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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1905)
THE-OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. EVENING, -NO VEUEEH 21, 105. DOXinG: SCIEflCE : is iTANine i J ..... i r-: i J Clevar Boxer, at Opposed to Pug . .V Who Roughs It, Is Being Eliminated. CLEVEREST FELLOWS ARE , - NOW DOWN AND OUT Corbett, McCoy, Grtffo, : Ryan and Several . Others - of , the . Scientific .-. . . i , School Art Practically Out of the Running. -;.v : V".- ..' , ..).; Abe Attell, the fastest little mu la rjhe world, met Tommy Mowatt of Oil ; rago last Wednesday night at phlladel , phla. According to all tha preaa rf porta. the lightning- Hebrew stayed In front five round eut of tha alx. tooic more ' - chances than usual, and finished well to : tha good He had but a few hours notice of tha bout, which probably ao , count (or hie mixing; mattera mora than usual, as he may not have been able to ' sprint away at Ills customary speed.' -' 4 : Tha work which Attell. an extraordl- nartly faat man who aeldom hurts- anr body, haa been doing of recent years only emphaalseathe fact that the clever 1 boxer, as opposed to tha rough slugger, i Is - passing away.- A few years ago at least. 40 per cent of the pugilists .'in tha a-ame were men of remarkable spaed and deverneea... Today hardly 1 per . cent are notable for clever work, and tha ' remaining to per cent are fierce enthusi asts who rush .and alug. , This la only natural. -.Jha crowds do not applaud the finer bits of ring science as they used to, and yell continually for tha slugger. Possibly tha people who go to .se box- Ing bouts have been spoiled by seeing too many football gam a, and want rougn - work for their money, but tha fact re main that tha sclenced boxers are guyed and tha sluggers cheered. - -i The cleverest men who have been fore the publto la recent years., are James J. . Corbett. Tommy Ryan, Kid McCoy. Jack O'Brien, Young Grlffo, and - Abe Attell. The greatest combinations or cleverness - ana rignting strengin James J. Jeffries. Bob Fltsslmmons, Young Corbett and Jack etcAuliffe. Most of tha other men who have starred In big type were simply plucky sluggers. Of the alx exceptionally Clever , maa first mentioned. Corbett la out Of It, Xlrlffo Is dona. McCoy says He doesn't care for the game any more. - Ryan can hardly have half what ha " used to carry, and O'Brien seems about aa good - a ever, Attell la-xmly.Ayoungstet and will remain good for a few years to coma. - Woo Will Take Thai Jfleeest "Who can take tha places ofj these men when the last one of them leaves the ring? None of tha youngster now in eight can show the headaltps and all round work of Grlffo. There la nowhere a duplicate of Corbett, nowhere tha rep lica of McCoy. Nam a lot of aluggera anil yon can nam any number Of hardy lads who wlll'be Just aa good and Just 1 as furious In bsttle. but the successors to the clever fellows have not yet been All of the wonderfully clever fel low worked on line and Ideas ecclu v,fJ Vh9Ui (fwtii i , fienav. af. .ihaav, had man j polnt In common with -the ptberat . juruoy picxed up raucn rrorn Ryan, out so alter nd tha Ideas, that llttla similarity waa to ba sees In their fighting mevea. The-only trick both' Ryan and McCoy always brought out alike was that of hitting sharply while sprinting back ward across a ring. Orlffo could not punish, hit too much with tha outside of the glove, and won bouts or being unhlttable. Ha held high guard, yet shifted It to cover his body, while hla large, bullet-head, look lng like a mark to whack, ahlfted and bobbed away from every blow. A shower of tiny llttla tape came from Oriffo's gloves, and ha ao bore himself in action that be waa ona of the few clever men who alwaya received ap plause and was never hooted for lack of hitting power. Jim Corbett was In and out with step a little Ilka Ryan's, but tha cut and drive of his blows worked on a different leverage. He avoided blowa mainly by footwork ana seldom mixed with a man. poelte to that of Orlffo. McCoy came faster at a' man who showed signs of weakening than Corbett would do. He also worked the trick of stopping blows with his handa instead of his arm, and his fighting style showed a hundred novelties that were, all hla own. O 'Brian's raw Trleks. ' , O'Brien has a few McCoy tricks, and a few which recall tha movea of Cor bett, but his . footwork and moat of his blows are his own Invention. . . Ryan had everything a clever boxer could ask to have, and could hit 'cruelly hard when he saw an opening. Ryan had mora recuperative power, too, than tha othara Often charged, with being yellow almply for hla cleverness,' Ryan haa mora than once been cornered and bombarded, and oil such occasions showed that ha could take the gaff aa well aa glva and was a veritable tiger when at bay. ' J , - Attell's moves are all his own. Ha bends the knees less In getting away from a man, aeemtng to gild off al most as far on a back step as Corbett or Ryan, and seldom is more than a few Inches from . tha end of tha enemy's gloves. The Isrk of hitting .power shown by most of the clever men Is easy enough to explain, and any one who will .try a few boxing movea can see tha whys and wherefores.' A man who la going away SCOTTS EMULSION is more than a fat food. There is no animal fat that compares with it in -nourishing - and-building up the wasted, emaciated body. ;.,ThatJs why chil--dren and anaemic girls thrive and grow, fat upon it That is why persons : with consumptive tenden cies ; gain : flesh. Y and 'strength enough to check the; progress of jtHe dis ease. y;:. -lt -X' ' SCOTT SOWN K, fmii Srt, Ktw Yvl cannot hit bard, nor can a man who, even when'eomlng In, ie preparing his whole bodr for the ltshtnlng get-away, A craahing blow only can be delivered when tha fe are firmly set. or when one foot Is used aa a lever, whence to launch tha whole weight of the body. All of these clever men. except Orlffo. could hit like battering rama when oor nered and forced to take the battle to t to, and If Orlffo waa never aeen to alug it waa probably because no one aver caught him. . . . Tha popular fighter of today la tha man who can hit Ilka a triphammer and yet haa science enough to know, how to take care of himself under fir. Such combinations ar great attractions wherever they anay mllL Lavlgne and McOovern were fine typea of thla va riety and delighted everybody except tha opposing pugs. If it could have been possible to have matched lvtgne in his prima with the great McOovern when Terry waa himself,' tha anaulng mill would hav bean a Homeric atrug gle i which the beholders would never hav forgotten. RUNNING RESULTS ON ? THE RACE TRACKS (Joaraal SneeUl grvle.t : Washington, Nov. ! Banning race results: , , .. .. ... Six and 'a half furlongs. Columbia course T. 8. Martin won, Zala second. Mncaatartan tblrd; time, 1:11 Six furlongs, old course Mollis Dono- hue won. Tha Clows second, Vlo third; time, 1:141-1, . ,,y .:. Steeplechase, .. handicap, . about two mllcaWar Paint won,- Seventh Ward second, Rockmart third; JUma. 4:10. Six furlongs, old course Reldmoor won. Merlingo, ' aecond. Society Bud third; time, 1:11 4-i. -r T , MU and SO yards, old eoiirs Banker won, , Komoka second, Gambler ' third ; time, 1:47 J-.- -. .v 'Mil and a furlong, old courae Or- monde'a Right won, Peter Paul second. Iouls H. third; Ume. 1:11 l-l. . '' A aTaaktrfils. ..: - -' ' rjooraal Bnselal srr4ea.t ' Nashville, Nov. 11. Cumberland Park race reaults: , x ,-' Six furlongs Savage won.'Ruk aao ond. Chief Hayes third: Ume. 1:14. Six furlongs Margaret M. won. Bel dan seoond. Oold ' Mate third: time. i:i l-a. - - " -'.:,-- :r- . '.'. MU Envoy won. Ferryman second. coruscate uura; ume, -i:ei -. Five and a half furlongs Bensonhurst won. Fiasco second, . Veranaah third; tuna, i:oi-. .. Five and a half furlongs Tlchlmlnao won, .ittia no aecond. Deux Temps third; tuna. 1:0.- ''. - Mil and a quarter Sanction won. nine aeeona, Jtoyai Arma third; time. 1:01 1-1. '.. ... " ' - (Jearael Bnarial hnU.1 Ban Francisco, Nov. II. Oakland race reouite: - Jfuturlty-couraaDrBherman won. lfetlakatla aaoond, Instrument "thirds time, l:ltr . ' T Futurity course Sir Preston won. Royal Rogue second. Matt Hogaa third: time, 1:11 - 8lx furlongs Comllfo won." I'm Joe second, Neaton third: time, 1:14. MU and -a - sixteenth Divtpa won, Walter Cur second, Akela . third; time. 4S HIT Sherry won. Cloche d'Or second. Tramway tnird; time, 1:41 . Beven furlongs Chalk Hsdrtck won. Albert Fir second, Celeres third;-time, III. ... .':. ,. , ,. T TEN-PIN BOWLERS - ' HOLD A MEETING in roriiand Tenpln league held a mtins on th Portland alleva laat evening. A few polnta for discussion cam up over th gam rolled laat weak, but they war all adjusted, and It waa decided that from now on th rules of th Western 'Bowling congress be lived up to strictly. It was voted on and carried that all teams stand as they now are, and any team taking In a new member mint first consult tha executive board, which is composed of the; cap lama, ana sucn memcsr must be a fglJ tared member of at least a week befor ne can participate In a league match. lapea. K.ruae and Pollack ware ap pointed aa a committee to solicit adver tising for th schedul. The handicap committee reported th following handl capa for thla week: Honermana, 7 per gam; urunawicaa, ,io Maa txr an. -Pr gam. It was decided that the league aamea tart promptly at 1:1 o'clock. Oorsan. Oalllard, Woelm and Moray ware ap pointed oa the prls committee. pr rott waa elected vice-president of, th league to flu the plac left vacant through Ball's resignation. Kruee and MacOregor were appointed on tha preaa committee. . Th next meeting will be held at th Portland allays on Novem ber 37. A teiegraphlo match of five gamea between Portland, Butt. Seattle, Spokane. Taooma, Denver, Salt Lake, San Franclaoo, Los Angelea and Oak land will be pulled oil on th Portland alloys Saturday avenlng, November 16. Play will begin promptly at :4S o'clock. Return will be received from all th different cities It will prove a vary Interesting contest .. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 4i 7 CLUBS, . r Ia Anfrlrt S6I Han 'Vtaaclace Oakland 2110 IT 1M M .5.111 BIS v4HT .4ft) .400 i 01... 10.13 U W !l.1llltl.. 0 2 42 aiio i2i sf.. to 4 aai4Tao4gioM;2i Portland . . Besttl TacoDia Lost Portland Bowss iMttl, Portland defeated BeattW In an -ex hibition game at Bakarsfleld yesterday. requiring 10 Innings for a decision. Fsrry and Miller wore the opposing pitchers. " , .. HILLSBORO MAN NAMED AS AUDITOR AT HARVARD fSpeelal Dtapatrfe ts Xh Journal.) . Paeino University,. Forest Orove. Or- Kov. II. William O, Hale, a graduate of Pactfle . university, class ef 1(01, and now a student .. in th Harvard law school, waa recently appointed auditor of theVRandall Dining Hall association by the Harvard corporation board. This office ' carrlea with it soma remunera- Nlonr The hall accommodate more than, 1,000 students and the accounts that paaa through tha handa of the auditor amount to more than 11.000 a year. Mr. Hale la also the holder ef a scholarship1 won through thorough application to hir course. - In 1001 w. O. Hale won the Oregon state latrcolleglate eontaat for Paclflo university He ' aa prominent la de bat, having led two of th debating tea ma to victory. Hla home la In HUls- If I bore. , i . .v',; , '.. '. .. FOOTDALLnORIIOn IILE11E8T Couch Overfitld to Start Vfg orou Practices at tho Mult nomah Club This Evening ' ' TRAINING MUST BE ' FAITHFUL AND THOROUGH Overfleld Claims That a Team, in Order to' Win, Must Be Capable of Plsyinf Hard and Honest Football Every Minute of the Came.; t' . Toblght at the Multnomah club Coach Overfleld will Institute a special course of training and coaching In preparation for the Thanksgiving game, that wUl undoubtedly put tha Multnomah eleven In a condition that will warrant at least a re pec table ahowlng agaiaat. the for midable hosta front Eugene. The ncaalty of training la so obvious to all that to neglect it la a pretty sure aign. of Inaanlty, beside placing the un trained player at a distinct disadvantage that may mean ill for htm. No man can hope to play live minutes honest football without being n condition, al though there- are clubmen who are of th opinion thai all that . I necessary for playing on the Multnomah team la to receive a ault from the manager, alg naJa from the coach and a poaltton on the team. In taking this view of foot ball young men neglect the important esaegtlala of tba game -In fact, . th moat Important. , Tha worth ef a team la shown In Its ability to b able at every second to meet their opponents half way, or,' as a coach would urge, a' little more than half way, at least a charge step in the opponents' territory. ' Kach man should. barring accidents, b able . to go through an entire game without getting "winded."- In thla way they .will al waya be able to hold their 'own and In position to pouno upon the allghtt advantage offered. ''. . - The necessity of the' ends being In prime condition Is so essential that a hint regarding It Is hardly neoeaaary. In laat Saturday's gam Pratt broke through th Sherman lln and blocked a kick, tha ball bounding back and over to the lei. of the Held, and had th club end a, especially th left end, been down the Held In time, h would have had no difficulty -in picking up th ball and darting acroaa th goal Una for a touch- town. Whll kicks ar not blocked very often In a gam. It 1 th on time that a kick la blocked that the avr vigilance f of-tB-nd and jprward should manl- fast itself. It is the' thaTSr oelBaTI waya on time In football that oounta. Just the same aa punctuality la neces sary" In all pursuits of lire. Th helping hand In football la In trutn a part ot training, ana not much coaching. Toung men -who fol low football aa a sport, as-It should be. ar taught atth first practice that fnnthall la a gam for fleven men. In. dividual work Is not mentioned. At times a clever fellow may mak a long run for a touchdown, and b hraldd aa th "star," but It must ba born in mind that th - etar could not- hav mad hla-run without the assistance of his fallow players ' Coach Overfleld Is going to Insist upon vry man landing a helping hand, and If thla la brought to paaa the general work of the team will be improved 100 per cent. IRRIGATION WILL OPEN, PLACERS ON KLAMATH fgDeetal Otasateh to The JoanaL Klamath Falla, Or., Nov. XL Two of the engineers of the . reclamation aarv Ice of this place have been detailed for work on the lower Klamath river and left with a guide for there a few days ago. The object of the trip is to ascer. tain what effect th Irrigation projeect will hav on that section. There are a number of lift wheels In service where small patches of land are Irrigated along that stream, but the amount of land that la Irrigated In that section le of little consequence .cpnaiparert with Ihe placer mining indntry. Few people realised that when the irrigation project for the reclamation of the . Klamath basin was first mapped out by the gov, ernment that It would anawer a two fold purpose, but that such la really a fact le becoming well understood now. In the lower country of the Klamath river there are bars full of gold. For many years gold has been placered on the lower Klamath river, but the ex cess of water haa greatly Interfered with the work. The lowering of the river from one half to two thlrda by the diversion of Ita waters for Irrtgatio will bring many of the bare high and dry than and . capable of being, worked with ease. NOVELIST JACK LONDON MARRIES SECOND TIME (Journal BDedal nervics.! Chicago, Nov. Jl. Jack London th author, and Miss Charmlon Ktttrldg Of Newton,1 Iowa, were married here last night by Justice 3d 3. Grant. The law of Illinois relating to divorced persons remarrying provides that one year must slaps after th decre. of divorce la granted. - The California . law rorblda remarrying until on year -ha elapsed. London aecured an Initial decree In Call, fomla on November IT, 1004, and-the final decre on November It, 1006. On th theory that hla, time of one year commenced with the Initial decre Lon don married hie new wlf. In accord ance with th law h should hav waited until November It, ISO. He may. be obliged to again be married to hla bride and says ha will marry In every state in the union If necessary te hav Mjj knot legally tied and recognised. .'..;- Culeids Za Busted, . (gseehil Dlapetea te The Jeoraat.) Ontario. Or,, - Nov.-11. The body- of Henry T. McMabon, who committed ul- clde at a lodglng-houaa in Ogden, Utah, by shooting himself, arrived In this olty Sunday morning and was taken In charge by th Odd Fellow.. He waa burled here Monday, He was a member of the local lfidge. -Th remain were aooompanlad from Ogden by the brother of the deceased. ' Teniae Base With Seats, "Death waa fast amiroachlne." writes Ralnh F. Fernndes.of Tampa. - Fla.. describing his fearful rare with death, "aa a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep end of an intsrest in lira i naq irtea many different doctor and several med icines, but sot no benefit, until I began to use Elect rlo Bitters rV wonderful wss their effect that in three daya I I1R m II" I II". 11 . Mill, H", j . Mill cured of all my troubles" - Ouaranteed at Pfcldmore's drug- store. 111 Third reti Brio IBa, . ,., GET DOWN TO FACTS Read What Portland Citizens Say. s ' Get down to the facts of the matter. Don't , take a stranger's word. It is eaaler to prov th truthfulness of state ments made by cltlsena of Portland than endorsement coming from soms far-away place. Read the followlhg: A. 8. Cummlnge of !44 ' Clackamaa street, employed bv the Inman-Poulaen Lumber Co., at the foot of Eaat Sher man a treat, says: "I had palna In the amau or my oac ror a gooa man years. Most of tha time It waa a dull heavy ache over th kidneys, and often at the end of the day I felt fatigued and used uo. 'Trouble with th kidney secretions existed also. Passases. were too frequent and war accompanied with pain. Mv condition waa growing wore all the time, when I happened to read an advertisement of Doan'a Kidney Pllla, and at the suga-estlon of my wife I got a 'box. I took the Dills as di rected and felt' their beneficial effects rlaht swav. In a short time tha back ache disappeared and the secretion re sumed their normal appearance and Con dition. Thla la tha first winter I have passed tor a number of years without wearing a piaster on my oaca, ana give Doan'a Kidney Pllla all the credit For sale by all dealers Price t0"cents Foater-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. sol agents for th United States. ' .Remember the name DOANS -and take no ether. . -.. FOREST GROVE PROFFESSOR IS 'APPOINTED Instructor C'oshill Named as In . yestigator With Philadelphia ' . Institute. taseeial Dtseataej te The Joanal-I ' Forest Grove, Or, Nov. II. Professor George CoghtlL Ph. D., instructor in the biological department In Paotflo unlver aity, has been appointed aa'lnvaatlgator In connection with th WUrUr Institute of Anatomy and Biology of Philadel phia. Tha object .of th inatltute la tha promotion of advanced study along bio logical lines, particularly research ts the field of neurology, comparative an atomy. - and embryology. - The Wlatar Inatltute la the central atatlon for ana tomlcal research In this country snd haa on ita aclentiflo staff the leading unl vsrsltv anatomists of the country, and farraachlng. : Th Inatltut sends out, prepares or collect materials for its Investigators, It acta aa conservator of series of specimens already studied which should be preserved for future references It offer the beat working li brary and laboratorle equipped with modern apparatus for research and A vase Lro Dr. Coarhill was elected. to membership in the American AsaocW tlon of Anatomists, and Is a staff con tributor to the Journal of Comparative Neurolosy and Psychology. : Ha has been Invited to ' spend - his sabbatical year at th Inatltute. He intends to do work there Immediately after the close of tbrcollg year. PIGEON MAKES RECORD OF ONE MILE A MINUTE flatl nanatrb te Ike JoaneL) Hot Lake. Or., Nor. II. -A pair" of nomine- pi seen were released at tha Hot Lake Sanatorium yesterday by J. Buckley of Baker City. Messages were attached te the feet of both birds te partlea In Baker City. Tha blraa rose several nunarea rat the air above the sanatorium. wheeled several tlmea ae If hesitating which way Jo atart. and then flew di rectly toward Baker City. They left the sanatorium at noon, and on of them arrived In Baker City, a distance of 40 miles, at 11:44 p. m. making tha fl rr" ' second bird is believed te hav been kUled on th way.. Wedding a Ontario. (Special Dispatch te The Joaraal) , Ontario. Or.. Nov. II. William Altnon and Mlaa Christina Murray, both of Beu- lab. Oregon, were married at the real- dene of Mr. and Mrs Donald McDonald In thla city in the presence or a number of friends by Rev. O. w. Morrison or the Presbyterian church yesterday. - Dlnci from Oar DUtlJIiry to YOU . , teres Dealer' rYoftts . frevsata Adulterertloa) . V; OnFUU QUARTS JIC Ofl laaklalsislBl ssnat csa,arltk at StarkasisHweDtata. TryttseM, fcs. Haneyeer eecnrtaitlt It JoeVt flistj n ill HcM Ms Iftoj fjeMil iM) lest wtMtkar ro snr tatnd, sM It sack Is as at ear sxaama tad your BMMVUlHstsnMnatlr rshaides. Yea CM an anasr Ry ar SeirBaa, awMmber, a say tie xsrau r ireirnt ehwrea, Tea eaw ay sreaiag to sm kr fcwrM. N yes eaVt aat at suet yewwH geta sisal tsjslaysa, ' . . - r- HATNIR WHISKEY, goes direct te you bom our distillery, see ef the Unrest and best equipped m the world, thus assarlat you ef serf set parity and taring you tbfc dealers' btg profit. It ts prescribed by doctor and used In hospitals sad by half a mtUoa aaosfled eattomera, because It la good and pare aad rstaeeheap. : , J. warra oca ssabbst ernes. TKE RATKEB DIST1LUI3 CO. ST. rum. INK, . DAYTON, fr T Louis, Ma ATLANTA. A, : DnmusBV, Tmov, O, Bsraaussss U88 tot eaoha f BOO.0O&00 PtM Is FsX roe rmi : , it V i 4. D.Mataenuaaii ismtas' I ' I3 . N i liurr nn nmr rniflTl UtlUKUuMUJII IS THE ISSUE Socialists ' Nominate Dr. D. M. Brower, Anti-Saloon Leader, for Mayor at Ashland. CLAIMS MADE THAT CITY . i NEEDS LICENSE MONEYS Treasury Declared Empty and Mu nicipality Stated to Be in Debt People Must Determine Question, . as Council Has Nothing to Say.. -' (Rneelal Dlspateh te The Journal.) -Ashland. Or, Nov. II. The Socialists are the first to put out a tlckst to ba voted for at tha ensuing municipal election of Ashland. Tbey have nomi nated Dr. D. M, Brower, a leading Pro hibitionist and ' prominent for some years in th Ashland Anti-Saloon league and ita president for two years, ae their candidate for mayor. The remainder of tha ticket la as fol lows: For recorder, F. H. Bice. Coun cils en First ward, Oeorge Irwin; aec ond ward. Walter Messenger -third ward, J. W. Markabury. The election will be held December It and is anticipated with considerable Interest by the people of Ashland. ' Last year there waa a hot contest In which the saloon Issue was tha absorbing fea ture. ' The amended charter, whloh now governs placea the decision as to whether Ashland la to be ."wet'' or "dry wholly with the voters. - The question of liquor ltcenae muat be placed on the ballot annually and If tha majority of the voters favor license then the council must grant llcena to appllcanta who comply with th condl tlon of giving bonds If th vot be against 4lcsnse, then no license can be lasued within tha year. The council haa no discretion In tha matter. - - The antl-aaloonlsta have already be gun their campaign of education. There Is a strong business' element in the city which favors license, claiming that "blind pigs" have been conducting a large business regularly and that tha restriction on the sale of liquor Is a farce, that the city Is without eny money in the treasury and Is in debt several thousand dollars and that some revenue - should ba exacted from ' theae Institutions The-city council haa taken no atepa te apply the primary law and all candi datea will go on the ticket by petition, which petitions must be filed not leas than five days prior to the election. FREEING LAND OF ALKALI BY FLOOD VATER Large Acreage Diked and Cov ered ..With Water Which Is Then Drained Off. ' iBeaelal Dloatcb to the yoaraalt Lowden Station, Wash., Nov. 11. A simple plan of freeing several hundred acres sf land ef alkali deposits and put ting the ground la condition for growing alfalfa and other hay crop In abundance la being tried here with excellent re. aulta by M. M. Williams who baa charge of tha Anderaon-Blnkler land Interests in this vicinity. The plan adopted to re claim land that heretofore haa been given over to aagebruah, owing to tha presence of alkali, la to dike the land and flood It several tlmea with water. Mr. Williams has Just finished diking 110 acres and water now covers the land from alx to eight- Inches deep. The dikes are simply furrows of soil thrown by by a patent cultivator. The land win be flooded several times, th water aa It become impregnated with th alkali being ditched off and freah water turned on. Experiments on several acres were made laat rear and It was fullv flmnon. M att a Hiut in una irrsiirrar Tn alkali can be completely washed out ef the ground. Of course th plan la only effective where th .lands to b treated lie com paratively '-level and an abundanc of water can be obtained. Mr. William has 0 acres of hla own land diked and ready for water. The Anderson-Slnkler Interests will reclaim several hundred acres la this manner. QUARREL TAKES PLACE IN FAIR ASSOCIATION (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Walla Walla, Wash.. Nov. II. Angered because the president ruled that proxies could be voted In electing Officer, several prominent stockholder In tha Walla Walla County Fair asso ciation, 'quit the room at the annual meeting of the association held at ths courthouse yesterday afternoon. For a time It looked ae if th association might go to piece, but cooler heada pre vailed and . other - dissatisfied stock holders wvr Induced to remain and transact th day's ,Juslness. Of fleers were elected aa followa: President, Judge T. H. Brents; vtce-prssident,- R. H. Johnson: secret ry, Clayton Van De Water; treasurer, R. E. Oulchard; di rector. J. O. Kid welt, Frank Singleton, William Hogoboom, C. L. Whitney, Mordo McDonald, R. B. Caswell. W. H. Klrkman, R. H. Johnson. A financial tatament shows that th association has assets of tll.m.tO and liabilities of 111,141.01. RAILROAD IS BORING - FOR ARTESIAN WATER , i (Special Diepatch te The Joaraal.) ' I Ashland. Or, Nov. 11. Tha Southern Paclflo hss brought Its well-boring plant J here from Roseburg and will begin boring atdeep well -m--th Ashland- yard 1 near-the' roundhouse. It will be a teat If artaalan water can be had her and th project Is thtrefors regarded with general Intereet. A good supply of water can be had at reasonable depth, but th wall .will b carried down sev eral hundred feet with th hops to tap an artesian flow. SHORT LINE ENGINEERS SURVEY UP. BULLY CREEK ' (Special Dlepateh ts Tbs'jenraat) Ontario, Or, Nov. SI. Th - second corps of Oregon Short Line engineer! arrived In this city and left yesterday for th Malheur eanyen te cooperate with another party of surveyor ef the am company which went Into th can yon abeut two weeks ago. " It Is ru mored that they are working up Bully ereek Instead ef the Malheur canyon. CRYI'SQ DAL.rS jtoivnq s:a:s N O REST, so sleep. Itch, Itch, Itch, acratchln' until tha tender akia becomes Inflamed, eore and bleeding. Harfina Coop Aided by Sklobealth TreatmeBt wtU sIt the saff.riD little ou tnataat rrllrf snd sUa. ana molt la (omplale ear, ltultltudra of woowa r Har&aa fca ae equal tar ehaftnf. Irrtta. tloe. eruiittoa. daadruir. tbla hair, scald he4. ifeicated, eatlMptle, deooorliloa, frafrant. 'h Braatb ef Pin Salaam la Every ek. LartrSBe. eakaa: S cakes 68. dracatata. Kefuae abatitiKee. Me aua le Bieokat Hk BarSna. afanotartare kr FVIlo flay SDorl.ltlra On.. lwark. N. 1, Tea sotalag wlthoat Ul WOOOABS. CLAH1 ft CO. We DUNLAP HAT 11 ALWAYS SATISFACTORY.: r ALWAYS PROPER STYLE. , .V' ; SOLE ROBINSON (, GO. : i 289 WASHINGTON ST. DON'T DOSE TOE STOMACH Xyomel Cures Catarrh y Breathlag . Aroma tie XeaUar Air. Tou cannot afford to risk nermanent In of health by takin'a; strona drugs Into the stomach In th vain hope of curing catarrh of the noae and throat. Tne only true way . or cunna; caiarrn troublea la by thr una of Hyomel, which la breathed through a neat pocket in haler that com with every outfit. Hvomel ts not a secret remedy, and Its formula Is riven to all reputable physicians. Its base la the famous eu calyptus oil This is combined with other heallnr. aromatic ajums and bal sama so that when using: Jvomel the air you breathe Is filled with germ. mum;, neaun-civinK curauve power. It kills all catarrhal itarma and restore the mucous membrane of the nose, throat snd lunas to a perfectly healthy condition. The complete Hyomel outfit, eonslat. tng of a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomel, costs but II. , and extra bottles can be ob tained for 69 rents, maklna; It the moat economical method of curing catarrh, aa well as the moat reliable. If you -cannot obtain Hyomel or your dealer. It will be forwarded by mall, fioatage paid, en receipt of rrloe. Write odwy for a free sample bottle and con sultation blank that will entitle you o services of our medical department without charge. Tha R. T. Booth Com. pany, Hyomel Building, Ithaca. N. I. WOODARD, CLARKB at CO, Druggists. Scott's Santal-Pepsln Gapsulss A POSITIVE CURE far fn0nMnea er Catarrh ef b Bla4Wr and 1t.aa KM MVS. BSODkiaorar. Caraa tiu-aly aa4 furwaaantly th wor.1 cam el eaaarraeaa ana Mim, ae soaitar of tow V r ataadln. Absalately I rai mln. Sold by Srncgtet. tint 5MlAL-ftr5iJ C3i 1 -VxV.r - Betleieatstae. Oaaa. Sale f Vealart. ClaAe e. Begla Work oa aTew BoaA. (flpeetal Dtatiatrh te Tba JuarnaLl HUUboro, Or, Nov. 31 About t iapaneae arrived here yesterday and pitched their tenia preparatory to be ginning work on tha PortUnit. Nehalam A Tillamook railroad. A force ef about I0 will be here in. a few daya ' Will!' ';..' u-jr saatlas that hraHaat hall eT tick. yaBtafal color always add t tkalr nuaa, Toe halt say ke aoMaa. black er krews. kat whaa It kaceaie gray at Itdad than Is aa appearaae ef age, tbooaa she stay feel aa young ever, Ci ear these elrraov stians srsy aait la a anwkecfcv ' UAinilCALTU Koepm You Looking Young Alwaya krlni bark tba eolor sod keaaty ynatk to arar Of fl4 balr. IWtl.lj rniuwle4ni, kill tha sera aad stopa balr falllnt. Dor at soil akla or Uura. Aldrd br UAHklffA IOAP M aauttira aad heala tti acalp, atua Itcblnf aad Kmutea So balr (rowtb. Larxii 60e, kuttloa. I aotblug wltaoet PbU Bay Co. alnatai, Frea Soap Offer iTi: Blga tbl. take to any of following driirilata, ad ft toe. bottle Hay' Halrbealtb and 23e. cake Hartna Medlratad Snap, bnth for tor., or sent by FUILO HAT BPhX'ULTTKB CO.. ltw ark. N. J prepaid fi . aod thla adv. - Fraa oap aot aina br druggist wukeat talg eaUi adr. aad We. fos Balrboaita. . Maaai, ,.,.,. ...... ..,... whmhmi 'Addiaes. ..,,. ,, . roartk and Waahlagtos BW'. AGENTS I! HOTEL PERKINS BLDG. IS 1 rat w u - GOOD CLOTHES Besides, being; , stylish, dressy and -tasty are also most economical, be cause the., materials are right, the trimmings are honestly applied and the good tailoring' skillfully unites " them what causes durability. . Such are the characteristics of our SUITS, OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTES , Our prices are moderate and if you desire you can ,pay a portion of; amount at time of purchase and the . - ' . - balance at " - '. $1.00 a Week Joarnal Cnt This Oat Not. 21. 'OS Good (or $L2S on Purchase of Overcoat Ceed Ostil Jisssry 1st. I9U . EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. Eastern : Outfitting Co. The Store Where Your Credit la Good Washington and Tenth Sts. Ho Portland PORTLANIV ORRQON. EUROPIAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, and it coata no more in the Portland Hotel Rathskeller ' ' than elsewhere In the city. Kvery weekday night from : to 11. , X. a SOWIII, auaager, Hotel Eaton Cue sr Man haa aad Wast Tarh Straata. NEW ftaijty famlaliad, .Vftarlr stli'e Sr. proof, ira aUnataa' walk traai kavt af ahopelaa aad bwlaase- larl. aU bra. Irr, atatd ma is, stMai featd. alartrt. ncats, .i,pBa in aB apartsM, at. Lim afS, p. iMAslna. Btu, laoiaa rafeptUa aarlate. tad 7 axil er talepbaa. -Irlwt eatalVaa aeets tranu sad Room$ fl,00 to $9.0O at Daf ' Special Balsa to eSMMrlal Mas. . MIA KAI IAT0B. ' raferly 4 Bal besala, Spokaee.1 T7T I tJ'.rra. (.i hi 1 ' ' 1 lilwlf " I C Li