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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
Till: ORECOII DAILY JOCUAL, rORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVETIDi: 21, 1SC5. II. J. L 1 0 TACKLE FLi -EL'S lEO 'JIlULiEIlE ffl 0..;.C. TOD.Vr 5 - ' : '4 : 1 7 . t" Struggle fr, 5 City Academic . Championship Will Be Keenly t Bishop's Brigade Are Tackling . the Farmera at Corvallis V Gridiron This Afternoon. 1 Fought Tomorrow. ; y 1 HILITMIUTARY CADETS : ! HOPEFUL OF VICTORY s Should P. A, Suffer Defeat the City ' Honors Would Be. Tied Between High School and Academy Lads . Both Elevens in Fine Condition.. . -' Tomorrow afternoon Multnomah field will ring once more with the rollicking ' mualo. of football songs, the sharp rat ' tatat of acamedy yells thundered forth by hundreda of luaty throat a and the ahrlll note of bugle and trumpet. Once more the partisans' of - the contesting team will cheer their reapectlve glad iators on to victory, for tomorrow the , greatest football battle, of the - Inter i academic series will ' be fought, when the lithe Portland academy tigers, ar rayed In thoir, black ami orange foot bull uniforms, will. enter the lists ., ! against the husky, blue-erseyed cadets of. Hill Military. ' ' ' Averaging 1(1 and If pounds to the '.'. man respectively. In the pink of physical 4: condition and trained to the minute, the ,: football players of the P. A. and H. M. '. A. will enter the arena, aa well built '"' and sturdy a lot sf young men as ever 'set foot upon the treacherous sawdust ,-grld" of old MultnomebJ , ' At 1:30 aharp the referee's whistle ..will blow, the pigskin oval will soar through the air in the klckoff and the : rinal . atruggla for the Interscholastlc championship of the city will be on. The game will no doubt "prove- to be one of the best, if not the Mat, game ever played between academic teams. ,Bth ' .elevens have worksd harder and more - '- faithfully for - this , game- than aver Miefore. . Portland , academy, whose goal ; line has not been crossed by an academic t team-in-many a, year.? must win this ' ' game In .order to cllncn the champion ' .' ship. , The cadets say . that If they win : i this game the championship will be '". practically theirs,- though . technically they cannot claim it under the league " rules. If Hill should win, P. A. and , P. H.. a will, b tied for first place and ;' there will be' ho champlonahip this year. '.. However, the cadets wsnt thla game and they are going to play harder than . ever before In order to win It. : Lieu tenant 'Wlnton.. Fourteenth ' Infantry V- fWest Point '04 ). will be the referee and ... Lieutenant W. K. Wilson, artillery corps. . (West Pornt '83), will act as head lines man. -. The umpire has notbeenjelected :yet. The lineup will be: . 1 P; A. . - H. M. A. !. Thome (110 . .R. E. L Moore 1I4) Hurlburt 1 TJ ) ..R. T. LL Williams IT1) '. Ankeny (160) . ..R. O. L..Mu)kcy Oil) i. Cook . I7L . . -. .C. . . . .Kneitla (189) j.-ord-(lJ) . .L. (J. K.. Donovan tzooi Williams 10)..L. T. R.. ..Knight (174) 'orbett (16D....L.E.R.,. French 16S) Wood (14).... A.....Hugglns 130r Reed (1SI),.....R.H.L... Taylor (14) Clark (10. L.H. B..... Maya ISO navel 41S7) .F.i . .DImmlck41T Average ICS ., r. Average' )IS 8tibtlttitea are: P. A. Hart (117), Rawkln 1J" end Polhemus 16;H. M. A. Lhomls (16), Hayes (10), Hill ' ' U50, Strelt 114), Runey (151) and '' Lilley (160). , . ; , . V MT: ANGEL TO PLAY- -- -: OREGON CITY, HIGH TEAM (Special Dltpateh te The JaermLt ball team nf Mount Angel college will play the Oregon City high school to morrow at the Willamette field. ; The game will be called at t:10 o'clock. The Oregon! City lineup follows: Fullback. - Callff; left halfback.. Colo; right half back. Tojford: quarterback, Latourette; renter, Cnufleld. left guard. Grout; right guard. .Harding; left ..tackle. Eaton; right tackle. Hawktna; left end. Woods; 'right end. White; substitutes, Roberta and A dame. . -. ' . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. f9 C. . : CLUBS. m V Aaselce ' fta FraMlaco-.... .lnd Seattle ' Portland ........ 10! jii.i in!itT3Sl S ITilA 4 b4 . .IMIWiMl 4 IS ..J 81101 44 .21 .VM .614 .4)1 Vis 101.. 6 6 SIIOl lilllH Taeoma 4 10 17 1 .. W 1 t I I ,v. ..'....'..". .T.1ai4l51 lllllM I56IM A Christmas Tl. mil - Makes iin Appropriate T. liiiilril We havie a full and complete assortment ' of . booki for everybody and the prices are r - ' right. ;t - y . ' ' 1 . ' ' , , . ' u , J. K. GILL CO. Bookseller! and , Stationera. " - THIRD. AND ALDER Crtst U.'n t Li:::c Prices Suggestion m SCRIMMAGE WILL BE SHARP AND INTERESTING -1'. Salem Followers Predict a Victory v for .'.Their Eleven Against Coach Steckle's Men Much Depends "Upon Outcome, , V. ' 7. .. (SptcUl DlaiHitch to Ths Jooraal. Balem. pr.,: , Nov. . 14 Willamette's football . team haa had two weeks of hard, consistent practice and IS how pre. paredito meet the etrong team of the Oregon Agricultural' college on the lat ter' a gridiron. ' ' . Thla game will Settle tha question as to which team Is second In queet of the state championship. The University of Oregon has defeated each of these teams by one touchdown, and. thus It majces It an even contest in the game, this aft ernoon. - ' . Both teams ara evenly matched as to weight and every man In' the game la a eteran. ' Willamette la determined to. do- hei beat and expects to' win. The O. A. C. men aay they will defeat old Willam ette and thus wipe away part, of the defeat which they suffered at the hands of the University of Oregon. . Thla will be one of the hardest con tested games that has aver been played lu Oregon. Both teama feel that -the team' that wins -will win by a small core, and for that reason each man will have very pound Into tha puah aa as to be ' able to turn the - tide at ' a critical point In the contest O. A. C. haa the advantage of playing on their own 'field, but Willamette expecta to offset thia by exceeding them In mass plays. 1 '-, .-. . The local line-up:' Nelsan. center: Marker, right guard; Phil brook, left guard; Pollard, right tackle; Keller, left tackle; Hlnkle.'rtght end; Coleman, left end; Patton, quarter; Long, right half; Nace, left half; Rader, fullback. -.-. RUNNING RESULTS ON V ' ! j THREE RACE TRACKS i (Jaarnal SpHl frvle.) f Ban Francisco, Nov.- Jt. Yesterdays results at Oakland were: r ; Five and a half f urlonjrs-rLorAJIelT-Bdnwoh," Loula Schumacher - second. Captain .Burnett third; time, 1:09. FUo and a half furlongs, Blumentnai won, Olympian aecond, Sacredua third; ttma. l:0i., - Mile and a sixteenth The Lady Rohe- sia won. Water Cure aecond,-Ethel Ab bott third; time. l:4tft. - Seven furlongs Maid of Fermoy won, Lrrida second. Melar third; time, 1:18. Seven furlongs Phalanx won, Del Cqronadnm seconds Ullt Ydung third; time, I:I14v - - .- 1 j - - eta furlong's Callahagan ' won. malne second, Deutschland third; time. 1:11. ' ' .5 J, '? -. " At arashvUle. Nashville, Tenn.. Nov.- 14. Cumber land Park, race' results; - Five aril a half - furlongs-s-Wogg: Bug won. -Grace Wagner second, In spector Girl third; time, 1:07 4-1. Handicap Hand Alice won, Oris sec ond, fOra K. third; time, 1:05. . . Qleam third; time. 1:44 1-S. ' Five furlongs Tlchlmlngo won. Grow er Center second. Come On 8am third; time, 1;01 -. . ' ' Six furlongs J. Ed Grillo won. Marco second, Mallory third; timer 1:14 4-.. . Mile and a sixteenth Bam Craig won. Jura aecond. Berry Addell third; timo, I:4. "( ' -x. ; - '1 , . '"At WaaAlagtxm. , Washington,: Nov. !. Bennlngs race results: i -. ' " '.' Seven - furlongs, . Columbia course O. L. M. won. Royal China second. Frills tfctrd; time, 1:II-S. '- Seven . furlongs. - Columbia1 course. 8ufflce won. Flat aecond, Gavin C. third; time; l:t4-. , - Blaaplirhtiir. r"' Vr about SS miles Seventh WsM won, Wrf&l' UaiH1 erer second. Expansionist third; : time, :S, fj - 7- Six. furlongs, selling, Olumhla course -Held Moore won, Cassandra aecond. Pater third; time, l:lt. J'''v'' ' r . Mile, Columbia course Jocund, wen. Diamond second, Cloter third; time, 1:4S I-.- ( t" - f i- .x - -::'.' 'i i Handicap, mile and a sixteenth; old course Ormonde's : Right ' won. Bob Keens second. Old Guard third; time, 1:49.. ;v. , 'J ..:-. f 'X - . -A 1 PORTLAND BOWLERS BEAT. ,W00DARD-CLARKE TEAM '" The' Portland Bowling club defeated the Woodard-Clarke bowlers at the Ore gon alleys , last, aight, winning three straight games. Tlie Woodard-Clark team bowled .orily four men and, al though tliey bowled In fine form, It was out of the Question to win with such s handicap. Kruse was easily the stai of the evening, making tha fine average of 214 1-a. Macey bowled the high av erage for the Portlanda and McMenomy high score. Tha scores follow:' .... . . Portlands j - (1) ttl Mnrkey . i ......... 15 ITS Hergert . . .145 1SJ 14S Martin ,,,,. Ja .......1J .......ISt 111 ITS 132 I7J Woodman- .. McMenomy Itouis 143 184 . . . . , t.ttj (OS 7T. 371 Woodard-Clarke Croflk . . '. t . . . . ' . i Lunney'. , ... . . . MacGregor . hi ruse , , Totals . .., (1) m ,....i,4 , ,...10 . . .. .J03 ;. ...s-e (!1 n lot lit ill 744 14 144 17 fit To! SPORTING GOSSIP. . Warren ZubrlJk. who will box Tommy J'raoey at VauciM-er. Washington, some Ime next month,, arrived, tn thls c4y yesterday. Zubrtck looks every Inch a fighter and.' will start -in training at one for his contest. Tracey is working like a Trojan every day and la rounding Into good. . form. , ...... -- 1- It Will (be k hard blow to Harvard to have -Captain Hurley out of. the Yale game tomorrow. Hurley Ts at the City hospital of Boston suffering from s Mood clot . on hh brain and the phy- Mrlan do not know how serloua hl ina piny be. Hurviird will mlsa Hurley very run h. snd with him out of the H"n II I'tckn n if Yale will have eay K.'iiing. , ' ' ' ' j our word that 'f-i 150 SUITS ALL VALUES 250 suits ' ) ALL $17.50 VALUES . . . . . . . . ...... .250 SUITS a- a all $20 VALUES. ... . . ;. . ; ,Vv200 suits''-'-? : : ' -- 'Xr ALL$22.50 VALUES. .. . :. .. . ; . ... ........ , . . . Cassimeres, Cheviota and Tweeda Only. " X 1 , '. , . . ! V..,' , ., . YiiLLI$ F OVER Critic Think Thar Old Eli Will Put It All Over Crimaorr ;Li :, 2 ..Tomorrow. ::: ... U .' . y MISS HOOSEVELT WILL"." ' ATTEND THfcVCAME -H:' , ; :r- College Men and Women From Man Cities Will Pack ; the t. Harvard Stadium to See" the Contest Yale's Tesm Outclasses Rivals. " . v . I t. 4,. (Jnsraat Social Sfrrlre.) , '' -f ( Boston. Mass., No. 14. Lara;e nura; bars of college men from New Haven, and society people from New Tork. Al ba fly, Bprlnsfleld and other eltlea ara arrlvinr to attend tha annual Tale-Har trard in tomorrow at tha". Harvard atadlum. , - , Carefully coached for the sreat same, and In a perfectly aatlafactory physical condition, the yale team, accompanied by a email arny of substitutes, coaches, trainers and rubbers, arrlred In Boston yesterday and were Immediately taken to the Woodland Park hotel, Auburn dale, which wlU ba, tha headquarters until the trams. .. . The usual . large amount of money will probably change handa as a result of tomorrow's contest. The ' visitors from New Haven came io town with fat pocketbovka containing: tne wherewithal with which to back, the Blue. Tha bet ting odds show Tale a favorite. Moat vnbiased critics agree that the Tale team la superior to Harvard In almost every , department of play. Tha only advantage conceded to Harvard la that her center men seem a, trifle Stronger than those of Yale. .....,'." - The spacious stadium with Its seating capacity of 30.600 will be totally unable to accommodate all of those desiring tickets to the game-, As a society event the contest promises to be fully ejp to the high standard of former years.-Conspicuous among those present will be Miss Alice Roosevelt and a party of her friends. ' ' ' i (-Previous games nf Tale and Harvard: v KSS Yalo 2$, Harvard . . Hi. 14 Yale H. Harvard t. v 1885 No game played. - 18 Tale I, Harvard 4." . lgi-Yae7. Harvard t. 'v 1888 Harvard forfeited. , ' llYale-. Harvard .' . 1800 Harvard 11. Yale . . ""JK1 Yafe 1 0r Harvard 0.-- -- " 1J Yale t. Harvard 0. ' 13 Yalf S, Harvard 0. lS4Yala 11, Harvard 4, 187 Yale 0, Harvard 0. 18S Harvard 17, Yale a, 18o Harvard . Yale 0. loo Yale IS, Harvard 0. 11 Harvard It. Yale 0. 190 tale 11, Harvard S. 1(01 Yals l.-1larvard 0. .904 Yala 11. Harvard 0. -The Big Firs Hale Clothing. Pur nlshlng XinoAn, nhnes snrf Hata will be on sale at 1JJ TUlrd street. ' AV0R1TE ARVARD YOU'LL NOT SEE SUCH VALUES SOON AGAIN IF. EVER Examine the 'Quality, the Weave, the Trimmings, the Make, the Fit of these All Wool Cheviot and Tweed Suits that we are offering you at bucH nerve-racking p'ricea. Consider that we have been a factor in the great clothing businesa of the northwest for nearly a quar ter of a century, and that we are here to make good every defect and right every wrongconsider well what it means when we pledge Every Reduction Named Here Is Genuine AND YOU. WILL NOT BE LONG IN DECIDING THAT WITHOUT DELAY. V ; ,y:.-i''. .V "V f. READ THESE MEN'S SUITS ' SIZES UP TO 46 BREAST. r UP, TO $15. ... . . . ...... .. . . :.;..?; -'-; Jtiirtf Y7 n vrrrr.r GIANTS LOSE ANOTHER GAME TO ANGELS , 1" Slow and Stupid Work on Bases and In Ilia Field oatr Port : ;"".' land tho Came. ' ' i ' llaitail SnnHal Brrlre t Los Angeles, Nov. 14. Tha Giants outbatted the Angels again yesterday, but were unable to win. tha locals suc ceeding In shutting out the Web foot aggregation I to S. Tha Fortlanders played .UkS a bunch of bush-leaguers, not knowing when nor where to throw tha ball. Mitchell' a atupldtty waa glar ing. Gray was very effective with men on : baaea. Though tha locals ' secured but four hits, they menaced to squeese three runs home. Tha score: . .. ' , " - " LOS ANQEL.E9. - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. . S 1 t t 0 A P-maH, rf. nnnm, ix. . ......... T 0 0 Brashear, ID.. ....... 1)11 Ion, lb. .......... Cravath, rf. Broadbent, as. Toman, lb. ........... Knger, c Gray, p. ...v......... 1 10 -Totals . V-'iik . w 14 I i 17 11 ; 1 PORTLAND. . ' AB. R. H. PO. A. TS. Ats. as. ... ......... 4 . 0 1, 1 0 0 Van Buren, If. , 4 MrHale. of. 4 S Mitchell, lb. 10 McLean, lb. . 4 S Ferry, rf. ........... 1 "0 Swxopey, tb.... ..... 4 0 Suesa.'o. 1,0 Callff. P. 1.- 0 I 1-0 14 VI 1 1 "1 0 1 Totals . ...........11 S7 14 11 1 SCORE Bf INNiNOrfT Los Angeles 1 MHI 1 J I Hits 7 . 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 Portland . . ..... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 00 , Hits , . ........1 1110 0 0 1 17 -. ' ' 8UMMART7 :) 'fetdlen fcases--Bernard S, Ross, Broad bent, Van Buren, 1. Two-base hit Dil lon,. Bacrlflce hits Eager. Brashear 2, Mitchell, i First base on errors Port land 1, Loa. Angeles 1. Left on bases Portland , Los Angeles 4. Bases en balls Off Gray I, off Callff 4. Struck out By Callff I, ,by Gray 1. ' Passed ball Hues. Wild pitch Callff. Dou ble plavs Brashear to Toman to Dil lon: Callff to Ata. Time of game One hour and 40 fnlnutea. - fmptra Davis.- UP MAN-WOLFE TEAM r, ; BEATEN BY VILAS Tha Jose .Vila team, took three straight gamea from ths Llpman-Wolfe bowlers on ths Portlahd alleys Wednesday even ing. Capen of tha Joe Vilas was In Tar 4 form and put up three over ths double century marka. ' Ha had ths high average. 111; he alao had tha highest single game, oomlnr thraugh with' tit In hla third gnm.'"Ths scores were: Josa Vllaa - (1) (I) Ave. Capen . , ...... fHllbbS . . ..... McMonles , , ., Hfylund rilman , ,' ,.v'. ,100 .lr.s ,li " ,17 H4 21 1SS 18.1 lit 205 JSJ--Jla 144141 1-1 .IIS 161 t-t 140151 1-1 171111 1-t Totals . . .....& J41 Llpman, Wolfe A Co. hi in (1) A vs. 150 117 1-1 147157 117 140 1-1 McCtellnn Rese , , Ooiigh . , Christian Lamond , Totals , .144 171 .181 .18(1 141 180 141 1 41 11 4 US 141 111 147 ......11 V ...711 7lt 114 , U.. HERE IS THE OVERSTOCK ..,3 ? $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 ALL $12.50 SALE PRICE..', $17.50 ALL $14.50 SALE PRICE... t& etreea SLASHING BATTLE 1ST EXPECTED San Francisco Sport ' Fans Ex poet a Rattling Co Between Gardner and Sullivan. ' FICHTERS ARE TRAINED , TO THE MINUTE Contest Wilt Be st Catch Weights for 'Twenty-Five Rounds, end Pub ' lie Feeling It That Both Men : Weigh About the Same.' - .." ,... I' Ueeraal tpeelal ervtsa.l . ; San . Francisco, N?v.( 14.-Ons of tha largest gatherings of sporting men In tha hlatory of Ban Franctaco la ex pected at tha" Hayes Valley Athletic club tonight to see tha battle between Jimmy Gardner and Mike (Twin) Bulll van. Despite , the fact that neither fighter Is a "native son." ; ths local sporting fraternity la displaying atr un usually lively Interest In tha contest. ' As both lade are fit as the proverbial fiddle, : a ding-dong, slashing battle la expected from start to finish. . Reports fronrielr respective fluirters today are to the effect that both fighters ara trained to perfection.' Sullivan Is ex pected to enter the ring weighing about 138 pounds, and Gardner will irobably tip tha beam at slightly higher figure. , Both men are confident of thWreault, and so fsr aa publle opinion - Is j con cerned It might be either man's fight Both of ths combatanta are clever. nifty fighters, snd both have a number of ylctorlea to their credit. Tha friends of ' both are sanguine' over the reault. and the only certainty. In so far aa the spectators ara concerned. Is that It will bo a lively bout from the time tha gong Bounds. ': . '"'.j. . ' ... "' 1 Tba articles call for a It-round con Uat. lt Is the first tlma since sxistlng boxing ' regulations liave been In force that ths matchmakers have signed men for a go of longer duration than 10 rounds,' and It looks as though the de sire la to have tha rival Massachusetts fighters battle It out. to tha bitter-end. ' Ten thousand demons gnawtng away at one'a vitals couldn't be rnu.h worse than the tortures of Itching piles. Yet there's s) euro, poan's Ointment never falla. . ' , v . .' " , -j REDUCED r SEASIDE- RATES fla h A. 4 a B. M. ts OUtaop Baaoh. i In order 16 "promote at big wrter travel to tha coast tha above company has named tha vary low rata of 14, good going Baturday morning, returning Mon day evening, and 11.60 for ths round trip on Sunday. Several hotela at' the beach .will remain open all winter and cheap, rates -will be' fnaleto Induce patronage. All Information at the city office, 141 Alder street, or telephone Main StJ. ,'". ;-. V !'-., - :::rX.,,,ri ,, . ' -.' BEST PLACE TO LOOK FOR YOUR SUIT SALE PRICES YOUTHS' SUITS - SINGLE BREASTED SIZES 30 TO 38 BREAST, v . ALL 11.50 AND1 $8.56 SUITS s C C A rt : SALE PRICE. . . . . , ; .-1.. ..... . . HfOmM U ALL $10 TO $12 SUITS ! - ' ; h - - C A CA sale price: .1 , v. vU. ... . PU.ov. TO $14 SUITS- TO $18.50 SUITS- Slacks, Blues and Worsteds Included. Stark & QaR HOPUT SATISFACTORY Coach Overfiefd Criticises Mult nomah Men for Fumbling Ball and Missing Signals. ,V BACK FIELD DOES NOT ' rJ- - MEET EXPECTATIONS Members ' of Team Remain Away From Practice z at . 47 Time When ' Thetc. Presence Is Mostly Needed Betting Is Attracting Attention. Lest night's football practice by ths Multnomah football team waa far from satisfactory, according ta Coach Over field and Captain Jordan. , It waa ao ragged In spots, occasioned by fumbling and starting before tha ball was In play, that those who witnessed It experienced a cold chill every now and again, and left tha practice (laid feeling blue ail the way down Inta their boots. - Of a squad. consisting of If men. but 14 turned out for work lsst night snd It was Impossible to put anything like a compact eleven In the field. Wllklna, Rupert, Stockton. Owene. McCall and several others were consplcuoua by their abaense. There waa an ' excuaa for Owena and Stockton, as both were suf f erlng from severe colds and ware or dered by tha physician to remain In ths club. Keller, tha "aarcaatlc," with the wobbling knee and powerful-arm, was In his old place at center again, getting ba stiff nesa out of the Injured member Ho passed very well and waa succeeded by "Overf leld, who showed his old-time Pennsylvania form In snapping tne pig skin. ... . - Th Siamese tw4na, "Herr" Dowllng and "Hair" Jordan, were In a decidedly frisky mood all evening., and with the exception of a few blunders, played a consistent game at the end positions. Jordan and .Dowllng make a peculiar pair and tha" coach had to keep hla aya on them all evening. . . .. Old "Klng'MeMUlenafflctated at left halfback and went through tha many playa with hla usual apeed and accuracy. Butler and Bert cavorted at tha gaard positions and Pratt and Ktrkley did things where tackles generally play'. --Considerable drilling waa dona Upon the back field, tha coach abelng of the opinion1 that there waa not aufftctent apeed nor accuracy exercised In tha run ning of plays. James waa atrlfle alow on signals and found It difficult to carry tha ball without jurrltng It. The other. backs. Including" Smith, were'alan Slow- In getting away. Murphy Wnn si the quarterback position, and, consider ing that It Waa his ftrwt practice did splendidly In handling the balls and di recting tha play. . Aa the day of the bin arrtme draws Closer tha lntrent InlenKIfles. Cnptuln. Spencer, whose n pliiy In Oregon, ts so sure ef a victnrv fT the Kugene lada. tfiM, 1 v v .tiling to ninki, two subatanttHl tm. fvi-n c on reron i.1erftl.l m T the r""" im the lomon yellow rc to rlv- t . ),. I-. . I , ; ., .. O.M- $8.00 $9.50 men jire- backing Oregon end do not wish their- names known. - ,Thls morn ing the prevailing 'Odds were 10. to S on Oregon.-while several good beta were made at even money. It, la not likely that-the betting will change . to any extent before) the game.- i . rigHts fjokednleA for Teniglit, "Kid" PSrker vs. "Hop" Reld, 10 rounds,' at Spokane, Wsshlngton. Adara Ryan vs. Mike Ward, 10 rounds. at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gardner vs. Sullivan, 10 rounds, at San Francisco. ' Preferr Stock Oaaae SNods. Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. . -CAFE-AND MUSIC PALL Ccfilanbg Monday, Nov. 27 ' SPEOAl i ENGAGEMENT r.nss gudbht r.nss niEPiiE!, EXTR A w .u. , AY ThcFicdirslclI ex Quintette Tyrc!;;rf Trio The remarkable success 4t tained by this well known aggregation has called for an extended engagement. T7T 2 r IV