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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
PAGES 11 TO 2.0 PORTLAND; OREGON. FRIDAY" EVENING. NOVEMBER 24,. 1SQ5. , ----.. ' TTi) IT n : r TP TT TTn TTV ! fC II II' COAL TRUST VilLL fight unions Anthracite and . Bituminous f Miners Preparing foi' -ra " Titanic Struggle, ' .; j: ; ; . ; ' : v,:'. : -. y HaIf MILLION WORKERS 1 , v READY TO QUIT LABOR SEVENTY - SIX FINE PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLD: AT EILERS SINCE MONDAY., Many of the Moiit Costly Grand and Upright, Including Several ,oiu, $850 and $1,000 Pianola . Pianoa The Names : of Purchasers and ' ?un. ts Roue-tit Piano Selling Continues Unabated. ' ' Unionists Will Not Accept Proposed ' Reduction but Will Demand Eigtat- T Hour Day - and ' Recognition of Order. " - fT.MMiil nM4ll Berl-e.) -" Cleveland, O- Nov. teThe aituaUon la the coal fteide is assuming- an aeute tare cooraiftK . to Information riven, out fcy prominent leader of the mlnera" union. It la authoritatively atated that the minora will not accept h, jumored reduction to bo mada in tne near juiure, will demand an in- crease, and that a reduction means the paralysing of bualneaa In tha mining- in Sustry, aa at leaat 500.000 mmera will atrtke, tlelng up tha entire districts in nhi Michlaan' and Iowa, aa well aa many othoj-e.-, Both the. bltu ,nH anthracite men are deter tn .tanrt bv their leadera. .More thaji $1,000,000 la in tha treasuries of the varloua districts. Tie Anthracite Sartoa. The 'anthracite region of Fennsyl. vanla erabraoee an area of about SO by 100 miles. There. practically, all tha hard coal ot America, la produced. These men had a remarkable demonstration of their power" tof the weal of woe of hmanltv In their two strikes of the laat .half -decade and-they propose to make tha moat or It ana rosae iu Itlnn la.tlne?. . I At tha Shamokln convention early in December theae mlnera wHl formulate two distinct demands. Tneir waaea, a nine hour day.- are aatlsfaetory---" They will ask of the operatora an eight hour day and a ' recognition- of their, union. ' - ' . If either of theae la refused they will declare for etrlke. : .". V An hour cllotied off their working day irmiH n at the current achedule or coal prices, a loaa . or . l5.v(ro.vo-an nually to tha operatora,- the rate - of wages remaining the aame aa at present. Recognition 'would mean for the minora the establishing ox , weir union m ma Invulnerable position. An annual re newsl of acalea and cenerally aatisfao tory conditions would .be accomplished and the miner would be more secure in hia posit loa than the strongest comoi nation of capital- known. -, ?-.s . walo anrug-gle to Snana, .. A 'titanW struggle muat ensue. -Th 'coai-Uuiat headed by George Fv Baer, president t the Philadelphia V Read' lnr Railway company and of the Phlla delohtm gt Reading Coal & Iron company, has been stacking coal during the off season of the summer at a.-rate "that will enow" an- accumulation of 10,00,000 ton, by April 1. 10S. Great storage yards have been built expressly for the reception or this coal and tne operator has been explaining ..that tharswla no demand for tha smaller slses. comprls- Ing thla stocked coal. The miner knowa better but he has not any meana. at his command to curtail production and ba worked on in his impotent rage. .. WILL REOPEN. TOMORROW, Tae west (notUng knore, meflalabed sad Kr sodeled, Agalm Beady for Bnst- vran v (marine becauae the big ale of Kxpoaltlon plunoa waa practi cally finished last Saturday UvM, things around filers Piano House had natur- lly aasumed a ratner oun aapevt. That ii la not the ease la best lndt. cated by the fact that durins. .th JWft three days, one of the big autoe of the Oregon . Auto-Pt-patch, carrying four pianos ana. a r-mnom vhw several teama from the dray companies have been kept bosyi beeidea the three fine delivery wagons belonging to the rSl"nce Monday "morning the following Instruments have found buyeia. . and mpt of them will have been delivered by noon today. ' - . . ' The list of buyers includea the names of the foremost business 'nd prof ea stonal men- of thla atate, and the fact that these people almost without an ex ception, pairuuiw ui h"u". V ' , la evidence at once so. forceful, and .lni controvertible that It la simply, beyond apiwaL .,..,..,....,.... Here la tne us; . . , , , . . , ; ; ."rrrv ' Tha -WlllUm Fest clothing store, SOT First atreet, between Taylor and Sal elan, will reopen for business tomorrow ..morning, and for a abort time the ef - forte of the entire force will be dt - rectal to the closing out of the balance of goods In the stpt-e at the time of the ' fire, and a large quantity or garments . aoUed by dust when the plastering was torn from the celling and wallet - Mr. Feet has received several consignments -of new goods, but first of all desires tt v . be entirely rid of the, stock In the store ' ta the time of the fire, and. that' damr aged by dust during the renovation of the place. Unexampled bargains will, - therefore, prevail for a week or two in thla class of goods, and the application of a clothea brush will speedily restore the aulta and overcoats to a condition ' .'fully equal to what they .were In when . they left i the factory. Karly buyers will. Of course, have their pick of the - atock, so that those who call first will be the gainers. . The .store wilt remain open tomorrow evening to accommodate persons who cannot puy poring toe aay. .y. ; Seme fit for Tales Lombard, t . (Jenroal Bpclal IWTlre.l i Chlcaao. Nov. 14. Memorlee of th Chicago civil war daya were awakened thla afternoon when.; a benefit concert waa given Julea O. Hi m bard, the old time alnger. at the Illinois theatre. I.iimnard himself, who Is known to ail old residents of the middle west as the ' '. man whoaa singing -hrllledthe hcarta - - of the- union soldiers curing tne war, took oart in the concert. Laimhard has - iletlred.. but lJ a candidate for jiojjce " Judge In Omaha. Tha Bur Fire Rale of nothing. Fur nishing Goods, Shoes and Hats will Joe on sale at llt Third atreet. . : 7 . ' '.' Amity Woodmen. leeV -V (Aiierlst Dlofateh to The Joerssf.l " Amltv. Or.. Nor. it. The -Woodmen of tha World have elected the following offlcera for the ensuing term:1 (Consul commander, George W. Crlmmlna: ad riser Ileutenanti Adolphua Res) escort. William E. Yarnes; banker, J. A. Ruble clerk, J. W. Roth; managers, John E. Warner, H. P. Howard and O. E. Roth watchman, 3. W. Walling; sentry. W. T. Weston; captain uniform rank, William E. Tarnes. CAUTOKirzA nvn winai Art niaee frata the fresh California trnlt eard all ar-f lh lanH In mnl and rrfreah Ike sinmwk and lnttlv ant te krn the Bowel f-tlra. The moat nVltat larallrl Mia tak tl.eaeiefafars for rem II nat Mi, IsnlsMttnn an4 ell I.IT and Bmrnl Inxihlaa, without frar er arlnlne Of naln, Tlwr t "Hr hat anrelr Stlstalatllif fllsaallnn and klnln th aMaaw IM alMoriUkia t iraxi, frreahing tea wpois ' 100 WAPXAfl S3 evWTH. . O. gkidmnrs ft Ci.. Prwr(sa. 181 OOXS LHLE ADIRECTODLY Yesterday's. Sales.. F.-li. rleath, New" England piano. ' Mre. Nina LaKowe, exposition Lester Piano.- . ... . . ...... . . r. ... : j. o. jnonw, Rimoau i.. t rink. Mohan .M.. Cable. nlaao. Mrs. 'w. T. Lwla, Fancy Story aV Clark Blano. Calvin Helllgf manager Walla .Walla t Zoph. Pacific Queen organ. ; TkulM fclmhall ITnriKllt DlanO. . Mrs. Maua rwrs. rrroc vw. " .W. D.. Perkins.. Marshall. aV Wendell piano. : .;. J . T.j ' ' - i ... la w r iinirr ih u, umnu. p. Alien. of Odesen. Wash., fancy mahogany Pianola- piano. J. R. K. Wheeler, -mottled, walnut Weber Pianola piano.- t . h T-airnni Hnniri aa. luniiu. - Madden Riley, for Orovllle, Wash., many.ioneo .weaer pan ' -j j '" .Wednesday's Sales." ' C J.-Nygreen, exhibition HaddorS pi 1 t ame Kowers, wnixney Knora piauu. ,' Chae.. Frailer, Hobart M.- Cable piano, . ink, Hananit. Ktorv A Clark olano. - Florence Rowlee, Kingsbury upright Bflsa tU. AX. Buauavr, tuavux w rirKier. wiHiem oiiaaa. wha. John 'Claire Montelth. f fancy Weber grand piano. . r. n waters, iancy mwimv, o. I.. Holt. Mill City. Or., special ex.. hibltlon Behumann piano. V r " "Tuesday Salea- J. E. CradJck. Lelcht piano, j L '-Mrs. 0, katsensteln, Hobart M. Cable rGeor-e W. Kleiser.. fancy $1,$0 Or. Chest relie.. . . . ; iiarry Martin, lancy-jviuiDaji fuui E. Biorkulund, Kimball phino. -" w c Cit. tclmhall nlana. . Mre, 8. MV Ramsay, fancy Doll piano. Bvron B. Ran aha. w, fancy Weber up- rignt piano. ..,v v m nn r-ui 1 1 ee-w- ui ikiii uiskiiv. W. a. Smith. Bellwood. fancy Hobart If Oahla nUnn. Mrs. Delia "many tonea nwr ij r' "Miii 1 i J. iAvaiaron, saucy v.rvwa wism,,um psfr - .,-v... . btnei u. uHvir,.' wnw nvui It.. It. irosny, iioa.ny vr lautj- a bart M.' Cable piano. ' W. F. WarwloK. waney piano. Mrs. Marie Plcard, Stuyvesant Pia nola plana . , ; . . U A. Gitbens, Marshsll . Wendell riev. vrn- urn r wsm, ivi . svuj Kimball chapel organ. . a m mm K tlAall ITll era. n aft flf .M.f-r.Ta.nt. f'.y.y E. T. Tnrasner, rteinae pienv. J. )i' Chapman, Lexington, Kimball plana ...... ' . ' Mrs. O. W. Simmons. Burdett organ. Mr a. J. F. Earle, jnahogany Kings- burr piano. '1 Mrs. uena ureen, ivimuan . J. fltmpaon, Waaco, Or., Weber Pia nola Planar '- -. "' ... .: Monday'a Salea. t . ' H. R Manning. Brlnkerhoff piano. I Hansen, Kimbnil organ. R. J. Marklln. Hobartt M. Cable plana M. C Adkins, Lloht pis nr.. . Wm. Hansen, 8ohumann piano. , ' Allen Carter, , 'many, toned" Weeer pisna i t '. Joseph O'Nrll.. Lester plana ' Mrs. C. A. Dennis. .Hobart M. Cable plana ... ; - .. , ! - Mre. c. M. txive. Bailey piano. Mrs. J. W. Huntington, Story Clark P' ". !aton. Hobart M. Cable plana 1 ' " Paintera & Duncan, for Peerlese elec tric piano. " ' . ' Mrs. Fannie Maxwell, fbr Kimball plana ' - - J. I. Mills. Beethoven organ. : Chaa. H. Wagner, Schumann plana Mis Mettle Walsh, Victor plana . ; 11. M. .R. Richey, Story it Clark plana Georgia Sanderson, Crown plana W. a. Mllstead, Pacific Queen organ. ' W. O. Swaargari. Ivera Pond plana A.i m stMhhieneld. Kimball organ. Chas. F. Wheeler. Whtetwrtana , V rt White. Hrhumann saeino. J." Cj Shackleford, Western Ctte S1 H Pratt, tlohumann nlana - JusL now we're busy selling a lot of very fancy pianos Klmballs, Webere, Chlrkerings; also several Schumanns, thred superb Hobart M. Cables, several Haddorffs and "many toned" Crowne that were to have beeri IncludedLln our "down-town Piano exhibition," but ar rived here too late. t- . VniTS.-a never seen any more elegant Instruments than these. They will be sold for cash or on installments at quite substantial reductions. . f.ners nsno 'House.. 8i Waahlngton street. .The biggest, bualest and .best dealers. HEIR-TO TEN MILLIONS ! FOUND IN MARINE CORPS , - ', . : i . v "' (Joaraal "pclal Serrke.) ' " -New .TotX Nov.' I4.A. , C. Beale, a multl-mllllonaire- from Australia, ' who has been looking all over the world for his son, found him yesterday under the name ot David North, in tha marine corps at the.- Brookryn-navy "yard. -It ta understood that he. will see President RobfttYelt and secure his son's release. Tha veuna man dlaapoeared from his home In Sydney two and a half years ago for reasons unknown... His father la worth 110.000,000. Young Beale Is noaular rlth his comradea in .the eerv K-a. Nona of them ever heard the-leaat hint that he waa heir to a-vast fortune, hut were taken bv his gentle, manly wsvr and desire to be helpful to hl TV T ' .TT? TTTn' TN ifl f ' - v, ' Starts Tomorrov rJciTi! 25, at 8 a. m. Sharp ' ' . R2AD -TH2 WONDERFUL CONDITIONS O? TIES SALE OR. YOU ARE TH2 LOSER. ' , i aV vtr ' ' " Z'A'trm' tri Vire Ingurance sAdiuster the bie damaeed stock of Wilson. Bros, of Spokane, Washington, we will place on sale tomorrovrrnorn Having purchased Jni e Fire Blankets that wa? slightly spoiled in the recent fire at Spokane eg T? .uprise everv one Through the influeic' o our ruyer;Mr Ed Monroe, we secured the above frbm the Insurance Adjuster for a mere - We L5eirnmediately shipped the entire stock to . pithnd to be disposedof quick Posse Salt of the1 irooS are Vhtly spoiled by smoke and water, but cannot be noticed,-in . fact, they are not even hurt in the least, as a good perfume wtTrnTe thaTrnaKe L just af gobd as new. Not having time rtise h Mh'this city' to be here early. Bring your neighbors and friends with you to share in these rare bargains. TOK N&rANUi tnis is tne way uus ol vReid this over: - - v '.'"-'-- -I ? " ' ' '."'! r-.V." ' ' ' ; v: ' ' 'V'-'- ' '. ' ' ' - CLOTHING ; Over 3000 MeaV Sniti. : Lot One ' AUof oiur.Men'a $7.50, $10 and $13.80 Suits. :. . .,. . ; - yit.-"; .;' Lot Twelve 83 Odd Suits,-'.; -. J ' few si?es. . .' ; . . .... ... . , ......... .. Gt al V t . . t . a . . ft- ; t AH of our $15, $16.50, $18 and f y .Q O $20 Suiu go for....,.......,..4 I irO ' ; ' lxok them oven v - ", r-" '.' ' -: Lt iSJJ55r Thirteen 98c Boys' ' ' . ;''.'-;. :-'':' ,,.'.';' . Overcoats ; , .', . . . . ..... . No -doctor -bill if your child wears one of . these to keep him warm .during the winter. Lot Tvcnty-Fivc Men's Heavy Working Suspenders. . . 8c and Fancy Color :i . Men's Black Hose, a pair " Lots of these on the shelf. All of our-$22.50. $25 and $30 - Suits must be sold for. ........ $9. i;' I .et !TftiirthTi : " 'J:' -V 42c School' Suits, all worth -more than - theV raw material,' but we must' close . Them out at. . . ; .'. . . . ; .'.v... Lot Twenty-Six-- Men's Sanitary Fleece Lined tff Underwear. . . . ... . : JVv Lot Four 1 Men'Black Clay Wofsted"X82unCe) former ; price! $18. Sale-" ' -v C- Lot Fifteen - M?ns' Hunting Pants,; all worth J . C O -from $2.50 to $5. AH go for. J 7K Lot Twenty-Seven Men's Fancy; Silk and Velvet Vests, worth $3, $4 and $5.;-- ..'.'.. C 1 Oft All go 'for '.... '' sii Jl sVM LotSixteeri Silk Shirts, less than a Handker- 1A. thief, all sizes. . . . ..... . . . . .... .,. I C Lot Twenty-Eight Boys. Sweaters, worth : r iwt 3t A . $1.25 and $1.50. . . .... iJ. JJ Lot -Five Jti'.' Men'a $25, $30 and $35 Suits from such well known firms as Rogers, Peats; BrokawiBros Steinblock, Hart Schaeffner f (T A AO & Marx, all go for..."...,..... ip jf siifO v These Suits are the most beautiful patterns' ever shown in Portland. "S, ' . . A Beautiful ; Boy'a Cap.,. Lot Seventeen Men' Working Lot Twenty-Nine : -king ShlttiMarwMiii vt i r , y . Lot Six AUof our $8, $7 and $8 Ulsten '( for winter wear. .. s. ......... . $2.98 I ? Lot Eighteen KXK820 Ties, " I s all go lor., .....n Jw - a. . V! Men's better grade T'v -.!( U :10 Heavy Shirts. ...i. ................ Cs Lot Seven All of bur $TOtSt50ahd$l Heavy Winter Ulster Coats. .. Lot Nineteen 682 Hats ' ,"'':; ' ' go for. . ... .'. . Just thinlrof It. ; s'r; ; , 10 c Lot Thirty -One aw . uveraiis . ;. . ,; ' . ;; for.....;....;:...........-.-.... 19c It r Lot Eight ! AH of the high grade Winter Overcoats in big collars and side pockets,-worth C tT up to $25, all sixes............ a0l Lot Twenty" Soit as long as they last, pair.,.,.. 1c Lot Thirty-Tvo Boys Fleece Lined Underwear, sanitary..., , v. ...... Lot Nine All of our odd size Boys' Suits (from 6 to 12 ' Lot Ten 187 Winter (Boys' Suits), Worth too much to mention Ct It A li the price;...;.....V..V.. I 'i'O Lot Twenty-One ......... ....::v3Kc Each cheaper than making them... -j Linen Handkerchiefs -i-r Lot Thirty-Three Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, . r L W 50e values... ................. ..Uw Lot Twenty-Two '.Linen Towels, V1 each -y Vf, Don't, overlook these. - y.: : V ; Lot Thirty-Four Windsor', j i y. ': l.;'' "'' ':, Silk Ties. . . . .f .. . . ..... . . ?T.... ., 9c n,.- Lot Eleven The finest grade of High , Grade Boys Suits, such as Doby Cohn, Phillips & Mores, Grand Bros Ferdie & Long, will all .(JJV A be displayed on table for.-, p600 : Lot Twenty-Three ,i Bandana ; -! ' . ' ,'. : " . -1 Handkerchiefs. .......... ... .'. Lot Thirty-Five OddJize Oxford Ties - O for Ladies. ....... ........'...... O Lot TwentyFour Silk Web ; jSuspendersf... "1 ..' - - - ........ . ..f 5c ' . " J LADIES' HEAVY SHOES FOR RAINY WEATHER. ?1.63 r- MEN'S SHOES ...... IJllO MISSES' SHOES '.,..,,89 , ! : y CHILDREN'S SHOES V. ; . ........... .40? . Lot Thirty-Six -Udies"?:-- .-rrQ-l ' !tO Dress Shoes.................. s) 1 J Ladies' Vid Gid Shoes, "' 1 VIA ; worth $2-50. ; . . 1 .y V MEN'S DRESS SHOES ...... . . . . ' . 5i'!?2 MEN'S PATENT-LEATHER SHOES, WORTH $5, . ?3-15 r RUBBERS -34 NO MORE EXPLANATION IS NECESSARY TO - ANY INTELLIGENT MAN, WOMAN OR CHILI - THESE - PRICES ' ALONE ARE SUFTI inu xviuKr. -V ,vL -, . CIENT PROOFTO SUBSTANTIATE ALL WE CLAIM FOR THIS GREAT SALE. ,.3 - ; -. -. ' 1 . I mmw ii ''''- 4 , .4aaaf , 1 72 THIRD ST. T1fTTTn Bit ON HATD. EArX" if err in 5 LLLsLlK m aw.aa.a S I .n. .r lie Third St, sole sjn! lor 1 or. .and, Oti mates. . .,. ,.. :",!'-.-:'