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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
, - 13 .V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,:, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 23. . ISC J. s?--r -'JOURNAL Ba tared at th poetofflce at Pertuusd, O0" for ueaeportsltoa Una aa " a-iaaris- - rostage rata mpii u page pspor. 1 cmi: l to aeauj i la 4 pages, Cewsx. - - v ' ifclaw-f , M - F f ratal Rooma... ....-...."' 2 BiiilBSag Office. ........... mAmmrm s ..SMrsi vestrsr A tntUxiliTlTa .Vrselse Benjamin Special AdTSeh8 Agry. 140 Kssese iumCTo lss8 t is, vecs, , .'. r vnacmano mattm. Terms by Osrrlaw. -The Daffy Journal, wKh Sunday, I 7er $T.S8 i-WO , ilia Dally Journal, 1 rw The Kelly Journal, wlta 8andar, Th Dally Journal moo tin. ..... . In Dally Journal, with Bndsy. Tha Dslly Journal. 8 mouths. ..... 1 TK n. II Jmpm1 wltk sutndar. 1 the. ' a tba. .. l.wS 1 SO A3 M .10 oth.. Tbs Dslly. Bar nit. delivered, uadsy emded :""H Tba Dally, pat week, delivered, stands . copied ,..... Tama bp stall, f Tha Dally Joans, wlta Bandar., '7S Tba Dally Journal. 1 yaar -.'".II' is Tha Dally Journal, wlta Banter. esoath. SJ5 Tha Dally Joarnal amatha.......";" 190 lbs DaUy Journal, wlta nandsy. assaths. iTi Tha Dally Joarnal, t ssoatbs..... :i",vj! Tint Dally Journal, 1 walk Tba Bondiy Journal. I yaar. .,,., Tba Bandar Journal. mostbs.... too LOW -v Tha SeaU-Weekly satanl. Tba Ssml-Wsekly Josre.1. S to IS pegs each lama, Illustrate, tell market f EenUttsniseTse Id to sjd br" draft! Bewtal Botse. express orders and small amounts sr a "FowmaE . P. a Box 1H, Portlead. Oregoa. WIOI TEX JOURNAL 1UT M Tka Jasraal caa ba faand toW 1w7hidjj53Lh.- BaDar Oa. W. . Mo- , CHlCaOO Paatofgca Raw Maar! 1TB Vmf DBNTEa, OOLOKASO-J. Black, Blrtnaatk aa4 Oartla atreota. .. ." . KAN8A9 CIT Ta Hot VHr eaaipaay. bllNKBAPOLlS at. J. KaTanaaim... ttt Boat Third atrrat. . - KBW TOBK CITT Brantkna'a, Cntaa OMAB4 Millard Hotel aawa at and; klagaaia Btatlnaary company, IMS raraaai atraat. , SALT LAWS CITY krayoa Hotal wowa ." Btow Btm.. S WMt Second atraat. Booth. ST. LOL1B Philip Roadar. (It Ucoat atraat; 1. T. Jott. n 0W atraat. - . . . SAX rBANCISOO W. I. Ardlat. Pataen Hotal awa aland and 10fl Markat atraat) Oo id am It k Broa., Battar atraat nnd Balrt Prancto bntel: Paatar Oraar. Parry MltV . tnt; N. Wbaatlay, awrabla ntw nuad, nor . ncr Markat and Kaarary atraata. . BKATTl- Ralnla Orand nawa at and; W. U. fOianka, Hotel Boattla nawa atnnd. i BPOKANB. WAflHiNOTON Jaha W. Orabaa Co. - -TACOMA. WABnUCOTO Central Kw M nan: Ratal Tacnoia nawa atand. ' YIOTOBIA. BRITISH JOLCMBIA. -TbJtorta BVMk A Stattoaary eomnaay. WEATHER REPORT. Tbera wan a rnpM fait In tha hareawtar yat,-rday vrtr tba north Pacific afatra. which waa folanrrd laat alvbt by aa equally rapid rlaa la areaeur. Thaaa flnrtnatlona canard n arttlcd waalber, with ckwdlncaa. In thle dlitrtct, hat without any rata ar anew of conarqnanca. Tba Arlaona dlatnrhanm baa InMod foreae with ' tha knr n'rraaure noted yaaterday north of Montana and tliey kara formed a trotta-h of low nrraenra extendlnc from the Txa pa ab and la aorth 10 the Dakotaa. Rain and warmer - areatbarl nava aerarred hi front of thin dlaturb aaoe. 1m tba eaatera etatra the weather eon- tlaaea fair, belna controlled by a high areanare- area central rer tba Tlrf ttitaa. A new bird ' praaaara arm has made Ita appearanra over ' Brttleh (Wanhta. which win probably move ' amtheantward and eauee (enerally fair weather . In thht dlatiict tonlvht and Friday, with lower " temtieraturea la waatara Waahlnftoa and aontb- eautern. Idaho. rr- MARRIAGE LICENSES. C..'. R. Bean. XS; Xuln . Clearer. IS. . ' Bennle Glnaberg. 22; Florence Marks. 18. - - WeddtmT eaada. W. O. Bmltb On., Waak . tnctoa bid, aor. poortb and Waahlnftoa eta. . Mlaa Bertha Martin, room SIS Allaky bid. Brum pint and Bsa needlework; ltmnai rleea. BIRTHS. , "wriNRTEIN rJorember IX to Mr. , and Mr. I ' Joe Welnateta, earner Pint and Meade atraata, a deue-hter. B I OH AN NAN Noremher a' to Mr. and lira. Oeerea Bucbenuaav, KkoV-Cpabw atraat, a diorhter, , , ' DONOVAN Noremher 16, to Mr. and Mra. John Donoran. 814 Cot tare Plaea. a ana. ANIIFRSON Noeeaihar IS. to Mr. and Mra, .. r. J, Aadaraoa. 471 Alberto atraat. a deafO ter. ' ' gl! RIT8MEIKR Noretnber IT. to Mr. and Mra. P. 8. Borltameler, 528 Barter atreet a eon. BENDER Noremher 0. to Mr. and Mra. R. O. Bender, corner McKenna arena and WUlanv ' ette bonleeard. a boo. OMEN Noraaibar 18.' In Mr. and Mra. ' An " ( fyw m"m' ,B atreet. a deerfater CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. M'MITXAN Noeember 22, Reatrtca 'MrMlllaa, Mm Columbia etreet, typhoid freer. WISE Norember 22. Curt la Wiee, 411 Xaat Clerenth atreet, diphtheria. 1 DEATHS. I'RNB la torn elty. . November 22. loot, at the family rreldeara, H North Twelfth at.. Mra. Julia Burnt. Funeral announcement later. RJTIRTI2W CIKTTTRT. BlafU araee lft. . Family Mi f 70 re (l.ooa, ' The ealy eametary la Portlaad which per petnally malntalna and earea for lota. For raU Information apply to W. R. Mackeaaia. War eeatar black, city. W. M. Ladd. arealdeat. : J. P.- Flalay Son, funeral director! and aibalmere. worner Third and Madlaoa street a. OfOea of aoaaty eoroaer. Telephone Mala S. Dunnlna, McEntaa A Ollhaugh. undertaker! , and embalaiere; modera ra every detail. Bereatfe aad Pin. Mala 4S0. Lady aaaUtaat.. - Puuaial wreathe aad cut Bower apeclalty ' I at Reaa City Oreenhouae, Twenty aieoad aad , Raat Morriaoa. opposite cemetery. Tha Bdward Rolmaa-Cndertaklns eompaay, fnaaral director and ambalmera. 120 Third at. Phono SOT, Clerte Broa. for flowera. 28 Morrleo atreet. FUNERAL NOTICES.'" PRKHTON At 71 flentenhetn aranne. Mlaa ! Joaephlaa Preston, ased 83 yeara, 11 months . and. II days. Funeral at FalrriaV cemetery, yjsnpooaa. Oregon, Friday, Norember a, at REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. II. Steele to 8. U Brew a, lot 2, black 8, Hart'e .eddttM ....7 81.000 Alliance - Truat compear. Ltd., to C Miller, et al.. es.t H northwest , alid " fractional waat W aorthweet U aectlon , i, lowoehlp IT eoutu, range 4 west.. 1,000 . S. a,. WW in wile vt e. 4. nerg. lots IT. IK, 18. 20 sad 21, block 12, Wil lamette addltloa 8-mrlty Sartnga A Trust eompany to J. Rw Learned. aad wife , eaet u lot 8, west tot 8, block 7, Irrlng first . : addltloa. ......... ,r,.v, 800 Title Guarantee Truet eajtanany to A. Rrrtta Anderaon . eaai . H lot--aad- 4. block 82, Holllran s addlthm 8TB J Pan rente, trnstee. ta . Maanrour, aoatb H aaet H lot 8 sad 4. block C. farutaere' addttlen B. Pleckenatrla sad wife to P.' Dnurel. lots I. 8 and 8. block 1, Rralnard. and b-te 18 to 21. block 12, Penlneolar ad dition Ksv 2 . a n atale and wife to t. M. Shubar. . 'lot 8. I' lock 10, Mnnat Tabor Villa ... 808 L. Knha and k tie hand te B P. Rneeell and wife, lot '4. block 8. subdlrleea Brows' rv. aclom. 1A tawnabln 1 snuth. reaar 1 eaat .. 850 If. Mc'ker to i. Pi Becker, tot 8. block , Ineerdale Tract 1 a eri-kMs aad baenand. ea A. 8. HneV-- " . b-t IT. hlorfc T, anunyalda 420 . c. Slrenangb aeid wife to B. rioaeet, 1 ... ..J A hlarfe X. Rronaaak's addl- , UuB set ae.iea.eaa le4 "INTEREST" SAYINGS BANE v OF ' BeliOc Giiaraiitcc7 . ii Trust Oimpaiiy Pays 4 per cent on Certificatea of Ueposit. - f ay 3 per cent interest on daily balances of deposit accounts, . '. suoject to cneck.. ' Banking hours. ...... 9a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. . . . . . . .9 a. m. to 4 o. m. Saturday evenings.. .... .5 to 8 o'clock ; DIRECTORS :. W. M. Lad A- I. Thorburn Rosa. T, T, Burkhart Frank M.-Warren. George H. IIilL . 240 Washington Street ; , Corner Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. . Hortliwesteni : ;:;t;MHtMal:Life OFlWAUKEEyWIS; 'Our Pollcyliolders Are Satisfied" v . OCR AORNT8 ARK. TOO. POR THRT ARB DOING THR UABORBT NEW BC8INESB IN THE HISTORIC OP THR COMPANY. 'floreAfcntsW-ented': GENIRAI, AGENTS. CONCORD BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON. Lots. 50 i ll Feet v Each BJberaia Bavlan Bank, awnee. will aetl with out reeerra. a limited number of ehotea end ormraoia mm on toe canine for lao each. Title perfect. For partlrulara Inqntra at room 80S mcnay nia., -joira and Btark atraata. Any vrwvmm i vvj mesa juia am aigi RtfAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' Maud Allea to Mra, A. CrandaU. lota IS and 14, block IS. Willamette 800 u. re. meuaer ana wile to town of . Greeham, 14.1B aqnara roda bealnnlnc northenet rmar lot 4. block 2. Rob w wuium ..,.,..,...,..... no S. J. Jono at al. to J. E. Wlndle. lot 4. vmrm f, irai aamiion Bno . anyn ana wire to M. Biickner. north H lot 8. block T. Oak Park addlton.. 1.600 w. r. meneuy eno wire u a, u. KUfher fnrd and wife, lot 8, block 183, Eaat Portland ,.; 2,000 W.-.R. Mitchell and wife to Baptist church, lot 10, blocs: BO. Bellwond 860 U. Van Thome to C. W. Cornellos, lot , 14. block 1, and other property, Lincoln Park - I Lawrenc 8. Kaleer and wife to W. P. , Ralaer. aoath M block MkA. V. King s 10 J. Blmoa et aL to O. W. Harris, lots - 1f and 11. block 48, Vernon 4T8 X. M. Donald and wife 'Ui O.JUawablatt, ' hit T and 8, black 183, city , 8,000 Title Gnarante at Truat company ta O. L. Ferrla. lot 10. block IS. Flrat addl- ' tlon to Holladay Park addltloa 860 Hswthorne eatata to W. . Morrlaon. lot T, block 1. Hawthorne's First addition. 800 O. W. Jackson to R. B. Morrill.- west ' 88 feet tots T aad 8, block 128, Kaat ' Portland 2,000 A. E. Carter to IT. E. Noble, loU 15 and IS. block 2B, Albtna Homestead 1 Get roar Insuiauiia sad austi ai ta to real estate from the Title Clear n tee At Traat pany, 840 Waabingtoa atreet. earner Second. NOTICE. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE Notice hi hereby siren that whereas 1. W. Barnes and H. E. . llrCauley did on October 8. 1M6, aiecnta to the Mt. Hood Brewing company their ante and mortgage for the mm of 8400, payabl In monthly histalliaeuts of I VI each, tha flrat -to ba paid Nuramlaj.16 JWS.whli.h niorl gaga Is raeorded In Book 10 at pae ZU or chattel mortgaae for Multnomah county, Or egon, and whereas defanlt has been mad In payment of the first Installment aa In nald aaortgag praeided, aad tba Mt. Hood Brewing company baa .elected to declare the whole auin doe, twing $4O0 and Interest, and wberees the other conditions of aald mortgag bar beea broken, tbe said mortgage will he fore closed by sale of the property described hi aald mortgage by virtue of tha power con tained In aald mortsaca. which sal will be by tba undersigned, at pnblle a Oct Ion at No. u riortn aixtn street, i-oriiana. utrrnn, on 'Friday, tha first day nf December. IPOS, at 10 o'clock a. m. The following k a deerrlp tlnn of tba property eoevred by the mortgag ad ta be sold: 1 writing desk, 1 bar screen, 1 clear rasa, 18 chairs, 2 tables, 1 cash regis ter, a are caa lam Da. 1 gas store, carpets. !)nneb. table and glaeeware of erery deecrlp- Twn; BIBO ail oar I u i ui 1 1 1 1 w mwin ill. 1 1 1 it i bar. hark bar, work hoard and rwrelty Ice hot and beau-pump not fit I ; also 1 pool table and bells, anhject, bowerer. to ton claims of Brunswick Balks Col lender company agalnat aald ecreene and pool table and halls. Bald property now at No. 40 North Third Street, Portland. Oregon. Dated NoTeinlier 28, 1005. ' ' MT. HOOD BREWING CO. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORII. Bids wlU be rece I re,! Vr tha secrstsry of tba Lewla and Clark fwntannlal EipneltUm rommlaalod up to 12 o'clock Boon, Norember 2!i, luos, for tba purchase of any of the eablblt hnlldlnrs at the eipoaltlon ground., ar for the piirchaee of any part of any or all or aald buildings. Bidders may offer a Rrlrs for tba aanU. doors, glaaa, hardwara, amber or any other aslrsa eslue. the bid der to rrtnore and take away earns st his eipeaee. Any ae tie factory offer for any Item will be accepted end a eale made. Itemised list of all material In each build. Ins will be furnished bld.lers by tba secretory. Bids WIN be considered for the wreck sire of sny or sll the bnlbllnrs. All bids muet he accompanied W'k t'Wk for S per cent nf the amount of the bid, aad lor wreckage by s check of $A0. ' Pull particulars can be bad from , ,..r-... , EDM0ND 0. OlLTNETt, Becrtsry. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notice Is her. by glees thet ('. A. Shurto of Arlington. Ore gon, baa transferred) to tbe anderalgned all of bis property, aa trustee, for the benefit of ell of his creditors pro rets, secordlng to tbe amount .of their reepeetlee claims. , All per Sous baring -elalnta-agalnat said tVA.i Sburts ere hereby notified to present tbe earn to the Undrrelgned st hie office In the Oregon Seeing hank. No. 321 Morriaoa atreet, la the city of Portlend. Oregon, duly aerified, within three months from the date hereof. ... WALTER H. MOORE. True tee. Portland, Orrgoa, October 12. 1805. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLA IM8 Notice Is ken by glrea tbet Shurt A W'lr company of Ar lington. Oregon, baa tranef.rred to the nsder signed all of Its property ae trrstee. for tbe benerit of sll of Ita creditors pro rata, secord lng te tbeaaawnnt of their reeneetlrs rial me. All peraoaa baeiag elslms agalnat aald cor , pnratloa ars hereby notified to preeent the earn ts tbe undersigned at his office in the Oregna BsTlnrs bank. No. 821 Mnrrleoa street. In the city of Portlend, Oregon. Unit aerified, wltkla three months from the date lereof. .. . .. . Walter h. moorr Trast. FortUud, Oreioa. October li. mt, t '.t . ' , i-, NOTICE. DISBOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. aiaoaa. at. hwu u ttila day, by niataal coneent, dlaeolTod the partnerehtp- heretofore rxlmimg between thorn nnder the firm name and elyle of Willamette 80 Bonth Third atreet. in tba city of Porf land, Orea-on. Tha aald M. Ilnaford retiree from tha firm, and aald bnalneaa will hero. h. amulneted be tba aald J. G. Kanf. man, who eaeamea tba Indebtednaaa of tha firm and eoilecta all ajooera due aald part aerahlp. Dated at Portland. Oregon, tata aeTeateeatH m , . - - ,aoK . . " H. HO-ORIt t. C. KAUFMAN NOTICR I, tha nmleralirned, will not he ra- Mra. Prancea Myera. J. H. W YBR8. MEETINO NOTICES. WRRPOOT Canp, Prlday nlbt, at W, o. W. ball, Teutb and Waabla(toa ate. AM membere are re- qneeted to be prearat tola Prlday, annual lectloa of ofneera. TbaakaalTlna tiir ker rafSa. Tlrkata will aleo be dletrlhoted for the aanuai banquet to he held December 8. Theae tlrketa ran only be aernred In ramp. . J. h wiiwaiui, v. V. A. If RARBICR, Clerk. COLl'UBIA Lodce;' No. 114, A. P. A A. M Special commnnlcatlon thla 4Thnraday erealna. t:u o Clock, lfaaooic temple, Work. B. 8. PAOl'B, Secretary. C1TT BOARD OP CHARITIES Tba annual meeting of mem here lor tha ewctioa or airee tora and tranaartloa of auch other bnalneea aa may properly come before It, will lia held at SOB efferaoa at., near Fifth, Monday, Noremher 2T, 100S, at 8 o'clock p. oi. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between Norember 15 and IS, a email blank honk rontslnlnf a receipt for atwo ana aatarallaatioa paper. Finder will be well rewarded by leaeinc nam at offtce of Port land FkmrUm mllhi. LOUT Solitaire diamond rlnf. bet. Meier A Frank Co. and Holladay are; reward for re turn to W. B. Olafke Co.. 106-1 lQ Pront St. LOST Plata fold locket with L. H. 8. on the lantde; So reward tor asms. Lare at joornsu WlU, party who found (old memorial bade in shape or a Maiteea rroaa nieaae return n 4M Chapman at,. Portland Heigh ta, and re celre reward T IyltT Puree containing $JT and ehanae, Tuea- dae afternoon, sit reward to nnfler or anyone Informing m of Snder. Address O 18, car . HEUVANTEDMALE. WANTED Barbera to know that O. N. W. Wilson Co. fir eaje la now gome; on ai not mt Meotr Rotel hide.: W'llllama'. Colgete a and Wllann'a ehsrlng aoap. tl to 12 per box; taicnm nowaere, lie per nwi; wr per rhelra. B0e to SX W will aell eeery thlng at great bargain; orders from the coun try will bar prompt attention. We will open again In or old store about Dee. IS with a full Una of new goods. - SECURI AGOODlJOSITION. Waaslat competent office men. nookkeencra, atenoarranbera. cashiers, eelleetnra, bill clerks, veneral clerical, technical eoeamercUl men. Bnstnea Men Clearing Bona. 110 Second. MEN and boy wanted to earn 85 day. after monthe' Inetrnettoa. position guarantee!; ' arterial tuition half price, few rtaya onlr. Coyne Broa. 06. Plumbing Reboots. New York, Cincinnati. O, Bt. Loom. Mo. Pre catalogue. m to ami nee week eastl made eelltnc sick and accident benefit for Union Mutual AM Aeen. T08 Marquam bldg. BAI.EaMnN wanted; cash ad ra need weekly! amri eeerltorv ews: entflt fraai eoms are mak- Ins 8100 to 81 no per month. Why not you I Address Washington . wureery vs., 1 op pen ma. Washington. , . WANTED Clarke and wlndow-drsseers to study show-card writing at Y. U. C. A. Bight school: personal I Detraction. Apply for par ticulars. Port ladd Barber College. Tuition reasooabls as sny school on eoast. 267 Flsnders at. MEM WANTED 100 men te net board at Golden Went. Sersntb aad Ererett; Inrsatigats; it will pay you. WANTED Pupil to Vara telegraphy: growing demand fnr operators; positions guaranteed. 43 H Third St.. mom 8, after 8 p. m. MAN wanted who hits been sccustomd ta con crete work. 208 Fourth at. WANTED A finisher for kitchen rm-nlture; also a machine ma a. Call 105 North Eleventh. ACTIVE eotlcltora wanted for s good psylng prrSMsltlnn; ealary and commies Ion. 210 Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrlaon. WANTED A bright hoe. well acquainted with city, to make deltrertea on Batnrdara. - Cell People's Market , Grocery company, 2ol Plret at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girls oeer IT years, to learn to Tnaks wtrs rrime-nresiii(irlgr"hincy"tt learn good trade. Inquire Lswengart Co., 82 Front at. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly lady for housework. Phone Eaat 86T0. PORTLAND REWINO RCPJOOL Paahlonahls dressmaking. 271 H Morriaoa rt,, aor Fourth, room C System taught HANSEN'S LAntPR' AGENCY. 848U Washing, ton at-, cor. Berenth. apetalra. Phone Mala 2002. Female help wanted. WOMAN, orer IS. energetic, reliable, to take charge f s Vlart office. Call a address room xa, uwh mag. . , $100 A MONTH en re on 25e capital; remarkahls bat true; nays from start; worked ertar t . . m an 9m, a.amii. The Wan. nlta TJtlllty A SpeclfleCT.. lock box .132 Portland, Oregon. The a bore Is worth $10 to sny one. WANTED An experienced girl for general bonaewora. 48 Fiona I wentiein sr. WANTED Of Acs girl, etenogripher prsferred. Apply st once st 814 Dekum bldg. WANTED Middle-aged Woman, keep hnnas for widow with smalt -family; good boms with some wagee. Addreaa 17, car journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP.' WANTED Immediately. 8 men or womea to do eauTaealng. Call ap East 637; good proposition. WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pre. sentabls maa or woman, a good talker, to take ap aa attrictlre proposition, loqulrt T88 Chamber of Commerce, 8 a. m. HELP wanted tnd ennplled. mala ar femsl. R. . O. Drake. 206H Waabingtoa St. Black 1883. WANTED 4 men or women; big sellers: big profits. Call 828 Market; city or country. WANTED 4 -good solicitors for Oregon -and Washington towna. salary or commissi-! Room 8 Ibh bldg. SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE. WISH a placa as boas property man In any t bee I re I een glee goon irieieuiei suuim is. T. Mcncktoa, 227 Montgomery at, pbong Main 1188. - RR 1,1 A BLR Osrmaa maa waats houeecleenleg hy the day; also stor sr oriica cleaning, tfbon Main 1078. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper dealrea ra lesra i-f parties who bar a few bonre' bookkeeping to be don each day. P'44, car of Journal. WANTED Br a mlddls-sged, edncsted man, work In ofdee; willing to do anything. Ad dreaa O IW, cere Journal. -. .-Tlicrc May Be- - -: A real eatale barrels smon Tha Jonrn.l want sds today which will make yon glad w v asivew av a utus Bum 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTEDc A poslthui by snrst-claea miller to taae coarge 01 enu iw m email mm. aaarees .W. J., In car OX Cornelius Warehouse, Cor nelius, YOl'NG' man ' desires work in wholesale house or any im; wining worker.' Addreas O 10, car or journal. s SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB WANTED Weekly engagement for washing, Tneedaye and wennesiiaya. aio riherldau. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . FOR MEN. , (8 N. Second st. Phone Msla 1628. PACIFIC Coast turn. Co. Reliable employmaat agents ISVk n. " rnons atsia no 10. - JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFPICH, Henry Tahara, avr ararsn as. a-noaa ra elfl 840. . ' . STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Help . . .. . Oft. X. B llha. SIal 84ST. ' ' BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help an polled free. . m . . . . 1, I Inn 1 a n, skvsb .1, rnwi. .mm .w.w. . NATIONAL Emptoymeat and Labor . Agsney, 818 line , at. fkoos Mala lau. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO., 8 North second; rurn lanes an sinna as ployment for men and women. Mat 8088. THE Portland Employment Co., 100 H Morriaoa at. Phone Ferine T-Ot. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot close In. aleo email farms; bare euatomera. . 208 Fourth at. HATE bnyers waiting to hear of small homes la or pear Portland, ssy direction; If yoa are ready to aell addreaa P 8.. car JoarnaL WANTED T buy or lease a building lot clone la. Mcpherson, uumaa botei. rust saa auar. LI8T YOUR LANIMI WITH C8 FOR QUICK RETURNS. FARM LAND A KPECIAI.TV. GREGO BROS.. StT-SlS PENTON BLDG. WANTED For cash, good Income property la Portland; must be good. Hankie Jt Baker, 21T Ablngton bldg. WANTED Ta bay a horns; must be a bargain; bo boom prices win be paid. Aatlreee u i, ears of Journal, airing prlca and description. WE have bnyera for jrood nomea; list them with .' F. J. STTSISMETR At CO., 108 Mnrrleoa at. WANTED-.-AGENTS. A WINNER for areata Health and accident Insurance on popular monthly pajmeuts. For liberal tenne, address O. A. Lyman, mana ger. Continental Casuslty Co., N. W. DeptM S Mohawk bldg., Portland. Oregon. WANTED Agents: eomethlnV new; good seller, big wagea, via ucnay Ding. AGENTS wanted to - Mil - nursery stocks sew and compute eutnt furnianed tree; casa weekly. Capital City K ornery com pen. Salem. Oragoa. WANTED Lie agents to sell sn article needed la eeery home, Addrees O T, car JonrnaL.. WANTED Agente. commleeinn and salsrr. New York Outfitting Co.. 8 First St. WANTED TO RENT. WR want desirable houses snd Sets, sll parts or mo city; nar nian-ciaae cuenia waiusai rents collected, property eared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 248 Stark at. Phono Mala 1BTS, WANTED To rent farm, IS or 20 serss. Bear city: eoeee sad barn. al. u. siorgaa. aiu Mllwankto at. WANTED To rent or boy a B room modern cot tage; etate pries snd location. Addreas F 43, car of Journal. WANT to rent' small improved farm suitable for stoekralaing: eaatera Oregon arererrea, Addrees G 8. cars Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. 86. 000 IX) AN wasted on good Income property; SSsTT1 tSS JfBeJefXT- "aTMrTBeSlW wa?vuBsf l" aia f -8nrltaaf' ton bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8ER tbs Lewis snd Clark fair st home: send 40e la stamps for handsome phot book, neerly Jno photos of fair, 7t4i6H laches. Westers View Book Co.. Portlend. Bos 284. PAINTING, spraying snd whitewashing tree, basements, barns, docks, etc. largeet gseollne spraying outfit -on tbe coast. M. G. Morgaa CewBTO Mllwsukls st. Phone Rest 8617. STAPLES. THE JEWELER, BUYS OLD GOLD AND SILVER. HIOHF.ST rash price psld fnr bottle snd tank of eeery deacrlptlos. ' Portland Bottle Supply Co., 88j Morth Eighteenth. Pboa Mala 2288. BOOKS bonsbt sold sad eichsaged , at tha Old Book Stor. 228 Yamhill st, 4 J. RYDER, printer. Second and Wlihlngtos ataPnOOi atatD o5S. " WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO.T WR) WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD TH1NO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 28 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 788. WANTED 2.400 cedar polea. Apply to O. I. Brown, chief engineer Oregon Water Power A Railway C., Flrat and Alder sts.. Pert land. Oregoa. a HIOHEST CASn PRICE PAID fnr fnrnltnr ra any quantity; also take earn n commlealon and guarantee heat reenlts. Tbs Portlend Auction Rooms. A. Schnbscb, prop., 211 First st. Phone Mais 5855. . WANTED Roll top deek: moat be cheap. Standard Coffee A Spies Mills. 208 Second st. WANTED Sailboat; moat he suitable fnr Columbia riser and cheap: (tea location, prlc and description. Address G 8, Journal. WANTED To furnish plana and epeeiSeatlnns free of charge oa conditions to those desiring ' to build homes; Inyestlgsts. Phone flcott 5481. WANTED Land to clesr by a new method; lease reedr for the plow In a few dara. r Write or call Portland Clearing company, 288 Taylor at., peruana, tn-egon. WANTEtl Horse and wagon fnr light dellrery. Standard Coffee Spice Mills, 208 Arrond. WILL build or fir your bona rery reaeonable. Call H. Wab.L New W cetera hotel. WANTED Boxing- lessons, , reasonable. : Ad dress 0 1,1. care Jnnrnal," WANTED To bur a second-hand woodsawlng lg. mounted: mast he In-good condition end cheep. Address Eatscsds State bank, Eata rada, Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THR RING SOB Jeffefsou St.. aw building, handsomely tarnished with ercry modern con renlence: all outslds rooms, with best, gas cr ' slectrle lights, porcelain baths; rates from 88 to am per meowi sprci.i,sswe tje v THR HAMANN, IAS N. 18th.. cor. Royt Newly forslebed rooms, $1.50 ept eeereelrnt Ineattoa, 15 mloutea' walk to fair grounds; Morrleo ssr at-anloa depot direct to souse. Pboaa 8470. THE HUB. 85 Eleeenth st.. sor. Btark New rrnmlng-honee. newly fumiahed. steam best, ' gas Iltbt snd bsths: close to huslneee seo tloa. f block from rsrllne; sll ths comforts of a hnrns; ererythlug ap te data. Mrs. P. A. Clancy, prop. V WELL famished rornne. board; good locatkmt car ssrrle. 401 Tenth st, Pboa PaclfM . 608. HOTEL PALMER. - ... Centrally located at th corner of Aide and Perk sts. 1 stesm best, hot snd cold wster, . free perceuln bsthst rsoaas SUo.. Ike aad $1 peclal weekly rates. MARQUAM HOU8R, It4 8h fcoonte en suits ee Blagls: aeneekseplng rooms; gas starsa, bath, slsctris Ughto; Irsasleau ssUcttad, . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CHEAPEST and hast loos red rooms la Portland. $1 week aad as. Oilman. Flrat and Alder at. BEAUTIFUL front suits snd 2 other desirable furnished rooms In mosers some oc prirate family; phone, bath, furnace beat, walking distance. MM) Fourth et. I'bons Peetae 818. FURNISHED rooms, aingla ar en suite, 88 see Biewih aad up. Hotel rairmouni. swsaiy alith aad Vpabor aad Tsogha eta. NICELY fnrnlabed rooms st BMderats arte foe rent In urge prlrste none, cions la. . laui at 14T Teeth at sear Alder. PRONT parlor for gsatleaua of re fine meat wne wteaea room aear us ssaier si siiy. , eai I Ererett at, HOTEL MONARCH. 80S Stark st.l transients so licited; price rssanahU. Pboa r-seine sue. THR GRAND .Newly furnished room by. week ee month. 2S8ts Urnad ass. . NICE noma, reeeoriable. 875 Alder, oppoaits Arlington club. Mala worn. BLEOANTI.Y furnished rooms; be th. electric light snd pnons; gl.TS per wees una op; hous thoroughly clean and respectable. . Ho tel New Belmont. IKItt First St. THR BENNETT, 8S1H Mnrrtaon Furnished ouc per as 7, psr wee saa up. THE DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferaon Ele- fsntly furnished rooms, mod era brick, ateaa eat,, bath; reaeooable. Mala 845a. 29H THIRTEENTH BT. Priests asms, ele gantly mrntehed front bedroom; alee aids and small rear rooms; gentlemen; raerenoee; reasonable. GOOD rooms, 8-story brick, with ebrrator; rates; within reach or a lir uoiaea west, p renth snd Ererett. Rs them. HOTEL NORTHERN Slngl rooms, rooms snd soara. ana rooms fnr boasekeeplng: s 19 per month up. 12th and MsrshaU eta. Main 1458. LA RGB furnished rooms, ens block from Port ia na aotei, 518 ts 51s. 180 Park at. 4 FTRNI8HED rooms, modrrn ; phone, bath ana an eonrsnirnces. inquire 81 1 Ererett at. I' bo ne Mala 4808. THR BELLEVl'E. 218H Fourth St. Neatly lumianea rooms; electric figure, porceista bathe; rery low rates by week ex month. Hood T01 , . ... . .. . NICELY furnianed ksueekesplng rooms at 86 'A nueeeu vs., emgis room ajao. , 1 418 FOURTH 2 large anfnratshed rooms, 812; same rurnianea, 510; beta, psoas west 844. FRONT room with alcore, fsclng tha nark; oath, weet Park, near Market, f bone Front Hf. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING POR BENT Fnrnlabed booaekeefHng room! la best bnck Block oa eaet sJdei gas rasgeo, bath. etc. I bo transients; prices mederste. Logaa Mk, lOSHUnloa ae. saner Raat Alder. Phone Essr4824. THR MITCHELL, r lander and Berentb Raoma. hoasekeepiBS sad transient; snarsalsati artees resaoaabls. THR OLA D6TON B 5 12tt at., furakibed t aoaabla. $1 T PER WEEK Lara- clean fnralihsd anaaeaeeping-rooms: 1 n nary ana asta. dm Sherman,. Bonth Poet la as.- y- Pl'RNISHED housekeeping snd single roon gas, natn and poone. 21 1 mra st. - rt'RNlsyED rooms for light honeekeeplng, nreuHi. ill 11. nono mum e.. THREE fnrnlabed bousekeeplng rooms; as ef phone: 58 pes month, sw IMrrsstb at. FURNISHED, unfurnished housekeeping, aleen. ing-ronms. otosa in, , 51 week. a . lSDtn, near Stark. TWO houeekeeptng-rnoms. completely fnralehed. SO, incinaiag wstsr sna psoas, stain sozu. SEVERAL rooms on ground Soar, fnrnlabed for light housekeeping ; choir lore t toe, near school, gaa, phone, cheap. 428 Sixth St. FOR RENT 2 front rooms furnished for bones keeping. 810 per anontb. 4KB eaat Msrket, cor. Ninth. Phone Eaet 8281. ROOMS AND BOARD. family 1 i suite; Brat class; fro bsths: walking distance; rstes resaoaabls. as waenington sx. FIRST-CLASS roe aos sad board 'for perms as st people. 822 60 snd 825 per month; table board ' 4 per week. Aetnr beass, 7th aad Msdiaoa sts. TsL Mala 8281. BOOMS urlth hoard far nerasensal . reeeoaablsi first-class borne cooking. Sixth st. 281 LENOX RESTAURANT. 208 Balmoa; board an.1 room: modern brick bldg. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 Thirteenth Rooms with good board; walking dlatssce; reaeonable rate by tbs month. FIRST-CLASS rooms,, with or without board ; rates within reach ef all: hnesatlgsts. Ooldea Wast. Berentb and Ererett. ELEGANT front rooms with board: new manage ment, bom cooking. 212 Berentb St.. one. Sslmoa. fcTNDETX HOTEL Pdntlli kncrTfartet- Nsw brick, elegantly fnrnlabed, aaodera through oat; rstes reseonsble. THR MICHIGAN HOTEL. Mrs. Rls Find ley, froprletreee, 882 Sandy road, near Ankeny car; Iret-rlaaa room and board. $4 per week. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.' HOTEL FAIBM0DNT. North Twrnty -sixth st., from TJpahor to . Vaagha, . Roerna furstabsd sad unfornlihed, stagl aad sa salts, $1 per, week snd ap. A permanent modern bnllfUng. plastered sod with bathrooms snd asodara plumbing. . ' PIPED FOR OAS FOR C00KIN0." ALL OtJTSIDH BOOMS. FOR RENT HOUSES. Hoases For Rent. Rent Collected. EDWARD t. pYNSON. Room 1 Hamilton bldg. - - Phone Black 8188. $18 MODERN 6-room cottage, nice location; yard, hath; Raat Ankeny, Twentr1xhth cat. 508 Nelson. Dr. Darling. HOUSE, 207 North Twentieth. T-moms, porce lain bath, furnace, esment basement. It. L Ollean. 420 Chsmbrr of Commerce, v.. NEW a-enma boo snd ausrtsr block, Hancock and Eaet Twenty-alxth ate, 837.50. B. M, Lombard, 814 Chamber ef Commerce. TO RENT AT UNIVERSITY PARK. bnx AA iieiisaoiii nasi ..,......,......,'.$ $ ..... flO modern ,. $18 modern $17 4 rooms 6 -rooms 8 rooms, modern T roome. modern H. O. SIBRAY. Phone Union 8811. POR RRNtLa large 8-eoom bouse, place fnr 'Chickens alul enw: Urge yard; $8. 805 Powell St., Woodstock car. POR RENT $0 per Bonth. 5 -room cottage oa ths corner of Ids he and Wlscossla sts. la qnlre 461 Johneon, north. Ton may hire to hustle Is answering a want sd or you wilt Snd that earn one else hss snsweeed It before you. So don't wait nntll tha- want adt ar old before 708 rea tbtBt, FOR RENT HOUSES. FURNISHED boose. T roome, wbol or part a . k. -- Iua I'nlna NEW modern groom hooss. partly furslsked. SS. lw, lie sssiwi 11-RM)M modem bouse, Mt. Tabor, 830. with water. William . Brsmsra. rausw saai 404.- FOR RENT 8-rooaj cottsg. RW Msjlory ars.; pries S7.SO. FOR RENT A new modern bona of room. inquire si vta asat bikw m. FOR RENT December 2, 6-room modora cot' tege. .Inquire 215 North Mxtccntn, FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. OFriOEaV usfurnlehed. aad sample-rooms; alas nan Qtnuav trosODouga oiug. eppiy . si uie ' sleeslor. - ' POR RENT Deek room and . eeery thing fur niahed. H. a. jaekaoa Co.,. sea stark st. FOR RENT FLATS. $10 6-HOOM fiat Key at O'Nsll'l cor. Hoea and orsnt sts. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. ' POR beet reunite oa FURNITTJRR, Whether to buy ar sell, ring wp Man , PORTLAND AUCTION KOOktR, 11 First at, FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About January L 2-etnry brick banning 1001 100, aorthesst cor. Thira -and Madison; will rsmodrl and leass whole e Bart to dealrahle parties. Apply to R. T. Cog. No, T First st.. room 10. FOR RENT 8 etory wsraboose. 100x100. os trackage, northwest cor. Foarra snd Hoyt. Apply R. T. Cox, f First, room 10. Phone Mala T01.V. POR RENT Rnlldtng sultsbls for lodging. hones sna grocery stars, on East wster at., near Vfea-rlaon. E. t. Gslser, 221 H Morri son st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ee.fc ,ii i. i-ii.i---j-s. 1 HOTEL. 100-room new hotel, sll well farnl.bed cnes plete. modern coneenlences. In a good grow In a Oregna town. 5.000 population, making good money now; will exchange for Portland prop erty or a good farm. Henkls Bsksr, 217 Ablngton bldg. ; CANDY STORE, WELL LOCATED WITH L1P- INO room, caa be sad at low rent by a deenrabl party; Iocs Moo en east aid ep on site th Alblns arhoolhnoes. Partlralare, cad ffle. 81T Oommrclal block. CONTINUED lllneea compels m te sell ar ex change ftirnlahlngs snd business of best 85 room hotel In Portland: central location, good less. M.. GUmsa botsL Flrat snd Aider. WHO II JL O. MORGAN CO.1 A RESTAURANT oa Sixth at. doing a huslneee, also eie on Barneide at.; both are bargains. 812 Pin at. National Rssl Ea ts ts Co, I IP yon went a farm, city ar suburban property, r a good buatneea nf snr klnd nr here sny and or property to ssu or xmnn. eau n or addreas North weet Lend Co.. 2AS Morri sro St., room 211. Pben Msla 8418. SALOON doing business et 888 psr dsy, fin per month: will sell at $1,250. Addrees R 48, Jonmsl. POR BALR Oa aeeaemt ef etcksee. alea, sleaar mooey-maktns nejelnee s eaet eln) salee from 818 to 888 per dey: price $1,400. ar will bleu Ice: ae agents wasted. O 88. Th Journal. BLACK SMITH -SHOP doing good ksaitnses past is yeere. run supply or tools. Quantity 01 troB sad coel. dwelllng.boue. beerlng fruit trees, chlckea-boase. 2 psssengcr-boe ta, car Berries eecn der, 2 mlnntes' wslk to each place; sll for $200 If takes sooa. Apply te Tkompsoa roster, Rldgefwld. Waahlngtea. PARTNER wanted In s good rssl estate office; small investment reauirea. Apply xzi)b sior rleon. ear,. First, room 8.-, FOR SALE Quarter Interest tn commlsslna business, well Journal. established. Address 0 41. WANTED 20,0nr shares of stock la tbs Ool- coed a Consolidated Gold Mines company. Writs, stating prlc snd number sbsrss. Ad drees M., ears Journal. WB bar bnyera foe well-Iocs trd rooming. bouse. t nlrereal Exchsnge. 4ZS Morrlsoa. Phone Pacific 808. POR SALE Cigar, tobacco, aewa and billiard. kail: buaineee doing fi.arn s montn; meoics stock and fixtures, about $.ooo. Addrees C K. DeNrffe. tnmntrr. Oregoa. WB hare cigar store, restaurants, rooming- houses. Mioons, fsrma, city property, at bar gain prieea. Standard Co., 285 Burns Ida, Pboa Msla B4ST. - JOB PRINTER Good opening and small plant at a bargain la lire eaatera iireynn men; a money making proposition. Bog a,io, port Isnd, Oregon. $650 20-room fnrnlshed Sat for aale: snap .i.k, t,itM aria rip. at mt FOR SALE-Good psytog hardwars store. Par ticulars, box i 41. nortu uena. uregon. AN Al restsursnt. doing good bnslnees. fins location, only .1T. uunois saa Bserwooa, 206 Morrison, room 8. SALOON for sale, fair paying huslneee; con snd ee. 21 Alblns are. J. n. leaner. A NO. 1 RESTAURANT, doing good bualneas, good location, etc., for rooming beuee; consld ration. $600. 205H Morrlaon, room S. AN INVESTMENT To pnt Bp s small concen trating plant on our mine, we offer 100,000 ahares of treaaury stork at a rery. low price; ' mine Is producing ores snd will ship next; lorafed In Bumpier -district: aeeays from $8 to $184; other producers peer. For price, -payments. Information, address Aorella Mtntnf Co., Ls Grande, Oregoa. LADY wsnts partner In well eetabllabed rssl estate office, good opportunity, $60. Phone Psclfle 270, - $360 TAKES good bnslnees elesrlng $100 month: I heat location In city; must lea re. Miller, 208 Goodnoogh. Pbon Pacific 420. " FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ' 6-room bouse , $ 850 6-room cottage 860 4 -room new eottoge 1,060 8room eottsge, modern ' 1,800 All on easy terms. ' . P. J. STEINMETJJ A CO.,- , 103 Morrison St. !. 8-ROOM plsstered sonae, modern, with porce alls bath, toilet, etc., within 10 feet ot rerllne; price $1,400; cash $200, balanct 1 kooothly. ' W ESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., - - 210 Fenton bldg.. POR BALR at a bargain, modern 7 -room boose ,n East Tsrlor. close In : terms to suit purchaser.. Apply F 42, cars Journal. - FOR SALB Cheap, elrhtly lots, close in. Lower Alblns - Inquire owrter. 208 Market at. POR 8 A I. nttsges no east side: heeement and yard pries $1,200. Addi hot snd cold water, be lb I v eu, woumsu BARGAINS 4-room cottage, 8eUwood...$ soft I room cottage, Brenklrn 1.260 5-ronm eottsge. East Taylor ,,..' ."1.468 T-ronm house, 2 lota, Vernon $,O"0 8-room house. Commercial st ', ,, 8.860 A hlnrtr, llolnday'aaddltion, lath st..' l.oisj 216-srys stork farm, . 18 mile east, for price of Improeemente. UNION ADJUSTMENT CO.j BIB Chamber el t o FOR RALR T-room houss and lot on west side. Is walking dlatsnce; a anap at $2,000, 8-ronm bona and lot at Midway, $1,000. v R-room bouse, lot 60x190. os West ar,, $680: Unleash, balance 810 month. -Portland Real Estats Co., tM Morris, at. A 8-STORY brick building. 100x100, en East aide; will pay S per cent net en 810 000; price $28,000; caa gtrs tor Sis. Address R 54, ear "Wait M' Rates vnxn Arr cLAMiricATJOat Five Cents per Line r - Ne ad take for leas tbaa'ISe BssTday. Be rea words, aa a rule, eeastltuts a line, but each Una Is charged regardless sd tbs number of words, WEEKLY RATE Y tnasrtlens (molsdlag snsSuadajr lasus) 88 CENTS par lis par MONTHLY RATE huludlm atl Buadsy issussi 81.00 per Use per moat. ADVERTIBfMEMTS must be la fcaraal bnainee of 80a by IS e'eleoh week dsye aad by 18 s'slook Saturday evening for the Buadsy lease, ts assure lssslSosstoa. Display rstes glrea ipsa sppUasUaa at the of tee. . : ' THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES . Asmmaim Will be received at regular matu-efflcs rates. . Followhig Is a list of sntbsriasd agent, wh will forward your, sdeertlea. e IB tin for publication Is tba Beat V0STK nsx, . - R- A.' Preatou. drugf kit, Tweaty-thtrd aad Thnrmsa streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy, . 880 Oltssa atreet. corner Twenty-flrst. . A, W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth aad Marshall streets. MeOommoa's Pharmacy, Nlastesath aad Wasblngtsa atreeta. . . . . ' ' ROtTTH BIDK. R. P. Joasa at Co suggfcrta, Proet and Olhhe streets. Oottsl Drug campasy. First and Grant streets. rabies Bycrley. druggist, . 400 Jeffersua street, cornsr Tenth. -.. Bettman's Pharmacy, Vsraer Sixth aad Harrlaoa strssts. Plummer Drug nom pany, 200 Third treat, corner Madlaoa. ' - ' -..XAJT BTSS. W. 8. Lor), drugrlst. eoenT Grand areas and Feet Bnrneld atreet. Nlrhols A Thorn peon, 128 Rneeell street, corner Albln avenue. Jsncks Drug eompaay, earner Hawthorns snd Grand seeaass. W C. Cable, dragglstj corner Holladay erenu ana urrahe street, bridge, R. A. Wllsoav 1SS Grand 1 esc eiomeon. . B. W. Ban.' 855 Cast Ssreeta strsst. tepbsna. KnKISTS. P. 7. Clark, dragglat, 1008 North Cnisa 8llaT8TTW. " J- BL - Wests nh.m..l,l taxa lteleaeeit rtrswt, ' RROOKXTaT. RmeAlew Sham u'ra Imuin,., Wifsll mmA MUwauki strset. ARLETA. OKEOOaT. Arista Pharmacy, More aad roster strssts. ' BOXWOOD. ffhuSl, SH. . n. i K.m r-.-.llt- aoe, corner Eaat Thlrtseslh street, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. -TRACTS! : r-r OUR SPECIALTY IB ACRR TRACT81 FULalasd streata, water $ TEBVN $10 PER ACRR PASW $10 PER ACRR PER MONTH. . Tea g to these serse mm ' rb aams ear, Ciy the asm Be far the tot Bsa pay. Tha t maa ts year aatgbbor. but b la re. strict ed la mslorlty ef features that auUs ' a true aaburhaa bom. ; A. a CHtTRCHILL gt CO. f S. 1 . aVcoad . . . . , -; i -4 1 GOOD THINOR TO BDT. , $775 4-room hone nnd 1 1( ecrea ef fmltt one block from car. la Oak Otots. A great bargain. . $1.300 24-room rooming bouse hi fine loca tion: psys $no net Incom per month; furni ture coat $1,808 sew aix months sge. 88.000 Suburban 8-room mttsgs snd lot 100x100 on Woodstock ear line. - $ano tin and 2 21x100 lota at St. Jobas; etreet ended, wster In; shrubbery not. $1.000 8 lots snd small bones rn St. Johns. aees center ef St. Johns. $2800 T-mota boos, all modern, a two corner lots, oa Mt. Scott car Use, OREGG BROS. Phone Mam 8808. - - 817-18 Fentoa bldg. , EXTRA-GOOD new 7 -room himao on Hawthorn ere., lot 50x1.17. full liaaement. porcelain both, toilet, electric llghte. Bnll Run water., nice fireplace, aewer rn sad everything right ap to date, only $27s. WESTERN OBKGON TRCST CO., 210 Featoa bldg.. POR BALE New modera 8-roora houss. . la sjutrs 388 Eaat 8econd.--aestb. 1 A GOOD corner, ' smarter block, near Norther Psclfle terminal; good Income property. Cell early. 812 Pis st National Real Estate Co. IKC0MR J"ROPF RTY OI'ITE CLOSE TO TERMINAL DISTRICT. Corner lot snd 8 good bouses, renting fur, 10 per rent ef price, AS. 600. Let 82x100. T-roouf bouse, Esst Washington batwasaXalea, ae and East Twelfths i 15 acres oa Mount Scott, 400 cords of wood. $800. . , - 814 at. is on Winer lane, all cleared, so greeel, old bonas. plenty of orchard. $1,860. Large earner lot with 2 good bouses, central Esst Portlend. rents $65. pries 88.400: terms. CI.'LVER. 828 Chamber of Commerce. S-ROOkt cottar ea Bmnklya St.. large lot; caa giro eahr terma on this; 5). 5011. t WESTEKie llKKt.tlB IKLBt IWM , siv renron niug.. S3.T00, A SNAP Comfnrtabl modrrn bones, doe In en the eaet aide. lleing-rooms, bath, etc., gss snd electricity, Isrgs basement eon talnlng lanndry. two stor snd fuelroomst STerythtn sbont the bones In first-elaee re . pelri the mt Is 160 feet deep, contains chicken houss snd rsrd snd - number of fin frott treee; au Ideal borne- fnr comfort and cima renlence. Cell or sddrsss tbe ewnrr. room 800. th Maruuam. Pbon Msla 888.. t to 4 P . POR SAI.R 8-room cot tug. 8 lots, sll kinds of fruit, berries. One soil, soon wster: a" eim. ntes' walk t car line. 10 to Southern Pacific, 12 miles from Portland. See owner. A. 8. Draper, 238 Washington st., elty. , FOR SAI.R At a bants In. 8-room eottare st Snnnyalde, easy monthly payments, ins am Msrcsstlls Agency, Ablngtoa bldg. TWO fin lots, 100x100. corner: good slew of Snow snountnlne; cheap. A seo new moriem fnrnlsbed 6-room bouee. bar. Esst 428. sr Msln 1415. V FOR SALRTSxIOO-frart lot oa Rest Seeeatoeatll and Conch: will sell for $1,280 if sold is aeyt few days 1 face eeeti wall worth $1,400: will sell part sf Jot if desired. , Address K 48, ' cere Journal. -, -. 'J FOR SALE Modern satmrhan cottage, close te rarllne, fine location, gronen n-jxiuv. u. r. P. Townslt Co.. 184 First St. M BLOCK on First St., fine fnr bu-loeee ar ' Sets. $11,500. ' w'estern OREOON TTtriT CO., 218 Fentoa bldg., ' - ' " FLLWOOD LOTS. $5 down snd 85 a mentbi' ream 9 1 o d... , " w. rhone East 4T04. - ,. LOTS, acreage snd residence e Portlend Heights. J. Chofner. 858 Ysmblll. cor. Park THRER sew , rent or salsl nap. 18. Owner. , I66V Fourth et,. WAGNER PPTTT. SnS Commercial hlk., bar , some of the best buys In ths city. See then before buying snd bs eonrluced. 8-ROOM modern bou . $2,000; $200 down, bat. Owner. Pbnne Eaat 875. a nee 51a mostniy. $278 TAKES a furnished 2 room bouss, BTrxint) IPX SnU imi-w, ii-n-w. ww wnw. mpptj Arches Place grocery. Mt. Scott Una, EXTRA fin T-ronm strictly modern bona snd all fumi-hed in finest lore tins, xa elty, Okie la: $ eeey terms. , . Extrs bandenms T-room honse, ererythlng nf the beet Inelde and oat. fin lawn, bant, etc.; best f location; gill -edge property only 84,000. " ' pt B0IS SIlERWOODi , ' JU6ai Monlsoa, nota 1 "T. (