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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY. EVENING. NOVEMrH I. 1D05, . 1 r:V fiSilliffiiDipsiwi J - O " ( till, 'L Ml THE GREAT HALF PRICE PURCHASE of the Muck i 1 - Fine Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods Stock Enables Omu During This Creat Sale Evening COR. THIRD AND DURNSIDE STREETS TO CUT KICKS K-IM R. W. Bell, trustee, sold ns the entire fine the people at one-half retail prices. Enabling every man to own his Thanksgiving st- The Fine Gravenette and Trousers Stock N transit wnen the muck went One me and is in the GREAT HALF PRICE SALE. HALF FINE QUALITY MEN'S This stock consists of the very finest and most fashionable goods that money could buy Nothing was too finefortheMuck ff For choice of all Mucks tJj.Ull $10 -pod quaUty-taUor V w made Overcoat . and " '' -V; ' Cravenettes. r. . , ' "'-' ' ' ' ' :r ' ' ' f , For ' choice o : Muck's J 'splendid quality 'tailor V "fcr.T made fall and winter ,$12.M Overcoatt and Crarenettea,- be belt style. . . ' ; . - -', ' ' " ':" "' ' s ' '-- ' (pf7- f A A most elegant showing t ? 03 If of 30 styles select' qual-1 V ft f S!!f 'lty, $15 custom tailored ,bo and belty Overcoats and .Cravenettes. , 0 1 0.00 Imported ' materials in an almost e,nd ' less 4 variety of all styles and weights of Overcoats and Crav-,, .rncttf ; Much a aZil nnr MEN'S i iX'-or Ti u ' The Mifck s,tock comprises a complete variety of all the good and elegant things ,- that any, gentleman requires in his wardrobe.' , , 7- ; sox .j :: -r.:: i" 7 . ; Let Us Start at the . Feet First. ',. black or fancy 10c Cotton Sox. 8 For fast brown Maco 15c Sox. ; ' 10 For 4 kinds 20c Cotton Sox. i ' lj? lZftt iFot merino or cotton, plain or r r fancy,' 25c Sox. u :"t'.::'" " f " 17;For merino- wool or cotton, plain V'- or fancy," 35c7S6x.f. :' ' t - -77' - 25 For cotton or wool 50c Sox. ."'i '.r.-.', Zic For lisle, bal.,. cotton,' merino or 7 .' wool 75c imported Sox of all kinds. ' CARTERS 15 For uck. 25c Garters. , 35 For Muck 50c Silk Garters. SHRT$. A paradise of very latest andtbest styles. :. "50 -For Muck white or fancy $1 Shirts,'; ; or golf and sateen., -f. y;t. -v-.-.-, . "f 75 Jor Muck' hite or, fancy : penang, flannel, plaint or fahcy sateen, $1.50 j ; $1.00 For Muck elegant white," fancy, wool, and1 sateen. $2 .Shirts: ? ".; ,. -r . ,?1.50 For penarig, French flannel or silk , and wool, single and double breasted, 7 .$3 Shirts. -:77 7;,-.. r 3jC0- For extra fine quality wool or silk and, wool and all silk $4 Shirts, solid Or ; fancy colors. :f'.;';'7; V'"' '' 7 A fr-r tT Ilttrra tITf ;-"Bi- tAnr Every papereading adult in his vicinity J f( 1 v MVVLl i --J - ''; '7 ; '";r,,i ' . , be disposed of at 109 Sixth street. The Hub is always open for a good thing, and we secured, the entire stoca at euc on me aoiwr ot vilue ' tr-ether with sevefal thousands of dollars worth of goods in transit at the time of the closing down of the Muck. This entire. fineUtock is now on sale at one half retail prices, which is an opportunity without parallel for the rronev-navin' public. Any article bought during this sale can be returned within 2 days and exchanged or money refunded if so desired. The Hub is a store that satisfies always, giving the publicthe best bargains possible to be obtained in the United" States. 'DURING THIS GREAT ONE HALF PRICE-6ALE OF THE MUCK FINE STOCK THE HUB WILL BE OPEN TILL 9 P. 7M. EVERY-EYENING; SATURDAYS TILL 11 P. M. , . Till 9 p. m. .,'. Open Saturdays, stock at one-half wholesale, and we will of S. B. Cohn Co. made for Muck, and aownnas aiso oecn oougnx oy ic nuu FALL AND WINTER $1 2.50 For all styles and colors of Muck's ex-' tra select quality imported fabrics full hand tailored Pale ; tots, Cravenettes, belt and plain back, box or long $25 garments. "T". IT'" 1 m - f For Mack's $30 ' J 9J glish materials silk , . , and satin lined, box, opera,' paletots,' belt' or plain back Over coats and Cravenettes. '7,' . 1 1 i t'T,l .j9C A7?- choice of all .... Jp 1 4 Jy Muck's highest i,;'v ! qualities, r silk and satin lined, all custom hand work, $35 to $40 Overcoats, Cravenettes and Creolettes; th-best-thal-irian tan' piuduce. . . ' 7 iiwnrowffAP ; ' Most Extraordinary Sale on Record. '30 For super quality good Union grade. 37 For Muck's natural fleece, 75c" .quality. Uj " : ; ' 7 49 For Muck's' Oxford and fancy Jer- t seytop wool fleece, $1 grade; . 4 y ; , ' 59 For ; all wool dejby Mifck's $1.25 . grade.77 '..-;.;.7 7 ::-.-,. -89 For "10 styles bal. and merino and ( 7 wool; $1.60 to $2 grades. ; 7 l"- $1.25 For bal. and flat weave, plafcrand, . t fancy color, $2.50 grade, $1.75 For Muck extra quality $3 and 7 7'- :$3.50 quality. '."77'-A7.: .ii-,; 7- $2.50 For Muck silk or cotton- bal.;-$4 to ' $5 grades. ; '7'7. '-.,7 7!7",, . SUSPENDERS "v.. ' , A variety of over 100 . styles .to. the . very " best. Wilson Bros.' make. . ' 13 For Muck 725c Suspenders. ; 7 ' 18 For Muck 35c Suspenders. ; 7 5 ; 25 For Wilson Bros, make Muck 50c ; f Suspenders. 7 7 , -,7".'' vt7."""' 38 For Wilson Bros. make 'Muck to $1 "- Suspenders., 7 .7;;," ' ILIL KLJI .1 a A- il f l Actual Price KUKNISHINGS 11 p. fa. sell it to . pntfijst C - r , . was - in COLLARS , , 7 For Muck 15c Collars. . f Jt 12 For Muck 25c' Collars'- 7 "ruiis ?ame in proportion, ; - ? SWEATERS i ' 7The,EJegat Kinds 100 Styles. 75 For Muck $1.50 wool Sweaiers. 7 : -$1.00 For Muck $2 Sweaters, wool - ! ' $1.50 For Muck $3 wool Sweaters. $2.00 For Muck $4 wool or worsted ' Sweaters.; : ''''. .-".V $2.50, For . Muck . $3 wool or. worsted .. sweaters. $3.50 For Muck $6 to. $8 silk, worsted and lamb's wool Sweaters., " 7 CLOVES Any kind, all-kinds, the kind you want, in from' the heavy leather or wool to finest 20 For K. T. 40c quality heavy Gloves'. 29 For wool or goat ormuleskin 50c Gloves. ' "v. 50 For all kinds of $1 Gloves. 75 For all kinds of $1.50 Gloves. "7 Ii: l.OO For all kinds of Muck $2 Uloves. 25 For buck Gordon dress, up to $2.50 I :boots,tosatirfy Tt ; .;--, , ,.... , -j.- .,r. .... . .. - A. fill? ; WW ii i . y - .7-. I : t . . ,-. 1- rr- - - i..'- '"I mi til yif fii i i uii i w i r "X. m ' m , i t iiii u it HAL1? J.- . MEN'S FALL Muck's vaknesslwas-loiriifle eoods. " Oniy I .JLub-hs-thcin now at just One Half wholesale costrand will sell them at just One Half reiau price ivi u.. uw vi utu $5,00 Muck at $10. v For Single and Double Breasted Suits, medium 'and dark colors ; sold by . ' For choice of Muck's A Irt J medium and dark color V-f single and- doubU breasted all wool, union cassimere and worsted, $12.50 Suits. ' L 7, For Muck's $15 medium or dark colors, plain.and fancy worsteds, also serges, 'clays and unfinished worsteds, 33 to 46 bust. : -77 "' 'J :4:--: .;7 7 'v 10.00 For Muck ) hand tailored-$207claysr es, tmhnished -worsteds, plain and fancy materials to 50 bust measure TITOUSERS The great triple stock of Muck, Sidney B. . . Cohn and The Hub on 'sale at just. One. . '.' . Half value. , . : ; ; ' 62.For TheHMb's $L25 .Working Pants';' . '98' For-ThetHub's $2Business 'Pants y $1.50: For 1 Muck'and Sidney; B.' Conn's . . $3. Pants. --' tt, 7 7 (.,:. 7..77V ' $2.00 For Muck 'and Sidney B. 'Cohn's . $4 Pants, y'.-y. 7 :.'';-''"''''i ':'7' $2.50 For .Muck and; Sidney B. Cohn's,' "" elegant tailor-made :$5-Pants. $3.00,. For Muck and Sidney B. Cohn's elegant custom $6 JPants. ;- 7 - - . $3.50 For Muck and Sidney B. Cohn's -. imported' materials $7 , Pants ;'' ,.. , -$4.00 For Muck and Sidney. Cohn's;;. .' best $8 Pants. - '"'' ' 7,;".- 7 7 $4.50 For Muck, and Sidney ;B.':Cohh's.: and $10 top ot all, rants. HATS ' Muck elegant stock of fall and winter, styles Soft and Stiff Hats. Has no su-. perior in the United States for real merit. " Everything up;to-date, from $2 to $5, was" carried by this'now insolvent company. $1.00 For Muck $2 soft and stiff Hats! $150 For. Muck $3 Hats, soft and stiff. ,$2.00 For Muck $4 Ferguson -Hats, stiff arjJ soft: '- -7- J-. ." . . . 77;.. $2.50 For Muck $3 Stetson or Mowbray . soft and stiff Hats.;, r . . r ' 50 knows the s Muck Clothing Col, 109 Sixth street, was sold by J. W. Bell, trustee, body and; PRIGS AND WINTER. -. f 3.1 " the best found room 'in that" store.4 The - kv - u t $.' 4 P For ' Muck high V-ult3r $25 import-" ' i 7 .. ', . :! ed .'. good, custom 7 finished Suits In a variety of over 50 styles of fabrics." 77',. -;'777-7i"''-''l.,:,.'Jv'; 7 ";, -: 1 S B C a or cnoc f Muck ble,Jbreasted Sack and Tuxedo. - Highest quality Imported materials.:,"-7.r, "7-.' ,s7 $1?50 For choice of Muck single and double breasted Sack. Tux edo, . Full ' Dresa or .Prince Albert Suits. ' LMade by top notch 'Jailors of American for Muck to retail at $35 to $40-. -4 1 A $10,000 stock of Hub Shoes, including . Thibbetts; The best of Shoes at the biggest . bargains in the United States..- - f. ... , ,. . . f "! ' YOUTHS' SHOES ' ; - 05' For iVouths; $1.50 and $1.75 guaran- ; T'teie'A.'ShpeSy''; '..:f- -ir-t'-tf A ; ; $1.35 . EorV Youths' ' $2tnd $2-25 , hand y welt 'Shoes. ' :.7 ;'. ;' '' J'Zr- MEN'S SHOES 2,000 Pairs All of the Good and Best V'i 77;:; 1 Kinds." ''. .'? : ; ) V$15 For plain or box, bals. and con '.I'v'gress,' regular $2 Shoes. - ' r '." eipi jrorcaii, i.vici, .veiour Dais.,' conjj. ? and. bluchers; ,the7very best and latest. $3Shoes. 2.35 For vicir cordovan . patent 7 and enameled, in caTI and colt,; bal., .blucher r-arid-congress ;:30 styles-of toe, and last;" all of them $3.50' value, v 49 For all sizes and styles of 83c Rub-. ; bers. i''7r r. : ' - '' -7 v VESTS 35 For Muck'up to $2 odd Vests. 785 For Muck up to $3 wool Vests." $1.45 Fop- Muck fancy or" wool $4 Vests.. $2.35 For fancy or full dress $5 to $7 Vests. III ..... .. '.-