The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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V - i I
V;' i y'..
When every-man and boy should appear at his;
best and neatly clothed from head to foot, f
. . ' ' ' . "r ; Q s 0
T v. T Eycrytbh-j Man or Boy Wears
u Here in Fine .Variety -
We're thankful we have the finest assortment of Suits, Top Coats, Rain Coats, Overcoats,'
Hats, Shoes,' Neckwear, Gloves and all sorts of, Toggeiy that we've ever. displayed.
.' YouH be thankful if you come here for your Thanksgiving outfit. See our window display of
Stiitc, Overcoats and R.airicoats i :
Ths Resukr $16.50, $18 cad $20 Kind Sptchl for . Thankssivb &t
, ,f i ,.i,
v .. ... . I ; . ' - ' ,r Outfitter, For. Men and . Boy ' "
Wet Weather Washes Out Mem
. "ory of Drought and Prop- j
erty Sells Rapidly. ;
' . V ' .
Residents Plan to End Their Trouble
; Either by .Incgrporation or Rntry
of Competitive System and Old
Conditions Said o Have Passed.
' Tb aitt 114 otter t Th lonrakl h ! th
tor t . M. C. Miller, 3M gut MorrlM
' lrt. TurvbMM Cut 279.
- MonUvllla la espertcnclnc Its annual
boom, and after tb rammer months,
, whrn a , fla;ht for water was the only
activity, the placa haa awakened and
many realty transfers are betna maile.
. Within tb month more than a score of
Kood sales have been recorded of villa.
; property. . In some 'cases bouses and
J lota were, transferred, but In . many
.other vacant lots wer Bought and new
' houses to the number of a dozen or more
ia-t rrsn,'r
litre Mount Tabor.
9WN .WAY. v
J ot Try to Drin and Toro It to
. Work Wham It I Wot Able or To
WU1 nffer AU th Korfc
i Tou cannot treat your stomach as
some men treat a rmy bore: Jorce,
. drive or even ntarve It Into dolni work
at which it .r'bele. The stomach la a
fe'irnt and faithful aervant and will
xtand much nbuee nnd ill-treatment b-
for- It "balks." but when It doea you
had better no slow with It and not at-
tempt to make it work.; Horn people
. have the mistaken Idea that they ran
-make their stomachs work by starving
themselves.' They might cure the
! stomach that way, but It would- take
so long that 'they would -have no ' us
. Tor a stomach when they rot through.
Theaensible war out of the dimouflr
' Is ( i let- tli stomach rest If It wants to
anil ernDlov a substitute; to do Its work.
Stuart's Dyspepsia "TWlet wll(
inn won 01 your srnmacn ror you ana
aigesi your rooa just as your etomarn
used to when- it was well. Tou can
- prove this by patting your food In a
gifl Jar with one of the tablets and
sufficient water and you will see the
food digested In lust th ram tlm as
tn oigestiv nuida or the stomach
would do It. That will satisfy yonr
mioa. wow, 10 aaiisry oom your mind
. and body Ink one of Rtuart'a Tyvsnonsla
Tablets after eating eat all and what
;ou want and you will feel In your
mmu ins your rooo is netng digested
necaus you will reel no disturbance or
weight In your stomach: In fact, you,
will forget all about having a. stomach.
juni yuu uju wnvH 7 uu wer a neauny
v dov or girl.
Rtuarts Dvaoeosia Tablets set In a
natural way becaus they contalnonly
the natural elements of the Vsasirtc
Jutres and other digestive fluids of thei
stomach. It mnaes no difference what
.condition th stomach Is In, they gA
rtgiit aneao oi ineir own accord and
do their work. They, know their busi
ness and surrounding conditions de not
' Influence them in the least. They thus
relieve tn weajr. stomacn or an its bur
' ilns snd give It its much-needed rest
and permit tt to become strong and
healthy. ' -- .
Htiiarfs Dyspepsia Tablets are for
enle by kll drugrlsts at 6 cent a box.
Thev are so well known and their
' iKipuIarlty I so great that a druggist
ould as soon think of being out of
ol-ohol or quloln as of them. In fart,
priTxlrlnna are , preacrlhlng them all
over th land, and If your own doctor
la real honest with you. h win tell
ou frankly that there la nothing on
- irth ao good for dyspepsia, sa Htuart s
i iata Tablet a. .
only on Season of growth, snd that Is
when the fall -rains -come- end -th- rid
summer is forgotten. Not only do out
side Investors feel more disposed to
purchase villa property during th sea
sop when, water is abundant, but hop
springs In the resident property-owners
and Improvements sr planned.
This year, however, th residents are
sur their troubles on th water ques
tion -are nearly over. ' Promises have
been mad by th Arthur management,
that controls th system .In the. villa,
that there will b an abundant supply
next season, and coupled with this prom
Is Is th assurance from another sourc
to th effect that if the Arthur aystem
does not supply . the ? needs ot the villa
a company wtll be--formed , fhatwlll.
The chief reliance of many ef the resi
dents, however. Is In Incorporation, anil
though this matter was dropped a few
weeks ago. It Is promised by those who
before backed the plan that next spring..
If water condition are the same
they have been, th incorporation peti
tion wllLbeclrculslad again snd oar
ried through. The sentlment-of the busi
ness men of the villa seems to favor the
postponement of action on incorporation
until It Is seen If such a step is neces
sary, to secure adequate wster service.
Some of the recent transfers of Mon
tavllla property follow:
'" 8. Chenoweth has purchased a house
and lot at Heianer and Hunter streets,
Frank Calkins lias purchased property
en Orove street near Olney street end
will ulld a $1,500 residence.
Frank Hallork has bought lots on
Margretta avenue and will erect a f J.00S
house there. - ' ' x
Mrs. It. Ostraad of tsttourelle Falls
has ' purchased house and three Iota
on th Base Line road in th center of
tbe.bualneas district . , . ?. t
R. Slxlove has purchased a lot' St
EpTiiuBr guaiaTmnrrrinTiViwy-1
villa addition and will build a 1200
house on the property.
O. T. Conner, recently purchased a
house : and lot .on Ppencer street near
Mohl street, . ' . v, ? v ''
reniasula Conduit About Beady to Oiv
Asapl Bupply to Tbmssuada.
Th water main which Is to be a con
necting link between the peninsula snd
the new pipe to be brought next season
from the lower Bull Run reservoir at
Mount Tabor Is nearly completed.' This
main was started last summer and work
has been carried on almost steadily for
five months or more. . delays being
caused occasionally by lack of pipe. The
main Is six miles long and extends from
Upper Alblna.n. KUllngsworth avenue
northwesterly to the boundary of th
city at Portsmouth. There remains only
fourtft of a mile to-be completed at
Mock's station on the St Johns line. .
This main, at the point of-beglnnlng.
Is a 2-lnch pipe, and at Its Portsmouth
terminus It -Is 19 inches In diameter.
As the work baa-progreased the -various
laterals hav been connected end In
short time the whole peninsula will be
given A high pressure service that will
enable the remotest residence to gt
a good flow from Its tap. Early next
summer the servlcs probably will be
Inadequate, as the present main through
the Alblna pumping station Is or insuf
ficient capacity to supply the new penin
sula pipe, but by August the wat?r
board euects'te have the big main from
th lower "reservoir connected with- th
peninsula pipe and after that connec
tion Is- made 'there will be an abundant
and direct flow. - '-"- ffTT'T : rr-
dally for th protection of waterfront
mill property. . ., . : ; . . . . ,
K. J, CowllShaw has brought suit
against ths firm of -Patterson A Stew-
erf in th east side Justice court for e
shsre in s real estate commission of
1106 paid by Mr. A. K. Booth.- It is
alleged that Mrs. Booth became a cus
tomer of the firm through th work of
the.plalntlff. . '
Tuesday evening. November th
children of the Brooklyn school, asalated
by their teachers and city talent, will
give a Thanksgiving cantata, "The Au
tumn Queen."
'Though; completed hut two wks, th
Mount Tabor woodmen of the .world
hall has been rented for ..every week
night but Saturday from now until the
end of th dancing season." ' Among tho
other weekly, entertainments ar ' th
claas meetings of a dancing school re-
The first year a license of the new
8t. Johns saloon will be expended tn
paying a real eatate dealer's profit. The
council has authorised the purchase of
th lots where the present town hall
stands for $1,600. This property was t
hav been purchased several months
agq for 1 1, too, but the deal fell through
and the $1,000 license fee has been in
vested in paying the Increase In value
during the period of delay.
- Due to Its Tone.
It Is a significant fact that of th
many pianos afloat tn the "see of com
petltio" all of which claim .suprem
acy In every feature of excellence, that
the Weber invariably drifts to the
studios of those musically moat gifted.
There Is no getting away from the
, ,jxBssBsassse
rampla neat at St, Johns Said
t Xaenre Abtuiaant Serviee.
A pump with a capacity of Tt gallon
S minute baa been Installed by the St.
Johns Water-eompany. and though it
waa atarted but two dayaago the increase-in
pressur in the town mains
has been noticeable. .- The eld- pumping
equipment will be kept in place In case
of emergency and to give additional
preaaure when special need arises, as
In . case of fir. Tb manager of th
eompany asserts that there la an abun
dant supply and that th Installation Of
ths new pump snd th general Increase
In the number of mains throughout the
residence district will result In an ade
quate service being given next sesson.
The reserve reservoir eompleted last
spring will b kept full of water for
fir purposes, having been built spe
the musician what ths song of the siren
is to the seilor. One heard, th trained
ear detects at once the peculiar artistic
or .sympathetic qualities or the won
derful Weber tone. : Call .it what you
may. It la that musical element for
which there Is no substitute, and which
other piano ' manufacturers have en
deavored in vain, te produce. It is,
therefore. In the natural course of
events, that Mr. Clair Montelth, th
gifted young baritone who has recently
been added to' Portland's ranks of fine
musicians, has provided himself with s
Weber piano. The Instrument, a hand
some parlor-grand style, was recently
purchased by him at Rilers Piano
House, . and Installed yesterday after
noon" In his studio st th Northern Con
servatory of Musto in the Labbe build.
ing. -..,,,,,-...
FOR HEW railroad:
(Special rHspatcn t The Jonrsal.)
r Elgin, Oi. Nov. 14. J.ohn Bartlebaugh
and Roy Nfliyus. ged If end It "years
respectively, were todsy arrested on a
charge of breaking into the Dewy-se
looawand stealing about $50 worth of
liquors snd cigars. Bartlebaugh pleaded
guilty and Nelvus was round guilty, and
-the two were bound over to the circuit
court In the. sum of $600 esch. They
will - be taken rto - the eounty jail at
La. Grande, '
s J m iiia-
x ; 'Arrived Too Late. '
' Many fin Kimball, Lestr. Hobart
M.- Gable, fteck. Haselton, Schumann
and Story Clerk pianos, especially
selected for the down-town enhllbtlon at
Filers Flano Housev arrived' too lata
AJ brand new to be closed out st
mi Datamini reauciions rsy psTmanis
Drop in at ttl Washington street, ;
. . Tw Kills Consolidate.
(ftpectal plsnatrh te The Journal.) ' '
Chehalla. Wash.Jov. t Ij Ths paper
have passed In the matter of the consol
idation of two of Licwls county a largest
Industries, the Doty. Lumber company
and the O. A. Onn company of Doty.
ThXwlll in th future be-known as th
Doty Lumber Shingle conipany.-..
Cnred Coasampttoa.
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan
writes: "My hnsband lat sick for three
months. Th doctors said -that h had
quick consumption. W procured a bot
tle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, snd
It cured him. That was six years ago.
Sine than w hav always kepra bottle
In tb house. . W cannot do without IC
For coughs and cold It haa no equal."
6e, tOc and $1.00. Sold by Woodard,
.iara at v-o.
. .' r , w
" Will be gjven away absolutely free December 23 at 8
P. M. Call at store for full particulars. -REMEMBER,
; they cost you nothing and are ABSOLUTELY FREE
F6lf Q&h (D)f
' v. ' ' '' '
All Day
Friday arid Saturday
See our show "window for list ; of beautiful .presents
now on . exhibition
- - 1 I
, ' , . . , i . . ...V ,. ' :'--. -. - ".
184-186 First St.
185 Front St.
. ,-.:!
Thrse Routes Being , Considered
for Road to Connect With
Oregon Short Line.
Gone Gcttktthfc
(Special IMspetch te The Journal.)
Vale, Or., Nov. $. A meeting
held hare yesterday by the promoters
of the Vsle Railroad company to formu
lata plans for the building of a road
irom tni piace 10 ine main line oi inv
Oregon Short Line, Three proposition
are being considered snd determination
haa not ' been made as to tn on tnt
wlU -b finally .accepted. One 1 to go
to Ontario, th other to Nyssa snd th
third is to the nearest point to the
Oregon Short. Line railroad-
By going on a direct line - some two
or three mile of road bed can be saved.
Ontario has been asked to subscribe a
material bonus but the city has not yet
reported ss to whether tt would do so
or not Vsle haa raised some $20,000
toward the project e a bonus and has
put up a 1600 forfeit sgalnst a $1,600
forfeit that he been put up by the pro
moters. . - .
Nyssa offers a large real eatate and
cash- bonus.- One firm there has agreed
to. deliver 160 seres of fine Isnd in the
own fit Nyssa, terminal ground, right
or way,' and business block, worth an
th way from $1.000 to $16,000. , Th
exact amount Nys would rslse is not
known at this time but it would easily
reach $26,000. It would require some
more mileage t! reach Nyssathan the
main-line at its nearest poini.
Nyssa ls growing faster thsn any
town tn tn county at th present time
Three big business blocks ar under way
and other ar to be built In th spring.
(Special Dlepatra to The Jearsal.)
Vllton. Or.; Nov. 14 Five thousand
" Tor Infants snd Ctildren. 1
Tta Yea Hara Alwajj Echt
Bears th
Slgntr. of
No dangerous drags er alcohol con
coctions are t taken Into the stomach
when Hyoraei is used. Breathed through
the Inhaler, the bajsamlo . heeling of
Hyomel penetrates to the most remote
cell of the nose and throat, snd thus
kills the catarrhal germs, heal the
Irritated mucous membrane, and give
complete and permanent cure.
Hyomel is the simplest, most pleas
ant .and ths only , guaranteed cure'' for
catarrh that has been discovered. Com
plete outfit. 11.00; xtra bottle, 60 cents.
If you cannot obtain Hyomel of your
dealer, 1 it wJh7 be forwarded by mall,
poatage paid, on receipt of price. Writ
today for a fbe sample bottle and con
sultation blank that will entltl yon to
services of our medical 'department
without charge. The R. T. 3ooth com
pany, Hyomel Building, Ithaca, N. T.
Woodard. Clarke aV Co. ' . '
laVEB2asa - IJIailSISfl
Established 1870
Send for Catalogue
G. P. Rummelid & Sons
:i20 Second Street, .Between Washington
:'r-and Alder Streets.
: J .' Ermine Ties Mnk Ties v
'l; -r-: Chinchilla Ties, etc. '!
f ; White Fpx Boas White . Thibet Boas '
Sable Fox Boas . "Alaskan Bear Boas v
Black Lynx Stoles -'.Blue Lynx gtolei
vf s In All the Fashionable Furs"-'.;. V
V '' 1 .' .
jrur muni ; rur vapi' ur Uiovef
Lccdino and Reliable Furriers
aXC 3Se
SSSSe!SS!ffS!B!S!tS!! 1
..... .
beef cattle "arehow ibelng fed In the
Hudson bay and Walla Walla." river dis
tricts. The opening up Of several Irri
gated tracts tn that section of ths coun
try Is providing hundreds of tons ' if
alfalfa that la being used principally by
th stockman In feeding during th win
ter. ' Airs ira in tn-secK brings from
$4.60 to $6 a ton. -and at this prlc tttS
farmer make good money.
Many districts ar becoming famoue
throughout - eastern Oregon for winter
feeding. . '; -..-
', sTew udsom Bay Kaon.
' (Special Plapatek te The Joarsakt ''
Milton, Or., Nov. tt. The Hudson Bay
Telephone company Is erecting telephone
pole for It lysteni from this plar a
distsnc of tl mile. Prevlou to thl
th line was barbwar. oonstrueted along
the fence, but thl gave- poor satisfac
tion ss U was continually put out of
service by livestock and farmers. Chli
new line ha bean greatly needed fof
tjtome time. ' i
A Pair of Carvers ; That
; . .-!.. ... , .ir:ii r - -
i: hiii tarve; ;rr t ?
iTour Thanksgiving turkey, with entire
' satisfaction, and "will thin as
"a piece of paper, and unjolnt the tough-
est bird In a JlfTy, when sharpen with
"the fine steal that belongs to th set.,
(you cen buy here. . We have them with
horn,, ivory end bone hsndl, and all
' at a reasonabl price.
Avery Co.
TsTimS ST Be. Vine And Ask ate.
Specla1 Dlapatcb m Tbe Jearaal.t .
Milton, r., Nov. 24. Fred, the 11-
year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs; Amo De
marl a. was kicked by a horse at thatr
horn, four mile south of twn. yester
day, and is in serious condition. Dr.
Thomas of Milton snd C. B. Itswart of
Walla Walla found tt necessary to tr- .
phme thd skull, a th left aid of his
heed was badly crushed. He waa also
kicked In the chest. He haa been uncoif- .
sclous'ever sines th operation, and th.'
physicians bay very little hop of Ills
recovery, , f
- tfired Stock Cannes. Ooedav
Allan Lewie Best Brand
er i - , - :