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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
THS OREGON .DAILY JOUr.IIAL. FORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. "NQVCMCSR 23. 1S03. TOVrJ -TOPICS OJHOST'l AXVIEMXVTf. Mifijuioa Graaa B. F. Outcault. Laetura Hlun "Tb ratal Car llmnlr ........"A Brokaa Haart Bkr.... ...... .i........i..MiMlcal BurlaiH4 - Lrle. .J. "A Iraaip's Uatb Liberty ........ (....,......... Vullll iran ......... ..1. ......... V.uoa.lll, .Star Tau4TlU R. B. Miliar, general freight agent of the Harriman Unas In Oregon, who has - bn on a business mission la Chicago and New Tork for. Six weeks; Is again at hla dek.' Ha spent considerable time In Chicago In conference with the heads or the Warm department of the Harrl ' man' system. 'and Accompanied W. W cotton to - New Torn, where both of fiolala gave testimony In damage suits .affecting the Harriman roads. Mr. Miller declines to discuss the business which, engaged his attention, but it la supposed e attended conferences in .' which the plana of the Harriman man- agement lor uregon extensions were - discussed, particularly .the survey now . being made through, central Oreaon. Mr. - Miller has made1 numerous trips Into central uregon and Is aald to be aa fa miliar with conditions there as any . oiner raiiroaa ornclal. , K. M. Cederbergh. administrator of the estate of Rudolph Johnson, killed In a streetcar accident laat February, aays that an order was made several day a ago oy county Judge Webater for O. R. - Scott, former administrator of the es. . tate, to turn ever-tl.T7t belonging to the estate. "This Boot! has refused to do," adds Cederbergh; "last Monday Bcott offered County Clerk Frank B. Fields a eertlflcata ot deposit for the money,, but Fields refused to accept It as it waa made payable In favor of etcott. Bcott was aaked to make It In .'favor of Mr. Fields, But ho far thla haa not been . done. - My attorney. Frank Sohlegel, Informed Judge Webater ot the matter laat Monday and the court again ordered the money turned ever to me as administrator, but no atten. lion haa been paid to the court's re quest. . ... , r .... . The demurrer of the defendant - In the case . of I Carrie . M. El went against P. H. Marlay. IL E. Noble and J. Olsea was overruled by Judge Fraser. In the circuit court thla morning. The plain tiff brought suit to quiet the title of the: defendants ,to certain waterfront property near East Washington street - and alleged that she desired to build a -. wharf on the property, but' waa re. ' strained by the claims of the defend- , mts, who alleged others and contradte tory rights. The- plaintiff desired that the defendants be made to ahow what claim they - had against the property, , and the defense objected to certain por tions of ther petition as not setting forth sufficient facts to oonstltute a cause of action. ' '""' ' f - In the case of tba Portland Manufac turing. J?9mpanjr against : Jon Word. snerur, judge sears in. the crreure court thla morning allowed a motion to strike ut parts of the answer. ; In this case the company. Is seeking to recover a TTiaft of logs lield -bjrher sheriff under a writ of execution on a logger's lien. It Is alleged by the sheriff that the company .haa no interest in the matter. as prior to the judgment being res. dared and at.' th tlma of the hearing it had denied any interest In the raft. but bad alleged that . it waa the prop- arty of the Oregon Round Lumber com 'panyj ! .- .,. .. K-tw-.- v -Northern f. Pacific .agents: have - been unable to agree with the hair of P. W. Ollletta on. a price to be paid for two lota in bloc i 107. Couch'a addition. needed for their new terminal grounds. and have ,begun a suit to condemn and appraise tba property. The company pleads that - the property la not worth more than $10,000. - A similar action haa been brought against I Boire et al. . Aside from these comparatively small trouble, tba Northern Pacific haa ef. fectod ita new entrance into Portland, Involving expenditure of mora - than l,ooo,0v. without litigation. Everything about the Thanksgiving turkey from th selection snd purchase to (he eating waa discussed by Miss Lillian B. Tingle of the Domestic Science school last night and almost as much waa actually demonstrated before the eager eye of watchful yonng house wives. Clearistna. truaslna- end etiifflne """TliaTTJlrdwerf process er xplalneT-and 4 Jthe - different kinds of dressing were discussed snd their, respective merits put forward. By special request Miss Tingi win repeat th lecture tomor row morning at 10 . o'clock. It ha proved on of her most popular one. Judge Fraser this morninggranted the motion of the Oregon Water Power company. In which It aakad that cer tain parta of the petition of Mrs. K. a Eprsgue be stricken out a Immaterial. Mrs, 'Bprague Is suing th company for is.eos damages ror injuries alleged to have 'been sustained April 7, this year, at ' East Morrison and East ? Water streets through th negligence . of the company In replacing th Morrison street roadway after making th Water 'street fill. , ' . , '.'' . . , , t i. ', Police Inspector Bruin last night ar rested a man .who rave th name of .Fred O Root and an 11-year-old girl .who- told Captain John Moor her nam was Jan Brown, In th Palm rooming house near th corner of . Sixth and Stark streets. Root was released on 1101 cash ball and th girl waa allowed to go with a slstsr. . Attorney Prague said that hs would see to ft that ah , appeared In the municipal court when wanted. . Mr.' A. J. Ha gen, who formerly was proprietor of ' taSatarprlaa-creanrery, has opened a' new store at HI Fourth 'street under th nam of the Central creamery with a. full line of groceries, making a specialty of butter, cheese and . eggs. -He will again serve his old and -new customers with the same prompt ness srid honorable service a before. Auction! Auttlont Never before have the people of Portland had the oppor tunity offered' them to buy diamond, watches, jewelry, cut glass and silver ware absolutely at their own plica. A visit to our establishment will prove the-above assertion. 'Auction daily, 1:10 to 7:39. Beau for ladles. A. It. Loew enstetn, I0IH Washington street. . Penney Brothers' Friday Special Four ,blg .bargains In wlnet IMS grade .Whit Port, at l per gallon; 11.1 grade -Angelica, at! per gallon! It. grade Madeira, at II per' gallon; 1 1.J0 grade Tokay. St t per gallon. Phone Kast 37. Free delivery.. 171-111 Kast Mor rison.,,.;.... J,. . .-..... . P. Btrong. owner of the Kenyon hoiet, suffered ever Injuries yesterday afternoon In the basement of the house when gas which accumulated In the furnace exploded- Mr. Btrong was stunned for several minutes and hi hands and fsc were badly burned. Th annual, election of officers' of Webfoot camp No. 1 will he held Fri es evanlnt Decrnfctr 14, la AV. O. W. AUCTION OF OUTCAULT ORIGINAL" DRAWINGS FOR Th .Yellow Kid Outcault's First Of fens. A unique feature of tha Outcault en tertainment at the" Marquam tonight will be an auctlon of th artlat's drawing for the benefit of tha Children's home. Mr: Outcault has generously presented all of the originals which he wilt make at the children's matinee thla afternoon and at th evening talk, too. to his man agers, Louis Steers-Wynn Coman. and they onTered them & to th Children home. All t th drawings will be In colors snd each one will be signed by th artist. ' They will all be auctioned to the audience tonight on the stage hall. Tenth and Washington streets. A Thanksgiving turkey will be given- away and tickets will be given out for ths fifteenth annual banquet. December I. These tlckota can be -secured only is camp on November 14 and December 1, All members are urged to be present Visitors welcome. -.-. . . . Henry Wagner- yeterdajrfternoon filed a petition In the county, probate oourt for letters of administration in tha eatate of bia wife. Louise H. Wag ner, who died intestate October 14. In the petition Mr. Wagner states that the estate of hla wife la worth 1171.000 anl that he and Henry Walnhard Wagnet aged It years, are tha sole heirs. t. J. ' Louis MacEvoy. an actor,-burned his hand last night at the Oregon ho tel while attempting to Insert th plug In ay steam radiator,- In company-with Mrs. MacEvoy he la her en route to Ban Francisco, where he la to play -Raffles." ...-'-'; .- . ; , Brighten your home by planting a bed of showy tuMpev" poesn t cost much. Our new bulb catalog gives prices an all Information. Call Main 471 and aak our bulb salesman about lu - Do it now. Portland Seed Co., Front and Tamb.Ul. Wanted Bnergetlo young men to hear Tom , Richardson, manager Portland, Commercial club, at T. M. v. A. Satur day evening. - November IS. Subject, "Practical Opportunities for Young Men In tha Nortnweat." v Walter Bakera delicious Caraeas eat Ing chocolate In beautiful carton, 11 cents. Vanilla chocolate with whipped cream, II cents. Pre sample and re ceipt book to housekeepers at 11T Seventh street , . Bankrupt saleclothing, gents' fur nishing goods.-hats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots, shoes, etc at greatly re duced priced. To be sold In II days. Ill Flret street. ; - ' steamship Nome - City sslls from Couch street dock for .San. Francisco and Lo Angeles Monday evening, Nov ember IT. B. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main 141. Watches ana dlsmonds II down and lOo per week. Goods delivered on first earment. Xmaa Is oomlng. Metagar Co, Jeweler, optlclane, ill glxta. Tamo Btaln-Lao for chairs, sideboards and reflnlshlng sny kind woodwork. Fire sale price 4a quart. .101 Front atreet. ' C. J. B. Malarkey. wholesale - fish dealer, la slowly recovering from a sa ver illness or several weear duration. Jones loose leaf ledger snd Eureka sheets; first prise at expoaltlon.- Howe, Davis A Kllham. Ill Second street. The O. Heltkemper company are hav ing a cut-price sale on cut glaaa fof on week only.. Special bargains. Why ear 11.11 to 111 for ay glasses when ws guarantee a perfect fit for lit Metsger Co, 111 Sixth atreet ; Ws guarantee perfection In spectacles and eyeglasses at our little prices. Rubensteln, lSi iourth street- Merchants lunch ilc Sunday chicken dinner II. -Pain restaurant, II Sixth. Portland's best ' dancing school, III alder. Prof. Rlngler. Miss Buckenmeyer. Damaged by Bret Not much t Oranlte floor paint now 11 gallon, 101 Front St Emll Thlelhorn has resumed violin teaching at 111 Sixth. Tel. Main till. Damaged paint below cost, 201 Front Fin chicken dinner lOo, III Third. Frits' Umalea are ths best Why Not B Comfortabls? - Ws offer th finest fastest modern steamship service on the elegant new ateamshlp F. A. Kllburiw-whlh leavea tha dock foot of Oak' atreet for San Francisco, calling at Coos . Bay and Eureka, on Friday, November 14, at I p. m. . Unsurpassed meals. Luxurious berths. All rooms opening outside on upper decks. No "going below" to sleep or est. Lowest "stesm-schooner" rates. Three trips a month.. Ticket office gt dock,-:-... ; ,-,v Preferred Stock Oaaaad Oeea. - Allea Lewis' Btst Brand. CHILDREN'S HOME i - -awessa-w i .i after Mr. OUtcault Is through. A good ly sum should be realised, as It la an excellent opportunity to secure an ar tistic and rare original for somebody's Christmas stocking. Mr. Outcault's talk this evening will begin at S:l0.o'clock. Ths Tallow Kid, Buddy Tuckef and Buater with hla dog will all pop into existence beneath the artist's pencil; and tje creator himself will "give away" a few Interesting facta and fancies anent th cartoonist's profession. - - ' - - " - - Beats now selling at the Marquam box office. . GAVE LICENSE TO CLOSE JOINTS Such Is Explariatfon of St. Johns " 7 Council Concsrnlng Re- cent Action. ; . . PREFER ONE SALOON TO . SEVERAL BLIND PIGS 1 1 ' -, ' ; - .... . . w Company , Which Sscure ". Permit ', Agree to Help in Closing Secret -Places and to Build a Hotel Cost. infvventj Thonaand rollarg. a The east sloe eftce ef Tkl Joarnal la Is the Store ef J. at. C. Miller, SM Kast Morrlsos soeet. Talepbeae East STB. For th first time In it hi i tory ss a village, town or city of th second class, St Johns Is in the liquor column. Th first liquor ever legally sol J In th place will be ladled out to th thirsty loon. A license was granted to the St. Johns Hotel company at an adjr.urnej meeting of tha 1 council Tuesday night under circumstances ecmewhat peculiar and another Incident has attached Itself ta the somewhat unique municipal hls tery of St Johns. Though tha town treasury was with out cash, th licence waa nut granted because of a dealr to secure th license money, fend It waa no, granted because the majority of th clt'sena or tho coun cilman were advocates ef sn open town, ss this Is not and never haa been true. Th license was Issued, according to the oouncllmen and tha business men, be- cause ther were several places where liquor was Illegally sold to minor, drunkards snd other irresponsible snd becauso th tavern acroa the river waa nightly unloading Its crop of hilarious devotees on tha town. , .The unique feature of tha Incident was th promts exacted by th eounclt from the. hotel company - that It would employ a special officer to aid tha mar shal In gathering evidence and closing up the places where liquor waa being soia illegally,- r , The hotel . company paid a price for th license that would be considered exorbitant by Portland liquor dealers. 11,90 ror the first year, the salary of a special officer.' waa agreed to by .--the eompany and it waa further promised that a. hotel costing 120,010 would be erected and that the bar would be the smallest part of the institution. Other promises were exacted from th eom pany aa a guarantee that an orderly place that kept the law would be eon ducted. .,--...' The' council does not regard tns high lloenss paid by the company aa a guar antee that a monopoly will be given ths mm,. out is saia to ne wining to give g license to any other corporation' that will make the same agreement. Public sentiment at St. Johns haa not yet expressed Itself over tha unex pected act of ths council, and whether the old majority -that opposed saloons In any form will ..fight the license Is net yet apparent -' ' GIVES CAPLES AWAY. St, i'ehaa rerrymajl Telle aHortee About : Alleged Btatshal la Coast. 1 am more busy than you are: I cannot remember any little things, said Canulo Bernando to Deputy District Attorney Adams yesterday when the latter waa trying to .get him to ex plain regarding a pair of oara which It waa alleged Bernando had stolen from La fa Caples, who says he ls th mar shal of St. Johns, an honor Also claimed bj Merrltt Hanks. Caplea had Ber nando arrested on the charge of steal ing a pair of oara from him and the hearing was held In the eest side Jus tice court. . i J - . ' ' Bernando Is th ferryman at St John and explained that he had many paira . of eara In his possession that were the property of ethers, and that he waa constantly finding ears oa hla dock and pitting them away for safe "7 The big Exposition Piano Sale l3L.over. the most successful ever' held by Ellers Piano House. Don't know just now how many Instruments were sold in point of numbers.but the total amount of sales equals the magnificent sum of $106,794.35. It'll be many a day before this record Is equaled, let alone surpassed,- even -In . San Franclsco, a city three or four times the size of Portland. , Just now we're busy selling a lot of very fancy pianos' Kimbal Is, Webers, Chickerings,alo several Schumanns, three superb Haddorffs and "many-toned" Crowns that were to have been Included in our "downtown piano exhibi tion," but arrived here too late. . You've never seen any more elegant Instruments tnan these. They will be sold for cash or on Install ments at quite substantial reductions. Ellers Piano House, 351 Washington Street. V NONE SO PC on -That they cannot afford ' to hire their WASC1NG CCE AT 1 6c Pound We do the ironing free, except the kind that has to be done by hand. Linen called for and delivered. ' TELEPHONE MAIN 39$ Union Laundry xooso an council. keeping. - Incidentally, Bernando did not give the euppoaed marshal of 8t. Johns a good name when ha asserted thst the trouble between them aroas because Bernando would not allow Caplea free and constant access to his Jug of port wine. ... "Him gotta, so much I tell him let's swear off that drinking, for you know port veen cost money, and then he get him angree." ' .';.' ' ' In rebuttal. It was attempted to prove that Caples had only once been neigh borly with ths port wine Jug, but Ber- nanrtn, with a ahrug snd a wrlnklaof the brows, said:'. "No, no, mors than 200 tlmea mors thsn 100." The caae waa continued for further evidence, ... - ,.' , SAWDUST FOR FUEU Wool Kill XastaUa a SeU-eelag ' ruraaee System In lg Plant. . Arrangements have been made by the management of the . Portland Woolen Mills company at St. Johns to use saw dust fuel In the big mill and to dis pense with ths firemen. A Contract has been entered Into wjth the Peninsula Lumberl,cpnipnytft- furnlshjawdual by the carload, and these cars win ne switched to the mill siding and th sawdust unloaded directly Into the fur nace feeder. The machinery of the mill la - now starting on a new schedule, which. It Is expected, will result In the efficiency being Increased 10 per cent. Aa the workers in the factory are em ployed on the piecework basis, ths In crease in the efficiency ef the ma chinery will result in practically' a 10 per eent salary raise for all the hands. EAST SIDE' NOTES. Work hrbeeh started on. the public hay end Ire company houae at Midway and I we hulldl -.Ill h. fnm nl t ,! Kv I the first of January. President W. L. Boise of the Eaat Side Improvement association haa ap pointed W. E. Bplcer, M. B. McFall and C W. Nottingham aa a special commit tee to visit the Harriman officials and aak that the discriminative rat against tha eaat aide on account of bridge toils be abolished and that the awltching charge of II a car the Southern Pacific charges the O. R N. for east aide transfers be discontinued. H. Kumamato haa brought suit In the eaat aide Justice court against Carrie How for I221.IT, alleged to be due for work performed by the plaintiff In ,the brickyard o( the defendant. ' The young Ladles' society of the So dality of St. Mary' church. Alblna. will give a whist party and social at th church hall tomorrow evening. ', Whtrs to Dine. Merchants' lunch, ' II cents; special chicken dinner Sunday. II cents. Craft's restaurant. 111-117 Fourth street Special Btaste Bagaged. The committee who have charge of the dramatic entertainment given by the Artisans, at Shlvely's Opera house, November ti. have engaged special or chestral muslo to play overtures snd key-mualo for "The Hand of Shame." A great number of Artisans are coming from the surrounding community, snd It Is anticipated that thla will be on of the fwell affairs of the sesson. - Milwaukis Country Club. - Eastern and Seattle races. Tske Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. m OBIOOB WATIR POWIB . ft RAILWAY COBPABY. . .' HOTEL ESTACADA tlATBSi . IN ITYTCT 7X0M BOYIMBIR I. tedaiag with kressfe. 11 lam and hwe m Say....! 1.04 IjUmi aad Baard ar wwk 1I.0I 71,' BrMkfut, lot. Lanshaea, Me. Dinner, See. SMlal TIchH, laaledlag fMadtril Tars aad Slnser tLH sMlal Tlohat, taalnllns reaa-H tara, ea Bight's Mfiag aa4 thne eels .....7. N CARS LEAVE TicxiT arnoi yirst aid aldib its. DalhT at t :M, M, 11 M a. a. 14, 1 :4a, .... , 1:4. riB.SU , . V Phoeeer Write L. O, MatMahon, Mnagp ISTAOADA, ORIOOM. Hobart M. Cables, several AlCUBXlaOlaTTS. Scats Now Scllirig Fee the Original Britt - Nelson Pitcures Walrh wul be shows at tba " Marquam Grand Theatre ' Mil fV.rtrit Maii 0lOC Saturday UlgllD, UUVe i.f-W - Iperlal Matinee Saturday. Popular Prices 25c, 35c 50c, 75c ' autlaee rrtM, Sse, Ma. TONIGHT - Outcautt't "7 Buster Biown MARQUAM GRAND THEATRE AT 8,30 1 Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. 1 Delasco Theatre uau$u BXXASOO MATH. nON, lath sad Wash. t. B. U gackett, Ea. VI rr. '' ';-' TOalOHT Win TH1 POWERrUL DRAMA, . "We Fatal MATIXEU SATURDAY AND SUNDAY PRICKS-Nlgtat, tie t Tie. Mats.. IS and 50c. Next Wh "MICHAEL STHOOOrr." DlraaTkaaaA thges. Theatre Oe.. Janhlll sad Third Rta. Phone Main laoT, THE HUMS OF Ml HIC BURLKHQL'E. ". TON10HT THIS WEEK TOKIUHT "YAUSIAaT B XL LIS" EXTRA TAOAKZA COMPANY. LAST TIME SATURDAY TflOHT. ' Extra Attraetloo-4.A BELLE MARIg. 1 BBWaATtOlfAEf-TTABTTJNCr' Erealng PiirM ISe, Ac asd T5c. Satardar sad Susdar Matlaaaa ! 3Bm. as inn wnz. Nfit Week1 'LO N DO N GAIETY, OIRLS." Empire Theatre! llts aad Memsos. Pboee Mala 11T. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manaser. 1MB rorVLAB THEATRB. , Tsaisht All Week Matliwe B.tanl. ' 1. t: B.'CAYEN PBESENTS THB BEADTirTTT. "A Broken Heart' A Story tf th. rjokirede Mmntalse TntmstliaT wmh wa. muu niHi, Brmlng Prlcaa lHe. Ine, SV snd lee. Mallwe Prttta 10. . lac and Sac. SixlWttk-tNglXOHU WAX. ' THEATRE nee, xgrs. "A Tramp's Oath" Br T. 0. MacLeas. A COMEDY DRAMA IN FOUR ACTS. ADMD8ION. 10e: RESERVED SEAT. 90e. STAR THEATRE Week of NOV, aoth. rrleas The T1)rw OerdesM. ' Cliff rarrall. Rlarh and trails. Darar. . Cbaae and Adair. ., , The Orat Rlrharda. Adventare e( Sherlock IJolswa. BUtlaees 10a, sv'gs leo. Grand Theatre ' 1 As anqaalirM hit ' , cm-a merry travxstt nr e sll the faTorttea snd the vall-drllM Pn.ltlT.lf the laat week. Prices, aiatlnaae I Op, ewnlufs 10c, 0e ssl box 3nc. f NoTmhr IT, triumphant tetars Taade rllle haod by the fraat and onj Alhlal. Uterty Theatre J0,?, Manasanent ef K.alkif A Flood. The Ofeat Malvllle. The Mamies, tee White. Lou i. Brathera. - Bat Darling. Mr. aad Mra. John Chick.' Brltt-Bslsea PictarM en Blarrnsh. LlWrty'i SelMted Orahastra. Perfonasncn daily at S:M. I SO aad s. st. Adoilaakin, TEN snd TWRNTY wnta. GOVERNMENT SHOES 1,000 VAXB of Government Shoes At $1.50 Slsea I to 12, selling at ll.ll per pair. M. WAX tax front, eOraer JeSerssa. Open Tatll p.m. - TT7WI no) I ' FOR GOLDG in I,1. 1 W. I-i.-Market! 1 ' : I 121-123 GRAND AVENUE , IMf, A -1 " aw- v -v S It I I .i ' 'i Hen's All Wool Soils $8.75 Absolutely all wool Oregon Cashmere, choice patterns and newest styles, single or double-breasted. All Overcoats Reduced in Price Now $5.75, $7.75, $9.75 The newest .and best styles. Every coat is worth much more. Women's Jackets and Raincoats U. v" ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES, . V Large assortment of this season's newest styles at cut prices. Jewelry on Credit That's a strong feature of our; jewelry department. Any reliable person may, have all the credit h or she may want here. Come and make your selections and pay when you -please. .Yoil may have the pleasur - of vearin gfrthe. . bea ut i f u 1 brooch of your choice while ; paying for it on our easy payment . plaji. And listen 1 ' You pay less . here than you do at the stand of the , regular jeweler..- We invite inquiry. -; and 'inspection v We have just added a brand new and -complete line of Solid Gold and Diamond Brooches; Crosses, I Neck Chains, Ladies' Guard Chains, Hatpins, Cuff But tons, etc. : VK'S ' ' '.- " TANDARD - WATCHES - -. ' : v MENTS. INVESTIGATE. I. GEVURTZ. SONS JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE ON CREDIT ' 173-175 First St 219-227 .Yamhill FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . GREAT . Clearance Sale Outing Flannel ;! Gowns, , Wrappers, I Kimonos and i Petticoats REGARDLESS CF COST We have no room for them and i must be closed out and many i other articles at cost or less. Fleece lined Underwear, ' Wool Underwear, Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, Etc See window display at West Park St. entrance, corner Wash. , . . . . .... . ....... Palais Royal 37S WASHINGTON ST. CEO. M. STRONG, 163 West Park Sl KXeiVSITI OOHKCaOIAt rBOTOOBATHia PHOTO COPYING AND ENLARGING A SPECIALTY Basaldsaoe Tiaws, raaaral Wurt. Hast). Ufsts, Koaaa varaiapiac, rxmauaf. Miss Edith Kelly FersilT at rhlrssn. will rlT plan. nuplH al studio, mi ljWM4ai rifinth) at. LISCHITirKT ITnOD. Pianoforte fl' A. rt Wnl freM. e'rtit 't J -Ml to twh, 4 p. m. t 9 p. n1 t t rrnra Onr'M"r f Jim1 rr- cittoc? Ann At Special Prices' Better good tot lesg money than yon can buy at , any, "V .other place. . Men's All Vcol Soils $6.75 . . i ... am wool vrcgon casamcte ", . In good dark colon. I rin g or you are SOLD - ON - BMALL - PAY - ' Any one would sscri-) fice each of hie five senses before BY SIGHT, ret many ta the enormous risk of losing it day after day by using an inferior fitting glass or no glass at au. when a few moments with a skilled optician would remove the danger. For the ' best lense made and fitted not i but graduates. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler , 293 Morrison St Fashionable and Reasonable No need to ' pay a steep price for a man's or youth's suit or overcoat because it Is up-to-date style. You . can get the. erf latest make and designs from JOHN DELLAR from $2 JO to $3.00 letsT We a4so mts you from 50c to' $1.50 on Hats, Pants or Shoes.' Also a full line of Ladies' Shoes and Slippers st ery low prices. Speciel cut in price on Trunks. ' Suit ' Cs( . Blankets snd Corrf jrttr. .r