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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 23, 1B03, cf Year Li:: Is Stint Get (Wxftte FryfegMi " Titlicut Getting " Into .the Fire? - - T iop. tha Itttla actVnts and Inci dent of daily Ufa turn Into "Krylnt l'aaa." With lit Hadiff Into th fin no whU.U If bwtwIt nothf a,r of uyiug that tlwaa p pl ''ata-v' and frat and ayorry ovar things 1 that happen, and In aMrhlaa; "ways out,' or .rinedla, uagaU onl auccd 1b making thinfi aroraa It Requires But i J. SnU Thins TO PUT THE AVERAGE MAN OR WOMAB ,ONA "FHVING PAN." TUB LOBS OK A good ci.ekk, a niHin n'Bioudt. a good 'TENANT. A POCKET-BOOK. A SERVANT ANY ONE OK THKtSE Loss EH 18 ENOUGH; AND TURN IT 18 A f AHK or "NKBVICH'1 AND IHKITATION AND Ft'osl AND FURY UNTIL. -RELIEF COMES. . . ' But It I not neceeaary, tn getting eat of three "frying psns," to get staged I and scorched and blistered. Acting like derrick, a want sdvertlaeutent will usually land you fra and clear of both pan and Bra hut you take some rlak, la trying , to lea toe hurdle uu- , assistod. ' . And tie Best Part : V cfltls Thls: : i . THAT. AFTER A WHILE, "THB WANT AT) . HA BIT" WILL ENTIRELY CURB YOU Or" TUB "FRYING PAN . HABIT." HO THAT VOl( WILL NO LONGER BEGIN TO'-'BTKW" OR "BOIL" I WHEN SOMETHING OOK8 WRONG HUT WILL TURN TO WANT All VEHTIHINU AS EASILY AND NATUHALLY AS YOU WOULD Tl' RN' TO A KHOB STORE ' FOR ' SHOES. OR TO A BTHKKT CAB TO TAKB YOU HuMi. . , ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 12.790 NEW ft-room hones, modem; 10 minutes to city: earner tot. Improred etreete; f:;oo , down. 30 month. BOO East Mala, Beat 62-i. prKCIAL BARGAIN IS FOR II. . '- Treeta t'J front foot. -819 feet deep; eaa ' have aa manr front fret aa yoa wane from 1 80 feet ap: all In cultivation, all leTel aad sightly, g minutes' to fust 10-room school, 9 grade, near stores, poete'tos. church aad '.' rar station at Lenta; 8-eent fare to any part of Portland. Tola la 1-1 pries: .term. If , wasted. O. R. Addltoa. - Lenta, Oregon, owner, Take Mount Bcutt oar.. 8 cent a. BO-rooT lot ea Kearney at. for II. TOO. Tye. - KJnMll. 60S Commercial blk. Ma hi 2823. . MODERN 10-reen dwelling with barn, large lot, weat aide, eery beat residence sect loo, II J. 000. . '.. WESTERN OltKUON TRUST. CO., . 210 reatoa bids.. - 8-ROOM booee, earner ImVon Fremont at. t barb, hssemrnt and poreh; l.00. Tyaoa kluaell, 03 t'nmmerolal blk. Mala 2A2.1. . FOR SALE FARMS. ' . B.VB0 11-AfRB frolt far and B-room borne In Oak tiroee. - J inn-arre farm, 2S earea eleared. t balance In timber, llrlng water, B mllee weat of ftt. Johna. j - a 13 TSO 6 acre In trait and good S-rooni hmi, feed water. In Oak dim, fa. 000 lao-arre farm aeer Coble, 40 nerea (Tired aad caltlvatrd. 40 berea ran be eaally cleared, halanre In aood timber," T- room house, frnlt and food water. 12.400 -4. acrea of tha fneet KraTerdam . , , lead i good water and well drained, all ' fenced. ' i ORF.OO BROB.. ' j - Phone Vain 6303. -3IT-1S Fenton bldf leo-ACRB farm.- 1 mlled eaot f PertUnd on dy- ilrer; 40 amn tnioer rnmrarioB. ooa Improremenra. ' Id aorea on Powell valley ' road, ,H mil aonth of reaereolr; abort dla 'tanee from 1 carllma. - IT ncree food, level land adjoining Motor addition. W. B. Fech- belmor, IBT Firing bMg. 110.000-tFARM of 400 aerea, 130 ralrlrated. - balance peatere: SO aerea clover; booae. two ,v berne; woo Id eat! la kits of 40 aerea. Ad ' draaa K. Bell. Root L, Rlrkreal. Oragea, ' at 4S Eaat ,ywelfth at., Portland. ' FOR BALD Bfock ranch of 1.400 aerea near Cobare;, S mllee northeaet' of Kngene. Lane .. county, Oregon: brlee low and tarma oaay. r. TV. CbamborlaU. Lab he bldg IMrtUnd. FRF.B LAND lit OREGON nnder tha Carey IrrlcaUoa Act. Deed dbroct from atate. Write today. Booklet and map free. " B. SV ' Cooke fo Sfil Alder at, Portland, Or. BARGAIN 0-acr Improred farm B mllee eaat . of Portland. LaCompto, 227 Front. A to-ACBt farm, nil tn onltlentlnn, B ml lea from rourthonee, 1 mile from O. W. P. A Ky. . Co., 13,000; tern, to suit, or will trade tot . beua and Int. , Job P. Sharkey, T01 Cbaav . . bar of ,Commerce. ... tn aiw ll-acravfmlt farm at OobiOrwea; good 14,000 Hoya .a good' 160-arr farm aear TJohle; 40 acrea nnder plow. 40 eaa be ea.ll - cleared, balance In good yellow fir. f lpSOftdOO-acro farm ' near Gale Creek no. (office; 4-room booae and furniture, barn, SO acrea In fruit. 40 acrea of timber, UtIds i . water; terma. ', tN.ono 100 acre, t mllea weat of Bt. Johna, 4ft, acree cleared. BO acrea efa food Umber, . llrmg watorj terma. ..... t ORKOO BROS., Pbone Mala 30a. 117-H Fentoa Bldg. ,40 ACRE.,., all Dlca lead, aonte ' Improremonta. new boose; front a oa a good road. SO miles eaat of Portland; mile to good atore and . , achonl; only 1,SD0. ,IIonkh A Baker. Ill : Ablngtoa bldf. . - '' ' - '.iOK BAU6 , 40 arrea eerr line land, H In etilttratlon. Ilea Bice and level, rich Mark loam: It ad jolna Clarkamaa station' and R. R.; only 10 mllea from ranter of Portland; will after It for one week only at f76 per acre. Ad dure M44. ears' fwaruar.' " " . FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIBTI acrlB. any alaa plecea; lowest prtrca. , VT. 0. Howell, B3f Chamber at Com- FOR HOMIMmCADft, timber clalma aad scrip apply to Sot Commercial Tlk, FOB BALD 1000 acrea flrst-claae timber, close to Columbia river, near Cape Horn... J. I. Armstrong. S83 Cable at., . Portland. ' Phone '. Main 6200. . . ISO ACRE", very beet fir. 14 mllee from Oregon T'ltr. with stream m ruling through place; i .1 estimated 6,000,000 fret; very cheap at 1,JSWBSTE11M ORBOON TRC8T CO., ' M SlOFepton Jildg., ' , ' HORSES AND CARRLAOES. HORflES ofsall blade for aala at vary reaaua , able price Inquire 230 Jefferaon. ONB leO-lb horse, t light horsee. 4 aad B yean . Vjld, two arte ot haroeaa. Inquire F. C. WU aon, Woodatock. HORP.KA yoR BALFJ ALL BIBKB AND - ALL Pf)icm BTABIVS HO JKFFBR80N 8T, i BET. FIRST AND SECOND. - - A BRAND VIW Jlght enrlngwagod for aale very cheap Inquire blacksmith. 100 Eaat Water St., or phone Bast 4as. ' TO' EXCHANGE. Fine California home, 10 acrea highly ealll- rated, fine house, at Madera, California: will - trade for a similar boa Bear Portland) .'price 110,000. JIRNKM BARER, -' " 1I Ablngtoa bldg. . A SI'BI'BBA" honaa of T rnorna. modem; 4 lota .. SOxlOO escb. food barn, fruit treea, ahrnbliery of all klnila; one block to car Una aneV and erhonl; will trade for realty la or near Mil ' wankl of acreafo or lota to tba value of It. B0 to tl.BOO. O H'Jenmal. 49 ACRES. Astoria; t tore Snath Bend. Wash .. Ington, for. fmrerloa, notions nr light hard ' ware, etc. Addreaa S60 Rnaaell at. . ., TO FrXCHANnB-Xenr d'Ateae Ildabn) mining - stock for diamond. Value, a boat $300. , Bui tilf- ' - i , WILL etrhange half Interest In a good bustneea - , for .one or two food building lota. Phone Fnst 400. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. AI'TOMnntt.p!. fond condition, for aale cheap; will eirbsnas for rlty property. 414 Deknut. FOR S A LB OR RRNT NRW AMD SWOOND II AND UrTWIVtl MACHINES. STANDARD prwiNO M m AUBNUt. rl. D. iONKa, M0 TAMIIIM, ST, M'liiNEriy ef si y-r- re-.ired. Ontennlal Irou A b -! A . i u.,.a at. P0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print your name on HO calling-cards, proper lea and strle, ii.V; V O bolin-a csrta, 1. .Browa A aktniale i-J Flr.t. torllaud. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL, tables' fur rent or tor sale ou est tiATitirnts. TUB BUt NUW li K-BALKB COLLENDEB CO. el . Tblrd at... Portlaud. LA ROB atoch ' aecond-kand Bemlnftoa aad . Smith-Premier trpewrltare, rrom ev. an. t'oderweod . Typewriter Co.. 1 Btark at. LAROBrr stork of bottles m northweet; ardera 1 filled promptly, Portlaod Boi'le Sonply Caw. ' SOI North Ela-bteeuth et. Mala zoA. SHOWCASKS AND riXTURBS oisde to erder) second tisnd goode for sale. Carlson A Kall atreuh iW Couch et. Phona Clay STL, UNCALLRIt-FOR monnted eneclmene- aad fur ruga cueaa. It 3- Urease, sou xiara ec HOTEL range (Charter Oak), nerd 4 months. dining cb.lrs, (ablea, ahowcasee, eonntera. Weetera Salraga Co., 027-S Waablngton sC . FOR SALF BURROI'OHrt MO. S ADDING MACHINE. AI.MOMT NEW. SIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PAC1F10 44. - r M. BARUB A SON. hsrlng bongbt tba eom nlete atock of Dlamhlng material on the Trail and Oovernment Inland, offer all the pipe and ft It lines and very reasonable flgureal also tba electric flrtaree or tne Americaa ion Co., which will g e to tba buyer at lass than half at coat price. ... FOR SALE Four No. S American hoist boree nowera and lot of eecund-band donkey ea - si nee. atiltable for kxtalua or hoisting Dnr- poaea. Por-Information, and price apply to r. U. Knettner. Astoria, Oregon- WKKTERN OREGON MINING A MILUNfl ' CO. headquarters; atock for sale and la formation at lot) First St. Pboos Main 1SS0. 4S ROLL-TOP DESK 126.00 BEliHI'RIN'GS ., 1.00 1 OI'ITAR 150 S WOOlcTOP MATTRESS KB . . . t.00 Stoves, rangea, furniture, eroolery, franlte . and" tinware and all houscfurnlsblnga at actual coat and leea. We are closing out. FLEMING. 71 FIU8T BT. FOR RALB) Good work borer, cheap. Inquire William Moffett, at the golf Unas, Bellwood. FOR 8AI.E Cheep, a pair of very beautiful i Australian narauueta; also canaries of very fine eonr. Just ssst ot tbs obsarvstory, Port ' land lleUhta. ; FOR SALE Fine aprlght piano, perfect con dition; aell cheap. Call afternoon 170 Tenth. FOR SALE New JS-ft. gasoline launch and booae; price 1350. Phone Main 4860. FOR SALE Stockton Incubator, ISO egga, food condition, II 3. Inquire MS Eaat Fifteenth et. CHEAP r Drummer's samples of holiday good: . cuff anoVcoliar hoxee, comb and brnah sets, etc., for sale at lees thaa wholesale aost- Second at. ...... bend b..b. rich. portland. orpmion. .v in stamps fob 23 ahsoktkd souvenir ' postals. - .- ; BOOKS bought, sold " and exchanged at tba - Old Book Store, . 8JS Yamhill at. ' v ' FOR HALE SM aerea. all set In young orchard (apple treea I. lu Grand Roods valley. Writs - J. A. Tbranaon, La Grasde, Oregon. . v roR SALE One hand nrlntlnr areas. BJr9. at. . moat new, cheap If sold at once, fall ot , addrsaa O. F. Patrick. 67S Bortbwlrk St. . FOR SALE cheap, young Psnsma parrot."' 60T , Pettygrova at. - NEW SOO piano, f ISO: second-hand plane. 10; ergaa, 123. . 241 V, rlrat. cor. Main, upstairs. FOR SALE A new Invention; a hoard genu In memory of tbs Lewis and Clark rxpoeitloa. Write td Mrs. Nettle Hares. Agate. Oregon. PERSONAL. Bfl MEJf ! - V, P." (Vital-Power) tablets will restore to . you tha ens p. vim and, vigor of manhood; If ' ton are larking In tbe power of vitality. Its km resulting from Indiscretions end axes ears, send for a Dos of these tablets snd be cou rt steed of their merit. By mall la plala pkg.. SI. Tbs Armstrong Tsblet Co., Inc., Wei Tolama blk., Detroit, Mlchlgaa. SPECIAL NOTICB TO WOMEN Don't rlak your - Hvea by s a opera ttoa whea yea ess - ' be eared by hermleea aaetboda; - electricity nreoerir apnlled will save Ufa where opera. tleoa Sill. - We possess the -latest taveatlos to control diseases peculiar to women, or. W-J Maes. M. Bw Medical Electrician, Of. flee T1S Pekam bldg. I' bona Bed S281. Offlea houra S-1A, J-S. . i ,, .. . -, MRS. ANNA LUCKEY end ETHEL WARD are now located at S30 Taylor St. pnaclpals or tbs Americas Beauty Parlors. Ws curs all scalp diseases and positively grow hair or make no charge; all kinds of baths given; electric ' message, manicuring and chiropody I also Ma da tea Harrow's remedies; aaUafactloa guaranteed. Phono Mate 234. , DETECTIVE A0ErCI Cfinlldentlal laveatl- fatlona; ro ports made on any looiriaual iraav aeaa or Drooertr: Balsa! nr ralatlwe loeated; bad debts collected; rhargea reaaoasble; or reepondence solicited. Oregon lieuetive Bervlce, sffleea S14-I1S Columbia bldf Sol Wsahlngtoa at. Pboos Mala ASIB. DR. AJJSPI.TJND, dlseaesa of sromsa and sor gory- sua Aileky bldg., xnira ana atorrieoa. YES, Palms Tablets make yon sleep perfectly; tbey cure aervoueneaa sad maks yoa strong rice Sue a hog. S hoxee 12 60; goaraotacil. U drug gists, or address Brooke Drug Cat, 1I North Third at, Portland. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve u lout) lea. one month's tresiroeni. asi a months, IS: sent securely sealed by nulL A rents, Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portlsad, Or. BOOKSI Hers they are: Derameron,' Hep- tsmeronr" "A Hoi Tamile." "canny run, -"Twenty Tear a Faker," "Forbidden FrtiU." BOe each; Uata free. A. Schmale. 220 First at LOST powers tea toted by the great Dr. S boxes tor II. 28. Writs or esll st Eyeaeirs Pharmacy. 821 Morrison, hot 1st snd 2d. TUB Celebrated Star Hair remedy resteres gray and faded hair to Ita natural color, pro motes tbs growth of hair; not greasy. Parts Hair Store, BOS Washington. i WHY live alone when yoa can secure a Ufa companion tiy joining rna interstate intro ducing Society, and meet or correspond with reputable persona of this section, r msuy wealthy; the November register, 1 mm, Bulla 24 Rusaell bldg. Phone Pacific S26. SUITS pressed while yon wait. 60c. Ladles' skirt pressed, (Or. Gilbert, lost Blltb at, nest to (Jodie, in one clay sob. LADIES Yoa appear 20 year younger, re move ail wrinkles, nsvs sua use velvet oy asing Oregon Grape Skla Food. Phone Eaat 1287. '..'--..-. MEN I WOMEN I Raymond's pills positively curs nervousness snd lark or vitality; a i, .boxes IS. Plummer Drug Co., . 200 Third. EXPERIENCED drsasmakcr will make eagage. monta la ramiuea. tulou 044. . DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, BOCGHT, SOLD On EXCHANGED AT UnCLR XIIKH, PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 141 THIRD ST, NBAB ALDER. . - f 2KB sample com, bunion and wart cure. - Ed wia 1 uesa, apt B, isunton, sisaa. TURKISH BATHS, SMI Orrgnnlaa bldf.; la dial days, gentlemen nights. Mala WANTED To know tha wbereaboat et- William Stephen Smith, formerly ot I-oa Angeles. Adtlmes Mother, bog 128, Saata Barbara. California. . . FREE to out of town patrons, oar latest cata logue or rancy work, pillow Tope, center plecea, shirtwaists and noreltlee. Tbs Needle Crstt Shop, 20T A lias y bldf., Portlsad. Or. DOLLS' hospital; reptlsjnf aad draaalng. Yast- aui ana weat park ata. BINO CHOONO. Importee ot Chinees mot dnea; sella tntneee tea tuat w certain cure for ail dlseeeee. 1B1 Second bet. tsmhlll and Taylor. '" - DISEASES of womrn a specialty maternity rases gives apodal attention, private hospital accomniodatloB; proreaelonal lady naraes to attendance; cnrteultettoa . free. X-Badlum Institute end Sanitarium, Third and Alder, entrance V Alder St. s SEND for free Hat of rat prices snd rhtbbhif m' Book Store, go rates on siagssmea. job Abler St. . '; DB. ATWOOD, 14 -Rnaaell bMg., 1H Fourth et. Female n lee sees and eoannemente taken and jared for; opea evenings. Coesultstloa AfG. That was thnnghtfnl snd f sppreclare very much the fclndneee, Yoa shall bear from 4 too eery smartly snd In a way that will aurprlae. B. 1L BERTHA Was -very gla yen srred ss adrely, leoanas I bad spoken kfadlv. That proved all I ever said, and I know Just how the oib'-r ttriy feci. Deptad aa me, t, . PERSONAL. WHY be poort Bead xr-c for valuable eecret ' le Bug aw. Grants Pass. Orrgun. A MAN sr boy going eaat aa far as Kansas City ess get bait . hla tars paid- AddroM ANNA That waa very mnrh appreciated. and , I should have taken yoa at your word. Po not be Strsua-e. but call me up et address glvea Wilt auraly be there ea Thursday. M ATT1B Am going, an let that end it. I do -not. want to Leer suv mora about It. 'Will probably return Friday, whea 1 will call. Do nut write or call. .1). ' - MRS. Sonhia B. Seln. narcbometrtat. seerees snd prophetess; dally 10 to S, T to clrch-s lueadar and Friday. S D. m. 84.1 lamniu. . cor. Seveuth. l'a.-lfle 106. Sunday svenluf meetings Drew hall, 162 Second el. . CLIP Just aa t yoa say- It waa very otcs of vr., . ...I r sill not forget It In a ourry Am disposed to ha very, friendly, and await oniera. ri. X. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, S4g Alder, Portrait aad landscape artlat snd tescher, ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER attnrnav. SOB Commercial blk. Second and Waablngton st. Pboue Mara Ml. H. P. BURLEIGH,- lawyer, 122 Grand a., Eaat Portland. . , . EDWARD T. TAGOART, attorney and aoun. srlor. - 41S Chamber of Commerce Brag. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVET, Fifteenth snd Alder, sgsnt for Cadillac and Pierce automobiles; machine rented, repaired and stored. ASSAYERS. QARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, aad Montana Aaeay Offlea, Ian Mornsoa su ACCOUNTANT.. CHARLES B. PFAHLET Public- sudltor gad expert accountant Room T, Chamber st Commerce bldg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO..- 804-SOS Everett st. Lsrgeet butchers' supply bouse en the coast- BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIB A K! T.HAM. 10B-1I1 Second st. Blsnk book manufacturera: agents for Jonea - improved ' Lsosa Leaf ledgere; see) Too bow surras seer, in Bee en tne marser. BATHS MASSAGE. YOI'NG ladr elves medicated baths and mag- nette treatment for rheumatlami also chi ropody, fere and scslp masssfs. 14SH Sixth rooms 24-2S. BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blocking. 8 beo lately walerpcoof . pre. , srva rae leather, maBas eneee wear no per cent longer, tor sals sverywbers, 10 aad to earns. CHIROPODISTS. IF your fast sre out of erdecr so to Dr. Worley - Beojsfnm. , M0t Waahtnrtoa at. tbe fool speclallat. Phone Hood 904s CAFES. J : - THE OFFICE Wsahlngtoa st Pho as Mala - V7. Bamuer-vlgueea. r COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by the Northweet Collection Agency; your business bandied In a business manner; try us. 19-1T Labbs bldg. DOER any ana owe yoa money 1 We collect bad debts or all kinds. VQ Grand a vs.. room is, ''Phone Eaat '4414. ' " . CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE reekery snd gTosswsr. Prasl, Hegele A Co., 100 o 10S Fifth, cor. Stark at CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBERG-OnvST CO. Distributor of ' FIN! CIGARS" Portland, Oregonfl 'CHIROPRACTIC POSTTTTELT cures aTl form of rheumatism. Dr. Bra Hogan. SM Hall at. Phone Main S04. CARPET-CLEANING. aeitmi.M r-, r . V, js,i,A.w. vner, ..mmus 1 , esi a B . pH.i on lav coast, i-oring ana tiaruing sis., teiev pbone Eaat 2HO ;afpets clesned, rentteo, seared and laid; both steam and Istest com pressed sir proceaa; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. . . SANITARY aarpet cleaning, eaetloa aad com. press rt air comotnec; esrpets aieaneo on noor wltbent remevsl. Mala SoS4. Eaat EBB. J. HUNTER Steam aarpet aad mattress cleaner. 550 Jefferson. Phone Mala 214. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS., onmmlssloa merchants, floor, feed, hay and produce. 282 to 298 Front st I' bees Msla MOO, EVERDING A FABRMJ prod no snd commis sion merchsnts. 140 Front St., Portlsad, Or. Pbone Main ITS. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. YAMHILL CLEANING A PRESSING CO. Work called for and delivered. Phona Clay 282. ' Portlsnd Steam Classing A Dyeing Works: prac tical hatter In soonectloa. 211 4th. Clay Toe. CLOTHEB cleaned and preased SI per BMata, Unique Tailoring Co.. 147 Wsahlngtoa at It. W. TURNER, profeaslonal dyer snd c leaser. 60S Jefferaon at. Pbone Main 2Mb. CURTAIN CLEANING. NEW pmceea hi re curt a la cleaning, SO to II pair. 404 Ollaaa.. Main 4o. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, earpsatera, builders l re pairing end lobbing; store and office fixtures ballt Shop BOS Colombia. Mala 62VT. WASHBURN! A FLOYD, wages balldera sad geaeral )ob work. SS 6 lb . et,. Phona Hood Be. r. E. TANDERHO0F, carpenter aad Jobber. . tST Btsrk st Phona Msla T4L WM. FISHBECK. carpenter: repairing and Job bing done. 201 Burnslde St. I"bone Msin S43T. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. STEVENS, Pnrtlsnd's dlltlngalstied palia let satrologlat and spiritual life reader. Do yoa want to hnpw. facta. Important sad reli able 1 If so, call upon this gifted and set rutins ssst. 18 Seventh at , Poena PecUte " T14. . . R. H. KNIESHAW, healer and traaca atedinm. rBi aw naniH. a. swfm aula m mw. 11 to 4 p. at ' - ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. 1 Fifth at. Psvchlc . palmist, healer, dead trance aiedliio); great eat adviser love, baslnese. ejohnees, mines, tresaure, changes. Journeys, family troubles; brings back loved one; anltea Separated; , reading by mall 2, gnestlons; tolls every thing. HOTELS. HOTEL Pssdletoa, Pradletow. W A. Brawn, sage. HOTEL Portia a A AsMrieaa plaai IS, IS par day. HOTEL Bt George, -tvadletoai leadlsg bstoL BELVEDBBE; Earapvaa slaaj 4th s4 Aldaf gts. A --7 Ill tin li i 1 1 v , COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. Sole agents for tbs famous . Diamond coal; try It and yoo will alwaye buy -it. Wyoming snd Wsahlngtoa boas soale. . Virginia and Washington smithing cuala: full weight gaaranteed. Tel. Main 1420. A. L. Btepbena. mansgsr.' '-. CHURCHLBY BROS, here removed from foot Davis st to 428 Kearney at., aear 11th: hi Bow the lergeet woodyerd In fbo cltv. csrry. Ing aU klnda ot waod and ooal. Mala SSI. GREGORY A MORRIS, successors to Cain A MrKune. dealers In wood and ooal at lowest prlcaa; satis farttoa guaranteed. Cor. Taath and Irving. Pboos Mala 48TS. WESTERN Paed A Fuel Co.. oa Front, between Gllaaa and Hoyt, dealers In all klnda ef house cos is , sad blacksmith aosls. Pbone Mala 101S. ALBINA FUEL CO. Deelere la enrdweod. eosl aad green and dry alahwood. R. B. and At oms a vs., s Blocks east or ferry, assi eia. STB EI, BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la cost. - . . , (,L W - . .a. vwuwuww .uq airy staowswa, ruuwv w... - BOXWOOD and planer trimmings, Btsnda-d OREGON f'GeL CO. All klnda of eosl aad wood. SOS Alder st . Pbone Main OS. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Wats at, vrood and asaL FOR SALE B. M0 sards ttr wood. SoTB. DETECTIVES. TELL a roar troubles: ws never sleep; evidence traced in civil snd criminal Cases. . R. L Healnyer, 10-1T Labbs bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. fi n c e a a n wsj rt v a n r- is rwia Ttoi ss boa. pltat 28T Bnrnelda. Pboses: MelnSOMEastlbM DENTISTS. BEY CHURCHMAN, dentist. 224 Marquer bldg Sixth and Morrison. Phone stem 17 no. DANCING. ihatBshauBjaagaBaatajgaasaia WOJOWAltD8 AmnMn arrvonl of th AM.bmv t Unsaid Unrveia EmI llinrdar. fJpfK-utora ln-ftad. COe. . DaiKrinc t to ii. xw. wrnna ana mamni DRESSMAKIN0. v.d.t f .as .im aie 1H,.. IM... smtta. gowns, costs, jarksts. istssa aiyie, . saasi pound ana jackets reiinoo. F1R8T -CLASS dreeamshtraT-parlnra SrlT Conv mercisl St.; lowest pricea; cblidren a wore; plala sswtng a specialty.. Phoas Scott SliZ. KEISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING CMMXEOB, 'my aao ew Aiuay oiaf wrixe inr swsen, DRESSMAKER win make a few mors sa- gagetnenta In fsulllcs. Phone Lntoa S44. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap to da tat latest a signs, ass Clay x. MADAME FORTIER, SIS Ivy t. Faahlonabl oreaamaking. . - Pacific H2 MADAM Pacific ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLOR. 253 Fifth, cor. Main. Store open evenings. AN experienced- dressmaker wsnra a few , mors engagement by the day. Mala 4752, nfteieT p. m. , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL KNGIrlEERtNO Company. BOS Btark st. Portlsad. a K. tor everything la , the electrical line. Pboa Mala I WW. ' - PACIFIC ELECTRI0 CO. Engineers, eontrso to-u, repairers, sleetrle wiring, sopotlea, B4 First, eor. Btark. Main BOB. B. H. Tate, mgr. THB Electrical Appllancs Oa., 400 Wsahlngtoa at. Pbone Msla 4SS4. . FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society of northweet: protects tne living, nis Msrqnsm bldg., rartuia. uregon, FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Parnltare MaonfacrurlBg Com hi ay Mannfactnrera ot tarnltars to the trade. Portland. Or. FURNITURE maim factoring aad (pedal order. U Rnvessty'e fnmltnra factory. ITO Front st, T-J.lJiJ-JiJ-JuLx.Ji.tjaissss w. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only pises to Portland to get French breed, Barrsr A Maylle. 407 Sixth st Daily deliv ery. Phone Green SOS. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-sir furnaces save fueL J. 0, IBeyer rurnscajCo.. fad Baaxmd. Main 481, ' - - GRINDING. f ! Rssora, knives, scissors sharpened to perfeo tloa. Karleon A Co.. 40V N. Sth. Psclflc 7DS. GROCERS. WADBAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers.- man. faetnrem aad eomaolaslos msrehauta. Fourth . and Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, enmmleelo aad jwoduee mee. rhanta. Front and Davin sts., Portland. OT. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Gk. snllett opportunity ta snots prices. 1SB 1st St.. eor. Alder. Msla 1SS4. HAY AND GRAIN. B. a. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, fsed and flour. I2S In ton are. Pbone Beat U1T. i INSURANCE. IBAA0 t. WH1TB, firs loeuranc. ' BOO Dskam BlOg. . . ; . LAMBERT. WHITHER A CO. Fire Ineuranea) ana reel estate; ornre inr-iosj nseriocs oma. Mala 1008; gept 404 East AMer. - East 40L J AS. Met. WOOD, esnslovers tlabllltv and In- uivranai accioent euretr nonos el sii bismsst-i Pbone 4T. SOS McKay bldg.. B.' P. BARTET.S COMPABT Ftrs 441 Bberlock b1ds Orearoa Pbone Clay SM. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock snd keyamithl general repairing; cast iron nesting: an w guaraateed. BOS Fsorth st. Pbsns Hood 1TS2. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith and , bicycle repairing, gas star Day Clay S77t nlrbt pboee. Marn SSSB. OSTEOPATHS. ekuni DRS. ADIX A NOSTnBt P. 4IS-14-1T Dekai bldg.. Third and - Wsshlaatoa ata. Main 240. Exsmlnatloaa free. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 4nf Macleay bldg. nay ttb. nee. m. xiai. usaaaitatioB rree. THB very beet Isdr eateopstb as town. Dr. L. o. Jocasnn. ns naimoa. seer nuts. , - THB very best fadv sateopath In town. Dr. L, O. JobBM, alt IS. Balling Ulrscb bldf. MUSICAL, PIANO, violin, etrtng end wind Instruments. Prefeaaor eslwlB A. Smlin. Stb 'weiaa. Mala. PIANO tuning, 12; perfect work guaraateed. C, W. Johnson. Phoae Mala 1V11. ' WEBBER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar studio. 371 Aider; agent for Glhson mandoline, guixsra. MONEY TO LOAN.- , HRADQUARTEI18 FOR SALARY LOANS. " 117 Oregonlaa bldg. Ladles or Gentlemen, No PuLHrMy. . If you borrow 20 you pay hack It.SB a week. If yoa borrow I .'a you psy back ll nS a week. If yoa Borrow 1 10 yoa pay bark 12 oo a week. It yos borrow :t you psy bsck 12. SB s week. If you borrow IA0 yoa psy bsck 1 00 a week. Psy meats snstiended In case of . slchusss. Strictly Salary Loan. THB CRESCENT LOAN OO, ,i SIT OregoaUn Blilg. -. unvrr to I .f l x m Ob Improved city property or for banding perpaaee. Any amount oa from 2 to 10 yeara' time, with privilege to repay all' or Part ef losa after one year. . Loans ap proved from plane snd money advanced aa , miMnias progresses; mortgagee xaasw "e ws replsced. . FEED H. STRONG. PtnaaeUI Agent 242 Stark Street. , , - THB STAR LAAN CO. Any salaried employe, ware -earner, can got as nis Bote, nrltbont mortgage - Mouth. M Month. Week. M WI a,, its M.aa e II M Repay to aa I AM or ILMt or It. OS IIO.OO to ua I 4 0rt or 12.00 or (1.00 BIO McKay bldf. MONEY to loss salaried people, tes maters, etc.. without security: eeay paymsota; lsrgeet business In 49 prlnetpsl eitls. Tolassa. 223 Ahlastoa bldg. Pboa Mala S4BT. MONEY to Inaa ea real, nersnnsl snd Co Ha tarsi - oioifi special atrention- xej ensue, i".", csgesi notes bourht. C. W. Pallet, B04-S Fenton bldg.. 4 Sixth at. HIGHLY respectable place cwhere tsdles aad sent eaa borrow tnonsy on dlamonde and Jewelry. Collateral la Baak. Wssb- wsjrxoa er. pbene Black Tl. CHATTEL loans la amnunta rsagtng from 123 to IA.000; roomlng-henaea a sneelalty. New Era Loan A Treat Co.. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. WS maks all klnda et loans oa rood security st lowest rates: special attention, glvea to . u. i in .nana, jus xsornaoo sx. MONEY to loan la same ot from 12.000 to sn nrn; terms to ault tba Borrower, 20A-I0. Comaerdsl blk. - MONEY -to bwa In large or small amoant oa gooa eecnrttv: lowest rstss. wiuism w Beck. SOT FalUng bldg. - MONEY tn loan en Clackamas county lands. B. F. and F. B. Rtlsy, BOS Chamber et Ooaa- LOWBST' rates an fnmltnra and planoa. East ern Loan Co.. 44 Rhsrloek bldg. Clsy BBS. TO LOAN Same to suit na chattel sscuilly, R. A. Frame. S14 The Marqaam. MONEY to loan on all kinds ef security. Wm. .' Holl. room B. Washington bldg. ll.flOft-l.onn TO loan bv nrlrste i parte on real eatata aacurlty. .402 Commercial bldg.- MEDICAL! THE SPniNGSTEEH MEDICINE Of..' Sit TV kum bldg., agenla for the celebrated Mountain Rose remedies: enres nil female troubles, sine stomach and llrer trouble; consultation free. MACHINERY. PORTABLE locomotive holler snd engine; lea than H price: U horsepower. U. H. fix- gott'l law offlea. i Mnlksy bldg. FOR SALE Ons 8-Inch Smith attcker. ems arm aander. ens two-en Indie ah a per, belts aad pulleys. 204 Fourth at. " THE H. C. ALBEE CO. Second-hand machinery, sswmllts. etc. 24S Grand svs. MONUMENTS. NEII A KINGSLEY. 208 First at., leading marble work. Portland' OVERALLS. BOSS or THE ROAD OVERALLS and ' a .. chanlcs clothing: union made. - Neaatadtor " Bros., manufacturers. Portland, or. PLUMBERS.' DONNERBERO A RADEMACHER. BBltoi7 plumbers. S4 Fourth st Both phonos. FOX A CO.. sanitary plumbers. 281 Second, bet. Main ana Salmon. Oregon men main avail. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. E. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Oa.) winaow-giaee aao gla sing. . ia rirac as. Phone HUM. ' ; , ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint oil t markat pness: rree delivery. RASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, pslnt. oil. gtaaa, eah and doors. Second ssd Taylor. PRINTINO. WELCH A DAVIS. Printers Doers sf clever - things vrtth Ink snd type on paper. Steams - bldg.. Sixth snd Morrison. Main 4147. ANDERSON A DI NIWAY COMPANY, printtn. ntbofraphlng. blank books. Pboaa Mala IT, 2st Alder et. e MsnBHi4MMrfTAs flttl In printing. Main 13.1S. I4T Front at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STASIP WORKS, 24B AMer St. pbnns Mala Tin; rnhoer stsmps, seals, ereneiie, nafgage, rrade checks; send foe catalogno No. 23. RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Saddle boraes and rsrrlagee for rent. W. O. Brown, bos aiost. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, fatting hair, dandruff treated: shamooe. lng, manicuring, cniropoay, lace worn. aire. B. F. Kyne. 160. Fourth, tor.. Morrison. Room 22. Phoas PsciSn 2SS. , SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODB'S Furaltars House Highest eriee paid for aecond-haod fur nl rare. 21b Beoond st. Phono Psriflc 402. STREET-PAVING. WsVARBN Construction CAV'etreet paving, aid. walk and srosawslks. Tl Oregon laa omg. THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paving Co. at Partis nd. OfSco aao Worcester blk. SPIRITUALISTS. MIEPAH MBOH'M Locates mines snd buried marriages; gives meeesges from departed loved ones; brings peace to home through higher power. 224" 'Fleet at., ' SAFES. WE repair aad rebuild automobiles, fa serine i, . nrlntlna nr esses, time locks, ssfes. open lock- -r rmtarilo all kinds of machine work. Columbia Oka Engine A Sato Works, 142 necona at. Pboss Paclfto BT0. Frank J. btlper, eapt. DIBB0LD Mangansss ea nasi fir snd horglas. htckoata pruri were i ya 11 axes prlana Da via. ; repairs, i. a. Third at SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BBOWCASES -of very description! bank, her snd store Sitdrra made to order. Tbs Laths Msnofactnrlnf Co., Port la ad. si. w- . TrussKxssBaMMBssxaKsaBBaaasaBxsBaaaLaara SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS,' window letrsrins, iMk banasara. economical siectne rane end signs or an klnda made quickly. Fearer A Rlelasr, Fifth snd Everjtt Pbon Exchange ad. . TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makes, reviled, omd s-1 repaired... Cosat Agenry, 231 Stark. Tel. 14. , BLK KKN'srOHFER tvpewrltera, gnr 'l-s, paitlnf. Boa Ik teas, got Stark, kala in ROOFING. TIN RoortSQ. guttering, repairlnf and ' Jobblnr- 'ti Loci!. 212 Jerrerson St. a' a UlL. IMl " usw--BaJsssc TRANSFER AND HAULING. BAFES. pianos snd furniture moved, packed ready for ahlppluf aad shipped; at! werk gaaraateed; large. 1-story, brick. Bre-prsof ' warehouse for storage. Office 128 Firs at C. M. Plea a. w Phona Mala AST. T1IM BAOGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. sins and Oak ata.; baggags checked from hotel oe reebienc direct to destination; passsngera there Curs scold rash aad annoy, sure at depots. . C ft. PICK, offlce 88 First St.. between Stark nd Osk ata.. phone nod: plsnos snd furniture - ' -aswi xtscaSU XOV BU 1 1'l'l , swnsi brick warahoaae. Front and Clay ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala SB. Heavy healing and storage. BAST StDR Transfer Co., A. B. Holeomb. prop. 123 Eaat Water st Pboee East tm. . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na. BOOH Wash. Ington at. Phone Main Belt. - - . TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. We have them by the thraaiaud: strong, healthy atoch. Our 1006 illustrated and priced cata logue telle all. PORTLAND SEED CO, Front snd Yamhill at. TOWEL SUPPLY. 'A 1. 1 1. -l -i-Li-. --i,ni- CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, II per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply Co.. Fourth snd Coach. Pboa 4BS. " TELEPHONES. THB only exelnalve telephone bonne. B.-B, Electric A Trie pboos Mssufseturtng sane pany. 02 Fifth at. . VIOLINS. J. A. WESCO. vioMa-maker and repalrert eel bldg.; 4th and WIRE GOODS. BAST-TORTttAND FENCE A WIRE WORKS 1SS Eaat Morrison st Phona East SSL. FINANCIAL. POBTLAVD TRUST COMPANY OF OBEOOB, Tbs Oldest Trust Cempsay la Oregon. BES0UKCKS OVER I1.1AO.000. - General hanking. Exchange on all parts et ins woria. Barings sccenuts. Time certiu rates, 8 to 4 per rent: short-cull Special aertlfl. cat re. .100 or over, lU to 4 per cent. Call for book et 'ILLUSTRATIONS. : Southeast Corner Third end Osk St. - Phone Private Exchange T2. BENJ. 1. (OMEN.. President H. L. PITTOCK , Vtea-Preeldent B. LEE PAGET........ 7T7T.-.. Secretory J. O. GOLTRA Aasiatsnt Becretary LADD A TIXTON. BAVXZRS. . (Estobliahed la IMS.) ' Traaaact a General Banking Bualneaa. Collection made at all poliita on favorable terms, letters of credit Issued svallsbls la Europe and all points la the United Btatee. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers old sa. New ..York, Washington. Chics go. St. Louta, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco aad Montana and British Columbia. Exrbangs anld oa London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort Hongkong, Yokohama, . Manila and Honolulu. . riRST RATIONAL BANK -OX POETXAV D, OREGON. Drlgnitd Depiadtory - and Financial AgBtt to tnitsa Btstes. President... A. L, MIiLS Csshler .........J. W. NEWMKK AseUtant Csshler... ...W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters ot Credit Issued Available la Europe and th Eastern Statea. Sight Ex eh ansa snd Telegraphic Transfer arid, on New York. Boston, Chicago, Bt. uenia. St Paul, Omaha. San Francisco and . the principal points In the Northwest Sight and time bill draws In anma to anlt oa London, Part, Berlin, Frankfert on the Main, Hongkong, Yokohama. ( Copenhagem. Chriatianla. Stockholm, St Petersburg, . Mos cow, Enrich. Honolulu. ' Collections Msds oa Farerabte Term. U' BITES BTATFS NATIONAL BANK-;. OF PORTLAND. OBEOOB. N0BTNWY8T COR. THIRD AND OAK ITS. Traaaact a Oenaral Bsnklng Businsss, 1 - DRAKT8 IHML'ED. 7' Arallabl In All Cltlea ef ths United States ' and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. , OOLLECnoRB SLAB! 0 FAVORABLE TEENS. President J. C. A INSWOK TH Vice-President , ..W. B. AYER Vice-President I...R. LEA BARNES Caehter R. W. BC TIM EE R Aaslatant Caahler A. M. WRIGHT A-iil-tspt ruhilT.... - m' Mill. ERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R L. Dl RHAM...... ...VIco-rreeMeni R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. H0TT Amlstant Cashier Trsaeaeta a Osasral Banking Easiness Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued AvsllablS to All Parte of the World. . , . v Collections a Specialty. SECURITY SAVINGS A TXTST COMPANY, Sd Man is so Bt, Portlsad. Or. Transacts a Genera! Banking Business. -SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. In tercet Allowed on Time and Saving Deposlta, Act aa Trustee for Relate. Draft and Letter of Credit Avallabl Is All Parts st ths World. C. P. ADAMS....,..., .President L. A. LEWIS First Vlce-Prealdent A. U MILLS Second Vlce-Prealdent R. O. J I 'BITE Secretary Iqeo F, Ri'SSELT. Asslatant Sec re tar T M ORRIS BEOS. j lit First St, Pertlead, Or. Offer Gltf-Edge Investment la Municipal Sad . -v Railroad Bonds. Writs sr CalL JHE CONTINENTAL COMPANY, , . , FINANCIAL .AGENTS. - STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 148 Stark Street. Pbon Mala 1BT4. MORTOAGB LOANS Oa Portland Baal Estate at Loersat Rata. , Title Insured. Abstract Furnlahed TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. . S40 Waahiagton St, Oa. Beoond. sissaasssa-sa. , sssjesasssssjssessssssssssssjssj BIG DAM ON JOHN DAY . - ' NEARING COMPLETION (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) r . John Day. .. Or. Nov. 21. Tha flam which la being built Across tha John Day river above Spray Is nearlng completion. snd at the present time the fore Is In stalling; the head gates on each side of the river where the canals will be -taken out. The cost of tha dams will be from 1100 to 1100 more than was anticipated. aa it will be 14 feet high instead of It feet, as waa at first planned. The dain will ba completed by December 1. Th clttsens along th. river are anxiously awaiting the completion, of thlp dam, and, should It prove s success, numerous other darns will b built on the North Fork snd main John Day.. rlverB.- An other year will, see the vast fertile land along these rivers, which now Is prac tically worthies, producing tnoitaand of tons of alfalfa. ' Arrangement sr already being made for the building of three other dams along thee rivers. ACCUSES HUSBAND OF DEEDING AWAY MILL . ... :jj . . ' KneTsi Dlaparch tcTTbe Internal.) Chehalla. TAaah., Nov. 22. A penaa tlonal rase hae bex" filed in the sapetinr court bv Mrs. Mnry Onn of Trrrad against her rulbband. Harry B. Onn. anl his father, Oecrg Onn. for malntenanoe and auppnrt. The Onn tsnparatrd about three weeks sgo. Mr, Onn rolng to the Brmnd country. In her comrjlalnt the wife allege) that he frnttdulently trann f erred tf) his f other his stoch: In tbe Doty fOiInarle company, valued at he twecn i,000 and $7,000. Hhe nsk to tiave sn or1.r that will protect her In icrestn In Hie community proper'- an I M,:,kM sxjrie sens t loilnl clr.s 1 11 t 1 ii'. Tl,o nioti'in tmn,e wi.l l- 1 f t !- ; I. n, Z i. at the ti:::j. Ths Britt-Nelson Pictures Tomcrrow. Th faajMsu Britt Kelson el. taree will be hows at tlw Msniusm Urend tbeatre berro irridayi ssd Hatarday ntahts with a st .i.l Price asstlnee Saturday. These are the ertaiital and only pictures aver taken at the Bght. Kiery sve, every mow, le clearly shown. Scale are m tolling. ; ' i "I Tht Paul Cavrd. At th Be la see 'The Fatal Card 1 Braving strong snd popular attraction this week. W.ll - walling baa tbe heading role and. Ilk lila suppnrt. Justine hat ispalatloa. Th bUl will piaj us week. . 4 ( "A Broken Heart" at ths Empirs. What kaa nroved to ha one of tbe Serv heat play seen here t hie seeaow M "A Broken Heart." which will be at the Rmptr all tke rest ot tint week, , Inrtaaitug Matnrday matlne. - la "A Rrokea Heart" tbe fact that tbe leaf set she a the plessnrakss ending to tbs tire the! hate been filled with greet enrrow for a time saf flrleat almost to embitter , th remainder ef their daya, give aa Impression that I lasting a . Lansing Rowan Coming. ; TH nnonncement that Mtee loosing Rowan,, n old time Portland favorite, will play aa engagement . t the Emplro neat . week, ba aroused a great deal t In teres t aaaong Pact la si thestrs-goers. Tbs play aaoeunced tut U week I "Csmllls." . , ..'''' ' " "' '"' ').,- '''"',',", '.' ' Parisian Belles at the Baker. rarlalsa Bailee burlestrsers have msdj tro- , saendon hit st ths Baker this week. There are but tbres mors performsncss to be give, tonight, tooMrrow Bight and Saturday mat- : Whh London" Gaiety Girls. Grace Dssa, a of th asset beautiful arsons tbe women ot the horiesqus stage, la a Isadlag aaember et tba Lecuiow Uahtty Gtrla, th at tractloa at the Hske aext week. Ths flme performsncs ot the LonAm Gaiety Girl will be glvea Sunday afterueoa. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK.-; ' th Grand.''--; ''"----- For this, the first anniversary week ef th Orand. Manager J. H. Erlrkaon Is glrrng tbs biggest entertainment ever offered la the house. Zlua'a Merry Trevnty oompany In presenting mnslrsl caanedy called '"Die Suit of Mo roeeo," and it la a eontlnajon laugh. There I aa amid aupply of romedy. th songs are new and lively end ths etiorns sppesrs to ths beet possible advantage In new dance aad marches. - 'Warm at the Sun,"' ';-' Theatre-goers want a ' cerafartsbly ' heated plc at amusement, now that th weather Is -becoming bolder. Tba Star hss storied Its heat ing plant snd the bones Is ss comfortshls your alttlng-mom. The three Gordons srs re markable scrobsts: Dscey. Cbeee end Aden- bars a eoasedy set entitled "Aa Irleh Uncle' Visit"; Richards, tba male sonbretts, ban an esteetsra tng song sad dance: Black and Leslie give a Botabls specaalty aad . Cliff . Farrall . do mnslcsl comedy act. t Liberty Triumphs Again. Every on of tbe great vaudevllt acta st course. - tne Nelson-Britt Bght Impersonation pictures srs cresting a greet sensation, but so are tbe great Melville. Nat Darling, the Ma rine. Louie brother and other. Corner FourtU nd Btark at recta. SCHOOL TEACHERS FAIL TO PASS EXAMINATIONS ' (Special Dtspstch to Th Jonrnsl.) Chehalla, - Wash.. Nov. II Fifty per cent of the teachers of Letwla county who took th recent L examinations for certificates failed to pssa. It la sskt that out of IS teachers who were ex amined in Thurston county only five purled, and Walls Walls county's pro portion, was even worse than : Lewi county's among those wbe failed. Never were teachers so scarce as they are now. Letwla county has IK school dlatrlcta. In all. but three. ef these school Is tn ac salon, and In tboaa three no teacher can be had, ss certain qualifications are demanded Buprlnt-rn'l-nt P-nnett t-- pects to laaue temporary certificates t. those who have failed and permit them to 'teach until regularly qualified teach ers can be secured, which practically means that All such will fill out their terms on which they sr at work, na more teachers cannot be had under prec- ent conditions. The examination whlci waa recently given waa 1 regarded as about th hardeat one ever sent out by . the state board. . .. , ,. DISTRICT UlUtT PAY - DISCHARGED TEACHER " -.. " ' fS pec nil IMapatcfe to Ths Journal. ) Chehalla. Waah., Nov. 11. John V. Van Dyke, who la connected with th gaverngtent rnstnms sarvlrs at Taeaisn i. -has Bcure4 a verdlot for $210 against' the Dryad school district on a eontracr. About three pears age Van Dyke rnr gaged to teach the Dryad school for nine montha After he had taught for about two months trouble occurred between the teacher and certain puplla and the directors almost summarily dlachargcl Van Dyke and refused to permit him to carry out his contract He sued fnr 117 with Interest Tbe trial was In V'- hands of experienced Attorneys on both sides snd sll tbe delays of the law were resorted to, owing to tha peculiar ques tions that entered Into the case, and It waa not brought to trial until. a fs se wer lis ago. Ysatarday Judge Rice ren dered bla decision swarding tha plaintiff $250 with Interest. . , . " CONVICTED SALOON-MAN FORFEITS HIS BONDS - (Special Dispatch te The Joarnsl) Eugene, Or., Nov. 21. Neil Cummins. the Cottage Grove saloon-keeper who was laat week convicted by a Jury In the circuit court on a statutory charge preferred by a young woman of Cottage Grove, has forfeited his l&OS bonds ami It -Is aald has left for parts unknown. Sentence had been withheld pending the consideration of a motion for now trial, ...With a term In the penitentiary staring htm In the face It la aald that Cummins paid his bondsmen ItSS rather than serve out the sentence. Aaher Wllcos has been granted A di vorce front Sarah E. Wllcos en the ground of desertion, and Catherine Campbell from O. E. Campbell for cruel snd Inhuman treatment. . : Btoadletoa Ttr Tick. - ' (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or.. Nov. 21 At a meeting of the Pendleton board of firemen th following ticket waa nominated for th election, which will take place the first Monitor In December- Srwt writer, will alwo be the daf for thJPendltori city election: Fir chief. J. T. Brown, present ln rumbent. and J. le Taughn; first ssaiai. ant, Kd Btap-btiry J. M. rVarrvp.ia 'i and Claud fVnland, eecnnd aaisi,o,,, Itaytnn liarnhnrt. TV'- a ( ..- 1 r : Kits