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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 3. UtJ. : if.::3 oun , o ra Ate. Ceals' Pitcher deceives Miser able Support and Takes Ascerj,sion in Eighth. v. ' ?iK-lal Plapateh by Laaaad Wire te The Jaareal) Kan Francisco, ' Nov. IS. -Roy Hltt pitched for the first tlms In many days at lteereatlon park today and was op- loKd in th , opening Innings by- Km' ersou. whom Mlqu Fisher had been easing and resting up ' for tha poat se ries with tha Angela. Tha seals reii on Emerson In tha opening and out of Tour singles acorcd two runs. It looked r If It waa coins: to ba a walkaway. Kinder, however, had tha food baseball timse to withdraw Emeraon, who waa complaining of a. tore back, and . r placed him by Brown, r Brown atopped the slugging and the Seals did no .more scoring. Still It was San Fran' cfseo's gam until the eighth Inning, when Hitt. probably Incited by the miserable support .he was recelviaur' at tills particular stage, went up In the wlr. ,It was a -merry, merry chase for the Tigers around the bags for the lust two Innings, and what wai a local vlrtory whs converted Into a ridiculous -defeat. The score: ' ' , TACOMA. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 6 1 1 1. ..,.6 12 S 1 Pove, rf. . . rheehan, 8b. Nordyke, lb. Kh tfitii, ns. . t ii-jcv, 2b. .. l.ynrh, of. . . ,M Ijiughliii, II "Kan, c. ... Kinerson, p. , Brown, p. Totals . ... If. .... .. I 17 II SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E TVnMron. cf. 4 1 I Monlrr. 2b ....10 I'll 1 lil.llraivl. If. S 1 1 1. Nwilon, lb 4 1 I t 1 Jlm.Helmluer. rf. ..... 4 1 1 0 0 3rin, 3b 4 1 9 ,.x-hufcuer. as. ...... 1 I 1 HtM, C. ., , 1 1 t 0 j int. n. 1 a a a -i V heeler 1 0 Totals SO- 1 17 S Batted for Gochnauer in the ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Tumnit . . 00000004 1 5 nit . . o i o o 4 Fan Kranclsco ., 0 0 6 t Hits . I 1 ltl ' SCMMART. . Two-base hits ' Nealon, Nordyke, Fheehan. Bacrlnce nit Mohler, Bhea, Brown, Hlldebrand. First base on er rors Tacomi b, tiart Frn"tH-o 1. Bases on halls Off Kimrrnon 1, off Hltt 2. Left on bases Ta coma 6, San Kranclsco 1. Mru-k out By Kmeraon 1, by Brown 4 by Hitt . Double plays Doyle to fawv: HIMebrand to Shea. Passed ball Shea, Tline-f game One hour and 4a minutes. Umpire IVrrine. Xicked Flayer Instead of Ball. (Special Dlapatch to Toe Jootaal.) fialere,- Or..- Nev. - 15. A - kick on " the head In a football game this afternoon rf-ndorM Robert T.anrtrth, a reform 1 'BeeYJjaUasnt, Berth. Henry I. Baldwin, Supt. City Water Works, Shullaburg. wis., writes: "I have tried many kinds of liniment, but I have never received much benefit until I used Ballard's Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains. X think It tt.e best liniment on earth." 26c, 60c end 11.00. Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. . ... School student." aged IR unconscloua for three hours. -The second rerorm scnooi waa da vine- Yew Park teas. Landreth broke through the line to block a punt and the. punter missed the ball and kicked Landreth In the head. The game resulted I to in favor of the reform school; ; : " -.. . i ; MULTNOMAH .ENTERTAINS ON THANKSGIVING EVE On Thanksgiving eve the Multnomah Athletic, club wlUntartsln in .fitting style by holding a dual wrestling and boxing exhibition with ' the Spokane Athletic ' club. The committee of ar rangements . have fixed up a--rattling good card (or the occasion and those who attend will not be. disappointed On this occasion the club will also inter pose a rousing football rally In prepara tloo (or the Multnomah-Oregon game on Thanksgiving afternoon. The aongs thst will be sung en the day of the game and the cheers will be rehearsed in the gymnasium and a great turnout is expected. , 4 -(. TRACEY AND ZUBRICK MATCHED FOR A BOUT Tom 'Tracey and Warren Zubrlck have signed articles for a 20-round go at Vancouvron December t. The Van couVer club will foster the bout and already there Is considerable interest in the match. Both Tracey and Zubrlck have started In training and wllkeep It up until the day of the battle. Tom was sporting a black eye last evening that he received.. from his sparring part ner, Tom Chinks, that he can give Zu brlck a good trimming when they meet SPORTING GOSSIP. - How ; "' How to keep the heard warm wear a percussion cap. How to keep the feet -warm wear footpads. How to keep the hands warm wear handcuffs. . ':'r "TT How to keep the legs warm wear fire hoae. e e - . 'i - McOraw will not be the first baseball star to tread the boards. Fifteen years ago -the late Mike Kelly' appeared in vaudeville in skit written for Mm by Billy Jerome. Next Arlie Latham the only, real baseball comedian the game has ever known, took a small part In a musical comedy. Then came Adrian C. neon in the latejpW. Hoyt'e"ATKunaway "Colt,- in which Pop" was tha star. Tim Hurst played a brief engagement with Anson. part was to umpire a baseball game. While rehearsing for this scene one of the members of tbe -company... who sat in the stand as spectators, advised Hurst to "speak louder." "Why," an swered' Sir Timothy, "are you hard of bearing?" '...,-' ..' ; . John McOraw is mvir- considering handsome offer that has been made to him to appear In vaudeville as a monol- oglst during the present season. The contract offered to the Giants' manager calls for a 10-weeks' engagement at 1,000 per week Tboee-wmr IrnoWMc- tjraw "predict he would be a success, and are urging him to accept. He nas talent for anecdote . that shows Itself When the little Napoleon la-In company. No man. not even barring Tim Hurst,, has bigger fund , of entertaining stones of the diamond' and the racetrack at his fingers'' ends than has.McQraw, When he begins , story-telling his success Is instantaneous. . i I SEATTLE Alio . 0AKLD PLAY SLOV; BALL ' Rerce Batting Bee In Which the Siwashes Connect for Nine J . . teen Safe Hits (Special Dtspatck by Leased Wire to Th Journal) Sacramento.'Nov. 55 Rfru- a. .mail crowd the Seattle and Oakland teams of the Coast league played a sloppy game today. The a-rounds were In ixvir condition. The Siwaahes batted the Oakland pitchers all over the lot and aix errors by ftie Commuters helped some, -The score: ' SEATTLE. . ' A a 13 IT Tr A VM ... AU 'V. Aa.. rv. A. XL. Bennett, 2b. ......... f t 4 XV ail V, ux. .,.,..,, e Walters, rf.- ., Blankenshlrk. a. ..... 4- Strelb, lb. , 4 Crowl. If. ........ .. 6 Richards, Sb. 4 Hall. aa. ......... . v . S Vickera, p. .......... S ,' ToUls . , its its a a l a a . 6 1.0 0 1 11) I 0 1 J S 0 , t 11 1)11 1 8 4 1 0 0 0 A ...,f..'tT-.47 IS It 17 I 1 OAKLAND.; .. A ' ' ' ,. t AB. R.H. PO. A. E Van Haltren, cf. 4 2 1 S O 0 Krager, rf 6 S 0 0 Ihuileavy. If. 4 1 1 3 0 0 Mosklman. lb. ...... 40 S 6 10 Kelly, 2b. -,,..,.,... 1 f t 1-ramus, ss. V,.,, ...,4 0 1 112 Devereaux, lb. ...... 4' 0 S, ,1 - 2 Byrnes, c , ,... 4 0 0 S S O 8 in llll, p. ........... 0 0 0 0 1 Hoganp. ........... 4 0 4 4 -0-0 Totals . S8 1 10 ST 12 " .SCORE BT INNINQ8. Seattle i . - 4 1 S 1J 0 0 IK Hits ..6 1 S 2 1 0 11 a Oukland 0 0100000 13 Hits .,.,......011 1 0 0 0 1 410 - . SUMMARY. Iflts Off "Smith '6. off Hosan IS. off Moskimaa . Three-base hits Blank. enshlp S. Two-base hits Walters, Strelb. Sacrifice hit Streib. Stolen base Kane. First bnse on errors ge-attle-e, Oakland J. l-'lrst base on balls Off Vickers S, off Smith 1, off Hognn l. Lert on oases neatiie , Oakland 11. Struck put By vickers X, by Jdnskl man 1. Hit by Ditcher Kane. Rlh. ards. "Double play Devereaux Ito Francks. Passed ball Byrnes. Time of game One hour and . 46 minutes. Umpire Mccartny. ; . , v . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. OLCBI, Lot Ancrle . .. Baa rrarrclaco .. Oaklao4 BMttle ........ Portland j aroma ,,,.,,,,., Lost 111.1 I71BI SO SjlTllS 11 On 14IWI14 M I t . 1SY4!62 B1BJM!2PT ' ?4 ll)ll4f.. SlH 46 ,Oln,lH O . . g 48 .010 .A20 .48 .468 .417 Yesterday's At Cambridge Tale , Harvard . At Beattle apoksns High-0, Seattle High". , i At Los Angete anerman xnaians li. W. & C. 0, At Albany Albany Amateurs II, Cor- rallls High 1. , ... ... . ;.v- At Portland P. A. f , H. M. A. 0. , Wo loore at Oregon city. (Special Dlapatrh ta Tbe Journal.) ' Oregon City. Nov. IS. A splendid ex hibition of school football was the gam 4 II - THESE i ARE.: WITHOUT A, question" THE "FINEST 'AND ; , BEST MORRIS CHAIR EVER. S H O W N I N PORTLAND, AND v THEY HAVE NO EQUAL.; "THE " ROYAL CHAIRS RAN OK' - IN ' PRICES FROM $14 TO $33. WE HAVE P " CHEAPER ONES'" ALSO. it- m moms chairs V V Fusncuno.i ; ; ; .lYOUCAN.RC. CLINE THESE , CHAIRS TO ANY POSITION WITH ;. A SIMPLE PRES. SURE OP THE . THUMB ON THE 'BUTTON. ARE MADE IN MA- ; HOGANY AND IN QUARTER SAW ED GOLDEN OAK, H foil LTC, ' POLISHED. 'J. VAVlVia AU IVlAACi A OCL.lllUn AlIUXia (JO MrU 1 11 AWAI C UK XJU v j HENR Y JENNim . & 172-174 FIRST STREET z :- -i WE SELL ON TIM E IF DESIRED today orr the - Willamette field between the Oregon City High school and the seeonl,.team of Mount Angel college. Thegune was hotly- epnteated through out and neither team scored. Had the gam lasted a half mjnut longer Mount Angel would have scored, s they had tha ball nearly over the line when time was called. The gam was marred by Bancroft of Mount , Angel getting' his collar bon fractured In tha, mlx-up. BIG PRACTICE FOR CLUB ; TEAMTHISMORNINQ This, morning at 10 o'clock the Mult nomah' club football squad writ turn out for the biggest practice of tbe season. Coach Overfield Intends to have . the entlr squad, out so that he may get a line on each man before the Thursday rams. (Multnomah - will be further strengthened this morning by the addi tion of several' new men. The betting on the contest at present favors Oregon about 10 to t. - ., Alladi Laaio s 1 SuaJay Dinner '''.-'. ' P. 'Alladto, t famous epi-. , - etirean caterer, now managing -the Calumet t af e. -' French dinner, with win and a portion of the delicious : Alladlo cream -cheese, x Prealdast McKinley a favorite v delicacy SOc. s InimlUble Alladio cuisine. . Iarg family dining-room. Music byltichter's .orches- . :..;' -v i Calumet Caf e 1 151 ScweatL Street "9o Ssepatr !Hiiigal. -'''.--'- (flpeeial Dispatch te Tbe Joomal.t . Falrrlew. Or, Nov. , 26. A business meeting of the Smith Memorial church was held at the residence of A. L. 8 ton on Thursday afternoon. , After discus- Hotel Eaton 1 Oomer sTarrlais a4 a Tarh Stoeets. : NEW , BaadlesMty raralabad, alrsastir rearaof. Bra auaotes- walk : akapplBg sad boalseas 4latrl eetve. ve aalaotes' walk froa heart ef airy, eutatde rlet. all larva. baa teal alawvla llshta, talapboee ta each apartness, ee. Larsa eroees, JoaBctnf. aswkias, wntlas, laalae ptlprlas. Baoaia taeniae1 friwte eassfbas Sieets foafas sad ! leeMU $I.OO to $3.00 a Daj Bates t OrersMTly ef Hotel Bedpeta, ' gpakaaa.) sion It was decided to repair the inside of the church. ' Attar business matters wer - laid ' : aside refreshmefits wer served to th members present, ' 1 Tor ssodern dental worse. World-re-: owned spaelallstsi ' Lowest price sonslstent with ftrst-olaM O to tb SEW YORK DENTISTS . TOVBTg an MOBBIBOg ITar ' pp day and night (rota t:S0 a, . BtU 10 SV 'as. . CMieHraTcn-a giLiM i I, la 1F, rM'.bU. Uilav uk Diwfa M TH iCUUTIK'a INUlJiil hlIlM4 Ml aim in, taaaa, mlmt ' . - a V J iiNM'M lakaUMUM, aa TaUlav. .-II ' lieStaaaj Saa . mil . k .4. ,y. r. ,1 ',-' - -..-..f. -il '-. S 1 no 7A Ml. M--l-- 'T'-'.1 ' ' .-rrnTIAn TT l4S ' .A ' f: '-',.!;. 4 ,k-yfh-' v-' ! ! i...yl M I allMl itm WMMOmSEMSE-JClGM WUi . V . Yotir. money refunded for every SPANISH MAID cigar you purchase if riot the best 5c cigar you ever ' judge. Dealers are author- -ized to refund 5c to any person buying a Spanish Maid cigar, ana claiming same; is not '.ry.-'-- Ty - t .. ' i A- 'T C J; J ' ' .1. satisfactory" . -" LEWIS, Wholesale Mstitors, IPoffcland, Oregon ,, : ) r:- .' .-..!' ':' ' ''-' . ' '.'.. .'I . . N ;:. .; .' ' .' 'I '-t'a jp( 1 yy