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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
41 TIIC OREGON DAILY JOUT.IJAL, .PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMEER 24, 1CC5. STORE OPENS AT '8:00 O'CLOCK A. M. STORE CLOZS;AT.6:00.QCI-OaP.,M;: ; BEAR IN MIND-THIS STQRE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. ON SATUR i . DAY AS OTHER DAYS I THE OLDS, WORTMAN GSt, KING STORE shopping Time;. s DAYLIGHT! THI3 'ST03 clc: AT 0 P. M. THE DIFFERENT. STORE' QOOD EVEINIINQ FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON f mm TOMORROW SURPA SSING BARGAINS ANOTHER CHANCE TO PROVIDE Handsome Linens for Thanksgiving Table Napery -Linen Store Firtt Floor What housewife isn't proud of Tier table linens? And especially during the holi-. day homecomings, they, must be at their best. We provided large" economies for tomorrow's linen buyers with not a whit; . taken from the quality the service or the appearance of the linens. Among others '. these: . .. '., :.. ' DAMASK TABLE SETS -AND :..; ,. CLOTHS Richardson's beautiful satin-finish, Linens in new and exquisite patterns. Table Sets with one dozen dinner size Napkins to match-r Size "2x2" yards, napkins to match. - , Special, set . ... ....... .$5.85 Size 2x2 yards, napkins to match;1' . Special, set .$6.75 I Size 2x3 yards," napkins to match. - --J" Special, set .............. J . . $7.20 Size 2x3 yi yards. napkins to match. . Special, set ... ' ..$7.88 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS Size 2x2 yards. Special at, each. .82.48 ' Size 2x24 yards. Special at, each., 82.93 Size 2x3 yards. Special at, each. .$3.60 Size 2x3yi yards. Special at, each. .$4.28 , . HEAVY BLEACHED TABLE . : ' damask .; ; "eavybleachecicotch-satinfihislrDanr ask, 62- inches wide, fine quality, about 10 pieces in the lot. Special at, the yard .,....................$1.10 4:1;,: HOLIDAY , SPECIALS . In the Linen Shops you will find the, largest and most complete assortment of plain and fancy Linens in the northwest 7 new Moravian Lace 'Scarfs and Centers, 7 Battenberg Scarfs, Embroidered Doilies,, Teacloths, Pillow Shams,-Tray'and Center ' Pieces, plain, hemstitched and embroid crcd Pilkiw-CasesHandkerchief iJnens, ?. in all widths, round. thread Linens in all" -widths. ; ' ' . , , '. 7"" Qjy , gjji Jugot must be ,mcrgeci into a cohesive mass before the big steel cannon is made. We followed a similar plan in preparing Saturday's lot of bar gains. We merged , many groups from the different sections of the great chain of shops that go to make up the Olds, Wortman C&.King organization, each group composed of unquestionably; exceptional values. We mass the great aggregation in tempting array for- consideration of those who've last-day-of-the-week shop ping to do. : Not all is told of here we present a taste, however, that will linger sweet to the bargajn palateand cause thousands to come; to ..the. store for more. COME BEFORE SIX P. M., HOWEVER, FOR WE CLOSE OUR DOORS AT THAT HOUR AND SEND THE FAITHFUL HELPERS HOME. I ; Tomorrov. the Last Day of the Greatest Sale of Stylish Suits of All the , Year!;; - ; : GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR FOR SATURDAY We will sell every three-quarter length W jacket Suit in the house at a sensational reductioa ; - A FEW ETONS, BLOUSE ETONS AND SHORT JACKETS INCLUDED - Materials include cheviots, rich broadcloths and ;all the popular, fancy tweedish and worsted mixtures, in -colorstmbracing nayjgreen, plums, grays, plain, black and mixed suitings. Jackets in hip to three-quarter lengths. Some Etons ancTIousetonffectST-all-veryJatest'modesAnd newestJdeajMpauthoritative style designers. Special as jprinted for Saturday - """ ' - -.' v $25.00 Suits-for. . ft. ..... .$18.98 $32.50 Suits for. ... . . . ... .$26.58 $35.00 Suits for. . ..... . .$28.68 $38.50- Suits for. ..... . .$29.78 . $42.50 Suits for..M.... .$36.49 $45.00 Suits for..... ...... $38.59 ; Smart New $5.00 to $8.50 Pedestrian Skirts for $3.98" f ,:' . - - a ' . Our New York buyer secured, under price, a lot of new and ultra stylish, trim and trig Walking Skirts made X for an eastern store, to which for good reasons they Avere Tiot sentr They were offere(tcrhim at a tempting T figure which, he accepted a his allows us to otter pur Saturday patrons the biggest values ot all the year in these wanted garments. A convention of swagger, cloths, some plain black, some blues, browns, tans, etc., uui musuy very auracuve iuamiiMi itil&iuics aim iiiciwiia. x iiicu siyics, lui u naica uiu vutuun at J 113 ffectiki-For-Saturday-we shall allow choosing from; usual $5 to $8.50 values at a choice for. ,. LyVO . - v - -; : Vote for Bcnevolenf Fund Distri bution at 10 a.; m. Today Patton Home ....-.-..'-...... Crittenden Home Fruit and Flower Mission..,... Old Ladies Home . . . . . i .' - Baby Home Salvation Army m. Open Air Fund. People's Institute Volunteers of America.. ;,,.... Children's Home ami Mt. St. Joseph's Home....w..M v Visiting Nurse Association. Mk.M Boys and Girls' Aid Society. U., St. Vincent's Hospkal... MtC St. Agnes' Baby Home. -Beaverton Home Orphans'. Home Mercy Home Y.W. C. A...... , Catholic Home for the Aged. .... Wr C T U. ... . . .Hilt. :Hiimane Society . .w-.... .... Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society Old Folk's Home..... Women's Exchange ?4"; 7.605" 7J298 6,644 . 6,624 6.08X 5.243 4.831 3,323 1.804 1,303 1.180 1.153 ; . 552 515 283 273 183 -110 .', 39 a?,; 38 28 - n .13 ; 10 Total ,..... 55,224 NAMES OF LEADINO SIX CON A TESTANTS IN The American Manual Training " School Voting Contest ; WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY. 221,110 213,710 206,806 149,863 127.213 122,788 Truman Cook, Failing. . . " George Slater, Ladd ........... L Robert Holmes. Harrison . . . Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly.-... ' Sidney Crumm, North Central, James Winston, Harrison . . . . . - Total .V..... ...1,168.376, A STIRRING SALE OF Stylish Silks for Saturday Shoppers First Floor Fifth Street Annex. Suggestions for. those who have Silks to buy, and would pay lessx than the Silks are actually worth i today at first-hands. 1,600 Yards 23-inch Japanese Silk, in all wanted colors' forT fancv -ittkgula-40c grade. SpeciaHor-Satm-day, Q .... JV yard 1,750 Yards Corded-Wash Silks, in neaf stripes and checks, all colors in the-assortment," white included; regular 50c value.' Or Special for Saturday, yard. , .. ; .......... ..;,"..;..'.. . . Jli 4) Great Offering of Handsome Suit Silks NEW $1.50 SILKS AT $1.14 THE YARD SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY FIFTH ST. ANNEX 2,000 Yards of the latest Imported Novelty, Silk, gathered by us direct from Fashion's fountain head, all the new cplors and de . signs to select from ; our $1.50 grade. Special for on,v4 Saturday Specials " for Meri . In the 'Haberdasherie Sixth Street An- . , nex First Floor.' ; Saturday is the man's shopping day and tomorrow we offer the following special values: ; , x - ; . ..MEN'S. $6.00 SWEATERS $3.25... . Rryiilnr ri'Trgr -'r r"fl'1 Sftn'-, i far Aimile of the famous Spaulding make, so popu lar among clubmen, for athletic sports; grays, . blacks and white; splendid $6.00 values. SPECIAL FOR SATURPAY AT.... f 3.25 B3.00 VALUES MEN'S WARM CARDIGAN JACKETS $2.10. All' wool, splendidly made, close woven Jackets, in navys, black and brown, all sizes, 36 to 44; best $3.00 values: Special at. ...f 2.10 $5.00 LOUNGING ROBES $3.49. Handsome House Robes in oriental designs of warm, serviceable blanket-cloth, new this season; best $5.00 values. Special . at ...?3.49 MEN'S 40c 'KERCHIEFS 22c. A staple number in one of the best styles of Richardson's Linen Handkerchiefs, , J4 and Vi inch borders. Best 40c quality at...22f TOMORROW ENDS THESE SUR PASSING SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN Dress Goods MOST WONDERFUL VALUES FOR r-y SATURDAY .. .-. ....... Fifth Street Annex First Floor. Bargains equal to, if not greater than any we've offered this season, before. The Colored Suitings take their turn this time, for preference- but blacks .come in a close second. Read the values ' " Tiur reuular , ings, a, large assortment of colors and styles , to choose from;" very serviceable fabrics. Special Saturday only, yard...". Our regular $2.00 values ot new Fall Dress Goods, in all the latest novelty weaves and , colors; the best values ever .shown for the -. price. Special for Saturday only, yard . . f 1.89 Waterproof Suitings and Coatings in all the t wanted colors at special prices for Saturday $1.75 grades for, yard ,...91.48 $2.00 grades for, yard.... ,...1.69 $2.50 grades for. yard 82.19 SPECIALS IN BLACK FABRICS. $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 values New fall style Black Dress Goods, in neat figured Panamas, Panama voiles and shadow checked fabrics ' unequaled at our regular prices. Special for Saturday at, the yard ;.T8f ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY OF PLUCKING RARE, RICH OSTRICH PLUMES "FOR A SONG." Beautiful $2.50 Ostrich -1. Plumes for 98c ."Bijoii Millinery Salons Annex Second Floor. TT Many will remember the great sale of handsome plumes held here last week. The generous response tendered that offering prompts us to even better things for Saturday. For those women who have a want that a beautiful plume will fill this offer will prove of great interest. 60 doge 18-itch Amaron Qstrirh .Fliimrs. in Mark or white, perfect coloring. A most dashing and effective plume lor a handsome dress hat, and a .regular $2.50 value. For QQ( Saturday only, special at 4 ..... ........... Special Sale for Children! $2.00 Hats 50c Our usual Saturday bargain sketch is carefully drawn to please young minds and interest their elders. For Saturday we offer an other lot of trim and jaunty Sailors, Continentals and CAr Ready-to-Wear Hats; values to $2. At a choice for...... tJJ Kitchen Helps at Bargain Prices A Grand Choosing of Things That House wives Need at Special Saturday. Prices. "Domestic Economy Shops" Third Floor. tA grand opportunity for economical house- wives and chefs to save -on 'the needed , kitchen things foe Thanksgiving use. - We -6halI offer special'tomorrow : , i . - ,,.,.. 9xl4-In. Covered Roasters special at. lOxlS-In. Covered Roasters special at. Ilxl6-In. Covered Roasters special at. 13x13-Ir. Covered Roasters special at. 1014-In;-Se'amfesr Retinned - Covered '' Roisters ... ............... . rJ0xl6-In. Seamless Retinned Covered Roasters ..'.f 1.15 Savoy Pressed Steel Roasters; Seamless :v " Planished Steel Roastets,-tfx4-tnv......T9 ' 'TVi-qt. Tin Pudding Pans...........i.i....T Tin Pie Plates, 9-inch size i ...3t .. Heavy 10-inch Forged Steel Bastirfg Spoons 5 Heavy I2'inch Forged Steel Basting Spoons 6 Heavy 14-inch Forged Steel Basting Spoons 8 Small size Tin Moulds..,.'.-., 8 Medium size Tin Moulds.XJ..............12 Larg size Tin Moulds.....' 16.. 7qt. Granite Iron Sauce Pans. 1 , ; 4-qt Granite Iron. Sauce Pans, with cover... 82 1-qt. Granite Iron Pudding Pans..; 12 v 3'Aqt. Granite Iron Kettle. ,r 85 i 18-qt. Irori . Kettle , . . TO) , Soup Strainer 15 Mayonaise Mixer , ....fl.SO ,.i.48 ;..56f , SPECIAL SATURDAY VALUES IN Women's and Misses' .'v'.- Underwear v Knit Gooda Shops-First Floor.' , WOMEN'S 85c VEST 55c (Long-Sleeved.) . , ' L ' ' V- .in- ' ' ' ' Warm, soft Vests that are fully 60 per cent wool from the shepV back, Jersey ribbed, merino finish, nicely taped with silk; - - regular 85c values. Special at .......... .55f WOMEN'S $lis UNION SUITS 69c. ; White finely ribbed Cotton Union Suits, with -JiiKh neck and -long sleeves and ankle length silk taped and crochet finish; j-egular , $1.25 values. Special at. ....... ...60f UNDERWEAR REDUCED. MerodeKnit- White Cotton CHILDREN'S Little LassiEs Vests o Pant Mn white cambric cotton, in -sizes 1 to 4, and regular 4uc value. Special at ..j . ...;....... .5e - Sizes 5 to 6 and 50c. value. Special at.... 89 v- Buy Toys for.Xmas; '-,' ' " vv . Speclal ln "Toydom Fourth Floor. " 65c PASSENGER TRAIN 5c. Steel Passenger Train, with three (, in 'red, white and blue; regular value 65c. Special, complete ....;......,...-.. .45f A TRIO OP REMARKABLE VALUES IN THE ' . Hosiery j . First Floor. Special offerings for Saturday as follows: Women's Black Cotton Hosiery, ribbed and fleece-lined, nicely finished and "seam less; regular 35c value. Special at.r.;. ..85 Children's heavy weight fine and double ribbed Cotton Hose in seamless finish ? usual ' . 25c values Special at, the pair .. ,.15 WOMEN'S 25c SIDE ELASTICS I7c. AH wanted colors, including black, white, pink, blue, cardinal, etc., in frilled edges. '( - , , Half Price for Petticoats HANDSOME $2.75 SHOULDER' SHAWLS ' : . AT $1.98 EACH. ': , AnneK Sicond Floor. '.: Black Petticoats of mercerized sateen, Italian cloth and' silk moreen; there are about 200 of j them, one a different style from the other. We ' bought thm at a price, for rapid selling marked them at i price. Regular .prices fttrro $1.50 to $5. Ladies' large Shoulder Shawls, either 54x54 . square or 36x72 inches long, very close cro- chet, made of Oregon wool, colors piikr blue, " . white and black; regular , price $275. ' Special, each ..'.. 81.98 Saturday Bargains for Home-Folk T Fourth Floor. A Lacci Curtain Sale 1 COMFORTERS, .RUGS AND IRON BEDS FOR LESS. r 7 )PTC TM $4.50 LACE w ... CURTAINS ,$3J5 English Bobbinet Kuffled Curtains in white and Arabian effects, with lace inser tion and edge; regular value $4.50. Special, $3.35 THE PAIR $3.50 DOWNALINE COMFORTERS $2.70. . 'Downajline Comforters in pretty bright and dark floral patterns, full 5-lb. weight, .size 72x86 inches; regular value $3.50. Special, each ... .f 2. TO $2J0 WILTON RUGS $1.79. Wilton Rugs in floral and oriental designs, size 27x54 inches; regular value $2.50. Spe t cial, each ..f. .....SI. 79 . $5.00 IRON BEDS $4.05. White IrOit 6ids, full .size, with Crass knobst " also plain white; .regular value $5.00 Special, each f4.05 SATURDAY; BARGAINS IN THE Shoe Store ' Sixth Street First Floor. WOMEN'S $2.50 SHOES $1.89. Patent Colt Lace and Button Shoes In new col-, lege pattern, with military heels, very stylish; " . our regular $2.50 value, sold by most stores , at $3.00. Special for Saturday, - the pair .f 1-89 . WOMEN'S $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES $2.79. About 300 pairs in 8 6r 10 styles of the discon tinued lines of Women's Fine Shoes; regular values $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Special, the pair .53.79 MISSES' $2.75 SHOES flj.79. - '"Misses. Patent Col-Lace Shoes, spring heel, all T sizes, Pingree malre," sizes 11 to 2; regu lar value $2.75- .Special, the pair. 11.79 Same Shoe in rtci kid; regilar value $2.25. .Special, the pair $"5 MEN'S $4.00 HOES $3.45. Velour Calf and Patent Colt Blucher-cut Shoe. Goodyear sewed, stout soles, all sizes and - widths: regular value $4.00.- Special, the pair . ' BOYS' SHOES. Boys' Veal Calf Balmoral Slir. Vangaroo t p. " sewed and solid. 4 rows (Hitching vn van p, will not rio. sizes 2'A to 5'i. .Special at, the pair. Sizes 11 to 2; regular value $.'.25. Special at, the pair....' f I.