...J oZCON DAILY J0U.-.:AL. rOHTLAND; WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 2, 1905. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - $ fan MODERN T-room houae. weat ilil, central. ul corner kit, ery biet surrouud- WhSTEB.N OR RODS TRl'MT COMPANY. " . 210 rVulou bldg. $2.ono XeW T-roorn house nn Hawthorn eve . ; Urn lot. good eer servl!. . .WESTERN OltKtioN TRI MX COMPANY, , 210 Fenloa- blilg. $1.2ft-!-CbolCTi corner tot la Bouts Portland; V g"d value. WESTERN OREGON TR1RT COMPANY. 210 Kenton . bldg. 4 room boose IB Portsmouth; new and mod ru. rloss tu carllua; njusf. ba sold Quick; . m.nmt. , - - - WfcMTERN OREGON THI"T COMPANY. mo r'iiim uida. Nice awidcra dwelling en weat aid.', Sur rounded by Aua houiee; walking dlatanc (ad Beer rerllne. WESTERN OREGON TRCBT COMPAMT, 210 i anion bids. ,l.TO0 7 room bonne, nooXi plumbing; ground OOiHK) feet; IKO'Cui. balance to ault buyer, y $MUU ceah Saw a mom hvaea! lot SOxlll 'foot: overlooking Willamette boaiovard and rlter. ' . II. Ano 7 -room houe. BMin plumbing. flowara and lawn; (round b 2 til'iu feet. aller In rear: half esali. balance oa tint. gl .a.'iO 7 room booaa; ground 8 1-axlOt ' 11,600 0 mom bona. leatr of frntl-baarlnt tree; ground fl)xwO feet ; all Impryaemeuta paid for; OnoO eaah, balanr an tlnui; alluatad oa fraqioBt at., near Union are. , For aala by - C. i A. SYUOWHKt. WlUaaxtto Btatkaj, an St, Jubna Car Ltoa. 4 BRAUTlf-UI, romer lot SOxUio aa Kelly at., 8iith Portland, ono block from car, . only Mfto; worth 1 , i POiloo feet oa KI(thtotb fay afanball; prle 3.000; terma. '- N Corner lot e Grand aea.( near Broadway, wltb 6-rcwHn modem bouar: S2.BO0, -trnr. '.' ti 1 3xo1-a feet, with new ft -room roodera , rottage. eenjent aldewalk. on Urorer at., " ' goutb Portland; prlc ll.ttOO; fdOO caab, bal anr M0 ntontb. ITxlTO feat oa Kelly at., eaat far, (inobatrnetad rlew; prle 7W; aaally worth fl.OOU. -. Blgbtly building lota oa B. Mtb et..,naar Haw . taorno ar., $360 arb ; caay terma. B. J. COWL1R1IAW. .. . - , Raoa 402. ConmereUl Bld. GOOD HOMES CHEAP ON BABY TERMS. $8,000 New modern 0-room booaa. ap la date, etoae la. oa weat aid. I4.T00 0-room booaa, all modern improve menta. eaat front, la Irrlngtoa, oa carlloe. 11. too Uood 0-room booaa. S Apa lota, a Mllwanklo are.; 900 eaab, balaar aaay. $1 tfX' New O-rsora hoaee. S full lotov 0 Mnnta villa carllna, aar Weat are. 1 , Call and aaa oar llet. Wg kava thaal ' , alt alaea, nrWe and terma: G8UNDY-MELRATH CO., . 246Va MorrlaoB at. , WILLAMETTB. Beaatlfallr alto ted. thai aid of Paarnaalar, oa Ht. John car lln lota until December 1 are $300 earh, $20 down and $5 per month; V prlco wtU bo laoreaaed $28 aa aaeb lot after , . beoember 1. - . . k If yon ar looking fog building Iota, now la the tlma to bny. - , AMERICAN INVBHTMENT CO.) ar BygowakL . braacb oYtlco, Willamette atatloa. V ' BARGAINS IN C1TT.., T rooma, aew, modern , .... . .. f.5 , 0 ronmat aew, modern, Hoiladay add...$4.SO0 rooma, new, moOrr ; $ rooma. nearly aew ,. . room, lot 100x100 . .$3,M0 - And mooy etbera. , Inquire 200 Koortk at. BAROAIN8 4-room cottage, 8eUwood...$ no ... k-mom mttage. Brooklta l.0 ft-room cottage. Kaat. Taylor l.0 T-room bouae, I lota, Vernon .......... 8.0J0 ". 0-raom booae. Comreerrtal at .......... S,OT W block. Holladay a addltloa. ISth ot.r 1,0n0 Itla-arre atork farm, 10 eailro oaat, tor prlc of Improvemente, -. ' r - . I NION AIMURTMBNT CO.. (. 318 Chamber of Commerc. BOO FARMS, amall tract " Jottj J,I"1J1" Or W. y. electric line. O. R. Additoa. Lenta, Oregoo. Take Mooot Scot! car, ac WVK BAA-a.' ". .. . .. ee nn ... aid, la warning ounance; 0-room booaa aad lot at Midway. $1 .000. T S-roora hoaee. lot 00x100. oa Weat are., larxi: $120 nth. balance $10 month. " ,Ptlna Real Batata Co.. 200 V, Morriaon at. P FOR SAIE New modern. 0-room booaa. In- antra sua mmb hw, . .WHOLE Mock la Boot PVirtlaad, oa tba aew primed Front at. railway, only $14,000. ",: $425 Will buy 0 S-coom bona and lot. . lionae and lota, ea aay P J menu and ta TuTU t' oiy $36,000.- m, Mor A OOt earner, quarter black, aear- Northern I earlyt SIS Pine at. National Pa cine Terminal: goon iirccnoe wuun j. v larjonai aeai aan Batata Oa. BS too -A aew modern T-rooea bona, lot 00x100, fnll Oemeat baaemeat and aldewalk: en ar- Una; o half eaab. John .Cenboy, T18 Powell " at.; BrooblyO ear. . A S-STORY brick banding. 100x100. en -Bait aide; will pay S per cent net ea $80,000; Ceo $20,000; eaa 1v terma. Addreaa B care JoaraaL . ' MEW aMdera T-room reaideare ea Meant Bcorl carllne, mlaatee ride .from Portland; lot .08x100. too lawa and frnlt treea. for $1,000, ;at yoar owa term, or may trade for land .lAddreea M 48. care leoraai INCOMB PROPKRTT OrtTB CleOSB -TO TERMINAL DISTRICT. Corner lot and 8 good bouaea, renting for 10 per cent of price. $8,800. Let 82x100. T-rooaa boo, Kaat Waablngtna between L'nloa av. and Beat Twelfth. $2,000. 15 acres oo Moont Seett, 400 eocda of wood, . $000.' 81 acrta ea Wlbert tana, all cleared, aa frkreL eld booae, plenty of orchard. $1,800. I Are corner lot with I good honeea. central -Boat Portland, rent $iUS. price $0,400; terma. - CULVER, 02S Chamber of Commerce. . . etoee In an the eaat aide. 0 llriaa-rooana. bath etc., Baa and electricity, large baarment con taining laanary. fw eiore ana lueirooanef everything about the bouee la Orat-elaaa re .! he lot la 1B0 feet deeo. coatalne cblckea- booae and yard and number of One fruit treea: aa Ideal bom for comfort and eon. venlene. - Call ar addreaa the owner, room 00. the Marauam. Phone Mala 80S. t te 4 p. m. ,. ' ' . ' FOR SALB 0-ronm eottage. 9m lota, all klnda of rroit, Dei I leak line n"n w,, ,,H- - ate' walk te ear line, 10 te So them Pacific, 12 nHlea from Portland. - Bee owner. A, B. Draper. 231 Waahlngtoa at city. von aar .!( a barrala. 8-mora cottage at Sunnyalda. eaay monthly payment, Tba Amea t Mercantile Ageney, aamwa eua, - a- TWO fine Vita, 100x100, corner: good new of 1 mrnkwed 0-room bouae, barn. Eaat 428, Mala 1418. . .' FOR iALB TBxIOO-foot M ea Raat Berenteentb aad Couch J will aell for $1,800 If anld In Bert ' few dare: fa eaet: well wortb $1,400: will , eell part ef let If danlred. Addreaa E 48, . care Joomai. . roll SALE Modern an hu roan cottage, eloae ta carllne. One location, gronna iouxivw. v. w. v . Townalte Co.." 184 Flrat at. ' BEt.t,W0OD lOT". $ down and $5 a month; from itfn to $200, Sellwoed Townalte Co. , . Pbcnd Eaat 4704. . .. . v ' ' ' LOTS, acreage and rerldencea on . Portland Height. 2. a Sbofner. $08 Yamhill eor. Park THRKS new aooeea, rent Or aala; aaap, J0H Fourth at., room ta. vwnev. , WAONER PETTY. Sot (Virmerrtel blk.. have mm of the heat bnya In the eity. See tbcm before boytag and be convinced. - a.Bonw .. $2,000; $200 down, bal Owner ' Pheae Beat 073 - aace $10 monthly an anwna nam; all clear, no gravel fine berry land: Bear MllwaukkU $2.500,,, Ad dreaa F 41, care ef Journal. ... . . . -... . OLD 8-rnmw eottage and lot BOxluO. $fl"0 $100 down. io a moot, inquire Waahlngtoa at. WILL five Immediate oaaaaaaloa of eJT-reom i nonae ano large 101. pricw . a.. - .k t-.Ju . aA VJaea Waan- $10 a month. mgtoa er. $JT TAKES a fornlahed S-roora booee, .00x100 ant and rence, ivuiaoar eaev irrm-. Archer Piece grocery. ,.ft. Scott line. ' c aa icn Lmm, mmImvi io mnmtea . to city: earner lot. Improved etrerter $'i00 i down. tV) month, BOO Eaat Main. Eaat nil FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED ecrln, any aiaa pleeeet ksreat price. . W. U. inwalL, $U Chamber ef Com- FOR H0MF8TEAIHX, limber elalma aad eerie apply te Urn Commercial bib. FOR SAt.B S.OOO acre flrat el aaa timber, eloae ( te -atlnmhla river, pear Cape Horn. J. i. , Armetmn. $s$ Cable at., i'ertlaad. tnea Mala owe. - HORSE3 AND CAr.IilAC".- HONSKS of all klnda for aala at very reason able prices. Inquire 2M Jcffereon. ONB 10 lb horse, 2 Ilirht bora 4 and 5 rear old, two aeta it harness.. Inquire F. C. ri 11 sou, i Woodstock. ' UOKKtU FOR SALE AIL. SIZE" nd all I' UK EH. STABI.Kd 2 Mt JKr't'ERaO BT.. KKT. riRMT ANi SECOND. WANTED A (nod driving koraa, weight 1.000 lbe.. aiest ba a bargala. Rosin 1, luoV atu. A BRAND MW light aprlug wagon for aale erjr cheap. Imiulr Mai-kamllh. 190 Eaal an er at., or pru.ne r.aai i" TO EXCHANGE. txriuttnB ,. '. . rina Callforala hoov. 10 acre hlgkly tnltl. . rated, Una bona, at Madera, California; will ' trad f. a aUnllar bum aear ructlaadi prlco yio.ooo. . HrVKT.B k BAKCB.. SIT Abloctoa bid. k SI'Bt'RBAN bouaa of I rnoma, modern; 4 Iota DOiliXt ea-h. a-ood barn, fruit treea, alu-ubbar of all klnda; one blork to car Una and good aohool; will trad fur realty In or bear Mil waukee at acreage or lota to to, ralu ( I1.2U0 to tl.boo. O a, Journal. 40 ACRES. Aatorla; 8 lota South Bend. Waah- ngton, . rot . grererlee, antioua or ngat eara ware, Otc. Addreaa 860 Buaaell at. . . TO EXCHANOB t'oeur d'Alcne (Idaho, mining atnrk for diamond, vain about fOO. Bos 21. elty. . ' FOR SALE FARMS. . tltXID RIVER VAI.LEV. And the fainoua red apple belt. A few choice offerlnge In fruit land. 10 acre. 5 under cultivation, all klnda ef fruit, very good bouae and barn, buggv, wagon, horae. t barneea and rhlckena; over looking the grand Columbia and fine view f kit. Ada ma; water piped from aprlnga for In-lgatlon and bouae uee; one mile from Hood River; telephone end R. F. D. - A beeatiful borne. Part caab. balance terma. 40 acree at Mooter. IIS acre cleared, an bat about 4 acree tillable; good bouaa, log barn, aprtnga for Irrigation and bonne ear; 8 acree in prune. 1 la grape, 48 "pit, tree In full bearing. 100 8 rear-old Splta and about 100 of other varletlea; leaned ontll December, 1808. . Price, aubject te laaa. ps.uuu. . t . IB acraa, all under cultivation; bay. apple and berrleat booee, barn, cow a, boraed, farm luiplemente, arparator, plenty water; ready to retarn aa Income to pnrcbaeer; S ml lea from town. Price, Including gtock, etc., $4,140. . 20 acree 4a one of the moat premtefctf aec tlona of the vallev; T acre cleared. 120 anole ' tree, amall beuea. m Ilea from tow. Price l.nuo. 40 acree fruit lead. 8 la orchard. 8H m berrlea: no tmtldlnga. bat o floe piece of Uod. cheap at $10 per acre. -v 10 acree In the famoae Orapner dtotrtct, f acree la S year-old atandard rerletlee appma., 1 acre reeerved for balldlnge, T mllea from Hood River on telephone line end free de livery route., rrice. roe a anort time, iiiw ' We a Lao Save aaap to offer la Hood Sivar town nronertr. Aaa na aooai n, - LAKUIIJ.I HANU. Room' 10, Traaafer bldg.. Sixth and Oak. COAL AND T1MBEB SNAPS. Coo county, 40 acre coal ,...$8.00 acre MoMlnnville. 120 acre $.00 acre Douglaa county. 80 aerw timber...... T OO acre Ina county, 100 aerea timber....... T.00 aor 40 acraa sear Oraabam at jacrlflce. BOMB CITY BABOAINS. t-ronei bnuae, new. modern. ...,.$t.8M 0-room bouaa, nearly aw..,...,.,, 0-raom bone, new, modern,, 1.700 0-room bouaa. lot 100x110. modern...., S.AtK) 0-room. new, modern,...,.. 4,300 SOS Fourth. ' . Tel. Clay 17. FOR SALE Beat known farm ' la ' Doaglaa onunty. or .I8" acre; uu cultivation, Bal ance naatare. fir and oak timber: 46 acre In tPP'ea and peacbea, 100 acraa la prune and other fruiter-excellent 12 room beuae, aiao amauer raaioenee; oarna, grananea, ooi building, etc.; largeet ateam fruit dryer In atata; a 00-ft. atream running water;, prem laea piped with water from good reeervolrt Southern Pacific baa aiding oa property: la come nraaaa alone an 'Tear $4,000. Price lraa thao. $10 per. acre if taken at-eece. IToperty ol non -real (ten te raceivea oar apeclal attention. ' Our reference. Ladd Til ton, hank era. . For terma addreaa R. H. Bloaaom, 810 Cbambar of Commerce. 100-ACRB farm. 10 mllea aeat ef Portland oa Sandy river: 40 acrta under cultivation, gooa Improvemenm. 10 acree ea rowan valley road. V mile eoalh of reaereoir: ehort dla- taoce from S oarllnaa... IT acre good, level lead adjoining Motor addltloa. W. B. Fech- kelmer, 22T Fallng bldg. - . FOR BALE A oood location for aawmlll. 9 mllea from Oobla. 0 mllea from railroad; lr acree, iuu acree fine yellow fir will cat 0.000,000 feet of lumber; good beoee, barn with convenience for SO heed home; fine creek end flea lnr noed: eloae out the Place - at a oergain. Aaoreae a. wamnaa, epiar uoiumnw county, uregoa. TIMBER, COAL. AND- A0BICVLTTRAL. Cava 440 acraa $3.00 acre Tlouglaa 80 acre, timber 17 00 acre Lane 100 acre, timber $7.00 a McMlnnvtlle 120 acre, agricultural. $8.00 acre Oreaham 40 acree $Kfi0 Leate 00 acree. cleared .......... ..$200 acre And many etherar- Inquire 200 roorth at. $10.000 FARM af 400 aereo. ISO balance naatare: $0 acre clover tSO cultivated. harnaj would aell la lota ef 40 acree. AdV dree ' B. Bell. Route 1. RIckreaL Oregoa. ar o Baat zweiita ex., rertiaao. FOR 8 A LB Stock- ranch of 8 400 aerea peer Cobarg. S mllea aorta eaat of En gen. Lena county. Oregoa; price low and terma eaay. F. D. Chamber lain, Labb bldg., Portland. FREE LAND IN OREGON aader th Carey IrrigaUoo : Act, Peed-alreet front etale. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. B. Cook A Co., 301 Alder at.. Portland. Of. BACXTWOtlacremproVe of fort land. Lecompte, m rront. A FIN B I-acre tract with alee 0-room booae, anod barn, fine errharo, aeaa - wall. 1 ta mllea from Lenta; -will eH cheap If taken lnalda ef 10 daya. Char lea B. Johaaoa, Lenta. A S0-ACRR farm, all la cultivation, 8 mile from roarthoae. 1 mile rrom u. w. r. m nr. Co., $3,000; terme to enlt. er will trade rot booee and Int. John P. Sharkey,' 1 01 Caa bar' of Commerce . $5.2901 1-eere fruit farm at Oak Orere; good S-mom Booae; a iHjrgaia. $.1.000 Bnya if--good 200-aere farm near Oobla: 40 aerea under plow. 40 can be aaally cleared, balance la good yellow fir. $1.200 lao-acra farm near fialee Creek pnatof lice;. 4-room booae and fornltnre, barn, 20 aerea la fruit, 40 acre of timber, llvliut water; term. $n,0OO 100 aerea, 8 mllea waat of St. John. 20 acraa cleared, so acre of good .umber, Uvtng water; terma. ; - $ ORROU BROS., Phone Mala 003. $17-18 Feetoa BMg. 40 ACRES, all alee lead, anme lmprovemeata. new bouee: rronte on a owod mad. xu mue eaat of Portland: 4 mile te good atore and erhool; only $1,200. ilenkie Bacer. xw AMngton bldg. 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 4-FOOT roll-top deak. $10.50; - btrdaey mania chiffonier wltb rrenck plate mirror, aid. 00; white maple dreaaer. $10: heavy aolld aek netlroam ault. $15: 2 hotel dreaaer. $0; S good No. 8' cook atovea. $7 60 ; 8 beating atovea. $2.50; 0 wood -aeat chair. 80c: kitchen treaeure. $1 50; extenelna table. $2.50; 2 0x18 rage. 80: 9 80x72-1nch rare. $2: good Wlltne velvet hall end atalr carpet, ooe yard: 8 Iron bed. $2. M. I. McGrath, 00 North Third. Malm 8U8T - . . AI'TOMOBILK, good condition, tor aale -cheap; will exchange fog city property. i uraum. ron an) m rbnt NEW AND SrooNO- HAVD SBWINtl MACHINES. . STANDARD SRWINO MACIrfNB AOBNCX. H. D. JONK3, 2S0 YAMHILL ST. WB print yonr nam en 80 ralllng-carda. proper elaa aad atrle, 2.1c; tno buatneaa car da, $1. 4 Brown nr' malt, ZZU rirac, rartiaao, vr. BILLIARD AND POOL tahjaa te rent or tot aale no -edey payment. TUB BRUNHW U'K-BALKB C01XENDCB CO, 40 Third at., Portia ad. LA ROR aaock aeeond-hand Remington and Smith-Pvemler tyoewnter. rrom eg. , tnderweed Typwrltr Co.. SOI SUrk at, LA ROBOT' etock af bnttlee kt aortkwaat: ardeea filled promptly- Portland Bottle Supply Cew, $01 North Eighteenth at. . Mala EZoa. SHOWRASES AND FIXTDRBS made to erdwri . errand hand good for aale. Cartoon 4 Bal traow 280 Coocb at. Phoae Clay 871. UNCALLED FOR mmnted oeelmena and for nil cheap. F. J. Brieve, am xmra at. "MOTIL rang (Charter Oak ). aeed 4 awntka. nining a-nairw, linn, ,a,w - - a Weatera Salvag Co., 82T-8 Waahlngtoa at. m . , m ,f.,.Ai',.al am a innlvd MACHINE. AI.MOHT NKW. 81$ CHAMBER . OF COMMERCE. PACiyiU for ' s a LEc-1: 1 s cr lla: : " c u x HA('I1IS(R ef all kloda repaired. Centennial Iron ft steel Worka, 2A8 tillesa at. M. BARDB A SON, hsvln bought th com- pleta atnrk of plamhlng material oa lb Iran and Government laland. offer all ba pip and fltttnge and eery reeeonable llguree; alae tba electric future of the America Ion Co.. which will to to tba buyer, at laaa than half of ouat -price. TOR HA LB four No. AmerU-aa hlat bora- powera and lot of aenmd band- omiaer en gine, 'anliabl for IokIu or botatlne par- rra. Kor Information and prlc apply to D. Kaattaar. Aatorla. Oregon. WEM1TCRM OREGON MIXIKn kHI-UNtl t'O. headquarter; atork f-r aala ana io tormatWHi at 1W Plrat at. 1'boaw Mala 10-n. 6 ROLL-TOP DESK J UEimr-HINUO ,.i ; .. , 1 UIITAH !..... ?w , M WOOL-TOP MATTRR88ES " ' . w vraulre oiwra. riifie, i urni.ui w i j i w ad tlnwar and all bouaefin-aiablnga at aataaJ coat and leaa. We are clnelne; out. ri.KMINO. 2T1 FIRST ST. 8AUHJN for aale. fair paying hualneaat com aaa aee. ji AlUua are. 1. a. an. ICR SALE Oood work berae. cheap. J1w,lr nuiiam annrieti, at in gou umv, FOR BAI.K Cheap, a pah- of very beautiful 1 II . na,.Mut,. ,1m eanartea of very fine eong. juat aeat of the ebaervatory, Port Und HelghU. , . FOR 8ALPJ Fine upright piano, perfect con dition; aell cbeep. call iwrewa nv . WEBER nprlght piano, 8129: Decker. SW; organ, 26; guitar, .$3. g.vb r ir ei., e" Main, nuatalra. . FOR SALE New SB-ft. gaaollne lanacb aad . . . ... a . . u.t. AAJU1 pouee; price eeoo. rmnmw - yi)K SAI.B Stockton Incubator, 180 egga, good condition, $12. Inuulre H Eaat rirutomn CHEAP Drammera aamplea of holiday foodai eofl and collar boxea. coma ano omen wmvm. etc., for aal at leaa thaa whole la coat 200 Second at. PERSONAL." ' BR MEN! - ' v. P. (Vltal-PewerV tablet will reatoro to yoa the ana p. vim and vigor of mannooo; 11 you are larking In the power of vitality, Itt loaa reaultlng from Indlacretlnna and eaceeeee. aend for a bo of theee tablcta and be eon. vlncrd of their merit. By mall la plain pkg.. 81. Th Armatrong Tablet Cat. Inc, 808 Tolama blk., Detroit, Michigan. ' x SPECIAL NOT1CB TO WOMEN Don't rUh year uvea by 1 aa operatic wnen you r ha ennad hv barmleaa metbodai alectrictty I - annll .ill . . 11 fa where ooera In (loo kilt. W poeaaaa the la tee t laventloa to eootrai dleeaaea pecollar to women. Dr, W. J. Naea, M. -. lleaicai Kiecrrician. t flce T10 Deknm bldg. Phoae Bed 8281. Office bourn 0-12, 2-1. MRS, ANNA LUCKEY aad ETHEL WARD are bow located at ano Taywr at. principaaa tba Amerleaa Beauty Parku-a. We core all acalp dlaraaee aad poaltlvely (row balr or make bo charge; all klnda of hatha given; electric manaag. manlearlaa and chiropody I alao Madame K arrow a remedlee; aatlafactloa goaraateed. Phone Main 3248. - DBTECnVB AOENCT Oonfldeotlal Inreatl- gatlona; reperta made oa any lnoiviuuni to neaa er property: mlaalng relatlvee located; bad debt collected; charge reaaoaable; coe rce pendtace aollcltrd. -Oregoo Detective Service., efncee 814-818 Colnmbla bldg., 808 Waahlngtoa at. Phoae Mala 8018. . . DR. AU8PLCND. dteeoeee of women and eor. gory. JOS Allaky bldg., Third and Horriaoo, YES, Palmo Tableta make yoa aleep perfectly; tney core aervooaneae ana aoeae rww v, price 80 a box, 0 boxee $2.50: guaranteed. All drngrlet, or addreaa Brook Drag Co., 107 North Third wt.. Portland. - MANLY lor reatored by Dr. Roberta Nerve . Gloablee. One aaonth' treatment, $2; $ montna, ant eent Beeoreiy eeairu ,.7 Areata, Woodard, Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. BOOKS 1 Here they are) "Decameron." Hep- amaroa,"- "A -Hot Tamal.""J'eanny ttni.; "Twenty Tear a Faker." "Forbidden Fruit." 60e each: llate free. A. Schmale. 228 Flrat L LOST power reatered by the greet J. Loeena'a Nerva Tnole Tableta: 200 Per nox, 0 bote for $195. Write or call at Eyeeeir Pharmacy. 227 Morriaoa. bet. lat and 2d. THE Celebrated Star - Hatr - reaardy aatoraa gray and faded balr to ita aatorai coiox, ove motaa the arewtb e hakri not greaay. . Pari Hair Store... 80S Waahlngtoa. , WHY live akme whea yoa caa aeenre a life . com pan Ion by joining tn interaraie mini, ' during Society, and meet or correanond with reputable, peranue of tnax aectioa. aranr wealtbrt the November rea-iater. 10 cent. Suite 84 Roeaell bldg. Phone Pactfut 020 TTTTO nreaead while VM wait. 00c. ' Ladlea' ., aklrU Kaaed, 00c. tellbert, innuj anxia at.. aext xe tjueiie. mono t.iay ew. WANTED TO Confer with tboaa roatemnlatlng a buatneaa eooree; te year peroneal ano Snanclal Interest to Investigate. , Addreaa I 48, care JooraaL 1 ' LADIES Yoa appear SO year younger, re move all wrinkle. Bar aam nxa velvet or aalrar Oregoa Grape Skla Feed. Pbom BaatSflf, MEN! - WOMENr Raymoad'a pill poaltlvely i cor aervouanem and lack ex vitaiiiy; i. Boxes to. I'luminw uiu. iw., w -- EXPEBIBNGED dreaamakar will naak -nga(- menu la famlliea. Lnloa 544. . DIAMONTM. WATCHES. JEWELRY. BOCOHT, Mf II II 1 1 H RtrillKllR I A T UHIJI.H Mianih PIONEER MONEY LENDER. 148 THIRD BT, NEAR ALDER. t FREE sample corn, hunlnn and wart cure. Id if -ifTr'TPcab,r dept. grTadntoBTTf aatr TT'BKISH BATHS. 800 Oregon la a Mdg.j ladles daya, gentlemen nlghta. aiaia las. - WANTED To kaew the whereabenta ef "William Stephen Smith, formerly or ua Angeiee. Addreaa Mother, bog 138. Santa Barbara, caiiroraia. . FREE to not ef town natron, oar lataet rata. mgoe er rancy work, pi now rope, center plecee, ehtrtwalere and Boveltle. The Needle urart aoop, but Allaky auig., roniano, ur. DOMJT hoeplUI; repairing aad dreesing. Xaaa kill aad Weat Park ate. B1NO CHOONO. importer of Chine mot modi rinea: eeiie cnineee tea tnat m cert am core for all dleeaaea. 181 Second bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. . : " DISEASES of women a specialty: maternity eaae given apeclal attention, private boepltil accommodation: professional lady nnreea la attendance; eonenltatlon free. ' X-Badmrn Inetltnte and Ssnttarnax, Third and- Aider, entrance 2ns Alder at. . SEND for free list ef cot prleee and dubbing ratee en magaxlae. jooae' Book store, zwi AKier at. ... - .. WHY be poor Send So for earaabl ecret te Box an. ornate t'aaa. Oregon . DR. ATWOOD. 10 Roaaall bldg.. 10514 Foarth St. Female dleeaaea and eon fine menta takra and eared for; ope eveolnga. Couealtatloa free. . ynrne K Saw that neraon-and will tell roa juat what waa earn. Am very giaa I epote to yea. aad alee pleaeed at th result of my Interview. Will are Wednesday. Do not die. appoint., LOCIBB. " 8. K If yoa think ae well, then write to Madlaoa, tlila of nee. - .. y,. AI O That waa thonghtfnl and I appreciate very mnrk the kludnwa. Yoa shall hear fro ate very abortly and la 0 way that ill I oa arte 11 near rrom til anrprlar. b. a. bicrtha Waa verr clad von acted aa nleelr. becenae; 1 - bad apoken' kindly. That proved all I eVer aald. and I know Jtit bow toe ether rtertr feeia. Iiepend en me.. r, ART-EMPORIUM.' 1' PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder. Portrait aad landscape-artlat and teacher, NEW wall decoration, panebi ta ell paintings orders solicited. Phone lnloa 2007. ATTORNEY'S. a D aitfirn . t . mm, ana foaamewlal hlk. Second and Washington ate. Phoae Mala o48. tY. F. Bt R1.E10H, . East Portland. Meyer, 122 Oraad ore EDWARD T. TA00ART, attorney and eeaa- trUif. l rhamner or commerce nin. AUTOMOBILES. UimiKl' I 111 K 1 , rmmia mnn .wr. " for Cadillac and Pierce anloraoblles; mark loss - reatso. repenrvo ana aara,,..,.ii . Cb-r T J 1 f I AUCTION SALES. THt'RSDAY at 10 a. m., eontente of roora- Ing-houae 418 Mala St. J. t. , Wlleoo, auc tluaeer. . . ...... .... -r SAIJ5 At 311 rirat at. every after- 3 P. . -. . r ' : ' ASSAYERS. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aaaay Office. 188 Morriaoa at. BUTCHERS SUPPUES. . - BIRRENWALD CO.. 804-800 Everett at. Largeat butcbera aupply booee on the ooeat- BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second nt. Blank book manufacturers; agenta for Jones Improved Looee-Leaf ledger; aee the Baw Eureka 'leaf, the beat on the market. BATHS MASSAGE. YOl'NO erUntlAe v maaernee give electrical. toermai. aieooonc aaa -menicsiva irmiw, ehlrepedlet. ped I caring and manicuring. Re. eaptlos room -JO. B.naoa bldg.. cor. Fifth aad Morriaoa "Ota. . Phone Pacific P80. v - YOTJNO erientlfle maaaanee glvea magnetic, al coholic and electric treat menta. vapor, soman and medicated hatha. 27 Tacoma booee. Stark bet. Third and roorth. YOUNG Udy grree medicated hatha and mag netic treatment for rheumatism; aiao rni- ropody, face and acalp maaaage. 146Vi Sixth, rooma 84-25. BLACKINO. WEBFOOT Blacking, abaerntely waterproof, pre. earvea the leather, make aboea wear, 00 per cent longer. For aala everywhere, 10 aad 16 eenta. CHIROPODISTS. IF your feet are oat of order, go to Dr. WOT ley Benjamin, ' eon, wasninrroa . bu, iu, vw anec1al(et. Phone Hood 004... ' ' ' . CAFES. THE OFFICE 285 Waahlngtoa at Phone Male T71. Bamnel vigneaa. COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by the Northwest Collection Agency; your t ounces hanniea in a eaameea maaaert try aa. 10-17 libba bldg. - - DOES any ond owe yoa money 1 We collect bad dehta of ahv-hrnda. isa raaa are, room i. Phone Eaat 4424., CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE erockerf" and glaaawar. Prael. Hegele A Co.. loo to loo ring, cor, nrara at CIGARS AND TOBACCO. F.SBSRO-OUN8T CO. . . IHatrlbutore of . FTOB C10AR8. Portland. Oregon. CHIROPRACTICT POSITIVELY rarre all forma of rhenmattsra. Dr. Bra Hogaa, 200 HID at. rbone Haw one. GRINDINO. Baaore, knlvetf, scissors sharpened to perfee- tkm. Baneoa 1., eub n. atn. t-acinc iwa. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDABD CaCpet Cleaning Oe.. largeat , plant ea the eoaat, Lonng ana naraing na, teur phone JCast- 4VJ Carpera cleaned. reOtted, sewed and laid; both ateam and la teat eorn Breaaed alg proceaa; renovating mat tree sea and feathers a specialty. SANITARY carpet clean tog. sect toe and -com. preaaed air combined! carpera tpanej 00 lam wltheot removal. Mala 6684. Eaat 3504. CARPETS eleaoed en tba floor 1 w raise a duet. Phone clay tm. tree oemonerraooa. . J. HUNTER Steam carpet and matrree cleaner. 800 Jefferaon. rnone Mala Xl. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS.,"" coramlaalon merchanta. Soar, reed. Bay ana proa ace. na to o arena, aa. Phone Mala 390. . BVERDINO A FARRELI., produce and commie' alon merchanta. 140 Front at., Portland, Or. Phone Main 1T0. I CLEANIN0 AND DYEINO. YAMHILL CLEANING A PRESSING CO. work Called for aad dell versa, rnone vmy 22. Portland Steam Cleaalng A Dyeing Worka: prac tical hatter la aoaneclloa. Sll 4th. Clay TO. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed $1 per mouth. L'alqse Tailoring Co., $47 Waahlngtoa at. , . H. W. 1TRNBB, arofeaalonel dyer and cleaner. 806 Jefferson at. Phone Main 9518. CURTAIN CLEANING, i NEW prneeee lace certain cleaning. 80c te $1 pair. 404 Glleaa. Main 04O0. ' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, cerneatera. builders ire- Klriag and Jobbing! store and office Mi tore lit. Shop 900 Columbia. Main 520T. WASHRCRNE A FLOYD, wagon builder and general job work. 08 Btb at. boae Hood boo. F. B. VANDERHO0F. SOT Stark at, Phoaa rarpeater and Jobber, Mala T4T. WM. F1STIBECK, carpenter: repairing and Joh- blng done. 201 Bnrnalde at. rww main eeoi. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS, STEVENS. Portland s" dnttngulabed pelio let, aatralosriet and sph-ltnal life reader. Do yo want to know tact Important and reli able if ae. call anna thfe elfted and rl- entlfl aeer. ICS Seventh ,L rhon pacific . T14. B. H. RNERSHAW. healer and traare aaaoium eaa he cooenlted at I4BH Sixth at. Hoar . n , 7 e ,v v w ea, , ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. 29 rlfih at Payehlc palmist, baeler. dead rra era raeulum; greet eat adviser love, bnalneea. atrkneea, mltwe, treaaure, rhangee,' jmn-neya. family rrnobles; brings back loved onei nnllea reriarstedi resdlng by Bull $2."v qoeetlooei telle every thing. . DETECTIVES. TEI.L aa -year trouble: we never sleeei evidence traced m civil., a ad criminal eases. AV , L. Ilealager, 10-17 Labbe bl.lg. , DOO AND HORSE -HOSPITAL. nn r a a now nil n r M Dear. Hoese be pltak 9H7 Bntnoido. Phonea: Maln4sw).Baetah8$ DENTISTS. 1 NET CHURCHMAN bldA Sixth and MorrUoa. rhene Mala KOO, - COALND WOOD. EINO COAL COSol geot for the famous Diamond coal; try It and yoa will alwaje buy It. Wroroli.g and Washlngioo b.e eoale, Virginia and W aablait'"" iiihlint ea; full weight guaranteed. Tel. Mala 1430. A. U Stephen, mauager. CHl'RCHLEY BROS have removed from foot Pavte at. te 4J0 Kearoe at., neef lltb: n) how the largest woodrard In the cltv. carry, log aU kloda ef wood and coat M.la 01. OltEOORY A MORRIS eocceeaore CalnA MeKane. dealers In, weed end eoel at kwat artcm: aatlafactloa reeran'eed. Oar. Tenth and Irving, phone Main 4870, ' WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. on Front, hetweea Cllaan and Hojt, dealers la all klods of keuaa 'roa is and blackamltb. auala. Phone Mala 1018, ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la eordwood. eoal . aad greea and dry alabwond. R. B. aad AW blaa are., $ block a eaat of ferry. Eaat 074. STEEL BRIDGE Ft'EL CO Dealer 1a coal, eordwood and dry alabwood. Phone Eaat 4J4. BOXWOOD and planer trimming. Standard Wood Co. Phone Bast 3818. Foot Beat 1 me. 0RE0ON CEL CO. All kloda ef eoal aad wood. SOS Aider at. Pboeve Mala 88. KIRK HOOVER. 81$ Water at., wood aad eoai, Phone Mala 4500. FOR SALE 8,000 oorda fir wood. 8BT8. FhooeBaat DANCING. WOOOWARD'S danelnc eehanl ef fne Weatera . Academy of Meatc, Monday aad Thnrertay. Sneetatora Invited. Leeeona KOe, Dancing 8 to 11. Cor. Second and Morrlaon. ' DRESSMAKINO. riRflT.rr.iaa a..iM 1T AMakr hldg.i enlta. gown, eoars. lacxets. isieea , koand and Jackets rellned. '. ; . armiivrv.r- i.iLw.m,a. .trta which were aold 13 and an. now 83 thla weea oniy. eo Alder at. - ri HflTJl A ua MumBblna-aarlnrl OflT Com- merrlal at.: loweat nrleee; chlldren'a erork: plain aewlng a aneetalty. rnone oi .,- KEISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COM EOB, 202 and 400 Allaky bldg.t write tor 000101. nsnauixss win e.b, a few gagementa In families. Phone Cntno 644.- DRES8MAETNO Strictly ap tardate: lataet 1 eigne. 486 Clay n!. ' MADAME FORTIER, 818 Ivy at. Faablonable dressmaking. . pacific. ona MADAM Pacific; 02. ANdRLKS DRESSMAKING PARMIRd 36S Fifth, cor. Main. Store open evening. 8EWIN'0done at home or by the day. dress ! Going at. Take V car. Ad A"d experienced dresemaker wanta a few more engagemeata by the day. Mala 4T&S, after T p. m. ' ' - Et.rICTRICAl. SUPPLIES. 1-, ,n . -1 - 1 1. in 1 i - - r NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOlNEERINfl ' Vompanv. 800 Stark at., Portland. O. K. for -"everrthlrar la the electrical . lie. Phone '.'Main 188S. biacwc er eceam CO. ' ew.., eon true. to-s, repairer, electric' wiring, ea nolle. 04 Flret, eor. stark, ream arm. n. tt. is to. or, THE Electrical Appliance Co., 400 Waabtngtaa at. Phone Main ewn. - m- - FRATERNAL INSURANCE. . , ORDER OP WASHINGTON rirerooet fraternal enclety ef northwest : prnterta the living. 019 Marquam Ding., rnrtiana, uregoo FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Fnrnltnre Mannfactuiing Company Mannfactnrera of furalture fur the trade. - Portland, Oev-, , FVRNITTRB mannfactnrtn and apeclal erdera. L. Ravsasky's farnitare factory. 870 Front at. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-atr frrrnace ear foeL 1. C - Baver Faraace Co.. 900 Seeoaa. - Mala 481. MACHINERY. PORTABLE locomotive holler and engine: leag then H price: 4Vi horsepower. C. H. Pig gotf taw office, d Mnlhey bldg. ' mi a . t v. (i.. a.haeh Smith atlckar. oae an aander, one two-epinate aoaper, . w pulley. 304 Foorth at. - . .v THE H. O. ALBEE OO. Second-hand machinery. aawmllle. etc. a urana avs. FRENCH BAKERIES. THS caly place la Portland to get French bread. Barrere Mar lie, eoi oixin ea. enur ery. Phone Greea 608. grocers: WADHAMB A CO., wholesale grocera. mase jacturera and eommlaaloa mercbaata. roorth and Oak ata. . ALLEN A LEWIS, com m lea to aad nrodnc feer. cbaat. yyont and Davia are., rorriana. ur. HOTELS., HOTEt,. Pendleton. ftnilktnBii.Wi A. Brnwa-i HOTEL Port U ad. ABMrieaa pk a; $8. $8 per day. HOTEL 0t. Georg. Peadletoat Wading boteL BELVEDERE; Fropeaa plea: 4tb and Alder eta. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Co. aolleite opportunity ta aoote price. 186 lat at., cor. Alder. Mala 1884. HAY AND GRAIN. B. G. COOPER A re -Potatoes, feed aad Phone Eaat 161T. tina r. lzs Lnloa eve. INSURANCE. ISA AO U WH1IB, fire laearaBae, $00 Dekam bldg. V . . T" LAMBERT, WHITMEB A CO.re Ineurene and real eetate; emcee i"i-i'n ""TV ,.T' Msln 1000; dept, 404 Eaat Alder. Beet 4L JAN. McL WOOD, employers' liability and la. dividual accident surety nonon ea au en Phone 4T. 80S McKay bldg. . " H. F. BARTEI.S COMPANY Flm InsorsBOB. 448 Sherlock bide ureroa rnone 1 ist e. LOCKSMITH. 1. ft. RICHARDSON expert tock and kevemlthi general repairing! ceatirea ejrasing: an gaaraateed. 900 Foortb at. Phone Hoed 1T8S. - : Evnert tockamltb and lunwKI'l IN TOWN. - Mcyele marring. 911 Stark. Day Clay Str: nlrht phone . Main MUSICAL. aiivn.- 4niie strssr sad wind pierramenta, Proreanof aviwia A. amua, an twaiiin. atsm dTOS. . ..-' - PIANO tuning. $2: perfect week guarantied. ' G. W. JoLoeoa. Phoae Mela 101 L VIOLIN, mandnlln. gnltar, 10 leeaana $1. Phmc Union 911.17. Montavnia. - r WERRRR'S-Jllandolln. Banjo. Guitar studio. 3T8 Alder; sgent for Olremn msnnoiins. giuiars. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRt'P. 418-IS-IT Dekam 7 M,:.. Third aad Waahlngtoa at. . Phoae . Mala $40. Etarolnatlooa tree. 37 DRS. OTIS A MAB1 r.L, AKIN, dot Maeleey bldg, . Clay TTS. Bee. M. 2151. Coaealtatloa tree. THB very beat lady osteopath bi town. Df. L, O. Jo obnaoa, $24 Salmon. Bear Sixth, mn verv heet'Tadr oateooeth m town. Ir. I.. 0. Johnson, autt 18. Helling nirseh M.l. PLUMBERS. DONNERBBRG A BADEMACflER. eaattary . plnmber. 04 Foorth at. Both pbowes. FOX A CO., sanitary pins, hers. t1 Iv-eoed. h-t-., Mala had Belmoa. Oregoa rheoa Mala Svul. MONEV.TO LOAN. .BEADQUARTEKS FOR SALARY, LOANS. : ,217 Oreeoalaa bldg. Ladles or Uenth-niea. 1N0 PnlMrlty. It yen borraw yoti pay back $185 a week. If yo borrow t.-n y pay back (I 00 a week, tf yoa burrow t) yoa pay back $2 A a week. It yo borrow $:i.1 you pay back ti M a week. If ym borrow . voapy back $.100 a week. Payawnta aoainded In caa of eh-katea. Strictly Salary Loan. THE CRK!CENT LOAN CO 1 " 31T Oregoalaa BWg. " MONEY TO LOAT Oa Improved aits nronertr er BOfldlBf I to 10 parnnsea. Any aawant 0 from yearc time, with elvlUae te repay all er pat of Vaa after - one yeer.-t Loaaa aa K -red from plana end atooay advanced aa Udlaw arogTaaaaa; mortgagee tokea Bp aad fpiat-eo. FRBD B. STRONG. Financial A reel. - 942 Stark Street. TW.B ITlk LOAM CO. Any salaried employe, wege-eemer. 00 get ea kle. nte. wltkoat mortgage Uam, l Month, Week. tan on s . ..... mm oa m ta M $2n'oo Be. J-!,. a a U a gll.'sM or $105 aia.uu Kepavdfn' na g ,no or ax.ua or ai.av rio McKay bldg. MONBY aa hue .'Uri.A un.la heoaaatas. ate.. witnout aecufltyi easy neyntsats; wrm ; bnalneea In l principal cities Tohnaa.. 22$ aninxioi oMig. rnone .maia esoi. v MONEY tn loan en reel peranaal aad collateral eeeurlty; apeclal stteatlna to chattel saort : gageei sotea hourht. C. W. Pallet. 804-8 r en ton eldg.. 84 Sixth at. HIGHLY, respectrbl place where ladles and gents can r-rro money 00 dtamonde aad Jewelry. Collateral loan Bank, bob waaav lagtoa at. Phone Black TI. CHATTEL loan a In amounts ranging from 89J to $5.1)00: n-nmliur-hnaeee a soeeiaity. new Bra Leaa A Trust Co.. 900 Ablngtoa bid. WB make all klnda ef loans oa good asearlty at loweat rates : aparlnl attenttea gleea chattel loena. 108 Morrlaon at. - - MONEY te loaa la anme ef from $8,000 ta $8 flnO; terms, te aolt the borrower. 900-10. &mmsrcVal hit. MONEY tn leaa la lara ar small arnoonta aa -good aaeuiltt: - fcrwot rata. , wiuiam w. Beck. SOT railing bldg. MONEY B F. 1 man eoNchame eoaaty .ada. I F. B. Riley 000 Cbambar ef Ceav LOWEST ratee ea rarnltnre end piano. Loaa Co., 440 Sherlock bldg. Clay TO LOAN Sum tn anil -a chattel aacaillf, R. A. evame. 514 The Marnoam. ' MONEY to loan em .J1 klnda ef security. Holl. room oWaahtngtoe hldg. $1,500 TO loan ea Improved farm land, interest a per cent. p. otrr t-ommereiai omt. MEDICAL. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO. Oil Da , knm. bl.le.. aeenta for the cetehrated Mood tain Rose remedlee: enree all female tronhlee, alee atnmach and liver tronhlee; enoanitatioa tree. MONUMENTS. NEU AV KINGS LEY. 900 Flrat aLPortUad' leadlnd marble worka. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS aad a rhanlc cwthlngt aawa maoe. e Bra., wisnnfsctureea. Portland. Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Pa I at Ce. wlndow-glaa and g la sing. 130 rua Phone 1854. ' ERNEST MILLER A CO.." Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint, oil ot market price 1 free "'"Tr . , . . . , - RABMUSSEN A CO Jobber, paints, oH. gleae. - aeeh and seers, avrena eaa layier. PRINTINO.- aftrca A, nivia ' sal,.epe rieeea of thlnaa with Ink and type OB paper. St' Ibldg-SIith aad Morrison. . Main 41T.- ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, prlntlec, ntbocranhlng. bUnk beoka. Phone Mala II. Sn Alder at. METROPOLITAN PRINTINO CO. Everything i. i.i. a.f. 1 a-ut 1ST Freait at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 940 Alder at. phone Mala T10: rubber a tamps, eeale. atanclla. bagrsge. trade checks; send for eatakayn Ns 25. RIDIN0 CLUBS. PORTI.AND RIDING CLUB Saddle horse end rarrlagea for rent. W. 0. Brow. 800 Aider. sa-at ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and jobbing, i. Losli. Z1Z jensrson ex. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling balr. daadraff treated: ahaapo. Ing, manicuring, cniropoay. tnoe ww. B. F. Kyne. lOOVk Foarth. eet. Matrleea, Room It. Phone PaciOc SOB. SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODB'S Fnrnltnre Honee njghrst rricea Bald. .. . aarnnd h a nd "f urnl tur. 215 Beoood aC Phone PaelOe 408. STREET-PA VINO. WARREN Cooatractloa Co., etreet paring, aide. walk and croeawalka. Ti uregoasna ea TBR Trinidad Aapkalt Psving Cow of Portia nd. orsee eoa woretr ant. SPIRITUALISTS, r MIEPAH MEDIUM Locates mines and burled treaeuree; oaltea the sepersieo ; causeo mmwr msrrlagea; glvea meeaagea from departed loved onea; brings peace te bomea tnreogb a higher power. 224H Flrat at. - SAFESd WB repair and rebuild astomobllee. gna engine. Mian.. .MjM. nn, ,r, . rm n, m,rt m- outa, do all klnda of machine work, t'orumbla. Gaa Engine A Safe Worka, 242 nweond a Phone Pacific 670. Trunk J. Anper, aupU DIEBOLD Maagsnsae aafaai fir aad burg Is e. nrarf work: jaU eaa prieea wora: aicaoate opened: repairs. 1 B. Daria. 00 Third ot. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af very deecrlptlon; hank, bat nd tor Oxtnre made to. order. . The Lathe Manufacturing Co.. Portlaad. SIGN-PAINTERS. BOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth beaaere, I smlcal electric fan od alga af all klnda made quickly. Footer A Kleteer. Fifth aad Everrtt, phoae Exchange "TRANSFER r AND HAULTNG." SArRS. plaooa and farnitare mnveO. paehed ready for eblpplng aad aaippea: an ween gnarsnteed; large. S-eiecy. brick. Oicaeoof wareboos tor atnrage, aOr US Flrat at, C M. Oleee. Phone Main 04T. 1 tii mniiioi A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO. cor. Sixth and Oak . ate. : naggng cneeee from hotel or reableace direct te aajtlnaika-. psasengers therefore are Id rueh and aaaoy ancs at depots. , . 0. O. PICK, efflr 00 rteat at. batwaaa S-teek and Oak ata.. phone- ana; pi a eoa an reruituee moved aad necked toe ehteenne: eommudlaaa Brick warehaaai. rreat aa viay osn. OREGON TRAVNITR CO.. 184 North Sl.th. Phone Mala 00, Heavy healing and store ge. EAST SIDE Transfer Co.. A. E. Wolcomh, 128 Esst Water at. Phone Rant, One, KirrsrroiAi. Tieltvert n. 90014 Waan- lerton at. rnone Main eel VICLINS. J. A. Wrero. V1"1tn-makv and ve. t work vb-at elaea. 95 mm Mdg.. 4th and Morevan. WIRE GOODS. -t 1'i'ini tvn yyvcK wi' f"n- i taat rrlaoo at. I hofts tsst 8-'. TREES. SHRUBS. I We hare tbcm be the taoaaemte.' ar alnea. Our IU0A IM.i.irai-1 a- I Inane telle all. POH1LA.ND Si. ill . and Yamhill ata. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Teaa. breeh. aoen. 1 per BMHitb. Lawrence Br.' 1e"l Bepe Co.. Foartk and Couch. Phoae 4a. TYPEWRITERS. NEW tree writers, ell makea. reared, aold and repairs d. Coast Agsasy. Ill stark. Tea, taoi. BLK KKN81X1KKER tynewrtters, aupollee. re. pairing. Rosa m Roes, yea Blara. Mala 1"!". TELEPHONES. THE ealy - exrtuetve telephooo he us. B.-K. Electric Teiepaeoe usaatsctering cose panr. 09 Fifth at. FINANCIAL, POBTLABD TBTJ8T COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldeet Trust Csmpaay la Oragoo. . J RESOURCES OVER $1,200,000. 1 y. .-r General banking. Bxchaage ea all part ef the world. . Savlna accounts. Tims certlO- eetee. 2 to 4 per rent; short-call apeclal certio rates, aavo er over, it ta per cent. Call for book ef "ILLUSTRATIONS." Snotk'aat Corner Third aad Oak St. .... Phone Private Exchange 12. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOt'K..,,. ,,..Vlce-Prldcot B. LEE PAOET. ,.. Secretary J O. GOLTRA. ..... ..Amlstaat Sacra tar y LADD TJXT0E. BANKERS. " (Estakllaaed m 1$$0. Traaaaet a Baaeral Baaatng sraaineea. ' Collectlone made at all points en .favorable terma. Letter of credit laeoed avs I Is his la Europe and all polote la the United States. Right Exchange and Telegraphic Tr a oarers aold ea New York. Waahlngtoa. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, urns as. nee . rraacssco eaa . Montane and Brittah Columbia. Exchange aold ea Loeonn. ran, werne. Frankfort. Hongkong, Yokohama,. Manila and Honolulu. FIRST EAT10NAL BANK " OF PORTLAND. ORXOOB. Dealgaated Deptailtory and Financial Agent of - tn kuiiee oiaiea. . Praaldeat........ A. L. MIII-S Ca abler J. W. NEW h i Re, Assistant Caahler W..C. iltoiip second Aestataat Caahler., R. F. STEVENS Letter ef Credit Iseued Available la surope and the Kaatevn state. Rteht Ciehanee and Taleeranhle Traaafera arid oa New York. Boa toe. Chicago. Bt. Leuta. St. Paul. Omaha, Baa rraucteee aaa tue principal aetata ia the Northwest. ignt and time Bill arawa in sums 1 Lendoa. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort-a-tbe Mala. Hongkong. Yokohama. - Copenhagen. Chrtattanla. Stockholm, , St. Petersburg. JAoe. r, Enrich, Hnnolula. Collectlone made ea Favorable Terma. -. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANS OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. Traaaaeta 0 General Banking Baeiaeae. DRAFTS I SSI' Ell. Avallahl la All title of th United Stat and Europe, Hongkong aad Maalla. , eoLLxcmoira made ob favorable terms. President J. C AIrwllltltl fice-Preatdent. , ....i.W. B. AYER Vice-President...., .R. LEA BARNKei Caahler .d.-.......v.,B- W. BCHMEFfi . Asalstaat Caahler .A. M. WBK1IIT Assistant Caahler ,..W. A. HOLT MERCHABTB' NATIONAL BANK. ; . , POBTLABD, OREGON. " I. FRANK WATSON President R L. DURHAM.. ....a. Vice-President R. W. H0YY. Cahler GEORGE W. HOTT.,..; Aaaletant Caahler Traaaaeta a Oeaerel Banking Baaiaeee. Draft and Lettrra ot Credit laeoed Available to All Parte of the World. Collections t Bpeclaltj., SECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. - 80S Morrloeo St.. Pertlaad. Or. . Traaaaeta a General Banking Buataea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, larsrett Allowed on Time and Saving Deposits. . Aeta aa Tmetee for Eetatra. Draft aad Letters ef Credit Available la All Pert of the World. , . C. F.ADAMS.....,, .,..,.,.. "Preeldeut L, A. LEWIS flret Vlce-Preeldent A. L. MILLS Second Vlce-Preeldent R. Q. Jl'BITZ. ...... Secretary GEO. F. RUSSELL ....Aaeletaot Secretary M0BRJ8 BROS. US rirat St.. TertUad. 0rv e Offer Ollt-Edga lnvestasents la Municipal had Railroad Bmda. Write a Calk "KB OOETIEXlfT AL COMPANY. FINANCIAL AGENTS. ; STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 248 Stark Street. Pbooe Mala rPTO. MOflTQAQG LOANS 0a Pertlaad Real Eatata at Leweet Bats. , Titles Inenred. Asetrnete rurawaea ' TITLE GUARANTEE A TBTJ8T CO. 940 Wnahingtea St,, Oar. Saaaad, REGULAR BOAT SERVICE G't UPPER COliDIA i:o; Open Rivr 'Association Makts -AnrtoimcBiTisntrTjf'Schea-' "ules to Shippsrs. Tho Open River siaaoclBtlon, throuh Its prealdent, J. A. Smith, and aocretary. YT. J. Mariner, has Issued th followioaj notlco to ohlppars: . . ' Thrnnrh the effort of too Open Rtnr oaooclotlon a thraeTf .boot Hn has been estobUahed be-tv. -. n Partlant and points on tho WPr f-l nuMa rlr. The otcOmer Mountain G.-rn. fpvratlnT In connection with the ; fcU'riUtor lino ond tho PorUgo rallweyc lnvea ,eiii ovarf Tuesday for Arlington ami way point and every Friday for Irrigorv, Ar. llivgton and way points, for aenrlcat be yond frrlRon as far as Kennewi' k opectai arrangementa can be made. . Freight le received at th Regulator tiora. r or Alder Btrt. on Tueeday and frlday. "It la confidently hoped that thla lino will receive th loyal and undivided sup port of every pualneaa man and property . holder In this city and on the Columbia, rivet. It to tho first attempt sine th river, servico was abandoned nearly a generation ag-n to make ue of th meat Important factor In th development of thla country th . water haul which controls all rat, tratincoutlnental aa wrll aa local. Wo feel w novo in right to ask your aupport for thla enter prise. Don't find fault, but If iher ar any error nr omission tako them up 0 you would a matter personal m your own bualneao. This la your llr.. not ours. For further iiifemnatHin ad- drtAa W. P.. Oray, ouperlnterrdent, tlll. Ureaon. or Upon River Transportation romnanv. room 814 Worcester block, or Regulator line, phono Main 814, foot of Alder otroet." j NEW CANADIAN ROAD ' V TO ENTER VANCOUVER , " (Joarnal Special Bervler.l Vancourrr, H. ('., Nov. H. Th ainte mnt 1 rwreivlrs credence tn toeet cities that th Midway A Vornon rU wav. now under construction, will com to Vancouver.. It Is reporte1hot tue ranroad will connect wttd ta trans, contlrtentak aystem, iiit nurilriaj deflnlie haa been annoiim'-! yel. Canfbt Btea'.'-f rsrosene. (Srxeisl ti,.i'. h ( 'l - J ' ' 1 ( ' . Aberdevti. n i- ' . " ' " . i , i ... ,i 'i t in. P..h " " atore. cat. 'a , . i , , "Pt'lv , , , ,,, , , 4",