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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
1 THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THUKSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3. 1805. iJAYOR EXALIinED FRAZER" III ROLE PARALYTIC SMOKE KLAL1ATII Lfil7. ti ";"- 1 " " . ' , TOOTiG e;;gi;;es TELLS SAD; STORY OFJJEGLECT Mrs. Guy E. Reynolds,' Wife of Wealthy Dairyman, Asks ' - -Custody of Child. . ; LITTLE LlUED ; OY. LIIIIIIIG WITH JEWS OFSOLOLIOII FELLS 17ITTE IS J. J-Jenneisy Murprty , Declares District Attorney Start Inquiry Says Man Must Support Wife, No Health of Russian Premier Attorney Oscar C. Stone For Many Sign "Petition : to Revoke ' Causes ' Gravest Anxiety Left Arm Is Disabled. 2l 4 Into Raid of MiIwaukijC!up: Atrocities Are Similar to Those Ireland Formerly Suffered.- Matter How Uttie Me bidden to Practice Before Fed- , soutnem raciTic rourxn1, ; - - t '-... .'2 4 Street Franchise. . Last Saturday. 7?$$; -7 tikes Her. leral J.and Offices. POLICE JUDGE AND CITY .V RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY AND r MUST SUPPLY MONEY - 2EMSTVO CONGRESS NOT ' ACCUSED OF SEVERAL LAWYERS UPHOLD STAND SAYS HUSBAND ABUSED r " x- ATTORNEY LEAVE TOWN RACIAL HATRED CAUSE FOR FIGHTING DIVORCE YET DECIDED ON pOLRSE FRAUDULENT AFFAIRS OF COUNCILMAN VAUGHN : AND MALTREATED HER RISH SYMPATHIZE DISBARRED Burden cf Prosecution Will; Fall on Executive Who Ordered the ,VUit of City Detective at ,WeH as Nam - ing of Judge. ,? :.DlstrlctAttorney John Manning, sit ting e s grand jury,.begaft ,n lnv"" tlgatlon thia morning of the Mirwaukte Country club, which wan raided, Satur day night, by Captain Bruin an a aquad OK oeiecwves ujr orvcr v If -the dtatrlct attorney finds that ha haa Jurisdiction ever tha matter ha may bring .In IndtctmenU against tha proprietor of tha resort who ware ar rested In tha raid. -' f" ' '" ". ' Early thia morning tha prlvata detec tive of tha dlatrlct attornay aerved a aubpoena on Mayor Lane to appear aa a wltneaa and ha immediately left hla - offlc and waa- closeted with the Mia-' trict attorney for aome time. What transpired during the examination of Mayor Lane le'not known, aa neither the dlatrlct attorney nor tha mayor would . make ft-statement . -i ifi't"J TeeUnuay of Baldere. -Captain Bruin and Detective Car penter, Realng. Day. Snow and Kerri gan, who participated In the raid and made the arrests, were alao ekamlned. They told the dlatrlct "attorney what they discovered, and more particularly described the faro and roulette gamea which were running. Captain ' Bruin told the dlatrlct attorney that he had three other witnesses which ha dealred ' to call and they wilt probably be sum moned tomorrow morning, when tha In vestigation will continue. , "I have atarted thta Investigation for tha purpose of determining i w bet her or not I have jurisdiction- oyer the mat- tec, aald ths-'dlBtrlct attorney. '"My Investigation Js directed more particu larly to the faro 'and roulette games v which tha office re discovered. I will be unable-to finish the Investigation today, a a it wlU be impossible to do anything In thia matter this (afternoon on ac count of other business, but will eon t Intra- to - examine witnesses . tomorrow morning. At that' time three witnesses produced-' by Captain Bruin will ,',b questioned.". .- f , . . .. ' Mr. Manning- did not know whether Indlcttnenta would be brought against any of the gsmblers.-and aaM that be would make no statement until he had finished -the-fnveetigattoni The report that grapevine llnea had been main tained iron the -Mllwauklejclub' to the Warwick aaloon in this for the purpose of giving raaulta 01 race had not been .brought to his attention and he did. not know that Buch was the 'CaSe. "; : - - .'V If the dlatrlct attorney brlnga in In- hare to face the atate circuit court In addition to their trials in tha municipal Twt BpeelaJ rroaecatora. Thomas Greene, a member of 'Mayor Lane's police committee of tha elty executive . board.- and 1 Henry Medina fhava Iimi, ' air. aa atlal eutor -en behalf of -the mayor and the city. It la aald that they will appear in tha municipal court next Monday morn ing to assist Assistant City Attorney Kltsgereld when the esses against the gambiera come up for trial. 1 Some queer altuatlona have developed In connection with the casea against the -Milwaukie gambiera since tha raid Sun , day night. -. City Attorney Me-Nary. who questioned Mayor Lane's jurisdic tion In ordering .the raid, quietly left the city Monday -night for 'Washington, D. C. and left Assistant Attorney Vita gerald la charge of tha prosecution of the cases. . . Yesterday Municipal-Judge Cameron notified Mayor Lane that he waa plan ning to leave Portland Sntusday night frr. CallfArnla. mnA ssb-mI that uim.hnH V " ' r lj mill il li lit on thi hanrh during His IhlmM. Th a.anlt la that tKa mayor haa been planed In an extreme ly embarrassing situation. He not only hair to call In special prosecutors, but will have to name a Judge before, whom the casea will be tried. -1 The mayor said this morning that he had not selected anybody to flu Judge tfcmenms place and would nam no- Jtoa until tha utter had left tha -city, j Attorney Dan ' J. Malarkey appeared la the municipal court thia morning and requested Municipal. Judge Cameron to fix the amount - of ' ball . for Peter St. Mary, Tim DeBoeat and Martin and Hush. Ready, arrested by Police In spector Bruin 'at 'the new Milwaukie clubhouse. One thouaand dollars In eaah 111 ws deposited by the arrested men, who 'were charged with gambling, and the men now want the money and per mission to put up bonds. - - Deputy City Attorney Fitsgerald aald that -ire had Intended to. file charges agalnat the Milwaukie . men yeaterday aftaennin Ktift IK.I .tka. kjt been called into the case and. they had postponed It Mr. Fitzgerald then aald that he would file charges against the four men this afternoon, at which, time .Judge Cameron wMI fix the amount of , trie brmds. It Is aald that Isaac Orstton and Colonel 'Applrgate' stand ready to go on the bonds, iof the men who have made Milwaukie famous."- - -- n U Is said that Fitzgerald will charge in arrested men -with having aet up a gaming-house within four milea of the ;Ctty. limits, the charter providing that "the municipal authorities - control gambling-houses located within that distance T Portland. ' -;v RESENTS INTERFERENCE.'; .'. .''.: ,n - KUwaakl Mass Meeting jgxpreseea XMs- r approval sf maid Ola?. ' "; (ApeH.1 Darpstek t The JenrasL) ' " AiuwauKie. irr., mo v. - Zl. A mass meeting called - by Mayor William Hhfndler. to nominate candidates for city officers, was held laat night and after naming a. ticket passed a reaolu ton to the effect that the Interference of the. Portlsn-l city government In the jiffs Ira of Milwaukie waa unwarranted. i la calling the meeting to order, Mayor Shlndler denounced Mayor Lane and aald th action of the Portland police ass a piece of impertinence that would not be tolerated a second time, All. the candidates placed in-nomina tion at last night's meeting ar favor- m Die to to continuation ei gamming. Mayor flhlndter ' voiced the opinion of the admlnlatt.lon jrhen he auld that II - mrmrn th nurnAMrtf tha I A erect a city hall that would cost about t;.0. Th" aura derived from th Mil waukie" Country clab and from other licensee would permit this Improvement t be mads without Incurring any In debtedness. Titer waa a general ex--preeaies, X oaanioo, ail Xsvorabi ts Us Speaker at Exercises in Honor of Irish Martyr Says Hebrew Race . Will . Rise Regenerated Out of Ghastly Funeral Pyre in Russia, Russian atrocities In' Odessa ' and Klshlnef were taken as a, slmllltuds of what another oppreaaed race "Buffered Jn bygone days, three victim-among which were honored last evening at Hibernian hall. Russian aristocracy ' waa ar raigned for tha JewtshDutrftgwa.-wb.rcb. led J. Henneasy Murphy to a brief re view of the maasacree- of Drogheda and Wexford, in Ireland. "Both were Inspired by the same ele ments he aald "Religious bigotry and racial hatred are - behind the Ruaalan atrocities, just-aa if or 60S year the government tried to break the spirit o the Irish Celt and apostatise him from his faith. Falling In this, tha ' poller of extermination followed then, aa it haa more recently in Russia Four thousand men, women and chil dren were butchered in the streets and towers of Dregeda and on the slopes of Wexford. - The acene la- being re peated at Odessa and Klshlnef. in the same cause and with equally shocking details.- But tha . spirit of the Jewa cannot be broken, and he , cannot . be apostatised. . . . v ' "Out of the ghaatly funeral pyre in Russia, If the logic of history and the deductlona of experience prevail, will rise a regenerated race,- which will take ita place among the phlloeophera, atatee men, poets and jurists of the world. - "The irishman and the Jew have corne .out of the bloody centuries in the Same category of oppression and perse cution. ; It i was an Irishman Michael Davltt who gave to the world details of the first horrible atory or Klshlnef,' and Irishmen today the world over are in deepest sympathy with the Jew. 'Irishmen In Britain were the first to be emancipated by the mighty Intellect of O'Conneil, and Irishmen like - Shlell, whose famoue defense of the Jews In the house of commons ..from 1IJ0 - to IMS by voice and vote is well, known, were ' the ateadfaat friends ' of the "Jews for -removal of their- disabilities in- the parliament of England." Mr. Murphy waa-on of tha apeakera on tha program laat'evenlng. which was arranged la. memory of the three Irish men, Allen. Lark in and O'Brien. - who wereTtanged . In Manchester, England, f November 21, -117 for -havingparticipated in the , re sous of Irish political prisoner There were several - other numbers on the program, the principal orator of the evening being P. II. D'Arcy of Salem, who devoted much of hla ora tion to a review of the three men's ca reers. Dr. A. - C Smith presided and Breadon Keating, -Miss Nora Barrett, Miss Elisabeth liar was, P. D. Henneasy and Miss Helen Llghtner contributed to the musicsl entertainment , PRESIDENMLIIOTT-JIND PARTY COMING r Thought Visit of Notables Has to ' Do With Construction of 'North Bank Uner " President Elliott of th Northern Pa cific, accompanied by Trafflo Director Wood worth, tha general manager of tha system, and others prominent In Northern Pacific and Great Northern affairs, ar due In -hla city Saturday. The purpose rf"the vllt s "not given out which leaves rumor busy "assorts t- tTn g-flis" trl')' Willi Impsrtswt rtaraloPa. menta it the north bank, construction work. j , " The party Is expected to leave th Northern . Pacific main line at Paaco ant) enter upon, the 0.-R.4i N. system st Hunt's Junction, from;, which point the trip will be down the Columbia on the ahore opposite that , on which the Northern . Pacific la constructing the new rosd. .... TRANSPORT BUF0RD IS - DAMAGED BY STORM San Francisco, ' Nov. - II. The army transport Buford.. -which 'arrived late laat night' from the; Philippines via Honolulu, reports very rough westher after' leaving the, latter port" riven Out of her course,' the vessel was st the mercy of the wind for nearly 40-hours. One immense sea dashed . over the bridge, deluging the vessel and' Injuring Private Ward. 'Sergeant Hayes' and a dosen passengers, besldeajdolng con siderable damage to the vessel. , i. The Buford brought 71 csbln passen gers. Tit enlisted soldiers, four marines, tit discharged men.. Jl prisoners and 10 civilians. Among the troops waa the Fourteenth cavalry, recently on duty in Mindanao and Jolo, which will proceed to Walla - Walla and Monterey. WARRANTS OUT FOR - CONCERT HALL, MEN Warrsrits were ' issued this afternoon for the arrest of Eugene Blaster, August Krlck-ton;' John Blaster and Fred Frits for allowing women - to frequent .their saloons and engage in dancing and vau deville exhibition clubhouse. If there. Is any formidable opposition to licensed gambling in Mil waukie it waa - not manifest at .the meeting laat night It waa declared that the. operation of the Country club did not affect the morals of Milwaukie,' aa the place was not patronised by Mil waukie young men. ", The meeting was presided over by Councilman John Kelso. Mis term ex piree in December. The ticket nomi nated follows: Councilman, O. M. Math ews. Philip Strelb. George Hlveley; re corder, N. Cooper; treaaurer, F, W.. Leh man. ' r The' mayor and Councilman Wsbater hold over for another year. Marshal Uowllng and City . Attorney. Llvy Stipp ware elected by the council. It la hard ly probable, that another ticket will be placed In nomination. - ' A resolution ws passed at the meet ing pledging th administration - to a ill levy of 1 mills. Thia probably will be contingent on th Country club being go rmuwfl run. In Case of C. M. Crangle. He Orders Crangle to Pay Thirty. Dollar for Wife Attorney Fees and Fiya Dol lars a Week. I r'i.M"- ' "When a man takes .a wife, he takes her for better or worse, and If it proves the latter he la bound nevertheleaa to suport her," aald Judge Fraaer this morning In listening to objections made by attorneys for C M. Crangle to paying f 100 attorneys' fees and tit a month to the support of hla wlf pending the de cision of his suit for divorce. Attorneys for. Crangle aald that he waa receiving but ISO a month and that be needed tiO a month for hla expense It waa asserted also' that he had to meet a large number of llena on household furniture, all of which '. bad reaultsd from hla wife's extravagance.. It was claimed that last Sunday night the wife had thrown a atone through a window of her former home to the great annoy ance of her husband, who waa sitting on tha other side of the window. The Judge waa Informed that becauea of the.wlfc'a reckless mortgaging of the family effects the husband waa unable to pay any amount to her support pend ing the hearing of the case. " .On the part or the defenae It was argued that the wife could not preaent her defense unless ah received money for - the fees of the case and that aha had an alibi in the atenthrowIng epi sode. ; Judge Fraser aald: - "It Is evident- that the husband can better live on something lesa than 160 a month than hla wife can live on noth Ing. - It - Is also - apparent that - while the family partnership still exist he haa all the income and must provide for hla wife. I It . he- paid nothing toward her costs in defending tha divorce suit brought agalnat her by him. he would keep her from her Just privilege. To grant auch a request would be to give unscrupulous husbands a chance to dl vorce their wlvea without allowing .the latter a hearing In court. If he cannot pay for more than hla pef sonar expense he had better not bring the suit. In view of tha circumstances, how ever, the judge cut down the attorney feea asked for front 1100 to 130 and ordered that IS - a week be paid aldytiy Crangle-for hlatwlft's support ARGUES THAT PROHIBITION LAV DOES HOT APPLY Judge Burnett Takes Case of C. B. Hansard of Lebanon Under Advisement. (Special Dtssateh to The JosraiU cir cuit court yesterday afternoon and las evening the case of the state against O. B. Hansard of Lebanon, charged with a violation of the local prohibition law In South Lebanon precinct one of the dry precincts of this county, csme up for hearing before Judge Burnett on an agreed atate of facta. The defense in the argument urged that th local prohibition law did not spply to incorporated towns, the charter provisions holding in that case; also mat the local option law waa vpid. owing to the failure In ststlng in the title tne subject matter or all of it and that -the petitlona for the local prohibition elec tion and the- posting of the notices wer not had according to the law and hence the election, 'even If the law was good, wss void. To provethe latter conten tion testimony was Introduced before the .. 1 The etate'a attorneys held that ' tha local prohibition law, being enacted later than the charter of Lebanon, abro gated the charter so far aa it conflicted with the prohibition law; that the sub ject matter did not have to be aet out In en act passed by the initiative, and that th errora that might have been made in the ttetltions were not aerlous enough to affect th election in this county. ;"- --.- - , - Judge Burnett took th matter under advisement until the first day of the March (ltOf term, when It will o de cided. ' Th caa of Luke Jennings or Lebanon and that of Arthur Kennedy of Craw- fordavllle. both of them charged wun the violation of the local prohibition law, were both argued and taken under advisement. DECIDES HE HAS RIGHT v T0TRYC0RDW00DCASE xSBBBB-aw-TaaawaaaT' . . The suit of Henry Witt ' sgalnst George T. Potest la a novel one In sev ers! wsya," according to Judge Fraser of the circuit court bench, -who this morning overruled a demurrer of the de fendant that the court did not have Ju risdiction. - ' 1 Thia is the first time In my rereem- brcmee when a suit haa beetr-brought In this court to determine-the tMle to per sonal property.""eaid the Judg, "and the, caee le the more novel Inasmuch . ss the property Involved Is In the stste of Washington. The court however, can prevent the defendant from Interfering with th rights or tne piaimirr in an Illegal manner, and so such a suit may be tried here. The court slso hss the power to try the rights ot the parties realdlna- In the atate, even though the property under discussion may be In the. bounds of another commonweaitn. . Suit was brought by Witt to deter mine the ownership' of IS cord of wood near Butler, in aksrnanl. eounty, Waahlngton. . v . ; . .. ART PROMOTERS NOW , READY TO MAKE GOOD '.Attorney .A. C. Emmons this morning announced thst the officers of the So ciety of Japanese Art Admirers wrre willing to give a dollar's worth of goods to sll holders of tickets in the society. These tickets should be presented st 41 North Twenty-sisth street tomorrow -e snd Saturday between It a. m. snd 4d p. m. sur. emmoni aaya tnat many or the, presents to be given members of d the soetety are worth much-more than d fl each.. The Japan'Se were arrested recently by Sheriff Word charged witu d setting up ft lottery. ThV pleaded Pcasanta Continue Riots Throughout Province- New York ' Jews Mourn lor Slain Ruisian Brethren Six Thousand in Parade. ' ' (Jearsal IpeeUl Barries.! - London. Nov. tS. The 8t. Petersburg correspondent of- the Standard claim to have excellent autnonty lor mating that - Count Wltte's healt'i is musing the gravest anxiety. He had a paralytlo selsure last week, partly disabling his left arm. th atroke for several iioura being accompanied by attacxa or mint ing. This Is the second time Wltte has suffered from paralysis. '- The semstvo congress at Moscow-is still debating the proposition to aupport th government In Its efforts tar restore order. - The program outlined by the semstvotsts aska for the transformation of the first douma into a constituent aaaembly to be elected on the bnsla of direct and universal surrrag. - A vote la being taken upon thia program today. The worklngmen and the peasants op pose this procedure. Everywhere atroci ties ar committed by agrarian moba. Estates are pillaged, buildings burned snd the aristocracy compelled to flee. Famine, la reported at vladlvlstok o-rlng to the deatructlon of storehouses. - JEWS MOURN DEAD. Bast etd Hebrews Tonm Mourning Pa rade for Ttotlma of Itassaoris. -f (Jearaal Special Scr-rles.) ' ' New York. Nov. It. Jews on the eaat side are today mourning for vic tims of the Russian massacres. . six thousand men and ' women paaaed through the streets of the Ghetto In a mourning parade behind a band, in which muffled drums . were playing marches. Letters from survivors of the Russlsn msssseres. were read, all de claring those 'who survive now envy thos dead. SEEKliPSfBUT AID LUG Detectives, Out on Murder Clue, Find . Starving Woman .With Crying Child In Hovel. , Chief of Police Qiitsmachar and. Cap tain Bailey . were called by telephone severs! times" fhls morning Slid Informed thst an Italian had been murdered at Itl Rherldan atreet Detect lvea Snow nd'r Cal enter ware , dUpatghed to Jhe searching through the Italian settlement In snd around Marquam gulch, but were unable to find any trace of a murder or an attempted muroer. But In their Invest I Ration they en tered a home of desolation In the gulch. Crouched in the corner of a little room, which waa chilled by the morning fog, was s woman nursing a s-monthe'-old babe. She waa badly frightened "when the officers entered the house. - She aald that on Tueaday night her husband had come home and abused ner, then amaahed the only stove In the house. This work of vandaliara completed, h forced his wife to give lilot the few dillara that she had been saving to buy food and fuel, and again aavagely at tacked her. He then left the hoilse. and hla wife haa not heard from him alnce. Datsctlve Snow advised the woman to awear out a complaint rnTn'" ner rif Ltliin ina apply ur in Diaru of Charities for relief. THREE INJURED IN ' COLLISION AT BUTTE (Jnarnal Special Service.) Butte, Mont, Nov. 23. Owing , to dense fog yesterday morning two Northern Pacific engines collided just south of this city. Injuring Fireman J, F. Nicola, Csl Lavengood and Jesse Btaffaaon. two stockmen, and wreck ing several stock care. As both trains were moving slowly, the dsmsge wss not . very . extensive snd there wss no delsy to traffic. ...... . SURVEYORS AT WORK ' NEAR HUNTINGTON (Sneelal Dispatch te Tie Joarnat.) Huntington, Or., Nov. 11. Surveyors are at work in the vicinity of Hunting ton, who are said to be connected with the proposed line of road southwesterly to California, and they are busy making plats snd profiles of ths wster power possibilities In tine of the deep canyons about two-miles from Huntington for au electric Interurban line.. , v. TELLS TALE OF HOLD-UP IS ACCUSED OF CRIME Detsttlvea Kerrigan snd Snow ar rested ' K. H. Sustla for robbing the Lobby saloon on Front atreet ' Sustln wss a bartender and said that be had been held up and robbed. It Is now alleged by the proprietor that Sustln took tne money instsaa. FIRE IN STREETCAR : -SCARES PASSENGERS At 1 o'clock this afternoon a d crowded car' on th Russell-- d d Shaver street line caught Mr 4 d while running down Burnalde' w d ' atreet between First snd Front . w d streets. Passengers tumbled out w of the csr into the street' Th 4 motormsn snd hoae company No, d 'I quenched the. flames, which ' threatened to - destroy the - ear. , d An overheating- of the electrical d) ..machinery ,; started tha -blase, which oaughf -the woodwork. d No one was hurt , - Asdistks. dilcostato. Alleged to Have Made False Loca tiona of Timber Claims, and to Have Secured Legal Certificates by Misstaternenta. j ' '. ', (SpeeUl DtoiMrtck te Tha JaaraaL) Klamath Falls. Or... Nov. 21. Attor ney Oscar C, Stone baa been disbarred from practice before the JJnlted States land office for alleged fraudulent aots committed by him. He was i.ummdned to appear at Lakeview November to be fore the register and receiver of the land office, but failed to appear. -The prosecution, represented , by Special Agent W W. Scott, filed pa para In sup port or the following charges: First That defendant -made false lo cations of timber claims in the neigh borhood of Corvallla, Oregon. second That . aefendnnt wan not an attorney of record In the slats of Ore gon. '. - Third That defendant obtained a certificate of good standing aa an at torney from Hon. Henry L. Benson.' Judge "of th circuit, court of Klamath and Lake countlea, by falaely represent Ing that he waa a regularly admitted at torney in this stste. - . t . Fourth That the atatement contained In defendant's application to th local land office at Lakeview for recognition aa an attorney, that he had been recog nised ss sn attorney before the general land -of f le t Washington, D. C. and at local land offices In Idaho and Art sons, are false. ' .. Fifth That defendant collected a certain sum of money from one J. F. Collmwn,- falsely representing- to said Collman that th amount so collected wss a res charged by the local land of fice for acting upon certain applications presented to said land office by Collman. The prosecution ssked thst In default of appears nc by' defendant and upon showing made. Judgment be entered for ever disbarring Oscar C Stone from further pra,cttc as sn attorney before this office, which requast waa granted and Judgment .entered. It la reported that Stone has gone to Gold Hill. Ore gon. '' It left a number of creditors. CLOSE BROTHERS SCORED - BY FITZGERALD - Deputy City Attorney Says They Juggle With the Law and Run Bad Saloons. The Close brothers, proprietors' of the Wsldorf and Totem saloons, .were scored In the municipal - court thia morning by Deputy City Attorney Fits- - - .. . .. . a. pleaded guilty and waa fined tit. "Those men are operating two of the worat saloons In -the city snd srs con tinually Juggling with' their licenses in order to escape charges. When ft com plaint la made by the police regarding either of the saloons of the Closes the defense Is slwsys put up thst the man who baa the lleenae was down some where, farming, when the slleged trou ble occurred, the so-called mansger wss st snother place, while the bartender, who Is" alwaya said to have been in charge of the place, alwaya atatea that he knew nothing of ths matter, And thats the way it goes.".. rred Close, W. H. Close snd Pearl Burge, who were arrested last Sunday afternoon In the Waldorf ssloon, corner oi rara ana Morrison streets. - were tljuin not guilty, MENDELSSOHN AND CHOPIN v DELIGHT OF MERE TOTS The Infsnt prod I ales who -were heard at the Allen ft Ollbert-Ramaker-piano nouse yes t eras y, ooys or s snd 4 years, played from memory some of the most difficult of Mendelssohn's and Chopin's compositions. , Dr. Clarence True Wil son, who haa attended their remarkable exhibition, thinks such marvels should be known more widely and haa arranged to have them give a free public exhibi tion at the Grace Methodist .church to night which every one interested is Invited to attend. The children are David, aged t years, Robert 4 years and Clarence, who will be a years old In January, of Madame M. Berllno of New York. She says that she has given her children training by a memory ayatem of her own and the results certainly are remarkable. They can name the presidents in or der, their dates of Inauguration and the number of terms each served. And they would be th delight of ft Sabbath achool teacher ' who weartiy atrlvea to drum Into tha heads of young hopefula the books -of ths Bible In order and biblical namea and events, for they csn recite all unerringly. . HILLSBOR(T MINISTERS' v CONFERENCE CLOSES (Special Dlapatrh t Tbe Journal.) Hlllsboro. Or., Nov. 11. The minis ters' conference f the West Portlsnd district M. K. church closed two days' session here yesterday. - evening. The meeting waa ft very profitable one. It out of the 10 ministers In the district being In attendance. This meeting waa not one provided for by law but to meet the popular demands of mutual con ference to consider topics of practical work and devotion. . . The railroad expense of the attending members waa equally shared, tha coet to eschi being tl. '-' . sTsw Houses' -' The following building permits were Issued yesterdsy: Chsrles 8. Boas, res idence. Bast Fifteenth near Hancock street, cost t2,4a- J- A- Forbes.jcottsge, Bast Morrison,' between East - Thirty fourth snd Kast Thirty-fifth ' streets. coat 11.000; H. L. Camp, cottage, corner Eaat Waahlngton ' and East Twentieth streets, cost 11, 100; Oeorge Schwars, two cottages, corner Kast Washington and Fast Twentieth streets, cost 12,- 400: O. -H. Reed, cottage, Grand avenue. between Beech snd Fremont streets. Add ; Their . Signatures, i Thus Ex pressing Opinion That Franchise Is Merely a Licen'seJ 'Terminable - at Will of CounciL . 'If. ' r, 'C ! Signatures to ' the petitions to the council i for 'the passage of th ordl nancear for the repeal of tha Fourth street franchise are being added rapidly. Several petitlona are in circulation and it la not 'known Juat how many have signed today, but smong those who have are: J. K. QUI Co., Skidmor Drug company, Frederick W. Mulkey, L. 8. Mayer Co., John F. Caplea, aeorge W. AUen. H. Miller Son. A. H. Birrelt Ous Rosenblatt, William Gregory, Blumauer aV Hocti, Shanshan "Dry Goods company, Tull aV Glbba, Anderson Bros., John Wilson estate. Msrk O'Neill, P. J. Mann. Samuel Rosenblatt 'As Co.. A. B. Stelnbach A Co., Llpman, -Wolfe aV Co. Olds, Wortman A King. Ben Selling, Sliverfleld Co., R. F. -Prael. Honeyman Hardware compaay, McAUen A McDon nell, Famoua Clothing company, J. W. A V. Cook and Roberts Bros. . A number of lawyera have algned the petitlona, thua giving evidence that tbey regard the legal position taken by Coun cil men W. T. Vaughn tenable. In which he contenda that the Fourth atreet fran chise of the Southern Pacific la merely license, revocable at the will of the people through th city "council, v LIQUOR DEALERS I'Ilt TRY - HilMIVETOO : Want to Establish Precinct Local Option, as Provided by Jayne Bill. By meana of ths Initiative, the liquor dealers of the state hope to secure sn amendment. to the local option law at the general election next June. Peti tions srs being circulated demsndlng that an amendment to the law. similar to that propoaed by the Jayne bill at the last session of the legislature, be submitted to the voters. - ' ' The propoaed amendment would give to each precIhcTtnThe'laTa71oCar-nTf government in tne matter or proniouion. No precinct could be made "dry" by. the vote of the adjoining preclncta nor ot the eounty In which It la situated. . Another Important feature la the pro vision that IS per cent Instead of 10 per cent of the voters, ar required to call an election In any precinct; group or precincta or county -on ins question or prohibition. The petitions were drswa under the direction of the Brewers' snd Wholesale Liquor Dealers' association and are be ing circulated by members of the Roysl Arch, - sn organisation, of ths . retail liquor dealers. FOUR RAILROADS CHARGED WITH VIOLATION OF LAW Suits were tiled todsy by Asrflstsnt United States. District A.iomey Banka to collect penaltlea from, the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, the Northern Pacific the North - Pacific Terminal company and the Southern Pa clflc. -for failure , to comply . with ths' "safety appliance act paaaed by con gress five yeara ago. The act requires railroads to use automatlo couplers, handbrakes and other devices and Im poses a penslty of 1100 for each viola tion. .-. ..- , -. .. i The- complaint in each case sets out the specific vlolatlona, which rang In number from two by th Southern Pa cific to, "seven' bf the' Wui in " psulrlu Terminal company. . CHARLES TOFF HAS A : FORTUNE, WHERE IS HE? - Chief of Police Grttsmacher has been requested by Mrs.- Amsnda Kutsleb of Leavenworth, -Kansas,, to look for her brother,; Charles Toff, a , deaf mute printer, II yeara old, f feet T Inches tall and with blue eyes. - His sister declares that he has s one third Interest In an aetata awaiting, him and ahe will pay 12t to any one-who -will inform ber wher Totr can b located. , . -- Dr.' W. H. Hcbedlney.aged to yeara, wanted by Bellingham,. Washington, people to sign several mortgage pspera. Grover B. Thompson, aged - zi yeara. wandered away from - hla - home- near Spokane. . A reward will be paid by hla relatives for any- Information leading to his recovery, i i - -1 . SWARM. OF APPLICANTS v ; ASSAIL' WOLVERTON (Special Dispatch t Tke Jearaal.l t Salem, Or., Nov.. ll.-Thar Anderson M. - Cannon will be appofhted clerk of the federal court 1 the consensus of opinion here. Judge - Wolverton could not be seen because of , swarm of ap plicants for the clerkship which haa flooded hia office since "early morning. Cannon is ft' prominent Salem attorney and lifelong peraonal friend of Judge Wolverton.- v" "l -. - - C. EBATY BECOMES POLICE SERGEANT . y mmmitammmm , . .... Acting Police Sergeant Charles - E. Baty has been appointed by th civil service commission to be sergeant -Ha was acting sergeant st tha ITpshar street station during the Iwta and Clark sposltlon. ' The following wer i appointed patrol men: Fred Mallitt, Mv P. Murphy, R. V. McQInnls, H. C. Bales and J. ,A. Mears. . - Seugla Ooaaty rioaee-r Pead. ; (Sparta IXspatrh te Tbe tearnaL) - Roseburg. Or.. Jov. tt. Mrs. Mary Portln, ft well-known pioneer of Cole's vslley, Douglas county, died st ths home of her daughter, Mrs. Hsrvey Jones, In this city yesterdsy -at th sg of 71 yasrs. . Mrs. ... Portia wss ft nstlve of Indlsns. Sh cams to Oregon with her parents. Mr.- and Mrs. David Rldsnour. JJa llSf ti waj of Cap Horn, - Never Provided Her With Home Sep arate From - Relatives aad Neg- . lected to Supply Her With-Money to Buy Clothes for Self and. Child. Mrs. : Guy E. Reynolds, wife -of - a wealthy dairyman residing in- eastern Multnomah county, strenuously opp6aei ' the efforte of her husband to secure possession of their Infant child.' In an answering affidavit to his habeas corpus writ- she chargea th dairyman with gross abuses, neglect to- provide neces- -Barlea snd comforts for either herself or her child, and with willful efforts to drive her away. On these premises Mrs. Reynolds aaka that- her child be not taken from her. but that her husband be compelled .to aupport her and the child..: -. . . ,. .... ,. , , "He haa - shsmefully abused and maltreated, me," says ths affidavit. , "aad Inaulted.m concerning the expense of my illness) when I had to undergo two operations.- - During tbe past year I have been compelled to ask his mother for every penny I received, and t have not .been able to buy winter clothing for either myself or the child.". . (Ura. Reynolds insists that her hue- band and hla parenta-.wanted her to leav home, but not to take the child, and he agreed to give her a-considerable sum of money if she would do so. ' POLITICS WILL i;0T AFFECT I'OLVERTGTS CHOICE. Many Suggested for Position of Clerk of Court, but No. De .7 ": '- cislon Is Announced. - ;; There Is much speculation as to Judge Wqlverton's probable choice for clerk of the United Statea district court. While he may retain ,th . lnoumbtfnt, Edward D. McKee, If Is expected gener-, slly thst there will be, ft Change, snd the office is regarded aa moat desirable. In the event th'ar McKee la not re talned it la possible that the office may ent deputy clerk. That .selection pro! sbly would meet with general appro among the attorneys who practice' in th federal court, and hla thorough: fs mlllarlty with th duties, of the office is a atrong argument In hla fa,vr. . .Many name have been mentioned in eonnectlon with the r off ic and politi--cal influence haa been invoked In be half of some of the aspirants. ' Tha rumor -was tjrren( that Percy. Kelly of Albany . might . be a formidable candi date,'-bat the story appears to lack con firmation. ' Henry E. Red and E. C Olltner are -also mentioned as In the ran. -.,.-,.-' - --.,-"- Judge rWo1vftonTlB"'l peculHrly Independent position ao far as political obligations are concerned and probably will make his own - selection f or clerk f his court. Certain of his personal friends Intimate that he is quite likely to sppolnt Albert MoConnell, a young attorney of Salem, though - this Is merely conjecture. McConnell is a Stanford graduate and is at preaent chief stenographer for ths supreme court. Th appointment is hot likely to be made until after .Judge Wolverton takes his seat, which may not b for ft fortnight or mor.'- ER FORMER DIES OF " PTOMAINE POISONING ' . - - - -. . Uonrnal Special get tie, t . Wullai Mswt.i New, aa., Nisaliaa. - ft vaudeville performer, died last night of ptomaine poisoning at his room In ft local lodging-house, aged IS yeara. Nisaliaa had ft habit of lunching In hla' room' and Tueaday night ate ap portion of a can of boneless turkey. He left the remainder of the mest In 'ths ' can overnight and yesterday at what 1 left of the fowl. Shortly after- ward he wsa aelsed with cramps and medical, aid was summoned, i Everything possible wss done, for ths man,- but the ' efforts of-the physician, were unavall Ing.-,- - - . W0 FRANCHISES GIVEN . ; BY SALEM COUNCIL: (Special Dlapatek te Tb foarasl) Salem. Nov. St. Th Automatlo Tele phone A Telegraph company was lost night granted ft franchise by the. city council. The new company is to pay into -the-city treasury 1 per cent of its net esrntngs after the first year and is to furnish two hooks on each pole free for city Are alarm system. Ths council hss granted ft-rrsncnisa , to the Willamette Valley Electric Rail way company -to construct and operate railway through th atreet ot the city. . This Is the compsny that pro poses to eventually build an electric railway from Roseburg to Portlsnd." GOVERNMENT RESTS IN THE BURTON CASE - . t . anM MMa. I l 4 .. . - . (Josrnal Special Service.) St, Louie. Nov, It. The government rests Its cass In the Burton trie!, thi afternoon snd the defenae asked that the eass be dismissed. - -- 's , . . Poke Oftaa Kaldsd. Sergeant Taylor and Patrolman Hum mersley raided ft poker game st 12 H, North Third Street about 11 o'olock to day and arrested A. lrson. the pro prietor, and R. Lucas Snd John Aldrloh, who wer participating la the gam. The proprietor .waa released on tM and the gambler each on til ball. rive Traiamea KUUd. VI,' foaraai Special rw.i i Albion, Ind.,' Nov, tt. Thia mqmlnS S B. A O. freight trsln snd s' grsvsl trsln - collided. Plve trslnmen :wer killed.' .17.-' .- ,-r- . . ."; Vriketr fln-ed Thausftftd, . ' ' : - Uforsal Spselal Semn, j-.' ' Milwaukee, Nov. St. J, M. fmasherg plesded-guilty to offering ths super- ' visor s bribe of ll.tuo for hi vote on ft contract and wsa flosa 11,00 ao4 cos is. - r -