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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
V TIIZ OREGON -DAILY JOUr.IIAL. rORTLAND.-THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMER tZ, 1S0S. REFUSE U GUY A : PIG 111 HOKE - - Idaho Farmer Under Doise.Pay. ? ette Reclamation Project Re fuse to Sign Up. GOVERNMENT REFUSES V TO GIVE INFORMATION r4 y , State Engineer Write ' Washington -Condition of Affairs and Places "; ,Blam on Service Loan Com . paniea Refute to Make Advances. '.-.' , " ; ''- -.t.T " - (Special Dwpstek to Tke' Jones!.)' ' '"' Boise. Idaho, Nov. 23. Idaho Is hav ing lta trouble with the government ',. reclamation service, and there l much uneaatnMa among the people of this Mo tion of the state over the condition of the Bolae-Parette project. The aeeretary of the Interior approved ithg project laat March, since which time various dates have been given out a to when actual construction would be gin, but when the time arrived there - was no sign of anything , being done 'nor any satisfaction given by the men In charge of the service. . 2teraaed Xnforanatlo. '". "At the demand of the department the people living In the district have voted bonds for 1885.000 to be used In buy ing ap existing worse to te lurnm sin to the government. The secretary's or '.that to per cent of the lands under the tiltclT should enter Into contracts for 'water, and an. association was formed for the purpose of securing these .son. tracts. A large percentage of the farm er have signed the contracts, but a good many have held back, waiting to be Informed as to what tn water was I going to cost, and when It would be sup plied to them.' They were required td assign -wnatever rigmn mer .to the association, and In lieu thereof receive rights from-the service. For some reason, , the engineer tat .charge has always refused information : to tboea who went to see him before making contracts, and this refusal has rauaed many to decline to proceed with their eyes closed to ths .Mnseotiencee. The only answer te their questions bat been the stereotyped reply: -t. . The government , . can be . depended 'upon to take care of you." . . ' Recently covert threats have been aent will mat unices i iniru vwiwri iiinwi up for their, holdings, the Boise-Payette project wouia meet ' tne same rsie a that which befell the Malheur enterprise In Oregon. f ." ' J . Xa Ignorance of Thxmm. ' ' A year ago thstate engineer of Idaho was appointed a member of .the advisory board of the reclamation service In this ;tate. To none of the meetings has he ever been Invited, and he has been kept In Ignorance of the present 'ang future ' plana of the service. Cltlsen have gone Jo him for Information and advice, as a wembetvof -the board supposed to be Jooktng aKrmhMr intercuts. He has (Iimii MitiTwlli ta admit that he AlA not ,'jinov anything about the proceedings of MM wnat was neing aone. iis TixItlon has Become such an embarrasaw Mng one that he today forwarded a letter . te cnaries v. w a icon, director or tne geological survey, who la the acting ' head of the reclamation - service. The letter explains conditions existing In the .'service la Idaho from the standpoint ot ihe state engineer, arid puts the blame ' for existing condition on the service. , reclamation -service 1 being . managed "by theorists, holding their ' positions i through a pull, and that It lacks the - practical knowledge . te . auocessfully . carry on .the work. . - - ; ' V.: . aflaldska sVeJeeWi . ;. . When '. the Minidoka, project was istarted It was promised that settler ! would be fumlahed water at not to ex nstl 1Uw acre; now the amount is , estimated at $17. and engineers outside f of the service, who are keeping In close ' touch witn tne wont, express tne opin- ion that IK wtli com nearer the final j.ooat of the proposition... .' , -..) I pn account of this uncertainty the losn awnnMaweas a mreio-fli norv t have ceased to make loan. on any land . which has contracted to take watei 'tinder the government project. The Reason for thia, they, ssy. I that It I impossible to estimate what the prior lien of the government, which takes V orecedence over . any- mortgage, will ' amount to. and that It may reach ar 'much a the land with the water right ' Included would bring under a forced sale, so that there were too many T chances of losing the loan. - This Is ; Droving a great hardship to many. whs are In the habit of borrowing money with -which -to buy stock' for 'Winter ', feeding and many of those who have al ready signed these contracts are iook- lng for a way to get out of- the dlftt- culty. '.' ; -. - ' i new lake te OaaaAa. "? r U , (Joaraal Speclel Servle. ' W Ottawa. OnL. No. i. A new lake not so far shown en any Canadian maps has ben ii discovered north and west" of Lke Abitiul. This lake was dlacov ered by theurvyor of the transconti nental railway. It la It mllei long and three miles wide north and south of 'Lake Abltlbi and for !( mile west the poll Is good, being clay loam. - , FIFTH AND STARK -X'flM t ' THE aUJtUTr STORE -mMmmmmmmm FDIDAY AND SATURDAY "Extra 6cd Qsrct 'fldloa. 5Cc : 8-Yccr-Of J Pare Porl, fldlon " . $1XD -8-Ycd"-0!J Very Fine S.erry, gal $1.C3" 8rYearrOId Pore Rye WhIs!.ey,oal. $3.C3 " Delivered Free to Any Part of the Qty - ram HEAVY VOTING IN THE CONTEST FOR JOURNAL'S TRIP TO. HAWAII Heavy voting in the southern part of the state continues Vo mark The Jour nal's Hawaiian trip conteat. Large gains have alo been made in the second district. La Grande being particularly active, and two candidates from that place now hold first and second posi tion In the district, while Pendleton Is third. ' 1 v ' . r ' In the first district Miss Minnie 8 Phillips leads, with I6.IJI otes. Miss Salll Madlgan Is second, with ll.Zlt vote; Mies Badle Wlntertnantle? third, with tt.filS votea; Miss Lura , Baty fourth.- with 4S.12 votes, and Mlaa Oretchen Kurth fifth, with 40,i5l vote. Ml Katie Nash still leads the second district, with 72.SIT votes. Miss Mollis Proebstel, who made a gain of U.m votes yesterday, Is a closs second, with 71,610 votes. Miss- Fletcher of Pendle ton Is third, with S7.208 votes.' The leader of the third district. Miss Emllle Crossen of The Dallea, now ha 41.05S votea. Miss Luctle Crate Is sec ond, with 2,7 mote. ... ; . Miss Effle Mae King lead the fourth district, with B2.4J votes. Mis Haul Barton of Baker City la second, with !4.S1 totes, and. Miss Gertrude Tlce third.' with S0,80 votes, v . ' In the fifth district Miss Katharine Oorv of Kahuna leads, having JMI3 votea Miss Florence Heavren la sec nd, with Ji,0 votes, and Mlaa Amelia Williams third, with li.Ott vote. Mia Blanche Brown of Salem still leads the elxth district, with I2.6H votes. Miss Madge Bat tee of .Eugene la second, with 44,Z7, votes. Mis Maud Blair of Cot Us Grove If third, with i,tU votea. HOW WOLVERTON J WORKED FOR i AnVlnterestlng atory' Is told In con nection with the .appointment of Justice C'B.-Wolvertoo to the federal : bench. Soon after the death of Judge " Bellin ger,,: Justice ian of the aUte up rem court became a candidate for the vacant position and bla friend mad a canvass of the bench and bar of the tat to se cure indorsement for him. . Both of hi colleague on the auprem bench Justice Moore and justice Wolverton were asked for letter In hi behalf and both responded with cordial recommen dation that he be appointed.. - Justice , Wolverton Indorsement - of hi fellow jurist -waa particularly earn est and ile letter was so well couched that it drew the attention of the attorney-general to the writer and -led to VALLA VALLA SAL00;.1EN wrnmm Efforts of Council to Tore Sev eral Out of Business Causes 1 Speei1 tkpatnj te Tb Jesnat4 - ' .Walls, Walla. Wash., Nov. H. Just whst action will be taken by the council to force out of business the five saloon keeper whose licenses were revoked at Tuesday night' nteetlng Will be decided on at a. special meeting of the council tonight.' Three member of the council Who are leading the fight against 4he saloonnien attempted to arrange for a meeting yesterdsy evening, but . a quorum could not be secured and It was decided' fo" poetpon action until tonight. The five seloonmen still keep their re sort open on ths advice cf attorneys who have expressed the opinion that the council I powerless to revoke the li censes until the saloonmen have been convicted for some violation of the law. In thta event Councilman Klrkman. chairman of the Judiciary committee. said last night that the 'five saloon keepers will be formally- charged v Kh violating the, Sunday dosing and anti gambling law.- Saloonmen are ncrvons over the probable- results, but -Jeclare that If saloons ars compelled to close in Sundays' that every -place of bust-teas amenable to the law will be lorcM to declare that the cruaade for a cleaner Walla Walla'ha just started and that prosecutions are to commence aa fast a evidence la accumulated. .On- advice of attorney the ealooamtn opened up for business at I ocl.vs'h yes terday afternoon with a view of making; teat cases ef the right of the council to revoke their licenses without first se curing convictions for violation T the law. It developed that Chief Brown failed to take away their licensee Tues day night, although the saloons closed In the forenoon yesterday.- -A - . -, .. CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. c i .j. v. y. ;- Speotal Fallman xomrston Train via ', .! Somthera rafts maUroaa. ' On tecember lt a special excursion train will leave San Francisco via the Southern Pacific for the City ef Mexico Low rates have been made for points on the Southern Pacific In Oregon. Par ticular; by asking any Souther Pacific stent or . writing A. - L. Craig, general passenger agent, Portland. Oregon. ; ; Wiefred Stock Oaaaed Allen- Lewie Beet Brand. wmkC, ' v I.: ; Mj,,' Ednl paj-sley. . .y ; In the seventh district Miss Courte manohe still leads- with l.9S votea. Ulaa ltmm.l V.nn.llv nf LafaTOttS IS isecona, wun. i,on vowi.' . ui.a rtn. K.rttiAV a rim m. in.. 111.1 cent gain of ,D0O votea yesterday end nqw leaaa tne eignin oiairitv wim -. t0 votes. Miss Pale-Harmon Js seo- ondv with s:,20 votes. 'S GENEROSITY , HIS APPOINTMENT lnauirv idoui mm.' iiwu eVnlsaaiV waa aent to Oresron last Sep tember to , Inquire Into the , ntness of 4he . various -candidates for tne appoint ment he'aaked many questions about Justice Wolverton. who, though not then a candidate, often had been men tioned- aa the right man for the place. The report submitted to the attorney. Mnml atranarlv confirmed the ' favor able Impression created by the letter which, Wolverton had written in be halt of hi friend and associate. The final result was the appointment of .Wolver ton to tbe federal bench. . . i If he had been less cordial and less earnest In. hi efforts to secure the ap pointment of Justice -Bean , hie own merit might have been wholly over looked.' , . ,'.." .,' ; to develop power from bliatula" fps v;estd:i Proposed " Rant " Completes" It . Right-of-Way Acquirement and Will Construct. 7 ": .-'' ...... . t - i i '' DH1 Plapatrk te Tt Jaoroal.) ; Terraieton. Or ov. 21. A the Fdr t Reserve .bureau has given pemile slon to , the' Umatilla Electric Power company for a right of wty for. trans mission in the) Wenaha forest, reserve, the way la now-dear for: the eompany te establish a power system and carry Out their plsjasu . s - ? . The company was formed for the pur pose of developing a power source on the, nortfi fork of the Umatilla. Jut above Bingham springs. A tract of 40 acre waa purchased on the north fork about three mile above the springs. A light of way waa secured for the power line excepting through the forest re MmV'.'!'...'.:,' V. ' !. ' The Incorporator ef the - Umatilla Electrto Power company were J.- W. Toung, Robert Jamleon and I. E. Baling, and of these the first and laat named are dead. The capital stock of the com pany was placed at 150,900, which was divided Into toe eharea. The company was to operate an electrto power busi ness on the . water of the Umatilla river, In . Umatilla county. Oregon, and to furnish and sell electricity through' out tr.t rountyraiid' especially-In -the town of Weston. 1 . .. . Now that th right of way ha been mad clear the surviving member of the company will take steps to carry out th plana of their enterprise. - PROSPEROUS YEAR FOR SHEEP MEM OF OREGON 4RDe!l Dwsetch te The Joaraal.) Huntington. Or., Nov. 11. It 1 esti mated that nearly 200,000 head of sheep are being fed in the vicinity of Hunting ton thle season. ,Hsy ha been selling at normal prloes and the -sheep have commanded the hlgheat prices, paid on the market. Sheepmen do not aeem very amtlou to contract their wool in advanoe of the season. W. 01 Porter, a well known sheepmen, old s. busch of 10,000 head to Bailey aV Saunders a few daya ago, bringln 12.(0 for merino Iambs, 2.7( for coarse wash. 12.10 for ewee and f S.2S for year ling wethers. A shipment of 12.000 wa. made to the -eastern range. This ha, been one of the most prosperous yssr for sheepmea In the history of the In dustry in this section of the state. f . , MRS. C. A. M'FARLAND t EXPIRES AT EUGENE '-.", ,' . ; MPeUI Dtepatca Ts enraL) f Eugene, Or., Nov. 21. Mrs. XX A. Uo Farland, an eld resident of- Lane county, having com her ' from Minnesota la 1ITJ, died at the home o her daughter, Mr. J. I. Barbae, at Springflsld, Tues day, and was hurled In the Pleasant Hill cemetery today. . Mra McParland a few day ago fell and' , fractured the bone of her left leg.' On account of her age ahe could not withstand the shock and died shortly afterward.- ' She we IT year old and leave si children. She wae a member Of .the Christian church.'. - ' ' ',. ( MRS. BENNETT WILL : SHOOT AT BAKER CITY '.'. ' ; " --. - '.; ' ' (Raerfal DU Ketch te The JoarsaL) '' Baker pity, Or Nov. 28. Mrs. Nsllle Bennett, the champion woman shotgun shot of the world, will arrive In thl city next Wednesday, and as th Baker City Rod and Oun club will have a hoot Wedneadsy afternoon, the young women will be the guest of honor on thta occasion. Dr. Phy ef the Hot Lake sanstorlum will give an exhibition of bluerock shooting and Mrs. Bennett will also a-lve an exhibition. This prom ises to be on of th best Shooting ex-J hlbitlone h eastern Oregon this season. . -r : " ' '.V. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Tsw people Xaow Sow Useful It a la Preserving Sealth and Beauty. , Nearly evervhoriv knnm that char coal Is ths safest and most eltlcient die Inectant and purifier in nature, but few realise lta value when -taken Into the human system for the saius cleansing purpose. - - Charcoal I a remedy that the more you take of It the belter: It Is nor a drug at all. but simply absorbs the gases snd Impurities always prenent In the loraucn ana intetlnes ana carries men out of the system. - cnarcoal sweetens the create, arter M..lrl..a. l I-. ions and other odorous veaetables. Charcoal effectually clears snd Im proves the complexion, it svhttens' the teeth snd further acts as a natural and eminently aafe cathartio. ... It absorbs the Injurious' gases which colleof In the stomach and bowel; It dialnfeets the mouth and throat from the Dolson of catarrh. - All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the beet charcoal and the most for the money Is In Ltuart'a Charcoal Losengea; they are composed of the fineet powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptic In tablet form, or rather in the form of large, pleasant-tasting losenges. ths charcoal being mixed with honey. , The dally use Vf these losenges will soon tell In a much -Improved condition of the general health, better complex inn, sweeter breath snd purer blood, and the beauty of It Is that no possible harm can result from their continued use; but, on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician In speaking ol the benefits of charcoal say: "I sdvis Btusrt's Charcoal Losensea to all pa tienta suffering from aa In stomach end bowel, end ta clear the complex ion and purify the breath, mouth and throat: I also believe the liver is greatly benefited by the dally use of them; they cost but twenty-nve cents a bos at drug stores, and although In aome sens a patent preparation, yet i Deneve a si mors and better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Losengea than in any of the ordinary charcoal tableta." ' . ABSENT INDIANS FAILED TO SECURE AIL0TI.1EIITS - Umatillas, Visiting Other Reser vatlons, "Return ;to Find thdniselves Homeless. a v'.-'...'--.. '.'- . t'; , s ij-; - ' " ' Special Dtapatch ts The Journal.) " -Pendleton. Or.. Nov. 21, At the ftrae of the allotment to the Umatilla Indiana a large number of . the members of the tribe were-away from; the reservation. with the Taklmas and Nea Perce, and did not come home to take their lands. and consequently have been -without a home of their own alnee that time.- -A thev v were only ' visitors on the other reservation.' they had no right to the -land there, so they have been home less:. - Ths members of . the Umatilla tribe' are now: taking up the matter of allotlng theae absent Indian on the res ervation, and the - subject ha been brouaht before the Indian commissioner, who win atrfcf an investigation into th subject- , - Ths Indians who are urging the allot ment of their brethren do- not want to allow the half or quarter breeds to have n allotment but -Insist that the -full bloods only, who are absent from the reservation shall secure their heritage. The Umatilla . Indian have been au thorised : by-, the department to hold a mass meeting of the tribe for the pur pose ef electing -an official Interpreter for the tribe, through whom all official and legal communication between the Indiana ana to white ,mut , be con ducted. - .: ... u. ..,..;, -.-i. .iv Pure - old 'Mince Meat Brandy and Sherry Win at D. Germ an us, 221 Mor rison; treet.--.-': , -.---tt- Frsfsrred Stock Allen at Lewis Best Brand. K MODISH WltAPPIll FOR A MISS. 'j' pattern K SNT.' ' " -All Seams Allowed. . A beoomuag wrapper is always a use ful garment, and an sxoellendeslgn la her plotured In blu eashmere, laoe edging and Ineeitton betnc neei for trim Ming. Albatrss. louurine ehallie. lane, down, pongee and nannelettse are well suited to reproduce the design. The pattern la In I slses U to IT year. Tot a miss of It years the Wrapper, made of rood with nap or up and down, re quires fli yard of material 20 lac bee wide. . yard M inehe wide, or I yard 44 tache wide; or, ef good without asp or ep and down, t yarde 20 Inch wide, Hi yard M inches wide, or 4H yard 44 Inehsa wide; 4 yarde of edging yard of insertion and Hi yards of ribbon for tie.-- -,h'' , . Prloe, M eenta. , ::'' OBBOOST SAXZ.T TOtrsTAXi WIXS SSsTS ABOTSi PATTSKaT VOS ' ' VAZB VPOV RZOXZPT OS ; " ItOs eofs Nam . .:.i..T.::'.:.'.:;.-; ma...... Addreaa City State if A Cozy Corner of the Royal Hawaiinn Hotel, Ilor.c'.u'.ii, i.. . If i ft : J V. HERE IS Votes received up to CONPITIONS Of The Jotirnkrt ..i ' - Hawaiian Toor "Hv CONTEST lIUMir yeasg hey ever 1 resri ef g mmj b oatnated at say es lank Bttec by Te Josrsal. with ths . eseoraeaMnt ef twe - well-ksowa Umn ec ta ltrlct la wklch at restdas. KOOVSThrM s sgrsUs t tk .asieaOafeBi sstull that- BSklsaa4sBal tant LerSdatlr aoae t wlaaer srssck to- mei, 99m rvaa sack lstrict, ....... ... ... . .v . . : - THIED as ia stker eleetless, ssek its. trict skn vets separately. Tke veto Is -see eaaae affect tka other. MitUr pres rly eDseerstsg the Slatrlrt wlU k settle ky the wtase ef tke aujorlty. Tke wis. .u .t.n k.M thm Hakt ta assM a sraxr. rTf Saable t attesd barsaU. ';.; ;; . : yOtrmTB Vottn wm ssisiaes Ihars. say. Ass . WOS. tatsre.. Deeenber SO. t 8 e'ekwk s. ex.. . - OeesoBS Blast be voted wttkla sevea ear fter less. Ooasess at tnm tke Delly joarsal so see tly. trls.xV All eospea. wh.tber tSf I or special. kees r the Bsa of tke essdleato ts be voted for.. OOffFOltS ASS mtVXM AS TOIXOWSi ytrTX atal eeapeas, est freei the dally ssser. r seed far ea vote, aabsrrlpttoa to the ealn Joaraal aad Bead kloralng Joarsal three BMBtks, ll-Se. e ssedal esapea ef 1M vet (paid la dva. gsfceeriptloa te BrenlDg sad Baaday Mora. lag Josrssl ts swath. tt-TS. a (seeUI teseoa ef aSO vstee (said la advaae). Sak eerlptiea te tke .Svealag aad Baaday Mora, nig Joaraal 12 swath. ST 60. special Mpoa of TOO votes (peld sdvsae). aabMripttoa to tke Bvesing sad aswday atoralsg Joaraal. tare BMBtks by smIU 11. to, s speeUl eospea ef ISO veto (seM la dvaaee). akeettpttoa t the Bvealag sad Besday Merstsg Joenal by saall ta jialkff. Bt-TI, s speeUl eeasoa ef SM tetas (paid ta aevaseo). sfceerlpaoa a tke Eveelag ssd Sae.y st-ralag Joaraal ky Bull 11 swath. IT.0O, pell eeeeoa el TO vokM (said to adraace). BesU-Weekly imm.. a r. soeelal aespea ef UM f-voto (ptld ht aovsaest.. : ..... .. , -tOCtS Ooepeas Sheald be voted t tke BMeoeaKer aearert lea er Balled tke ossoa eepartawat The Josrssl. er st ssy polat aaaed beknr. Votes will s eossted Moeeays. Wsoy aad rrtday as rh fatal aaaoaaeed te th ssbMs tke follewtss; das. ' ' "' ' Asy-easdldat wttkdrswlBg fee the ees. tort esBset ksvs ker vetes coasted asr sa stker. . RADSVASTUS A2T0 T0TWS 1OA0MI tint PUUtes Mnltmosiek irffkrtiMI eeantWh' Votlsg pi. Ceapea DepsrtSMal ef Tke Jeeraal eraoa, - ,, ( Bo,.. tHtH CaWa. ! Ossitnta aad Wallow eMBtlos. ' Thirl Wrtrlet Wei -Bbirsias. Ointssx, Morrow.. WbmIW bb4. Oreok eeestlea. ... " resrth XMtrlt--Bk," Srsst, tUrssy d Meibeer sMatlee. . . p. .. Fifth PiiUlev- OblBSiMs ' d' Cl.tse eooBtlo. Orfoa; KUrklut. Cewllts, Cl.rl. PaHse. Wekklaksat aad BkaaMala eeaadaa, Waaklsgtea. . ir..,. Bfartb Mstrlot kfarWa. Uaa aad Use arsatles. . ,,. . t . 1 ',. ..'V-. kVwenth PUUtet Waaklnf torn. Tllfaatof.' XaiakUlf Beatos, Polk sad LlaeolB osBtto. Sla-Mh Piatrlot, DeBxl. Oaos, Carry. JoaeoLla. Jaekaoa. Klaaatk ssd Uk seaaties. . j ' '- . Any Information reiardinf con ditions ol th Hawaiian tour should b addressed to . the manaf er of the -Conteat .Department of. Ths Journal, i ' ... .. - ' ' v, r ' r " " ; ... Coupon Free Ha wallan Trip Jl . J : t1onoluJii, ttawaUaa Utaods x t vet for.......;...'., .;ThlB eoopen nust be vo'ei Si..' M I i . . r ".iff THE WAY THEY STAND Wednesday evening in The Journal's Hawaiian Tri ' , . TiTSTSTCT kflae Vlnnl. ' Phllllna Sj-ttnt rlrk rlrrnlt MIm Balll Madlsaa, Old. Wortmaa Kin MM Hull. Vtlnteraantle. City Dr work Mine Lara. Hair. S40 Sua Rafael atnvt . Mlaa Grrtrbrn Kurth Mrohtmm on-rator Mia Hot l-rr. oadnraed b lralrd Trade Mlal Rum Hbaroa 210 Cut Thirtieth atrmt Mia Henrietta WlukU-man" i7 Kaat (aek Mlaa UirnM Smllh HHt aMia Ml Kdlth Br. 2M Mtark afreet.. Mlaa Laura Um-brahlr. SSO Water street. klla Sopbts Olaon, IU8 Irj atrret. 22.BIS Mlaa Alr.oa Horn. fM-esoB fltr i i ai.lW klia Kla UrlwU Sua aat Tblrty-arat atraet I. 21. M kflae EIt Hurlhert. 8t. Jobaa , ...i......,.v....v..,..i So.fc ' Mlaa I u- Giaild. telxnaoaii onorator OraaTOB Mia tienerlra llnlm. Olila. Wortmaa King toro 1H.4'8 kfla Nrllla Muoser, S Kalelsb trM-t. Ul.tINO Mlaa Oeorgl Nluk. 22H Burnal-I itreet . J..-. ..... u ....... 14.0IT Mlaa t'M-a Jollr. 753 rirat atrert ......... ,. 7.. 14,011 Mia Marlon Leabr. Wunrtard. Clark Drag eompany 1Z)M4 Mlaa Oarnrlla Rarkcr. XHS Uraad a T. alia. Mlaa Bunw Pildl.-k. Orrana t'lty .' w - ,- IVotlBg Place, Coupon Department. Journal Office.) (-v,t-,,. - ' , -.- district mo. i.' ;. .. ; y . Hie Katt1 Kaak, Ia Grand. Oresoa T2.m Mb Moille Proebatel. la tirande. Oresos 71.610 Vntln Pl.M Oraiua. Steinbeck A BleTT CoBfeTOBnr. I Mia Acne Fletcher. Pendletoa. Oresoa. ...... ..-i. ...... K1.W& .Mia Pearl Harrie. Pendleton,. Oresoa l,nf Mlaa Orace Hawk. Pndlton. Oreoa.....,... 14.6'. Mlaa Vahel Johnaoa. Pendleloa, fh-eo ,. 4,724 tvotlns rie, feadletoa, nrar-s m mc - altaa IMUm Rr- 4V Hai-r: Athene, tlrexort . (Voting flaeo. Athena. Iell Uro.' Stnee.) . Mia Irr llct'alllefer. Walla Walla, Weablnirtnn MleaHiar CalUkaa, Wall Walla, Wahtlon-. Mia Hoar Toun. Wall Walla. Waahliixtaa ,. . Mia luttl Brows. WUs- Wall. Waahlnstoa Mlaa Lneli Barr. Walla Wall, Waahlnstoa .r.. ....... . (Votloa rUuau-Wall Walla. Wa.hlngtns Book Kook.l. , Ml BtWlsle Laade, Waaioa. Oreeoo , s - DI8TKICT 0. . '..' - Mb Emllle Crosses, Tke nalles, Oreson Miaa Lnelle tTate. Ttie Uallr. in-esos... - (Voting PUea. The Dallea. Blake! Drag Bier.) - . Mia Mells Rlrhardaon. Hood Blw. Oresoa ... Mlaa I .aura Cramer., Hood Bler. OreaoB (Vol In Plaee. Unod Rlw, Wrixht' Btore.) ........... Mlaa rtorenoo Oeorr. Arllnton, nresnn.... v (Votrns Place, Arilnstoe, Brahaw a Oaefertlottrry.) t. !-.'. Mia Oerlrad khaasoa. Coadon, Urr(os.,.t ' . ' (Votlns riaee. rnndon. Jekoa A Horn I brook a Btnr.) . , , , Mia Leas aa. Heppner, orreoo Lk. Mlm Orsre Uafer. H.pimer, I ' (Vetlmr l'ln. Hrppner, Patteraoa A Mlaa Gertrude Bbaro. . ITInerllle. Oreson 1 : . '.-. ..- DIBTUCT SO. 4. , Mlas Effle Mae King, Ontario. Oreroa. Mia Hattle Bartna, Baker City, tn-m ' Mia Gertrude Tlce. Baker t'lty. Oresoa....... : Mlaa-rebel Parker, Baker Cltr. Oreoo Mia Mrrtt Brat toe. Baker City. 0f" - (Voting Place. Baker Oltr. LTlngr's ' Drug Store.) " Mia Clara Hwaln. Borne. Ore aim .e.. (Voting Place. Burna. Welocne Pbarsiary.) . MtB flalar Betterler. - Vale. Oregon "Mia neraldlna Dnrkee. Mnmptrr, Oi egon rm n , . (Toting Place, Bumpier, VeNeffe Clear sad Kewastaed.) DIBT&IOT X0. . . Mlas Katherln (tore, Kaunas, waahlnstun ....... (Voting Place, Kalaaaa. Coffey a rtore Mlas Flore ix-e Henarea. VeBomtver. Waeblngton .... ' (Voting Place. VanrouTor, 41-t Main Street.) Ml Amelia Wllliama. Keuro, Waahlnston (Voting Plao. Kelao, OonfeetloBerr.) Mia Era L. Todd. Aakwla. Oresoa Mia Hotiln roffmaa, Aatort. trrrsns..... V...... " Mia Km her Aaderaon, Aatort. Oksob..... r.'X.. ...... (Votlns Place, Aatorla. Owl Prn More.) , . ' Mlas Mary Iter re. Bom Valler. Waablogtoa Mlas Ialay Walklna, 8t. Helees, Oregon. (Votlns Place, Ht. Helena, Orar'a Store.) . . : kfla Annie Perrlne. Clktakanle, OreKns (Votlns Piece. ClatakanU, Hlmnaon A Co' Btore.) Ml" C.ertrode Randall, Caatle Bock. Waahlnston "Ml Gtare WHxlil, fiatlo Boeti-Tfiahliittoii Vn.lna- ! Bni-k. Anoev'a lama 8tore.k Mia Alice Perrr. Rainier. Oreson (Voting Place, Rainier, Frlednarg'. ronfectlaaery.) DIBTB10T SO. . Mis BUaeke Brown. Salem, Oregon.. i Mia Mar; ITiden. halem. l)rron... Ml L. Sell Darky. Salem. Oregoa..... Mia Mlnnl Ireton, Salem, Oresoa Mia Pearl Shelley, Belem. Ore- Mlaa Mlnnl Arbenback Salem, OrefOB Mm Kettle' Reddekoop. Salem. Oreson I Voting Plan, Salem, Ha' Drag store.) , Mlaa Mads Rattee, Eugene. Oregoa.. Mia Emma Moffett, Eugene, Oregoa. ............. ......... Ml Stella Bean. Engea. Oreon (Voting Place. En gene: Hull' Pras Store.) Mia Maade BUIr. Cot lace Otpr. Oreson.. Mia Effle Stewert, Cottat!(iKrf. Oregon ............. Mia Lical Vratck. Cottage flrove. Oregon (Voting Pmce, (Vitlag tlror. Olll tBfectknery.) Mia Pearl Savage. Albany. Oregoa............. Mlae Maggie Chambera, Albany. Oregoa... .....;.. Ml Alice Lork. Albany. Oregon... ' vnriM ilhanr. Ilawann rhpua Staee.l ' rtaa Uiemm ' Wmifltmra.' th-eaoa ..Mlas Myrtle TTaak, Woodbnrn, Oreson , v.ii.. ki.m nMh... Heehe A Mian Katbrrn Carrie. Sllrertoa. Oregon . JV.H.. PI.m atlveetAB. ttennk'a Drue Mia Addle SI tn noon. Lebanea. Oregoa (Voting Place. Lebanon, Cotton a Btnr.). . . . - , . v.u nlM. Armm nvMiin . . : .............. ... .......... aSTl Mlaa Par Cooler. BrownsTtll. Oreson.'. niTairrT . Mlaa Bertka OmrUmanek. MrMlnnrille, (Voting Place. MrUlnnTllle. Ilooaer- . Mis H"eJ KnneilT. Lararette. uregon... J-fVirrfti PHM. Lafayette PeetofBc.)i Mien Cora Spangle, Dayton, Oregon iVnitn. iIm iNirtna. Harrta' Draetor.l . . t. . Mia Mlnnl Rot. Dal). Oreson v. , r.ii.. place. Iiallaa. Htaat' Con f Mia Marl Hoatetler. Hlllabore, Oregon Mlaa R-Ha B. Bowaer. Hlllaboro, Oregoa...'. (Voting Pure. Hillaliorn, Bcknlmorlcb's Store.) -r-- atleg Mrrtle Bntler, Fnreat tlroee, Oregon ........m. .. (Votlns Plc. Poreet Orove. La Cenrae'e Btere.) MIOllTev.strttrB, New bar. Oregon.... (Voting Piece. lNewnrrg. Calwell-A Co.' Drag Btore.) t f Mia Ulllaa Webeter. VhtMnatk. Oregon t t. Mia Kaal C. Holikeimer, Henrerton. Oregoa t (Votlas Place. Bearertoa, Taomea tklBg Oemfcftionorj.) Ml Orce Starr, Oorrallla, Oregon - DIBTUOT.SO. . - -Mlea Edn Paraley, Roa-btirt. Oregon. . , Mlas ueie narmon, anwonm. n.n. (Voting Place. Roaennrg. namllton-, Mia Umla T. J one. jaeeermTUM, rrxin ' Ml Mande Berry, i Orkata raaa. Ore" ........ .' i... (Voting I'la.-e. tiranta i'aaa. Smith a Drag Btore.) ' atlas Jennie miouiorn. weororo, irregon . t Votlns Place .' Metlfora. Rneeell ConfecttorjeTT.I Mlea France 'OehorB. A.hlaad, oresaa . Mlaa LtiII Mrt'all, AehlanA. Orer (Tetlng IJac, Aakland., Sattoea M en or befnr November 20, i ' i ' . x i . i VO. 1. ....'' 't-l .'. '-J- Total TM. reart ..v....... hn HIl ator TT.avs , M.618 ......... " - eo.l'll Portland kotel .................. ...... 4.Hr: Ceearll .............. ............ ........ ,n ail.OM tret ..'v.. .... r.i... 27 , .... . .. . M.2U1 . ..........!.. ..A.J ............. 2n.(K .'...',.....'.........:.......'... l.Hal hotel I.Rl .......... In. KM ......... . !, trraa nankj .. 3. Ml , 1,0ft ......... Ml tat 1.115 4t m an. hut 3B.0A4 ...see. 12.23 .'.',.. UAH ........ 1.84T , 2,t . , 474'' Boa' Store.) ............ l! . . . . 22. afle at.sie ..... . on) ..... 12,041 ..... ,. KSIB toe ,71 2S.B8S 23.80 ,. 14.1M ,. - S.5AI .. , B.0M ". u .ent .. S.21S) ' r... ...... a i 1,111 k 1.B01 ., B2.a3 .. 11.4-1 ...... -11.2.14 ....... 10. ....... 1.BH.1 ....... i2i a 4. 'rr .; .7!t e.ii( ls4fl . ....... .! .) io.a ... v .. e . ............ tvsrtt ....... hr 4. 7.4U1 .w."...... ........ 15.SM ........... IVI VTattanaa'a Store. 1 . - -7 - -" 1 ..'. .... . ..... 11.SO Ator.l .... a. ............ !. t,H xto. T. Oregon 2S.MB Btore.) . 14,8711 12,30. ........... .......-...... l!,PAt actlonerv. 1 . 1J..V1S tatM e.ivte .! 42 .see ht.- ,...... prnC Btore.) . It U ia.7u lLle 3 kit . 1.04 'ewatad and KayW.), -. Counting !s icr.a ca flondtys, Vcf- t: 3 c : : czz '" ' ' tot' -