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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
' THE OREGON DAILY -'JOURNAL. PORTLATIEl, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24, 1905. rODAV'S MARKETS POULTRY : OUES WELL 1 Receipts Are Heavy but Demand, Is Good at the Price and ' , Market Is Steady. . POTATOES RULE WEAK V ' pN SOUTHERN SLUMP Hops Are t Firm With Considerable Selling Dealers Art Now Quite ! Anxious to Purchase Olds, While a f Short Time Ago Would Not Buy. JARKET Front. Street.'Kov. 24. Tb principal features j of tli Portland wboleeale marketa today an; Poultry market niaves wall. A Complaint aa to egg prices. ".' far oranges and car eweet. ' . I'otatoti-a rale weak at hottom. ' , Car ahortaga la being relieved. ' Hone ara firm and aalllnf. Hour market, la looking up. '' . , vT . " llanaua trade J worried. . ', ' . .' Poultry Market Steves Wall. ' ' r ' Orcst aa the srrlvato ww ar la, tea chicken ""markat there la no glutting of storks. . The cliannela of trad are filled op (or but a mo. , mat wheat th stocks are unloaded from- lb ' eipreea, that la all. Demand la health at present value, there being aa actlre call for all arrtrala at the prices llatad. Along with - the chicken th arrival of ducks and gees " are considerable, bat ever coop that' cornea . la cold before the trading for tbe day to endwl. . Tnrkey aupplle are quite liberal, but tbe Uva ,: lilrda are- not receiving th call tbart-omee te the dreeaed Block. Arrtrala of tbe latter ara . the Smallest. Dealers expect tbe market to stand acvand preeent quotations. - Coins lata as ""eg Frloa. There la bow much complaint from tbe re '. tall trade aa to eg( prices now ruling tat tbe ' wholesale marketa. At 03c the dealere eay the ' trade la curtailed. tor atocka cannot be soli - lu the retail market under 4oe and tbla pries Is conetdered exceeaiv for tbla time of the year. Conalderlug tneaauall arrtrala and tiie ' prieea In other marketa, Portland quota! loin are Terr amaU and could hardly be leaa. The blab prieea are, bowerer, caualng Bloat of the trade te take to eaatera egga aa subatituie. S and aa the quality la fair, there la pot much complaint ea that aeor. . , ' ';. , " retateoa Bale Weak at Bettesv ':' t The potato market la ruling weak at bottom prieea today. News received from the south today atatea that supplies of ordinary quality t. Oregon In that market are still -4o heavy- and that prtraa will rule still lower If the preeent I rate of ehlpmenta cent inn.. The larger alilp pera of tbe atate are boMing bark their atocka and all wareboueea are full to overflowing ml a rcAOltr There la an entire ahoaaea ef any . think doing la the way of far southern huslnnfc on aecount of the low prlc-ee aaked by Coloral. f grower. Tbe on km market la very quiet, but '.' the tone contlnuea Irm and ancbangeV a re-,-..garua prlrea.. . v, : J' J.' " Hop Are Tina aad Baling. - t A considerable Bomber at salef of hope art 'reported made during .the paet 34 bourn ' former qnotatmna. Tbe demand hi gre4er and all dealere erem willing to boy. The enrprlalng 4 featnra of tbe market te the maeh Improved f-l- lug In regard to old bopa, there being eery heery aalea reported m thla line, dnrlng thl T paat three or four daya. Growers are not aa 'willing t eell a formerly and peculators are more Inclined to buy. By the trade In general 'lt le btllered tbe market baa already struck . bottom. 1 -. ' '1 ... Flour Market It Xsokfag tfp, The floor demand from tbe orient at now '" nominal and attllera are talking ef adTanclug "the quotatlona on local brand about 10c per barrel to make up for tbe dallneeev Tbla b) "tbe aeeret: When there la a Terr beery demand "for expert floar local branda ara alwaya V. Whea export trade falle off there at almoat erery " time a email, advance la the product - here. ' Theae eonditloaa rule in all markeU, No cbangea are reported made today. ' ; Binaiia T-- Dlnce the excluaire annooncement M made by The Journal yeaterday that there would lie a flght on between tbe banana trnat and the hute pendente the trade haa been on an edjr.'. 'The ear which arrlred rrooj the Independent v yeaterday waa hi rood ahap. although aereiul day overdue. Price were abaded but allgbtly oh thle account, hot eonae rntereetlng derel ' eaHnepta are expected With future arrtrale. - The trmt la a rery exerting corporation and, Uklng : ehlpmenta to thla city year l and year aut, there la aa a range km to tbe trade here of $100 oa every ear received. A mattea now atand. banana price are high,' hot la order keep from under the trade would be forced " In oilmen aiimoaa iTniajnCTnayo per unable to agree to la fear at lae waa rau. Tvai Tamil aa Peoltry. . ' . Tom rarretl ef Kverdlng ft rarreU la a tat circular baa the following t aayi "While there la no excitement, there la a good, heeltiiv , demand for good No. 1 fat veal ot from 7 te J poo ode at THtiSe; large, rough and pent will not aril for top price, but will eell f'W . all they are worth, I. e.. from 4e to Tc. Tag 'all good plainly. Prmand ka very good for aoMd hog at 7c. which ka t par with Ire, ' which eell at mIe. - While oar tnjnoctvo -agalnet the appointment ef a meat Inepector l,u been dlaeolred. there I no Inapertor or ' rnlea aa yet. and contlnne t ahlp ea aaual antO -r too ara Informed that euca. a thkng at tmpoa alMe. - Tbe' folkvwmg price' are- paid along Front atreet by the trade for choice quality a round - lota. Prodneere' prieea are ao opacified: Orala, Plour and re. " WHRAT New club, 7v red BuarUa. Bc bliiratrm. 74c! taller. T4lTKc. BAbLCT reeo, wii ir .mii roiiea, aaa 2a.(i0; brewing. f22.ftOQas.Ou. COBN Whole. S21.oi . ' cracked. , (3V00 par tea. . '' T ."'' ' 1 1 nrr 1 is per ewt. " i i OATS PMylncera price Ma. 1 wbttav I2S-00) g ar. $34.BOfflaS.oa ' ' KLOIIH w extern Oregon patent. S4IS; afraiahta. S3.B5iSS.Tn: export. '.4083.45; val-h-r- ia.70i33.80: graham, w. S3.M; rye, aua, 15 on; halea. S2.T5. MltLftTtiFTS Bran. I1T.B0 per' ton; dim, $23.00: ahnrta, country. $I.80; city, . $m.i: crop, $ia.oo. B AT Producer' price Timothy, wlltn mette ralley, fancy. $11.0"1$00: ordinary. $7 M) ' port: eaiter Oregon. $I4.00II.BO. mixed. ' $ 60CS 90: cloeer. S Ma 10.00: grata, Sa.oO $.00: chent $ Butter, Iggg a4 BeuHry. -r BDTTBR FAT r. a. a. Portland Sweet ream, aoar, . BliTTKF City creamery, $0e; atrtald faaey, STHe: ordinary. S-Vi- etore. leQ17e. BUGS No. 1 freeh .Oregon. caadleaU. SSei , ""cold Mniuge and eatcrn. 27ia2SH- CHEESE Sew Full eream. twla. Ufiet , Tonne Amwlca. InHe: ehedrtar. 14Va. OAMR.TaekrahMta, $1.7S per do. - POl'liTR? Mixed Teblcken. HVf: fancy ' hena. imt2e per H: mnatem. eld. ', per lh: fryere. llt,lf12e per Ih: krollere. liy. 13e per : ducka, 1415. pet lb; . geeee. c per tb: ; tnrkeya, . netlTV,? per lb: lireaaad. 20e par lb: eqtiaha. $2.Soe.( . Ho, Weol a ad HJdea. -' HOPS 1008 Oregon, choice. ' lfl4tllei prime. 7iR: poor grade, A4t?ei Waabtog V bn. lOej l(iii4 crop-, fV for choice. WOOL IW rllio valley, eearee ta mediant. FRIDAY PRICES , THE WHEAT MARKET t mail 1 i' ir T d '.'.,:. ...... . . w. w ..: . 11 He;.-- Mar.. Chrca mr -v-r;-, r-. -. S V- -,4 14 Mlnncapnllg ,i .84 1 ' Milwaukee) ... ..gS4 .17 St. Ix)uls.;., . . ; MKB ".in Frani'lncd. 1.3$ ; 1.41 ' New Torn:. ... . ' - ..1 V ' ' Knne :ty,., '....V r-' ..H l.tverpoci ... JOURNAL'S .DAILY T , TIPS TO SHIPPERS .- ' . The turkey situation Is of much Intereat and dealer are d aendlna nutneroua : circular to d ' the ahippera In search of trade. Ot the altuailon Dryer. O Mallejr d & Co. nay: . , d "Kollowtn the euatom of ) . former year, dealere ln 8an e . Franclaco and Seattla are .offer- d lng great Jnducementa to have , d ' turkeys from Oregon ahipped to d d those marketa. Aa Thankaglv- d -Ing draws near the outlook for d d high prices on this market Is d d . very encouraging. After a thor- d 4 ough canvaaa Of the turkey- 4 d rising aections of thla Hitata we 4 w-flnd that ther-wl not b nearly e aa many put on the market itri a year aa tn past seasons, which d will tend to strengthen th mar- . d ket. Wa have It on good au- 4e thorlty that thara will ba aav- e oral ears of eastern turkeys d ahipped. Into. San Francisco, and . wa are afraid turkey raisers tn 4 this section. If they ship there, will have, the same - xpr'nca '. d) they hae had In paat aaasons. It Is dlfncult at present to tell . 4) What turkeys will sell for next week, but In our Judgment the ruling price for strictly No. 1, fat d blrda wlU be Zi V4 . ccnta per i 4 pound." ' . t4HJ6545 Sue, 2SO7 aaarara Pit Tic .- i-... MOHAIR Nominal. oele. i , SHKKPSKINS Sneerlna. JSiSJOe eacht abort e-eol, SK40 each; medtam wool, $0070 each; long wool. 73c t$ 1.00 each. ' TALLOW Prune.. lb. $H04! Ma. t and greane. t2Hc CHITTIkl BARK 2Mr3e per lb. HIDES Pry. No. 1. 1$ tba aad np. ISHCj I7H per lb: dry kin. Mo. 1. S te IS Bm. 14c: dry calf, Xo. 1. under S lbe.l&e; aalted bldea, ateera.- eouad. SO lua and ever. JOllc: am, HCtV: atag and nulla, aomd. eejtet kip. IS to 30 lb, ftc; calf, sound, ander lb lb, lie; green, anaaltrd. te leaaj enlla. le per tb leas) horeehldea. aalted, each. $l.ini.TS: dry, each. Sl.OOtfl.M; colt hide. 23t)aie goat klna. eommoa, each. lOQISei Aagora. . eeea, g2aJ $1.00. . - Fraft pA TeautaUas. , - POTATOES Beat Oregon. 80 per rk ear lota. nOOfrxie per aack; ordinary, S0e: car lota, toajauc; aweeu, pi.ev eacai OKIONS Oregon yelow nevre,' $t.J5j aat leta, $ garlic. 810c per lb. FRESH ntt'lTa Apple, tlrecon. $1.0001 BO: tmwu-r at TMiH2r mhannUf SI. Go: arangea. aew navel $3.003.75: bananaa, SttSHe lb: toinoni. choica, e5.SOi35.79 per box: fancy, SJUw per boa; lime. Mexican, It.tS per 100; ploeapplee. $4.00 doa: grapea. $l.BO1.75; pear. el.25atl.S0 per box: ppmegranatea. flM per box: tangerine. $1.7$. VEQEIABI.RS Turnip, now. ai.ou per r. earrat. $1.00 per each? beeta. $1,004 I.2S per each: Oregon rmdlmhe. t-V per do: cabbage, Oregon. $0700 per ewt; greea pepper. 7e,per lb: California tomato, $1 I.2S: naren I ii. $1.0fii 1.2P1 ktring bean. $O10c: cxullSower. $1.8532.00 per era te:rho barb. mj green pea. 10c per lh: hnraeradt'b, 10 per mi rtlctwike.-oaoO nor dosi hotbnn e lettuce. tl.Ooai 75 per box; celery, local. 60I75 per dos: eggplant. SI M per crate; pumpklna IJJc: aqaaah. lMo: cranberrle. Jereeya.' $12.00(0143.00 per bhl: Coo bay and Tillamook, $10.00; rad lahea. 25e per -doa. ' DRIED rnUITSApple. ' evaporaton. . im lOHe per lb: apricot. 10Hia , pa; pearhe. 10Hrl8c per ; aacka. t per in 1cm: pro nee, 80 to 40, 6e -H drop ea each alxteenth amaller slae;' Sg. California ' black. nl,oc perlb; California white, oc per in; date, golden. $e per lb; tarda, $l.S6e per IS-lb bOS I I ' I : wreearlea. .: Wuta. Btev ": - ' gnaAR Sack baet Cube. SS.SOj powcleved. fB ofl; fruit grannlated. $6.68; dry granulated. $.1.96; Coat. A. $A.m: beat rranolalea. $n8: extra C, $8. OS; gold. C, $4.$6: I yellow. $4.BS: bhla. lOe; H bbla. foe: bosea. SO advance e eaek beala, leea 25e per ewt tor cash. IS drt maple. l4QI6c per lb. (Above prieea apply to aalee at ten the ear lota. Car lota at pedal price subject te Sortnatlnne.) , ; , nOMBY $S.58 per crate. ' SA COrrER Packare brand. SIS T. RALT Ceara Half groaad. lOOaTper tn". table, dairy. One, $11.00: tnO. StO.TB: ! ported Liverpool. 50a. $17 00; I no. $1$.M; K4a. tlSOO: extra floe, bhhv aa. Sa, to. 4.snR Kflt ulk., $3$ tba. $4.0rt4.00; aacka. JW..mlle. . FAL. Coarae TTnTr amnnd. icoa. $7.00: Snr. per ton. $7.80; f Iverpool. In mo rock. $1 SO per ton: BO-rb rock. $7.00; 100. SS.TS. . . ORATH-RAOR Calewtta. THa. ' xtlCB Tmnertal. Japaa. Ko. t. Set "a, ' S. 5fte: New Orleana head. 7et Aiax. Set Creole. St4. RRANR flmart white. W.TSt rare wblt. t.1ont pmk. $-T5: bayo. $4 80; Lima. $$.00; Mevicen re-ja, . nrrn rvamlr. ymnnna, J. sue per Rii Fleetnla." TWff per Tbr rod. Set eornaeute, SneTSOc per do; walnnta, IBeilBtee Per thr pin nnt. 10e1tHe per R: hlehory nut. lOe pee lh- eheatwnn. eetrn. IS 'lee nee rV Itraall nnt. 14c per re: fTlhevrn. I41'e ne PAS fancy pecan. IBtAWIiUet atmceMi. iri"ne per ra, , Pmhrta. Ooal Oil. Ete. Rflr K-Pur -Trkgiar.-n; t : mnuira. un aleal. lie. COAL mL Pearl r Aatral Oaeea. soil per gal: .water white. Iron bbla, the par anil wooden. Ie vwr gall headlight. 170-deg.. eaaea, HHr per rl. OAROMrfE SxMet. ease, S4H per gal; Iron i.M. 1c per gal. pavriME (Ct -dee. eaaea. Be per gal; kna Mite. lUe nee gat. TTRPENTIXR la at ana. S2c per gal: wooden bbla. e per gaL . WHTTB lkao Toa iota, Te per in; ew-sj lor. Ar per lb; lea tot. $t4 per rh. WTH V AtT- Preeent bee $2.70. LINHErn Oll-Pure raw. m $-bhl tot, hoc! 1-bhl lot. Me; eaae. Snc per gat: geunfn kettle hotled. cane. She per sal: S-bb lot. He; l-hr-1 lot. 68 per gal: ground cake, ear lota. $20.'M r ton: leea than ear rnra. sai.ov per von. Teat. Flak aad Brovlalena. - FRERB WCATS Tmot street Beet ateera. StO per lb hog, block. 7H per lh; pack, era. 7e per lb; holla, 44t6c per lb; eowa, KUyflOe per lb) veal, extra. 7HV lb; erdl. sarv. ae per lb; poor, t per lb; wattoa, faaey, $u7Hc per lh. ' RAMS. BACOI. ET Poet bind pack floral) Iim, 10 te 14 lhe, lle per lb; 14 to IS lb. 24C 10: nreairaai nacon. ionrie per id; Dleule. $e aer lb: regolar abort clear. . an- mokdif. 11 Pr lb; rooked, lie per lb: eleer .back a. anamoked, 10 per Ibi amoked. Il per lb; Union butt. 10 a IS tba, ae amokvd. Sr per lb: amohed. e per lb I eleer beUlea. aoemoked, lie per Ibl emoaed. It per lb; ahonldera. v per nv tJWit. I.ARD Kettle leaf. In.' II ne Ibi Ka, 11H per lb; 60 lb tin. lOHe per lb; eteam rendered, in, inc per lh;y Sa, 10)4 a ie lh: eomnonnd. 10a. 0. ' CANNED SALMON Co him Wa river. Mb tana. $1.80; 2-lh tall. $178; fancy Mb Sat. $1 t H-lb raney SaU. $1.18: fancy Mb pvaav $1IB: Aleak tell, pies. SOCjSUes red. $1.60: nominal 2a. tell, $2.00. - FISH Uocfc cod. 7c par P; aonndera, S per lb: hall hot. 7c Per lb: era be. $1.60 aer doa: atHned baea. lHa per lb: eatfUb. 7c aer lh: ralmon. Ilvereldea. Ac per In; ateelhead. 7c per IB-irnbg. n per in: note, ao per lb; abrlnip, 10 pe1 lb; perch, Se per lb; black cod. 7e per lb; allver emelt. 7 per lb; Inbetare. l&c; freak mackrL 8 per lb; era Sen. S3 per doa - OUtTERS Shoalwater bay, per gal. $2-2S per seek. $S .78. - clams Hard-eheii. per nog, gz.uo; ruear .lepta. $$.0 per boa.. - COTTON IS TWELVETO EIGHTEEN POINTS OFF tiew York; Nov. $4. Cottna future Cloaed 12 to IS nolnra lower.' ' ' Official quotations by Overbook, Starr ft Conk eAmoanv: . ' 1 Open ...I..-.. .1140 ...........114 .-m.....ldl ,..ll.t .e..-MMavll74 lTlrh. Ixiw, CVwe. Jahnary , Peltniary March .., April .., May -..u. Jnne "IV -. .., "fovemtier Decertiher 114M JIW 1I4S 114 1172 . IIM 1I7 tlM im 4i3. 114IIAI 12 ll.VM 1 1.17 " llictiudA 11 nr. a i.7 ....iim J.S.tlOT ....ins 117 lift lliwotTO 1I7- ll7- lHWr9 11U 1113 llUt 14 J tiverpoel Cotton twr. " ' t.lverpor.1. Nov. 24 o ion fotnre cloned 3 tn :l point down, with th market qnlet and ateady. ' I.., e w , " Starling BaAe. , !eir York. Jov. g4.- Sterling tufeer Demao.t tw.iu day. 4;i.;jj4ia.0,- . IKIGEflllllE tlfl'IS corirLin Lack of Definits Inforrtiation the v . Causa of Little Activity in ; . - the Wheat Pit. : i- CHICAGO MARKET IS , ; SLIGHTLY ADVANCED December and 'July ' Optjona Are Up'sn ' Eighth With, May Un- changed Easier Feeling in Oats , la Reported. '(' ;V'' FHIDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. ,t. Chw Cloea Oala Close ' rri. 'Tbur. Frl. Tear Aa December. May....,, July...... ...$ .Kl4ft$ .00 f 7 1 r tf .S7 B .00 .82KA 2 .0014 Chicago, Kov. 24. Logaa ft Bryan aay; Wheat new from Argenjln Is so conflicting that tbe trade at th moment fee la It I safer to lay doa to shore. Thl tend t reatrlct hearten activity, and H I -noticeable that com mleeiea people generally are Inclined to favor the buying aide on tb soft spots. - Primary receipt today were something ander a reel ago. This and tbe large flour aalea reported by Utnneapolte, coupled with . doubta aa te Argentine'! actual position on th crop, make for luat enough uncertainty to keen th bears tlinld. On th whole th poaalbllltla to com out of dlaaater to th Argentine crop, the grown crop loo fax Ruaala. tb apleadld flour altuatloa at home, backed up by- tb excellent milling, demand, all- eaenv factor la making friend fur tb market on tbe decline. The corn market at aa time abawad any great fluctuatlona. Oat are again eaafer, ..bearlah Influence bring bur a .little liquidation In th December. la provlalona there hae been quit a good market, uniform and ntrong. January etaff contlnne te he bought In a unlet way. Official quotation by Over beek,-Starr ft Cook company : . WHEAT, . ','-' , Open. . nigh. Low. S ;'.Wt4 '.- 2 Cloae. S .. A .7 B : .82 Dec. .....$ jki $ .84 May... July... .as is .H3 cobm. : 4H New ( May.', July. Dee .44 .41 .43 4ss 3TjA .R .. v .,a OATR. ,..'.82 ... : ' .80 Te.. " M.y.i.,.. euiy..,., Jfu MKRR Tor. 12 SO 12.8$ 18 00 . 12 sn ., ".OS ,A ItM LARD.. . ... . $.97 . i$.St ., H e.02 ..$. 7.07 i J.OB 12S0 12M , ;' S.M " .. M 7.05 a S.A3 i May.. nee...... ess Jen:..... S.P'i May T.03 SHORT BIBSCv' ! e ns - m BBWABT ORAJJf atOTXMIBT. 'Chicago, Nov. 24. Prunary recelpm: j: : , ' . Today ., Tear Are v . r .. Rnah. Puah. Wheat ................ ...a.1,170,000 1.8:,000 Corn .701,0011, 833,000 Hh I omenta; , ..... Wheat .................... 485.000 $44,004 Com 485.00$ S2A.0H0 Clearances: Wheat, n.noo nuahela; com. 000 hnaheU; oata 23,000 buaueli; flour, 21,000 barrel, j. . , , . ., . .. j . SAB r BAB CISCO ORAIB MAS BET, ' San Francisco, Mot. 34. Official morning seaaloa: ,-. .,t . WHEAT. ' ; 4 Open. - High. " Low. CV. December $I..KH, $1..10Vk $1.8Va - $I..Vt Msy. ......... 1.41V4 1.41 1.41V, 1.41 y, BARLEY. December..... 1.171, I.1S 1 17 I.1S4 May 1 20 UlVt 11 V " CHICAOO fUSB WHEAT, r.i w ''iah wheat' . Bid. Auk. No. g red. ............. .....,.$ .WVa 9 -S7 No. 3 red M .H8 .H No. S hard.. ......' J-t v ' 5 No. S hard... SO , .84 No. I northern.. .............. A -f .88 No. S northern.... .88 . .87 No. S spring SI . .84 CHJCAOO SBATB CAB L0TS. Ohlcagoi No. 24. Oral ear lots ' e fars Ore da Bat. Wheat ..............121 M III 00IF4 4l$t$nw.tlS. IM S Je I 9 Oata .2.11 T SO 4S3 Wheat car teday: Mlimeapoik, no. Duiutn 818, Winnipeg 8.16. 8C3,TjuIntli, 'JUS..' "' Tear ago: Ulnapoll . - ABOEBTTBB OBAIB BKXPXBBTS. Chicago, Rot. ,4. Argpnttnd ahlpmnta: ' r ' Thla Week . Week Age Year Age . ' Bnah. Bnah. Hnah. Wheat ,l,H:t2.0nt . 8HO.00O. i 848.000 Cora ...... ..120,00 a.730,000-' , S.S5O.VU0 , , llTerpoal Sraia Karket, . J Liverpool. Nov. 24. ( Inee: Wheat December, a 10d. Ud lower; Marcky oa 10d. 4d lower; May, o d. d lower. , Oora January, a 4 Vie, hd lower; March. 4 Sle, e lower. ' CATTLE 25 CENTS UP AND HOBS 25 CENTS OFF ,-!- v ' Ml MIBMg Illlt V y ' Better Demand for Former and Weakness in the Latter S Sheep Are Dull. . . Portland Colon Stockyards, Nov. 24. Uv. gtack receipts: ..-: 1 Hog. Cattle.' Sheen. Today 184 114 867 Week are .............. ... , - 1.874 Prevtna week .......... ... ,.1 412 Month ago $S 113 nbeep ara roo rga ror aeavy eonvninptio eee day and 'the . rewilt I the market la holding Juet fair. Hog ara weak ISc off, while cattle are Im 2o higher. i. ffflr1a price for llveatoctl""'"''', ' H"g Beat envtern Oregon, tfl SOfltS 80; blockers' and China fat. $3.00; etorker and feeder. $4.1104x4.23. Cattle Beat, eaatera Oaegoa ateera. $3,284$ $.80; light and medium ateera. $2.2Bt light eovra, $2.28: atorkerg and leadere, $2.2i bnlla. IIM). Kheep Wether. Ac; mixed eboep, 4Vitl$tc; etralosA we, SV: lamna, 80314c. Calve flood veal, 180 to 200 pounds, BSlSMc; rough and heavy, $48. , ... .- ' J - V" BASTIBB BOOS WBAa,1,.1, .:' ' Chicago. Nov. S4. Mveetorh reeelpta: Hoga. Cattle. . Sheep. Chicago .......... ...2fl.C " , S.MO . lt.000 Kanaaa City 7 ' 2w , 2.1 Omaha 3,1X10 2.0U0 ' l." Hog Opened weak. Reeelpta a year ago were :I7ii. Ift over. 5.00O. Prieea: Mixed, -$43l(t4n: good. $4.784.6; rongh, $440x1 .: llaht, i4.5oa4.8S. ... , Cattle Steady. v . " mm;. 0 Sheep Strong. '!,'. ". "' ; -T ';-.' OOTIlllniBBT BOBDS. ;v- New- V'fk, S-14 Oovrant hondai . Ite., Kid. Ak. No, S regular . .. . Ne, $ eonnon ,. . No. S regular Nn $ entail bonds ...7.; i- I'wv n4 . ...... 1811 I4 10414 103 ..... It4- Ji l 11 112 13.1 l-ial, IM II' IIOW ,luib lion o. 4 regular .... 1W7 JS. 4 eonpon ; No. 4 regular ........... 1h?S No. 4 coupon liin, tllatrtet of t ohimhl 3418. . .,. I'hlllpvin 4 ........,.... ... - Poultry Supplies Ara Very Heavy .but the Tone of the Demand Is Excellent and All Arrivals Are Moving Off Well at the Price. PROFIT-TAtCKJG . il BEAR CARD Early Advance Made in the List but Prices Are Carried Off f . :'-r: at V Close. READING HIT HARD j . AFTER A HEAVY RISE Advances Several Pointa. Early but Loses All on Liquidation Union " Pacifier Geta Setback on Non-Ap-7 pearance of Statement. - - ' ' ' LOSSES. ; Amalgamated .... IMIaaowl Pacific ... 1 Atrblaoa i. North American .. 44 Car A Foundry ... 4, Ontario Weatern. 4 Brooklyn a.PennaylvanU H St. Paul , IV, Ireaed Steel Car. Colorado Faet .... - H Reading H Canadian 1 Republic Steel, pfd. i Loeonwtlv , Rock laland ...... VI Erin 1. do prvf erred. .. .. l . do 2d pfd i 1 Southern Railway.. do'lat pfd ...... XA Southern Pad do... 1 Great We, tern . H Texas ft Paclnc... Illlnola Central .. Colon Paclnc..,.,. 1 Loulevllle ........ V. B. Rubber ..... Katy 1..... T. a. pteel ....... do preferred.,.. H Wla. Ca., pft.... l i ADVANCK8. Anaconda .i .1 Metropolitan ""Iter ., a, Mexican Central... (a do preferred.... iJlNorfolk i.. S Baltlmor ........ iP,rlne. Mall ...... tt a ft N. W , Ifilpenple O.e Cheeapeak ........ Republic Steel...., & MauhatUn ....... t,'Tenneeee Coal ... Toledo, pfd l8teL pfd .., Vt Habaau. pfdj,, Jkl . ..'.:,;',.. .",: Wll Street,; New Tork. Nor. U. Tb stock market was vary erratic today, th early trad ing being generally np, wall profit-taking sent tb 1lt oft later.. . - Official quotatlona by Overbeck, Starr ft Cooke .company: - ' ' ; ""'V. .;'-. DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining C 148 8V 181 j . 80 V 148 hS 6&i Atchlaon, com,....,...l: oe jprererren., ;Am. Car ft Foundry,- e. do-preferred.......... Am. Sugar, oom........ Am, Smelt., com,,,.,,, do preferred Baltlmor ft Ohio. oom. Brook lya Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, oom. . . Chicago ft Alton, com. . do preferred....... ... C. ft U. W.. com Chi., Mil. ft St. P....J. C. ft N. W.. com 141 Vl42t 20 177 "vri''e ft Ohln.,, u 6-1 IMUk ruel a Iron, com. Colo. Southern, com..,. do second preferred... do first preferred. .. . Delaware ft Hudson.... D. ft R. G-. com do preferred..,"..;..,, Erie, com. ... 1. ....... . do. second preferred... do' flrvt preferred.;.. Illlnola Central Lnal$)rllle ft Naahvlllc... Met. St. Ry. ........... Manhattan Ry. ......... Mexican Central Ry". ... Minn.. Hi: P.vft Bte. M. do preferred. ......... Miasourl Pacific........ M. K. ft Teom. do preferred.......... New York Central..... Northern Pacific 4H 3 22(1 a 48 73 81 40 H 741, SI 178W lnjiZ 178 181 118: 1211 inn lfl.1 23 198 101 ioo' 8H $7' em 1MI"A 140 1W Hi HMVk Am. Ijocomotlre, ... do preferred Norfolk ft-Weatera, com. so 117V4 11T . 87 Kd North American N. T.. Ont. ft Wcatera 103 100 6SV 82 Pennaylvani Ry . v P. O. L. A C. Co... 141 4 101 44 140 100 Preaaed Steel Car, com. Pacific Mall S. 8. C.... Reading, com.......... do aecond preferredV.. do first preferred.,,. Ren. iron ft Steel, eoca. do preferred Bock laland. com...... do preferred Souther Ry., cot...,. do preferred . . , ...... Southern Pacific:. Railway Spring do preferred.... St. U ft 8. r . 24 pfd.. do lat prcTerred...... St. L. ft S. W.L com... do preferred. ......... Texas A I-aciftc. p$ 3 33! au. T.r St. L W, oom. . do preferred .......... Cnloa Pacific, com d preferred .......... IT. S. Rebher. caig., , . do preferred.. V. S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred... .. Wheel, ft U K., com.... 87 88 88 M 1.1Ail.1S 7 I R7 8.1 I 88 1101110 87 87 104!lm 1st preferred nil ha Central, seen. St 2 20 do preferred Wearer Union Tel.... Wahaah. com........... no preferred 67 2 2o 41 Delaware ft Radeon, ex-dlvldesd of 1 per cent. . Total aalea for day. 1.940.806 shares.- -Call money, 34 per cent, . , , SAB TBABOT8C0 LOCAL STOCKS. flaa Franeisco, Nor, 24 .Official close, mom. Aak, 48 40 15 84 77 . -82 11 . 82 34 33 io.Ui 2 1S8 tng araaioa: - ... , Bid. . 47 Contra Coata Water.......... Spring Valley Water , Miltnal Electric San Franrhvo Cs ft Electric . TO , 14 1 84! , 7 . S2 ,12 .102 , S2 ,182 . 7' (Kant Powder , , Hawaiian Commeretal , llonnkee Sngar. . ....... ....... Makawell Hiigar............ Onome Sugar....... ., Paanhaa Sugar. . .... Oceanic Steanmhlp. ........ ,).. Pacific Btatea Telephone..',, Calif oral Win. Pacific Coaat Borax California Fruit Cannera' . . TOBOBAX BTDflBS STOCKS. Ran Frnclcn, No. 24. Toaoeeb storks, of. Setal eloae. morning ...--.-liw ftl'l. Montana fi.M Midway .....fcJ1.40 J McNamara .... .43 Relmont l.SO North Star .... .3 Reaene i .07 Gold Mountala.Ji'j..oT Jim Nntler ... .88 Bid. tuxie 7r.Trrrri .07 Kendall . ..33 . (olnmbla Mt... .ISA Inmbo ...... i.. .73 liimho Bvtea.,.'. . .21 Black Bntte . ... .12 Ooldea Anchor.. s.Sl Stiver Pick on Kay O'Brien., .on iihlo Tonopah. .28 O. Bull Proj...r.l8 IHasMmdSeld ... .24 Ixme Star ...... .07 Rom ' Caah Boy ...... r,13 ghevada ........ .12 ed . . -t7 Ton. Estenalo. .Za Uo4dSeM ...... .87' Sandatorm -.48 Sandatorm Ex.. Adam 1......... .08 Mohawk .17 ' BOSTOB COPPER MABXZT. -- Roa toa, No. 24 Copper ekJe: - Bin. ' mo. Adventure $ 7.2S , 41 no , 8 84 , 8423, ; M.r , 81 IK . 27 V . 74 28 , 18 7 8 0 . Old ihmlnloa..$ .ei.12 Allonf ..... Arcadian ..... Atlantic ..... Bingham .... Calumet Centennial .... Copper Hang. Paly Weat ... F.lnL. Franklin . flreemr Copper Cranny j...... ktaea Michigan -l .-.-.' Mohawk Nerada Con.. kleceoU 108.00 Parrot . Phnenlg .1 Qiilncy ... Il-ira I .... Hanta F , . 27.83 ,. 1.80 , IrtB.oo . 23.00 ... 2 8 . 7 82 . 128 no r?40.60 Shannon . , Tamarack Trinity II 80 t'nlted Cooper. 83 Sd 2SA2!T'lah ..: S:).A2 $ 2'VItorla ...... . S..V) $80 I Winona ...... 80 18 l2Wotvrin-..-vf 17 80 M W t. S. Mining., SH.12 $. I x PORTLAND BANK 8TATEBTMT. Clearinga . ... . .... Balanr , ,.$I0.1M01 ....,.., oa,ov... Testhr-noPain Sfgrveloua Is what all the dentists say about th wonderful system of Alveolar Dantlatry, originated and praetlcad az clualveJy in Portland by Boatoo Dentists, 11 Morrison street. We ssv tscth If only a food root remains. We rsstore old decayed teeth to usefulness and beauty. , " . We replace lost or absent teeth wit, eet plates. , - W extract teeth without pain free of charge. , , We treat and tighten loose teeth, and soft or bleedlna gung are made sound and healthy. . We guarantee our plates to fit. We. give you the beat dental work for the lowest cost - consistent with first, elaas work. Come and have free exami nation and consultation and learn for yourself what we can do for you. without ruriy f V aJ r $p Boston Painless Dentists 8914 Korrlaon Bt 6pp. BtaUr ft Brank saA BPtoffloa. HOTJBB 8 ISO . m. lo $ p. Bh Stua. flayy 8i30 a. in. to isao p. so. for modern dental work. Worid-re , Downed speclallata. Lowest prices conatatent with flrst-cUs v t. , ,t wore. - xt Oe U the) J,'v.!7 "'..r'"'. NEW ' YORK DENTISTS . rOTJBTBI Am BtOBBISOH BTB. . . 'Open day and night, from 8 :$wav nv DtU f$ p. av NEW TORK CO rrEI MARKET. Near Tork, Nov. 24. Coffee futures closed 10 point higher. - . OfSrlal euotntlon: Bid. Aak.t . Bid. Aak. January .".$d.70 $8.78 July ....."...$7.20 $7.. '10 rebroary .. 8.80 SNSlAngnst 1.X 7.40 March ..... 8.90 S-vniReiitruiber ;. 7.48 7.60 April ...... 7.00 7.()ifihtober .... 7.4)1 7 46 May T.10 T.lSINovemher ... $.88 6 M une 4. 7.15 7.231 Dwember:,, a,M e.0 - Bw Tot Onab Coffee, ,' " New Tork, Nov. 24 Caah eoffeei Ne. 1 Rio, $! No, 4 Santos, $e. ' -"'"' ' Forelga Coffe Blarkata. Bavr. . Nov. 24. Coffe np; Hamburg up to unchanged: Rio market eteady, tat M point lower; Han toa quiet and unchanged;, re ceipts moderate., ..'...,. . : Loaeoa aaver.' ' '';'" Loadon Nov. 24 silver , today 18-1$. , ' COM8T0CK ItrBTBO STOCKS. Sasr Franclaco, Nov. 24. Official cloae. morn. log aesaion: ' Bid. ' Bid.. Savage ...,..,..$ .48 ' Potoal ......... .08 - Cnloa Co . ...4 ,88 Yellow Jacket.,.: .18 Kxcheener .48 Hale ft Noreroas, 1.08 loorploo 12 Bullion ........$ .88 Belcher ....... .27 Con. Cal.-Va... 1.80 Opblr ......... 8.82 Caledonia .61 Mexican i ....e, 1.80 - Andes .......... .21 LAiMEPJONEER DIES : NORTH OF EUGENE Eugene, TOrrNwr ft.Robert" R. Tanday, a Lane "county pioneer, died at the home of PalmeiAyer$jiQrtliol Eugene, Wednesday night and was buried in the Gillespie cemetery today. He waa aged 74 years and had never been married. He came to Oregon from Missouri In 1861, settling In Lane coun ty. He leaves a brother, W. a Tandy, alao a bachelor, who hae alwaya lived with him. There are two sisters, Mrs. jr. C. Bushnell . and Mrs. Fannie Har low, , .- - ' OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO . . ' Members Chleago QaVAXSr, armowiBIOxTB. COXT OrThird Street, McKay jBulwing. A-prxianq. ur. , B BO A BTKIOTX.T OOMJnXBBtOaT M VSTJrSBSJ. . Continuous Markets by Tflvate Wire. Quick 8rvlco. REFERENCES Ladd A Tllton. bankers, and United SUtea National Bank of Portland. , . We treat sneeeesfully alt private r) vou aad chroole dlseasae ef men; else) blood, stomsch, heart, liver, kidney end throat troubles. We eure STPHILIS without mercury) te etay eured for rKaflTIJBSai FMiS .out anaratlon or sain, in IS daya We stop drains, night loaaee and spermatorrhea' by a new method weak. . We can restore the sexual of any man under $0 by maane of treatment peculiar to ouraeivee. Ws Cure Gonorrhoea in a TT'tTtjtx, The doctors ef tale inetitnte ere ell regular graduates, have bed many yeara" experience, nave oeen anown in er" Portland for 1$ yeara have a rcputatloa7 to maintain, and will Undertake no c! -. -a wnlesa certain eure can be effected. . t-t -We guarantee a cure in evary caae wj noertaae or enarge no xew. vonauitav tlon free. Lettre coeifldenttsL Inatrue tlve -BOOK FOR MKN mailed free la Plain wrapper. ; We eure the wttret eeeea ef piles la two or three treatments, without epera tien. Cure guaranteed. . If jrou cannot call at efllee. write for enaction black. Home treatment eaae Omcehtrara. Its! and f to $. ' Bundtys end tiolidaya 1 te If. , , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS-& CO. Office In Vae NeF Hotel. 8214 TTitr S Slrf: t-Ornea Pin a Portland. Cb Observation Compartment. Cars V Dairy Between Portland, Seattle, Spokane and St. Paul . atra Minneapolis ; ', . -,, '' - ; ...', ' ' IP YOU UStt THE " ;''- ' ' ORIENTAL LIMITED " - - Tte stipwrn jww tralM of the . GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY FIRST TRAIN NOVEMBER ?2ND. V : r ' : -Th ComfortakU Way" .. ; ' ' - . fer dtuilc 4 lafonnila. rstrt. ttc call $a A. DICKSON, C P. St S. G. YLRKLS, A. G. 8. 8. Dakota sails TRAN2?ORTAT10N.i Astoria & Columbia - River Railroad Co. Leave . LN10N DBPQT. ( Arrive. . - " 11 , 8:80 a. at. For Waygere, jBalnler, J120 . Sa. Dally. . Clatakanle Weatnort, Dally. Clifton.atorl, War- ,j ronton, t level. Ham- . mond. Fort Blevena. V Oearhart Park, Seaalda. ' j Aatorls sad Saasaar. ..'. "' T no a m. Expr Dally.- $-'oOa.n. '". . Vftrto,,. Expr. t. C. MAYO, 0. F. aad P. A.. 0rA C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agent, 248 Alder atreet. Phon Main U"d- ' o.;. ........ ... ? ALASKA Fast and popctab steamships "t h'v -Seaftl S" "fTTTTH0H," November $8, via WrangaL "DOLPHIN." Bovemher $, 17, via Wrangel. "FARALLOW," Nevemher 10, 84, via . Wrangel. Metlakahtla. ' i CALLING AT i, -Ketchikan, June, Douglas, Hainea, 8kag way. Casneots with W. T. ft X. rout fr . . Atlla, Dawaea, ' Taaaaa, Boms, . -. .- For All Seutbeaatera Alaska Forts.. Call or eend for "Trip to Wonderful AlaakS," . "Indian Baaketry." "Totem Poles." , - THE ALASKA B. 8. CO. , ' Frank Woo lacy Co., Agents. ' 281 Oak Bt. Portland. Or. f " HUNTING , BOAT . Steamer Republic Leave foot ef Washington street for alt Willamette Blough points and St, Helens on Saturday at T p. m. Returning leaves Bt. 'Helens at 4 p.' m.'- -; '.r;. "f ': ALL FOR $1.00; Turkish ! Bath and good bed tot the aight, aa for n. King's Baths SeventB and Wi tngtoa Bta. insukst aad larseat baths fee the eny. SOWstTJro, BIOPKIKB Si CO, ' ' tKsUbllshed ltl. - . 4 " WaTKAT AJTO STOCK BB0K3SBA. Boom 4, O round Steer, ' ' OBLftBXBBIBl OB COKBCBRCm, ' Board of Trade. ITVU w ma . ( - WSJ T. A, 122 Third St, PortlaTid. Or. " P. A. ; - . ScatUe. Wash. for tjho Orient December lo $1.00 r - . t : .j ! x-y- mx f i . i J W W 1 ST i BB . 4k , - r- n.1: t. - U a. TRAK:rcr.TAT:c mx. wtnTntin. 3 Trains to : the East Dally 3 Through Pnllmaa standard and tosrlat etoeg -IngHsars dallv to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane touriat alee4ng-ars dully to Kane curl throush Pullman tonrlat eleetilag-ears Ineraoo ally conducted) weekly to (Alcago. BaeUelug chair care aata fre) t tb Kaat dally. UNION DEfet. Learea. Arrive. CHICAOO-POHTLaKD . ' .. 81'tCIAU 8: IS s. 81 S:t9n.m. For tbs ka,t via Hunt- Dally. . " DaUJ. - lllgtOU. . , '' -' - i ' : SPOKANE ri TKR. For Eaaiern Waehlng- 'r Ion, Walla Walla. Lew- 8:1$ n. av S 00 a.m. latoa. . Coeur - d' A lean Dally. ' Dally. : . . and Grant , Northern , :" points. .. '. ; : .. - '" ATLANTIC EXPIIK8S. S IS a. at. T:ISs,m, For tbe Eaat via Hunt- Dally. Daily. J Ington.. . ' , ' " , - - Celumhla Blvr Preialon. FOR A8TOBI A and war SrOOf. at. pninta, concerting with Daily Ahont - Imr. for llwaon and ex. Sunday. S:00 . m. North . Beach. atmr. Saturday. s- Bunday. Baaeala, Aah-at. dock. 10. OO $. av ' Tamhlll Elver Beute. FOB rATTON. Oregon ' City ssd Yamhill river T:O0a,a. T:Mp,s. points, etmre. Hutb ad Dally Dally Modoc, Aah-at. dock. ex. Sufaday. ex. Sunday. (Water permitting. I ., .. Snake Brew Beute. FOB LEWISTON, Id.. and way noluts from 1:401. l ! or noon ar-l :no a. av rival Train Dally Kipana, waah., . rtmrs. Spokane and Lewlatoa. No. 4. Dally ex. Friday. eg. sat. TICKET OFFICB. Third and Waalilngton StaT t Telephone Main Tia. - - c. w. BTlnilKR, city Ticket Agent. , A. L. CBAIU, Uenvral paaaenger Agent. EAST SOUTH LvBvea. - UNION DEPOT. I Arrive. OVRKLAHD EXPBFSS Trains for Salem, Roe-i bnrg. Aahiann. sacra manto. Oaden. Sns Fran 8:4$ a. am. dace, Stockton, tos Aa- T:35 a. so. telea,. El Paao, new ur lean and the Eaat. Maenlna train con necta . at Woodbnrn dally except r Suaday with train for Mount. 8:80. m. Angel. 811 vert a, Rrownavllle. Iltlll $;W . x. field. Wendllng and Natron. Kugeo peeaenger-eon 4:18$. necta at Woodh otMlhnrn with 10:88 S.m. Mt. Ansel and Silver- ton local. " Corvalll peaengr. Sheridan paaaenger. Foreat Prove paaaenger. O TO", p. " 4 50 s. m. g sa s. m. 1:0 p. m. I0:4K p.m.l Dally. . - r -. . .. - IIDailv eeeavit SmndaV? FerUand-Oaweg BaVnrbaa Sarvles aa TasxhiU Diviaioa. . - Hepot foot of Jefferson street. -lesv Portland dally lor Oewego T:0 . nr t 12:80, 2rO. 4:00. $:S0. e iB, 8:o. 10:10, 11:10 J. to. Dally (except 8nndny. 8:$0, 8:M, S.So, 0:S5 a. m. Rnnday only, 8:00 a. av - Returning from Oewego arrive Portland dally 8:$0 a. m. 1 :M, 8:06. ff:f. SrlSjT:. 8:S 11:10 p. m., 12 M a. m. Dally (sxcent Susday). $ , 7:2n, 8:80. 11:48 - nv SumUy only, 10 "00 Leaves from seme depot for Pellaa end Inter, nediate points dally 8:1$ p.- x. Atrlv Port- -Tb01 Indienenee-Menmoutb Mc ' tin operate, dally to- Monmouth nd Alrll, con necting with Southern raclnc compny tracks st ttsrhie sun?' eunv isudestw.' Ftret-elaaa far from Portland te Sacra men to and San Frandeco $. bertbj i $: aaooad-ctaa fare $1$. seeond-eleae berths . , Tickets to Kaaters points ssd Buropaj alao Jap, a. Chins, Honolulu and AnatraUa. 1. . l . .... aamm ThleA and Waah. 1 1 1 r im" Ington streets. Phone Main T1X C. W. 8TISOEB. 1 AA ,V City flcser axene. - TIME CARD .TRAINS artlnndr DAILT. . CBIOB DEPOT. - Depart. Arrive. ParkKan saa Clty-Bt. Lonla Spe cial for (behalb), Cen tra Ma, Olyaipla, Oray u.,iH. nnnth Rend. Ta $:$0 a. av . -A. S:04 $. av ess"" t ; 4:80 a. at. 4.88 a. i coma. Seattle, Spokane. Lewlaton. tioti. llnge, Denver. Omaha, Banse City. St, Uui and t. North Coaat Limited, electric lighted, for Ta hh, Seattle, Bpokan. Pntle, Mlnneapolie. 8b Paul and th Eaat. Paget Sonnd Limited. f Cnelialia, Centralla, Taeoma . aad Seattis only. Twin City Express, for Taeoma. Seattle. Sno- T:08 a. nv 10fl$ . I rr.i.n. Anlte 11:48 a. a. :50 a. 1 tyellowatone Park, Mln. neapoiia, Bt,. rani sua (he Eaat. ... A. D. CHARLTON. Asatatant Oeneral Paeaenger Agcat, . ; 264 slorrleo at., cor. Third. Portland, Oregon. THC COMrOrTTASIX WAY. City Ticket Ofdea, 188 Sd si, Fkene $$, O Overlaid Trains Dally 9 Tae I-lyea acd the rest Stall TJP-TO-DATB BQUXPhTBWT . OOVBTBOVS BBtPZeOTB8- LEAVE 810 am From Bortlamd Tla Beatue ARRIVau 7:00 a m. 11:4$ p. tn $:68 p. m. i.Qi a. ra. flip, nv "la Bpokaae (a B. BIT. Oo.) rea$ Bforthara artesmehlp Co. , Balling from Heottl B. B. ABOT. HBO. .. g. B. KIBBBSOTA, IIS. t. For Japan snri hlna puns enl Mnll. . , BUFFO TUSE X BAT A Unpen Mull r1'""!""1!! 'jii.j. .my B. B. ITO MAI kails from r.-uUi fr J"-"V Clilns nnil ell Ainui T'Mi.a Ahont e.. - 1 ' For II. -kola, r . , i vatloi. etc. r , 1 on rrs-l.'"' Bt. DICIivW, C. P. T A I'or : lit, 4,r. B. O. TIBBBS, A I' 4 leaf liZI lumir. "r I ItIOCD'N ftl") Xje$' i i r) 0- -i yPu:ty , " ';S' 1 '-