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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
THE OREGON -DAILY- JOURNAL PORTLAND, - THURSDAY- EVENING, HOVEMBEK-83. -ISC..- GDASrtlfiEnVlttaE . m utu to ; - . at J Will Connect Hill lines at Port v land With Santa Fa at Eureka. vV- NOT A GRADE IN SYSTEM EXCEEDING ONE PER CENT Short Route Via Cornelius 0p Gives Exdusivo Northern Pacific Connection---Will ' Intensify Competi tion Between Hill and Harriman. i The promoter of the Portland Ore J iron Seaeoaat Railway company are said I to ukv laid Out program tor lln f of effort, which, it carried to 1U ob jective. wUI make the shortest line to f Tillamook, the shortest also between f Portland and coaat bathing resorts, and 4 will form a connecting" link between I the Hill lines at Portltnd and the Santa I F at Eureka. California, In the entire system projected by the new oompany, It la. said, there la not trade exceed ing t per oent. ... ., . ' :i -.,', The abort route rla Cornellua gap gives the-road an exclusive Northern i Paclfio connection at Portlaad, while . the LyUe road via Buxton to Hillaboro ; provides an exclusive Southern Paclfl Connection, thua again drawing the line ? of competition abarply between the Harriman and Hill eompanlea, , - . , TILLAMOOK K The Cornellua gap rout to Nehalem and Tillamook long- has been a Northern ( Pacific propoaltlon. The route waa aur ' veyed by Engineer Cooper It year ago, I and' approved by President Oekee of the t Northern Pacific, who abandoned- the .Hillaboro route aa too Ions, and because jit hag t IK per ' oent - grade between ! Buxton and tb summit of . Nehalem ! divide. .Work waa commenced, under ' direction of William Reid, and several tnllea of grade " waa completed ' on the 1 Astoria, apur. The panlo of I4SS aent the Northern Paclfio and Mr. Held Into J bankruptcy .and work waa stopped.' I President Mellea of the Northern Pa I rifle next, tried In 11 to get from Bcappooae to Tillamook, via Pittsburg. f But the Hlll-Harriman . fight came on I and retarded the project, ylt waa found BUY IT FOR Y'VS-v":, FRACTION i In ' looking over the " thirty pianos which . we - propose to sell at 'our exchanged piano" sale, , many incidents were re ; called that put us in good ' hufnor with ourselves.- : We received in ...ex- ' --change- several - - pianos -.t " which" were originally bought from us." Not a one '.of those . pianos was traded in be cause it was a poor piano but because changing con-' ditions rendered it advis-. f-afele for manjr lessuiis lu .". Hlave ajarger or finer in TStrument. - V ' ' For example we re-' ceived in trade one piano ;.. which was bought of us a - few years ago. The ' buyer has pros ' pered, as the majority of , Portland people are. pros- , peeing; and when that man was ready to move ! into his beautiful new home on Portland Heights he thought it would be in keeping . with ' the ' new order of things , to have a Grand Piano instead of an Upright. He came to the same place he bought. the ifirst instrument. We traded with him. You will be able to buy the Everett which for merly graced his pretty little home for a tithe of what it is really worth. ' The piano is better than new. . It ; has been used ; with the greatest of caTe. ' This' is the history of - one. piano. ; ; Watch for the an inouncement of the open : ingof this sale. AHcni& Gilbcrt . Ramakcr Co.- ' The .oldest, largest and, "atronifest Piano, and , Organ House in the Pa-' cific, Northwest. . , l ; Sixth and Mwrisoru EASY PAYMENTS. ', ' , , , . - -(- v. SHORTEST Alio BEACHES that three tnnnela on Bcappoose aunynlt and a grade of more tnan a per -.nt would be necessary, and the proJ-ct waa dropped the following- yMv Vottlaatden Babaoxibed. ' Then it was suggested by local people that a road should do lata out that would give Joint and equal connections to both the Northern Paclfio and South era Pacific and aatlafy tha Hill and Haniman rivals by effecting with each a traffic arrangement. - Tne Hiusbora- Ulencoe forked route consequently waa adopted and (0 Portlaad men aubacrlbed 11,004 In 1I0S to promote the ante: prise, with no purpose to profit them selves, but for the benefit of the en tire city and the coast region. It was named the Portland. .Nehalem A Tilla mook railway : and William Raid waa made secretary and, counsel of the com pany. - --. .'.'-.' . Propositions were made, to the Hill and Harriman people to 'carry out this scheme., and In 1(91 Mr. Held, went to New Tork and met both faotlona. The Atlantic Securities company, a Rocke feller financial corporation, made the directors of the Portland, Nehalem tk Tillamookw-eompany a written proposi tion not only to finance, but also to construct 100 miles, from . Portland to Tillamook and Nehalem, on a Joint ownership basis. .w...)' ,.;. ... Palled to Petevade aTanlman. Pour months' option was given; by the securities company in which the Portland, Nehalem Tillamook direc tors were to put tha project through. They war unable to effect 'tha- desired arrangement with Mr. Harriman. Presi dent Mellen waa willing to 'go into tne scheme;, although the v route propoaed waa II mtlee farther' between Tillamook and the Olettcoe connection with - the Northern Pacific than la tha route now. to be followed by the .Portland Oregon Seaoaast railway to. Ita -connection with the Northern Paclfio at North Portland. Tha Portland company kept on work ing, and, when the KlUingsworth Joint traffic law passed tne Oregon legiaia tura negotiations were resumed with the London Share Debenture com pany and concluded at Portland last June wkh a contract that tha London syndicate supply money to build 100 miles, with i a connection with -the Southern Pacific at Hillaboro and an other with the Northern Paclfio at Oleneoe. Then followed the beginning of construction by tha Atlas Construe tlon company, Ita failure and the turn ing over of the - Portland, Nehalem a Tillamook franchisee and rights of way to S. JE. Lytle. . , ..'( . , iVomdom Oompany Osjeoted. , .' f It waa proposed by the old directors of the company that Mr. Lytle; take also the f tnanotng contract r with -the Lon don Share Debenture oompany, which guaranteed to sell tha bonds at ( eenta net for the company,, but Mr. Lytle for soma unexplained reason- declined to have anything to do with tha old com pany's arrangements or contracts. Tha London people objected to the change of local ownership, declined to cancel Ita contract with tha local company and Insisted upon proceeding with construc tion of a coast Una. As a result, the Portland Oregon Seaeoaat Railway com pany has been incorporated in London and Salem, to baud an Independent coast system that wUI aggregate (00 or 000 milee-of tracks. ' There "lb '3 well-authenticated report ' that tha propoaltlon la backed the London owners of -the majority stock of the Santa Fe railway a fact that was published exclusively by The Journal -aeveral days ago. , , Claims Kaar Advantages. '. . - Mr. Reid clalme the following advan tages of tha proposed Northern, Pacific Santa Fa link over any other projected coaat line: That tha route la IS miles shorter between Portland . and Tilla mook: tha grade ia. lower, being V per cent for tha first M miles out of Port land,' with H4 miles on tha aummtt of Nehalem divide having a grade of ' 00 feet to the mile, and thereafter a 1 per cent maximum grade to Nehalem and Tillamook bays; that tha road wUI run through non-competlUve local territory from It to SO miles removed frorA the LyUe road, crossing Its track but once. and meeting It only at their Joint ocean terminals: and that tha seaeoaat road will make an excluelve H1U connection at Portland, while Mr. Lytle'a road wllle make aa exclusive Haniman connection he original ' directors ft th Portland at Nehalem feel that their In vestment of $4,000 for a promotion fund was well spent and has mora than ac complished, the purpose they set out to attain. - V , Denies OoaaaoUom With XUL ; . Mr. Reid was asked if the Portland Oregon Beacoast railway la being backed by' Mr. Hill, add If It had anything to da with hla sudden departure a few days ago for London. Ha denied that tha new company la directly or Indirect ly connected with tha Hill eompanlea. A favorable traffic arrangement could be effected with the Hill roads, he aald. on western shipments via Portland, and the proposed Northern Paclfio bridge over the Willamette would, be a decided advantage to the new road in the mat ter of grade aa well as traffic. , Explaining tha object of - tha . com pany's proposed line ' from Eaat Port land -to-4.he southwest. Mr. Reid waa noncommittal. Thla la tha route of tb proposed main line ' to a coaat connec tion with th Santa Fa. He aald he had surveyed thla route a' distance of ST mile In 1IS. It had a 1 per cent grade from Portland to the sea, via Mo- Mlanvlile. A good route waa found up Panther creek. The timber- haa been largely, burned on the Neetuoca, but the route rupV through a good dairy Inf and farming region, and, as Nestuoca beach ; is ST miles from Portland, It would form the shortest rafj ', Una to sea bathing resorts. Seaside i; being lis miles from tha Portland mala station. Mr. Reid - says -the new- arrangement with tha London syndicate provides that" construction work, ' shall begin next aiarcn, . , . . : . 1 TO RAISE CAYUSES FOR SALE AS POLO PONIES (aerial Dtepatrk ta Tbe Juaranl.) Walla Walla., Nov. ll.-rOeorge Drum heller, one of the blggeet farmers of Walla Walla -county', haa completed ar rangements to engage tn the -business of raising polo ponies for the California and eastern markets, Mr. Drumheller haa Just selected' J of the choicest mares of the Lamar bench of horses on the Touchet and will ship them to- his Moses lake farm. The mares will be used exclusively for breeding purpeaea . The Lamar horses are In tha mal nothlag nkor or leas than the Indlaa cayuse, small and wiry and worth on the range from 111 to tit. Polo players have found that the little cayueeo make admirable polo ponies and within twe monthe three carloads of the animals have ' been shipped to California. Mr. Drumheller shipped a carload yesterday and will follow up tb shipment with several mora, LEIIDSflLIOIlSOIl HER BIRTHDAY Hetty Green Observes Anhl versary by Makings Big Loan and Pocketing the Irtf erett.- METROPOLIS BORROWS v , : . HEAVILY FROM WOMAN Mrs. Green Wrests the Scepter From Ruaaell Sage of Being the Largest Individual Money-Lender in New r York City. -' (Jooreal Special Service.) New ' York. Nov. OS. Mrs. Hetty Robinson Green,- the richest woman In the world, celebrated her 71st birth day anniversary Tueaday by drawing a check for 1 1.000,000 and Incidentally turning lit. 000 Interest as a part of her hard day's work. The check waa oaahed at the Chemical National bank by Deputy City Chamberlain ' John Campbell. It ia a very - amall-aised check, filled out In m scrawling hand. Mrs. Oreen delivered the check to Campbell in person on the day when feminine vanity might have Induced her to yield' to the temptation of a half holiday. - It waa for a alx months' loan to 'help out in the- -present money stringency and aha la to get -per cent Mrs. Green la a frequent lender te tha city. , In tact aha haa loaned 11,100,- 001 to the chamberlain since November 1, and before that .time had . loaned considerable auma to th chamberlain's office, .- , Tha auma - loaned . .are steadily In creased every year, seeing the city's in debtedneaa swell by -a million or two. Mrs. Oreen haa wreated , tha scepter from ' Rutsell Sage aa the largest Indi vidual money-lender In hew Tork City. DENDROLQGIST 'SUDVORTH IH:WASHi;;ETO!l ' Reports Forest Exhibit at Port land Most Successful of i : t : Any Undertaken, -v;, . (Wasblngtea Bmeaa of Hie Toernat.) . Washington, D. C.,Nov. 2. Mr. George B. Bud worth, dendrologlst of the forest service, has , Just returned from the Paciflo coaat, where various Important official dutlea bava claimed hla attention, among them the' closing of .the forest service display at the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, Portland, Oregon. A large amount of valuable forest exhibit property trans parencies, models, forest Instruments, etc Is being returned to Washington for safekeeping and for future use by the service. - . .-t : Mr. Sudworth reports that ' tha gov ernment forest exhibit at Portland waa, from all points of vlsw, the moat suc cessful one undertaken by the - forest service. ' More perhaps than, any other part of the United States, the north west took the keenest sort of Interest In the ' effort made by ttil 'service to point out the peculiar local forest prob lems and to bring before tha people 'of that section the Importance- of early adopting a conservative' utilisation of Its enormous but inexhaustible timber wealth. ,; A large part of tbla display will be lent to tha New England Forest, Fish and Oame association, which gives Its annual exposition In Boston, Massachu setts, during tha last week In Decem ber. JtOB, . - Another matter which has received attention waa tha Inspection of Invest! cation that th forest service la con' kductlng In California 'and tha arid aouthweat of desert pines, acaciaa .and eucalyptus, for tha purpose of deter mining tha greatest usefulneaa of these drought-enduring trees In sections of the country where trees are scarce or entirely wanting. :iAWARDEDj;0NJRACrT0 GRADE ON NORTH BANK (Seerlil Dlanetrh te Tb JocrntLI Walla Walla. Wean- Nov. il.3. 3. Manga n, a prominent Walla Walla con tractor, haa Juat been awarded a con tract for grading up one mile of- tha north bank railway, IS miles below Umatilla, and la now gathering up a big grading outfit and will leave for Uma tilla the latter part or tne week. Man gan. who haa Juat returned from a trip to the point where he will begin work, saya that a big grading outfit ia camped below Wellula on m right of way sup posed to have been surveyed out for ths north ' coaat railway. Tha crewa are bring Idle and except for aeveral sur veying parties being encountered - Man-4 gan aaya little activity is being dis played on th south bank of tha river. AMITY TICKET NAMED BY WET TOWN ELEMENT - (SoeeUl Dhmateh to The JoemaLi Amity, Or., Nov. SI. A second mas meeting waa held at tha city hall Tues. day night at which the following noml' nationa for towa officers were made: For eoundlmen. J. R. Cronk, F. B, Ferguson, C. 3. Schutdt. T. J, Jelllson and F. E. Roth: for" recorder, Adolphus Rea; for marshal,. J. A. Ruble; for treasurer. J. W. BrledwelL This ticket will favor th licensing of saloons and will go on th ballot as. the "No Tax Citlsens' Ticket - BABTS TERRIBLE SORE 1:0 Rif WIN Kixor. Cmtl CalsU Agonf. Doctor Did Hi Cscl . - .7 Kstsir DUuinsH. . , ' " Vy child waa a very delicate baby. . A terrible sore and humor broke oat OS hie body, looking, like raw flch, aad causing th child untold ag-oay. My phyiciaa -prescribed varioua rent, edlea, aoae 01 which helped at all. I became discouraged and took tha natter into my own hands, and tried Caticnra Soap aad Cuticura Ointment with almost immediate success. Be. for th second week bad passed tha soreness waa roma, not leaner: a tree of earthing. Mrs. jeanaette II. Block, 181 KPeodal SU. KOCACttcr. It. V." ARf.lY SCALDAL AT FORT 11GIIT- Lieutenant "McClelland Absents Himself Without Leave and Takes Company's Funds. SLASHES THROAT WITH ? , RAZOR WHILE SHAVING i Severs Artery in Neck ' and Cuts Wrist, but Is Saved by ' Prompt Medical AttentloiwCourtmartial ' Awaits Of fleer Upon Recovery.' ' (Special DUpateh to The louraal.) Bpokaiie Nov. 8. i'lrst Lieutenant Ponald C. McClelland, commander, of company "IB. Tenth- United Btatea . In fantry, stationed at Fort Wright, la the central figure in tha greatest scandal In th annals of tha Spokane army post A week ago th young officer waa scheduled for' duty aa of floor ; of the day but did not put in an appearance at the -fort, and the following day two other offlcera were dispatched to the olty to bring back tha arrant man.-Their Instructions were to arrest him - it necessary, Ha waa located at -the Spo kane club and Induced to return to tha, army post without force. There he wis Immediately placed under arrest- ; He waa finally put into bed and kept there. Colonel Bolton In a day or two aent for the officer, for recitations, but ths first note was evaded. Ai more per emptory note brought forth the news that he had been excused by order of the post surgeon. That day McClelland slashed himself with ' a - rasor after lathering hla face and apparently being ready to begin ahavlng. He inflicted two cuts on tha left aide of hla face and throat, besides slight cuts on each wrist. On wound In the throat severed a small artery, from which the officer might have bled to death had not of flcera from the adjoining building sum moned the surgeon at once.- He waa re moved to the hospital. , where . be baa been since. - An Investigation of the accounts of company B disclosed a ahortage of 144, which was on deposit In a city .bank to th credit of McClelland. Frlehda are aeeklng to raise the money to cover the shortage. It is quite likely mat n win be oourtmartialed. Lieutenant McClelland la married aad baa one son about S years old. ' - - NUMBER THIRTEEN WAS J OFTEN tN HIS PATH (Special DlaeatcB te The Joornali Colfax. Waah,. Nov. That the number IS ia unlucky is. the firm belief f Abe "Lawrence, tha notorious Portland criminal, who haa served three terms In the Oregon penitentiary and two in the penitentiaries of other states. He robbed Andy Nelson of 1 last month and pleaded guilty to a charge of rob bery. . He la tha thirteenth man to plead guilty to a -felony charge tnis year, ana Judge Cbadwlck decided to give' mm 11 years, but, desiring to oreaa: tne span, added two .mora years to It for good measure.. - -r. . Lawrence's sensational - arrest or a Justice of the peace, who, unarmed, cap tured tha desperate criminal arter a hard fight, waa fully described In The Journal at that time. He haa served three terms In the Oregon penitentiary, havlne- been sent up twice from Mult nomah county, once for two and a naif vears for ateallna a watch, and once for three vears for stealing a horse. II seemed greatly relieved when sentenced. aa he fully expected to be aent up int life, which Judge Chadwlck could have done, under the cumulative sentence law of thla atate, which permits a life sen tence for a third conviction of a reion. TO BUILD NEW RAILROAD FROM COEUR D'ALENE : fftnaeUl Dtesateh te Tke JearaaL) Spokane, Nov. IS. One of the lateat movea on the railroad checkerboard of the northwest is a new ateam railroad to connect Coeur d'Aleno and Rockford and extend southeast, to Banta, Idano. Survayora- are. .now maklnaaWJteUmkJ narv aurvey and work win commence aa soon as It Is completed. The road will be known aa the Idaho Northern and wilt be TS or 80 mllea In lanath. It is to be bunt oy tna u. k. Lewis Lumber company of .Coeur d'Alene and will not be under the con trol of any other railway company at present, ' but will - connect with the Northern Pacific at' Coeur d'Alene and with the O. R. N. company at Rock- ford. .... j The original purpose of the road la for logging, the- oompany owning tracts of timber In the vicinity or ttania, out will be made standard gauge and built with the Intention of making it a com mon carrier. :. ''"':'!;; HASTENING WORK ON o ' v NEW TELEPHONE LINE - iflWui DWnetek te The Joarsat.l ' Pendleton. Or. Nov. IS. A force of 20 men are now at work ion the telephone line between Pendleton and umatiiia. which. will give Pendleton direct con necMwM with Portland. Work has been going on a little slow.jOwlng to the fact that much of the country over which they have gone baa been of a rocky na ture, thua making pole setting" difficult. They nsve eight miles of work nearly completed now, however. It is expected that the line will be finished and In use before the first Of January. i An extension Is also being made t the Umatilla Indian reservation, for the accommodation Of patrons In that dis trict. ' -r - : -.-. .rr-vrr'-ii-i FIVE SMALLPOX CASES APPEAR AT EUGENE - fBoedal Dlatxtrk Tae 'eeraaLt Eugene,, Or., Novr II.-Five casee of smallpox have developed In Eugene Ithln tne last weex. - nrst ueorge govern, a barber, , .and his wlfs became 111 with the disease, then W la tar John son, a studsnt at the university, broke out with the disease, and yesterday Earl Luckey, a high ' school - studsnt, waa stricken, while, attending . hla classes. The 11-year-old aon of A. 3. Plckard a also under quarantine. Irvlnjz'as Duchu Wafers Are true remedy Inn all Kidney Ptaeaaes, froa ha BMSt elBOle lore ealu le the bark. t Ita worat and eary anernna aMMlltlna Rrlght's Dlaease. We sieaa It wbea we ear tkar will care yna' end we would ant aay It If we kad sot eonfldeace la th-ai, a-blrh la tba dlrvrt M-anlt of etir knntret( ef tkrlr eiirea la eaara that mbm4 alnwal bop lea. Bold at ioc s bos by ,.' - 0. kldaaor k Co., xtrursrtsta, 181 Third at, sole ageate for Portland, Ol. , ; A Horse Chestnut ' .Carried' in tha pocket la thought by eome te ward off Jiard luck, but we feel that good Judgment and a-persistent demsnd for a certain end goes much farther than luck." For instance, tn -our- buying department our " first and permanent demand Is for QV AXTTT," and we get M, not beeaueo we. are lucky, but because we ask for, and will have- nothing else. . This Is why; we thoroughly believe in every article we offer to you. - We have faith in our entire stock, so much faith In quality and price that we say to you If you arenot absolutely aatlsfled with your purchse, or If you feel tha price Isn't Just right, return the article and get your money. We desire above all things that you feel you are buying the beat, the verx best. In drugs, or 'whatever It may be, when . you get It from the "Woodlark" etore. ' , ' o tpu avn, wa how it. ' .' THANKSGIVING SALElss ) -t'V Git 'V r d -xm Elastic Hosiery, Anklets, Abdom Inal Supports, Uterine Supports, Body Braces, Etc. '"Knit to Fit" . For tha treatment and cure of weak ankles, abdominal obelty We manufacture, our owa auaatlo - Goods and guarantee a perfect fit In every Instance. - Send for measurement blank and price list. . v l -i RUPtURE IN CHtLDREN, t Sometimes' present complication that must not be overlooked. A thorough knowledge of ail auch con-. dltlons enable us to fit each patient with the truss adapted to - , thalr partlcu " lar need. - IS TBUB OP oowjr-irp . poxjK. - ' : We have In atock more than I different etylea trusses, and somewhere in this aasortment Is the one to fit you perfectly. We know which one you need aa soon as we know the kind of rupttrre you have. This expert service coats you nothing. . We charge only for tha truss. They are MO up. ' Lady Attendant ' 'Prlvat Fitting Room. r 3 - ? . j. . ' Satisfaction Guaranteed.' . . "" . Wopdard, ' , : ; ; : : : fourth v X J aer . . -a". --' Here's everything to wear for a man or boy, for day or night, for work or play, for style or comiort, from Over-cpajQ-lLajamas.. ' For tomorrow we offer spe cial values in plain and fancy . mixed Overcoats at $10.00 'Also special values in Flan nelette Pajamas-at,, a suit, $1.25 :;,,j-r: IrlOHCLOTHinGQ Gus tufm-Prop- Outflttera tot Km and Boys. le aad 1 Tkird aHxee,.,. area iforMsoa. TO SEASON AND" PRESERVE - TELEGRAPH POLES Californla Electric Companies r Cooperate With Government :, in Sfudy of Timber. - Waablagtos Boreas of The loaraaL) '" Waahlngton.- th -Cr Nov.-'' S a, Seven electrio companies doing business In California' have- made arrangements with the forest service for a thorough cooperative atudy of seasoning and pre serving telephone and telegraph poles. Tha work centers at Los Angeles, and an, agsat of tha forest service will Im mediately . tak up the - preliminaries there. -' Oregon eedaf Is the tree chiefly ueed fn thla region for polea- Tha experi ments will be devoted not only, to the handling of this wood, but to a search for satisfactory substitutes among other species. Possible substitutes are western yellow pine. Incense cedev-red-wortd and eucalyptua. m y The comparative value of these will be - studied, and those which promise beat wlU. be subjected to auch season ing and preservative treatment aa the forest service may recommend. - In general, th wood will be handled Jn much the aame manner aa that which has proved successful tn Other work done by the service. Th eompanlea wnien wur cooperate With the foreet service are th Pacific Light A -Power company, the Rdlson aUectrlo company, the Los Angeles Oas BAB a AJTD BZCX.VSZTB BIROII. Here's some sample ., . s-incn - mappy . . . . , . , r. t-incn iNapyy ...... -Inch Nappy ............. -Inch Berry Bowl ........... Water Qlasses, -os., H 'Water Olasses. t-os,, H Water Olassea, l-oi, H doa ( dos. dos. ,. Wster Bottle ....... ..I.., Water Pitcher Water Pitcher Sugar Bowl and Creamer Set Bpoon Tray v, , , t ... , Vase, 11 Inches 4 .......... ,'. vase. . incnes , Finger Bowl, .doa Punch Bowl -, Punch Qlaasea, Oos, T., sprains. . strains, ; etc.. etc. Clarke & And Washington r -,' '-. I'V " i 1; f hat for sixty yean been tie standard extract of witch hazd and to-day is more popular than eves both with the public and the Medical pro fesrfon. This has entaued Upoa POND'S EXTRACT the bevit-; able penalty of fame: 'j. ';:i,-;i;r:.'; i J":.!.; x Imitation and Substitution l Neither of these however, would be perilous to public health kf tmicnipuious manufacturer swayed more by Profit than Principle-- . did not jeopardize the health and Eves of the people by adulterating their common nd unidentified witch hazels and offering them through , . "tioleialedKUil aTlhe same"" i thing" and - jmt as good" as POND'S EXTRACT.. , 4 . ' ' Not content with iriarkeang an inferior article these Bianufaxturers , - leached the point at last in their Creed jdI. Cain of offering witch hazd fornhed with Wood Alcohol pcuoa) or tormaldehpie ; (poison) or both, to the jnWnent perl of all who were deceived into buying and using it, - ' 7 . ' ' 'V ' -' - So rife hsve these pernicious conditions become thai the State 1 Ltgulatures of New York and IllinoU have enacted laws which rnake it aa off ence purushable by heavy fine, or imrxisonment, of both, to seB any medicinal extract containing Wood Alcohol (poison) or For- ,mpldehydo (rjcison) unless the bottle containing same be labeled POISON and other States throughout the Unioo are taking steps one after another, to the same protective end. "' ' In ordertherefore, that the danger of pouoningby the use of to publish the following Caution Witch Hazel k not "Aesan thing' as POND'S EXTRACT. ; On analysis of 70 samples of witch hazd, bought of leading whole-' aala'aiul retail Amami anJ 4emarlnient - atrarea. 52 contained Wood - Alcohol (poison) or FormaUenydo (poison), or both, and not one of -the other 18 was up to the required standard of strength. .The peril ' of these poion may be avoided POND'S It costs more, but kit it . Electrio .company, the Horn Tele phone company1, the Los Angeiee Pa clfio Railway company, the Paciflo Eleo trio Railway company and the Los An geles .Railway company, . 1 . y-t ... SHERIFF ARRIVES TO SEEK MURDER VICTIM (HpeHal Mapatr te The Journal.) Vmstllla, Or., Nov". 21. Umatilla's myeterloue murder case on the banks of the -Columbia river la still' unsolved. Diligent search tor ths remains a re un availing. Today dragging parties fished out a good, serviceable blanket, weighted I:"'-'" tolu-fir: An old-time Cough and -Cold Remedy ' the kind your- grandmother ueed to make we muke and guarantee It. 50 Cents- Foot Warmers Little Woolen Comforters that keep . , the feet warm these nights,; 1 ISc'Palr, 2 for 25c prices: Reg. 1.0 - peoiaL I e , . ..... , 1.40. 1.88 J a.4S i.4T ": 2.25 3.83 3.83 1 i.2T : 4.TT 4.82 ' 3.33 ; , ti bO . . 11.15 "" . te.SO -' : $.6 " 'o; . -,-ti.Io 12-76 A . IT.iO .t . 16.60 ' 4 00 . . II 60 , . 15.15 . v 19.95 "."IV" S5.24 , ,'.... .v. .. '. ...'.,.. ...i. , iT.25 ; 49.99 t.tt1; .175.00 .111.60 MANY A MAN,. Will soon be wondering and reeking his brain to decide what to buy his ' wife .for Christmas. : " wan- mot aw a&acTBOuaa r; We have a few excluelve designs " In German Spun Brass Lamps ur , own, importation we don't want to -carry them through the holidays wet? need the room so vou may have four choice AT COST. . An opport unity such aa thla comes but set-' dom.. .' -,'. ., . . . Analytical Chemists ' We make quantitative and quail- tattve analysis of all kinds no work I too difficult for our laboratory. Our, chargea are moderate. ... . ', - aroau axacajptas abv maoxaas remaps-you have a favorite cough syrup, croup remedy formula qr maybe It le a baking powder recipe wnaiever 11 may do, oring it to us . it to us- we win nil your way at very little cost. Fresh Shipment Finest Fantall Gold Fish - ' All beauties, a few blacktalla among thla lot . Price 2$ceach,$ tor $tl Aquaria.... -...SBo, gl-OO, flS, 1J0; Gomp&riy public may be secured against the such witch hazels, ' , we are impelled by the exclusive use ot : EXTRACT worth the cufference. down with stones, which, bore evidence of having been placed ther recently, probably by miscreants who committed the deed to conceal trai-es of their crime. Bherlff Taylor from Pendleton arrived on the forenoon train and will make a vlgoroua-aearch today, afterward taking portlona of the blood bark for analysis. STeuralgia Pains.' "' T Rheumatism, lumeajn and sclatlo pains yield to the penetrating Influeece .a Hallard'a Hnn l.lniment. - ' It penetrates to the nerVee" and nobeV and being abenrned Into the blood. 4tn bet&line- nrnoertlee are rrmvnveri tn ivtrv m part of the body, and elTef-t anme wmt derf'il cures, the, 60c and $1.00. Sold by Woodard, Clark. It Co. . .. J , , : : - :-.:. h ;s v " .1