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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
-VT- THE OREGON DAILV JOUUAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. -NOVEMBER 23, 1S0S. moms mari A BAIMOU t.llR 0(1 independent Concerns ' Brave 'Wrath of FruitDispatch; f , V Company for Trade. . . : BIG ADVANCES ARE , - T ' ; , RECORDED IN OUVES PORTLAND ."! Poultry Is MovtagStesdii at the - Price on Account ot the Nearness 1; of Thanksgiving Potatoes Are Practical Ten Cents Lowen r ; ' L V ,,, ; . , 1 ' 'No. S3. The principal' fee tares Of Mm Portland wholesale markets today an: Big advaar la oil reg. , . ; Hanaoa compgolre at war. ' - f Vvolirr eelllug.t the. price; .. V wW.? . Kggs very arm and eearce. ,- . i ' ' . . loo much poor veal coming. . . A Beat' draaaad meata ar arm. , ' . i Halibut la He hither. ",-'' '.. CatSeh euppllea never smaller. ' v V Hop markat In better shape. ' 'J Advenes n Ollvel i ' ' ' ollTa win have to pay the price . tnte oaaenn. . Thar. cava Aeee very ' heavy advances la the- market alone lb open . in Prices were named and Um pcoepecta ar j not bright for any decrease, v la (art tha markat j louka mora than eicr Ilka. advance. Tha j. olive crop of Hpals. where most of tha trait , irom.rwaa mart or .a fallora tlie- pa at season. - Tha ehortage waa more onnarant la . the sUndord elere. aorta aa laos ta 140s, 12oa to 1,10a and, 14HO- to BOe. Thee represent tha anmbrf af olives' to a kilo. -' is theaa nlses tha advance, thus far the, present season amount to j about 20. to , 23 par cant over tha opaulna; ; ; !tura Tha Or op ahowa larfrt prroantaga T: of lara-or. alaea and tha rlaa la theaa haa . amountad all told to about IS par cant orrr Banana War I On. ' J.--Tsdar Prtl.Kt at tha hi.... , ta rrult )lapatrh rompanr. wrll adrartlard aa n aanaaa truat, haa bua boatlllUaa. frona all ' accounta. Tha facta ar .tiiaaa: ror -yaara tha trada haa brra at the marry of the die ' patch company when It rame' ta bnylnf ba aaaaa. Siipnllaa could, sot ha obtained alae. "i where and the company . aona apread out tnto . aom a large oa-parauoa that It had thlnaa Ita i awa way.' Meaaenaer - chareaa were, placed practically double the asnree that tha trada were - hoaared on tha fruit eeery time tha - dlractnra of the aomnany felt Indlapoaed, No . Inner were the aholcealcra a flowed to eey wnat fruit they wanted to buy; they araet take what the company offered. If. a car of . bananaa arrlyed In bed ahape, that araa aup poaed to be the fault at the man at thla end aod he waa charred tha en me amoant aa , If, tha trult waa tha. beat In tha market" If fc anyone turned down a car -of bananaa, . that .. waerauppnaed ta ba the laat that arm would ricriTe antll. It bold no. Tblnca mey be dlf feranf bow. Today the drat car of bananaa from ha Independent concern la doe In thla markat It la aent to Davenport Broa. Tharker . Broa.' Steameblp company of Mobile are the ahlppera. They- would try eonclu.lona with the i truat They charge I DO aa Bteeeenger feea. while the rVnlt btapatca eompany,' the truat. chargea $(W for the aamr aerrlf. .Another la , : drpaadent aDtapaay : har, Mkcwlaa entered the v ' Seld Vaccaro -Brae, at It of ew trleele and a-car fmatt rhaft concern fa .do MT thla'eltr '. aboof Thankaglelng. ID this way fha fruit ; Dlaaatea. company la forced out lata tha open . e m if a .i t a it. - - s .: Jteeelpta Deaer but In the poultry market are cooatawiaTTgWBBn OH- PBeaawAJJO)! lota. ." Bearneaa.ol Thaakegtrlng la eaualag tha la race retallera to bay eery bceTlly ao4 tha market la cleaning ap on chickens at preeaat ealnra. . Turkeya - are coming mar lleely. Dreaard bh-da are bow coning too faateat, aa tha boat .acme ad la la that Une. . Th err market la nrmrr with enppllas of ' local frc.h but aomlnal. .... ' ( Beat ' Sraaaad 'Kaata' Are rim. " ,' , " . Beat adreeaed meata are aelllng qalta well at tha price. There la aoweTer, a large earplug lf -poor veal and) the preaeure oo theaa la rery : great.. Dreaaed boga are coming an I te fait, bat " aalea are goad at the price. . - . Hal lent U Half Oaat Higher. " ' Aararctty In the aunpllea baa eaaaed aa Id ,aaca of Hw per pnuad la the quotatlona la i thla market today, tha new Agora being at Te. Aaimoa atippllee are very liberal, bat demand li good "and prlcea are ready and enchanged. There remalne a great acarclty of euppllee of catft.yiB " anrrotiT-Hfeet Ball "nigihfU. " Pricea the aanaa, bower er. - '.'- v retata Market I Lower. -V, ' ; ' Tha potato market ahow another drop la 'p'lcei today, the decline amounting to about 'lOe per 100 ponnda. - The weaker feeling In "California la contlnnad. On lone are atlll dull bat the market la quoted ateady and an : changed. The following prlcea are paid atoag front treat y tha trade for choice qualltf In round .lota... Prlcea paid nrodueerg are ae apaclBed: "wran, near and read.- V - WHEAT New dub, T9c: red Eoaalaa. 06c? " blnratem. T4c: valley. T4TSc. . . BARLKT Teed. $31 H0$W Oftt rolled, 3S.M Cf-100: brewing, 2Z&OJ23.0b. te-li-Waole, S2T.M; eracked. m0O par ' toa. .... v ' RTft 1 M par ewt. . ' - '' OATS PrndoceTa price No. t white. 138.00) a-ay. I24.t0ia29.0a . 1'LOt B New eaatera Oregoa petenta. M-SS; atralchtar t.K3.T0 export, II 4oi.4; eal- ley, t3.T033.Sti: arabam, H. t&Mi rye, SOa, SS.0O; balee. S1T5. , MILtrKTIlFPS Bran. IIT.BO per too; mtd i dllnga. S2A.0O: ahorta, country, 1.S0; city, 1 Ml; crop. $1 00. 4 T Produce re" price Timothy. Willamette' alley, fancy, Ill.onoiS OO: erdlcary, 7 ooa . B.00; eeetera Oregon. tl4.otiOla.O0. mlaed. 8 weo ov; cloeer. o 0td)1040 grata, Sa.aOO .001 cheat. IS.00eto.60. :. - Batter, Kgga ant Boaltry, . BUTTER fAt T. a. b. PortlaDd Iwaet rem. 2JtC! aonr. , CUTTER City creamery, SOe! entalde fancy, ! STHe; ordinary, tftci atora. IdfJlTe. K0C1S No. I Freeh Oregon, candled.- SSe cold tnraga and eeetera. S7j2H. i, ClIEEKaV New roll oream. twin. MHe Yeong America, lAHe; rlieddar. 14H.' ' OAMB-JachrahWta. Bt.TS per doa. - ; I'pLXTBY Mtaed rhlckena. lie) fancy bena, ItVo per lb: mnetera, old. Hie per lh fry. ' rra? llWe lb; brollera, UH lb! daeka, 4a . 19c per ibt geeae. Se per lb; Mrkeyg. lTtlTV,n per hl dreaaed. 20a par lb; aqua be, a.fiOOuO . , par doa. . . . H Wm BUm; -T3- HOPS leoo Oregoa, choice, lose tie; t aelma, TOP-1 boot grade, 4Ht7e Waahlng- ten, l"c; JI"a crop, IO" iot eneice, WOOL lvlld elin. ealley. enarae ta BMdloafc , S4HtM14t'Fae, M02Tci eatera Oragon, Ivtl asc. . ' - kldllAlk NomlnaLSOCtle. HBRPSKINM Sfieirlng, lBflMe aacfll aboTl Went, tariene each; madlnot wool, MttToe each I , long wool, T3cl.eo each. TAU.Of Prime, per In, H04t Be. aad "mTTl1k,HBeABK JH3 par n " H lutes Dry, Ne. , is Ibe and up. lHO ITHe per lb; dry ktn. Jto. I. S a IB Baa. I4e: dry ealf.' No. I. nn.W B Iba lSc; aalted hldea, atora, aownd ait in. kna eeer, inetl le: Jowe THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET - - . rxs- My. :rhlrgrt ,,....,1 .S .T B Bt. t.oiila. ,..., .14 .Milwaukee,,., .11 HA -.IT A Nw York. t:..r - iMilulh i . . .HUSH B t.lvrtwi , ,,,, talfltA tainted U'lnhilipw ,i.,i i?Mi t MlnnenpolU ,, ... (. M Pan rranrlaro. tum . .tn,'. JOURNAL'S DAILY V : - TIPS TO SHIPPERS 4 : Potatoea are about 10 canta lower today owing to unfavor able quality of racant arTlvula t 4 tha California marketa. Choice;. 4 atocka are hard to obUIn and a for atrlctly fancy gooda no d alarm la felt aa to tha price. It's,. the oft sradea that are down tha 4 moat v 'C ' - I . . 4 4 HCHei ataga and bulla, aound. eTe: kip, lb to SO Ibe, So; calf, eouad. uaa.r 15 Ibe, lie: green, anaaltrd. le leaa; eulla. I e per lb leea horeeblOee, aalted. each, fl.ftH.Tl dry, each. tl.OOI.oO; colt hldea,- tfiasoe; foat aklna, comnioa, each, 10O1S: 'Augora. eaca. tacdl ,l 0a" rratta and Tagetablaa. 1 ' ' POT ATOKS Beat Oregoa. 80c per aack; car lota, BoetdOe per aack; ordinary. 0(Bftc: car lota. 360c; awaeta, tl-fO aack; t3.1Bt.aS crate. ONIONS Oregoa yellow THiavera. tl.SS. tar lta, tl.outU.lo; garlic. SttlOe par lb. ' KRKHH ritDITS Applee, Oregoa. S1.00O1B0; fancy, $1.752; crabapplea. $1 60; orangaa. new lie rel. S3.0Oiu3.T3: bananaa, m&H lb; ieineoe. cboloa, SSoaS-tS . per box: fancy. -00 per box; '.Imea, Uailcaa. $1 23 par 400; elneapplea, $4.00 doa; srapao, tt.S0tIt.T5i Mere. tl.jtttiil.oO per box; pouegraaataa, ,per box; tangerlnea. (1.T6. I VtGElABI.ES Tnralpa. new. $1.00 per each; rerrpta. . 11.00 ' per each;" beete. tl.0043 r aer aack Oregoa radiahee. SSe per doe: cabbage, Oregon. eo4fT6e per ewt; greeu Benpera, Te par Ibt California tomatoee, tl OOtt f.2A; peranipa, 1 00frl.28; atrlng beano. S10e: eioUdowet. tl.84ai00 per araU;rhubarb, lb; green paaa,-10e per lb: boraeradlah, lac per lb; Jrtlchokea. 40(tSue .par doa; botheoae lettuce, l.OCgi " per box; celery, local. 500700 par doe; eggplant, tl BO per arete; pumnklna. IVie: e-iue.h. mo: cranberrlea. Jereeye, $12 00013 00 Bar hhl: Cina timt eful Tillanunk. 110.00. DRIED yRl.lTS Applee. eraporated. lOfl lOHe per ib: eprlcou. i0ttiaa per lb; Kecbee. lOH&lBc per lb; aarka. He per Ib e: praaee, 30 to 40, HC; He drop ea each atxteenth aaallor alee; Ore.' California black, a'VcJfte per lb; California white, 5a per lb; dates (oldea, 6c per lb; tarda, ILSBe per. IS-lb box. ' . .1 t . - . . ' Bumilaa. 'Truta.-. Bto' . i . StTOAB Bach heele Cube. H S0 powdered. tS.dB; fruit graunlated, t3 M: dry g-aaulated, loA&l Cohf. A. to JO: beat grannie ted. snM: extra C. $8 06; golden C. S4.SB) V yellow, 14.83; bbU. I0e H bbla, Ke: boxee, SOe adeaBee on aack baala, leea Ste per , ewt for caee, U dare; maple, 14IKc par Ib. ' i Above prlooa apply -to oalaa of leee the a ear lota. Car lota at eprrlal prlcea eubject ta Drtuetlene.1 ' . IIONRT (S.SS per crate. . CorrEE Package branda. tlS td.' . . ALT Ooarae Half areand. 1000. pe to", table, delry. BOa. tll.on- inoo. I0.TS: lew ported tjTerBoel SOa. tT 00; inoa. S1S.MO; ttea. lid O0: extra Sn. Mile. ' aa., tno, tl.SOexB ori: balk. SM Dm. S4.00elB.o0; encka, Jo. anrtMe. SALT Coarae Half erennd. WOe. per tori. tT.OO: BO, per ton. IT.SO: : f.teerpool. lame rock, tl B0 per ton: 50-Th rock.; 100a. IS.TS. uni,t HAoa cmcntta, BfrE Imnerlel lanaa." Pm. t . KatnUe: New Or lee na bead. Tc: A lax. Creole. RSe. . BEANS amaTI whtta. T;' tirre white. M OO; pink. S3TSr bayou. S4-50; I.hx aa. SO-OO; Meetcen reda. oe. NT7TB Peanera, yatnnoa. SV, par lb: T1rhila TVe per Tbt roeeted. Sc: eoconaota, aneTOOc per doe; walnnta, inrtlflMc per Th: pine aota. lnatllHe per Wl hickory aura. I Ac pee Ibt cbieirnnta. eeetern. IB M tier Ih Braxll aura. 14c per Th; fTtberra. H(1V iter PM faacr pecaaa, iBHerieuc: eimopia. ineeiTr per n. Batata. Oaal OIU. Zte. " TtortJ Pure Manila, J4e: atandard. 13 c; leal. lie. . . COAL OIL Pearl or Agrrat Caaee. tOHe nee gal; water white. Iron bble, lnc per eel; woeden, tSe wr gait headlight 170-deg.. eaeee. tSHe per eel ' t OAROLINB SS-deg. canee. Id He per gal; trrm Mile. lSr . per gaL BKNriNB an dee. ceeeo. BJa per gall trm bll. 1e nee awl,-.' . TURPENTINE la eaaea, S2e per gal; wosden bbha, . SOc per gaL WHITB LEAD Toa Ma. Te per Ibt SOO-nj lota.e, per Tb: lean Vita. SHe pee tb. tl. BSe per gel: ground cake, car mta. taO.ik) par font leea than ear lota, b.'bmm per ten. Meata. Flak aad Irerlglane. PRBSH MEATS Front efreet Beef eteera, Scjoe per lb boga, block. THc per Ib; peck are. To par Ib; bulla. 4tBc per lb; cewe. BHBjOc per Tb; real, extra. THAMe Ib; ordi nary. Be per Tb; poor. Be per B; motion, aaacy. 7t4e per Ib. . HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack floeell heme. 10 te 14 Iha. 13e per Ib; 14 te IS the. liIHe Ibt braakfaat bacon,, IBdSlSHe per lb; plmla. Se per lb ragolar abort eleere, nn BMked. lie per lb; amoked. lie per lb; dear baeka. neaMked. 'toeie nor Ibt aoMked, lltte per Ibl Unloo bntta. 10 to IS Ibe, aa. amoked. Sa per Ibt amoked, be par S: deer bellleaojaamuked, lie per Ib: emoted, lte per Ib; aboeddera.. gte per lb, LOCAL IJIRD Kettle leaf. ' Oa. tie per lb; Be, HUe per lb; 60-Ib tlim, 10 K per lb: ateam rendered. 10a. 10c per Tb; te, lOUi par Ib: rompound. log, Sie. J - CAJiNEQBAUlON Columbia rrr. 1-tn talH. fl.SO; S-lb telle, t2.7K; f.ncy I TtrSirr, "SI en; Vi-ib rancy aaie. a'-'"' raney i-io eeaia. nil; Alaeka tain, pink, SBOSOci red. tl.BO; aeminal ta. tell. 32.00. . .. FISH Koch eod. Te per "M Sonndeea, Be per Ib; halibut, Te per Ib; era be. 11.50 per doa; atripad baea, ISHe per Ibl catflah. Te per lb; ealmon, alleeraldee. ae per lb: ateelhead, Tc per Ib; hiring. ce per Ibj eolea. Se par Ib; ehrttnpe. 10c per lb; oerca. Be per Ib; black cod. Te par lb; allver aawlt, Te per Ib; Inhotera, loci freak mackerel. Be per lb; erawSah, SSe per doa. OYSTERS "boerwater bay. pat gal. 33-23; per aack. 3. To. --. r . , CLAhlS Hard-ehelL per . beg, t2.00 raaar elama. 33.00 per. boa, SECRETARY PLUHMER SAYS CATTLE ARE GOOD Demand Has Improved Even at Recent Advance Rather ; ) 1 Dull in Hogs. Portland TTnloa Stockrarde. " Nov. ta-Llea. atuca receipie: Boga Cattle .Sheep . , m ar t:w Today . ...,,.;,,.. weca ago , ut ;.k - ns PreTlooa week ......ZHt mi Month ago ,..13S IBS ... From Secretary Plnmmer the following la nrt ' "The bog market la aulet. but there la an Imnrored feeling In the cattle demand at the recent evjeen are eeav while there le little to the lamb market. Small real eaieee would eell. ., Official prlcea for llveatect: v' ; Ho Oh. aB,mm riMM ae aoe.a e. .1- ere and China fata, 35.00; gtorkera aad jeedera. t4.00W4.. Cattle Reat eaatern Ore eon eteera OJtnnA 3.(10; Hrlit and medlnm ateera, 33.2.1; light cowa. fiM; gtorkera and feed era, (3.30; balla, tl.BO. Sbeep Wetbera. net mixed abeen, 4 14 438 Vac! atralght ewee. Br; lam ha, 0BSie. t-aieea tkwd real. IV) to 200 oouada. BalBWc! rough and heavy, 3!34c - KASTIIK HOQS STIADT. Chlctse, . Nee. 33 -IJrcetock receipt -' 1 Hoga. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago.;., ...IgliHO , a. Boo JB.teio Kanaaa City ......... .0iv ' f.oie . SBoO Omaha .......... d.OOO -- SBOO T.000 Hi Opened ateady at yeetrrdey'a cloelng leca. with S.ann left ever.'' Prlcea: Ml re.! l4.Boig4.0TH; good and h-ery. 4.7S04TV; rongn.;- ligat, tattle Ktrong. ' Sheep Strong. . , ' c ''' v OOTTtBMIlfT BOBDS. New York, Be, S3. Ooremment bonda: J Liare. , rite. , tt, No. 1 reg. ............... lino o8t 104 Nov S coupon . i , t , . tax) I ooa loe ios 104 im 1 10a 1114 in 1044 1044 No. U reg J........ No. t coupon ,,. Nn..3 gmall bonda...... No.O'd reg.... .......,. looT ion No. eo'ipou.. lou , lor) yn. 4 reg rio, a reg. yo. 4 coop" Puirlct (c rblll'ilna. invS HHk (tl4 in 1'v IINl, 1101. 1WV 019 li eoonon 1D2B oiomhia. . a ana, 4a ,i.i. vETS A REACTIOi TODAY - ifi niiEfirHT Chicago Market Shows a Fair Advance) ir) All Options Dur- ''.'. Ing the Session. w SEVEN EIGHTHS IS -' .. ADVANCE IN THE MAY December Gains Three Quarters and July a Half Cent Liverpool Prices Cloae With, jt Loss From Ycster day Price Current Bearish, - , THDBSOAfS WHBAT bfABKBT., - Cklaa " rinee ' fleln " Close 1 '." lanr. Wed. i Thur. Year Ago Scmher .nan $ .S2V, .ooi Sl.ot. " J .eT B to a .UU July.. .82 ha .82 Cbage, Nov. S3. Logaa ' Bryan ' aay: Toe wheat markat waa atrong throughoat the aeeelon.- A prleate cable from Argentine telling ef eerione damage attributable to recast froeca waa undoubtedly one of the fact ore cauelng a renewal of bulllah aentlment. and the aeon from Mlnaeapella that It waa generally Under etood there that large flour aalee had been made lately, added te the buying demand. Tuc fact le, bowerer, the queetlon ahonld be fairly complete with bearlab talk aBd aentlment pre- donilnatina. Wheat had only few frlenrte thla morning, bat aenttment at the eloeo tonight at 1 in pro red. it looked today aa though the prin cipal bull waa atlll at hie changing tactlea, trinaferrjng December Into Stay. Oara Bona Cheeked. ' The anaettlad weather throughoat the coun try tended te check whatever hearleh feeling wea created by the lower Lleerpool ceblea. Stoeka are email, and the new crop coming In haa only a email percentage of eon tract. The abort Internet haa a let of eompany ecattered throughoat the trade. - Oate trada u anw and tnalgnlflcaat. v ' Hogg Are Higher. "' Nntwlthatandlng the liberal nog receipta, prlcea at the yarda were Be higher. Tble gave the apecnlatree market a better tone with the cloelng higher, The baying ef Joauary ataff kwka of good character, hut la not of tha ag gieeelee oort. ' Official quotatlona by Orerbeck, Starr Cooke company .S . . ' . WHEAT. : ...V- . Open. High. Lew. CIoauw rw..... .$-. "I .S.1 f M S.IWti May.. July.. .M14 . T .ST B .S2 CORN. - 'Z'i - .44- OATS. !821 . J2 rfew TVc. i .edWB .4IH4 . AR .4.1V, .44 A .43 Vk , 4 A Old Dec. May July..... .'.asS .43 ., .33 raf;,'.. May-.j, x July .SOU .9SAB 3 .soT JO ' .BOtA MEM PORK. Ja... .. May 12.TS 13.ST 11 as ItOB , LARD. S.SS - 00 T.0T : 12.TS 13 S3 12.M . T S .SO IM BJW Dee, .... J ' S .M S.7 jan...... May...... Jan..... May...... 4 87 T.OO S.BS S.TB SHORT RIBS. .. a 00 s kii S.U S.TB '- .CB1CA00 CASH WHXAt. ' Chicago, Nor. 23. Ceeh' wheat: -- ' , u - y Bid. Aek No..; red I.. ..t .K44 I , No. 8 red .8344 -SB No. t kard J .84 No. 1 Borthei a. ....... ,M4- .SOU CO. 1 iwi D...........C Wevt apilag... .83 .88 -'". CHX0AO0 ftBAQT OAB tOTB. Chicago, Net 2Sv Qrala eSr Bifd Cera 4 re da Bat. Wheat TI 81 as Cora .,... ,,.. m ......,. ,800 B fOT Oata 108 ' 11 . i8 - ; . ' PBIMABT OBAIV SOTTkTVT, , Chicago, Not.. 28. Primary receipta: -: ' 7". -t ' . Today Be Wheat ......................1,004.1)110 uorn 004,000 - nnipmenta; Wheat ..J.. . 483.000 Cora ., ........ ....... S36.000 ; 1 eer ago Holiday. Clearanrea;. Wheat, S02 .000 baahela; tai.uuu euaneni; rmar. e.wo nerreMk j '' LmaprjOL oeadi kabxtt. , ' . I.tT.mool. Kov. 28doee:' Wheot. Ttecemtiee. 8olOVl.ia,WeTrMa1WBr-,TTHa. owee4 atag-. oe aw an, eaa aower. Corn January. 4e 4 ltd. 4d lower; March, 4a Sikd. d lower. v BAf rBABCISOO OBADf KAKXBT. ' San Franctace. Nov. S3c Official . WHBAT. ' U Open. High. Mty .Sl.404 31-4i4 December 1.35'4' 1-80 Lew. Cloae. 11.404 ! 1.38 lMi i- ' BARLEY. May... , 1.1S l.lH I. It December 1.18 'LIS l.lTIa MSU 1.18 ' COTTON FUTURES TEN TO THIRTEEN HIGHER New Tork, Noe. 23 Ooltoa futurea cloned 10 fa 18 polnta higher, ' Official quotatlona by Orerbeck, Bur, a Cooke company: f .. ' . j ,7 . . Open. Hurk. Low. Clone. January ........... .llao- 11,14 HIT UentrtT February .......... .llZ.t llM.llnd lOMwJI March 1142 I1TT 1142 llndfttTO April 4 114T UTd 1147 117441 T May UM Has 11. VI IlKousi tnne. ii ,...UK0 1188 1180 ll2n!4 July ................1184,1108 II80.1MHT Noremner ..........nil 1111 1111 nwttzs December ..........1101 1W6 1101 WtHiW ', 1- ... ., Liverpeel Cotton Higher. Liverpool, Nov. 28 Cettoa futurea eloaed 2 to S polnta np. . SAB ntABCTSCO LOCAL STOCKS. Saa Franclaco, Nor. 23. Official eleae, ma eeealon: ' mg eeaanv . i t. BM . Aak. 4T 40- 84V4 ,tf 82H 13 82 4 JOS 82(4 188 w Contra Coata Water............... 474 Spring Valley Water... Wi Mutual Klectrtc... I4 Haa Franclaco Oaa A Electric S44 Giant Powder ci iMf.,., Tit "4 Hawaiian (Vnnmerrtal 824 Henokea Sugar 12 Meaawell Sugar...... '814 Onomea Sneer............ 8814 Paauhaa Sugar a AUaka Pactera,...,Vi... B84 Oceania Steamahlp 34 Pacific Statee Telepbene California Wine 82- Pacific (Xiaet BVcax :.,..,.lo2M Callforala rrult Cana. ........... 7H ' BOiTOB Wmt MASKXT. Boatoa, Noe. ! foppar tleeei no.-" 1 Bid. tKM.Bfl , SN.00 l.BO , I0T.BO , 3 V t.TB ' 123. (MA Adveatnre Allouea .. Arcadlae Bingham Calumet .' Centenalel .1 Ml . 41.80 . , 34 8Q . eto oo Parrot ., Phoenix Siitncy ....... uota Fe .... Mbannoa Tamarack .... ST. BO T3 TB 18 TB Copper Range. Daly Weet ... Flm (Trinity ...r.-. 11. m . T4 80 8.1 M B.1 2B A 80 8 28 80 S8.2S SB" orth Bntta... I'nlted Copper Ctah t.. Vh'tfele ...... Wlnene Woteertne .... Boyal ........ V. S. Mining..' Franklin IT 824 Oreene Copper 30 Tl uranby. ....... etaea Michigan .... Mohawk Old Dominion. S8TH 0.8244 18.00 80 00 30 60 : AVBOBA HOPS SHIP BID. Aurnra. Nov. 23. Fonr rarloada of kopa were hipped from here yeelerdey. M. H. Ollhert eon ahlpped one car ee.t. Henry Miller ahlpped ene ear to London. F.ngland. and ene eer to Ohio, end Klaher Wolf A Better ahlpped 8 ear te Portland. Fight U on Betweert, th' -fruit Dispatch Company and Independent Concern and Banana Prices Likely to Suffer Somewhat. LOSS Ifi SHELTER IS FOUR POIHTS '. ' "V . . -.. .' '.'. Common Issues Has a Sharp , Break Preferred Drops Two w. and a Quarter. READING COMMON TWO AND THREE EIGHTHS OFF Union Pacific Two' and Three Quar ters Higher at Close Tennessee Coal Also a Good Gainer Rubber " Active and Higher. '. LOSSES. 34 1 Ontario eV W cetera. Anaconda ........ Amalgamated , .... Sugar Smelter de preferred.,.. Car Foundry Brooklyn Erie do 2d pfd ....... do let pfd ...... Xaty NorU7.'":::: Preeaed Steel Car.. ' 4 Beading , ,. 14 Bcixibllc Steel .... Ti oo prererraa..... Rock l.lend . ..... " do nref erred .... B s. r.. 24 pfd 314 Toledo i IT. S. Steel, pfd.,.. Wabaab 00 prexerrea ..... yt Locomotive lie ADVANCES. C. A N. W 4 Lowraao roel Foel .... J eitero 2 Cheaapeako ....... S Canadian . 14 nt. faul Greet Wi luinoia t'ennraa iw Metropolitan 81 North American .. 14 Penplo'e Oaa ....... "4 Southern PaclSe... H L'nlon Pactnc 3V de preferred..... 34 LeuhiTllle V Mexican Central. ,, h.H..I,..l. racinc Men , .. Teuneaeee Coal U. a. Robber .... 2S, U. S. Steal , Wall Street. New 'York. Nov. 38. The etork markat opened rather mixed bat good advancea ware anown early In the day. Thla waa con tinued until near tha cloae. when a reactloa carried most of tha llat lower. Among the prominent ioaeee were Anaconda, 2; Smelter, 4; Smelter preferred. S14: Reading, 2: Hock Island preferred. X; Baa Frandace eacoad pre ferred, 314. and LocomotlT.. 14 polnta. Ail- voacee ware aharp, eepedeny In Uuiou Paclfta, Metropoliun and United Slatee Rubber. , Official auetatlone by Orerbeck, Starr, A Cooke cempeny; DBSCBIPTTOB. Anaconda Mining OeT Am. . Loeomotlre..... IBS ToetNm AmaL Copper Co. Atrhlaon. com . . do preferred Am. Car A Fouad., com do preferred Am. Sugar, com........ Am.' Smelter, eom.,.. do nreferred . . . . .' . H8U 10:14 ',1084 en 4"fc 1004 1004 14.1 1444 lB44to4H lWllBIl Baltimore A Ohio, com.. de preferred, Brooklyn, Rapid Tranalt. 8T 004 Canadian Pacific, com. . riTsvt Central Leather....,.,, 484 Chi. A Ot. Weet,, com., Chi.. MIL A St. Paul.. Chi. A North., com.,.. Chi. Terminal Ry...... 314 1T0&4 2184 1 1 Leea pee ke A Ohio rColo. Fuel A Iron, com., lio. noutn., com...... do Id preferred...... de lot preferred..... Delaware A Hudaoa.... 22TU O. A A. C, com.. do preferred . . , Brie, com do SdeTeferred.. . do let preferred. 4 Tjoul.TlTTe A NaenTllletffjBl'K i.ViCffsr. Illtnota .Central,. Metropolitan Street By,. 11BV4 12014 linvhii Mannattaa Ky Mexican Central Br... ion 108 103 2X4 3.S 23 H 1ST 14 10014 8Tg M.. St. P. A Ste. M las 138 OO Pa" frrMl . e a e e Mlaaonrl Pacloc.... M.. K. A T.. com do preferred New Tork Central. 1014 87 '4 nv 144lloil4 14l(4 Norfolk A Weotera, com m 4 804 North . American. ... .. . . N. X.. Ont. A Wee tern. Pennaylvanla By....,.'. P. a. L. A 0. Co Preeaed Steel Car, com., do preferred . . . . Pacific Mall S. B. Oo..., Beading, com.... ...... . do aeconAireferred.., do flret preferred.... Ben. Iron A Steel, com, do nreferred Bock laland, com....... do preferred Southern Br . com ,m,a liteiriletl Southern Pacific do. nreferred St. L. A 8. F.. 2d pfd do flret preferred,... St. U A 8. W.. com..,. do preferred ...... Texaa A Pacific... Teaneaeee lOnal A Iron.. Toledo, St. L. A W., e. do preferred Union Pacific, com..... do nreferred V. B. Rubber, rem...,. do preferred TJ. s.. steel Co., rem.... de . preferred Wlacooeln Central, com, do preferred. ......... W. TJ. Telegraph Waneeh, com........... do preferred,....,..,. Railway Springe.., 100 vt 103 14014 141 B04 4714 1.1714 074 TO S84 tli 224 lonll084 87 88 87 M. 8T4 1:174 1.1414 824 10N4 10H4 87. I 884 10X4 1044 20 4 38 24 21 414 I BOV, Total aalea for day. l.SSS.onO eh area. . Call money cloeed 6tl54 per cent. 1 , TOBOPAH HrBlBa STOCXS. Sen Fried eco, Nov. 23. Tonopeh aterke, ef Sclal cloae, morning eeealon: Bid. Bid. Montana ..... Midway MrNamara .. Belmont ..... North Btar . . Reecne Reecue .' Oold Monntaln Jim Butler .., Nevada , altBA 'sTFfBj a a 4 a 1 32.88 (Colnmbla Mt... .144 l.xxujumno ........ ,e "i 82t4JJ 41 I Jumbo Exten. Z2A 1.4T4 Black Butte .... ,88 lliolden Anchor.. ,OT Sllrer Pick .... .OT IRar A O'Rrlen.. .14 .80 .00 .08 .25 nT (Ohio Tnnopah .... 8T O. Bull Frog.... .18 .20 .07 .08 .1.1 .18 .08 - .on I. IS .28 .14 124 Dlamondaeld . ST limine Sur Ton. F.xteaaloe. 8.23 Oolilfleld - 88 Sandetnrm ..... .43 Home Ceeh Boy ..... Dearer Bine Bell Atlanterr.,... - Sandatorm It.., . A da me . -.OS Mohawk ; .IT Dixie .08 Kendall ........ .81 Weet F.nd Oohl Per ..... National Bank. ' OKIKAUIBOn SOLD. fSpaclal Dlepatch tn The Joarnal.) '' : Cbehalla. Nor. 28. C. McCarthy haa aold hli inoa eron at Be per nonnd. Ha could bare had Sne at one time lor the aame bona. He Bold hie 180S- be et Scv Mr. McCarthy. by the y, retiree thht year rrom active terming, rie a aae of the- walklne hoaaea eo the railroad et the Northern Fectnc when It waa drat built from Kalama to Taeoma and afterward engaged In farming on the Newanknta 12 mllea from Cbebella. Eecentty. hla. wife died and a few monthe before that hla Iged mother, who Baa paaaed the lOO-year mark, died, aad bow ke peopoaeo re laae 01a eaee n nwi. i.aM m fully able la de. . .. ' - 00MBT0CX MIBIBO STOCKS. ' Saa Frandaca, Nor. 28, Ofoclal elnee, morn ing araaaun: . l awn. ...I .84 Bid. Bullion Savage ... .48 Belcher . . . Con. CeL-Va, Onhlr ...... .21 Potoal . Cnbm One 8d Yellow Jacket... .14 Rxclieaaer 43 Hale A Nercroa. I.on Scarploa ....... .IS 1.88 S.8214 .81 1.88 .85 .31 Calrdonla .., Mexican . . . Con. Marenr Aadee ...... BOtTLABD BABX BTATIhtlWT. Clearing . tT41.8n20 TB,2T.w Balencee ' Starling Batae. New Tork. Xov. 23, Sterling re tee: Demand. 480. 300 488.40; 00 dare, 483.40 483.7. .-'. Teotli-rNlbPam Mai-reloue la what all tha dentlata Mf about tha wonderful eyatem of Alvjeolar Dentlatry, originated and practiced ex eluelvely In Portland by Boaton Pentlats, 331 H Jdorrlaon atreet. vve save laetn it only a good root remains. We restore old decayed teeth I to and beauty. We replace lost or abstTit teeth with out plates. We extract teeth without pain ires of charge. Wa treat ind tighten loos teeth, and soft or bleeding suing are made sound and healthy. , 7 We guarantee our plates to fit. : We give you tb beat dental work for tha loweet cost conslatent with flret. claaa work. Come and have free exami nation and conaultatton and learn f of youraelf what we can do tor you. TTBTW rTHOUrruucj Boston Painless Dentists 91 H Vorrlaoa -, Opp KoUs ft ITank and roe tof floe. - XOTma do a. m. to B. 30, u daw, sao a. m. to la 30 p. m. Zcnobia's Blood Food! WILL CTJRB TOTJ. A TKSTIMOBIAL FBOM ITUI OVK WHO HAS TBTED IT, J) J. B. Smith ef Lenta, Oregon, eaye: "I had Buffered for yeara with lung and bronchial trouble.. kl.ilam Kenohla'a likiod rood la cnr- mg me." For aale by Madam Kenobla. - 323 Allaky bnlldlng. XnS Morrlaoo, corner Tbira LEONARD WOOD'S RECORD - INTeOBA SOLD AS JUNK ' Waahlnaton. Nov. Jt. After .havlnf carefully stored for years .the official records of--the occupation of Cuba, mid having gpald- tOOO a year for such ator age, the government today turned over the entire rosea of dooumentg to tha waste paper man. From theaa records many coatly. If not valuable, ' volumes"' have been compiled and printed at pub lic ekpenae, and tha general opinion was that . the original records were worthy of preservation. , If for nothing. more, they would be valuable In that they ptreeent the exact facts regarding General ; Leonard Wood's expensive" re gime In that Uland. According; to the reaults of the consxeaalonal Investiga tion, that regime was also worth all it COSL ' V Ill TOBZ OOmt KABZZT. ' New Tork, Nov. 23. Coffee futurea cleaed 5 polnta ap to B polnta off. Official aanratlona: Bid. Aak. I Bid. Aak. January ...38.60 3d ORlJoly .'. .ST.30 T,26 February .. d.70 S.TOIAuguat 7.a I March S.HO d Kfll September .. T.85 T 40 April 0.00 S..VIctolVr ..... T.45 T.BO May ......a 7.00 7.08 November .. 0.43 0.80 June J T.10 7.161 December ..-A46 S.BO Berelga Coffee ntarkata. Havre, Nov. 2:1 Ooftre advanced 14 to 4; Hamburg unchanged to. 4 np. Bla receipta 11 mm haaa. market aulet. prlcea 00 down: ban- too 98,000 bags, market qnlct. 60 down. For cough or cold usa Crystallised Rock-Rye, only BO cents a bottle at I2S Morrison street. '..'( If iaW eV a. T1 I' eaBml OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO Mombers Chicago Board ot J radat ;. ' a , ' OBAOT, rBOTXSZOBB, COTTOB. BTOCXB ABB BOBS. ' 101 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland, Or., , ' , ' WB BO A TBZOTZ.T COBTJOSSZOB BTBTBBBS. ' - Coatlniioua Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd Tllton, bankers, and United Statoa National Bank ot Portland,. ' IN TVe treat anoceeefuHy all private tier, voua a .id chronic diseases of mens alaa blood-stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throaff troubles. . Wa euro SYPHILIS without mercury) to stay cured for avar. Wa remove STRICTORE. with out operation or palp In II daya. i Wa stop dralna, night loaaea and spermatorrhea by a new method la a week. Wa can restore tha sexual visor of any man under 10 by meana ot local treatment peculiar to ourselves. W Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Tha doctor" ef this Institute ar an regular graduates, have bed many yearn exDerleoc. have been known In Portland for 11 years, hava a reputation to mnlntaln. and will undertake no case; unices certain cure caa da eneoteo. We ruerantoa a rure In every enss wefcf i ...rtaka nf chaewa nA fee. ConSultSW '. Vs Hon free. Lett-ra confldantlaL Inatruo- tle BOOK Fun BthKI DaUN I two nlaln wrapper. Wo eure the worst cages et pUee In two or three treatments, wlthewt eparaje tlon. Oure guaranteed. - If you canaot call at onto, write for aueetloa hlanh. :.. Boms treatmeal aaam aeasfuL . Office hours, t ta I and T ta S. Band a ye and holidays, to -to IV ; v.-., ' DR. VV. NORTON DAVIS & CO. " OfBcea In Van Noy Hotel. (3Vb Thir d Street. Corner Pino. Portias.. Oa, f a ... , ITS 1 eases, earner, paralvsla,-tumors, rheumatism end ril.r.ler of the stomach, liver and kidneys. He hate had greet euc-een In cnrlne enn aumptlon when the victim la not too r.uch rn do.n bv the riire, and will atop bemorrhagea la an Incredibly nhnrt time. He hrewa ) a own medicines from Chinese root a, herbs, Viiia. hnrka end vm.i-i-h teaa, all of which ar entirely harmle-a, end whn me.nciPi rr m . -a are unUnown to American d.wtnra 11 tia In hi- nrn-H'-e over . " .- yerent uneniai iwmediee. Hundreds T . tlentA DR. -WIN U BOBTat rOTBTB BTTtrtT, 4tt;; : . TRANSPORTATION. BeStBeaaBaBo Astoria Columbia1 - ? River Railroad Co. Lea Tea. UNION DBPOT. Arrleee. t 'Oea. m. Dally. FW Maygerd, Berhler, 11 20 a.m. Dally. Clatakanle Weetpiart Clifton. Aetorla. War-I rantoa. , Flavel, ' Ham muad, Fort Steeeno. Gearkact Park, Beaalda. Aaterla and 7:00 p. Bk DaUy. Bxpreee Dally. 0 80 a, pk. Dally. . . Aatoria Expreea, I r- 1, fi 1 a a Aatoria. f"H 0. A. STEWART, CwmmeecUl Ageat, S4S Alder atreet. rnone Mala DOS. ' UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE Fraai Parllaeil to Meet and war polnta. la connection with Regulator Llae and ntaie rw taga Hallway, ateaurr , , . "MOUNTAIN GEM" Tea.M nTT.TI.O . , Every TTJZSSAT for A SLING TO and WAT BOIBTS, and Ircry TBtDAT for laBIOOB, ABUBOTOJf aad WAT POINTS. Freight received at ALDEB STBIBT DOCK every TUXBDAT aad I SID AT. Special ratee for Umatilla, Wallala, ' Peace ana aeanewnsa--- .-, Fur fnrtner Intor Button addreae Sopt W. P. Gray, ('elite, Or., or lmiulre at office et Begn latof Line. Phone Main 014. . ALASKA; VAST AND POPULAR BTSAMBHIPB ' Leave Seattle B S Ba. 1 "JTrTTBBOB." Bevemker S3, via WraageL "DOLPHIN." Vevemaar S, 17, vA Wraagel. "f AAALLON." November 10, 34, via Wraagel, MetUkahtla. t , . '' - CALLING AT ' . ...'' . i Xatahikan, Jaaaaa, Souglaa, Hahtaa, Skag way. Oaaneota with W. B. A T. reat for Atlin, Deweeo, Tanana, Borne, eta. . For All oataaaetera Alaakn Porta. Call or aend for "Trip te Wonderful Alaka.N "Indian Baaketry." "Totem Pelaa." . X THB ALASKA S. S. 00. , ' Freak Wvolaey Co.. Agenta. tn Oak St. Portlaad. Or. $i.oOfo$i.oo: Turkish Bath the Biarht. aa far B. KingVBaths B4rvetrU ajht Wl lngrton Bta. and lajgont For modern dental worB. " ' . Bowned Deetaileta. - -e- Liowaat prlcea oon a latent with ftrst-alaas :- ";;a .: ;; ' , oo to th .."'.' NEW YORK DENTISTS ,' . rOTJBTal ABT9 BIOBaUSOH BTB ' OOw-lTtSTO, XOrKTBI ft oo, tlbatabllahed ltl.) AJTS STOCK BSOKHBB.' Booth 4, Orwnnd Floor, Lx OBABTBEB OV OOataaBCBT IB "Sty v aW A "WEEK Mm' nn ummp i cc lliUWllw LLC The Great Chinese Doctor vr . - . .. , LOCjffBD , IN tiPOKTL AMD r SJMCB I3SO Re la called great because he cures nil dlsesaaea without reeortlne; to the knife. Call and have a free examination, He will tell veu the exact nature et etr trouble. . He treat a euoceeafull v ever form of fe BnaJa nomrl. lot. a 1 1 rrtvnt eni1 Klorwt die- of toaMmonlula frmn gniiorul i TRANSPO STATIC 1 CnATfinn AUfttorrpAiciri!; Trains to the East Daily 3 Thrangh Pullmaa etaadard end loexlat leer ing -cere dally te Omaha, rhlcago, Spokaae; taortet aleeping-oare dally tn kanaaa Clty throagk Pullmaa tourlat a leaping -cara (peraoo. ally conducted) weekly te Chicago. Becuulug chalreora eeata free) to the Seat dally. 3 . CN10N DKPOI. . Laevae. . Arrlvaa. CHICAGO-Hti a-TLAN 0 SPKfUAL. 018 a. m 8:28 p. au For the Eaet rla Hoot- Dally. Daily. tngtoo. ' - SPOKANB FLTEB. ... For Reetarn Waehlag- , toe. Walla Walla, Law- 0-15 p. m. 8:00 a. av latoa, . Coear d' Alene .Daily, Daily.,, and . Great, Berthage 1 - ' u polnta. j ' ' ' ATLANTIC KXPBRSS. 8:18 p. aa. 7:18 a. aw For the Katt via Hunt- Dally. Dolly. Ington. ' ' Oolombla Brear Dtvletoa. FOB ASTORIA and way I 8:00 p. av polnta, connecting with Dallr ' Abont atmr. for Ilwaoa and lex. Sunday. B OO p. aa. North Beach, atmr. Hatorday. ex. Saaday. Haaeale. Aah-ex. dock. llOOO p. m. ... TamklU Blvar Beato. FOB DATTON, Oregon I 1 . City aad Yamhill rirer 7:00 a. m. 7:80p.Bv, C4nta. atmra. Bath had Dolly Dally odoc, Aah-at. dock. ox. Saaday. ex. Saaday. (Water permitting.) I ,. . Baake Blvor Boute. - ' FOB LtWISTON. Ida., " ! . ' and way polnta from JP Blnarla, Waah., atmra. " DJlT-1... Spokane and Lewletoo. J," rtiim' Telephone Main 713 C. . BTIMI NOBR. Clrr Ticket Agent, L. CBAIO, General Paaaeoger Agent, EAST v;a SOUTH Leavaa, L'NION DIPOT. OVKRLAKD EXPBE88. Traloo fug Salem, Huao- norg. Aehlaaa. Be ere mento. Ogdea. Saa Fran. t:4B p. m. dace. Stock too. LeoAa- rrlee. Kl Paao. Kew Or-j Jrma and the naat. Moralng" train cow err tc at Woodburn dally ' rxcant Sunday with train for' Mount. Angel, Silver, tea, RrowMvllle. S a r I a s S:S0a. m. 'SJBP.8A f leld.vWandUusland Natron. - Rueene oaeaeneor-coo 4:18 p. m. necu at Woodburn with aiOj a.nv. Mt. Angat ,-e4- auvag- ton local. 7:80 a. m. 4:80 B. m. 10:4 p.m Corvallla paaaenger. Sheridan pasaeugar. 8:58 p. nv g:2fl a. m. Foreet Grove paaaenger. 111:80 p. m, 'Dally. ' .-,- "IIDally except. toraoBy.' " - . . VertlaM-Oewoge Suhnrbaa Serviea and TamklU ,.,...- - . .DiTiaiaa- t.., Depot foot of Jefferann street' leave Portland dally for Oswego T:3 It . mj 11:80, t8. 4:00. 3:20. 0:38. 8:80 10:10, 11:80 p. m. Dally (except Bonder), 3:80, 0:30. S.SS. 10:38 a. m. Sunday only, 0:00 a. . Betnrnlng from Oewego, arrive Portland dally 8:80 a. m.; 1:85. S:0B. 8:06. 0:167:88. 08. imp p m.. 13:M a. nv. fy (except Sunday), ' Leavaa from aame depot for Dallaa and Intor mediate polnta dally 448 p. au Arrive Port- The ' Independewo-Moomeotk Boew- line opera tax daily te Monmouth aad Alrlle. eow aactlng with Southern PertSe cempany'a tracke at Doll. end . . riraf-ctaeo imrm 1 ' - . . and Sao Franclaco t. bertbe 35; aaeond-claae fare 318. eecond-claaa bortho t2 B0. . Ttckata te Eaatern polnta and Bnvepet alee Jknaa, China, Honolulu and Auetralla. City Ticket Ofnce corner ThurA and Waaa- J- IV. HI 1.V1JB.IV, em- ' ' atj Tick. eifMt. eea. Paaa. Agent, TIME CARD TRAINS' Portland: DAILT TJMIOM DBPOT, Depart. Arrive. Tellowataae. Perh-BaB-au (Mtv-St. Louis Spe cial for behalh, Ceu rralla. Olympia. Oraya 3:30 a. Bk . irC-4a , I- 4-30 p. Bk Harbor. Sosth Bend. Ta enoie. Seattle. Bpofcane. Iwlaton. Butte. Bll- llnea. Denver. Omaka Kaaahs City. St. LaoJa and Soatbeaat. i North Oieat Limited. electric lighted, for Ta- 100 B.JB. 7:00 a. i mow, Beettie, npoaaBo. Botte, Mlnneapolle. St, Panl and the Seat. -Paget Bound Limited, for Ckehalle. Centralla, Taeoma sad Seattle only. Twlo City Expreea. ret Taeneu. Seattle, Spo kane. Helena. Butte. 4 JO p. Sa.U0S3B. Ba. 11:Bb. BJ, 90 p. m. lellowetoue Park, Mlu- pee nolle. St, Paul asd tha Seat. - . A, D. CRASLTOH. Aaalatant Oeneral Paaaenger Agent, ,, 2S0 Morriaoa at., ear. 7hlrd. , ' v Portlaad, Oregoa. 1 1'w; .- THE COMrOrTTABIX City ticket Oflae. 133 3d gt, Bkoae BsO. 9 Ovcrknd Tri:!sC2::y y "rke nyer era tha Past atU BBLXSTDXT SBBTTCB TJP-TO-DAT-vi rQrriPTTSTT COUBTi.OTjB IMt-bOTta- 1.FAVK I 'Prong s AKIUih 3 38 a. m ll:4rm Portijuid (7:00 a.m. Yta Seattle jdtOrxm TUBpoknae it-Oua-aiT p. nv (OAS. Oo,V Oreat Vorther-a Steamahlp Co. Bnlltng, from H.Hili S8.I",T. Dl 1 14. S. S. Btiei. ' i-- i"A, 1 For Japan a I ' .na l.n.a and lmliltl?l laftl south. leTii I ArHvmV XI! WAY. II Jai"ii I 1 tn''a f a. i .