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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1905)
rCHTLA?ID, ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER. 22, 1905.' rHE--OLDSr.WOMAm-'KiI r . . ., - .. . . , . 7 ;. . . -'. .... '1 I . ; .. . , .... ... - -r STORE CLC ; 7-- s lAT , : ' 60CLoc::Prii j STcnn OPENS AT : ' -8 O'CLOCK A. M." "The different, store" aoqp evenino . FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON THAT BRISTLE WITH INTEREST cr.zcc:: daily j: STORE A SERIES THAWESGIVW(i-lM,ESri; OF TO THE THRIFTY NAMES OF LEADING SIX CON-, ; TESTANTS IN THE AMERICAN MANUAL - TRAINING SCHOOL VOTING CONLEST s , .,. w f .-, - WITH STANDING OF EACH AT i , 10 A. M. TODAY;, K,y.jr ; George Slater, Ladd.. 211.237; Truman Cook. Failing. ,203,157 Robert Holmes, Harrison.. V. 198,256 ' Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly 149,914 Tame9 Winston, Harrison... . 125,663 , Sidney Crumm, North Central 112,931 scauenne ; ......... . ... . . v Total ...;:,..v..U23,92i - BEST. jUNDERWEAR VALUES IN THE Knit wear ; First Floor. . j, .- . . , ruat riuui, - , . fH . , . i ,-- j .-.. .... . , ;' WOMEN'S "MERODE" COTTON VESTS AND PANTS. , Of medntm weight; always a special V -value at, the garment; ...... iV. '. . . .65f WOMEN'S "MERODE MERINO f ('v."' '.x-vests and -PANTS. .v.:.:.;- In "natural and white extra good ' fmgJi ' value at, the garment .". .' WOMEN'S HEAVY WEIGHT COTTON ,: .v". UNION SUITS. Xv r Which "are so good that' we have trouble in getting enough of them to go " ,.'round ; priced at, the suit... . . . .?l.oO WOMEN'S NATURAL FINE RIBBED VESTS AND PANTS. jrwrjthirdsor winter weight; price, the garment. $1.25 WOMEN'S -MERODE" PART WOOL : - UNION SUITS. -Finenedium weight in-natwal only; a " suit that many sell for $2. Qur - t..special. valucat; suit. ."v.V . ' , '. .. .$1.7T WOMEN'S PURE WHITE COMBED EGYPTIAN YARN VESTS AND PANTS iFine ribbed, ' vests are prettily trimmed, -y pants haveTrench bands. Special -J- , value price, the garment. . ...... . .oOf X : ; ; RARE BARGAINS, IN Lacesr Ribbons, Dress Trimmings First Floor. ,' :, ' $1.00 LACES' 25c V. ':'A A lot of Medium and Narrow ValencienrtesLaces . and Insertions; regular valuea 35c to 10iA ; Special, the doaen........ ..i ...... f .'':,-' 40c RIBBONS 25c I 4 .. . ' A lot of Silk Messaline Ribbon. and 5 inches " wide, air colors, black and white, atandard quality; regular value 40c. Special, the Tysra i. v. f- BLACK SILK VENJSB DRESS TRIMMHOS In banh and floral design, tome in medallions, ". some wide, narrow and medium' .,. Regular 65c and 75c value Special. yard.48f r Regular $1.00 value Special, the yrd......T n i.. k 7 wal.ibKnirial. the vara . . . : .83 Regular $1.50 value Special, the yard., ....8 J - Regular $2.00 value Special, the yrd...-J2 Regular $2.S0 value Special, the yard.. t.f A Timely. Bargain in , ; i Women's Umbrellas ;.t: i ' - First Floor. .' . V ; . ' - J 'WOMEN'S 15.00 UMBRELLAS 13.00. " AH-Silk Umbrellaa, in blue, red and black; regu ' lar size with Princess box and opera crook5 handles; regular value $5.Q0. Special. , eich ....... ....Z.OO Special Sale of Handsome , r Shirtwaist Patterns - . ; First Floor. ' " .... $2 AND $2.65 EMBROIDERED SHIRT ; WAIST. PATTERNS $1.10. T ; A lot of beautiful new white embroidered SWrt-Waist Patterns, in nainsook and In dian head regular , Values $2 .and . $2.65, Specialeach r.l. . : . , . .c . . .fl.lO. ;v- v: i v . - Special Dcmonstra-7 J tion This Week ; 1 On third . floor of the rUniversal" Coffee Pot. All "housewives and lovers of good Coffee are invited to . ittend.:. --v " -' . - .' ' :. Shops 4MtiMttttml MMMMMMMIMIMIMM4MMIMIMMMMMff v 4 HANDSOME New $1.50 SHks at $1.14 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fifth SUk Special for Thursday, Friday and Saturday j I Two thousand yards of the latest Imported Novelty "ilk, gathered by us di- I rect from Fashion's fountain head all the new colors and designs to select ' - v.";:v Special j! See Washington taaaAaaV'aasss-sse Special Sales Created to Fill the Thanksgiving S v Wants for Less Than "Housekeepers' Handsome Linens ' First Floor Shops. ' p : I-. A great Linen Store heiped full of'the" ,. handsomest, most,serviceable liriens shown " by 'any shop in all. the nbrth west.-" Linens :" from every linen country on earth. Liriens carefully bleached and, with a soft,'mellow 4 finishlinens that '-will wear .well and look " well just the sort o linens for the Thanks- pvingtables, and to use all throtigh the ' winter.' : Among many other ThantTgiving offerings are these-- : K'y:'' :- '' i DAMASK TABLE SETS AND CLOTHS. ' Richardson'a; beautiful satin-finished Linens in new and exquistte patterns. Table sets with; 1 dozen 'dinner size napkins to match ' " . Size 2x2 yards, napkins to match Special, ' A, Set . f . '. . t f I i . . . . i I . . n r f5'85 -. . Size 2x2yi yards," napkins to match Spe- - cial, set ...........i..........;.....f6.T5 ' y ' Size 2x3 yards, napkins to match Spe- " ciftls. set t, ,' 720 Size 2x3 yards, napkins to match Spe-,-'4. cial, set ......,.,.........,...;.....f T.88 -il DAMASfc TABLE CLOTHS. . Size 2x2 yards Special at, each f 2.48 Size -2x2tf yards Special at. each . f 2.03 ' Size 2x3 yards Special at,' each.. f 3.6 Size 2x3 yardsSpecial at, each. HEAVY BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK. , ' Heavy Bleached Scotch'' Satin-Finish Damask, Winches wide, fine quality, about 10 ; pieces in the lot. Special at, the yard.. fl.lO, Holiday Specials .' , In the Linen Shops' yoa will find the largest and most complete assortment of plain and fancy lineris in the northwest new Moravian Lace Scarfs ' and Centers, Battenberg Scarfs, Em , broidered Doilies, Teacloths, Pillow Shams, Tray and Center . Pieces, plain, hemstitched and em-, - broidered Pillow Cases, Handkerchief Linens in ' all widths, round thread Linens in all widths. closely resembling mink; iiowers. teatners. laces, sSSsS Special Mid-Week having all the appearance of a $10 value For Thursday V VT ; only, while they last, you may choose from the lot at V Of A. Great Three-Day Offering of SUIT from Our $1.50 grade : for 3 Days Only $1.14 St Windows for Exchange" First, Third CURTlHg , housc. furnish- ing T Store -r fourth. Floor -Arabian - Net - Curtains Heavy Arabian-Net Curtains, corded finish, 25 styles to select from . Regular $ 5.00 value Special, the pair...f3.SO Regular $ 675 value Special, the pair.; .$5.10 Regular $ 7.50 value Special, the pair .v.f 5.65 Regular i 8.00 value Special, the pair.'.. 86.15 Regular $ 8.50 value Special, the pair...86.60 Regular $ 9.50 value Special, the pair.. .8.35 ; Regular $10.50 value Special, the pair... f 8.10 DOWN QUILTS. -New arrivals in Down Quilts, light and warm, fancy silk and satine coverings; values from, each ,.. ...86-OOto f2R.OO Special Sale of Ranges and Heaters -,: Third Floor. .; ',- v.-).'. "QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES W.wi givft .without rxtra rharg&io. i - .-..:-!. !' c..i every purchaser of aa"Quick Meal" Steel Range a polished top. une ot inese tops on a range does away entirely with stove . blacking. "Your stove is "always polished without unnecessary labor. $4.60 HEATING STOVES $3.75. "Comfort" Heating Stoves, airtight "for wood ; , regular value $4.60.' Spe- cial,' each ....................... $3.75 $7.00 STOVES $5.50. "Oak" Heaters, for wood" or coal; regular , value $7.00. Special, each. ...... .$5.50 "Hot Blast," for coal. Special at, each $13.50, $3.50 Oil Heater.- Special at, each. .$2.75 New Fur Hats $5.00 The fur-hate ; ac; the we shall offer a very special hats. A choice assortment In stylish turban shapes, prettily; trimmed with .etc., in very ncn enecis. SILKS the Yard Street Annex Special Display j Usual and Fourth Floors Buy China Now .,. -- Third Floor.. : " A THANKSGIVING SALE OF HAND , SOME DINNER SETS AND - V- . . . FINE CHINA. , j ' "CARNATION- DINNER SETS. " "This dinnerware is a choice American semi " vitreous china, with very pretty pinkcarnation decoration. Has embossed work and gpld traced edges, and the knobs and handles are also gold .traced. - : ; . . ' ''" ' " Th'ese dishes are sold in sets or separate pieces, i , ; - 50-piece sets, our $7.20 value-i-Special at.85.T5 , , 60-piece Sets, our $9.0Q value Special at.fT.20 10O-piece sets, our $14.40 value Special at .f 11.50 WHITE AND GOLD DINNER SETS. ' These sets are f "Xmerican China with heavy gojd lace border pattern and. neat gold centers. We sell them either in sets or separate pieces 50-piece sets, our $8.00 value Special at.f 9.0 60-piece sets, our $1070 value Special at '.w..... ......i....f.S5 100-piece sets, our $16.00 value Special at f 12.80 DECORATED HAVILAND CHINA DINNER "v '. "; '.- ' SETS- ' 100-piece sets, our $29.50 value Special - at ....V. S2S.OO 100-piece sets, our $33.00 value Special ar ' 10O-oiece sets, our $45.35 value Special at ;f3T.5 100-piece sets, our $72.50 valueSpecial at fBS.OO . Special Sale Pi ices on High Grade and .Very Choice HavHand v ; : - China Dinner Sets 'Z These sets are displayed in our Art Room on the Third Floor. ' . ONE THIRD OFF ON ODD PIECES OF ' HAYJLAND CHINA. : V :" Teapots, Sugars, Creamers and Chocolate Pott are among these odd pieces of Haviland China.'' 1 All are decorated in choice patterns with gold knobs and handles. "Bijou- Salons - Second Floor- Sale of value in these handsome of rich creations in a fur A nai km S:00 VOTE FOR BENEVOLENT ' FUND DISTRIBUTION " . AT 10 A.M. TODAY. Fruit and Flower Mission... Old Ladies' Home.. . ' Baby Home Patton HonTrvA.V.i'f.iV. Crittenden Home Open Air Fund.-.,. ....... . Salvation Army . . . ....... . . People's Institute ........ . . Children's Home , ... .... . Visiting Nurse Association.. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. Mt. St Joseph's Home;, ' MtSt. Agnes Baby Home... Good Samaritan Hospital.... Beaverton, Home . . . . St. Vincent's Hospital....., Volunteers oX America,..,.. Orphans' Home ............ Mercy Home Catholic-Home for the Aged. Ladies'. Hebrew Benevolent ...6.053 ..." 5,540 ... 5.532 . . . 5.043 : .... 4,583 1 451 ... 4.119 ...2.343 ...1,287 ...1,153 ... ; 450 i . i, , 298 .W 234 194 183 169 119 107 39 .36 . . i . .1;. . So- . . ciety ............... 13 9 8 -I . . t V. C. T U . ..,.......... Humane Society .......... Old Folks Home 'Total ...41,875 Exceptional Values ia . Satine Petticoats Women's Warm Night Robes and Shoulder Shawls ,Anne Salons 2nd v Floor, r. LADIES' $1 JO BLACK : .' PETTICOATS i -FOR 96c.-- Ladies' Black Mercer-' iied Sateen Petti ' coats, with several different styles of flounces; our regular value $1.50. Special sale price, , each .......... .6f ' LADIES' $2.50 BLACK PETTICOATS FOR $1.69. . ' Ladies' Black Petticoats of better quality mr cerized sateen, many-Styles from which tose- lect; our $2.50 value. Special sale price, ;. each , .v . 4 . i. f 1.69 11.17 FOR LADIES' OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS WORTH $1.50. Ladies' Outing Flannel Night Gowns, in dainty blue or pink and white stripes a selection of . nine different styles alt full length gown: our $1.50 value. Special sale price, each.. ,.f LIT 50c SHOULDER SHAWLS FOR 38c. All-Wool Knit Shoulder Shawls, in different styles in light blue, pink, cardinal, black or white; our 50c value. Special sale price, each ,..3Se ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ' jtfew lines of Royal Worcester Corsets Just in pair.. rv.-........:,.;...,.&Of to" fao Men's-Midweek Big Values for Our Men Patrons in r tne naDeraasnene SIXTH STREET FIRST FLOOR Special for Thursday ; ,; . ;. MEN'S 20c SOX 12'c. ; Men's Winter-Weight Merino- So, - in camels- hair, black and Oxford gray; regular value 20ct Special, two pair:.-, ... ,;....'...'. i. .25 ' MEN'S $1.00 GOLF SHIRTS 69c A new line of Men's Golf Shirts,' fall weight, in heavy Oxford cloth,; new' colors; regular " ' ; value $1.0dt Special, each 9f MEN'S 12.50 UNDERWEAR $1.75. A line of Men's Royal Ribbed Worsted Under wear, in flesh color, good weight, wears splen- '-idly, extra well made; our best $2.50 value. ' Special, the garment... ..,...... 1.J5 MEN'S 25c TIES 10c . A line of Men's Shield Bows for turn down jol- lars, a large assortment of patterns; regtt J lar value 25c. Special, each....,:..'......10f MEN'S 10c HANDKERCHIEFS 5c - A" 'line of Men's Linen-Finish 'Handkerchief, It wit" white tapeborder; regular value 10c. rSpecial, each .S Get the Habit Of orderinf by mail if you can't get to the ttora. Our expert shoppers will ex ecute your order with the same care an. I attention you would give thtm per ally, and nine ime out of tm " factorily. Money back if ' changed at your re". i i v v. . yf wvwwvwvwwwVwwwwwwwwvw ffffftfffyftff ww ww wwwv