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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
Tllli OREGON DAILY JOURHAL." PORTLAND, i THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23. 1903. r -H- . V go lose i;: HIE, EM Cravath's Driv for Horn. After Two Wor Out, Put Port- -v land Out of Business. ' .' PORTLAND OUTBATS. '. BUT MAKES BAD ERRORS ... . -j , Toman's Bad Throw and a Xouple 5 of Hits Prevent Toaer From Ex- celling- World's Record for Shut out Innings Story of Defeat ' (looraal apeetal Bervice.) Lo Aageles, Nov. it. Portland out. batted lios Angelas I to 1 yesterday, but -.the error of Ats and Bweenejr caused tha Oianta to taka another tum ble. . lyom Angeles presented . another -patched-up teem and did not play the ' article of ball of which the Angels are -, capable. Toaer waa In the box for the locala and -waa pltohlna ejreat ball In aa " endeavor to excel Cbeabro'a record of .41 innings without a run being scored. but a bad throw by Toman and a couple of aafe' hlta marred the young twlrler'a ambition. Toser, however, beat Jimmy . Whalen'a record of 4a Innlnca by one. ami, but for the unfortunate error, might nave excelled the treat Cheebro easily. It required 11 Innings to decide "Tester - day'a gams. In the laat half . of the 1 1th, Braahear walked and waa aant alona a base, on Dillon' aafe hit. . Cr vath made a mighty awing and sent the . bail rar from the ball pars. scoring . Braahear and ending the run. " Eaaick pitched a good game, but. hla team matea were off vcolor In their work. The acore: 8 AND ELE8. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. .;. 1 1 ... i - a e a a ... t a i l ...I I 4 11 ... ail ei ... I a a . l i -Bernard. Rose, If. : Dillon. ib-lta. Cravath. rf. Pplea lb. i omen, sawn. a a i t a KKr.- Or Tosler, p. 4 a IWgie, Sb. 1 l a . 4 a e t a a w . . . I XX II ' 4 . ; ; PORTLAND. ... . ia R- II. PO. A. u. Ats, aa. ............. 1 J 1 a t van Huren ir, ...... 4 II I McHale, cf. .....I... X 9 t Mitchell, lb. ........ I I 111 Bohlany. 26. 4 4 1 a McLean, c. . ... t a I 7 MoCredte, rf. : 4 a e I Sweeney,. lb. ........ I a a I Eaaick, p. I a a 1 Totals ,4t i ioii : t . 'Two out when winning run scored. ' 8CORB BT INNINGS. I Angeles Mite i . .. Portland . . Hita i . . 0 I I I I I I I I I 1- I aoaioieeeve 2 1 ! t iliiiieiio a la ayxuAR Two-baa hit Van Buren. Sacrifice hlta McCredl., Roe a. Van Buren. . Flrat base on errora Los Ancelea. I : Port ' land, 1. Lett on baaea lxs Ancelea. Portland, 11. Baaea on balla Off' paairK, x; orr Toiler, 1. struck out By Toiler, : by Eaaick, 4. Double play Toman to Spies to Eager. ' Hit by pitched ball Cravath. Time of game. jwo ooura.v umpire uavia. . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE.- .V CLPB. Lea losetee 10 lilS 15HSI .sit Sea Fraoclac IT .2 , Oakland fcv.ttie , INartlaad 14 l M4 tOillt l 1811 o ..1 .4ST TXOM .......... IO17 .41 f 1 1 I- Ut .i'4ai8i6iBOaaiai Tifara Baa Vt Boer. , . (loaraal Spertal rlf 8an. Franciaco, Nov. 11. The Tigers made mincemeat out of Salea yeater day and batted la a dosen runs. The acore: R. H.B. Tacoma 00111110 a 11 14 1 Ban Franciaco. .1 9 9 9 9 1 1 9 1 t 0 4 Bat terlea Brown and Hogan; Bales and wuson. umpire rerrine. Oaklaaat Bnneaaa Wts. : J (Jooraal"8ptUI Bfte.( Oakland, Nov 11. Oakland managed to bunch Ha hits yesterday and won out The score; R. H.31 Oakland. 0 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 a 1 Seatu 001 000000 1 4 I Batteries Hopkins and Hackett; Hall nnd-Blankenahlp. Umpire Mo jCarthy. . AMERICAN GUILDS WIN FROM THE GOLD LEAFS The American Guild took two out of three gamea from the Gold Leafs on the Oregon alleys laat night. Kneyee of 'the Gold Leafa had the high average, also the high gam: Following are the scores: ' v Gold Leafa (1) (1) (1 Ave. Kneyee. 171 1 llf HI Pollack ITS lit 140171 lindriuer . .....160 144 114140 Boulanger 1411 lit 141144 Galllard . ...... 140 17T 141141 1-1 ' Total . t. ...... 101- 111 tit; ' ; - American Guilds ' - 1) (1 (I) Ave. Tatea ..Ill lit 1461411-1 Barbour . . .T. . 140 144 110 11s Freebrough Anderson. . 12f 11 171' 176161 141 111-11$ 1-1 140 140147 1-1 Jordan, ....... .141 Total . "IT Handicap . .,..100 760 714 100 71T llf 111 ' amarlo IMagaa Sleetlar. . (lonraal gpeelai aVrvlee.) Chfrago, Nov. II. The magnates of .the Americas Baseball league gathered In annual aeaalon In Chicago today to wind up the .affairs of the past sea son. The meeting will probably laat several days. 1 la beautiful polisher, absolutely free - front grit and add.v Are you aaing It f You ought to b. Ask your dentist Figurea at the Indian Came Manager Campbell of. Chemawa, on the Left, Coach Earl of Chemawa, and Coach Hempel of Sherman In a Sweater. .v. "' - 1 OREGDH r.lEU FULL OF Eugene Squad Is Being - Put Through Many Stunts in Preparation for Game. , HOP-GROWERS CONFIDENT 7 -. OF BEATING THE CLUBMEN I - Coach Shorts la Trying Out Several Trick Playa.That He WUl Uaa on Thanksgiving-i-Univenity Rootera Will Attend in a Body. , ' " (Bperial Diapateh te The Jnarael.) Vnlveraity of Oregon. Eugene, Nov. 21. The 'vanity football team la now undergoing some of the hardest kind of football practice that Coaoh Shorts has yet Introduced on Klncald field, and when the last regular practice cornea .on Monday next the team will be in a bet ter condition to meet Multnomah than It haa ever been before. It Is expected that the clubmen,- despite their recent ahowlng, will put up the hardest kind of a gam and will be a atronger eleven than ever before. For thla reason the boys are working harder, and with the new work that la now mapped out for them there la a greater amount of gin ger displayed over the coming Thanks giving game than In any previous match with the clubmen. . The team la rapidly getting over 11-e effect of the 'Washington game and when the whistle blows on the after noon of the 10th every Oregon man will be In the pink of condition and wdy for the battle of their Uvea. Coach Shorts In the last few days haa taken some of tha linemen from their positions and place.! them In the buck field, but aa to wbsmethod ha Intends to follow or who he will place as the halves I6f tha commggamB. no ofr tha university knowa and will not until Monday. However, It la very probable that Mohlleln will be given a chance to carry tha pigskin, beside doing the punting. Nearly tha whole university will at tend the game and preparations Sir the coming event have been going rapidly on for a week.. The organised rootl'ig which played such a prominent part In the)- Corvallls-Oregon game - will be a feature on Oregon's part at Multnoman field. WILL PLAY TENPINS - OVER TELEGRAPH WIRE The Golden Rods, Portland's mainstay In tha great tenpln telegraphic match, ara worklna hard to get In a ha Da for the event filch takes -plae Bavwrday alght between the principal cities of the weat, comprising Seattle, Tacoma, ' Spokane, Butte, Salt Lake, Portland, San Fran cisco aad possibly Denver. Tiya games will be rolled In each city, total pins to count Play will start promptly at 1:41 In every city with the exception of Salt Lake, who will commence an hour earlier, thla being due to the difference In time, and after each game reports will be hsd from all the contestants. Portland will be represented by such men aa Ball, Capen, Pollack, McMenomy, Kruse. Mackey, Kneysa and Vllman, the cream of the tenpln knights, and Cap tain Kruse says: "If Portland doea not aVerage aa good or better than 1,000 pin to it he game it will surprise me' very much with such material to se lect from. . The men are putting in two and three gamea every day during tha noon hour on the Portland alleys on First street and from the work ahown at practice I can safely aay that Port land will be there from the start and will make the other cities extend them selves to the limit If' they want to paaa us." -Two game were rolled yeaterday noon, both well over the 100 mark, and the team will show more Improvement and will work better when the men strike their gait. , OREGON STUDENTS WILL , TAKE UP BASKETBALL ' (Special Dlepatcb' te Tie Journal.) Unlveralty of Oregon. Eugene, Nov. H. The end of the football season la o near at hand that tha student at Ore gon are already talking the game of baaketball. Tor the paet week the gym nasium has ' been the scene of some lively practice gam ta bring out, the worth- of the different men, and yea terday ,the followers of thla game met and elected Ouy Mount of the clase of '01 a manager for tbe'aeason. Aa saon aa Mr. Mount' election la ratified by tn athletlo council he will begin the scheduling of games. There in some fine material for thla year's team, and If the varslty dec Idea to try conclusions with crack team of the north weat there ill be some Interesting gamea. Be side Hug. Moore. Ramp and Wlnslow, the college has a lot of new material, the moat prominent of whom are Van Scoy. Nelson, last year guard on the champion Albany team; Penland. a for mer player who I again m rlaaeae, ferd Hathaway or Portland academy, imme diate! V after the Thanksgiving holiday the sport wilt be taken bp In earnest and will he the principal attraction In athletle Ufa . . V i GINGER 7 INTEREST III BIG IS KEEN 6AL1E , Multnomah-Oregon Contest on Thanksgiving Is the ; All-Ab- ; sorting Topic Nowadays. CLUB MEMBERS LOYAL TO THEIR ELEVEN Oregon'a Shrewdness m. Keeping Strength of Their Eleven Secret Xa Commended Cheater Murphy Oeta Signala and Saya He Will Help. " The steady training grind is in full force and - increasing ' interest at the Multnomah club, a condition of affairs that haa been made painfully possible on account of the glowing re porta from all parts of the northwest regarding the great proweaa of the Oregon team. Tha dlanoaitlon of the older club pnembera to turn out and help the team by their playing and advice la Indeen commendatory and thoroughly charao terlatlo of the splendid sporting spirit and loyal friendship that pervadea the Mi Above all years thla is the one when the club members will be severely taxed on the football gridiron. Of four gamea played so far thla aeaaon, but one waa a victory for the club, that being against Fort Btevene In tha opening scrimmage. The Astoria eleven came to town and played Multnomah a tie game, practically outplaying tha club men. Then "JClancy" Bishop's Willamette eleven pounced upon the beat team that Multnomah could put In tha field on the 11th of November and the acore waa 4 to 0 agatnat the club men. . On Satur day last the Sherman Indian,' though beaten by Waahington It to 0, Invaded the local gridiron and played Multnomah to a atandsttll, Now cornea the championship game of the aeaaon Oregon va. Multnomah on Thanksgiving afternoon. The Sup porters of Oregon are bold, their bold ness is- backed up with coin of the realm, their argumenta are clear and convincing and they have the figures and their victories for evidence. What ia, then, left for Multnomah T Three years ago the prediction was made that before Christmas of 1005 Multnomah would 'be beaten by Oregon.. Corvallls snd Willamette. Club enthualasts laughed at the wiseacre who auggested such a thought. This is the year, 1008, and already Willamette , haa beaten Multnomah. Oregon r has beaten- both Willamette and Corvallls, and has the same team, only . in -better condition. with which to meet the dub host on week from today. One who haa followed the fortunes Of footbnll closely thla season must ad mit that TheTewfneir-otne--Tgrm men in keeping tne great strength of their team concealed, is nothing short of frensled football. Eugenlte are clever enough to know when they have a atar eleven, and what makes their course more admirable I the tact and secrecy that they display when dlacuis ing their team' chances.' Oregon mm say. "Why. we expect you to defeat aa but we will bet you 100 to 10 on Oregon. Just for the sake of loyalty." In these dsys of modern finance men are not betting for loyalty, they are wagering to win, ana mat is .wnat to Oregon supporters are doing. . Members of the club are waiting Dreatniessiy to see now tne team will Improve between now and Thanksgiving. As loyal as the Multnomah -men -are, they are sensible enough not to tske any-haaardou beta. . Coach- Overfleld ha nothing to aay about hla team's chances, save that they cannot win un less they plsy 100 per cent better foot ball than they have played or showed at any time thla season. Captain Jordan I mum about hia team' chances mum as the proverbial clam. . Last night tha Multnomah followers were msde happy when Chester Mur phy appeared., at the club and secured the slgnsls from Coach Overfleld. Murfc phy haa been very buay with hla private affair and has little or no time to devote- to football, but he aald that If he can aid the boys In any way, he will be very glad to do so. Murphy's ability a a flrst-claas player baa -never been questioned and his presence wtll be of vest assistance. . Practice this evening will start promptly at 7:10 o'clock. Tor Oroes-Oouatry Baa.' " ' (Joareal Speelal Bervte'.) New York. Nov. 11, Everything is In readiness for the Intercollegiate cross country championships at Travers Island tomorrow, The participants will Include teams from" Cornell, Pennsyl vania, Princeton, Columbia and Yale. Tha race between Yale, Cornell and Pennsylvania Is expected to be closer this year than uaual and a '-new record may be made by the winner. Cornell rule the favorite. i Boxtoer for ami. (Joaraal Special flervtee.) Philadelphia, Nov. ll.iThe forty- fifth boxing tournament under the sue plces of the Athletlo club of Philadel phia will be held in the gymnaalum of the clubhouse this evening. The weights wtll range from 111 to 145' pounds. Tha flrat prise I a diamond ring, the second a watch, i SPORTS LOOK FOR J30DD BOUT ". v '. . . . Gardner Tmd Sullivan Contest Tomorrow Is Attracting tha i r . Fistic Fans' Notice. FIGHTERS WILL MEET . AT CATCH WEIGHTS Both Men Have Ttained Hard for the Encounter and There la Plenty i of Money Behind Each Principal Gardner Will Be Ruling Favorite . . Umal Bna-lal lUrr- ) San Franciaco, Nov. 13. An event of more than uaual Importance In' fistic circles Is down for decision tomorrow evening at Woodward's pavilion- Jimmy Gardner, who la unquestionably the le gitimate welter-weight champion of the world, will meet Mike (Twin) Bulllvan.f who haa already fought hhn two nara draws. .. Both men have been training hard for the battle, and it ahould be one of tha beat held here In months. In hla two appearances hers, the first with Rufe Turner and tha second with Buddy Ryan, Jimmy Gardner Demon strated one thing nretty conclusively, and -that la that he is a. fighter far abov the average. During the four years that he haa been in the gaale, ha haa not done as much milling aa many other fighter who are hla inferiors, but what he haa done has been of a sort to cheer the onlookers. As long ago a two yesrs. Oeorge Slier and other com petent Chicago critics picked him a a coming champion, and he ha -done nothing to change their belief since that time. To say that Juat. at preaent he Is one of the biggeat attractions with a San Francisco crowd that can be had, outside the charmed Brltt-Nelson circle. Is not stretching a point. The greeting 1 accorded him when he waa introduced at Wood ward's recently at the Kauf mann-CBrlen contest .wss such a to Indicate that -he baa found a warm spot la-tne hearts or the (ana. Sullivan, on the other hand, haa mad but one previous appearance m fun Francisco. This was over a year ago, when he fought a 10-round preliminary with Jo Angelt and won without much trouble. The Cambridge twin .tad ben off the train not more than three or four day when he met Angell and had done no work of preparation to speak of. He wss not Jn his best form and ahould not be .Judged on that showing. As they say al the race track.-"Throw that one out." - . .. Tha two men are to meet at catch- weights, in Itself an Interesting fact. Both are legitimate welter-weights, snd yet both are clamoring for a chance at Battling Nelson at 131 pound ringside. it is doubtful if either the twin or Jimmy could make 131 after a week In a bake oven. Their beat fighting weight Is around 141 pounds, at which figure 0arh night. - While no action was taken at the meeting of the board of aupervlaora yeaterday regarding fight permita. It I now virtually assured that both the Sullivan-Gardner battle, which la down for dectaion Friday night, and the Fttx-0Brlen Imbroglio, which ahould be decided next month, will be allowed to go on. Morris Levy, Who ia promoting tne rirst contest, nas secured the signa tures of 10 members of the board, and Eddie Oraney. who la looking out for Crofforth'a Interests has 10 signatures granting a permit Tor December. - While thla proceeding la not regular, it . I equivalent to the granting of the per mit In an open meeting of the board, anf-rhfn H1 IisiiIIt be any liunbl jlu. peiienced by either promoter In pulling Off his show. SAN NICHOLAS WINS- THE JONES HANDICAP (Joaraal Speelal Berrtet ) San' Franciaco, Nov. II. Yesterday's result at Oakland were: Six and a half furlongs Luatlg won. Metlakatla second, Entr Nous third; time. 1:11. Six furlongs Loyal. Front won, Con federate second. Sea Lad third; time, 1:14. Mile and three sixteenths Blissful won. Royalty second, Ira third; tlm, 1:0114. . . , The Eddie Jones handicap, mil and a sixteenth San - Nlcholae won. Lady oooaricn: aeuona.' mum nun 1:47 Five furlongs Tocolaw won, Stlfel second. Cloudllght third; Otto time. 1:00H. One mile Salable won. Corn Blossom second. Terns Rod third; time, 1:41. At sTashvUlsw (Journal Special 8-rrloa.) Nashville. Nov. 13. Cumberland Park race results: Five furlongs Oabrielle wen, Balshot second. Skepttcsl thn-d: time, 1:01 1-5. Seven furlongs Marie won. Lythetlst second. Magistrate third; time, 1:10 1-5. Six furlongs Chief Hayes won, Peter Sterling second, Adesso -third; tlm, 1:11 1-5. Mil and an eighth Reveille won, Juba second. Dr. Hart third; time, 1:50 1-1. - On mile Royal Legend won. Veran da second, Amberta third; time, 1:41. Mile and. an eighth Federal won, Pauip- second, . Steel Trap third; tlm, 1:50 1-1. , : At Waaalagtoa. ' ' ' (Journal Special Service.)' " -. Washington. Nov. 11. -BennlagB-race results: t 1 - Six furlong Psul Ora won, Mollla Donohue second, ' D Bar third; time. 1:15 1-5. Seven furlonga 8t Valentine won. Collector Jeasup second",' Subtle third; time. 1:11 1-5. Chevy Chase, steeplechase, about two snd a half miles Tom Cogan won. Wool Gatherer second. Follow On third; time, 5(01. Mile and v-j three quarters Rlamsh won. Santa Catallna second. Dr. Stewart third; time. :. Mil and 70 yards Navajo won. Father D. second. . Blssy Isiy third; tlme4:4. Mile and three sixteenths Peter Paul won. Mystls second. Banker third; tlm, 1:01. , SPORTING GOSSIP. "Digger" Stanley, the Rngllah ban tam, has refused Jimmy Walsh of Bos ton a return match, Harry" Murca. th Maine athlete. Is to play with tha Boston American league team next aeaaon. i . ' The Brooklyn National league club ha released Robert Hall to New York. e e 'SnJ.'l B.n .K- Chin... weight, will light again In a few wek nn inai . . d-.- . . . , . . v-'V ; i .... Didn't Hurt a CU The Chicago Painless Dentists 3UX Washingtoa St.. Corner of Fifth St. Opp-Perkina ' HoteL- SEE THE Special Rates on Dental -Work Full Set Teeth that fit... f 5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-K......93.50 Bridge Teeth. 22-K. f 3.BO Gold Fillings... ....fl.OO Silver Fillingi.......;... 50V A 12-year guarantee with all work. We do atrictly aa wa advertise. Open . evenings 1 and Sunday. Bank reference. CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS gSStt He will not lose the eight of hi eye. which haa alaahed by hla manager dur ing an altercation- after Ryan -waa beaten by Jimmy Gardner at Colma, California, a few months ago. . e Pat Donovan, former manager of the St. Louis Natlonala and the Washington Americans, aaya he will be manager of the iaikad-of Pittsburg Trt-8tate league team next aeaaon. s Bright prospects exist for a revival of "boxing at Revere, near Boston. A club haa been formed and granted a charter. , " e r "Young Erne" and "Kid"' Herman' are matched for a 10-round bout to be de cided on the outskirts of Chicago to night, j . e ' . . " 'Under a ruling by Juatlee Gould in Washington, D. C, a patron at ball games injured by a ban cannot claim damagea unless seated behind the . wire screens provided for protection of spec-. tstors. ''. Tommy Murphy, the Harlem f eat her - M, haa malrheaonwlt h . Rou se O'Brien and "Chick" Tucker, both bouts to be decided in Philadelphia. e e The Yale football squad left New Haven today for th game with Har- nnf. Thev will .tut nuartereif til! Hie gam at the Woodlawn Park hotel,' Auburndale, Maaaachuaetts. e a , A meeting of the Southern baseball league will be held at Memphis Bator day. The meeting Is for the purpose Of winding up the affairs of the paat sea- a on and arranging preliminaries for next year. . e .. President Roosevelt haa obtained eight eeata for the Harvard-Yale foot ball game at Boston next Saturday. The seats are for the use of Miss Alice Roosevelt and a party -of her Lakewood Oolf Toaraaaaamt. (Joemal Special Servtea.) r Lake wood. N. J., Nov. II. The an nual fall golf tournament under the auspices of the Country elub of Lake- wood, New Jersey, opened this morning on the Country club's links. Tn num ber of entries is very large and a large gallery la In attendance. GET DOWN TO FACTS Read What Portland : Citizens Say Get down to the facta of the matter. Don't take a stranger' word. It la easier to prove the truthfulness of state ment a mad by citizens of Portland than endorsement coming from some far-away place. Read the followihg: A. 8. Cummlnga of 244 Clackamas street, employed bv the Inman-Poulaen Lumber Co.. at the foot of East Sher man street, savs: " had nein In the amall of my hack for a good many yeara. Moat of the time it waa a dull, heavy ache over the kidneys, and often t tne end or tne oar l reit ratiauen and used up. Trouble with the kidney secretions existed alao. Passagea were too frequent and were accompanied with pain. My condition waa growing worse 11 tne time, when I happened to read sn advertisement of Doan a- Kidney Pill a. and at the eua-reetlon of my wife I got a bos. I took, the Dills .aa di rected and felt their beneficial effects rlaht awn v. In a short time the back ache dl "appeared and the secretions re sumed their normal appearance and con dition. This Is the flrat winter I have paaaei Tor a number or years without i-l mr nnmovr pi year Wlinoul ring a . plaater' on my back, and I Doan's Kidney Pill all the credit wearing give For sale by all dealers. Prtc 10 cants. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. ft sol sgenta for th United States. Remember th nam i DOAN'S and take no other. c 3 sf Extraordinary Value See Window DERBYS OF LATEST MODELS."" SOFT HATS IN ALL COLORS SPECIAL FEATURE OF COLLEGE or the V VERY POPULAR TELESCOPE HATS ROBINSON , GO. jj J 389 WASHINGTON ST.- he: the fiends that tonnent mankind, there la ' not one worse than DYSPEPSIA commonly -. known as Indigestion. v ; Unless cured, it deadens the brain, weakens the . ? heart, poisons, the blood and shatters 1 tho nerves. : .T r.'--'u--: f r - w tv......j. r v... t cured by ... , )i v . ' s" Uj, . -- e '' ' ' - . " , . " s --;r-?, ., . -y- . ; ' ;--'..; .V'-'. (UQU1P) Are you doubtful ? We will satisfy you. Qo to any druggist, and get a . bottle of - Chase's Dys pepsia Cure ; take it according to directions, and ' , if you do not feel the benefit after three daya taking, go to the druggist and get your money back without argument or question. , V . ' 50c. and $1.00 Per, Bottls ; f THE CHASS MFC. CO., NZWBUUCH, N.Y.'. Z FOR SALE BY WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO. PORTLAND-WIRE-&-IRON-W0K& Phone M4ln aooo pn rrw romx or m xouixa strat- A aeaa Cellef. Teeth aad WaaStagtM Sta., syirtland. Or., aew anoar eonstraetloa. will he apleadlrilr Heated and will bar. every eo.eaa leae. far th. aeewinMtfatlna of 5O0 stadeats. Tber will b. Ill efflcM for bwltMM ratt. eqaipeee with Separtnwnt. salepbonee, a4llac siacniMa, itM.e-ief ll(ere. ear Vim aa as pllaaeM Wfiiry to the BMdera boatmaa office We place tie avadaates la Soetttoae laat rear. Inl BUSINESS COLLEGE For catalog writ to temporary address IT-ia T. M. C. A. Bid sr . Portland. Or. Hotel Eaton . HasSaawity firetrt4, elaganrlr xralaeaa, sVaeennt. In litnW walk frosa mp ml eppt" and en.lnea. eitrte, all Urea, atrr. Mtaia. mmh, itaa bMl. .Wetrt. rh. titnlMa. In Mk aprtaiaaa. eta. Inn efnr, leainlna, sskiia. arriM... taeiM r.erV r.rlors. Bob rmmvti hf anil er tlphoM. eaaalVaa saes tvapas aad swaaiais. Room fl.OO to $3,00 a Dap . apaetal Rates a OaiaMreUl Haa. Ylt. till TaTOf. trermrrly .f Betel l ,-, naaa.) Display HOTEL PXRKINS BLDO. T 1 DANK AND OFFICE RA1U;;G - wuxm mi fekccs Barbed Wire. Wire and Lawarsoclac Poultry Natting. Eta. soj FLANDERS ST Nr Third The MnItnox!i Business bstifcl a v Special School of Gregg Shorthand and Touch Trpewrltlns. Bookkeeping And Bualneas Method. Buslnea JPseii manafalp by th Palmer MetbaeV, - -OOSV 0 TOTTIOaT. Just on third less than I aanallv required. Eveninar or day sessions, f Call Mala 4toa tor astrtloalar. . Scott's Stal-Pc;: C:;::!;: a pcsnr.'S C". Ve rHlaSMtea arOMarrl) th. Bla.1.1r.n4 t" i fci mn. secoas as . vww .ah'klr aad at.. aad OH. a. ae sir t h kwt ataadlas. fcarmlew. suld f drn.ta. FHc av '. saaa aia, 11.00, 1 SMwa. tt. It. W Wi4. CtaAe . Ev:r;17cn::n mmmnm afM mmw rw aKitil th womiaatflil MAXYIi IvbirUntl hptty laa)M .eK-fvn, hsara -1. tUeaMawW jaseiall s kto aatis Ja'dBffJ' ssa Ka If b rtnntii amrnlf th Ft A am a le t-va,tal q ra,,4v -T- ihr. hai Mttfl aimnif for vV f lhi.i.rBiMl kwvk a.l4. ItftVBsl ' fnli -fr"-" fa- V w i ! Tftluaitt KMs.raa, IIHIIL f Ok J rom sals nir woooaio, ct.4t r. 1 o -. i Tmt Bale . 7 V raa aKV.V- f t'V'..