The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Likely to Be Given Ufe Sentence
in Washington at Habit. .
- yaj criminal. - : .
On the small payment of One Dollar wt will install in your home one of our great.
ECLIPSE RANGES, a sure guarantee thajl it will prove perfectly satisfactory to you. The
people appreciate this liberal offer and our sales on these special terms run from six to ten
ranges per day.
. ... , . ... . ' k r . i '
: -
' Although Detective Laid Hi Head
f Open With Blows With a Revolver,
Lawrence W Not Affected ard
Four Moref Were Needed.
Ab Lawrence, who has rvl tbre
I terms ia rh Oregon penitentiary ane
hu the reputation ot being th toush-
? cut bar-room and - street "scrnppejr
known to the Portland police, pleaded
' guilty to a charge of robbery before
' Superior Judge Chadwick, at Colfax,
:'. Washington, thla mornlni and probably
, will be given a life sentsnoe. , vm
Police Grttsmacher bae been In eom-
muntcatioa with Sheriff Canutt relative
to the criminal, and under the eumula
: tlve aentenee law of Washington, hav
Ing served two penitentiary terms, be
1 may be declared -an habitual criminal
i and placed behind the bars for the te-
mulnder of hla life.
t Ten yeara r Lawrence was ar
reated In the north end by Detective
' Joe Day after he haa eacaped from the
- city prison bytunnsling through a
wall. He showed nght and he and Day
went at It the detective basting him on
the bead with a. heavy Colt revolver.
. Though every blow, laid the ecalp open
I and the pavement wae soon covered
with blood. Lawrence did not seem to
') be affected In the slightest and waa get
4 ting th better of the detective when
four other patrolmen rushed to hla as
i ' alatance. "Billies" were used by them.
-' and yet It took Ave minute to hammer
1 the criminal Into a condition making
1 it possible for him to be handcuffed.'
1- your years later. Lawrence was ar
" rested on a charge of drunkenness. It
'I required the united efforta of six police
i men to get him to the city prison and
; on reaching there in the patrol wagon he
1 waa still fighting' James Johnson, who
; was then city Jailer, gave ' htm hla
1 quietus with a right awing on the point
' of the jaw. and he did not recover eon
sclousness for II minutes. after he was
j laid In his cell.
I - The f tret time Lawrence waa eon-
vlcted of larceny waa Immediately after
t he had served a few days Ir. the city
' prison for a' misdemeanor. . He stole a
,1 few dollars from a fellow prisoner, and
i served two yeara in the penitentiary for
t this offense.. He also served several
years for stealing a horae from a farmer
. living near Llnnton and a third, term for
the theft of a gold watch. ' t. .
f-;" His father waa "known.. aaTT'Gaasy
t Charlie" Lawrence on account of hla
Innuitf loos -propensity..- Jhough never
convicted of a felony, his father
f- the city prison many times for jnlade-
I several yeara ago by, a chunk of coal
,V falling on hla bead from a ballast tub
.3 slong the waterfront
'f i
- 1 11 '
f' .,' ' (Speclsl Dispatch te The Journal.)
t ' Pendleton, Or., Nov. 21. Three new
j rases of diphtheria have developed la
this city svce Sunday. There are now
a number of cases under quarantine In
i mi-) vny.. uu t srr in v vw ,i laiiivi m
l . . . . i .. . , i ' . .
') miia lurm, cxcepunB ona m mil uui in
the country, which Is considered rather
$ serious, t .-..', . -. a
1 The situstlen baa not ret become so-
'I rious enough to warrant the closing of
r schools, though many parents are keep
J Ing their children at home, and in one
'1 of the rooma which was the most se-
; rlously. affected only U scholars at
'2 tended yesterday, , Precautions are being
a tnken to prevent any serious spread of
; or the disease. .- - - -
' (BdmUI Dhnatch te Tha'ToaraaL)
i Helena, Mont, Nov, Ji.r-Jean Beone.
who - waa -arrested near W in ton on
suspicion of being the man who bad
shot Telegraphers Arpln and Dolive, is
fTOl Tils inai'i1 wuiileu.
Deoue was taken
to the hospital last evening, but neither
. of the wounded men oould Identify him
' as their asaallant LaUr, William Cad-
. wallader, a mining man. who bad been
: ordered off hla own premises by the In-
, sane man the day before the shotlng,
. called at the Jail and declared posltlve-
; ly that Beone was not the man. Beone
says be Is from California and haa never
been In JDry gulch. ,
. Eugene, Or.,"Noy; It. Arthur Munson,
aged t. was killed In a logging camp
y on the McKensle IS miles oast of Eu-
gene yesterday, afternoon.- He waa
! working near a ' log chute when a log
Jumped from the chute, striking- him in
" the back, i Death waa Instantaneous.
- Manson came recently from Michigan,
end haa no relatives in this part of
; the country.' .... - ... . ,
If you have never tried
The Bitters you really ought
to do so today. Then you
'will rtaHze what wonderful
medicine it is for 'curing
Sour Risings, Heartburn.
Poor Appetite. Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Female Ills,
Cclds and Grippe. The gen
rtirte ha our. Private Stamp
t c r neck.
. I " 'X V A
; i
l n
)M Alice -Roosevelt and Her Friends at the Horse Show. Miss Rooae-
velt Is Seated
Rev. H. C. Shaffer Scores Moth-
ods of Preachers Who Play
for Crowds. , . r; : s .
United Brethren Pastor Reiterates
Asaertiew Tbat-He-ants Ordy
Prohibitionists in His Church and
Scores Miniaters Who Disagree.
Pnrthnd. Or.. Wov. St. Te the Idltor ot
The Journal lawmurk Br et-tlm la pro-
nuindlM a new tmt t awiabenBlS aa re.
rrlT4 auiM rinm criticism. I abould like to
replr and at mr nm time expraes aosie
MDnctlana eoneernlns BmtlTee sad awtbedi
ot some of the critics. . : ' . . i.
Dr. Htll Is emnbsrle In hl opptMltloa, to the
tent ot memhmhlp. "Do rou boltrre la the
total srahlblUoa of the liqoor tmfacr' But
aot bioto uaa I aaa iut oum wwo v
pooi4 te his propoul to com prom lot with tho
fair wuifDtM and bar aa ooea fair bat
ckMod TraiL We all kaow Sow saelf thai
eoaiproBilaw failed, as all eompromlace so.
Ot eonraa Dr. Hill woald b eppaaod to anr
method of ehnrra work which weald se Im
practicable Cue hla church. ,
. Mr. atone ear that "A ma mar he s
rood Cbriattaa and ret not believe la prohibi
tion." - I deny It aliaolntelr. A maa cannot
be a Chrtetlaa at all nod not believe -In the
prohibition of the liquor trr.fSc. Jean said:
"I earns to dratrar UM work, of the devil."
not "I came to htch-Urenae. kow-Urrneo or local.
otton them." It lei alae nald that "No
drankard shall eater the kingdom ot aoavea.
Ve Hope for Drinkers. -
And I ear to rott that no peraoa was anas
facrama or aclla IIqim, or woo la leglaUtlve
halU-eaarta laws fnrmins a partnarahlp with It,
as who, la the light of the Mblrn ot tho loth
century, wrtee In any way to the perpetvUy
of thla bldeoea crime ot tho sgee can eater
the kingdom ef heaven.
Then Dr. Brooaber, the preacher of water and
wlttlrlama, reaerTea for bla cboreh awmbera
the rleht of Indlridoal hi dement. Bo da I
bat et 290.000 United Brethren I nay that the
prieate Judgment of every laat one of them
U that the Uooor trafflo onrht in die. Thla
rlrra me a lerre liberty than Dr. Bronrner
aa.rorTao keard'hlB" "aaynraTc1yllar
he haa had member, who used wins ea their
tables sad who gave wine partlee: Private
lodpaentl Bunooae he had s borsethlef on
his hands, or a murderer, and neither would re
pent. Private judgment Is amnaementsl All
right, but let It be known that au.OOO yonfif
people ef the felted Brethren cbnreu have ei
preeaed their private judgment about amuee
menta end that ludament Is that the theatre.
carda, the dance are utterly foreign to the
ChrlaHaa life end sabveralTS of the faith that
save. ''.
- VJieagner Wants ftnaatity.
The difference bptween Dr. Brooaber and
mraelf la.- na I eee Its Us to after onantlty;
I dealr Quality. I herald deem It aacrllestoas
to lower my pulpit In order to draw s crowd.
I shall be content with s small contrenatloa
sntll such time us the mighty swoop of the
eternal spirit of fiod faus upon ua and an
stall clamor for aa opportunity to be aaveo.
Mr, Murkley's Insinuation that I was auapl
cVms ef the candidate Is hardly .worth answer'
liir. hat I bare bees-aomewkat fearful for
the ramnbellltea. who 1br so long denied tin
personality of the holy spirit, and many of
whom do nt the present nine, -in xacv ihi
the said church Is creedlesa often recslle to
my mind tn law of variation explained In
Inelc as the Intension of a term Is Increased
th extension la decreased. May It net be true
that cavid crowtb Is In anme me sure sua to
low standards or no atsndardat Tbere are awny
neoDle wbo are tired of giving tbelr moral an'
uaaetel support te churches that lit es the
record of s glorious past.; ' -' J
Do not. my friends, be too severe n this new
method. Already meiubera of your churt-bes
have consulted with . ate a boat ontfy-wHh the
church ot which I am pastor, la on ineunr
on man came to m re presenting to of hi
fellow-sMBibrs. 1 told blm to ro back and
stand hy th cbnrch of his youth. I sm aot
eelled to secare memheo. primarily. I sm
sailed to deliver s messes. , I plead tar. a
revival ot smwetence. 1 eefe for a phtoe In ear
rhurrbee for th spirit of Hod., I ask for sn
educated conscience that will neither stab to
kill -ear rob and kin a maa by a traffic legal'
tied and perpetuated --by r the -Wain hi of
A merles ettlaena who call themael ves CbrtatlMis
That they r American, nlas for my country,
I maat concede: that such ar Christian. . I
most spBBtlcalir aei'- H. C BXiAO'KR. -
Weieer. Idaho, Nov. t. Zlba Morse,
Hugh Dearborn and Edmund Nicholas
were yesterdsy sentenced to th stats
penitentiary for steeling horses. Thsy
were given six. four snd three years re
spectively. The men were members of
a gang that ha4 been engaged tor sev
ere! years tn stealing cattle and horees
In western Idsho and eastern Oregon
and . running them from one state! to
another. . Five of the gsng have been
convicted at this terra of - court. Ira
Balrd, the sixth member of the gang,
recently brought back from Canada, la
being Ultd today; , v ,
at the Left.' ''. '
(Continued from Page One.)
chance to do businesa Hera In Port
land a ship, that has not lta own docks
Is at a disadvantage. It ia impossible
to run large vessels up to the Osk
street docks successfully, as a regulai
thing. ..- .,
9 Btreetoar.Servloe.
"The pilots refuse to take chances
with the- bridges and under those con
ditions If a boat were lost the owners
could not get a cent of Indemnity. The
shlpsmiisT.' consequently, stop away
down at the "Columbia dock, at the foot
of Northrop street,1 where there la no
streetcar communication with the city."
He says there' is little doubt that a
large and profitable buslneaa can be
built tip Immediately between Portland
and western Alaaaa coaat points lf ths
proper encouragement is given at the
start. The proposition for a belt Una on
the waterfront, and municipally owned
docks Is received with Immense favot
by independent ' shipping men.
say these things would do mora than
any other, thing toward building up
Portland'a ocean - transportation facili
ties. . tt7," ; T-.---7:rr
' v Xfew Tork Owns Books..'
New Tork City has purchased the
deep sea docks In her harbor, and is
Inaugurating a municipal system that
Is doing great things for her commer
cial and shipping Interests. It is urged
that Portland should do something along
this line now, while the prices of prop,
ertr and the sentiment of the neoolS
flavor -so important an advance step.
E. x Rathbone, formerly a port, cap
tain 1.: Portland for tha O. R. fc N. Co
who for tha last year haa been superin
tendent for the Cudahy oil syndicate at
Kayak, Alaska, left Saturday for tho
north. ' He is connected also ' with a
Portland oil and coal ayndlcate, to
wftlch ha made a lengthy report during
hla visit her.' He says a few of the
coal operators have already begun ship
ping small quantities of coal from the
Kayak district.
Ths mines ar Just being opened, and
V Cure
Why Suffer When by Merely Sending
' Mama and Adar Yow-Cart-H
Free Trial Package of a Rem
edy That Will Cure You. :
We receive hundreds of letters like
the following: "I have been feeling ao
good I could hardly believe It. after suf-
tering witn plies lor a year, to nna
that I am once more feeling like myself.
I wish you could have seen roe before
I started using fyramia Pile Cure and
look at me now. and you would say I am
not the same man. I have gained 20
pound), and all on account of Pyramid
Pile Cure." Walter Bharkley, th Park
street, tspringneia, saaas, .
"I bought a fifty-cent bog of Pyramid
Pile Cure and used as directea witn tne
most unexpected renuJts. a complete
cure I have been troubled with piles
for ihlrty years and was in much dis
tress snd pnSsed mucn blood, but at
&reeent am free from any kind of pi lee.
'. McKav. Wenverville. Cal. -
"Pyramid Pile Cure haa been worth
thousand of dollars to me; it cured me
after using numnera or other remedies
snd ta' ing medicines from doctors., It
also cured my son, although he could
hardly walk, eat or sleep; he is now all
riant.' B. Strlncfellow. Postmaster.
rElKo, H. C
Hy tne use or rrramia file liursuyou
will avoid an unnecensary, trying and
expensive examination by a physician
and will rid youraeir or your trouoie in
the privacy of your own home at trifling
After fifttnr the free-trial package
which we gladly mall you. In a perfectly
plnln wrapper, you can secure regular
iiiti-sisea pacKnges irom arucginis at so
rents each, or we will mall direct In
plain package upon receipt or price.
Pyramid Drug ro.. 7607 Pyramid Build
tnar, Murnhall, Mich.
I (
Don't take chances take
one of our double breasted
Overcoats. It will prove a
warm friend when the whole
' wc-'d gives you the frozen
teU v ; tvc,.
. ' We're showing ' the best
Overcoats that can possibly
be made by anybody and
sold for 915. ;
' Also some extra ' special
values in plain . and fancy
Overcoats for 1JJ10. .
Outfitter for Von and Boys.
im ftawi iaa Thir attwet, .
Rime. Paorelli
JZ'- Prima Donna Soprano c.,
; Farewell Concert kt -;
v 8:15 Precisely !
transportatloA facilities and docks are
not yet constructed; bat survsys ar be
ing mad and construction work will
b .commenced next aaaaon,X large In
crease of population and business '
expected ther next spring. .Work now
being projected in tb development of
copper, tin and oil will renulr a
great many workmen. . ....
Two heavy syndicate of eastern eap-
4tal ar eurveylng for railroade, t bring
tba rich copper ores of th Copper river
district and th coal of tb Kayak dis
trict to a common point for smelting.
Plana for construction of smelters,, im-
mens coal bunkers and wharves for
the largeat vessels are being made, Mr.
Rathbone aay the superior quality and
Immense quantities of the ooal and cop
per warrant th expenditure of 125,000,
000, which th syndicate baa subscribed
for th projects, . '. . .. . . ,- . 4
'. amgllsk Xaterested, To. " ,
Th Paclno Coal Oil company, an
English concern, la developing several
claims east of Bhepard creek. Ths
people have 1,000 feet ' of tunnel, and
necessary buildings, trans ana, other
facilities. Ther recently shipped 100
tons of bituminous coaL, Clarence Cun-
nlnrhamvta developing several semi
anthracite veins. He baa two tunnels
700 feet long, exposing a great quantity
of clean coal. . He soon will make bis
first ahlnment of 100 tons. -
On th east aid of Canyon creek, tws
miles from th Cunningham -mines, th
Alaska Petroleum Coal company haa
uncovered four seams of seml-anthra-
clte. so that they can trses It for mils
Th seams vary from to 15 feet thick.
These seams 11 on th west ame or
a sour of th Carbon range." aald Mr.
Rathbone. "On th eaat sta maiviauai
ownere have uncovered about 40 welna
I-waa-informed on of thes waa 0
feet thick, although I did not go to see
It. The coaincljs rao mUsa Xong and
aouTT16'mils wlds. Th bituminous
coal llss west of Kutseka lake, and tne
anthracite east of It;
' Sight Ousher WOa.
H says tha English company haa
drilled 11 oU wells, and eight of these
are gushers. Tb deepest is l.00 feet.
On rusher is equipped with a tank, and
oil from it waa sold this year. The
company la secretive and la renewing
its leases.
"Five of th well ar flowing ver
the too. from oreasur under their caps.
When I visited them the oil waa being
foroad out through defective Joints, and
could not be concealed." .
Th Alaska Petroleum Coal com
pany haa a well 1,(00 feet deep, with
excellent prospect of a strike, and is
still boring. . The Cudahy oU syndicate
drilled a well 1400 feet deep, but found
that heavier apparatua waa required,
and la now preparing to resume work
with new equipment early next spring.
Captain Rathbone sails tomorrow, frsm
Seattle, ror Kayag. t, . . - . t
-'V... ...... : . .v ,
(XnerlsJ Dlsostrh te The lntU -
Umatilla, Or- Nov. It. Th Umatilla
river 1 still being searched in an at
tempt to fathom th mystery of a pool
of blood and other Indications of mar
der found here Saturday. Up to this
time an Indian blanket tied to a rook haa
been found. From the evidence at hand
th official aay they have no doubt-but
that an Indian waa murdered near the
not and th body thrown into th
river. Th county sheriff haa given or
ders to hav the matter thoroughly in
vestigated.. . '
ontaern raeine xtsurssa.
On Decsmber 1 a special excursion
train will leave Baa Frsnolsoo via ths
Southern Pacific for tho City of Mexico
Low rates have been 'made for point
on th Southern PscIA In Oregon. Par
tloulara by asking any Southern Pscino
agent or writing A. U Craig, general
passenger agent, rortiana. uregon.
" lost, . V
Waterman fountain pen. Pleas re
turn to Journal offlo.
For cough or cold us Crystallised
RockRy. only 10 cants a bottle at (It
Morrison street, ,
45 RoBgs: d tlm Snb for j
- , 0 q2 o (Q)
"V.:....,---"" I-..-, . :
I f sr1 .. . V
V.- Ye, I '
" "Si. i ff.f ..g.i. aahe.. .. t. ,
ro claims'
Finiah and '
Fabric guaranteed.
The price will suit
Th suit wilj flt.','.;
Wi handla no Keadr-
Mad Clothlnf. but make . ' ' .'. ,,.m,
your Oothea to your ordar Tn.- TV -a
at from $20.00 to 145.00 the suit. UIX UlO3
- us much more, but while the present stock lasts ;
, we shall not increase the retail price. , We are .;
wholesalers in thia line, and when you buy an'
- r Stexk A : :'V I -
I . Qevurtz &
First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street
. Ihe A
JL V .'..,
- Wise men who analyse-human nature say that a man's dresa 'Jz
jontributfs rithrr to his succesa or failure.
' -If a well dressed person comes into your office or place of
, business you meet them with more courtesy and respect than you
' do when they are shabby. r:tf,
'," ' . That, too, in spite of any determination you may have made ' :
to treat people according to merit instead of looks.. - .... it
" Shakespeare had a good deal to say about clothes '-'vV
"Costly thy habit as thy purse can buyThe apparel oft y
v proclaims the man," etc '?;.:... ..',p:';"f.i' ;, :';',';
You ought to wear Tailor Made Clothes there ' is not a .
single good reason why you should not. ' . - ' V.'
. ' For $35 we will make a sdit to your measure which cannot
be duplicated in Portland for less than $50.. . ,. . ? ,
. Long Australian wool cheviot perfect dye strong weave :
latest patterns best imported lining hand padded hand sewed
with silk. '' ; ";
; Come in and see this cloth in the bolter ' . '
- - Give us an opportunity to. show you what we can contribute
to your business success for $35. . J.,X.:. v .
., Jilade of cold-rolled blue steel, which requires V
no blacking. Body consists of THREE walls,':
inner and outer walls of rolled steel and middle !
one of thick asbestos; all 'securely hand riveted.'
Cannot warp or buckle. '
Our private advices indicate a great advance i
in the price of steeL ; This means AN ADDED;'
RANGE. Our next order for Range will cost'
Kou WIiils flie l
Price Is Down
' T ' The' Eclipse Is built on scien-.
tific principles and is therefore a im
perfect baker.'.:' ' ".'', i
Hot iiiscuiu MO minutes alter -striking
the match. . ' s
IjlThousandaof these-r Ranges ;
a are used in Portland. Call in and -look
over the lists.' - '
t ,
:' -
7 cijtcrt