. '"' .13 .. THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,- MONDAY - EVENING, ... NOVEMBER 27. 1905. r - - V- ' ' I t i. h ' " SewA-aV-e-'V. brimrniu : m HIV M I i Eatarsd at the poetofrics at PortlanA ac IrxxDruUoa tuoxk the kxalle aa saooao- cuu tut.- - :, Mim tor single coasts! i f 5 'iv pas pspsr. s m; aw to ew r" -i I r 44 psgs. OSBtS. ), - ,- Editorial ttoeesa.. .'.... "J fS I,hHkM Office ... ataia ou ; fobkbb' adyibtibibo wMiuwtrri. .Vreehins Besila Special Adves-tWIsg Agency, loO knm Hmt, Maw lathi Trlbane BullsV bib Chicago. ' - , . p r ''. tmomitKOir batxi. ' -.team by Osirtss. -v , ' Tha Dsy Jowul, wila awaday, I M(...IT.M ", The Daily Joaraal, 1 year , 6.O0 , The Kelly Journal, with Sunday, S msoths. a 15 Tha Dally Joaraal. months.... SOO Tba Dally Joarnai, vita Sunday, S BMaths. l.W ' Tba Dallr JoarnsL t awn tba . $,-30 Tba Dallr Journal. wlUi Bonder, tt. Tba Dallv. ner iL Sell U versa, i ' dsded J8 Tba Dallr, par weak, delivered. Sunday ea ' W Tha Dallr Journal, wltb Muaoay, I rar....STjM Tba Dallr Joarnai, I year..... a. 00 Tba Dallr Journal, with Sunday. aaoatha. 8.TS Tha Dallr Joaraal raootbs. ... . . . 8-18 Tba Dallr JosmsL wltb nuuday, 8 months. l.SO Tba Dallr Joumsl, 3 aiantba 1.40 Tba Dallr JourusL wltb Sunday, I mouth., jtlfl Tba Dallr Joaraal. 1 ssonth. ...... .'AO Tba Sunday Journal, ! year t.OO Tba Sunday Journal, noatba.... LOO ' " - " Tba aaati-Waaklr Jaaraol " Tba flanl-Waaklr Joaraal, I tt 11 paaa . , aarh iaaaa, lUaatralad, full avttt ra i . port, I raar 1.M ' Ramlttaaraa aboold ba nada br draft, poatal aatva. aipraaa oraora aad amall aaaaaata a fa ceaptabla la 1 aad S-aaat pnatata ataaipa. . . . - ' , . THX i9VMMAU. P. 0, Boa m, PartUad. Otaaoa. , niU THI JOTJiJTAt XAT MX 10TTUD. Tba Jatimal aaa ka foaad aai ' aala at tba following placaas ltoiHH. IDAHO B. kQar A Oa.1 W. ft. Ma , lagrra. t CHICAGO Paatefflca Mawa aaaipanr; IT Paaa bora atraat.- SGNVEB, OOLOBADO-J. Black, BUIaaatA aad Cnrtla atmata. - KAKKA8 CITY Va Nor Mawa comrxar. WI.XKKAPOI.Ia M. J.--Kaaaaaa(b, 60 8otk loird atraat. - KKW YORK nrTTnn.t.ML rtelnaj anaara. OMAHA Millard Uotal nawi ataod; Mocaatk Kiattooarr eimipaar. 1M8 Farnoni atraat. WW Uii( CITY Kanroa Hotal Mir atand; .." oroa., 43 WM Hcrona atraat, .aoam. ST. Lot IS Philip Rordar, aid Locaat atraat; . . T. Jrtt. H0 Ollra atraat. ! rBANCIUco w. e. AHfna, Palara Botal nawa ataad aad lona Marks! atraat; Wold amltri Braa., 230 Hut tar, 'atraat and . rUInt - Praarla bot.1; Coatar Oraar, rarry balld nr; N. Wbtlr. axrrablo aaww ataod. oof ."' rkt and Kfarnar atraata. SEATTLE Rain tar Oraad aawa ataad; W. U roana, Hotrl itaattla nava ataad. t , POkAKB. WASHINGTON Joba W. flrabam tacoma. WAaHINOTON Ofitral Kawa'aaw .P"": noul Taroma aaara atand. TIiTOBlA. RR1TIHR MLVUhlA . TkrMrta Book a Rtattnaara aamnaar. . WEATHER REPORT. - A dlarnrbaara with aa nnaaaallr low baruav rr at Ita orator la caatral oror Krrada and BMithwratrra Idaho; It baa oauaod bravr ralu In California and aaow In Nrrada. I'tab. raat rra Orrcoav aaatani Waablnarton. northrra Idaba and aortbra I lab: tha bammotor la hlrh orrt tha Caaadlaa aorthwoa and aaro ramnaratataa Itrarall -nrallr In that aartlon. Is tha aat rra at a Ita tha wrathor la paoaraUr fahr, with arlr aoraaal tawiprratitraa. Tha dlatnrhanra orar Narad win Bora armth aaatward and iba hlah prraaara la too Caaadlaa Krrhwmt will anraad owt thla dlatrlct and ranaa a now tnnlarht. with tnnrh roldor wrathor waat af tha f'aao anantalna and a rold warn la aaatra- Oivpna. aaatrra Waabtaptna and . , . , jwwwwar. im -na eatp twii win pmiwuny iaat naTTrai aara. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Morrill B. Htartan. 22: Mjrtlo R. Brawac IS. rtoi- jwarr uairw. aw. . Weddtna Carda. W. O. Smith , Co., Waeh. laptaa bldp.. oar. Paartb and Weehlnrloa eta. Mlaa Bertha Martin, mom 1 Allakp bldp. taaplnp and Sna aeadlework; Wee una pteea. BIRTHS. LEVT XoTfmhrr 1 to Mr. and Mra. Philip tJT. T North Thirtieth atraat." a ana. BOY Noramhar . to Mr. and Mra. Arrld I.. l- R"T. sun Tillamook atraat, a eon. ,1! NMJTROM Noaanber JB. ta Mr. aad Mra. K- . Iindetruca, a ana. BOTTI.EB Noaabibrr So, to . Mr. aad Mra. ' n.fr . run i mr, CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. ri'RTIH Koaember 34, Mra. Cart la, 40T Alder atteat. typhoid fr.ee. t1 deaths; XBl.AXD Noieuibei S4.' Ornrpa Inland, aped t M reara, at Uood Pannrttan boapltal; raua, 4 edema af hinge, Barlal at Mount Cahrarr oometorr. . COIK Norambar SO. Pater Coda, aired M paara. j. at Home for Aped: cauea, old ape, Burial at Monnt ralrarr cemetery. - ' , BHARP Noreatlwr S4. Pboeha Kharp. aerd 1M rear SOI lap atreet; eaiwe. angina pactorki. Itnrlal at Damearue ce meter . , . T THOMAK Noreraber 25. Henrr IT. Tboanaa. aaed 74 year. 7R4 Waaco atraat; ranee, -eaetloa. Barlal at RtaereVw aaaaetarp. ;;. BJTIBTOTW OTMXT1BT. Mnp1a praeea ltd. Paallr Vita pTO t pi nna Tha enlr aeaaatatr la Portland which nee. peteallr aialntalna and earaa for lota. Par fri u Information apnlr toW B. Markeaala. War. water blork. eltr. W. V. Load. prlcWnt. I. P.- Ftaler A Boa.- fanaral dlraetara and eaihalmera. enrner Third, and Madlaoa atreet a. . Of Sea of aoaatr eeeooer. , Talepboao Mala A . Oaaolna. McBatea A OUbangb. aadertakera aad arabalmora; modera la every detail, deveeth aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady aaatataat. T ' Fanaral wrearha aad out Sowara a npedaHr at Roae City Greenbooaa. T ntr laiami and Eaat MorHaon. eopoalte eamatary. T Tba Edward Bolmaa t'ndertaklag enennear. aL,7lorr8ffra " IBO Jtblra WW,tT' THR.riORIPT. 194 FIFTH PTE RET FUNERAL' NOTICES. - Ill KKV In thla eitr. Nov.ml.ir J7. iflos. 'i i. aw iZZ- . """" mcaer.of thla . r- da can view the remain at Dun. ly. McEntea A OIIhaogh a eh.pcL Seventh i I" I,rru- 'narl tl UteT Sea LlfAXi f"1- Pa-aaa cop,. ' FAf-KE At Salem. lre,. November Hi. IPOS A .K" '"' aged Tl yeara. rTneral wlli ytaka place Tueadar. Kovetuber VL ittl, m I from F. S. Iinuolng'a chepel torn P'p!!a REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cilnmbl Plra A Marine Ineorance onra- ;. panr U U .1. . IHIIey. blork TO lie Laebmntt A Oalmaa'g Little Ilomea .''"'.-ii..S . Rama to A Killer, blot P,.aaae addl. , iioa ...i.;. M. Rcbamacber to STBattaglla. eaat 73 feet of lota 1.8. block 123. Steokem' i art.lltloa , ' A. Ilobra and wife ta M. Burke, lot i. . block A aabdlvlaloa P roe bate la addi tion O. K. Waggoner and wife to D. . . aow. lot a. block I. Kunaalow Olade . 3,000 .m , ST - R, Htrlnaer and wife to II. 1. Ifoltoa. , w1ot I. 3. S. T. S. block IL BIchmond.'I.Tsn Blvecrlew Cemetery aaanrtatlon to B. J. Hvland. tot to. block lno. cemetery.;. "'"78 'V Jejnia'e al. to B. J. Hylend et al.. ' eeet rert af bd . bloch I4S. city.. K. M. Wemnve to Royal Rakery, lota 1. 4. block TN. loocb a addltloa 13,000 , V F. Iteeie aad baaJtand to iv. J. Bay a'd. 8.4ft aTee, hcrliinlng nf aectlen line, aad eooih a A feat from ( : aeitton corner, eertioua 1A IT, towa ablp I emitb. rauae S eaat A. MHIt to L. L. OnMarnldt, Me IS. in, blocb IS. Ra.t Pvwtland.,..., Al Beec.ead bwehand 4a M. By "iwna, l.TJT '1 ere.1 I, lela a, , blork 40, BHlllvaa 4 l.soo 00 IT l miTTifJN. t' .Sew. anwrheaat . kl A khicb 4A J,' Jukaa' adullWu.... ItltsJIistory Mara Ita raajaaal to Ita ,aaa(nlflrnt naw baaklnf bauaa, tntra waaka aco. oiAZflT tiitit mariiT iw omioov baa bad tha Greatest ' Kamrwr of aw drpoalton. ' ' Asaoant at detMMlta la all dapartmanta, Qoantltr af asertanc and lettfra of rrrdlt aold on Md worm pniaia. . ' Valun of raal aatata tranaartluaa. v. - Par tha aaaaa parM. In tba II !rar of Ita axlatraca. Tha rraaoa 1a rtrar to thoaa who la. apart our aaw homo, wltb Ita asodara farllltloa for tha tranaaetton of baaklajt '. aad truat aoaniaar bualnaaa. ' y Call aa aa and aaa for rouraclf. Pcrtland Trust Compaqy - of Oregon B. B. mrnar Third and Aak ita. , tboaa hrlrata Exrbanaa 1. LOANS' We hare ample funds to loan in any amount on improved business and residence property in Portland and , j. .. . vicinity at lowest rates. , " ..Titles Insured h. - Abstracts Furnished r the'fe.'Gi!am : . : ; . &'iTrust Company 240 Washington St.. Cor; 2d - t PORTLAND, OREGON. : ' " i . ' - ' -:'t., .1 OF MILWAUKEaWIS V-,- OOur "atralsht Ufa" nollclan a-lva Ufa Insurance protection At the loweat not coat. Our lnveatmeht contra-cta pay tha hlpheat Interaat returns. Annual dlaH danda on all our pollclea. . - Talk with our aaants or 'nhona Main OCB rOLICT-HOLTHS ABB BATIArlED. . GENERAL AGENTS. ' C0KgOBD. BVH.BIWa. BOBTAAWPi ' 0R188 spot; :-casH''For ..FBtMIlIREr W alao aell on. commission. ' Ouaran tea tWat results. PORTLAND AUC TION BOOMS. Ill , First street , A, Schubach. proprietor.) Phone Mala S6SS. Ancthcr Homeseekers'Exciir- ; sIontoHoyer. Tha. NEW TOWN 'on tha new railroad now building; up tha north bank of tha Columbia, looa tad In the beat and earll eat pan or tne ramoua YAK1MA-KKN-NEW1CK valleyn. Irrigated by the beat ditch In Waohlns-ton. NEW ' TOWN, NEW. RAILROAD. NEW STEAMER LINE.' NEW CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE uKOUND FIOOR. Coma and have a talk with Mr, Arle Hover, Yice-prenl- dent of the Hover Land Company, tha company that owns HOVER and KEN NEWICK. Waah. Blar rndncementa to aariy pettiera. upeciai railroad rates to aee HOVER. "' Free literature and In. formation at 121 "4 Sixth atreet, corner Washington,' Portland, branch office Hover Land company. , . Lotsi-'SOxlOO'-Fcct'Eacb Rlbernla Barlnga Bank, owner, will aell with oat reverve, a limited number of choice and dealrabla lots ao tha rarllne for 835 each. Title Cirfert. For particular Innnlre at room SOB rKar bldg:. Third and Btark atraata. Any peraoa will buy tbeea lots oa sight. . EASTERN DENTIST Would Hke to bay out a Portland deotlet who baa ,a good locatloa. -Write fnll pertlculara and terma ta S. B ears JoarnaL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS." B. Bona to W. Warkrow, lot IS, block T. ; Wllaoa'a ' addltloa.' and peaeel lot 18. , Mock T. same addltloa: parcel lot 1. block II, Atkinson's addition......... '1440 A II. Vitrei and wife ta A.- O. Donnel. aaat H lots T, A Work. HP, Bast Port- .laad ....-....' IJOO A. Ai Wild to O. H. Pstteraoa. tot T. block 11. Portemontk Villa........... r ldO P. W. Brltta to C. B. Shenhara. lots 10, 11, block O, Portsmouth Vltth extended - 260 C O. Cewlea and wife to M , F. Brady, parcel land beginning Intersection eaat Ilea of Nineteenth north, with coater J, . Una old Wllaon. north on Nineteenth . to eouthweet line of right of -war of Northern Pacific) Railroad com panr... 1.&00 Utourell Falls W. B. A U to. to W. w: Edwarda. eaat t of aaat H of section A aeuthwest 14 of aectlon, 14. . township 1 south, range S eaat...... 4 Same to same. ht 1. north H lot 9. northeast af northwest K. and north -. ' f anutheaat k, af northwest , section JA . townablp- 1 -aouth. -range t- ' east ....'....,..,.., i I W. R. Msffet. Jr.. to W. W, Edwards, north V, lot I. sortheast H of north ' seat Vi snd snrtb S of njorthrsst (4 1 of northwest . serttoa IS, township "' .- anntb. range S aaat..'.,......,.,. t f ' 1' J. C. Ilamm.l snd wlfa to W. W, Ed wards, sndlvlded 1-8 of saathweat . i , ft seetlea 4. township I ssntb. rasga S i aaat 1 lalted State -to- Wllllsm - We4phtmao,-;i- northeaat 4. section la townebln t smith, range I seat f'nlt.J Mtatea to A. S.a.la mtmtmm - ' - -1 eeet um io. townablp I aosth. range east ..t... ........ I ' ' I t'nlted Rtstes to Tt. Abbott, northeast . aoetloa 14, teweehlp 1 aontb. range sajI Mwia"'"oA'u.uwi ; ; t S.;T;-IMw(K,sl k Son REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. M. Palm aad wtfa to D. . II. ITatt. lot IT. block TO. rVHwood.......... H. E. Nobla to R. gruand, lot 4. block 1. Park addition ana ta a. Bmlth, lot S, block 1. Park .' addltloa , 0. W. Joai-ph ai al to W. W. Bdwarda,' txa-th . aortloa 10, towaablp 1 aoulh, ranaa' B aaat. soo 140 140 J. at. K. Irwlia-ta W. W. Kdwarda. aoctb H, arrtlon 10, towaablp 1 aoutb. rang a S aaat Lataorall t'alla W. B. A L. Oe. to W. t W. Kdwarda. pnrtbaaat arrtloa 10, tawoahlp 1 aouth. ranpa I aaat, and aaat ft of Dorthwaat K, Iota 1, 2. actloa IS, township 1 aouth, raupa aaat 1 SJaaaa ta aaaaa. waal H of aoathraat U, aactlon S. and north H. aortloa 10, tnwnahln I aouth. rauaa S aaat ....... . I Tit la Unarantoa A Truat (ompanr to W. i. rraamior. iota II, is. oiora . t, Wrat I'lrdoiont 750 U. M. Caka and wife to K, H. Wanma, lota 0. . blork zno. citr.... at t ... - u j i a, r.H.nk.11 40,000 north V, Iota S, 0, block , J.. Jubua' Harond addltloa 1,U0 T. I, Hamaur and wlfa ta O. I. Griffin awl wlfr. waat AO foot lota 1, S. blork S. Brrnhard Park 1SB S00 Itnora Inrratmaat companr to J.: Car. - Un. lota . 10, block W. Vrrnon...... B. Camnbrll to G. J.. Illbbard. Burtb Vt mta ,a. , block 28, J. Joba'a Baeond addlton S.8C0 ' 00 . soo II. G. Coltoa and wlfa to M. Walton, tota . 10, blork 14. Klnarl park X. Handler to J. Drnnla Parrr, M t. block 5. Henrr'a addition R. A. Hhartl tn A. Link and wlfo. lot 12. block IS. Irrlnc'a Harbor View... 1.4TS B. E. M. Strickland ta K. Smith rt al., lota 0. T. block lWl, Onnrh a addltloa.. M.ouv H. II. Pahlnp.to W. II. Darla at al.. IS. lift T ama, nortnraat roraaa aactwa A townahlu 1 aouth, ranaa 1 aaat.... 13,000 American Truat A Inrratnent conipanr . to E. B. Hoisaea. acraa. aoninrani corner W. attna D. I- C, aactlon 3d, , townablp 1 north, ran re 1 wrat S0.OO0 - Oat roar Inenranea and abetrarta aa real aautd fraoa tba Til la Oaaraatae A Treat panr. S40 Waahlnptaa atraat. auraaa NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING AND EQCIP- AllK. Depot Quarterajaater a orrica, w R Montpnmerr at, Was Franctaco, Cel., Mo. 84. lOuo. Bealed propeeah), la triplicate, aub. Vet to the uanal eoudltlona. will ba reeeWed bare antll 10 o'clock a. ai.. necembet .4. lBtA. A and the opened, tor funtiehlnp and dellrerlnf m nurr in. wmm riwm., ww.vw. York. Philadelphia. Chicago, or St.. Loala depota of tha quart ermaater'a department, V. B. Armr. 1S.000 pair raaaet eh ore. old pet tern. The right la reaereed to reject or accept anr or all propoaala -or anr part thereof. Preference will ba glean to artUlea of domeatlc menu fact lire, condltkina of ejual Itr aad price (Ibclndlng la the price of for eign produrtlona or mannfactnreo tba dutp tbrreool being eqnal. Hlaadard aapiplea ran be-eeea at. and blanka for propoaaia aad tnU Information will ba furnlahed upon appllca ttoa to thla office. Enrelopea containing pro poaaia to ba Indoreed. "Propnaahi for Cloth ing. Ko. 10.810, to be opened at TO o'clock a. ra.. December 4. 1906." C. A. DaroL Depot Quaftrrmaater. V, R. Armr ' Tt'RKEYR Coma down and aaa rmr poultry ! fore bnylng. Phone Pacific 680. LOST AND FOUND. LOUT Gold heart. - engraved "F. A.," and amall diamond ring. He mra to M. Baamer, 12s 4 Vlllard ava.i reward. LOHT White-handled knife, loft aa writing deek at poafofrica. 111 under p leeee return to poatmeetert ' LOHT Creacen t -aha ped oreearpia. made of email nnaeeta. Reward If returned to Evening Telegram bualneea office. . LOST Yellow bull terrier pnp. Return receive rewsrd st 171 Grand aaa, north. and MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY Lodge No. 12. A. F. . and A. M. Stated communlca tloa .this (Monday) eve., 7:30 o'clock. Maaonie temnie. on una a literals. Worn In r. C. dcaree. All M. M. F. r. WHIconTK By order W. M( BCFUS B. BALL, Secretary. CTTT BOARD OF CHARITIES The annual meeting of roam here for tba election of dlree- tnra and transect loa of such other hualness - na may pronerlr coma before It. will he neia at wic. Jefferson st near Fifth. Monday November 87. IPOS, at S o'clock p. m. HELP WANTED MALE. 920 TO SSS per week aaeily made selling sick ' snd accident bene tits fnr Union Mutual AM Ass's- Too Msrqnsm bldg. ' SKCt RE A GOOD POSITION. Wa assist competent office mea. bona keepers, stenographers, cashiers, collectors, bill clerks, general clerical, technical, commercial men. Business Men's Clearing House, .110 Second. MEM and boys, wanted to earn SB day. sfter 3 months Instruction, position guaranteed; . apecisi tuition nair price, s row aars only. Corns Broe. Co. Plnmhlng Schools. New York. Cincinnati, 0 St. Louts, Ms. Free catalogue. WANTED Clerba sad window -dressers to study - show-card writing at Y. M. O. A. alght school; persossl Instruct to a, v Apply for par' flculars. Portland Barber College. Tuition rsssonsbls aa any school oa eoaat. 367 Flaoders st. . MEN WANTED TOO men to get rooma and board at Ooldea Wast. Se Tenth aad Evsrett ; Inveatlgate;-It will pay yoa. ACTIYB solicitors wanted for a good paying proposition; ealary . and com mlaa loo, S10 - Allaky bldg. Third and Morrison. BOYS erasted to wrap ssap. - Apply 648 Hood at FREE Waterproof shins wltb every -pair half eolee: It doesn't wash off; try It; 50c .bottle; agents wsnted. 8SA Bnrnslde at. HELP WANTED .FEMALE. ' WANTED Olrhi ov make wtrs (rami '; learn good trade. M Front at. r , IT years, to leara to I ever blocks: chance to Inquire Lowsofsrt A Co., HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43V Wsshlng- ton st.. cor. aevenui, unstsirs. fhons Main 36PA FVmals bslp wsnted. - - WOMAN, -over 15. enerrette reliable, to take charge or a viavi oKice. tall o room S3, Lewis bldg. MOMB and good school privileges gtven.s good ftiri. 13 to in, in oxrnange ror Help ev.n nga and Saturdaya. Address or rail oa Mrs. Mat tie Stone. Lenta, Or. WANTED Neat, respects Ms womaa under PA, honeekeepar widower a family. , S30V4 Yam hill. Phone Mam 0413.- GIRL for gsnersl bouaeworkj must he good plala eaokt aa wsablng. ST North Park St., bet. Dsvls sndVeBverett. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Immediately. 3 men or womaa to da canvassing. Call sp Bast 637 ; good proposition. WANTED At ' ones, a bright, energetic, pre- eenunie man or womaa. a soon laisar, to take up aa attrsctlvs pro position. Inquire T33 Chamber of Commerce. S a., m. HELP wsntsd snd snpplled. msls or female. R. 0. Draks. sosb wssniactoa St. Black 1P33. WANTED 4 good aollcltors for . Oregon sad waeningtno-. lowne, salary or commission. Room S I-ahbe bldg. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. BXPERIENt'ED dishwasher wants work: ran slea do abort order cooking. J Addrees K 3, cars Journal. WANTED SMoatloa by rones man as etenogva. fiber:; sccurste. rapid, eieriencea In law. umber snd reel estate ; references. Address K 4, earn JournaL MAN, etecutlve sblllty. capable, rorreepnodent. open - for office work; highest references. K A cat Journal. WANTED Janitor work- for Sunday aftaraooas only, auiireaa ws stouney svs. BOOKKEEPER, yoneiar'man. thorouslily compe. foil, wife yearw eviiem-nso. UeairSS nosj- 1km. AAbto I At, Jtrunal, TCOCPv Nar a , SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE FAMJI-T mending, abeeta aad pillow caaea and Mi l cmnea to n'w. i. oareDta aad r landera, aiitcneu bib., ran z. - WANTED Day wirk. three daT In the week H, J. W J ararnar a ainnrarilla. SITUATION wanted: experienced Hwediah girl, rooking and general worm, private family; wagee rrora 1-; aaa reiereacaa. x-hi; law hill. Main B4IS. , t , . SITUATION wanted br a yotiag womaa nurarglrl or child a companlou In a private family. Adflreae 10, rare journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. FOB MEN. M H. Sacood at. , Phoaa Main IBM. PACIFIC Cnaat Bmp. Co. Bailable empWavaat a genu ixtt ai. ad au I'D ana Mala 00 ru. JAPANEPB-CIIINKRH EM PLOYMENT OFF1CK. Henrr Tahara, xot lirereti at. rnoua ' aide 640. BIO FOrR BMP. AGENCY Help enpplled free. IS N. Secoud at. - fbooa Mam luia. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency. 313 Pine at. Pbooe Main 1H. SCANDINAVIAN-AMKRICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., S North ftecond; rurulehaa all kinna am pluytnent for man and women. Mala- S08S. TTTB Portland Employment Co.. 300 Morrlaoa at. rnone racine WAITED AGENTS. : WANTED Agenta; enmethlng aaw; good aeller, Dig wagee. m aicaay Drag. - AGENTS wanted to eel naraery atockl saw aad complete outfit furnlahed free; eaaa 'weekly. Capital . City Kureery ' awmpaay. aaiaaa, vragoa, ; . WINNER for areata . Health and accident Insurance on popular monthly' paymanta. For liberal terma, addraea O. A. Lyman, mana- for. Continental Caanaltr Co.. N. W. lept., JS Mohawk bldg., Portland, Oragoo. WANTED Lira agenta to aell aa article needed in every noma, aaareea u t, rare joarnai. WANTED Agenta. eommlaatoa and aalary. Hew lark Outfitting Co.. nret at. AOS NTS wanted: aomethlng new; partlcnlara free. Addraea I. J. Reed. Band. Oregon. WANTED A flrat-elaaa aaleaman for tba Pa cific atatee.' AdOreaa thla paper, giving referancea and ealary. I &4. Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot clone la. abm amall farma; baea raatomera. ra roorta ex. - RAVB -buyara waiting to bear of amall bomea la or near Portland, anr direction; If yon art ready to aell addraea F S. care Joaraal. WANTED Te bay or leeee a building tot cloee la. McPberaaa, uiimaa hotel, riret aaa Aiaer. UT YOUR LANDS WITH US FOR QOTCK -RETT'RNR. FARM LANIW A SPECIALTY. OR BOO BROS., 817-31 FENTON BLDO. SrnrRBAN FARM or arraaf. wanted. - I -and Co.. 14fH Flrat ,t- ; -, Boms WANTED TO RENT. WE want desirable boasea and Sato.-all parts Of tha citr: have blgh-clsss clients waiting srsnts collected, property eared for.' THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. - 143 Stark St. ' Phono Mala IOTA MAN snd wife -went to rent furnlahed cottage at or aear Woodlewn. Phono Scott 6404. WANTED To rent farm. IS or SO acres, seat etty; house and hern. - M. O. Morgan, PTO Mllwsnkls St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewis snd Clark fair at hemst send One in stamps fnr handinm- rw- ITrTyStHr pboTos of fair. meVs Inches. Wsstsra View Book Co.. Portland. Bog 384. PAINTING, snrsrlng snd whltewssblng trees. basements, bams, doc ha, ate. I largeet gaaollne spraying outfit on the coast. M. O. Morgan A Co., ST0 Mlheaukle St. Phono Bast SS1T. STAPLES. THB JEWELER, BUY! OLD GOLD AND SILVER. I niOHEST rash price paid for bottles snd yank of svery description. Portland Bottle Suoply Co., 301 North Eighteenth.. Phone Mala 3283. P. J. BYDEB. printer. Baeond and Waeblngtoa eta. Phono Mala bode. WHO I! O. MORGAN A CO, T WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., C2I 620 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 703. BUYER wanted for TO.OOfl shares of Rtsr Con. Mining Co. stork: cheep. Csll at 44 Boer lock bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED 3.400 cedar nolee. . Annlv to A. I. Brown, chief engineer Oregon Water power runway uo., rirst sua A roar sis., rorv land. oragoa. t HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID -for furniture In anr qnanltty; also tska same on comrslaalon ana gusrsntea near results. i na rortisn.1 Auction Rooms. A. Sebubach, Prop., Ill First ar. rnone mam nooo. WANTED Lend to clear by a nsw method Jesve , ready for the plow In a few deys. Write or rati Portland Clearing company 800 Taylor st,, Portland, Oregoa. ' WANTED Horae and wsgon for llrht delivery. atanasra uottso at spies num. aw necona. WILL build or fix year Wooes very reasonable. Call H. warn, nsw wsstsra botal. A SNAP Wsnted A good family to tska charge vf a Sns suhorbsn boms, unfurnished, that will oosrd man sna wire. J 4, rare journal. WANTED Second-hand showcases esse. Address K A care Jorrrnsl. and wall FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THI KINO SOS Jefferson st. new tralldlna. bsudaomsly mrniahed. with every modern con venience: sll outside rooms, wltb best, ass cr electric tights, porcelain hatha; rstee from SS to 818 par month; special ratea to a or more persona. ... p THB IIAMANN. LIS Nvlftth., cor. I?oyt Newly rnrnisnea rooma si-ou np; convenient locution. IS mlnstes' walk to fair grounds: Morrison ear at anloa depot direct to house. Phone 8470. THB HUB. OS Eleventh St., cor. Stark New roomlng-kouae. aewiy rurnisbea. stesm bsst, gss light snd bsths; eloss to business see. . tlon, I block from eerllnel sit tba comforts -f a home; everything up to data. Mrs. r A. pncy, prop. WEIA. furnlshod rooma, board: good location: jrar service. 401 Tests st. fbons f SC1CK) 34A . . - HOTEL PALMRB. - Csnfrslly located at tha corner of' A MoT and I'ars sis.; steam neat, not ana roia water, free porcelain bethel rooma SOc. TBS aad 81! epeclal week ly- rates, . MARQUAM HOI HE. 1TH dtb Rooms an suits or single; nouseKeeping-rooms; gss stoei's, bath, electric lights) transients - solicited. CHEAPEST snd best Iocs ted rooms la Portland, VI sna up. unman, nret una Alder sts. BEAUTIFUL front suits snd t other deetrahls furnlahed rooms tn modern borne of priests famllyi phone, bath, furnace best, walking dletancs. 60 Foartb st phone PadBe Sid. FURNISHED rooma, elngle or aa aatta, 88 par monru nnur up. norci rairmouiir, Yweuty slitb and Cpshnr sad Vaughn ats. NICELY furnlshsd moms st moderate prions for rent m lares private bones, close la. Call at I4T Tenth at, near Alder. A FRONT parloe. for gentlemen of rrSnrmeat who , wlehea rsom near the center of city. Ml Everett at. ITOTEL MONARCTI. M Stark St.; transients so 'IMted; prices raaaimable, Pbona PaclHc SOO. THSy GRAND Newly furnlahed room by tha week ar month. 2S3U Grand sve. - - IIOTFI, NORTTIERN Smle roome. rooms snd bosrd. snd rooms for housekeeping : $10 ier awulb aw Ulh aad Mstshsll sis, Jiala laW. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICE rooma, reaaonahla. 870 Alder, oppoalta Arlington club. Mala sutia. THE BENNETT. SCI Vi Morriaoo Farnlahed rooma, fiOa par day. SZ.0O pap weak aaa au. TUB. DORMER. Thirteenth and Jafferaon Ele gantly mrniahed rooma, moaern ones, nuam beat. Data; reaaonaoia. ' aiaio oaoo. THR HELLEVUn. ZlHUj Fonrfb it. Neatly farnlahed roowa; electric ligbta, poroeiaia hatha; rary low ratea by weak or anoatu. Hood T01. . NK'KI.Y furalahad honaekeeplu rooma at 80i Haaaell at- alagie rooma aaa. rHONT room arltb alcoaa. factna tha Dark! hath. A2 Waat Park, aear Market. Pbona Front 1408. FOR RENT Fare labad rooma. Inquire 330 Daabi at, - rCRMHMKD roooia, 8 poeple II. SO: 1 peraoa l; oa- exrra roc uae ox jcookuui; paona aaa uaia. t 40 Irving at. at ROOMS. . Incladlwr bath, Diana. largo yard. rrnn irrea, aear cartnie, reaaonaoia rent, 110 aaat Alder.- i'booe Eaat 3810. COMPI.ETKI.Y furnlahed new axxlera kouaa? 8 rooma; beat reahlanca fl lat rid la any., weat aide; re aeon able to right partlee, J 14, care jouraal.- . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT Furnished hnusckeeptng -rooms la oeec nriri Diocs on aaat aine; gaa rsngss, bath, ate.; - an transients; prices moderate, Logan blk.. lott l ika are., corner , Bast Alder. . Fbone East 434. TUB MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventh Booms, bottsekreplaf aad transient; coavsnlsnt; prices reaauoable. HOT SEKEEPTNQ.ROOMN Very reaaooaMe; . electrlo light snd phono Included. 801 Vi Water tt. . , THB GLADSTONE 81 2H Raster St.. furnlshsd rooms; under aaw management; prices raa ' aoosbls. 1.75 PER . WEEK Lsrga.- elssa furnished bonaekeeplng-rooms: laundry and bath. 1S4 . Bhermaa. South Portland. .. FURNISHED, unfurnished housekeeping, sleep. Ing-rooms. elosa In, 81 week. ftd Teats, aesr Stark. TWO honaekeeplng-rooBM. completely furnlahed, . , Including water and phoaa. Msln 4520. TUBER unfurnished housekeeping moms, in cluding i furnace boat, but and fold water, 813.110 month: close la.' Phoaa Main 4740. FOB BENT Cottage containing 1 suites ot . housekeeping rooms, fnrnlabed. , Pbooe Main 3073. 374 North Sliteeoth at. .. fl8 8 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Including water and sewing machloa. 861 Fifth st. TRRER furnlahed or unfurnished housekeeping 'rooms In new modera flat. Call, mornings, S8S Fifth at.' . . HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern and reeaoa able. Telephone SS03. - BBS Fifth at. NEATLY furnished front bow-window housekeep ing aulte. rloae In, SO Tenth, near Stark. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOM AND BOARD FOB ONR. Ttosm with board 323.90. for aaa, or S3n esch for two; without hoard. 3 snd 10 per month; references. , 48 Kast Ninth St.. aorta. THB COMMERCIAL Select family - hotel: . nicely furnlahed: single or sa salts; tenia first ctsss; free baths; steam heat; rates reasonable. 4KB Washington otv-C FIRST-CLASS rooms snd board for permanent people." 823.30 and 325 per -month; table board 34 per week. Aator house, Ttb and Madlaoa sts. foods Main ezai. . BOOMS with board for permanent tsnsnts. rew "n,hti trit"flBI1 i" ennkine. ant rjixia st. . , - t. LBN0X BESTATJBANT. tOS Salmon; board aad room; modera brirg dkut. LINDEIX HOTEL, Fourth and Market New brick, elegsntly furnlahed, modera through out; rates reasoasbie. THB MICHIGAN HOTEL. Mra. Elvu rindler proprietress. 8R3 Ssndy mad. near Ankeny car) riret-aiasa room ana aoora, s per wees THB MANITOU. Srll 13th St. Handsomely fnr nlshed rooms snd suites: stesm 'best, fins bsths, abundant hot water; excellent labia and aervlce. ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL FA1BM0PKT. Karth Twenty -sixth at., from tpshor to ',''-', . 1 vaugba, . ' Boems rural rhed and anfnrnlalieA" si rig Is ana en suns, pi psr wees ana up A permanent modem bu tiding, plaatered ; aaa wita sstnraoms sna mooeru plumbing. PIPED FOB OAS FOB COOKING. , " ' r ALL ' 0UT8IDB BO0MA ,-', FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT A new modera boots of rooms, ' - Inuulrs at 8T3 East Taylor st, . AN alegsntty fnrnlabed 3-room cottars to tout for xSesjuouths or 1 year; electric lights. Data aad gss rsnge. . call at 110 cast Mor rtsoa. - FOR. BENT AO ear mouth, S-room cottage oa tha corner of Idaho and Wlsoonsin sts. tin. qulrs 461 JoAnson, north, FOB BENT Modera new e-room bouse, with nr'witboat furaltaru.- B.-U Cats. 113 Baeond St. - . H onaes For Rent -" Rents Collsctsd, EDWARD, L. BYNSON. ' Roma 1 Hamlltoa bldg. .. Pbona Black 81SS. $13 MODERN S-room cottage, alee location; vara, nam; kssi Anseny, iwaniy-aignta car. 80S Nelson. Dr. Darling. , HOUSE, T North Twentieth, T lainunath. rurnscs, cement basement. Gllssn. 420 ('bam her of Commsrco. NEW Aroma hones and quarter Mock, Hancock ana bssi jwsnrr-sixtn sts, sht.oo. , At, at. Lombard. 814 Chamber of Commeres. . . 11 ROOM modera bouss, Mt. Tabor, (.10. with water, wiuism m. Brain ara. rbooe Bsst 40A4. , BENT Modera room bouse. No. edS Thnrmaa d. Apply 4. is. dsmea, ZZ4 Washington st, FOR RENT 8 new S room boussa, full baas' inenta. Bain, sox Aorta ssigata. fboae Bast 1760. , ; - A BOOM upper flat, bath and basement; rent g Mt.- 141 Kievevua at., - ror. Alder. Call -Wadhama A o Fourth and Oak, .it. FOR BENT Snhurbaa boms. Aroom-aottsge, orchard end grounds, 313 per month, phone pseisc eas, . 1 -. . , AFTER December 1, S-room honee. No. 408 Broedway. inqnirs xm Washington St. T-ROOM furnlahed bouss for rent. Are Seraath at., near Columbia, nana inloa taio.. FOR BENT Modern 6 -roots mttage, 440 Esat INta at, inqtiira shs t ouega st, ? S-BOOM new jind modern cottage, near Idlb and Jefferson;, will rent furnlahed eoisplrle '.' or if bur furniture nt 8 .' rent only fin. Call snd see thle st" onct. 11. , W. tiarlaad A Ihk, llt)i luorlh SU , - FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS, 0FFIOEH. ' uufurnlahed, aad aampla-rooma; , alaa nan oim, uonauouga oiag. . Appiy at tue .miuv. CENTRALLY located offlca-rooma. with phone, naui ana nest, si.ou per mvaia. au Csts. 113 Second st. p,... ROOMS and offices In Law Is Whits. 80S Dskuui bldg. ,- bldg. L L. FOR BENT Desk room and averythlng fur- niaaeu. at. sacaaoa vo.. o mars at. SMALL storeroom oa Wssblngtoo St.. suitable I. ""oa or stuoio, piv monta. rnoao Mala iim FOR RENT FLATS. 10 A-ROOM Sat. Key st O Nall'g grocery w... nm. wrsoa.sts. ' FOR RENT ITraltalre flat .nil. 1,1. tnm ut.. iiuuei 11 r ugnc msnuracturtng nusiuesa; rvue rsssonsbls. 34 k'rout St.. eor.l Ash. IODKRN tVraom ftat, oa block north of steel online, r run ung river, inquire XX Larrabea. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TUKH FOR SALE. FOB beet results on - ' - tt; ' "FL'RNITrBE" ' Whether to buy or sell, ring ep Msln BOSA PORTLAND AUCTION B0OMB. All First st. AROOM bouse for ran fund fivnltura for ssls wun or wunout piano; complete snd neatly furnlahed. . 863 Aaat Morrlsoa St. Pbona r.aai wmw. FOR. RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB RENT About January 1. l-story brick omining jisniuu, aortbsaat cor. Third and sianiaos; win remodel sua leess whole or pan to . oesirsnis parties. Apply to at. T. Cog, No, T First sx rooaj 1A FOR RENT Hothouse, 3.000 feat of glass, hot water nisni. c-u a car. lines; rma kx-atksi : wltb. ar - without e-room house; plenty of ruuna, win ocas inspaciian, Aaarssa a. tt. FOR RENT 1-etncy wsrebousa. lOOrlOO. oa vrarsagw norrnwaai cor. aoarth snd Hoyt. mi'vw a. a. xeai, aia vrorceator oik. Mala OA. . BUSINESS CHANCES. . , ... A FEW BA B0 AIN" A-. . ' $500 takaa tba furnitnra of a 13-room hooas, located la heart of city, rent $47.60, clearing $08 a month. SSOO takes tha furniture of a 10-ROOM bouse, located la best residence district rent $47.80. clearing 838.60 a month, . 81.100 tskea the furniture of a 23-BOOM Bouss, assr UNION DEI'OT; saw furniture ana nsw ouiiaing; none clearing 373 a month. This Is a REDUCTION of $,1uo for a "gim bale." as owner wishes to apena winter in luiiroruis. . $1,400 tskss furniture ef a 99-room' horraa, beat residence district, mn aa a SELRCT BOAB0INO-H0U8B. rant 80O; man snd wlfs can clear $136 a BeaU-bsre and bars aa sarerani noma. 8A00 tekes furniture of a 11. ROOM h,M beat restdeoce district, rant $4S, bouse clear- iuf evu. il.one taksa'furnltaro of a 13-ROOM kouaa near Empire Theatre, rent BIS. clearlna aiu a month. This la a REDUCTION of $200 for a m u n. rAl,;.'jla.fl( Is Al IB -wvery psriicuisr. - $260 tsbes furniture of a T-ROOM house heart of city, rent $27; 8 Bpatalrs rooms rented for $18. Wo also ha vo a few "SPLENDID BUYS" la large boueee, to to SO BOOMS. These are STANDARD HOUSES wltb good lessen. See oa It yoa want to buy a ROOMING. HOUSE, sa we asks A SPECIALTY. of. this claaa of bualneea. WJ GUARANTEE ALL TITLES AND FRO- invi asi,aa.a mm w ra. au or.i. i-r.lt, - PORTLAND REAL ESTATB - AOENCY. Booms 1 aad A 133U, Fifth st. Cor. Alder, Phono Mala SUA ACRES. AfHEH ACRES -ACRES .ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ; Aaoo Acre Lots -lACRES ACREb AOOES ACRES ACRES ACRES . ACRES ACRES 0a. Car Use ( , ' " -' Sc Fare. " Wster to Every Acre. , . Terms 1 Terms!! Tsrmsllt Tour Owu Tarma. ' .". BUSINESS MEN'S CLEAR. ,-. ISO HOUSE. . 1 X 110 Second St AvHKn ACRES ACRES . ACRES ACRKS ACRES ACRES ACRKS - y , , ; ; W0T1CB TO ' '",-: BUYERS AND SELLERS .''.'. . ' t'-'. ' - . "I':?; or"-, '. ' . ; 't ROOMINO-HOCSEA - ' ' REMEMBER, this office Ansa not PTR. CHASE rooming-houses, dlacouraglng owners ny telling them . there la no market, and thereby baying the honee at a BARGAIN and then porting It oa tba msrket al a B10 AI'V AIM K. we give a BUYER tba benefit of any , BARGAIN wa know of, and charge only a , moderate commlaalno to tha SELLER. Wa employ an dummies. WB PROTECT Bl TEB 1 AS WELL AS SELLER AND ACT , STRICTLY AS AGENTS. If you want FAIR DEALINGS and BO MISREPRESENTATIONS, yoa will gat U la this office. Watch our sds. PORTLAND REAL ESTATB AGBNOT. .Rooms 1 and A 133H Fifth at., cor. Aider. mono Main up. WB. the undersigned furnitnra and plana amv. ere, will require tba payment of all chsra upon delivery ot goons,- srrar uec. 1. lwm. ' II. B. Hssk. C. F. Harder. O. F. Hueerv. Congress Jlros., Portlsnd Delivery Co.. poet Rneclsl Delivery Co.. Psckaas Delivery Co.. Holmsa Transfer Co.. Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Anto Despstch Co., John Hamp ton, Jamas McLlnden, Owen MrLlndeu. Pacific Transfer Co.. Oregon Transfer Co., Portla id - Vsa A Storata Co.. Wskemsn-Moraa Transfer Co., Esst Rids Transfer Co,, C, O. Pick Trsus- . far A Htorsgs Co., C. M. Olsen, Bsggaga A Omnrnos Trsnsrer uo.. A. siorpny. CONTINUED Illness sompsls mo to sell or as- chanre rnrnlablnae and -vuelneea of bsst SO- room hotel In Portlsnd: central locatloa, good M.. unman botal. First and Aider, WHO IS II. O. MOBOAN A CO T A RESTAURANT oa Sixth St. doing a good business, also one an Buroeide st.;. both srs burg a 1 ns. aia nne st. - national Keel cs tato Co. . IF yoa want a farm, city or suburban property. a goon ousineea as snr area, or nave any kind of property to aell or exchant's. sail na or sddreas Northwest Land Co- 2fl5 . Morri sca at., room Sll. Pbona Mala 64IA SALOON doing buatnesa of $3S psr dayi fins 3200 location, vsrr chean rant: It clears per month: will sail at $1,3B0. 44, Journal. . ' Address B FOB SALE Oe account of sickness, nice, elesn. money-making bnalneas on east aide; ealea from $ld to $.1S par day: price $1,400, or will Invoice; no agents wsnted. G 80, cars JournaL BLACKSMITH SHOP doing good business pssl 13 years, run supply or loom, quantity 01 Iron and cost, dwelllng-bnnee. bearing fruit trees, rhlrben-hoaeo, 3 psasengSr-boats, car service esch day. s minutes' wslk to ssck place : all for 1700 If taken anon. Apply to Thompeoa Foster, RldgseslA Wsablng toe. PARTNER wsnted tn a good real aststa office: small investment requirai. Apply SUM alor rlaoD, cor. Flrat, room A ,. " FOR SALE Cigar, tobacco, news snd billiard- ball; bnalneas doing 31.400 a month) Invoice stork and Siturss, shout $4 000. Address C. K. DeNeffs. Enmpter, Oregon,. FOR SALE Wood paying berdwsrs store. Par- tleulsra. Boa 14) 414, nnrta nana. Oregon. SALOON for Pais, fllr paying hualness: corns snd aaa. xi Ainina sve. t. it, l-eaoer. AN INVESTMENT Te put Bp a small concen trating piani on our mme, we orrer iiai,.aa shares of tresaury stock st a very low price; mine la producing ores snd will ship next: located to Sampler district; seaaya from IT to IM; other producers near. For price, nar menta. . Informal mn. address Asralls Mia lug Co-, , La GrsadSf Oregoa. "WaitAd-Rates tWDBB ABT OLASSmOATIOsT Five Cents per Line H-".at"iB fo tbsa lSo par day. m '." ? constltsts a line. But each line la char gad rsgsrdlaaa ot tba number of worda. . " WEEKLT RATE T tnaerttona flnolndtng s Sunday Uaua) SO CUM I per 1U, psr M0NTHLT BATB - Inoludus, all Suaday iaat.aa) 11.00 per lias wiasnA. J ADVERTISEMENTS must be to JourssJ TIaV ,HicT,hli 11 'lo, ears F 0 s'slooh Saturday s van log fsr tha Sunday issue, to aseuro slssslSosttoa. Display tatps given npoa applloatiee at tha of Asa. - , THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES ADTEBTISZMZMTA ' Wttl be received at resular msto-ofrVe tstes. Following Is ' a list of antborlssd stents, wbo will forward poor advert tee ment la time fur publlcaUoa la the. Mat Issuel . VOKTR USE , ' " R. A. Prsefou. druggist. Twenty-third and Tfaurman atreeta. - Nob Hill Pharmacy. 830 Ollssa strast vornsr 1 wanry-f irat. . A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Sixteenth aad Msrahstl streets. McCommoa'e Phtnnacy, Ntnstsanth aad "i ssuing too s trusts, . sotjtk snm, - B- r. Jonas A Ce drugghrta, Froat sal Glhha streeta. Cottel Drug eamnany, First aad Grant streets. Fshlsa Eyerley. droggkit 400 JarTarson atreet. corner Tent A Bettman'a Pharmacy, oornsr Sixth sad Harrlsoa streets., Plnmmer Drag company. MO Third street, eorasc Uadlaeo. . . - BAST BT9& , ' W. A Love, druggist, oornsr Oraad a vsa us and Ea.t Bnrnalds street. Nichols Thompson, 12S Susugll atraat. comer Albino arenoa.. Jsncks Drug compaay, earnar Hawthorns and Grand svanaes. W a Cable; druggist, corner Holladay avenue and Larrabea atraat. bear steel bridge. - B. A. Wttaoa, ISA Crand avonoa, aaar East Morrison. B. W. Ball. ICS last BereaU street, eoraar Stepbaoa. . . .1 jnosYXAiro.- - V. J. Clark, druggist. 1008 North TJnloa aTsana. . - ' SUBBIBJDX. " '-V-,,--1 7. A Worth, nhsroaetat- 0OB strset . ..... . "t ' 1 ''. BBOOXXTST. ' - ..Brooklyn PTisrmacy aompaay, Powsll aad Mllwaakls streets. ..." 1ASXETA, OBBOOir. ' ' I &' ArlsU rharmacy, Mora and lrtaf streets. , ' SZIXW00O. - , tTsmstork's Pbsrmscr. rua rtmafnte sos, cornet Bast Thirteenth atraat,. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB 8ALB 18-room lodrlng-boass, cheap aad' "-J 100 inquire sc iu7)b roarta ot. - WANTED Your business ta aall: we Mil all kinds propsrty. 3H6 Buroslds st - ..... MILK da try for sale wltb mute. For further particulars spply to 423, Johnson ot, at S, FOR SALB Best pa rtng aturk dry goods, cloth. ew ..noy xowut sen su or part; good leaee; Invoice about $13,000. If yoa meaa business, sddrres Harris, cars of Journal. e TAKES rood bnalneas clesring $100 toN fino; centrally located: leaving eityt 100 Ji, e. recinu aiv. EnnoR would Ilka lessa oa good pisni wita apiwa te buy. Addrsa Idrssa I I, care seurnai. iX j-anf asheasa. cigar, fruit snd con feet loner a bm thing up to date, wltb good fresh stock, good living-rooms, boslnena estsbltahed. cheep rent, at a rsssonsbls price, sea Owner, ISO Madl aoa st LKA8B with optloa to purcbaaa county asst . cei m xrregou. aaw saop. single type setter, . lots of type, water power, cylinder ssd Job presses; good paying business; will sell for cssh st a sserlfloe: reasons foe tola good. A snap for the right parties. Ad dress A, B. C.. care Journal. , I3.2.V1 GENERAL merchandise store and Boat-' or tics, gooa country tows, dolus good bust, aess; eioellent train service; fine location for right party: don't fall to Investigate thla. Addraea ''Day," STS Esat Morrison st Portlsnd. Oregon. ........ .. , k:. ' .... . , BBSTAUBANT. .'' .,'' - A' ftrat-elaes locatloa oa prindpsl bualneea street. Vk hbv-k from Wsshlugtoa St.. Will consider, partnership or Sell aa a whole. . Baa Bs for psrtlenlsrs. PORTLAND REAL ESTATB AGENCY, a aaa z. jiiv rirts st, eor. Alder. Phone Msln dllS. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. , .; ' ' THIS IS NO GRAFT. ' 88.100100x100 and S-room " dweTllDC OB Hancock St.; sa Meal bosas for you. $wio Beat lota oa 12tb at. Irvlagtoa. $3,0001 'lot and 7 -room bouse, Bellwuod St.: the rent nets over 6 per cent AT.SAn-1 lot .ml a.mnm km. V. Tm , lor: net Income from this over per cent. o.iaai 1 ooums oweinng, McMlllea a SO dltlon; tba rant nets over 8 psr esat . $12111 lot. Arlets Psrk. $1117100x100, Missouri svs.. Cook's addl. tlon: msks us sn offer for these sightly lots. $400 For 8 Wita In Sellsrood, 68 by 88 faep each; thla la a good Inveatment Sm Lota la Highland and Tsborslds. We solicit your pries on thaea lots, Fsrms from 40 to 1.000 seres each. Wei are agenta for non-resident property ownerA Collecting your rente, loaning money, placing) firs Insurance and paying taxes. Our references: Ladd A Tllton. hankers. R. H. BLOHHOM, , THB PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ' 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 8H ACBE8 oa Wlberg lane; sll cleared and rencea. bo grave 1, 01a aouse, plenty Desrlng . orchard. Sl.SnO; all or half cssh. Beautiful corner lot 68x70, oa which la a (nod large aad modera Broom bouss (costing over $4,000) and a 6-room modern bouse: la central real denes district, Esat Portland: "rent of both housed 8ft6. Price $S,400. . , 3 or 8 bair lots. Kast Portlsnd. close In. sufficient to build S or 8-mom cottage; short walking dlatanoe to west aide; cost of M lot snd such boo as limit 32.600 or less. 8 fsrea modern hoaaea end TBxlOO, Slmtlsrly located, rent $). $10,600. - - - -$2.23eWorner lot and B-roora new modera cottage, full basement rooms large, arrange, men, convenltnt; Uswtborns'g First addltloa! CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce, . 1 HERE'S A BIO SNAP. - . . -T - - A lovely little" B-ROOM "HOUSE aad lot 1m) BOxtOO on BAST ELEVENTH ST. NORTH, near Shaver; lull cement foondstlou and full basement, porcelain bath: sll fenced snd In lswik- This f lbs BIGGEST SNAP WB KNOW OF. Price $1,100; terms half cash, balance st 8 per cent per annum. ...... PORTLAND REAL ESTATB AGENCY, Booms 1 and Z 1m Fifth at., cor. Alder. PH0NB MAIN en. SPECIAL BARGAIN $8 FOR $1, Trscts 12 front foot 815 feet deep; can have ss msny front feet as you want from SO feet up; sll In cultivation, sit Isvel snd sightly, 8 minutes' to good 10-room school, 9 erades. nenr stores, nostofflcs. chnrch and ics atatlew st IefltsrO-eent farr ts any part nf Fortisno. ibis i l-s price; terms if wanted. - O, M, Addlton-. - LenU, Oregon, " ownSr. Taks Mount Scott car. 0 cents. SPLENDID d-room bouse on U. block In beet snlmrh wun gooa csr service; ran msks ei ceptlonsl terms an this. W eaters Oregon. Trust Co., 210 Fesrtoa bldg. ( SNAP St rsllwsy termrnus Hotel hotidtng snd Al lots sdlolnlng railroad: cor, Washln. ton snd Brnsilway eta., MaranfleM. Coos bar Oregoa; price lo.noo. Title Uusrsntee Ahetrsct Co., MsrahfleM, .Or. FOR SALE TAltOO-font lot on Raaf ReventoeMb na i.iii .in een iw ei.sou ir isiig in nevt few days: faces esat; well worth 11.400: will aell pert of lot u dsslrcA Addrssa K 4a. cars Jsaraal, ; . .""