The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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ACT on Faith in Open
River Idea at Big Special '
Meeting. ' ' c
Commercial Clnb to Make Strenuous
Efforts to Have Wharf Property
'. Made.. CUy Holding. Prominent
. Men TakeJPart in Gathering; .
itTm ritanafrti te ma ioarsaLi :
'.l Arlington. Or, Nov. t. Although the
: matter of river transportation on the
; upper Columbia la still In an embryo
. 'state, the enterprising: bustness men of
-thla aeotlon demonstrated tneir raun in
i tha "open river" Mee yesterdsy by call
' lng a special mooting of tha Arlington
' commercial lub. Tha call reoelved a
hearty response as it was rumored that
. this particular session would be devoted
. ' (to the matter of erecting; a wharfboat
at the foot of Main atreet. which la
intended, te ' attract the exponents-of
navigation 10 tne over town in uuiiam
-county. Tha meeting was attended by
' tha representative business men of the
city, and all In attendance were enthu-
1 Blastto ta the extreme. - ..:
The meeting M called to order by
" President O. D. Sturgla of the Arlina
ton National bank. 'and an election for
.office of secretary, followed.- which" re-
. -suited In t hav ohool nfr of -J. E, .Burdetie,
a . prominent " local attorney, who will
fin the unexpired term left vacant by
Kdltor fl. -A- Thomas, who la .now Jo.
Vated In Lexington. Or. ' ' ; "
, -After tha'offlcJal business of the club
-was finished, the matter of placing a
wharfboat for the nae of an river' craft.
'Which may wish to land at Arlington,
- was presented to the body ' In session.
Tha motion was received with wild en
thusiasm and in leas than ten minutes
It was agreed to build a wharfboat
to be used on the waterfront ,of the t;o.
" lurobla at Arlington, Or., and 11,000 was
raised to commence- operations. 1 J: 13.
Burdette, B. , T. Bnell - and George Wo-
Laughlln were appointed as an executive
committee, with full power to act In Its
. construction. '. ,.i
It. ta understood that tha commercial
club will make strenuous efforts , to
make the wharf a city holding, so it
appears that Arlington -and Its cltlaens
era "up 10 oaie on . municipal owner
ahlp. ,v .-, ,
. . . At present there are but three boats
-plying this portion of the uppar Colum
bia., Mountain Oem, Columbia and Dr.
. Blalock'a gasoline launch Island' Queen,
.' . but la -tha near future there -will be
more. . - i " -1 - v . . .
..'..This meeting proved beyond a doubt
that steam navigation on jthe Columbia
haa been dragged from dreamland and is
now-an assured fact . The business men
' of this locality showed an enterprising
prt " fci"yin will be an abrupt
mark In .the future history and develop,
ment of this city. - -
Among thoaa In attendanoa at today" a
meeting were 3. L. Blalock. A. Brqythe,
, J. K. Burdette. J. U Chase, Oeorga Wlth
row, B. - T. SnelL George McLaughlin,
R. F. Munroe. O. P. Low, Xj J. Cov lison
Butcher,, C, E. Morris, W. Jackson, 8 A.
Thomas of -the' Lexlngtow fvheatfleld,
Fred Cornett ot the Condon Globe.;. ;
Through Issuance of Pardon by
Governor Ipwa People Learn
;V History of Lawyer., ,
(Journal Speeiet Servtce.)
Blow OJty, Jowa, Nov. 26. Through
tha Issuance of a full pardon and tha
restoration of privileges of cltlsenshtp
16 W. N. Jordan, by Governor Cummins,
tha public haa learned for the first time
that one of the most popular political
leaders In the state and . one of the
foremost members of tha Xes Moines
bar Is a former eonviot.
While bank cashier at Baxter, Iowa.
In 1880, Jordan was convicted of false
pretenses for- fraudulent banklna. and
sentenoed to nine months imprisonment.
While behind the bars he studied law,
and three years after his release was
admitted to practice law. .
The advance be made in his profes
slon was remarkable. ' He rapidTy went
to the front rank of s)he Des Molnea
bar and became tha bead of one of the
most proa parous f lrma In the city. .
v (Special DIapatch to The Joarnal.) -
Bumpter. Or., Nov. -Mr a M. J.
Lynch, mother of Albert Lynch, who haa
been missing, from Sumpter aince Bep
tember SO, la almost distracted over his
disappearance and tha fact that no trace
ean ba found of him. Tha boy left here
In company with a few other boya who
feared punishment for having removed
the clapper of the achoolhouae bell a
few days previous to their disappear
ance. ' . .
Young Lynch, was working on a farm
In the valley below McEwan for" a
farmer, when the other boya cam's along,
persuading him to take the trip with
them,' saying -that they 'would take In
the fair at Portland. Next day soma of
the boys-were brought home - by .the
parents of the boys, but Lynch dldrnot
return. ' Leter-he waa 1 heard -from- In
the state of Washington, slnoe then no
word haa been heard trora him.
His mother fears that the boy met
with mishap and .might have lost hla
life. , She la aendlng word to the differ
ent papera, aa thla means may lead to
the whereabouts of the lad. He is de
scribed es being large for his age, hat
blue eyea and brown hair.
Outbreaks In Various Parts of tha
Republic Quelled by the
v ? " : Sword and Gun. ;
Country in Fever of Ferment 5e
cause It It Freely Charged That
' , Official! '. Excite Outbreaks rio
Pocket Wax Funda. -r.l
i - (Jeeraal Special Sarrlea.1 '
aty of Mexico, Nov. . While the
American press Is ringing with tha peace
of Mexico and the praise of Diss, re
ports reach here of outbreaks la various
earts of the republic These are
censored, but they exist.
Last week a revolution took place le
Elora. state of Mexico, where an at'
tempt, was msde to burn. the Jail and
publlo buildings. ' Seven persons were
shot without parley. The following day
six more 'disappeared.
In Vera Crua and ejaxaca turbulent
spirits are about and! the forcea of
Rurales shoot about three malcontents
a week. 1 -
Sonora la In a state: of ' ferment be
cause It Is - freely charged .that some
of the officiate are Inciting tne alleged
Taqul outrages to get "war" funda to
put In their own pockets. It la asserted
that severalhundred -'warriors".,, are
working en the orange plantations of
two officiate.
' (Journal Spertal Service.)
.NewYrk. Nov. 25.- John- Alexander
Dowte. 'Elijah the Prophet," and party
of Zionists arrived this morning from
- Ilavanai Dowle has been to Mexico to
start a colony of Zionists. He la much
Improved in health. . .. ! 1 ' -
To Boy 36,000 feooks.
(ftpeetal Dwpateh to The JotvaaL) '
-"', 8alem.-Or Novj 81. -About 16,060
books will be purchased in the near
-future by the state library commission
and distributed among the 2,eo-school
districts of the state. - The money uaed
In the purchase of these books waa e
- cured by the various school district 11
brary tax levya and amounts to about
$16.0. i . .
(Spaelal Dlrsatch te The Jeeraal.)
Elgin, Or., Nov. 28. General dlasatls.
faction is apparent between the O. R.
ft N. Co., the subcontractors on the Elgin
extension and the creditors tof the aub
eontractors. . The merchants hsve made
several attachments on Eden Brown.
who have a grading contract. The sub
contractors state that they have t not
been paid what la due them from the
ft.' N. Co. Mr. McCabe, the general
contractor, says he haa paid these con
tractors the full estimate allowed by the
engineer, lens 10 per cent, the amount
retained by the company. Eden Brown
claim that The company la holding out
to per cent. . z ;
This la on the line of he Elgin
hranch. of the O. R. ft N. into Wallowa
county, which is expected to reach the
Interior towns of the Wallowa .valley
early next fall., . - -
, .:;., t , ,- ...
(Special Dispatch to Toe Jearaal.l
Walla Walla, Waah., Nov. 16. E. B.
fiatk," who" had "Chaigeoniie ifrew ot
North . Coast surveyors In locating a
route through the Blue mountains from
Walla Walla to Snake river at a point
opposite the mouth of the Orand.Honde
tlver, haa returned from Spokane, where
he went. to confer with North Coast en
gineers. Mr. Clark, while reluctant to
give out' any Information, says that he
located a feasible route through the
mountains. ? Owing to immense canyons
and blah mounulns-tha building of a
road through from Walla. Walla to the
Snake river would be a stupendous un
dertsklng and entail the expenditure of a
vast amount of money. Several bia
canyons would have to ' be spanned by
trestles, and In two or three places It
would be necessary to do some tunnel
ing. .
8peeta1 Dkeateh te The Jearaal.)
Elgin. Or., Nov. 24. Officers are
searching the railroad campa down the
r'ver In an effort to locate the thug
who brutally .assaulted and robbed John
Humble and Jamea Judge Thursday
night In the railroad cut one half mile
below town. .The two men are badly
hurt, but will recover . An examination
of the scene of the holdup shows that
they were struck with pick handles, s
two of these weapons were found neat
the scene, one of which was covered
with blood. - -The holdup occurred about
11 .o'clock aa the vlctime were returning
to their camp downtha rtveiv-They
were bo(h knocked unconscious and lay
In that condition until nearly morning,
when they were discovered by other par
ties who were going to camps below.
The amount secured by the robbers was
In the. neighborhood of 10. , 1 '
. The two men came from Portland
some weeks ago to work on the rail
road construction work of the O. R. a)
N. railroad to Wallowa Two auspicious
looking men were arrested today,
searched and given a preliminary hear
ing, "but were turned loose. ,
' ,
MajdefromtPure Grape Cream of Tartar
'. v v'Ta baking powdcrRoyal is tie standard, the
;United States v Government! tests of greatest
jstrengtn and pxuiWfr&z :'r- ? ;
-ble jend is most economical in practical use.
;;. -iHousekeepers are sometimes ' importuned'- to
buyr alum 'powders Becjusehey are ' cheap."
'Yet some of the cheapest made powders, are sold,
.r to consumers at the highest price. . - " l
I i Housekeepers should stop and thihkT " Is it.
hot better to buy the Royal and take no chances '
the powder whose goodness and honesty are heyer
. questioned? : y , 'y-'-K'- ' ''''
Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an
..... alum-phosphate or other -adultered ; powder to
- save a few pennies f - --
1 :
' (dpeetal ttwpateh to The Josnal.) .
Whitman Collece. Walla Walla. Wash
Nov. 25. The tryout was held yester
day evening for a debating team to rep
resent Pearson s academy In the annual
debate with the Walla Walla High
school. There were eeven contestants
for this honor. - All mads a very credit'
the Judgea selected the following to
compose the team: Harvey1 Corpe,
Kaith Edgerton and Elroy McCaw; al
ternate, Verne Walker.
The Walla Walla High echool ' haa
submitted the following question to the
local academy: "Resolved, That the
present law excluding Chinese laborers
should be repealed."- , , .
The debate will take place In th
Whitman chapel about the middle ot
December. Th-wtnner will' have the
honor of competing in the semi-finals
In the Interscholastlc league, composed
of eight high schools and academies of
the inland Empire. - . ,
(Special Dlnateh to Tha Jimraal.ll
La Grande, Or.. Nov. 26. The Oreaon
Produce company of thla place has Just
compietea a targe shipment of 10 cars
01 fine apples raised In the Grand
Rondo valley for the Arliona and New
urieans markets. This Is the first shin-
ment xor mow vrieans markets, as the
middle states have heretofore furnished
the fruit for. that part of the country.
After one ahlpment of the Grand Ronde
valley fruit has gone to "any market
there is never any doubt but there will
be more go to the same place, because
the fruit raised in this valley la sup
posed to be superior to any In the north
west.' :" - ' - --" ' '- r " -
.The shipment of apples from this
point will not be as great this year aa
it waa last on Recount of the heavy
wind storm that was experienced over
the greater part of eastern Oregon In
the eummer, which' blew off many tons
of fruit tnat waa a total loss. -
' (Spaelal Mapatefe to The learaal.)
McMlnnville, Or., Nov. 21. Rev. J. M.
Via of Wellington, Kansas, died Thurs
day morning at the ilome of Carey Til
bury of appendicitis.' Rev. Mr. 'Via came
Onmn la Hsplnmbas in
end slso the Lewis and Clark fair and
waa taken 111 Very suddenly. He leaves
a widow, who was.wlth him. and several
children In Kanaas. . The body will be
shipped, east next week upon the arrival
nr hla eon. - - -
(Spaelal Dispatch te Tee Joerael.)
Helena, Mont.. Nov. 26.-The aupreme
court haa declared constitutional the
law passed by the last legislature re
ducing the mileage fees of the sheriffs
for transportation of prisoners and In
sane from 10 cents a mile to actual ex
penses. '- This will result. In big sav
ing to the atate. ...
Poa Slvereee Oraated-
(Kpeelal Dlapatck te The Journal.)
Chehalls, Waah., Nor. (.Four di
vorces were granted In the . superior
court this week: Stanley C. 'LeBrook
was granted a divorce from Florence F.
LeBrook on statutory grounds, Effle i,
Graham wai granted a divorce from
JohniA. Graham, Emma Joerk aeenred
divorce from - Hrmaa-Joerk - and
Harry Quirk waa granted- a divorce from
HatUe .Quick. , J . ,
V. ,
nyj :
m mm-
JhMato mmmmtmZlli
Too are lijvlted, you and
; your friends, to come to
our store tonight and hear
little- David Berllno, the
"-. most wonderful pianist ot
his age In the world. ,
. We are able positively to
.' announce that our Bale of .
exchanged Pianos wilt
-'; open Friday, December
, Every Piano offered 'fbr
.- sale . will- be- In- perfect
condition and 'the Alien ;
- ft Gilbert-Ramaker guar
antee la back of every rep-
reeentatton that we make -.
about these instruments.
- .'There are 0 Pianos to be
. ' put en sale.
Come early and you will,
be able to get a fine In
strument for aa low aa a
hundred dollara.
Watch for the list of In- ,
;strumenta,.Wel will pub
" llah at least a part of the
, Hat not., later thai) Tues
day, November is..-',
v - - ... '(.V
Allen & Gilbert- 7
Ramaker Co.
-The oldest, 4argee tarwi-
strongest Piano and Organ
House in the Pacific North-rest-
:'-T-.-r. -J, .,'..;--
Sixth and, Morrison
. . , ...'.-...
; (
-5. -aravurtexsah
Some of the tropical beauties whici The Joarnal Party will enjo dorlnf their stay on the klajiij
Votes received up. to Friday evenias In -TIW Journal V Hawaiian TTHp
" ' ' '.'!
Of The JottrnalV f
Hawaiian Tour ' :
Implement Firm Claims
. Assessment Is Way Out
of .Proportion. ; : , '
The closing day ef the. county court.
sitting se an equalisation board,: was a
whirl of excitement, although no. heavy
Interests were Involved. Several caaes
ud thla morning were presented earlier,
and a few property owners put In a final
argument. No reductlona were an
nounced, but the board took two or three
cases under consideration ana win act
upon them this afternoon or tomorrow
In chambers, aa It is expected that this
will be the last day for the making of
protests. .:(. :"
R. JA. wade at CO., witn main ornce
here and branches In valley towns, arged
that their assessment of ttO.OOO . for
merchandise and 140,000 for notes snd
accounts waa out of proportion to that
of simitar concerns engaged In the
Implement business, and which carry
about the same stocks. The average aa
sessment for the other implement houses
wss found to be 130,000 to 140.000, which
Assessor Slgler stated was the nearest
he had been able to approach at Ti per
cent of Inventory valuations.
Julius Friendly appeared before the
board a second time to protest against
realty orThe7-family home afTleWBtrrj
and Stark streets. Hie arguments cov
ered values - In most portions of the
business center and were ruled out by
the- commissioners ss Irrelevant. Mr,
Friendly Insisted that while his valua
tion was not up to the worth of the
property. It -was out or proportion to
other valuations, especlslly that placed
upon .Mrs. J. M. Goarln s lot and a half
opposite, which had been assessed at
tlf.000. The ease had bth decided al
ready upon by the commissioners and
they did not care to reopen. iu .
Acknowledge Otfta.
The Sisters of, the Good Shepherd de
sire to thank the Needlework Guild of
America for the donation of undercloth
lne. consisting of 4 nightgowns. 10 On-
dersllps. underskirts, I corset-covers
11 pairs stocking' 1H towels, s pillow.
slips end I handkerchiefs.
Irvine's Buchu Wafers
Cere all Kidney Tmeblee, atoe sals la the hark,
make WtfM ( albamea la tha urine Impnaalhle
anil ataallr rrbelld the ehrnakra wall of tb
kidoar. .Xnnntala-Jut. what- le araaue
ta rrsxrra the Olenae, heal the anre epnt
nit atrenftbea whole erf an. . Thar new
fall to bring rllf jrlthla a fw soar an4
re" to" lT "eurd. tVid at ftoe a hut hr
a. ay. gkldmore Co., Brarrtsts. 11
Third sv, sole agaaia 101 roruaaa, ur.
ootrroxs ass orrnr as roixowit
L-mrH-eimis euutium. mtfrftst th ily I . '',''
ssper, are seed tor eae vote. Baberrtpttos'
e the iTsalag Joaraal aad Baoday storslng
ioarul, .tame swats. SI BO. s special
eoepoa ef 150 vetaa. sald Is advene);
Babaertptlea te Ivaalng and Soaday Mora
lag Jeeraal ats awstba, SS.T6..S aseelal
eeapoa ef tOO votM (paid la adTaaee). Bab
ecrlptloa te the EveaiBi end Baaday Mora
lag Joaraal is nasntka. T ea, a tpeelal
of TOO votes (paid adTasee). 1
Babserlptloa te the grsslsg and aasday
MorBlng Joaraal. three swaths, sy Bull,
1.M, a aaeeUI eoapoa ef ISO vetoe (paid
la-edvaae). Bubncrfptloa to the , Krealag
and Boaday MorBlng Joaraal by aull els
awstba, S.T, s epeeta! eoapoa ef too rotas
(paid la adrasee). Bebncrlpttoe to the
veslag ssd Baaday M-rslag Joaraal by
stall U swath, $1.00, s sptetal coeeoa et
TOO votea (paid la adtaaeo). ml-Wkly
Joaraal. tl.SO s year, apodal seapoa e( 10
votes (paid la advaaee). 1 ' 1
I llXTaKCbapoaa esoala" So voted at tae
boadqsaruani aaareat yea et swliee a
eoapoa dopaitswat ef The Joaraal. er et
asy point saswd bolow. .Teles wUl be
wasted Moadays. Wodaeadaya asd I"rlda7
and the totaU asaooseed te the saline the
foUowlag day. ' 1
Asy eesdldate withdrawing from the eoa
tast caaaet save bar votes soasted to ea
' ether. ' ; . '
IBST-aay yeasg lady ever 18 year
ef es suy he seealaated at say tlaw- ea
hblanka provided ey Te Joaraal. with the
eadorMBwat Of rwo wiu aaoaia i
M the dtetrwt la waleh eae tlde. r- -
BXOOsnwnrae fsdtos agresabla te'tae
dlfforeat Candida can aaall be aelertod te
ersdaiiy -Baaoaaea the wlaaer ta each db
trlet, ea yoaag lady te be eavsea 'froai
each dlatrlet, ' ,
TsTIXD As ta ethar electloes. each dlo
trlet aha 11 vote separately. - The vote la
eae caaaet affect the ether. ' Matters pres-u
rly eoscoralBg the dlatrlet will fca aattlad
by the wlahe ef the majority. The win.
ser ahall bar tb rlsht te Bans a proxy
If Seattle te attend seraaht
FOTrEfsT-eaaer will .eaagawsea Te'
day. . Aasnat B, IwOB. and eloo Betarday.
Doeoaiber SO, at B e'etoek p. m.. leoB.
Onapeaa asst s voted wlttla aevoa days
sftae laaoe. Ooapone eat froa the Dally
Joaraal araat be easily trlsiaws. Att
tea pens, whether atagle er apocUl. nisst soar
the aaate ef the esadldate te be voted fas.
! Total Tot.
........... M.aoo
... TS.M9
... 64.G7S
... 45,t4.l
... ST.4U
.......... SO.MX
Mloa Minnie 8. Phllllpa, deputy clerk rlrmlt reort
Mlaa Halite Uadbran. OWa, Worrmaa A King Storo
Mlaa Bailie Wlnlermantle, Cltr Bye Wia-ka ,
t.ura auiy, sa aaa Kara! atreot.....
Mlaa (iretebaa Korth, telephone operator Portland hotel.
Mln Ruth Le. endiiraed by Portland rortd Traoea Couocll
Mlaa Haae Sharon, 111 Beat Thlrtlsth 'mat
Mlaa llouriatta WInkleman, 4UT Kaot Coach-(treat , tT.
miaa ntarsarat Smith, OHS WUIIama arena M.UU1
Mtae Edlih Kern, B46 Btnrk atraet...... r... VS.lvui
.Mlaa Laura IMrbyahlro. eae Walar atreet.....
mim r-,iit iiwi, mm iwy oiroei... ..,...,.. .. . .. .. aa.vio
bllaa A Irene Horn, Orafnn city ...T
Mlaa Elaa Orleael. 805 leant Thlrty-flra. street , ,. 21. ii
Mlaa Eire Hurlhort, Bt. Jokua. - an. 304
Mlae iMty Uould, telephone eperator Oregon hotel. ............................. ),4Jt
Mlaa Omevlere Holmon. Olila. Wort man A Kms atoro..........v..
, Miaa isanw Manser, nne Kawish etnet.
iua ttaorgia Nina. X Buroaide etrevt
Mlaa Cora Jollr. TS3 Vlrnt atraat . ..
HI Marlon Leahy, Woodard, Clarke Drug
Mlaa Cornalla Barker, ltd Grand a ranee..
Mlaa Hone noddies, Oreoa City
(Voting place. Coupon IXpartawut. Journal Office.)
:'-- . - DUTSICT 1T0..'S. '
Mlaa Katie Naab. La flnrnde,
, ld.bMI
........ 13, UH
........ 14.01.1
........ lJ.laii
Mln Mnuie rroebatel. La Urande. Oril
I Vol ln puce. La Grande, Btrlnhecs Mover Unalavtloaavy.)
. . ... ........ ,, . . .. . Tt.Hlfl
Mlaa Ae riotcber. Pendlaton. Orefon
- Mta Pearl llarrla. rendlaton. Oracoa.TT
. Mlaa (trace llawka. Comll'tnn, Oreson..
alias Maori joliaooa, frndlatoa, Uragoa o
(Votlne Blaoa. Pandb-ion. Brork A MeOoaiaa' Dru Btore.l
Mia Lillian B. O'llarra.- Athena, Orecna ................. B.144
1 ivotinf piare. Atnana, uaii tirae. moee.
Mlaa Ivy MrCaniater. Walla Walla, Weantnstom
miaa nmj -.aiiiaoaa. wajia waua. waauinsuna .........,............
Mlaa Roiy Vonns. Walla Walla, Waaolnctoa .......k......
. Mlaa Hatlle Brown, Walla Walla. Waahlusloa
Mha Loalla Barr. Walla Walla. WaaklnztoB
voting pure, walla walla, wahingrao. boob nos.
Mlaa Bulla La Land. Weetoa. Orefia 1,113
Mln Bailie, Ooaaaa. The lHlles, Orerw.. 41 AMI
Mlaa Lnrlle Crale. The Dallaa. Oraioa..... ....... a,B03
I Votlns nlaea. The. DaUaa.. Alakalr Dru aUareJ . : a
Mhat Btolla Blrhardann, Bond Klvor, uregoa Stl.OM
Mlaa Laara Cramer, Hnod RUer. Orosm 4.. U.IM3
.. TrT.JO.1
....... 1. 144
-...iiTr.44,.V ..
....... 4.744
...... ..
jaara tnntr, inoa iiwrr uiaa'iai. , .. . . .,..w,.....imi...i,. a
Vol ln place, liood RItoc, Wrlflit' Store.)1 (
rlcranre tleorga, Arllnston. Orasua.i ...... ft. 11
aweaam e iaeunar.r -7 .i'0.'.-
lint lhatilot Mnltwotnab and Clarkasws
esanttes. Voting ptae. Coapoa DapartBiaat
ef Tb Joarnal efflos. -
. ,.'J . J ''
eaand Btotrtet-fcTJslee. , . fajatllla . ssd.
W(low eoaatles. 1 .
Third Ptotrl-Waaeor Bharmas. OllUaav
Morrow, Wbaalar sad Crook eoaatlaa. . , .
reorth IHatrla Bakar, Oraat, Haraay
asd Malbear eoastws, . .
fifth 1 tHetrlot TelasiMa and Clatnop
teantte, Oreson; KllcklUt, Oowlltsv CTarka,
Paclfle. WahkUksm and I ka mania eesaOaa,
Waahlagtoa. -v , -
Burth; Xhatrlai Marwa, Lisa aad Lane
eraattes. , ., i;.'
aVvath tHati 14 WaahlBf toe. THIamooa,
. Xaiaslll, Ban ton. Polk and Lincoln eoaatlaa.
- Clctk IHaUhit . Doaclas. Ceea, Carry.
JaaoDalM.' . Jackson. . aiaaai
eoaatlce. .- t
tt aad Use
, Any Information regardlnf con
r 'ditions of the Hawaiian tour should
be sddresBed to tha manager ' of
tha Contest Department of Tha
A Valine place. Arllnston
rtraM Mhannon. Com
- (Votlns plare. (oodoa. Jackaon . Uoralhreok'a Btars.)
at ma uoaa Kaa. uappnor. uroeoa
'V- v !.-...'-
...4.......- . 1.S.VI
1 474
atlas wrace naser, tirnpoar, urcaxat. ...... M. .v. ...
(Votlns place. Hanpner, Pattereie A Boa' Bt
Mlaa Owtruue Sharp. Prlnevllle. Orer.
Mlaa Kffle'Mae Kins. Ontario, Oreson-...
Mlaa Hatlle Barton. Baker Cllr. Orasiat...
Mia oertTuae ti. Tttar Mtr." rrcii rmT.Tjri". . r.'.1.". . : : . ';. .
Mlaa Btbel Parker. Baker I llr. Omrua
-allaa Mrrtle Brattoa, Bakar City, Oreson.. ......................
(Votlns place. Baker City, LeTlnser' Drag Btotre.) w- -
am t inrn ewain, nnrnn, vrcfon. ... .................
(Voting place. Burn. Welcoai I'bamiar.), , . i ,:, .
Mias Unlay Bettrrler, Vale, Oregoa. 8.01
Mlaa OeraMlne IHirkae. Bumpter, Oregon 4.0UB
(Voting piece. Bompter, He Netfe Cigar A h'ewaataad.) . ,
WSTSIOT HO. . ' . - . -
Mlaa Ka-therlne Gore, Kalama, Waahlngton ..................................... SS.1SS
'. (Votlns place. Kalaoia. Coffar'a Htere.l . .
Miss rioretice IloarreB, TtheoaTer, waablngtee .......... ...... ...... ZS.KS7
(Voting place, Vanconrer. 61 Mala atreet.) . . .
Ms Amelia William. Kelao. Waah Inst on 18,04s
i Voting place. Jteleo Coofertlnnery.) , . . "
a U Todd, AatorU. Oraau-. I4.1M
Mlaa Hr.!na Coffmaa, Aatofll'. Orason. S.aAl
Mlaa gather Andaraoa, A at aria. Urcrai S,(Md
(Votlns pUoe, Aalorta. Owl I'm Store.) .
Mlaa Mary Bars, Home Valley, Waalilngtoa ....... ............... .r...... 11. W
Mlaa l)alr W'atklna. Bt. Helena, Orafua ........................... ............. B.UUS
- (Voting place, St. Helens, Oray'a Store.) ,
' Mm Annie Perrlne,- Clatakanle, Oresoa ..V .' 1,900
- (Voting place. Clatakanle. Blmaona A Co.'a Store.) . .
Mtae Gertrude Randall. Caatle Rock. Wiahlnaton ..k.. 1.0M
M'n jT"- i...w.n , rr...i... r..1T it 11
nor s vrag store.! -
....................... j.avt
(Votlns niece. Caatle Rock. Aador'
IB la Alice rarry. Bain lor, uresos.v.-
(voting place, aetoier, rneflnors a uoaiaeiKMwry.i ' . .
OISTSI0T SO, S. '- f- ""'
Mlaa Blanch Brown, 8a lam Oreson M,TJ
' Mlaa Mary PaVldaon, Ha lea, Oragaa .11,4(11
Mlae L. Bella Darby, Ha lam. Oregon... 11.8111
" Mlae Minnie Ireton. Salem. Oreaxm. 11. (nil
Mia Pearl Shelley, Ha mm, Oregoa... . ' T.4H1
' Mlaa Minnie Achenhach, Salem, Orecna. n. . ....... .
Mlaa Nettle HMMesoop, Baiam, Vresoa
tVotlna nlaca. Haloai. Ilaaa lrne Btore.l
Mlae Marife Bar tea, Knsane, Oreeoa ....a.... 4.t?d
- Mlaa Emma Moffat. Eugene, Oreron........ ....... ia.471
. Mlaa 'Stella Bean, Euaeoe, Ore.m.. .....1 t."ij."i.. 1.4u5
IVollna nlaao. Knaen. . Ilull'a Dr IS Store.) ' , ' .
- Mine Maade Blair. Vottag urore, uregoa....
Mlaa a-ffla Stewart. Oottaee Orove. Oreaon
.Mlaa I.laata Vaatch. Cottaao Oroae. Orreoa
(Voting place. Cottage Orore. OlU'e Confacttenary.) - '
' Mlae Pearl Baraga. Albany. Oregon
- Mlaa Maggie Chambers, Albany, Oregon
' Mlaa Alice Locke, Albany, Oregoa. . .1 ....
(Voting place, Alnanr. iiewaon a vrng ntora.;
-Mlaa Uary Morcom, Wood bom. Oregos, IH.ent
L Mlaa Myrtle Traak. Woodliara, Oregon.. . . 4 ............. r. ...... ...... . ..... 11,1I9
(Voting place, Wondburn, Bee two A Whitman Store.)., . , .
Mhw Kathrrn Oarvla. Bllrertoa. Oregon 11, 663
. (Votlns place. SUrerton, Brook' Drug Store.)
Mm Addle Slmpeoa, LebaaoS, Oregon .....v...... B.B
30, 2HI
1 5,(101
(Voting place. Iebanon. Cotton's Store.) .
Mtae Nonda Olear, Aurora. Ongnn ..'
Mia fay Coolay, Brownavlll, Ore '
Mine Berths Court emancha, McMlnnville, Oregoa.. ......... .v.... ...... ......
-' (Voting place. McMbinrllle, Homer's store.) ' - ,. t
"Mlas Haerl Kannady, Ifayette, Oregon, .......m, ......... ............... 14,B7a
(Voting place, Lafayette, Poatul five.)
'Mlaa Oora Spangle, Dayton, Oregoa ..,.. I3.S03
(Voting place, iiarton, tiarrw urug atora. 1 - ...
Mlaa Minnie Boy. Dallaa, Oreaon 4,
(Voting place, Dallaa, Staat'e Can fact loner,)
Mlae Marie Hoa teller, Hlllahero, Oregon..
Mlaa Rnaa B. Bowaer, HllUhoro, Oregon
(Voting place. Hllwooro, Behnluierlch's Store.) .
Mlas-Mrrtle Butler, Forest drove, Oregon
(Voting plaaa foraet Orore. I. Coar' Store.)
e...i. ..
. 2.125
Tau4Wiwbarsjaragon( , , 1 . ,n
1, vaiw.ii a. wu. a a vu. , , .
, ,m 1
. v,..,,.
............ . . . .
............... 4J.IU16.
(Votlrut Dlai.
Mlaa LI 1 1 la a Wehater. PktlomatB, oragon
Mlaa Anaala C. Hnlabelnio. tteavarton. Oregon ....
(voting place, nearerion. inomaa 'ining ijwnreetionary.i .
- Mta Oraca Btarr, Oorvkllls, Oregon. .................... in,,,,
.4, DISTK10T 0. . . 1 r
Mia ndna Paraley, BoeaMrg, Oregon
Ulaa n.l. tlantine. RnaafmrK. Oreaon....' J
. (Voting place, tmaenorg. namiiMn a vn im . v . ..
Mtae Loulae T- Jonea, Jatrkarmvllle, Oregoa ......... W. .....,....,........, i 11,7S
Mlaa Mande Berry. Grante pan. Oraenn...: .i... 11,800
(Voting place. Grant Paaa, Smith' Drag Store.) 1 ,
Miss Jennie Woodford, Medford. Oregon H.1S8
(Voting plane, Madford, Rtumell Ceafectloaery.) , ' . v -
Ml Prance 0 borne, Aahland Oregon.... ..1.. g,ni
Mia I.rdla McCall, Aahland, Oreson..... 1,084..
(Voting place, Aahland, got ton' a Newsstand aad Bay !'.) , y . .
Coupon Free Ha wallan Trip
..' '" r ' Honolulu, Hawaiian islands
..-.' ' - r : ', '', ,.-:'';', -,.- -v
' - V ' I : ' y,t ;'.'i4 .;. ;. -
X rote for... ........
1 This eoupon must be voted eo or before beeeraber I. 1101.
Conntlns Is dona on
Mondays, Wednes
day and Fridays 'and
the standing of the
candidates announce J
to the public the fol-'
- lowinj day -i -