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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
':. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAU -PORTLAND',' SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 23, 1CCS. A, -f Gives Up Pbsition With Harriman In Cut Glass. Fine r Rather Than Withdraw His Franchise Application. . fumes, Table Uines, Etc. COMPANY SAID HE WAS WORKING AGAINST, IT Leamei In Letter of Resignation McCusker ' Says He Local People Cannot Keep Him on Consistenlty With . Harriman'a Pesir . - . Thomas McCusker, under pressure from- the Wrrrlman 'officials, haa re ' signed . his poaltkin . aa contracting freight agent. His resignation la Mid . to be due to the demand by ths. com-. pany that - he either withdraw his ap , plication for avtranohise on Front street for an electric line, ar leave the service of the Hrrlma system. ,.', Last week Wednesday Mr. McCusker filed with the city council an applica tion for a franchise on Front street, along which thoroughfare he stated that he wished to- construct an electric road from the steel bridge to South Portland. , Kdward Newbegtn, -manager of S. 11 ' Wiide company, and Thomas D- lioney mon, president 'tf 'the Honeyman Hard--ware company, were named aa . his . backers. - - i Already Vfors the .council was the " application of' Thomas R. Sheridan, Knselrarg banker, who has sine been eliminated, nW application "now being In the hands. or the counoll committee on streets In the name of the Willam ette Valley Traptlon. company,, of which A. Welnh of Salem ia vice-president and . manager. v; ,:; .., Harriman Oppose Viojaat, . ' When later the UcCusker application . was Died the Harriman s people opposed " it. - According to Jdr. UcCusker be waa summoned before the officials of the freight department and told" that; In his . .capacity as a, petitioner for a franchise . cm Front street,' he waa working di rectly againat the Interests of the cor poration for which be was the contracting- freight agent. Yesterday he ad dressed the following; letter to K. B. Miller, general freight agent: t . v . vi "Owing: to Uie repeated requests of jrourself and Mr. Coman. for my wlth - Hrawal from -the Front street franchise matter, or in lieu thereof my resigna tion, on the statement that the same la in-coaf-llot- wlth-the- Harriman Inter- .. est,. I. hereby tender , my ..realgaatlon. . lo . take effect December 1, 1905. as I do not wish to' embarrass either you or - : Mr. O'Brien.- - t .. - '. Mr. M:Cusker said: t "I realised the position in which I would have placed Mr. Miller and ,MrT O'jBrlen, If a man in their employ se cured a franchise directly against the Harriman " system." and that it woulJ embarrass them with Mr. Harriman per- serially. I understood, that they could not consistently retain me in their em- ploy." ; -.--,- HAS CLOSE CALL-FROM- DEATH BY ASPHYXIATION , While disconnecting some old gas , pipes In the rear of a store building on! . the southwest corner of Third ana Mill streets yesterday afternoon Henry H1I debrand, an employe of the Portland Gas company, was nearly asphyxiated.. It la believed' that he forgot to turn oft the gas and waa overcome by the deadly The smell of escaping gaa attracted several men In the store to the scene. and they found Hlldebrand lying uncon scious beside the pipes.' Two of them carried the man out to the. side walk j and made an attempt' at resuscitation, while another summoned Dr. Fred Qui- lette. After . an " examination Dr. Qui- lette had- Hlldebrand removed to the North Pacific sanatorium and . there found that bis condition waa critical. Lust night t the patient showed soma signs of improvement, but Dr. Qullette says he Is not yet out of danger., PprtlandAgajnJJlttts-rgj , Industry. ' Mr. 0. B. i Andrews. northwestern manager of the Burroughs Adding Ma chine company of Detroit, Michigan, has recently come to Portland, where he has opened a large office In the Canterbury building, Thlrdrand Washington streets. and has brought with, him an Inspection department from - the factory, for the benefit of the large number of" patrons of the - Burroughs adding and listing machine." - t t-.--,-- .-.". Mr- Andrwes Is known not only by the larger business bouses ' throughout the United States and Canada, but has a very extensive acquaintance, .among the . banks of the entire country. He was : for many years a banker In 8t Louis, where he resigned to accept the position of 1 secretary and treasurtr and later sales manager for the Burroughs Adding Machine company, in which capacity he met and made friends among the banks from New Tork to California. , After attending the bankers' conven tion held in Ban ' Francisco he visited Portlsnd and became so impressed with , the possibilities In the future of the northwest that he resigned, his very important position with his company In order to come west permanently. ' . The above statement carries with It the conviction that lie has a firm be , lief in the future of he coast, and- we are si ad we have heard him say his ex pectations have been more than realised. Borne of the-eastern financial " papers have expressed their regret that Mr. Andrews left that section of the coun try. In which opinion we cannot concur. IRRIGATION BONDS ..V: ARE DECLARED VALID) v , .""i1 ""ca The JoaroaLt Boise. Id., Nov. IS, The supreme Chart today rendered- an opinion In a raae Involving the legality of the !&& 00 bond laaue of the Narapa-Merldlan Irrigating district, deciding every ques tion raised favorable to the bond taaue This decision - was -. necessary before capitalists would purchase the .bonds Voted in August last; - -.- .' W. A. Jarvis y Is In 'business again and la Just as ds KnlrpH of hsvlng your patronags as ever. Now at the New Jarvis Restau rant. HI Stark street, between Sixth and Seventh. , v - .'"' , " f. ill . .v- 5 , V III . e Soae ta aa Artlstle ttaer. Mrlng In your paintings, water colors ixl pitures and let us frame, them for ion tn (he latest style., of mouldings. " t'nr 'wnrk ts the beat and prices are rlgM. Ill have all the newest style Ja ,jea' riide frmea. Bnnbiyg.j.'ajl a t . 1,0 liat atreet. .. " V - - iJ&h '"'''Vi'Vv; 4 L -k r t. l i III v - - V I I 'I V . . , m . .veH-Bk,. ill , ' ' . aw f U. , .-i"l - ill --t f , fvr ,i , .s j ' ' t i ; ry 'i e 'S y- 'f ? an -r ' , . ,i, ,-- v II . f. I ' ... V V . III I - ; i v. . ' II- . . v . . ? Ill . ,. . - , t - . - w. . I III - - I J. V "VI . ill . T . rv r ii !.'-' i II -s.TVV' IT 'V ". ill nv , V 7 L II 0- ! 1 v 8 w 1 in r - i II- . ''-7' " I a 1.3 . VI VI I rT- 1 I Kllfl SK1 f , ." j 1 g y vaoernew quu juk,... isf.NI' II T ' i?i ,.'.,.'7 t J. .: X - - V ' t II .- III , III ' . . '. . I S, tun '' I si T.. '.'.I . . r- y. $ t. ' fJ A o ini v J. -g cf Th'ds'c busy days the minds of many of ns dwell most on the jk ' proachine season, but the prescription department mores on in the same way just systematic as 4 Quality.t We call fpr prescriptions and deliver without extra charge. ; ; r- .v.. CANADIAN W00DARD, CLARKE & ridNEY--i; A ccepted at :X--7'Parmr:i V . .' 7 , Automoblllsts! WB SUPPLY i -, . i Anti-Freezing : - Mixture ...' . ' " - . lOo PER POUAfDtOo . ! Thnm Pound to On Gat f - low WatrJtmp It i - -From FrooxUig. - Table Wines Fine Table Wines Our stock represents the experience of many yean in catering to the popu lar taMteV-?:; ) i :i V -V -1 ' 1 Thanksgiving Special ; q .--r i WOODLARK. Cabernet, quart . . ZjUC ' iStti.rtrt;:jSpecai , CREST A BLANCA. t ''''" ?, '.-. 4' .' Pintt. ' Quarts. Sauterne ....i.. ............... ...35 r 60 Table d'Hote ...... 35 SOe Haut Sauterne ...,-5e . 85 St JuUen .40e '5 - - : , Pints. Quarts. Chateau Yquent ,ii..l.,..........Oe . T5e ReisUng ......... .'.. Oe - 50f , . V , , i: " - CLOVERDALE. '. .' :!, ' ';i - :: '-.'.,'-;'.-V ' , " Regular. Special. Claret, quarts .;..T.T.;., 30c 23 Burgundy, quarts 30c . 23f Sparkling Create Blanco White, quart.. ..fl.OO Scarkling Burgundy, quart, .............. .1."35 uat avuii wui auiiwi f uaii . eeetr Irondequoit Sherry and PArt. gallon...'... 3.75 Swiss watch--Accuracy Dependability- Elastfa ' Hosiery . WOVEN ON OUR OWN LOOMS . AND KNIT TO.FIT. v . - ' No ready-made Elastic . Hosiery or Supports can , give you either the fit or service which our. experts do in every case.; SATIS FACTION GUARAN TEED. - Trusses .That fit, that are easy to wear. These are the kind we want to show you, to talk to you about. Come in and talk it over, costs, nothing:, and we can help, you. Fifty different styles. . Fitting , Free. Lady At-1 tendants. T -'-'- . ,.'I;'V'.; OUR RESPONSIBlLlTYr Does not end with the sale : It continues until the truss has given you the service you paid for. ,, - - , ' - - Gold Fish New shipment just in-all fantails extra fine stock. They'll cheer up many a lonely hour.' This is a very special price for fantails we are able to make it because we bought, the entire lot so we're both pleased. . v 25c Each 5 tor SI. 00 Ihermallte Bags . Better than hot water bottles some say. Just boil the bag1 put no water in it, and you have a hot water bag. . It is filled with a heat storing, material which keeps bag hot longer than water.' ;y". Several sizessahd shapes. v. ' Price $1.25 to $3.50 , "ASK TO; SEE THEM. ;v ; m ; 'Electroliers ' Bronze and German spun brass in odd and oriental shapes, single, double and triple globes, color decorations in heavy glass, in laid. Our own importation and positively the only ones 6howh this ' side of Chicago. Exclusive hall, dining room or library dec orationsplendid lights, just . a few left, make a selection now. ' ; ' s They are selling at cost, because we need , the room. ,...4. . - :: ; $8.10 to $24.85 ,. The metal alone is worth this much. Thanksgiving Saleot . Cut Glass EMPIRE AND. QUAKER GRAY IN BEAU- . TIPUL ' AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS , LITTLE PRICES HERE'S PROOF.- ' . - ''-Regular. SpeciaL Berry Bowl ......;.$4J0 f 3.45 Nappy, 5 inch, Kite cut. ...... ...$2.00 13 Nappy, 0 inch. Elite cut ,....$2.85 , fl.t Berry Bowl .$6.73 f5 Water Bottle; .$3.30 . f-.J ll.WT 1.25 .29 Candelabra-... 142.00 ,825.00 Finger Bowls, set of six ......... .$9.93 f 6.85 i" ' ' C Jer XjltJ . - , The Home of Per fumes that Linger New importations from France just in. new odors never before shown in Portland. These include the finest products of Roger cV Gallet, Pinaud, Piver, Houbigant, Violet (Voilay),. Le Grande and Lubin. Several All charming and delightful, and as true as the flowers irom which they are distilled. Buy them in bulk or original packages. Price..;! ' Have vou itried Houbigant'a Extract! of Violet? 20 times stronger. than the flower. .'-i'V-'''"';'-?50; per ounce. . Llarcelle's "Darling of the Gods' ia an- oner, popular, odor as sweet, n refresh- ing as the morning dew. , - 75 f per ounce. Positively the largestr and. best selected holiday line on the Pacific coast. 1 - "- Leather Christmas days show their arrival first by the increased activity in our leather depart ment. We are showing, the most complete, most artistic and' most varied and yet ex clusive line in the city. " The styles in small ; leather ware change more rapidly than in dress, and this year w have mahy little fancies which are new to Portland and new 7 to New -Yorlr for no sooner do they reach New York; City than our buyer there rushes a supply on to us. That ia why we are more leather .wise than some. ' Come in -look over the display, and judge for yourself. Our prices' are no more than for the ordinary kind. We can prove it. - - -.;.,.- Hand Bags, Purses, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Traveling Cases, Bill Books, Cigar Cases, etc., etc ; ;Vr;V' i - BhotoDepartmlnt- We're preparing, and prepared, for a great camera campaign this Christmas, and we fully expect to double our enormous business of last v year. The largest assortment of fine cameras tr select from and nothing makes a more ac- ' ceptable present for any member of the family. For tne young tone we nave cameras at young prices. : Many a parent says a earners keeps their ' children out -of more mischief than they had been able to do before they bought it. Takes Just a trifle to keep 'em going. ;' . , :;.,"'...:" Prices .daiSSO Developing and printing done by experts, not ': on paper, but by real live experts who have given . years. to the study of the processes which will ; make your pictures a success. Every negative a .: study. V j: ;.' . . :,.v,"' ' . Ansco and Vidil Films in stock now he kindr H you have heard so much about. Each film ' separately attached to backing paper.' After ex posure any oneiof the films may be removed from ' roll and developed -singly without disturbing the t ' others. Each exposure may be separately focused. d Every spool provided with spring clip which pre 'vents. unwinding. All objects can be accurately 'focused within one or two feet. The most per fect substitute for glass plates. Made in all stand ard sites. ' . r Price 10c and 90c Roll of 12 : Exposures " ; : z. i ,::J SHOP BY I PHONE- FREE . . J - DELIVERY CO.