The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Representative ' of , Chargeurs
Reunis Company.of Havre,
: " Coming to Investigate. ;
owns forty,
:fine steamships
tlkely That Steamers Will Be Op
erated Between Portland and the
Far East, Stopping at the Sound
",' on Each Trip.
Foreseeing, the possibility -of groat
trade, 'relatione being established be
tween the Pacific coast and. tne orient.
. one of .the largest steamship companies
In France is inquiring into the. advisa
bility .of starting a line between Port
land and the . far . east. .. Tne. -compeuy
lr the Chargeurs Reunle line of Havre,
which' has about 40 steamships Jn serv
ice plying between ports. In yarlous parts
of the world. . v. t '
A representative of the firm Is nn
his way to Portland from Havre erd
probably will reach here the latter part
of nest week. If be finds It Impoaalbje
to get enough freight at this port to
Justify a line, being established he will
go to San Francisco and Puget sound
to acquaint himself with the situation
at those ports. It la said the' proba
bilities are strong that he will make
recommendation to the owners for
the steamers to be operated from Port
land and stop at the aound on both the
outward and return trips. . - . y-
The company has had an agent in
the field making an Investigation into
the matter. He la G. L. Favargues, who
represents tha firm at Ban Francisco,
After having spent a number of days
here looking over the local field, ha
-left yestcrdar for. the Bay City. .
When thr French ahtp subsidy act
, wentrlnto effect several years ago, the
.Chargeurs Reunls company was a small
affair. -Its fleet constated of three or
four sailing yessels and a Ilka number
of steamers. Recently. It , disposed of
the wlndjammera and embarked . In the
steamship business exclusively.-. The 40
steamers owned by the line now rang
all tha -way from , lit tons net register
to 1.(00 tons, just v the also to get in
and out of the Columbia and Willamette
rivers at the low, water stage without
sny danger of going aground.. The ma.
Jorlty of the fleet are now running from
Franca to South-Africa. South America
and the orient. The firm has a bunlnesr
built up 4i China and Japan, and fell
that ia needed now. is to get a foothold
on. the American Pacific coast in order
' to make. the proposed venture a success.
Oregon Railroad A Navigation aompany,
haa been appointed local agent' for the
steamer F. A. KUburn in place of C. K.
Bfeelamtth. He will have his office at
the Oak atreet dock, from which point
the steamer will be operated at tnis ana
of the line. The vessel will leave for
San Francisco and way porta tonight
with a full cargo of general freight and
the usual number of passengers.
.Mr. Graenouga saya that,, his . com
pany ia thinking seriously of putting
another steamer on the route to run in
connection with the KUburn. He re
ports that a suitable craft for this pur
pose is available and that a deal is
likely to be closed for her any day.
Speaking of the increased traffic by the
water route down the coast he said:
''Business never looked more promis
ing than at present. On the down trips
we are offered more frelcht than we can
possibly handle. There- is now plenty
of trafllo for. two. boats and the com
pany haa about decided, to Increase the
fleet When this arrangement has been
brought about we will be in a poaltion
to give,'' better than a weekly service
between share and -San ' Fran cl boo. with
both steamers stopping at intermediate
ports, the same plan as ia now followed
by the KUburn." ' , ' " - '
The KUburn is owned by the Watson
vllle Transportation company. - When
she was put en the route about a year
ago she - was operated- by Ruasell A
Rogers, owner of the steamer Aurella.
When- taken over by-the late owners it
was generally supposed that after the
Lewis and Clark fair aha would be
taken - out of service. - But the closing
of the exposition did not appear to have
any effect on the business of the Una
In fact, -the local agent says tha freight
business has (gyreaaed since then. -
Anything We Bver Sold aa
Strength-Creator as a Body Builder.
Our well-known druggists, Woodard.
Clarke are enthusiastic ever the
dellvlous eod liver oil preparation, which
contains no oil. ' In referring to the
matter, said a member f the above
Ann, we sell many tonrcs. and wa handle
all kinds of remedies that olalra to be
lnvlgorators and strength-creators. We
do this because we are druggists, and
It ia our business to supply the public
with . what they want
When our advice is asked, however,
In regard to a tonic, body-builder . or
strength creator we Invariably- recom
mend Vlnol, as we know of nothing that
can compare witb It. (
In Vlnol, modern science lias given
us all of the tonic, bodybuilding and
curative properties of that famous old
remedy, cod liver oil, actually taken
from fresh cods' livers, without a drop
of the obnoxious and system-clogging
grease which characterises old-fashioned-rod
liver oil and emulsions, and
which has proved such a drawback.
- Vlnol is not a patent medicine.- as the
label on each bottle 'tells everything it
contains., therefore you know- exactly
what you' are taking.
In the moat natural .manner It tones
tp tne eigestive organs, a
hearty appetite, makes rich, red blood.
and strengthens every organ In . the
body to do Us work as nature Intended.
Our faith In Vlnol Is so strong that
we gladly offer to refund the money in
every case where it fails to give satis
faction." '.Woodard, Clarke, at Co., drug
gists. - ....... . - . ' '
r.aVareesjeagk, Bew Agent of kllbanu
' Says Another Boat Xs Probable. .-
F. I Oreenough, formerly -with the
Bskaaeat Bearly bum Xste Bow of rails
. ef Bee Off Komta, of Biver.
" While beating around off the mouth
of the Columbia river waiting for the
weather to moderate so that she could
cross the bar the British ahlp Falls of
Dee narrowly missed having a serious
collision with the British ship Kskasoni,
which also was out there for a like pur
pose. ' : A ,.. "T-- '
The Falls of Dee reached port last
evening and Captain Blanco, her master,
aays that the Eskasonl came almost
running across his bow. The craft were
lying in company for nine days off the
bar.. Both' had pilots on. board.. One
night tile Sakaaonl got to drifting and
came almost within a yard of striking
her big companion. Had they come to
gether It ia thought that at least one
of them would have been badly disabled.
Frequently the vessel were so close to
gether, that the pilots could easily carry
on a conversation.- . . - - -.
It wae early-last April, that the Falls
of Dee- set sail from Hamburg for Port
land with a general cargo. . When neat
Cape Horn she was struck by a gale
which carried away all of her sails and
yards. After surviving this experlenoe
she got In the path of a hurricane and
In her disabled condition drifted rapidly
towards the shore. . Before she had pro
ceeded far, however, thejrind changed
Its course and the ship managed to beat
back up the coast to Montevideo, where
she was repaired. " She arrived there on
July S and en August It she resumed
agsln the voyage to the Columbia river.
other delay of 10 days resulted. waiting LLV
to get into tne river, riao it not oeen
for this detention the vessel would have
arrived at Portland on almost a record
run from Montevideo. .- .
She is anchored in the 'atreera, but
- -
Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip
Honolulav HawaJlaa lelaoda . . vr - ,v ,';
i vote I or , ,u ........
' , Thls coupon must be voted oo or before December 1, 1I0S,
will move to tha Columbia dock .to dis
charge ker cargo as soon aa a berth
has been maoe ior ner. ,
Cnaekmanaamshtee, Bow a SaUna Orua
Chartered for Portland leading. ..
Balfour, Guthrie Co. have chartered
the - French bark Bdmond Rostand te
load grain at Portland for the United
Kingdom.' The veasel sailed from the
aound yesterday for the Columbia rivet
and is expected to show up in a lew
days.- The British ship Clackmannan
sire, 1,4(1 tons, also baa. been chartered
for Portland loading; ' This windjammer
enjoys the distinction of having the
longest name of any vessel overmen
gaged to coma to the Willamette, rivet
metropolis. She Is at Salina Crux, Mea.
loo, and if It takes her proportionately
aa long to complete the passage aa It
does for a person to spell and pronounce
the name she bears she will arrive here
some time In the spring. - ' - s
' The tonnage now under contract t
come to Portland comprises 7,Sl tons.
Should all the carriers take out wheat
their aggregate cargoes would amount
to 2,244,sf 4 bushels. This does not in
clude -the ehlpmente which are handled
very . month by the regular oriental
liners. - - -- -' -. - ' '
Xlford WU1 Be
SrfNUleA . With Zfambe
ef the Tottemham.
Instead of loading, the British steam
ship.. Tottenham with a lumber cargo
for the - orient, as was the intention.
published more than two weeks ago,
the - Pacific Export ; Lumber company
will load the British steamship Ilford,
The -ownere made a proposal to substl
tute the Ilford for the : Tottenham,
which was agreeable te the charterers.
aa she is of about the same carrying
capacity and will be able to reach .here
as soon as tha former would. Repre
sentatives of the company say tbey have
secured , no new orders" from the far
eaat since .they closed a deal some time
ago for the Tottenham, but-they are
Laithe , ppplnn that Jbuslnesa, soon will
revive. ..
, DB. W. A. WWI
: :1s
Leads to the best
results in a modern
dental establishment. Dr. W. A. Wise
has maae special study of extracting
teeth without pal"-' Pr. T. P. Wise Is
an expert .on gold filling, crowns and
oridgework. Every other dentist 'In
the office . is especially proficient In
some one branch. Pr. Sturdevant
makes specialty of children's teeth
anu remlatinc. - ......
Falling bldg.. Third and Washington, I
a. nx i
ly payments.
to t p. nv: Sundays. 0-11. Main
Work done on weekly and month-
ta X arbor ef Xakedate
'. Xave Been Bxploded or I
Submarine mines In the harbor at
Hakodate, which were placed there dur
ing the war, either have bten exploded
or 'removed- and ships can go In and
out of that port now without. engaging
the services of a native - pilot.. Word
to this effect was received at the cus
tom bouse this-morning from united
States Consular Agent King, who -Is
located, at Hakodate.
' - ' "'"""'ej '' v
Th work of loading the French ship
The carpenters will be at work here soon. These prices will
clear out our stock. Even If you do hot need a suit at
present, It will pay you to buy now and lay It aside.
Always sells for tt.' This hat la
made to our order In Danbury, Conn.,
and the quality and style -that go
into u mane it gooa
enough to sell for at
least 14. but we .
charge only. . , , ,
ityle-that go
p m mrwJ
Men's $7.50 Suits and Overcoats for
Men's $10.00 Suits and Overcoats for
; Men's $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for.. $9.7E
Men's $20.00 Suits and Overcoats for . ; . ....... $ i 4. 76
Men's $25.00 Suits and Overcoats &.2Z$l9i'7B '
: V :
i Boys' Knee Pants at DALE. PRICE : :
"' - '"'""" "-. y:r.:. : . ' .. " 1 ' ' -
Men's $3.50 Heavy Shoes..................V.......'.i.,i5265
. '- . t , ,
i ...
. . .j.-- ',, ...... . '. ." !' ",' , .' J".
' , ';f , ; j t Xt V . ; ,, 4 : , , i : J- .
.'V ' " v " ' ' Vtt;v K , ?. ' '.: v : 1 f
t , ' I -.':'.'V- 'V A :
. fill ' ' - V - W?:VVC . I-'.' .-''
- Ml - V i( 1 1
Today, Saturday and. Monday Next
, Fall nd Winter Overcoats All the new-
v. v..-" ' - '' t . - I---'
est and most desirable' models of the season
enter into this, great tale. All linei are full
and complete in sizes, Including stouts, slims
and regulars. ' V'.' i,.-:."
' ' Everybody knows the character of our
clothing superior in style, superior in fit and
superior in quality. Every coat bears our label,
which is your guarantee. ' -' 7 :
The price reductions in this sale are very r i
material sale prices ranging as follows:
$8.35; $10.85 $14.65 $16.85
$21.85 22.85 $26.35
The Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest.
Carabronne with a grain cargo will be
completed tomorrow and she will leave
down the following day. bound for the
United Kingdom.' 1
" The"stearaers Senator and Costa Rica
are scheduled-to arrive tomorrow from
San Francisco. - .;
Before long the steamer Aorella will
r'-'-e li -d,.io ni1
San Franclsoo. , The damage she sus
tained In a collision with the steamer
Umatilla In the harbor at the Bay City
la about completed at aj cost of $4,000.
Both captains have been exonerated. -
In tnw nf the M. IT:' TtenAnrenn the
schooner Virginia left down this morn
ing bound ior Man Francisco with a
cargo of lumber. The Henderson will
pick up the schooner W. F. Jewett at
Llnnton and take her to Weatport.
Laden with lumber for Manila the
American Ship Henry VI Hard left down
this morning In tow of the Ocklahama.
Oriental liner Numantla moved across
the river this morning front the Mont
gomery to the Alaska dock, where, the
work of discharging her cargo will be
The following steamers have clear
for California ports with lumber car
goes: Deapatch for San Francisco with
100,009 feet. Redondo for Ban Fran.
dscorwtth 860,900 feet and also too, tons
of wheat, and South Bay for Redondo
with 476,000 feet.
The work of. loading the British ship
Kynanre with a wheat cargo waa
started this morning and an effort will
be made to have her ready for the sea
by next Wednesday, as her laydays ex
pire at that time.
W. A. Gordon has chartered the
steamer - Francis H. Lekgett to load
grain at Portland for San Francisco.
The Liggett has - made a" number of
trips here this season and on the down
trip usually took out a log raft from
Stella. The last one she had in tow
went aground below Astoria and la ly
ing there stUL - '" A-
Aatortas Nov. Si Arrived at 1:25 a.
m. British ship. Brabloch, from Ban
Diego,- and British steamer Blackheath,
from' Sourabaya, via Victoria- -Arrived
down during the night Steamers Re
dondo, Homer apd Rosecrana. Sailed at
i. m. Steamer Homer, for Ban Fran-
claco. Arrived at :1S a. . m. French
bark Rdmond Rostand, from Newcastle,
Australia, via Puget sound. Sailed at
10:10 a. m. 8teamers Columbia and
Olympla, for San Francisco, and British
steamer Aglncourt. for Japan.
San Francisco. Nov. 14. Arrived at 4
m. Steamer Kureka, from Portland.
Astoria. Nov. 2S. Arrived doWn at
1:10 p. m. British ship Durhridge. Left
up S.. I ;!-.. - m. -British steamer
Labaun. Arrived down at 4:2S p. m.
Steamer Columbia. Left up at p. m.
British ship Blythswood and French
bark Alice Marie. - .
San Francisco. Nov. IS. flailed at
p. m. Steamer Costa Rloa, for Port
land... ' ....
- Eureka, Nov. ' J 4. Sailed yesterday
Steamer Francis H. Leggett, from San
Francisco, for Portland.. - "
Hamburg, Nov, - 2. Hailed British
bark Procyon, for Portland.
Astoria, Nov. H. 8teemerttoeeorans
towing bargetf onterey sailed this morn
ing for Ban Francisco. Foun-maated
barkentlne arrived at 11:10 a. m.
Astoria, Nov.. J 4. Condition of the
bar at a. m. Moderate; wind south
eaatf light; weather cloudy.
' "Cnre the rough and save the life."'
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup ourea
coughs and colds, down to the very
verge of Consumption. - - ,
The Big Fire Bale of Clothing, Fur.
nlshlng Oooda, Shoes and Hate will be
on sale at 172 Tblrd street. .
I - IF
. -. --eaesiiifMiesjBvaye--;; I
' I t I s
"7 ' CZTZI3 "
'Here's comfort for the housekeeper. - Sewing Rock
ers, built on comfort-giving lines. Low seat and
'high, back. ; You can have them in golden, or
... j- . - ' . -. ' i i'.. - -. '
weathered oak with saddle seat or woven cane seat.
. ,; . ..: i- , ': .... ' 'x
Like all our furniture they're built to wear.
rcgiur VALir $3.23 ON SALE ALL DAY
r;. Far superior to any other Roaster made.
L . V ...Not an ounce of substance lost in cooking
s f 'V. -.,..m.m..--- , Other roasters waste 10 .to 20 per cent.
' " " ' Needt no water, grease or attention of any
-.r,: -XTiv y7i "tm Retains all juices and flavors. JBet-
ter have one to' cook your -Thanksgivings
; , . turkey.
REGULAR PRICE $1.25 J : : V0C special 0 10 V f . M. yi)C
ar ear
T3 .LL