-CnrCOII. -DAILY-JCJ..::.L, rCIVTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 82. 1805.., TOWN TOPICS TOXIOHT l AMU8EXXKTS. MriUa Grand. Il Unco.. r.niptre Baker l-rlc. ........... I.lbort , .rnd ....... Bur . . . . '"Tom If nor' "Tha ratal lard' "A Broken Heart' "A Iramp a Haiti . . fclualral frurlvaiu VaaderMIe VaudeTlllt VauJevt)lt H. B. Wolklng, an experienced tram builder of Ores-oil. who has been t work for a few months for the Omar. Mining- company at Ketchikan, Alaska, returned from the north country last evening and will depart soon for east ern Oregon. Mr. -Wolklng.says that the Ketchikan district ta a great mineral region and that the properties there should produce large quantities of cop per ore. - The Nlblack, which ta first In point of production on Prince of Wales Inland, has been putting a heavy ton nage on the market during the year and a large amount of new equipment work has been in progress, which will result in me tonnage or ins district sent to outalde smelters increasing rapidly, Mr. Wolklng says that the Copper mount smelter had been blown In some time before he left the north, but as hi work was not near this plsnt. he could not say what progress rwas being made In reducing ore. of The "bachelor girls' talks'' at the W. C. A. on Wednesday evenings are growing more popular at .every , meet Ing and tonight's talk bids fair to one of the most- interesting of the series. Miss Lilian, E. Tingle of the Domeatto 8clence school will express her views on "How to Cook the Thanks giving Turkey." so that any girls who go home for the holiday or who ar range a dinner of their own can eat the regulation Thanksgiving meal as pro- pared by their own hands. -Miss - Msynsrd of the domestic arts depart ment will -rive a . demonstration faggoting. Beginning the first of nex month there will be a special series of , three weekly lectures by Miss Tingle on salads. . i . v. More fruit trees, shrubbery and bulb have been sold up to this ttms this year than for any season before In , the memory of Mr. Butser. the seedsman, 18 Front street, between Tamhlll and Taylor. Mr. Butter's telephone. 'Main . J 70S, has been earning Its salary lately in answering calls for stock of this character,' his first ring this morning being an ordertor three of those hollys . mentioned In yesterday s paper. HI assortment of fruit trees- of every description, shrubs and ornamental trees and bulbs is fortunately so large as to satisfy all demands upon It, else he would have been "up a tree" a month go,, 7 ; ;;,,--,;, -::f-;(s: "The Influence sbf Books In Molding Character" -will be the subject of an address by Miss Harriet Hasaler tomor row at t o'clock before the Home Train Ing association, which meets In the com enlttee-room In .the city hall. Miss -iiassler Is the children's librarian at -thrTtty-1ttraTjr End li-poputsr-wttlrrrit members of. the association, having spoken several times before. . There will be a tea at the Children's home on Corfcett ana Gaines streets to morrow afternoon from 1 to i o'clock are cordially Invited. The women whs will serve are Mrs. C A. Dolph. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs.,.J. Wesley Ladd and, Miss May Failing. At the andr booth will be Mrs,' Thomas Kerf -and Mrs." Harry Allen.. ," Francis W. Grant, government super intendent' of construction of publle buildings, arrived in" the city this morn Ing te inspect the custom house build Ing. the exterior of which has received alight repairs. For the past two years Mr, Grant has been stationed at Seattle, where a new postofflce building Is Hear ing completion at a cost of 1904,000, An express wagon driven by Reuben Frank collided with a streetcar In front of the Presbyterlsn church In Fulton .at about (o'clock last 'evening.' One " of the pair-of mules drawing the wsgon 'was killed. : Tb wagon was smashed but the driver escaped injury. i Proud of your lawnt If not, re- seed It with our fancy lawn grass seed. Every one knows how pretty the lawns wrrf at tbs fair grounds. We furnished the seed. Call Main 471 and ask our landscape gardener about making lawns. Portland Seed company.. :' The steamer Southbay sails ' direct Thursday,. November 11- - Los Angeles, cabin, Ut-0; steerage. 18; San Fran cises, cabin, til: steerage, IS; meals and nerth Included. C M. Thompson, agent. III Third street. - Wanted EneVgetlo young men to hear Tom Richardson, manager Portland , r a Bstiis- Commercial club tv-IJi. v evening. November 11. - Subject ...-Practical . Opportunities. forYoung Men In the Northwest.'" , ,; - Walter Baker's delicious Caracas sal? Ing chocolate In beautiful carton, 10 cents. Vanilla chocolate with whipped cream. 10 cents. Free sample and re ceipt book to housekeepers at 117 Seventh, street., ? , Bankrupt Sale. Clothing, gents' fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks,,' va Uses, boots and shoes, eta at greatly reduced prices. To be sold In 10 days. 10 North Blxtn street, corner Everett. You will make a mistake If you let the opportunity of getting a high grade piano for little money go by. Dundore : Piano company's , removal sale, lit Washington street. '.. v !.r . ' Watches and diamonds 11 town and (Oe per week. Goods delivered on first payment Xmas la coming. Metsgar A Co.,1 Jewelers, opticians. 111 Sixth. . Varno Stain-Lac for chairs, sideboards and reflnlshlng any kind woodwork. Firs sale' pries 40o quart. .101 Front street. Psn-Co-VestO club, 11 par ; month. Keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 West Psrk, Psclfle tl. Open all night f" Any watches cleaned, tl.00; ' main spring,-11.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger Co, 111 Sixth, street r Portland's best dancing school, tot - Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckearoeyer. Damaged by first Not mucr)! Granite floor paint new II gallon,. lot Front St Toadies' gymnasium class, the Rlngtor Physical Culture school. 11 per month. Emll Thlelhorn has resumed violin tenoning at m Sixth. Tel, Main IMi. The Marquam Program reaches the better element pf sd readers. . ; - Try a meal without meat at tbs) Vege tarian cafe. 101 Sixth street Dr. O. M. Wells, residence, Hobsrt Curtls. Phons Main kill. . Res Sals," that 130,000 ranch "Fa rma . for A farmers' Institute will be held at Gresham tomorrow afternoon and all In- A Change of Account I'...'.-. .'''.".v 1 TTF, for sny reason, you I contemplate - change or division of account, we shall be pleased, to hear from you.- Our'. fa cilitiea are exceptionally good, and we believe we could . handle ' your busi- ness to your satisfaction. Oregon Savings Bank ! , Sixth and Morrison Streets. ''"'-.''''.'', ottzosbs t"V'' N W. H. Moore, PreHldent. ' E. E. Lytle. Vice-President T. ': W. CooDer Morris. Cashier. . S, Lopan Hays, Ass t Cashier. ... BixaoToms W. HV Moore, . . B. E. Lytle, Lieo jrrieoe, w. m. copeiana, W. Cooper Morris. LAWYERS' BOYS ' AG AIII A SDT110MS SPREAD State Bar Association Toasts . George H. Williams and ' Judge Wolverton. . One hundred merry men of law gath ered -around ' banquet-tables spread the dlnlns-rooma of the Commercial club last night, and enjoyed themselvi as only "boys grown, tall" can. The banquet was given by the Oregon Bute Bar association and begad at 7 o'clock. The University olub sang. r, uunng tne reast remarks both gay and wise were made by various mem bers of the bar and by Invited laymen. County Judge Lionel R. Webster acted as toastmaster and there were talks by u. rv Paxton, c. k. b. wood. Deputy utstnet Attorney B. S Haney, Dan Malarkey, W. M. Cake, J. F. Carroll. C. 8. Shank of Seattle, and J. A. Glbaon of Los Angeles. , Whtls standing ths guests drank to ths health of George H. Williams, who ' was unable to be present end- United States ' District Judge Charles E. Wolverton. At yesterday's meeting of the asso ciation ths report of ths grievance com mlttes showed that complaints had been made against several i well-known : at tomeys. Charges of unprofessional con duct and Improper practices have been preferred against the firm of Emmona Emmons, which ta said to be simply H. H. Emmons. No action was tsken, but ths -matter will be ' Investigated further. '- The supremo court having exonerated H. t-. Kastman, the disbar ment proceedings against him were dia missed. No action was tsken by the committee on the charges made against Oscar, C. Btone. 'M. J. McMahon i charged with ' wrongfully collecting moneys from ths clerk of the , United States court, but no written and verl fled charges have been (lied against him by the Interested parties. General de nials have been made by John II. Watts of the two complaints made agalnat him. . No hearing has yet been had of thS charges agalnat H. G. Lake of Joseph Oregon, nor-of, the , unverified charges agalnat A. C. Rough, of Grants rasa. . . ,,- ;. v . ... . NO LONGER CHEAPER TO UO VE THAN PAY Transfer Companies Band To getherto Demand Cash for . . Their Services. - ' He who moves' must nay when the last rooking skalr Is duniuud Uil CHltf front porch or there will be .trouble, Such is the decree of ths Portland trans fer companies, - A score of ths city moving compsnles have banded themselves into a No Credit association, and as soon as the orrnni cation Is completed ths man with a dray who accepts promises will be sn alien among his fellows. I sm tired spending three days month trying .to collect bad debts," said ths head of the,. teaming firm that la behind ths - movement 1 have more than 1100 worth of bills in my pocket. and after making tours among ths sub orbs for two days I have 14.40 to a how for my work. Ours la ths only business where you -cannot collect debts If the debtor does not want to pay, for he can always bring In a cross bill for at broken mirror, or a damaged rocking chair or scratched piano, and ws have no way or proving him a liar, though. ha gen orally Is. It Is cash on delivery hers- rter with us all. and If there are any allowances ta be made for . damaged goods they will bs considered when ths sccount Is settled at the close of the Job, Instead of a month . later, when you cannot prove whether you are t being bunkoed by the man with a damags bill." tsrested '-ars Invited to attend. " Fruit nspector J. H. Jteld, Dr. James Wlthv- comba, E. L. Smith and Professors Kent and Cordley ara expected to be present a no risks addresses. . . . . Damaged paint below coat, 101 Front Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear.- Marquam. Fine chicken dinner 10c, 111 Third. Frits't tatnales ara ths beat . ?' , Bfsw Baglass tot Xrla. -. Ths old Erls railroad Is now wide awake. Yesterday 10 of the largest locomotlvss ever built for. passenger service were delivered, making 14f new engines added . to the equipment this year. J total of HS.000.000 , Has been approprlsted for other ' Improvements. The ambition of. the present manage ment la to rrake' the Erls equal to any other railroad In every respect and no expense will be, spared. . - Waterman fountain pert Please ra- turn to, Journal offlce. Preferred Stock Canoed Allen Lewis' Best Brand, rraiiiB in FIGHT STILL in I, ! Your Troubles Have Just Started, . ., Says Hey When Merit Syv -. , tern Is Discarded. . ; . r NEW SYSTEM ADOPTED BY- VOTE OF THREE TO TWO One Hundred Seventy Teachera Will Be Entitled to Five-Dollar Increase and Eighteen Principals to Ten Dollars More a Month- ' "Vou will be sorry for this day's work; your troubles have Just started." were the parting words of Director Witten berg to Director Beach after ths meet ing of ths city board of education yeater. day afternoon at which the merit system was given its death blow and the new schedule for teachers' salaries was put Into affect Under the new schedule teachers In ths elementary and high schools holding life diplomas, who have taught sis yeara In the city schools, shall be entitled to an increase in salary -of IS a month from the beginning , of the term, and principals who hold life diplomas and have taught seven years In the .cltj schools, an Increase of $10 a month, t Before the vote "was taken Director Wittenberg called for the statement of the principals, who asked that the merit system be put Into effect. The state ment declared that they believed It the only method of rewarding work of teach ers and that It would tend to inspire teachers to greater efforts for success. Ths following names were attached to the statement: City Superintendent Frank Rigler, D. A. Grout, E. D. Curtis, T. T. Davis. L. H. Morgan,' 8. V. Downs, H. R. WincheH, E. O. Steels, G. a Jamison, J. B. Easter, Hopkins Jenkins, W. F. Conover. J. Burnhsm. Jv J. Had- ley, R. H. Thomaa. C K. Hlgglns, Edgar A. Mllner. A. R. Draper,' J. T. Gregg, J. U Tousey. C. L. Strong. J. W, H. Stan ley and Aphla L. Dimiek. . ( . Director Beach proposed tke resolu tion to Increase ths salaries of the grade and high school teachers. Directors Wil liams and -Wittenberg - opposed It al though the former said that he would accept the proposition as a-substitute for the merit system for this .term only. Directors Beach, Sitton: and Flelachner voted' to adopt the 'resolution and Di rectors Wittenberg and Williams voted sgalnst It . Director Flelschner's resolu tion to Increase the salaries of ths principals was opposed by Director Wil liams only. - - Superintendent Rigler said : that 1 1 principals and about 170 teachers would be entitled to ths Increase in salaries. SAYS SIIiFFE!! IS DISHQD Rev. E. S. Mulkey of Disciples of Christ Replies to United -Brethren Pastor. OBJECTS VIGOROUSLY ; , . ( TO TERM CAMPBELLITE Pastor Declftres Further That His ;, Church Does Not Deny Personality of the Holy Spirit, and That Christ Is Their Creed.' v , SMALL AUDINCE ENJOYS . MADAM NORELLI'S: VOICE Madams Jennie Norelll a peps red at the White Temple last night before an audlen'cs which was a Judgment on the musical- appreciation of ; Portland. fair-sixed audience yes, for any 'medl ocre singer, but even ths favorite local artists will readily command a - larger house. A mors artlstlo performance It is seldom one a-portlon o hear than that the Swedish prima donna gave last night : Her voles was In glorious form,.. Ijer Interpretation delicate,- her manner more than charmlna-. her notes purs and unerring and hlghj E waa little mors than child a play for her. ' To their credit be It said that those who had come to hear her recognised ths great artist and gave storms of ap plause. Instating on encores and break' Ing Into fresh enthusiasm as the first notes proclaimed the repetition of her Incomparable Swedish song, Light' Footed Snow," or the singing or "The Last Rose of Summer," which becomes Indeed a masterpiece from her throat Of her support, last- night J. Claire Monteith ' was the most popular. He hss an excellent rich baritone and his voles Immediately found favor with his audience. 'Harold V. MUHgan gave the opening organ number and played with accuracy and strength.. - The" Portland Wind quintet eiun made its Initial appearance and though U Includes gooo. musicians snd rasy In tlms become an addition to the musics organisations, . the need of practice In ensemble playing was evident -, IMRSJEVMSJTURNSROQMJ, ON PUBLIC EATING HOUSE Tha Stats Federation of Iabor Is tak ing an Interest In the sanitary condition of ths hotels, restaurants snd boarding' house kitchens of Portland, and at recent convention Indorsed the following resolutions. Introduced by the Cooks' and Walters union: ... "Resolved, That the State Federation of Labor urge upon ths proper authori ties ths periodical examination Into the sanitary arrangements of H hotels, res taurants and boarding-house kitchens. ' A copy of this resolution- has been sent to Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, city mar ket Inspector, by the' secretary of the mate jreaeration or Liaoor. wno said: Tou will see that ths resolution was presented br a member of - tha Cooks' hd waiters' union, wno is familiar with the business of ths crsft' behind the scenes. If there is anything -you can do in your official capacity to Improve ths kitchen conditions-Of these public eating houaes, I am aura ths publto will be ths gainer." j - i Strung on ths suggestion, Mrs. Evans devotlnar all her soars ttms to In pectlhg the kitchens. She has Visited several, and will maka a report of what aha has accomplished at a future meet Ing of ths city board of health. V " 1 1 - -Y " FAIR CORPORATION MUST GIVE UP BORROWED ROAD a ' 1 County judge-Webster has notlfed the officials of the Lewis snd Clsrk exposition that ths county' road wblch Is within the fair grounds should be released, at once for Public use. The exposition secured temporary essement of the road, but its rights ended - October 18, snd It is desired to Improve ths roadway n con nection wttn-the Liinnton boulevard: Members of the automobile club are working .vigorously for ths boulevard nd have mads progress In ths past few days. A ferry-boat Is already In opera tion between St Johns snd Claremont snd (umber Is on ths ground for tne construction of approaches af ssch end. Milwaukie Country Club. ' Eastern aftd Seattle racta. Take Belt- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. , -.. :, "Cure ths roush and save the llfaw" Dr. Wood's Norway Pine flvrun cures rough and -colds, down to ths vsry verge ox consumption, . . To the Editor "of The Journsl: In Mr. Shaffer's reply to the axpresaions of opinion which The Journal solicited from some city pastora relative to hie new test of membership, he said aome things so grossly misrepresenting ths Disciples of Christ that I feel it a duty to reply. If his statements concerned . only - my personal oonvtotlons and motives I should let them pass; but fearing there may bs many others in the city ss Ill informed about us,-as Mr. Shaffer ap parently la, and-in behalf of a large body of Christian people, tha fifth In slse in the United States, and the second largest Protestant body In Oregon. I think It Is only fslr that I should correct the misrepresentations, v First, I would say r do not believe Mr. Shaffer willfully misrepresented us. Hs has been misinformed. Then It Is clearly apparent In the tenor of hi whole reply , to his critics that hs had not wholly cooled off before he wrote his article. 1 Hs Judged ths motives of his brethren, a thing I seriously ques tlon his right to do. Ws all are doubt leaa as free and honest as Brother Bhaf fer Is. ... Mot CamybelUtssv i In reply to my strictures en his action ha says, "I havs been somewhat fearful for the Campbellltes, who for so long denied the personality of ths holy spirit snd many , of whom do at tha present time." - There are two things -1 want to say about this. First, ws protest agalnat ths use of human names for the followers of Christ as . tending toward divisions In ths church, and therefore never adopted for ourselves any other than New Testament names. Ws have persistently repudiated ths attempt to fix ths name Campbell I to upon us. Ho persistently have we done this that onl those who lsy aside their Christian courtesy or who do not know any better give Us the name Campbelllts. Nobody by the name of Campbell was crucified for us, snd none of us were baptised Into the name of Campbell, therefore we re fuse to wear It bee American revised edition on 1 Cor. l:ll-li. . Second, we never aid and: tlonot now deny the personality of the holy spirit With ths most fraternal feeling toward Brother Bhaf fer, I challenge him to pro duce a single statement from any of our preachers or writers denying ths per sonality of the holy spirit. Let him give chapter and page from which his quota' tlon Is taken. . Our people have contro verted the unscrlptursl notions about ths operation of the holy spirit. : But we have never denied' his personsllty. Ws havs said and do say what ths New Testament aays about tha holy spirit I have heard hundreds of our preachers' express themselves' and never one denied ths personality of the holy spirit . Hot a Creediess Feople, The point of my criticism wss that ths New Testament forbade any one making a test of fellowship other then faith In and obedience to Christ. If Brother Shaffer had met that point he wouia nave aone better than to risk statement, - with his present lsck of knowledge about us, ss to our position on ins personality or the holy spirit. Ths fact is thst neither Christ nor his spostles msds any such 'test of fellow ship ss hs made. lie would be wiser than. tim iMitfiwh v. - . He seems to think ws are a creediess people. This Is a most serious mlstsks. Ws have ths greatest creed ever given to man. But no man made it Christ la our creed. And so we havs a creed that needs no revision. The New Testa ment Is our rule of faith and nractice. These are enough, ' And , the msn who sccepts Christ . by faith and will be governed by the principles and precepts of ths New Testament and live under the eye of his Master will not need any new tests or memoersnip. - - - - : E. 8. MUCKLET. Ws havs a very large Hns of finest quality of Linen Warp Matting on hand end must cloae out In order to make room for holiday goods now arriving. In cluding " ; 7 Xmas Toys and Japanese . Curios WKOLZSAXI ASTD SBTAXX. We will continue our suction sals 10 days longer. , Come an get bargains. f .,; Andrew Kan h Co. ss? scoasusov vs. The Best $3 CAT in the World Mm in the World Means the best HAT VALUE possible -no need paying more for, any hat BUSTER BROWN MAN TALK OrTCHrCDRENTO M0RR 0 W The matinee at ths Marquam tomor row has been put at S:t0 o'clock, so that all the school children may come in and near Buster Brown's dsddy tell them Just exactly how. ha conceives snd puts on paper ins entertaining little Busters, Tellow Kids snd Buddy Tuckers, to say nothing of dear old Tlge. Tha enter, tainment Is a charming one, and with ths additional prospect of original Bus ter Brown souvenirs, the sals for mati nee tickets hss been very big. . No- iets entertaining, though a trifle more syllabic. Is ths talk for grown ups In ths evsnlng at ths Marquam. Both ths appearances are under the di rection of Lois t. Steers-Wynn Coma p. Seats are now selling at ths Marquam box office, y,' ,'.-'., - , , ,A . .a i - Ths McMlnnvllle Telephone-Register advocates tha establishment of a local Chautauqua society there. Proven by a Many v The ' difference on Men's or youths' Suits or Overcoats, Hats, Pants, Shirts, Under wear, a general line of Shoes," Rood assortment ot Trunks, -Suit Cases,- Blankets and Comforters- 4s fully 20 per cenHess in comparison with the RTgh rent stores' prices. Convince yourself before you buy elsewhere. ' , . - , JODN DELLAR ': Running Two Stores First and Yamhill and Third - and Davis. ' . Marquam Grand Theatre ' - PHONIC MAIN MB. " Last Performance Tonight st i'.lf o'Clotk. The Xmlaaat Comedies. ANDREW MACK l-N THE IRIRH COMEDTDBaMA "tom itooaz." ''-- A BIO HIT LAHT NIGHTDON'T MISS IT, tat'ES 25c, 36e. 61V, 7 fie, l. and 11.60. . . HKATtt NOW BULLING. Marquam Grand Theatre Taanday Uatltiee. :go. aad 'evmtag, :V. , i Ooteault's . ' BUSTER BROWN Tia-s, Tellow Kid asd Baddy Tucker'. rSICKB Matlnae, rhildrea I6e. adult We. . JtTenlnav 88e, 6ue. Toe, 1.00. : BSATH NOW BBLUNO. . . - BVmveBlr. - Seats Now Selling , - roc me ongiaal . , . Britt-Nelson Pitcures Which win be shews at the m Grand Theatre seat y Nights, Nov. 24-25 Special Matinee Saturday. .- Popular Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c statiaee Prices, Sss, He. a Bclasco-rTheatre -wnm - -' - BKIASOO XATZft. MtOM. 14tk aad Wssh. tts. f L. Sackatt, Be, tffr. TOHIORT-UX WT.EX " - --THE rOWIRPtTV CHAMA " Fatal Card MAmtBES SATrBDAT AND BUN DAT PEICE Nlht, JSo to ffie. Mats., 2Se sad tOe. ' - Ket Week "MICHAEL. BTROOOPF,"' wm Leading Hatter THE LARGE LUMPS Of Cannel Coal make it the ideal grate coal. .So easy, to handle that an open grate fire is no , trouble. Clean ; hands save tempers. Lights readily and makes a hot fire. Its brilliant flames make any foom attractive. v -Delivered for 8 A TON. ' "Fnohe""Mam"780.-" 333-Staf kSf r Sf.' S-ndir.iES coal & ice co.- Orstea i Thestr Oc, uu,, i HVMli V Am. t.. Baka. n lamMll snd Third Bta. Fkone Mala 1BOT. THE HOME OF Ml sir BLBLESyUE, Matinee Satni-day. -. TONIGHT THIS Vt'KKK TONIGHT V "PAmiBIAJT BZIXW -, . Iff RiViillKf i rnuDivr laehidlDB tb Patrlotle Interlnde and Tablsaaz, j Be imeriraa iwaro. ': Eatrs AttraetloB LA KKI-I.K MABIE. MENSATIONAL1 STARTLING! Evening Prices 2ftc, Bne and 7Se. . Katiirdar and Bandar Matinees lSe. SBa. tse aart 6ie. Next Week "LONDON GAIETT GIRLS." , Empire Theatre! 13th aad Morrises. Pboae Mala 11T. MILTON W. BEAMAN. Manaaw. THE roI'ULAB THEATRE. -'" Toalfht All' Week Matinee Satsrdsy ' E. CATEIf PRESENTS THE BEACTirUL PLAT .. "A Broken Heart" -at tks ffalaaas. MiaisUlns "TirtngarfBti -. ana i nruiios .vaaaay sbq rauos. . Evmlnf Prices ' IV. SBe, tSt d 60c, Matinee Prices We. 16e and We. Next. Week LANSING ROWAN. LYRIC THEATRE Keatiaa-arUed. Xats. "A Tramp's Oath" I . ; By P. O. MacLeaa.'". A COMEDY DRAMA IN POTJB ACTB.- ADMERBlON. 10c; RESERVED BEAT. SOe. STAR THEATRE Week of NOV. aoth. Briees Wariness 10a, ev'ts The Three Gordons. Cliff rarrell. Blark and Leslie. Dacer. Chase ana Adair..,. ,,... The Greet Rirefards. Aitventar of Bnerk.-k Holmes, I If in ?) Mm I Established 1870 Send for Catalogue G. P. Rummelin & Sons 126 Second Street, Between Washington and Alder Streets. Ermine Ties Mink Ties i-. .' Chinchilla Ties, etc. . White Fox Boas White Thibet Boat Sable Fox Boas , Alaskan Bear Boas Black Lynx Stoles ' Blue Lynx Stoles FUR COATS IrAli-nhe-FasM6nbIeuri Fur Muffs Fur Caps Fur Cloves Leading and Reliable Fcrricrs At Alladio s' Qron d Th eatre As unqualified bit Ztn-S MERIT TBATEBTT COMTABT ee all toe-favorites snd ih ..n..ma rsoros. : ""' C - -.j;!1- 'Pnsttlvelv the -mmy " Prices. mallneM lite. tTenbifs luc. SOe aa.t . botes 2-ie. . November ST. trlumnbant retiire ' t- i- Vllle kesded by the (rest and enlf AIMnl. Liberty Theatre ;j7A . Manaseaient "of Keatlnc - 4 ; Plsod. T, The Great Melville. The Manilas. Lee White. , Leale Bratkere.- - ' Vat BariUis -Mr. and Mi, oka Chiok. Brttt-Nslaee Plrtares ea Blosraph. Liberty's Beleotear GralMstra. rerfnrnisnces.dslr at 3: SO. T-.30 pd s. si. Admtaalnn. TKf and TWENTY eenfa. i ' Concrete Construction Co. T01 Cnamber ef Coauneroe."- - -Manufacturers of Concrete Btone Blocks. Contractors far all kinds of - cement work. ' . ' rxoEi xanr iso. VIA crp.w.ooaDoa DEsiONR AStB t: .... sai:tr m n 30 -4tH Rl. O.X INSTAI.LMKNTB 1 50c - ' HA.VE yon tsstsd of tbs French dinner of ADamUo, master of ths culinary art. designer of savory dishes ths bring ' joy to the hesrt of epicures? , - - . Qo down to ths Calumet Cale tonight snd meet Allsdio snd 'try ths French dinner. Every dish has piquancy sad flavor of its own.- A bonis of good wins to wash down ths meal and portion of es-President McKlnley's fstorits Crsam Chcsss to top ft ofn . .''....;...,','....'.' : , Music by Richter's Orchestra. '." . Oo thert tonight you'll snjoy it. . , V Full Course Dinner 50c Lunch 11 to 2-25c The Calumet iCafe 151 Scv.ntr, Come Early and Get First Choice ONLY A FEW DATS MORS UNTIL We Move to Corner StxCi . and Alder Streets " Wi 'trotild muoh rather sell a flno than move It and will Hive you the best bar sain of yonr life on a Me-n grade Instrument It you will rati this week. ; : stei:kvw ' r aT TEK vThT MAtls. ftAiirniiiiniiTi- UUVtKIKJtlll MiuC5 1.000 Fill of Gvrnmnt Sho At $1.50 Kites to 12, selling st 11 1 Pr pair. M. WAX 1 froat, sCrser Jeffersoa. Opea ttl