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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
MORNING, , NOVEMBER -.-28. 1205. -.'- THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY Charity Sfiil Molds, tha Mennen oi Society ! f - : ! : '. : ' : " '. - f WITH th holidays eomlng on . apace etrery on ' la""buay . with plan, for ebwUy- A . nttmber eof . tl cbrUble Institution end their Xreal yr at thl ! tlm and many throw their homes open to the publl tor general Inspection. I The Children' bom tea commanded a prominent ahr or attention laat wek. i Tha Woman's'" exchange benefit theatri cal! will probably be Hhe occasion for ' one 'of tha prettiest audience aean at ' the Belaaeo, for ail fashion wilt turoi out for that event. Tha Trinity dinner and the College club's lecture also jot , their shar of attention and contribu ' tlone for worth' puspoaea. The Needle work guild, which haa on its list of Interested workers uoh names a Mrs. ! Henrietta ' Faillnsv , Mrs. Helen Lsdd t Corbett, Mrs. H. W, Corbett an Mra i XV. a Ladd, ' had Ms exhibit and tea Wednesday- aiid la trying to lmpresa the publlo with thoj fact, that it ia not , a separate charity by itself, but that ! It works in combination with and for ) the good of 11 other charitable enter prises. The J?atton home tea test week : had larger attendance nan any tormei ; eneetina- - ." 1 The Norelll concert Tuesday evening was a delightful affair, though the at i tendance caused many to feet aabamed - ' far Portland.' Tha house was a good - one, but It should hav been packed to . the street on thle occasion. Madame . Vorellt'a Euronean successes hare been ' algnal and masters there nail bar at the second Christine Nelson, v xne maaame bad a bewitching sown made for the ' " occasion, of beer blsck tece net over rose, spangled elaborately with autumn leaf garnitures toning imo me ramn, which alan formed ' a soft bertha oral ', her magnificent shoulders. 8he left fdt New York Wednesday evening, whence ' she sails for London to flU an engage - ment Her little daughter accompanied - her. though the little eon remains here '.""""' with hla father. Dr. Barton. There la some talk among the young girls of the coming-out set of having their debot parties after all this winter. , The question, as may readily be aup- posed, la one of the. greatest Importance to them. For a time they talked,, ot omitting the usual formality. Interest continue to grow in ' the : Thanksgiving football game and Glee club concert . of the state onlverslty. . College spirit has had Its birth the past ' week among the students of tha Uni .',' verslty of- Oregon law school.- They have elected new officers, have adopted V new yells and songs and are planning to be out in ruu rorce at me mdsbhw . giving game to cheer their fellow atu jt.w,i. That their Eugene neighbors appreciate this is TsnowhTrTh ' faet that the girls of the college are making ' v the regulation- arm bands by the score to send down here for their law and -; medical brothers to wear. ; ".. . , ,.'-r-T- The convert Thanksgiving night will attract a large house of pleasure-seekers to the Merquara. The Glee club and the Mandolin club of the university are said to be better than ever before. A number of the members are Portland .A men. The concert will be given at the ' university Tuesday evening preceding " their departure for, this city, and the , program is said to present better music ' and more laughable stunts than ever . ' before. The women lending their pat ' - ronace for the evening r Mra. Fletcher Linn, Mra Warren E. Thomaa. Mrs. BX K. Coursan. Mrs: Robert Treat Piatt, ' Mrs. Rose Bloch-Baner, Mrs. John K. OUU Mrs. C. A. Dolph,- Mrs. Henry w. Ooddard. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. Mis Etta, Falling. Mra.TA. E. Rockey, Mra. Oeorge Haskell Marsh. Mrs. Henry B. Jones. Mrs. Zero, Snow, Mrs. Wllllsm , D. FentoM Mra. Harriett K. MacArthur, ' Mra. S. R. Johnston, Mra. H. C Wort- man, Mrs. Samuel Mears and Mrs. Wll- '' 11am Jones. It is said that the alumni ' In Portland have taken hold of tha af : fair and are selling tickets rapidly. : The Association of Collegiate Alum , tiae to a comparatively new organisation in Portland, but Us membera represent many enthusiastic- young workers, and . already they have made plans for prac V i. tical work. The hoie to establish a . permanent scholarship for girls in the University or uregon. ana as a rirst ' step toward thla end, Mr. Torey of Ban , I'rarxHeeo gave a lecture on "Japanese Art" Monday evening at the Unitarian chanel for the benefit Of the fund., Mr. Torey Is a well-known art co'nnolsseuF of tha southern city now at Hotel Port . V lead. He was moat pleasantly Intro . ,. duced by Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, president of the club. ''-', Society folk' turned out generally fof ': - the lecture, and -among -those-present -were noticed tha William -Ladds, to - whoae kindness waa due the loan of . prints from their splendid art collec tlon; Misses Etta and May Falling, Mra, : , Stewart B.-Llntbicum. Mtas Clementine ' WUson, Mrs. W. 8. Ladd. Mrs. Helen ,- , Ladd Corbett. the W. R. Ayers, he J. C . A Ins wort ha, Mr, and Mra. Robert Lewis ' and Miss Hoyt. Miss Flanders, Mrs. - Thomas Kerr. Miss Grace Warren, Mr. ' and Mrs. Hunt Lewis. Mrs. Arthur C Mlnott, Mrs. John Sheperd. Mrs. Gordon Voorhles, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery and ' Miss Montgomery, Mra. Joseph Clark, V , Mrs. Henry E. Jones and Mra. Samuel Mears, Mrs. A A. Morrison, Mrs. George , Good, Mlas Gllsan. Mrs. John Ebea '' ; Toang and Mr, and Mrs. Frsnk Warren. '" , The members of Mhe Oregon branch - ot the Association of Collegiate Alum- naa are: J V- . Leland StanBord, Jr., University Mrs ; ' R. U Donald, rs.. Frank B. Riley, Mrs. '- K R. Spenoerl Mrs. Otis Wight, Miss ' ; Xlaleo Matthews, Mrs. R. A. Letter, Mist ,' Audrey Brown Miss Bessie HllL ' .. University ot California Miss Emma ' Ortebel. Mlas Isabel Mogean, Mrs. F. B Nelson. Miss Mabel Downs. . - - University it Mlrneaota Mra. J. C , BHIott King. Mrs, JAuia Plnkham. ' University pf Nebraska Mis Oer , trade BorairardDer. Miss Margaret Star - , ling. Miss Pearl Pterllnr. Mlas Balsley. r, University of Wisconsin Miss Jee V "e Ooddard. Mrs. Oeorga HaskeU Marsh. .Give by-the ; Spitzner Philharmonic ; a Society : : rawjt - At h Marquam Grand Theatre BBO 4 AT SsM STAW. Orchestra of pieces, SpTtaer-Konrad - Quintet, VloHa lo. , , Lovrr Floor 25c MJafcony 15c Seats for sale at Woodard. Clark. Co. ' and Graves Mualo. Store. : KEISTERS tAoici tn.oKiw cottroe. - " A St uttmn -Utltea fa leers Ut Srert fhmt tm aatierna nit. and naka their WS Mr-aM. Write Nf K e4 M AUaky htU., ser. M aad Harrises Brey man. Miss uariorea mrker. Oberlln college Miss Leora Cross. " Radcllffe college Mrs, Ralph Wllbua.-. t : '. ' Cblcago. , university Mist Harriet Kinney. Wellealey oollega Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. Haselton, Mlas Myrtle Hunt. Mtss Laura H. Northrup. Miss Msy Landla, Miss Eleanor MacDonaid. Miss Tower. -Bryn Mawr college Mrs. B. M. Lom bard.- Miss Elisabeth Norcroas. Miss B. R. Rockwood, Miss Helen WUson. . Among the ' first charity , entertain ment to bo given this winter, and one which appeals-to an"" classes of people. la the testimonial benefit, ' under the auspices of the Woman's exchange, at the Belaaeo theatre Monday - evening. December 4Thm Belasco itock , comr pany on thla occasion wtrl present Clyde Fitch s successful society eomedy drama. "The Girl With the Green Eyes. Tb'o sucoesa with which thla play haa met in the east atone should attract a crowd ed house. : . . The Women's exchange, located at IIS Tenth street, la In charge of women who gratuitously . give their services. Tha main object of the institution Is to enable poor women to earn a living by selling their handiwork, edibles, eta. through the exohange. ' The various committees are all enthuslastlo ever the success with which they are meeting in their benefit plan, and there la a continued demand for tickets. - All the principal business houses have eon tiibuted liberally for advertising space In a handsome eouvenl program, which Ns being prepared by a special commit tee for that occasion. Society buda will serve home-made candles throughout the evening,. The ladle who have this affair under their patronage are; Mrs. A. Meter. Mra. t. Llpman. Mrs. W. 8. Ladd, Mra H. W. Corbett, Mrs. W.& Ayer, Mrs. Walter J. Burn. Mrs. Wil liam Honeyman, Mra' L N. FlelsQhner, Mrs. L. Allen Lewis. .Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch. Mra. H. Li Pittock, Mra. laan White, Mra. r J. B. Montgomery, . Mrs James Laldlaw, Mrs. H. C. Wortman. . The Trlnlt guild dinner Tuesday evening, opening the new parish house. was an Important event and many prom inent matrons brought the members of theiavhousebold to help awell the pariah house fund and enjoy the social Inter mingling of friends. There were 40 guest accommodated and praises for the guild and Its excellent dinner were fre quent. The tables were mads attractive with flowers and prettily shaded can dles, ' each table carrying out lta Indi vidual color" plan; On the general committee of arrange ments were Mrs. A. G. Barker, Mrs. F. B. Kern. Mr, C Blakeley, Mrs, F. D. Chamberlain, Mrs. J. P. Johnson, Mra Stewart B. Llnthlcum. Mrs. 'Wallace. Mra. James Muckls, Mrs. Moffett and Mrs. A. A. Morrison. - - The tablea were under charge of Mra Llnthlcum and the following had ta blea: Mrs. Wallace, Mra Russell, Mrs. Grey, Mra Strain. Mrs. Panton, Miss Hill. Mrs. Hoyt. Mis Reed, Mra Robert I'Swia. Mr, areen. and Mra. Norria Candy waa sold by Miss Carolyn Burns, Miss Margaret Morrison and Mis Mar garet Waiter. - - : . . .,. -.. The Chfldren' Home tea Thursday waa a delightful opportunity for charltr worxera to see the work don there. About 10 people i called and were charmed wlth-the arrangement and man agement of the homa A pretty Idea It was to hav no decorations, so that nothing was different from its everyday appearance. The house was thrown open from garret to cellar and the gen eral Judgment was "The floors are clean enough to eat from." Mra P. J. Mann, president of the board, and Mra T. L. Eliot received the guest at the door. Pouring tea at. a table decked with pink carnation were Miss May Falling, Mra C. A. Dolph. Mra Helen ' Ladd Corbett and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. The tea waa served free to all guests, but had there been a charge the tea table would have been Just as liberally patronised. The candy table, In charge of Mra Thomaa Kerr and Mra Harry Allen, offered the only outlet for generosity, and 1(6 waa netted there before the supply failed. , T .- : A new "tW elub wss organised laat Tliuisdsy at the home Of Df.'and Mra Byron B. Millar, which bear the nam of Eight-Ten-Thirty club, denot ing the hour of meeting. ' The meet ings will be on the second and fourth Thursdays of th month and the play er .will work toward a prise for men and on for women. The next meeting will be with Mra Chatten. The club members are: Dr. and Mra Byron E. MUler, Mr. and Mra W. L. Straugh, Mr. and Mra Charles Runyon, Mr. and Mr. Oeorg Flanders. Mr. and Mra Robert Lutke, Mr. and Mra W. H. Chat ten. Dr. and Mra C B. Brown, Mr. and Mra C H. Hoeg, Mr. and Mra William W. Robertson and Mr.- and Mra W. C. Franota The prises were won at the first meeting by Mrs. Straugh and Mr. Runyon. :- ; ' Th Flanders party will - leave for New Tork on, Thanksgiving day prepara tory to aalllng for Europe. Many small thing hav been given for them lately to- make their . going away memorable and their friend, are getting ready te make their farewell call. Dr. Holt Wll son. who with his wife, will call la the asms party, December -7, leaves today to Join Mra Wilson In New Tork. - The Lewises hav had to revise their plans. so word come from New Tork, and will not sail. Th reason la th state of Mr. A. L. Mills' health. . Mra wdllls went to New Tork sever il week ago with her' sister, Mia Lewi, and Mr. Mill, in the hop that th change to treatment might be beneficial, buf'ah Is not. Improved, - x.. ,, . Th Kensington club was entertained by Mra E. E. MdClure at her beautiful home on Portland heights Thursday aft ernoon. Th number present, including two visitors Mra Hager and Mra Mansfield was ST. A most enjoyable time was passed..- Dainty refreshments were served In tha dining-room, where the tabl decorations were whit ohrys- anthemum and maidenhair fern. The hostess was aaslsted in receiving by her daughters Jewell and Jean Miss Bessi Hoxey arid Mis Mildred Whittlesey. -. - The next meeting of 'the club will be with Mra W. IL Patterson, th fourth Thursday In January, when there wll be an election of offlcera - -.- ' -V, wv .- '" '-,.'( On of th delightful tess of th sea son was lven by Mrs. Leroy H. Parker at her King's Heights home Thursday and waa attended by about 109 society folk. Beautiful cut flowers wer ar ranged, with simple taste about the rooms. - in the-dlntng-room Mrs. Will iam Maoftae, Mra Walter V. Smith, Mra Fred H. Page and Mra David Lortng poured tea. A room above stairs -was charmingly utilised and music continued there throughout the receiving houra Punch waa served there. As hostesses of that room were Mre. J. O. Gauld. Mra J.- Y) Dickson, Mr. John Robinson and Mr. Job Ames. The yount girls as. Smith college Mtss Edna ' C. alstlng wer Mtss Lisa Wood. Miss Effle Houghton. Mis Margaret Morrtaoa and Miss Goodmsn. ; : it. ' Skating th only kind w can hav in Oregon I another aport that la to b popular here thl winter. Th new fad, or th resurrection of th old one, has taken Ban Francisco by storm, and it Is understood that two men of th social set are to follow the southern city's lead. There wlU b little danc ing among th smart set thle winter, because there is no suitable hall since the- destruction of th old one, and roller skates will, offer an. alternates A hall Is to be fitted up in the old Ex position building on Washington street ' '.";. " . Mra Albert Feldenhelmer entertained th Whist club Friday afternoon at El ton. Court.j,riaa were won. hjr.Mra.-X N. -Llpman and' Mra Adolphe Wolfa The club member are Mra 8. Llpman, Mra L N. Llpman, Mra Adolphe -Wolfe, Mra' Sol Rossnfeld, .Mrs. A. Meier, Mra Slgmund Frank, Mra Julius L. Meier, Mra, Charles Feldenhelmer; Mra Albert Feldenhelmer, Mra H. Metsger, Mra Charles Kohn, Mra L Lowengart, Mra I. N. Flelschner, Mra 8. J. Mayer, Mrs, Marcus Flelschner, Mra Leon Hlrsch and Mra. Gustav Simon. ; ; ; -., - . Mr. J. W. Hill entertained her call ing list laat -week receiving her guest three afternoon in succession. The pretty parlor of th Hill Military academy war thrown. Into, on and Ore gon grape and red and. white carna tions mad an affective decoration. The hostess' daughter, Mis Helen MacEwan, received with her mother and during th afternoon gave some delightful piano selections. Th guests each aft ernoon made up 11 table of "100. Th - refreshment plan of Wednes day and Thursday was varied . Friday With a chaffing dish chicken luncheon. Dainty aouvnlr prlssa war given th playera ... - . - -if Society folk will be interested la the reception Tuesday afternoon from S to S o'clock, given by th domestlo science commute .of th T. W. C A. at th pretty tea room of Old, Wortman A Kins' department store. It I said that th entire second floor of that portion of the building1 th dress salon will be open to the gusst and every one is planning to attend.- A light luncheon menu will be - served and Mis Tingle will demonstrate tha proper method of serving turkey. The publlo is Invited. Miss Falling luncheon- for 14 Wednesday was a delightful affair. Th table was ornamented with hp re. fluffy rhryanthemunas in yellow and a bunch of violets was left as a fragrant revor at each plat. Her gueata, beside her sister. Miss May - Falling, w r Mra Robert W. Lewis, Mra Thomaa Kerr, Mia Emma Falling. Mra Hunt Lewis, Mlaa Flanders, Mis Lou Flanders, Mra Band arson Reed. Mia Laurl King, Miss Grace Warren, Mlas Nan Wood, Mlas Kathleen Burn and Mlaa Carolyn Burna '. ' ... it it Mra M. T. Barlow of Omaha, who ha been visiting her sister, Mra B. H. Brooke, left for her home yesterday after a month' stay. Bh ha been de lightfully entertained and a number of small luncheon and dinner wer given for her.- Mra Hunt Lewis, another sis ter, entertained for her at bridge Wednesday with a small company of frionda -.- , - . - 'Mis ' Marguerite Chamberlain I looking forward to bar visit In - th south. This is to be her first return to Natohes, Mississippi, since her baby hood day and ah probably will spend th entire winter and - summer tbera Dr. Chamberlain expect t return in three weeka Tbey wer to reach their destination today. - Mra B. DeWltt ' Connell left for the ... nriula t vlelt with friends In Pennsylvania and New Tork. About Christmas tlm h will b Joined in New Tork by Dr. Connell and they will all January for Europe on th steamer Mlnneapolla-. They will be absent v eral month and th doctor, will tax post,graduatework in medicine. 'Miss Gertrude Steinbaeh entertained theatre party In honor of Mlas Freda Rau, whoae engagement recently waa announced. ' Dinner at the Portland fol lowed. Mra. Charles Feldenhelmer en tertained Wednesday afternoon with an informal tea for Miss Rau. ' :" Mr. and Mra Fred Seller will leave some time in December ror Kuropa where they will remain a year or longer. They will visit Mr. Seller's parent at Frankfort-on-ruiin. Mr. ana Mr, ma Whit are to entertain them at Thanks giving dinner, and Invitations are out for a number of affair to be given for them prior to tbeir departure. - . -..-. : : - - ' " Tbe marriage of Ml Laurie King and Peter Kerr I to tak plac at th morning chapel of Trinity church at t o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Dr. A. A. Morrison wtl offlclata Only Imme diate friend have received card for th ceremony, which will be lmpler ;: , . -; Mr. , and Mra Theodore B. Wilcox are expected home tomorrow from month' trip east. They visited Mra Wilcox's old horn at Chester and apent some tlm In New Tork. Mra Holt WU son waa with them as their guest part of th tima ,. ... 4 Mra Lee Hoffman entertained a few friends at pinner at the. Hobart Curtis last Sunday eVenlng. Mra.-1' Hoffman, who' formerly lived here and1 ha been pending the summer and fall In Port land, expects . to return soon to her home in Cambridge, Maasachusetts. -''.' '.' 'fi, " The bowling club met for reorganisa tion at tha Concordia Tueaday. There are II women In tbe club, which will meet every week, and' some hav mad excellent records. The aport will be taken .up with renewed seat thl winter. v.. - Mra J. -N. Dolph ha been th- guest of Mrs. MuUey and -other- friend In Port Townsend and while there has been much entertained. She planned to go this- wsek to 'Tacoma, but may re turn on account of th health of her daughter,Mra Nixon. ' . . , - :" . , Mra Charles Feldenhelmer enter tained th newly organised Bridg olub of Jewish society Friday a week ago. f , if ' Mr. Chs'rle Runyon entertained In formally Saturday a week ago" 124 of her friends in honors her sister, Mra Lymaot Hill, of California, who ha been spending two weeks.. here Tbe gam played wad "80." , - ' Another of the Delightful Informal affaire at th Irvine-Ion club was given Friday evening. This - time It was an Informal dance and there was a large attendance of membera. -- . ' - ' i , - , Mrs. -James MoCraken, has cards out for aa afternoon musical Friday, . Le- Mi ' Lillian Marfueritt Eiscn, Daughter of th' Danish . Vlce- ''" Consul. ;; ' ' ',r ' ' :'" ' ceraber I, which 1 to t rather a larg affair. v. , .; , ; . --- -v " Mra John Eba Toung will entertain th small bridge club of which an. I a member next Wednesday. ..- it - Mra L. AHen Lwls spent Friday with friends at tbe post at Vancouver. . Sit la planning to leave for California either immediately before or after the Christ- ma bolldaya v-. .- . - . Th reception at th ' Commercial club to th women friend of th mem bera next Wednesday 1 attracting some attention. Dr. and Mr. Herbert B. Nfbhols are expected home today and -tbey will go at one to tnetr new norae on .aoarpey street, near Twenty-third.-- t -j EVENT3 OF THE WEEK. Mra A II Gltne enUrtained the Tueaday Afternoon elub last -week at her beautiful new- bora on Bait Everett street. The hoatesa, aealatad by Mra Btllea and Mra Pugh, served a delicious one o'clock luncheon. Tellow and white chrysanthemum in out glass vases, and potted palma and fern formed th doc oratlvpe. Mrs. Marshall delighted all with a piano solo. FOlonalsefChopin). after which. the hostess, who had charge of th . program, announced t at fol lows "Elisabeth' Ecclesiastical Policy " Mra Otto Hlrsch. f "Political Conditions of th Sixteenth Century," Mra Frank Mllea "Social and Economic Conditions." Mra Karl Miller. Comparisons With Great Britain of Today, Mrs. A J. Stllee. Mra T. F. Rourke. Mrs. E. E. Millar ana sira Morton uoty wer guaat or tne hoatesa Th olub will be entertained next week by Mra W. B. Hail. Tl Eaat Twenty-eighth street north, at o'clock. - The Wide Awake Boy Bible olub of th Whit Tempi waa entertained at the home of Mra D. K. Howe, il Ne halem street, on Wednesday - evening. Th evening waa spent In playing game and eleotlon of officer fovth . club, after which th boy repaired to the dining- room. The room was decorated with th club color, gold and white. and a aupper waa served. Short speeches wer mad by th old and new officers and also by Clarence Sprague, th editor of th Webfoot Boy. Th elub 1 composed of II boy from 11 to 14 year of age and I lad by Frank B. Guild. - Those present war Clarence Sprague, Teoay utiles, Aiden Hungerford. Ed mund Fearey, Moyer Cola Fred Failing, Frank Clark. Melville Green. William Smith.' Nilburn Carlson, Louis Fearey, William Burnham. Clinton - Houaa George McDonald. and Frank E. Guild, - w w i -xnasoay was inspection day ror L,ln- Th mspsctor, Mra Sullivan, who Is alstf department treasurer, accompanied by Mra Jennie B. Harding; department president, both of Oregon City, were early In the corps room. Th member ship attendance was above the avers ere. Mra Anna Pool of Marian ' Roso corps or rieasani noma was a welcome .vis itor. Mrs. Caroline O'Neal of Reno, no. it, or Bpoxane, Washington, at tended. Mra Harding gave an Inter esting talk about the cottars at th Soldiers' home. T After the session sup per was served. Mra Mar Janney waa initiated into full memberhhlp, , w 'Mia Maud Sheridan and - Frank L.' Perktna at the home of Mra Sheridan, 71 North Eighteenth atreet. laat night entertained the Five Hundred club that organised two weeks axo. The aerie of game will end In March, when prise will be given on the continuous cor of tha winter. The elub last night was delightfully entertained: theae were present: Mrs. Sheridan. Miss Sheridan, Mlas Gertrude Sheridan, . Mr. Perklna Mra John P. Jones, Mis Smith. Mra Bertha Grimes. Mr. Lee. Miss Berths Alexander of Pendleton. Logan Hays, Mr. &aaaeriy. miss McDonald, J. C. McDonald, Miss Weber, Dr. J. F. Short, Mr. and Mra John E. Xaathrop. Th musical ' department of the Woman's club wss entertained delight- ruuy oy Mra K. p. Graham at her homa 741 Tillamook atreet,, laat Thursday aft ernoon. The chorus la conducted by Mra J. A. Hamilton with, Mra-O. P. Thornton aa accompanist. Vooat" solo wer given by Mrs. Carl Abendroth, who sang "Hedge, Roses," by Schubert; Mra Nellie Williams, who gave '1 Wait ton Thee," by Dortley, and Mra F. E. Branch, whose selection was "in Old Madrid." Light refreshments wsrs served by the hoetess, who was assisted. . by, Mis Iran Flynn. '. , '. Th Oswego Whiat club waa enter talned In a pleasant manner by Miss Lillian Blekner at her horn In Oawego Saturday evening of laat Week. Whist was played at three tables, the first prise being awarded to John- Davis, th second to Mis Franc Nlda and th consolation to John Blekner. Whit and yellow ohrysanthsmum were the decoration'" for the evening and were In evldenr at the refreshment tablea Mra. J. T. Conway - will entertain, tbe club next time. . .- : ". . ... Th Frou-Frous gav their first dance at Larow hall- Friday, evening and It was successful. ' The olub consist of Miss Haael H. Bean and Mlas Lulu M. King, with Mra C I Mastlck and Mrs. R. Bean a patronesses. Eureka Council, No. S04. K. and of. S.. gave th first of Its series of whist socials last Monday evening at Audi torium, hall. A large crowd, waa la at- tandanc and a pleasant evening spent. Mra-ttentro and -M.-Young won first prises, and Mra J. E. Tllden and Mr, Baumgarihler second prisea Refresh ments were served, after which the floor was cleared and dancing indulged in until a late hour.," The next open meet ing will be a dance, December II. . Th Roee club was entertained by Mra J. W. Baker at her - home, lie Front atreet, on Tueaday of last week. Whist wss played during the afternoon. The prise - were won by Mra Frank Botefuhr. Mra Willi Fisher, and Mlaa Hoxle.. The guest or tne ciuo were Mead am es Toft. Wilcox and Schad and Mlaa Hoxle and Mlaa Maud Poole of Port Ludlow, Washington. Mtss Bertha Botefuhr will ntertaln the' olub Tues day, November 8, at - her hornet t North Tweniietn street. r ' -. fr-r : Mr. D. F. Hardman wa hostess to th ' Illinois Study club - Wednesday afternoon.' Mra E. R, Browp read a eulogy of Sally Bush, ' stepmother of Abraham Lincoln. The Thanksgiving proclamation Issued by Abraham Lin coln In ll3 wa read by Mra. H..L. Torrenea ' Two song by Mra B. Spang and recitation by Mra Grace Hardman and her brother closed the program. Refreshment .. were served , by the hostesa . ' .'' 1 1 - -) : . r- i. if f' -i "' - ' ,- ' f Th culetud characteristic - of sub urban life was aroused In glowing style last Sunday evening by a Jolly party of city folk in the horn of Mra F. Mallon, 1151 Denver avenue, to whom a pleasant surprise waa tendered. During tbe evening several game were played and music and song mad th occasion on not soon-forgotten. Refreshments were served- abundantly and the pleasing hostess sustained her well known hos pitality. - : - . ' ',..:...' ' Mra 'CL'.CV Wis . entertained th Thursday Afternoon .Whist olub In charming manner November t. The first prise was won by Mrs. H. Pflaum and th aeoond by Mra D. G- Gregory; th consolation' fall to Mra P. Planch. Refreshment wer enred after the prise were distributed. There was an other meeting with Mra H. Pflaum. 460 Eaat Mill street. Thursday, Novem ber It. : " Mr. and Mra J. C Bar ntrtaind th card olub X:osmos"t their pretty horn Wednesday evealng, November II. Progressive 100 wa played during the evening and refreshment were served by the hostee. Th next meeting of th elub will be with Mr. and Mra F. A Douty, on -Abernethy . nd First street, November tl. f " . , XUJt Th Monday Htetory "club meT"lst week with Mra D. A. Doud at Mount Tabor. - The lesson was led by Mra J. C. Bennett. Mra Harrison gav a talk on "The Causes of -Russia's Condition." Th next meeting will be held In the evening Instead of th afternoon and William IL Oalvanl .will address th club member and a few friends at the home of -Miss Anna Flnley, Third and Madison etreeta -.. . : v: Th dinner arid housekeepers" bazaar at Taylor Street Methodiat church Fri day waa moat successful and the Ladles' Aid society netted a goodly sum. : A numDer or rrtenas outside in cnurcn attended and the affair was mad quit pleasant socially. .'...,,,'' WEDDINGS. aessyasMa ,fc A charming weddlac wa that of Mia Charlotte C. Thomaa and Louie M. Rice Wednesday evening at tbe First Con gregational church. Dr. E. L. House read the Episcopal ceremony. . ' Palm and ivy banked the altar rail effectively and harmonised with th Idea of a green-and-whlte ceremony. Miss Leonora Fisher at th organ and Miss Cornelia Barksr, violinist, played tbe Lohengrin bridal hymn before, and Mendelssohn's "Spring Song" during the ceremony. The recessional was . the Mendelssohn march. .- Th bride' - gown was Ivory white crop do chin over taffeta, with hand made lace garnitnrea Her veil was ae- bloaaoms and she - carried Bride roses in ahowr effect.-Her slater. Mis Emma Thomaa, wa maid of honor and wore whit net over silk and carried .white chrysanthemum a Th two bride' maids. Miss Ethel Kern and Miss Maud McMillan, also carried whit chrysan themums and wer gowned In flowered Dolly Tarden Swlaa Jean Rio, the groom' brother, attended him and th ushers wsr Fred Nelson, Otto Koch, Walter Durham and Geors Warren. A reception In the church parlor fol lowed th ceremony. Refreshments wer served from small tablea daintily decked with smites and whit chrysan themums. . Eight girl friend of th bride, gowned In white, served. They were the Miss Alice and Grtrud Hutchinson, Florence and Bessie Wal ton, Nellie Johnson, Malsle Camp, Alice Lewis and Kate Nelson. . About 0 gueat wer In attendanca Mr. and Mra Rice will be at home after December 10 at their new cottage la Irvlngton, 107 Clackamas street. A Salem paper give th following account of a prominent wedding there, In which the groom waa a Portland man: "St Paul! Episcopal church was ths can of a vary pretty wedding Wed nesday. November IS, when Mlaa Bess Stewart' Tillson of this city waa .rnar ried to Clyd Bpooner of Portland. .'The tlm of th ceremony waa 1:10 In the evening and the - beautiful Episcopal service was read by Rev. Barr G. Lee, pastor of the St. Paul' Church. A large number of the friends of the contract Ing parties wer present to witness the ceremony. . ,. -. "Th church wa not decorated elab orately, hut a few beautiful white chry santhemums and delicate fern were placed about th altar and lighted can dle war used to good effect. At th hour - selected Mra Francesco Seley, noe . of Salem' most popular slngera ang; "Because," in her usual' rich voles, aftsr which," to the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Mr. H. B. Thlelsen, th bridal- party entered and wer met at th alUfr by Rev. Mr. Lee. who performed, the. ceremony, ' ' "Th bride wore a costume of wsjjte silk, made with a train, and wore a long tulle velL She carried a large bouquet of Bride "rose. Miss May TlllsOn, later of th bride, acted as brides maid and th groom was attended by hi brother. Langdon Spooner of Port tend. "Mis Tillson' father gav her away. Bpltnr Philharmonic society 'will rive It first recital this sea eon on tie. cember I at the Marquara Grand. " Or chestra of 10 piece will render compo sition by Weber, Mendelssohn. Gounod. Chopin, etc. Spltsner-Konrsd quintet will play 'a movement from quintet by Dvorak, Op. II. Violin olo by I on hard. String quartet by Tschalkowaky, Miss Msy Tillson wore flowered net over pink ink and carried pink oarna- tlona '. . , . "After th ceremony Mr. - Thlelsen played Mendelssohn' wedding march, and the young people received the con gratulations and good wlskee of the relatives and frienda Th relatives and a few intimate friends went to the Tillson home after ' tbe ceremony and there a reception was held. The front parlor was 'decorated with yellow chry santhemum and fern, and th second parlor was in red roses and tarn, mail ing a beautiful combination. . "The dining table In , th dining-room wa beautiful -with a centerpiece of pink carnation, th room being lighted with pink a haded candlea "After the reoeptlon Mr, ; and Mf a Bpooner left on the late train for southern California, where they will pend their honeymoon. "T " 7 -"Later they will return to Portland and make their home, Mr. Spooner be ing engaged in business In that clty, . "Among th guests present from other cities wer: Mr. and Mra, Thomas Spooner, parent of the groom; Mr. and Mra Clifford Bpooner, Messra Langdon and Lloyd Bpooner, all of Portland; also Mra Lillian Miller, Mlaa Maroia Bull, Mr, and Mra Root and Mr. Orob of Portland, Mra FransT Hodgkin of Vancouver, Miss Ines Cravatte of Che halls, Wash., Miss Ora Harkness of Albany and Mra Campbell of Tacoma." it y - ... -i ' Miss Grace B. Payne knd William O. MUllaran were married ..Saturday even ing, November II, at th horn of R. O. Holmes,. 464 Vancouver avenue. Rev. W. S. Gilbert officiating. Mlaa Ada B Holmes wa the bride' attendant and Lewi W. Payne the groomsman. The decorations and th costuming' mad -it a peetty little home wedding. Only Im mediate relatives were present. After a short social hour and refreshments Mr. and Mra MUUgan want to theli new home at HOT Alblna avenua ... . - - - Harold Warnook and Mia Blonls C Brenner were married on Wedneaday at th bora of H. Fteckansteln, unole of the brida Th oeremony was performed by Rev. Dr.; Brougher of the First Bap tist church. Only immediate relative war present.' After the ceremony a delicious supper wa eerved. - Mr.' and Mra. Warnock took th avenlng train for San Francisco, where they will re ld. ' , Mia Gertrude Mangolo and . Chris Meyer war married Saturday evening, November It, at the home of H. B. Ev ans, 141 Karl street, la th preeence of a few friend and relatlvea Rev. Wil rzxss Fowrti aao!. T ! TTf I If l Q Wa.binrfto. ; - M 1 ' 1 r'V V.'. O . .' ; 1 1 1 - . . . , r : " - ''' ' " . XXrMt pocxal attsation to aa . . IMPORTANT" OFFERING iWomens Higli W car Duits, loats and W aists "J ' - AT REMARKABLE PRICE CONCESSIONS This sal represent an offering ot about ,200 High Class TaJoreo! Gown in tk newest anot most pprbveo! models. In th clue Eton nj Prinos tflTcts. ........ i; .. . . ''' '' . Suits " , : . ... -, .. - 15.00 P : -a is tsowmyAjijz nuiiuuiiuunixsa Mid - Winter rxann, omm, sstapft, trr-ro-DATB. v "Move "Em Quick Prices ! Not a culled lot oMhopworn back - ' WTMMX TmnofSP XAT in our - Immense . stock Included. ; Th reason Is our , stock of trimmed . and . untrlmmed hat . and . trimming materials I entirely too large for th present season. ' BAKER'S -J' ', S rr: SUCOMOR fj . , Third and Satnn Jtrtt$ xnixinxxxxxxxiKnixxixi rlXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXXXSSXXXXXXXXS: HAND-EMBROIDERED LINGERIE WAISTS Are one of the latest dictate' of fashion,. We lhow many ex clusive stamped shirtwaists for Eyelet Hedebo and French em broidery. ; - , .':V - TAMVnra of all kinds-dons at short notice.'' Hmorsm WOKJC lnoludlng shlrtwatata. pillow top can ter pieces. Initials, etc.. mad to order. OOMFUBTal STO(TB Of new and up-to-date art needlework supplies. SPZOIAXl .Beginning. Monday, November ST, complete ahow Ing of all material - with rui leaeons. In embroidery at Mis .' Cell Goldsmith's millinery tor. Oregon City. - . . Ike Neeaic. Craft Shop . tor axxskt tin BIiSTATOB, liam S. Gilbert of Calvary Prbytrian . church officiated. Barnard - vnp man attended tbe groom and Mia Pearl Matsohek wa th bridesmaid. Mr. and Mra Meyer-win llv at 111 Karl trt. - Lewis A Albee pf Portland and Mar guerite M. Anderson of Vancouver were married November tl at the Arctic 121 Fifth atreet, by Rev. T. H. Stephena Only a few friend witnessed th oere mony. They will make their home in British Columbia, wher they went Friday evening. ' - ' . -., . - A marrlag of Interest last week waa that of Miss Lulu Virginia Cleaver and Condon B Bean, son of Judge and Mr. . Robert B. Bean. Both are graduates ot the University of, Oregon and are living in Portland. , --t-: Dr. Clarence True Wllaon of' ; the Grace Methodiat church performed tbe marrlag oeremony of Jam C. Fiaher and Mlaa' Mabel Hanan oh Wedneaday afternoon at 121 Fourth atreet . . . ',. Mia May Proaser and Henry Funk were married Monday evening by Rev. A J. Montgomery at Ah Third Pres byterian parsonage In th preeenoe ol . a small company of fiienda, ,-. . i.: Ml ' Cora Snyder and H. L.' Rees war married Thursday evening at th apartmenta of tbe bride' alater in th A. O. U. W. building by Dr. F. Burgette Short. - - - ' . j . Th studio recital of a H. Allen Goodwyn and John Clair Montelth at th studio on North Eighteenth street, Wednesday - evening, was a dellghtfur event. , Lisa Lehmann'a song cycles, "Th Persian Garden" and "The Delay Chain" were aung with Mra MUM Par i klne, assisting aoprano, and Miss Helen Cop land, assisting contralto.. Th tet- ' tar eyole, which 1 net so wall-known here, particularly captured th audience becauae th light child melodies war o well adapted to th lyrto aoprane which haa a goodly ahar of th soloa Mr. Allen-Good wyn'a delightful acting, very almpl and quite unconscious, en hanced th njoyraent. Mr. Montelth' rich barlton did th allghtly heavier ong of th group with comic serious ness. Th alto showed an understand' Ing of her part, , "Th Persian Oardeo" .' waa exoeed- (Contlnued front Pag Seventeen.) Class Rearly-t6- - aA A a ace Millinery 1 S number and freak style to offer.' And our II busy aillliner ar still adding many new creations each day. r ' X00 regular IJ.00 to II Hat now -(LOO off. 10 regular 11.00 to 110 Hat now ' 92,00 'Off. 100 rgulr 111 to 111 JIat now - 94.0O off. 10 rgular I1T. to '119 Hat now XAUr fVtOM rsixxsizrrzr: avzLBnro, S MOMZSOV ST. MUSICAL NOTES. i-i.ix'-i- -L -tl n. r-L -li ix'r" -irii-i i-L J V 4