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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. - NOVEMBERS. . THE OLDS, WORTMAN KING STPRE STORE OPENS ...":..-r'-. AT - " 8 O'CLOCK A.M." STORE CLOSES AT i 6 O'CLOCK P. M. 'THE DIFFERENT STpRE" QOOD EVI2INIISQ ' FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON A Convention, of Astonishing Values in Tomorrow's gifi34tM ; ' Nmei of Leading Six Contestant! In The American Manual training School Voting Contest ; fyVith Standing of Each at 10 a. m. Today.' George Slater, LADD . ... ... . . . ; . . . ". 213,232 ..Truman Cook. FAILING. .;..,. 203,217 .Robert Holmes, HARRISON. ..... i ... 198421 Wright Brown, CLINTON KELLY..; 149.941 'Sidney Crumm. NORTH CENTRAL.. 127,213 James Winston, HARRISON... .125.669 . Scattering ............................. 122,78$ .Total '. . .... . . ; . . . .V; .......i,i40,5i Bargains for Homc-Polk' - - - i . Fourth Floor.. ;,'' '' 'A' LACE CURTAIN SALE.- COMFORTERS. RUGS AND IRON BEDS r :V: FOR LESS. .. .; ...... w JM.50 LACE CURTAINS $3.35. ( '.",'' ' ' English Bobbinet Ruffled Cifrtaina in white and Arabian effects, with lace insertion and edge; . regular value $4.50. Special, the pair 13I5 $3.50 DOWNALINB COMTORTERS $2.70. : Downaline Comforter in pretty bright and dark .floral patterns, full 5-lb: weight, site 72x86 - inches; regular - value $3.50. . Special, each ..... i.. 7.., .f.TO. , $2.50 WILTON RUGS $1.79. Wilton Rugs in floral and oriental designs, size " 27x54 inches; regular 'value $2.50. Spe- ' ' v' cial,- each " t. :-':.' .v. .... . .sJ-.T& j : r - $5.00 IRON BEDS $4.05. - "WhitevIfon BeSs, full" size, .with brass, knobs,. ' also plain white;, regular1 value $5.00. ' Special, each f 4.05 Buy .ToysrforXmasr Special in Toydom" Fourth Floor.; ' - 65c PASSENGER TRAIN 45c -'- , Steel Passenger Train, with three (3) coaches, in red,' white and blue; regular value 65c r " Special complete ',45 A GRAND BARGAIN HOST OF FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE, lisfiingShopsw t First Floor,'. WOMEN'S EMBROIDERED HANDKER. ' !"'" -"fV CHIEFS -10e.l T.'vf ; ;JJmbroideredr5wis HahdkerchtefSjJn scallopedj r-ernlrorflercd. hemstitched and embroidered; ' -t every "appearance of a 25c handkerchief: v ' Special, each .....TlOf WOMEN'S UNLAUNDERED : HANDKER . - . CHIEFS 25c . i; . ; . Piye Linen Unlaundered Handkerchiefs, hem- Hitched and hand-embroidered' in the 4 cor ners; laundered and boxed they would -readily sell for 50c Our special at, each.. 25 SOX WOMEN'S INITIALED HANDKER. , . ; CHIEFS $1.00. . ':. Irish Shamrock Lawn Initialed Handkerchiefs, . 6 in box, very sheer .and handsome, hand- . embroidered initial. Special, box. . . . . .f t.00 WOMEN'S 35c NECKWEAR 12V4c .'.. Washable, HaV ""h fm-y (rnn - broideted with the .fcngusn eyelet -worsy , trimmed with - valenciennea - lace and plain linen; regular ., value 35c . Special, each . ......... U.......iai-2 . , , , 50c WINDSOR TIES 25c "' ' All Silk ' Windsor Ties;' suitable ' for women,' misses and .boys, in navy blue silk with white figures, red with black dots and Persian ef fects; regular value 50c. Special, - . each .;. WOMEN'S EMBROIDERED TURNOVER ; ,TOP COLLARS.. Embroidered Turnover Top Collars, embroid- ered in colors and black and white. Spe- -cial, each . . .v.'. .v.. . i. ........ .'. ... ..".64 25c KID-GLOVE CLEANER 13c V "Magic" Glove Cleaner,' will remove dirt from any delicate glove, no matter what color, without injuring them, removes dirt and stain ' from gloves, bringing forth .their original color; regular value 25c , -Special, ' ' each ....V.13 WOMEN'S 75c GOLF GLOVES 48c Golf Gloves in'.black, white, navy and red, also fancy shades; regular value 15c Spe- ' cial, the pair... , . - v 40OTRIBBONS 25c' ' ' - ' Our best quality Satin Taffeta Ribbons in-all ' - colors, black and white, 4V4 inchea wide; regular value 40c." Special, the yard...v.25f $1.00 VEILINGS 25c T A lot of fine" fancy meah All-Silk Veilings, wllh .velvet dots, chehille dots and some without, -dots,- in-black, white and assorted colors regular values from 35c to. $1.00., Spe- 1 cial, yard ...tSBe) CHENILLE CORD; . . v! ; f . c A lot of! firie Silk Chenille Cord in 3 sizes, fine, , medium and , large, white,, black.v pink, Jight - bine and ted; regular values 10c, 124c - . id 15c - Special, the yard 8 the dozen,. jV . i . ; LACKS. .-'",' ... 'A lot of Black Cluny Cotton Laces, some in wide hands, some inr edges and some in ser- pentine effects; regular, values w.-JOc " .'and 60c Special,.the..yard.,5. ; ' UMBRELLAS ' ; MEN'S $1.73 UMBRELLAS $1.10. A fiue ,'ot of Men's Priced Dyed Taffeta Unv brellas with natural wood handle and steel - rod; regular fvalut $1.73. . Special, ' . each v. . ., . f. ..... ,.f 7-. WOMEN'! $1 JO UMBRELLAS Wc. x Women'a fint Cotton Taffeta Umbrellas with steel rod; regular value $1.50. Special, ; each vf.. Many Extraordinary i The Greatest Sale of Stylish Suits FOR TWQ DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE WILL SfeLL EVERY THREE-QUARTER :'; - LENGTH i JACKET SUJT. IN THE HOUSE AT SENSATIONAL, REDUCTION I - A 'Few Etons, Blouse Etons and Short Jackets Included. : j , V.. .: Materials include cheviots,' rich broadcloths and all the popular, fancy tweedish- and worsted mixtures, in colors embracing navy, green, plums, grays, plain black and mixed suitings. s Jackets in hip to three-quarter lengths.' , Some Etons and Blouse Eton effects, all Very latest modes and newest ideas of authoritative style designers.. .Special as printed for Friday and Saturday: ; ; ; $25.00 Suits for. .. '. .918.08 $35.00 Suits for. .. . ... . .. . 828.68 , $42.50 Suits for. . . . : . . . . . .836.49' Z $32.50 Suits 'for. 826.58 $38.50 . Smart New $5.00 to x Our New York buyer secured,; under "price, a lot of new and ultra stylish, trim and trig for an eastern store, to which for eood reasons they wete not sent. They were offered X figure which hejacceptecr. VThis allows us ;; thro Saturday the biggest 'values ot ail tne year. in inese waniea garments. convention 01 swagger 'J cloths, ome plain black, some-blues, browns, tans; etc.',. but mostly very attractive mannish mixtures and L ' meltons. Plaited; styles, .cord flares and-circular effects. -. For the next two days we shall, C1! Oft o allow choo'singtfrom usual $5 to $8.50 values at a choice for ......... .,....;...;...7 OiyOvu A: Timely Sale of Stunning . . ' " FOR ONE DAY ONLY FRIDAY $12.50 COATS Handsome cfaverietted materials, cut' in full the materials of gray, tan, olive or Oxford. Expertly tailored and adapted for dressy wear $12.50 values ever offered in PortlandXSpecial for Friday only at. ANOTHER OFTHOSE POPULAR at Millinery , " Bigger.' and better values than pre- .viously offered .and a larger',va- f riety: .The time - has come for ; clearing the decks of all present 'Millinery StocksWithout waste of words we announce for tomor- 'row -' '' ' ; A .RECORD SMASHING SALE OF. 500 HATS S2-TO $4"VALUES AT - Ready-to-wear styles and. exquisitely designed trimmed ' creations. We shall spread the-entire immense lot over , two spacious tables ' running' thro' the-center of the pretty "Bijou" Salons on Second Floor Annex and offer1 them to Friday patrons at a ' Oftr choice fori.;vt. ...................... .......... VOw A TWO-DAY SALE FRIDAY AND SAT ' URDAY Special Values in ' ' Women's and Lassies' Underwear r . - -Kni-0da-Shop Firat' Floerr WOMEN'S 85c VESTS 55c 7 (Lonar-SleeTed.) Warm, soft Vesta that are fully 60 per cent wool from the-aheep'a back, Jeraejr ribbed, ' j merino finish, nicely taped with silk; regular 85c values. Special at. ..55e , WOMEN'S IM UNION SUITS ,69c. ' White .finely '.ribbed Cotton Union Sifts, with, high neck and long sleeves and ankle length, silk taped and crochet, finish; regular $1.25 values. Special at... " CHILDREN'S ' UNDERWEAR , REDUCED. Little Lassies ' Merode Knit White Cotton , Vests or Pants, of fine white cambric cotton,, in sizes 1 to 4, and regular 40c value. - ? Special at ..V. .....25 : Sizes 5 to 6 and 50c value. Special at.. ,.2e FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN-THE Shoe Store - r. , t Sixth Street First Floor. , . --WOMEN'S $2.50 SHOES $1J9. Patent C?olt Lace and Button Shoes in new col-., i . lege pattern, with military heel, very stylish; . our regular $2.50 value, sold by most stores at $J.0(X, Special for Friday and Satur " day, the pair................ ...fl.8 ""WOMEN'S $4.00 AND $100 35HOES $2.79. About' 300 pairs in 8 or 10 styles of the discon--, tinued lines of Women's Fine Shoes; regular ' ' values $3.50,. $4.00 and $5.00. Special, . . the pair v. f .T0 -'"-y MISSES $2.75 SHOES $U9 ; ', 'Misses'' Patent Colt Lace Shoes, springTieel, all . sizes, Tingree make, sizes 11 to 2; regu .". lar value $2.75. Special, the pait.. ....f 1.T9 - Same Shoe in vict kid;, regular v'alue225. Special, 4he pair...:.... ;..flT5 MEN'S $4.00 SHOES $3.45.' ; '.' Velour Calf and Patent Colt Blucher-cut Shoes. Goodyear sewed, . stout soles, all sires and widths; regular value $4.00. Special, -.i the pair ....wf3.45- BOYS' SHOES. , ''Bys' Veal Calf Balmoral Shoes, kangaroo top, sewed and solid, 4 rows stitching on vamp, ;will not rip, aires ZVk XaVA. Special at, the pair '. Sizes 11 to 2;. regular value $2.25. Special , at, the pair...... ..'i..;,.. ........... .f.5 -Savings for Prc-Tkanksgivihg Stoppers! Suits for........... $29.78 $45.00 Suits for.... ..$38.59 $8.50 Pedestrian Skirts for to offer our Friday patrons-and the privilege lengths and tastefully trimmed on .the-fancy SALES OF , Fashionable 98 Cents"" " 98c. Dress Goods MOST WONDERFUL VALUES FOR FRI DAY AND SATURDAY. Fifth Street Annea First Floor. Bargains aqv ;raater-thart any w'v offered this season, before. ' The Colored Suitings take their turn this time, for preference but blacks come in a close second. Read the values: 'Our regular 50c values in Mixed Tweed Suit ings, a large assortment of colors and styles to choose - from; , very serviceable fabrics. Special for Friday and Saturday only, yard Our regular $2.00 values of new Fall Dress Goods, in all the latest novelty weavea and " colors; the . best values ever shown, for the " price. Special for Friday and. Saturday - v-only, yard fl.60 Waterproof Sortings-and Coatings in all the v wanted colors at special prices for Friday and Saturday-- . j . $1J5 grades for, yard, If ,v$2.00 grades for, yard........ $2.50 grades for. yard..,... SPECIALS IN BLACK FABRICS. , $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 values New fall style Black Dress Goods, in' neat figured Panamas, Panama voiles and . shadow checked' fabrics unemtaled at our regular, prices. Special - for Friday and Saturday at, the yard.....T6e Half Price for' Petticoats HANDSOME $2.75 SHOULDER SHAWLS AT $1.98 EACH, jt , .Annex-Secona Floor. . ! . Black Petticoats of mercerized sateen,-Ttalian rloth and silk moreen; jhere are about 200 of ' them, one a different style from the other. We . bought, them at a price, for rapid selling marked them at price. Regular prices from $1.50 to $5. Ladies' large ' Shoulder Shawls,, either 54x54 i . square or, 36x72 inches long, very close cro chet, made of Oregon wool, colors pink; blue, ..white and black; regular price 275.' Special, each .... Special Demons tra . tion This Week -On third floor of the "Unlvertar Coffee Pot. All housewives and -loveri of good Coffee) are invited to attend1. . ' . ' "'L1": of All the Year ! f life $3.98 V Walking Skirts made to him at a tempting will extend over f Raincoats FOR $7.50. collar and cuffs with silk braids to" match in any weather. Best-. ; . 017 ' .v.. 4yOvl S tis,Story.)fSavingsionSilks In the buying -scintillates with' suggestions for those who have: silks to buy, and would pay less than the silks are actually worth today at first hands, v : ' . 1,'600 Yards 23-inch Japanese Silk, in 'ill -Wanted 'colors . for fancy 7 work ; regular40c grade. . Special. for . Friday and Saturday,---!, ' yard ......... .... ......... . .'. ....7;...............'.; ; . .28$ 1 1,750 Yards. Corded Wash Silks, in neat stripes and checks, all colors jn the assortment, white included; regular. 50c valued Spe- cial for Friday and Saturday, yard . :. . . . . ...... .29s Great Offering of Handsome Sujt Silks NEW $1.50 SILKS AT $1.14 THE. YARD ' Friday and Saturday Fifth Street Annex- v . SILK SPECIAL JFORERIDAY-AND. SATURDAY-- 2,000 Yars of the latest Imported Novelty Silk, 1 gathered by us , direct from Fashion's fountain head, all the new. colors and de- signs to select from ; our $1.50 grade. Special, for only (1? . A ; yard y..,.......... See Washington Street Windows for Special Display. ' Kitchen Furnishings in the Sale . - "Domestic Economy Shops" Third Floor, v ' A grand . opportunity for economical house-. - things for Thanksgiving use. We shall offer apecial on Friday ' , . ' . 9x1 4-1 n. Covered Roasters special at.... .Sa , 10xl5-ln. Covered Roasters special at.... .38 .' Ilxl6-ln., Covered Roasters special at ' 13xl8-In. Covered Roasters special at,.;.. 58 10xl4-In. Seamless Retinned Covered Roasters Oe 10xl6-In. Seamless , Retinned Covered Roasters ..fl.15 Savoy Pressed Steel Roasters; Seamless Planished Steel Roasters, llx4-in ,.TO . l!4-qt. Tin Pudding Pans.. .......Te . Tin Pie Plates, 9-inch size. ..... 3e Heavy. 10-inch Forged Steel Basting Spoons 5 Heavy 12-inch Forged Steel Basting Spoons 6 Heavy 14-inch Forged Steet Basting Spoons 8 Small aize Tin Moulds....... 8e Medium size Tin Moulds , ,.,,12 Large size Tin Moulds..:.;........ ,16 2-qt Granite Iron Sauce Pans. ............ .19 4-qt, Granite Iron Sauce fans, with cover., .32 1-qt. Granite Iron Pudding Pans. .......... 12 ; 3 J4-qt Granite Iron Kettle.. ..............25e 18-qt. Iron Kettle...., .TO Soup Strainer .".IB Mayonaise Mixer- ....fl.20 Men Come Here in Throngs FOR FRIDAY BARGAINS. '. -, "The' Haberdaaherie" Firat' Floor Annea.' , ' . ..' Not that manly throngsare not here every day, but men have learned the habits tf their -i. sisters and never miss a Friday at the store. .Tomorrow we offer following "special values: i r'! MEN'S $6.00 SWEATERS $3J5., . : v.Regular college or football Sweaters, a fac simile of the famous Spaulding make, so popu lar among clubmen! for athletic sports; grays, -.blacks and white, splendid $6.00 values. . SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AT... ...... 3.25 $3.00 VALUES MEN'S WARM CARDIGAN JACKETS $2.10. . ... . All wool, splendidly made, close woven Jackets,. . in navys, black and brown,' all sizes,. 36 - to 44; best $3.00 values. , Special at....f3.lO $5.00 LOUNGINO ROBES $3.49. Handsome House Robes in oriental designs of warm, serviceable blanket-cloth,' new this season; best $5.00 values. - Special . at ............ . r. . . . . . . . ........ .,S.4 .. MEN'S 40c 'KERCHIEFS 22c - A' staple number' in one of the .best styles "of Richardson's Linen. Handkerchiefs, li, ; and Vt inch borders. Best 40c quality at.. .S2) MEN'S 50c HALF HOSE, 3 PAIRS FOR $1, .-. Fine Seamless, Soft Cashmere Hosiery. Laslt .er" make, gray heels'and toe, as Wr Best 50c quality at.... 3 PAIRS FC.: Ct.CI Vote for Benevolent Fund Distri : .bution at 10 a. m. Today V Fruit and Flower Mission.'..,........ Patton Home , ........... ............ Baby Home Old Ladies' Home. 6.436 6,163 5,981 5.722 4.907 e : t Salvation Army ... . ,, ..Open-Air- Fund Crittenden Home People'a Institute ................... Children's Home Mt. St. Joseph's Home Visiting Nurse's Association......... St. Vincent's Hospital Boys'.and Girls' Aid Society......... Mt. St. Agnes' Baby Home;......'... Good Samaritan Hospital.,.,.. ...... Beavcrton Home Volunteers of America................. Orphans' Home ....... . , ........... . Mercy Home ....................... Catholic Home for the Aged......... W. CI U Humane Society' .................... Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society... Old Folks' Home ................... Ya . We' C A -' 4,787 4.610 . 3.188 1,283 1.X57 1,153 - 515 ' 512 J . 238 ' 216 183 122 . 107 39 - 36 24 IS 13 7 '5 p. f Total .47,424 FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE Domestic Aisle f ' ' . ' 'Tlrat Floor. ' . . " - " ; ; 50c SILK ORGANDIE 29c Just received a new. line of Figured Silk Organ . die, suitable for evening and party dresses; " regular : value 50c. ' Special, the , .. . .yard ........... ...,..,........,.... In the Hosiery Shops i- '';' First-Floor. Special offerings for two days Friday and Saturday as follows: . Women's Black Cotton Hosiery, ribbed and . fleece-lined, nicely, finished and seam less; regular 35c value. Special at. . . . . ,.25e -Children's heavy-weight iine and double ribbed -' Cotton Hose in aeamless finish; usuaL.': 25c values'.'' Special at, the pair;.'. ....... 1 WOMEN'S 25c SIDE ELASTICS 17c. All wanted colorsincluding black, white, pink, blue, cardinal, etc.. in frilled edges. . 4 T Bargains in Pretty Art Pieces Annex Art Salons - Second Floor. Huck a BackLinen Cushiow TotM. with plai Tack.24x24, or scarfs of same material, size 22x42, stamped in pretty conventional designs to be worked in white; regular price $1.00. Special ;......;................ .FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE Small Wares Shops- First Floor. Paper 10c Pins..... ...;... Roberts 65e Needle Book....... 45e 10c Card of'l dozen Toilet Pins..i. ,8Yarda All-Silk- Binding-Ribborr." assorted colors: rearular value 10c. Special, piece.. ;Te c4yhUeC,QttoBJCapc- ; 2S2-1b. bar Castile Soap..... ......1 25c Shushine Shoe Polish, box 17? 3 Cakes Fairy Floating Bath and' Toilet Soap Box 10c Hardwood Toothpicka ...,... 5c 2-ozJar Petroleum Jelly..... ......3e Box Hurd's extra fine linen cloth finish Writing Paper, special....';....... 25 35c Box Initialed Writing Paper.; '.10 Mascot Playing Cards; beft enameled back. Special, pack .l7e 75c large double-desk Ink Stand with fancy ' glass ink wells. Special, set Best Lead Pencils, with clasp removable erasers, No. 2. Special, each.... FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE Leather Goods and Jew-, elry Section . WOMEN'S 75c LEATHER BELTS 49c -. Pretty new Tailored Leather Belts." narrow with pipe stitched seams, fancy gilt buckjea, in black, tan, brown, red, navy blue and pur ple; regular value 75c. Special, each.,.1. .49e WOMEN'S 50c PATENT LEATHER BELTS 39c ., :."JT Patent Leather Belts with center team, perfect close-fitting Belt; regular value 50c Special, each ......8 , 85c OPERA BAOS 59c A line of Brocaded Silk Opera Bags, gilt bar , frames, white silk cord handles, in white, nile green, heliotrope, pink, and bine; regular - - value 85c. Special, each., .......89 .' $1.25 FANCY CROSSES S9c A line of fancy Tortoise Shell 47to?sea set 'Withr brilliant cut rhinestones and French pearls, a large variety of designs and colors? reg - irlar value $1.25, Special, each.. ........ . J STERLING SILVER BRACELETS. ' For little girls, special at, each. r65c STERLINQ SILVER BRACELETS 25c. A' line of Sterling Silver Wire Bracelets with fancy tops; regular value 65c Special, each - ,...:t6f j $25 FANCY GOLD-FILLED BRACELETS A line of Fancy Gold-Filled Bracelet, rm.l or oval -shape, in one piece, plain centers wih fancy -edges, also with fancy renters nt -t ' with small brilliants; regular value $. . - , Special, each STERLINO SILVER T"Z"' A lot of Sterling fjlrer I trimming npen1er ' 1 ' Regular P'V va'-e-" R,-Ku).ir Jl )