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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ; PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 21, 18C5. The Market Basket Willi ther wlllb a .heavy shortaa In ths stipplle ef -turkar la taa. United State for the , dinner nest Thursday. Oregon housewives, and Portland ones especially. ' will be , somswhat more fortunate. Dry weather with plenty of runahln the past season and - larcer operations by turkayralseri have com blned to Increase milrti''- the produc tion of the Thankagivlnr birds. Had It not been for the fact that Oreaon Is looked upon by the entire Pacific coast a a the natural place to secure turkeys prices this year would be rather low. ai matters stand, there wUI be enough to o around, but- ths price Is likely to remain at 16 cents a pound for -the dressed article. , V ' Perhaps It may not be known generally by those who eat turkeys that there la created one spot (hat seems to have been created especially for the raining of these toothaom birds. This Is Oak land; not Oakland, California, but Oak land, Oregon. The surrounding; country Is often known as '.tirkeyvll.e by those who trade there. Every seaaon' buyer Oakland, coming from all parta of the Pacific elope. The Puget sound cttiea depend upon this state a 1 moat altogether for their, turkey, and they almost all 'come from Oakland, j . t '.'?' j: . : Cranberries to go with the turkey will cost more, money this year. Cran-, berries are cheap, so the rlae In prlcea doea not amount to much for each family, but taking It altogether the K rower receive a conalderable advance over what was obtained a year ago., New Jersey remains the principal cran-i berry-produdng section and practically- all the supplies used lu this market at present are from ther The first cran berries of ths season In Portland gen erally arrive from Cape Cod, but when Jerseys come Into the field it Is the signal for all others to disappear. - This year It has been .estimated that there Is a shortage of fully loO,oi barrel of cran berries In the United States. Cranberry raising has been experimented wltsr-auc-eessfuily In Oregon In fact this "Mate has been raising good- cranberries for years. The bogs around Tillamook- smV Coos-bay are natural cranberry grounds. Ths business up to this tlms has been In the nature of an experiment, but Is growing and a great deal of additional capital has been placed In the venture the past season. It takes considerably more than turkeys and cranberries -to make a suoceaaful Thanksgiving dinner. - There are - the raisins, for Instance. Raisins are slightly higher this' season on account of a short grspe crop In California. ,Tben ' there la ths celery, that should never be lefit off the table on that day. Its cost Is small but It Alls In Its regular place In ths festival. Mince pie should not be for gotten, even If one 'is compelled to go to a bakery and buy It. . - . Along. with the other Incidentals 'that go toward completing the Thanksgiving dinner are- the fruits. The apples that make Oregon famous should not be de nied a olace on the table, and nuts every ' kind, every slae and every color should be Included In the bill of fare. Generally. speaking, the price of nuts will be but a trifle more than a year ago. . SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Best Oregon Creamery Butter PER ROLL CENTRAL CREAMERY 133 Fourth St. ; A. J. HAGEN, Proprietor Formerly with Enterprise; ... Creamery . THANKSGIVING DAY "Too will want a few delicacies with your other groceries. The m Vm CLAIMS FOR 29 IN ONE TOWNSHIP Lincoln County Find Held for Operations of- Gardner ' . ' i ' and McCrossen. ONE THIRD OF VICTIMS ' RESIDENTS OF PORTLAND Seventeen Live in Boise McCrossen Out of Town Somewhere, but Part- . tier Ii Still Doing Business in the City.. k l: DR. SLATTEN FORBIDDEN TO APPEAR IN COURT Local Dentist Fails to Pay Money for Wife's Attorney's Fees and Support, Records of the Ropburg land office - aho w that JJncoln'xounty was jl Jucra tlve Held for the operations of the timber sharks. W. H. McCrossen and. J. W. Gardner. Within the last few months I person -were located In a single township In that county and there la abundant reaaon to believe that moat. If not all of them, were the victims of a swindle and never saw the land on '- which they filed. ' Each of the victims paid a locating fee oOlOs to 1200. so that McCrossen and Gardner cleared up. several thou- sand dollars from this single locality. By tampering with the Inscriptions ' made by the .government surveyors and by means of false witness trees, the entrymen were led to believe that the rich timber land to which they were taken was the same described In their applications and they readily parted with their money, , expecting rich re turn. . Township 14 ' south, range 11 west, lying almost due south from Toledo, was the scene of the operations. - About .tine third of the entrymen are residents ""of PorlIandanl the " renialil8"l , nllli one exception, are from Bolae, Idaho. : The Portland resident who took up rlnlma in . this township are; Mark Patterson, William T. Patterson and Alta Patterson, tl I von street: Wil liam H. Morehouse, ' Lillian Morehouse and Zeda Morehouse, (44 Nehalem ave nue; H. H. Carey, .1521 East Thirteenth street- Warren Walden, 101 Market street James Roberts. 1201 Mllwaukl avenue; Wllber H. McManlgal and Hat tie McManlgal. alt Umatilla avenue. -. Seventeen residents of Boise, Idaho, . trustingly paid their money to McCros sen and Gardner. The list Is as " fol lows: Albert C Nedstrom. Chester C Crowler. Chris Moffat. Otto F. Peter- son. Emerson Wheeler, A. F Trfing, RobrJ rt Brown, Anna W. Lout, Joseph Dion, John lialr, Duncan McLaren, buella Marcellus, ' Sarah C Mlllsaps, 8amuel Millsapa, A)ice Koll, It. Ward well Boeck. John Boofav' ; ,' .; t ' Clarence Frrfe of Yonoalla. Oregoa, completes the roll of entrymen-la this township who were , located by . Mc Crossen and Gardner. '. , McCrossen Is said to have gone to California, though another report Is to the effect that he Is In southern Ore gon waiting for the publlo to forget the recent revelstions as to - his peculiar method of- doing business. Gardner Is still In Portlsad and la said to be reap ing a fair harvest even now from credulous "Investors. By an order of court Issued by Pre- eldlng Judge Fraser -this morning, w, Warren T. Blatten. a local dentist, will not be permitted to appear In the elr cult court as a defendant In the divorce auit began against him by Sadie K. Blatten. Thla order was Issued because Blatten had failed to pay his wife 160 cash for costs and attorneys' fees and tS a week. for the support of herself and child. His wife allegea that during the past few months all that her hus band has given her was $1 and one roll of "butter. ' The Slatterns were married ' May 14, 1882. In the complaint filed In the divorce case begun by Mrs. Blatten on October It. cruelty and Inhuman treat ment Is alleged. The defendant says that nefTiugBana"aranfcrheaTlly '.and called her vile names.- Dr. Blatten denied ths "charges, and said that he had stayed at home every night during the past seven years ex cepting when his business required that ha go down town. He (denied being a man of vicious habits, and declared the his- wife had offered -him- lie If he would pot appear in court when the divorce ease- wan- tried.1 -Dr. Blatten stated also that last April his wife had Informed him that she bad made up her mind to quit llriqg with him. He alleged that he was unable to pay the money bis wife, had asked. Excitement on Morrison Street. The second grand bankrupt. atock of TT P. Kelty has arrived and : Is being disposed, of. by Will Wolf, 22 Morri son street, amid a large and apprecia tive gathering, such as has never be fore been seen in Portland, both from Xbastandpolnt of the quality of the s and t goods ihrTti It can be truthfully remarked that the stock being aacrlfled Is one of unusual value and consists of a full line of clothing, underwear, socks, shoes, hats, etc. . ... Lecture a Men's Xeeort. Alfred Foster will give the third of the series of stereoptlcon lectures at th Men s Resort - and People s Institute, corner of Fonrth and Burnslde streets, tonight at 7:4S o'clock. The subject la "Japan, the FIJI Islands, and Jenolan Cavea." One hundred colored views will be uaed. The lecture Is free snd all are welcome.' Tomorrow, night Mr. Foater glvesujn elocutionary jecl by the Webber Mandolin' club. D. C. Burns' Closing Out SALE LOOK FOR AD. g SPECIAL BARGAINS In Sunday's Journal .. 147 Third Street G00DIESJO EAT The Holidays are soon her, and we are all looking for good things 'to eat Why not try the -vJ ... RAINIER MARKET W carry everything In the Una of MEATS, POULTRTT and CANNED GOODS, this year's stock.1 BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS. ,. ., ' r-r-r-a- BLUM.-' PROP.- lttk and Savler gta. mums- Kala 163S. Will supply you and save you at least ov vn itw; uuu.i wwia you ouy. E.B.COLVELL (Successor to A. J. Farmer.) Wholesale and Retail CJroccr 81-g83-a8S Thirl Street, Cor. Jeffersoi NOTE THE FOLLOWINQ PRICES - e Not - green - stock, but fancy Southern California thln-akln, high-colored, ripe . . . iruy at , 20c, 30c and 40c dozen Beat New Mixed Nuts, per lb .15c Fineet Eastern Cranberriea, 2 qts for 26c I pkgs. S-Crown Seeded Raisins.... 26c I pkgs. Fancy Cleaned Currants. .. . .26c I Iba. Sultana Ratalna (Seedless) .. 26c Finest Coretcea . Citron. Lemon. and Oranse Peel. Der lb. IKe Colwells Java and Mocha Coffee (equal to any 86c) 5c t pkga None Buch Mincemeat. . .... 2 5c Koyal Baking Powder, per lb. ...... 0c Schllllnga' Beat Baking Powder, lb... 16c Shredded Wheat Blaculta. pkg. 10o Croaa A Blackwell's quarts Olive OH, per ooiue . ,, 15c fluarar and etArlearocerla ame laat aaveriiseroenc . Next week, East Side deliveries every uy. , ' nun us FEL ovs Is the MAN who always has the many UUODIES for the holi days. In our ad. today we can only give you a few of them. COME IN AND SEE for your self, or Phone. SUGAR- Dry Granulated. 19 lbs., 91.00 81.00 Sack Godd Hard Wheat Flour. . : si.oo ' r Gallon can Choice Maple Syrup. 30 Pound Baker's Premium Chocolate. 201 Steel Bridge Market tkm rams Tumaai" K Is In line condition these days-and the BIG DAY Is at hand, ao get your order in early to get FIRST CHOICE. We can supply you with a fine rosst If you choose, or any of the good things you may need for your Thanksgiving Dinner. - J mil un or BOCBBIM. N. P. NIELSON, MANAGER. .183 Holladay Avenue raonuniM. -' The Big. Fire Sale of Clothing, Fur nishing Goods, Shoes and Hats will be on wile at 172 Third street. Alameda Sails Beoember g, ' This favorite steamer will resume her trips between San Francises and Hono lulu, sailing from' San' Francisco,- Bat' ' urday, December 2, and the rate for round trip Is only 1125. The Alameda . Is in . splendid shape better than for yearswEmbrace thla opportunity to ; make a midwinter trip to a summer land. Ofnce & Market street, , Ban Francisco, . , V: - Vrw Tor Society. " - Ths anniversary of the evacuation of New York by the British will be cele ' brat'ed -by the New York State society In Knights of Pythias ball, the Mar Q.uaav'Xrand building, Saturday evening. November 25. There will be an his torical address by Jamea F.JCwinnv pro fessor of history at Portland academy: reading by Mies Forsyth, teacher . of elocution e-t St. Helen! Hall, and vocal selection by "Mrs." Olgi' Bertfch'Xang." Light refreshments will be served. All New . Yorkers snd . their . families are cordially invited. mitm tar rmaiil Klaetrla Zht wiaat.' Eugene, OrM Nov.- 14. The city of En gens has finally -settled upon a site for the proposed municipal electric light local capitalist, who has been foremost-T in promoting in a municipal ownersnip i.i iiiAj a th rttv the tMtwer alt I which he recently located and appro-1 priacea "fi in bi-kw"' nun eat of Eugene.- HI sit was deemed a mam m A vmat a nnnl An, than the one located by the city J5 mile I further up toe river, Ever since It has been reported that the cltv.jntght secure the Campbell site tortee of graft have been circulated. !ii the are oiapeitea bj im mci iibii I'ainphell receive from th olty th sum ! r orur Die aciaat rKpenses Ui legating and filing Pa lb sit. . 4 intinla House Is not 'only to beautify It; desirable as that i. hut to preserve wood and metal. - Paint from our stock meets both purposes.. Another thing: Quality granted (any reasonable teat will, ws guarantee coat for the same article against any compe tition. We want your business and wUI merit It. , , . TIshcrTThorsen t-Co. i rmowT ajto Moamisos sts. We Want Can Baker's or Ghirardelll's Cocoa. Pound Citron, Lemon or Orange Peel. , 25 .1 packagea Seeded Raisins; --- --- 101 Pound Washed Currants. ' 3 lbs. New Crop English Walnuta. ,'.),,.' pkgs. Condensed Mincemeat . East Side store, 541 Williams Avenue. Phone. East 151. : . Vark and Washlagtom Sts. - Ihone Mala B8. TOUR Saturday' Ordei JlSWELlLjlfljrQIJR- Thanksgiving Order your order in early Turkey or Prim Roast good Kindorf Bros. 130rOraad 1 Lve. Phone Bast 418.' We Guarantee The quality of all goods sold, by us. Ws solicit your ' orders. Satisfaction IU -surely follow your patronage of our store; , Davis Bros. GROCERS - Corner srorthrap and Sixteenth Sts. Phone Mala 4847. Save health and money by using K C Baking PowdcTTi 25 or. for 25 cts. AUfrt STATEJARKET 22 Head of Cattle , to go for Roasts, Steaks and Pot -Roasts at -6 Cents 221 First St., Cor. Salmon wa wiu cats tm rurisT wrw TURKEY5 GEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS in the city for both SUNDAT and THANKSGIVINQ.. DAT. W call your special - attention ' to our fat Geese, Don't' forget the number.. G. Covach & Co. ''' ITS Plrsl St FkOM Mala S38, MODEL CITY MARKET Cut Rats Butcher Shop NotturdaOnlfut Every-Day in the Week FOR CASH Roast and Boiling Beef, lb., from .-.... Bf Chuck Steak, lb Sirloin, porterhouse and Round Steak, IB .. j. Pork, lb from;r..ti.1T7'.10 to Mutton, lb., from... T to Veal, lb., from... 6 to Lard, l-)b. bucket...... Lard, I -lb. bucket...... ,. Beat Cured Hams, lb Best Breakfast Bacon, lb... Good Creamery Butter, per roll Eggs, per doscn..... Best Olives, per quart. . . ....... Sweet Pickles, per quart........ Dill Pickles, per quart Sour Pickles, per quart......... Kraut per quart to T ...T'a io 12' 12't 35 60t 14H 16 55 30 25 25 lO lO 10 180 Madison St. ettTront St sad Bridge. - BUTTER! BUTTER! Beat creamery ............ Good creamery Dairy butter ............. Ranoh ffa ............. Good egge ,. . , Breakfast bacon t pounds pure lard ...... Chickens, pound ........ Uecse. v. mi i turkey early. - All goods Wlioiesaie prices. , LA QRANDE CREAMERY - . M TAaTIttVaT, ..... .ESffin ...... BOo . .y. . .400 4So . . . . S5c 25 30c lie " 1 Rc - 60c -.v. .lOlKc f i. He Thanksgiving retailed at Tin j in JG C. . nr-fiMn cTTT Arr 12)bo SIRLOIN STEAK LOTS OP BIG There is no special which we put out from'ttme to time that4gives such genuine satisfaction as our Sirloin and Round Steaks. Reason is we givev you the very highest quality. A grade superior to any which is offered by our competitors. JUST TRY ONE. ' . All Kinds of Veal Roasts. T. . . : .Ge Bacon ...... 'iV , ;.......'.......,.., 144 Porterhouse Steak . ... . . . . lOtjJ Boiling Beef .......... ......... .4 Pot Roast . . .5 Rib Roast...... v.... 9 Rib Steak, 4 lbs. .....254 Pork Sausage, 2 lbs...... X5- Hamburger, 2 lbs..'.;;..,..............15 Corned Beef, 6 lbs ................25 Lamb Chops 3 lbs ...............23, Pork Chops AQfL .... .4 - . .Telephone Orders Promptly "Attended To. "ree Delivery" to' Any Part of 'the City. Phone Main 111 , Corner First and Columbia Streets SAVE Your Carfare Your Dollars We Can Save You 20 p. c. Phone Us Your Orders McKINNON & SMITH CASH GROCERS" Phone East 283 Wholesale sad Retail . 128 GRAND AVENUE Qooda Desllvssrtvd to Any Pait of th wity. , ricsK aascH toot, sbs... TAMOX eSXAKEKT BUTTES.. Craaa of wheat, I pkt Mlllar'a Naplha. tot ......... 18 lb bftt aiiaar -lb pall bmt ln), ftoc; 10 lb.. . lb Royal baking powder ; lb 8bllUn(' baktos powder ... . ek rood kard-worat floor ... !-o bottle vanlla eitract flood Java coffee 10c lbt lb. Good EagUab breakfast' tea .. lb Gunpowder tea Haa Broa. cataup,.S bottlas .. pk( eorH March Scotch eat Brat Java and Mocha coffee, par lb Poetuai .' flood bacon ri-Prna cereal ................. Baet hama, per lb i hit and yellow eurameal, 10-Ib i Bottle blualnc Fancr table ayrup," per wal ....... Larr box macaroni ....... lb enwnt ........o... w.t. lb raisin, Medleai ............ Home-made mlace meat, lb cana erater t" ...... ...10 1U ....... .Kc ., $1.00 ......11.00 ........40e ..Sic ......11.00 ,.loe 10c ....... .28c lSe 8ft-1 Be loe ....... .35c ...20e ...1B . . .XOc 14C ek 23 .........6e .-......(We 8Se TTTJii .C- .. 25e .10c .X5e Tovvnsend & Van Schoonhoven Whole sals aaS BetaU teocers. 147 BUTTER LOWER Ws retail butter and ecK at whole sale prices. Oregon Creamery Butter... .SBo and Mo ew Crop Italian Prunes, 4 lba.. ..aoo Ons sack rood Hard Wheat Flour. .S1-O0 pound Seedless Raisins. .........Sao Best cleaned Currants, lb. ......... .10 Tomatoea. atandarda 1 cana. ......ISO Two 1-lb. cana Hominy SSo cans Corn, Peas or Btrlnar Beans... 8M pkjr. Poatum or Fit; Prune Cereal.. soo ood fialmnn 1 cans .......150 Tomatoea, Solid Pack .100 Two S-lb pksrs. Gold Dust SO One 1-lb. nka-. Armour'a Waahlna Powder ...18o Fele-Napt ha Soap .B I osrs Koyal Bavon Boap. ........ .so bars Baby Elephant Soap ,,,.s5o lb. White Honey. ..18o ran Prlmroae Cream. ISO 1b. Enarllsh Breakfast Tea. ........ lo lb. OuriDowder Tea. .............. .S5o Miller's Naptha Soap New Crop Flss rifl Nlltff FuTI UM Kiaccus Bros." Mustard. sup, . Chill Sauce, Manwoes, oto. Cat- raon wLkxm 138a Why Not Trade With the - Grocer Near Your Home Tou don't have to go on th West Side for your, groceries and bakery goods, you can get the best goods at lowest prices at A. P, ORAM'S, corner Benton and Clackamas streets. Not few of Our prices:. , l - .... . sack beat Cana Sugar i .$5.30 sack beat Burbank Potatoes. .. .85 sack good Hard Wheat Flour. SI.OO box Northern Spies ....SI.OO bars Diamond C Soap. ........ .254 lb. best Mocha and Jara Coffee.. 30e Best Creamery Butter. .......... .30 New Crop Walnuts and Almonds. . 18 qt, neat Maple Byrup. ........ ...3N4 lb. Japan Rice, .i B pkgs. Breakfast Mush..... 154 A full line of bakery goods on hand. ALWAYS FRESH eyery day, from our OWN BAKERY. " ; . TMOVM XAT 48, '. ".: -.' A. P. GRAM Ooraer Bentom aad Clackamas streets. "?Tortlaad, Ot.-- If a woman Wishes to buy a fine Sunday Dinner and f eel assured It's-going to be NICE, she will surely do so at , , Ilie American Hie! 89 Orand Ave-- Phone East 69 Order your Thankaglvlng Pinner FECIAL taXK AI. WASHINGTON MARKET 111 Tint t., bet. Stark and Waahiagtoa. boe Haia S410. fllrlnla atrak' loc Tfndwtnla at.ak , ..,.10c Porttrboua ataak t... .............. ,.liic Bound atcak, Ibr 2.V Plata llHt, 4 lb .......He Prim rib roaat .e Boiled maat fle Boll bref . Ae linmhurjcr . lb. ,,..,.'Jtt HnuaalT. Bwlb ,JBV pnrk .........10i:w,c Pork rbnp ,iutV2t,a Vral maat 1012Hc Veal chop -;-.v.-i.-.-.--.-r.-7.-.-r.-.ji.-i.-.lrat2i Knr-enrml breahfaat baeea ,,...IM MuaJfarrd ham 14e Knt t-rMini; batter , .....eoc In mottnn ., o W niton chopa, B lb ., 1" lMm oertb kp. Iu13' hoaldr mnttoa .,.k.........u..iv Mutton tew . 6c 0HSM. tATTtn. Pre. 0rin Salirr4 lrmntl Xatt f Veat Sid.. Another of "Our Sensational Heat Sales" "OUR BIG SATURDAY SALfiS JrfETHOP" of supplying the people's wants at unheard of prices src'ms to have, taken the town by storm. Last Saturday we were unable to handle the vast crowd that visited our store, for tomorrow we have equipped ourselves with an extra force and will do our utmost to give our patrons the y1- 51KLU1N AN LI FUKTEKHOUSE ROASTS. ................ T4 SIRLOIN AND PORTERHOUSE STEAKS..... JtYtit PRIME RIB ROASTS......; ...71 VEAL Veal Roasts, pound . . . 64. to 84 ; Veal Steaks, " " pound ;; "r.Trr.84 Veal Stew, , pound 1... ....54 PORK '. J: 1. Pork Roasts; ' f' ound .....V.lOf 'ork Chops, pound ".",7. .. ;104" All-Pork. Sausage, 2 pounds..... 154 MUTTON Mutton Legs, pound ....... 104 Mutton Chops, pound ....... IO4 Mutton Stew, ' pound .44 BKST BUTTER ON EAK.TH Page's Special ......330 ROLL 3 Doses Strictly FRESH ECCS 35c QRfOCERY SPECIALS 100-pound sacks of Choice Potatoes......;........ Sugar has advanced, but we will sell 20 pounds for (with an order) 71". .7777, 7 ";.'..".".,.. ........ 2 Cans Premium Tomatoes.... ,.....,..,, 3 Packages Peacock Buckwheat Flour, self-rising.. . 2 Packages Aunt Jemina PJncake Flour, self-rising: 7 pounds Navy Beans...............'............. 7 pounds Pink Beans............ 2 Cans Etra.Table Peaches.. I Cans No. 1 Flat Salmon -a:CRnsraTe7Chefrjcs .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... 70 ...fl.00 lSe) .....25 ...lS ...;.254 .....2S4 .....aseu cjus-X- n.H.i.iti.1 a a. a as .254 ' . Portland's' most popular Trading House, dime beats lazy quarter." Our motto is, "A- quick People's Market & Grocery Co. PHONE MAIN 1412. ' " FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS. Four Deliveries on East Side Tomorrow. V TT t4 ;! Barnes Maricet TOE HOUSE THAT QUALITY BUILT I Turkeys! Turkeys! turkeys! iving Thanl(sg .This is enough to say at this time, as everybody' knows, that a lover of GOOD THINfiS Tn EAT UingeTteem here.. And don't forget our. PRIME. KUAil S, fKliStl VUlTAliL.S and FRUITS, fresh .and crisp from the farm. GIVEJUS YOUR ORDERS EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. Phone Exchange 63 4 444444)44444444444444; 107 Third Street THE AR& UPON US ire doubt fon bar plann4 to mak a fw OKmiSTMAS nwXTf. t" ha.v laat what von we FULL LINE CKOCKEBT, CHINA antf CRAN 11 E ARE, OkNANENTl, VASES ni NICNACS . ' Tflephon us to have our man call on you and show sample of what w have; or, better atlll, fall at our store, KL.EV niinvi II If III 4")C) ENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. Is iHUiit A1AU1 3ZvZ NliW BLKND COP HUB, 3 Pound I.OO ! ii 1 J iJ ) 11 1 FRUIT CAKES.PUDDINGS ! AND COOKIES.-- i vraafivi T1 Aril In2-Pie10cPackaci MERRELL-SOULt CO. I H aP a t t tra . -T kssass.s.ssiMa.sMHaaMMMMMMMMMMMMMkla- t. Thanksgiving Is her Snd you ar thinking of what to ha,va for ; thsBI Dinner. W hT erythlna; In tha MEAT, POULTRY; FISH an OT8TER lln. Telephone ' your wants." Ws cn upply them st Cowan's Market 87 S. , Korrlaoa, aa'r ' 'Vnioa. raoa i7. " : Fresh Oregon Crea mery JBu tter V60c Per Roll Fresh Eggs, per dosen........,304 Headquarters for Skamokawa and Corvallis Creamery . T . BUtter -r- Oof sa, Ts aad Staple Osaoarlsa. Enterprise Creamery Co. 127 FIRST ST. " Between Washington and Alder. 1.