. TV en Klneell. 002 Commercial blk. - Main 2x2:1. t ACRES, all clear and In cherry treea lo y - old: 6c ear rare; Me adjoining H1 to $111 $-MI per acre, f SI, eara of Journal. ' A,'