' - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. - TUESDAY EVENINO, NOVEMBER 21, ISO ELECTRIC Vil R E AS CLOTHES HUE CITY DOCKS FOR but TrueStory of a most Cure made by $5, Remarkable An Astonishing 000 000 Clotha Coma in Contact With Bars Wlra 1 Result. Total , Loss, One Undershirt, , BEDBUG CHASE WITH GASOLINE DISASTROUS Exterminator Leaks From Mouiflinf and When Match Is Struck Con ' flagratton FoUows--Other - Queer . r- TrAA K W K. KODCm. A paper on; "Mercantile Rteke and Causes of Fire." written by W. R. Rob- - .... Mn4awritArf erts. inspector lor ne of Portland and deputy fire marahal. recently waa read before the Ban clsco Ineursnee Men a InatUute. . gives many Instances .peculiar origin f "i'Tecent fire Investigated 'by myself In Portland." aaya Mr. Roberts' paper, -was caused by a Ion a length o'' pipe leaning against the rear "all of. a brick building and resting upon the aeoond floor of a two-story dock. The .ma in contact with a 1 00- Colt mVtor- wlra and rounded owing to the dock The passage of tha current heated the pipe, wnicn cnarreo """. 'VZ dock and the toveplpe fell through to tha lower dock and started the fire. "Another fire waa eauaed by a tuia- man using an electrlo wire for a clothes line. The clotheapina broke tha Insu lation, allowing the elothea to coma in contact with the bare wire, heating It and Igniting tha clothing. Total loss, on undershirt. ."'.'' i. -The leaving of an electrlo wlra on a table with the current turned on in " dreaamaklng establishment caused a fire which reaulted in a loaa of 1100.009. Thla waa tneDekum building- fire. . f .. "A fire reported aa being eauaed by gasoline developed Into a caae where a -"" t.il in mm rid of bedbuct which were behind the picture moulding In tha room. She mircheeed 10 cents worth f gaaollne and poured It-behind the moulding. Upon entering the room at night ahe at ruck a match upon the 11 i .k. a1na loll laajted dOWIl from the moulding, with the eeault tht ahe got plenty of light and a amall eloed fire, which gutted the room. "In paint and oil etocka it la enaenttel that oils, auch aa gaaollne and benslno, be kept outside of the building. At a recent fire the manager of a paint and oil atore had been requested to removl 40 gallena of gaaollne outalde hla bullJ ing. which he did. Next night a fire ....II. nwrrrn--tTia'r1BnT)iiniTT ing and stock. The hottest part of thla fire waa were tha gaaollne bad been formerly etored 1 . ; CALIFORNIA IS NEXT ; - MECCA IN JANUARY .Matters af. special public, lntereet now . . , . Ba.UiI . f n..i i.i fil.l dllH WigiV ima - Include the fourth annual meeting of the . Oregon Good Roads aaaoclatlon t : K hold at Corvallla November 21-14, nA m urM .ntiinUiii ti hm "riven under , auspice of the- Oregon Development league io umiurnui yvtuxm .wiur7 . The California, -excursion will follow iin. martin- n tha nnnm Develoo- ment league and the Oregon Preaa aa- t aocianon- o oe neia ai " roruwm " rommercial club Friday and Saturday, January II and 11. Tha people of every nnrtinn of tha atata are alven an oonor- tunlty to go. - The exact coat and many , details are now being figured out. This Would - Pay -Also '- Cost of "Deepening Guild's , Lake, Says W. R. McGarry. WOULD ENABLE CITY TO , REGULATE DOCK CHARGES Municipal Belt Una Alio Considered ' Eaacntial Part of Scheme by Ira F. Powera Sentiment , Favors Com mistion to Consider Whole Matter. Suggeetiona have been mad by prom' Inent bualneaa men that a commlaalon ahould be appointed to look Into - the feaalbtlity of municipally owned docks. Tha proposal in The Journal on Satur day, that Portland baa reached a point in ttm H.nlni-it that demanda the permanent solution of the transporta tion prooiera oy ine acquisition or m municipality of at least a portion of the mlmm.m 4wka mnn that than Should be S belt line owned by the city or a corpora tion unaer cereui supervision i city government, has caused widespread discussion. - Sentiment in favor of it appears to be growing rapidly, notwtth- standing tne suDjeci is new, so r m Portland ia concerned, and heretofore has not received general consideration. Comments ara common to the effect thai the possibilities of the project are so great that there ahould be no undue delay In learning Just what would be the , . M ta.lrlna ' tha mm i &mm Hi.iiii-i . problems that are raised by . the pro posal.- '-.- Advaatage Oreai. Business men and engineers realise that there are difflcultlea to be enooun tared, and that the succeaa of the plan would not be accomplished easily; but that municipally owned docks and belt line of the character mentioned would be of Immense advantage to thla city, appears to be almost unlvereally conceded. . . v Ira F. Powers, manager of the Powers Manufacturing company, talked f the project today and aalds "Anything that I say In thla connec tion la with the understanding that the proposition la yet in a chaotio state and haa not been presented In tangible form so aa to enable a man to say yes or no Anally aa to any apeclno proposal. . But, looking at It In the light of the general principle involved, I am in favor of the city owning at leaat a portion of the waterfront and ' operating docks that ahall be open to all transportation and ahlpplng Interests . upon a common basis. SliRzEMA Watery Pimples Followed by Swell tngWflry Smbs-.TrtBdETBry VanM Kalo Comma roe. w'k. .-hi T aiirh dacka would regulate wharfage .charges and Inaure forever that tnere couia om no vmuru on commerce that originates . on. ie Una of any of the big companiea; ana, too. It - would facilitate the entrance Into Portland of lines hot now repre sented here. I'"' . "The belt line Is an essential part oi the scheme. There should be gome tort of belt line down Front, street, carrying traffic for all intereats alike and fur nishing to the Front atreet and South Portland eoncerna tne access to oui.m shlpplng thst must be secured for their continued prosperity. ' ; ' "I do not know .just now un should be built; . but I think that J know that such a line would ba of lm- ..MKt.. ttmnmnt mnA that the city mwaa.a.mw.v . -- - ahould take up the matter and solve the nroblema raised tnereoy a tne eariwai poealble date." . W, It McGarry, who baa had exten atva experience In the transportation In- . . . IJtm dustry, earnestly comroenas in- .Mn.ii nwmmA docka and a belt line open to all Interests alike. : Would Deepen walla's lake. The city-should own the commercial docka." oald he today. "Without ques tion, municipal ownership tn New Tort and Liverpool and other great ports of UUUIIU -'" - -..-..j .I..-M.. Portland should go farther; with a S.OOo.OOO bond lasue w could build our own aocas una u-.b Guild's lake so that boata could stand thara without anchorage In abaolute at -.raetlcallv no expense. "With a line of porta across tha Pa- . - thing without Success Second Application of Cuticura Removed All Soreness AnotUr of the ; . REMARKABLE CURES BY CUTICURA REMEDIES i stmerea wim ecsema on my nanaa ' for two years, but was at laet cured with tha Cuticura Remedies. ' The dia ' caae commenced by amall, watery '. pimples breaking out on the back of any hands, which itched, burned, and ' pained awful, aa if an electric battery waa being held against my body. My ; , hands would swell until I could hardly , use them. Then they would get dry and scaly, then break out again and ba tha same thing over. I was treated by our family physician, but did not get ' any better. Then I tried every kind , f ointment I ever heard of, and every home f emedy any one recommended. ' : " I then went to another doctor, who" helped them some, but . after being treated by him for three months my bands-wer not well and the treatment ' was so severe it waa almost worse than ' the dineaae. I had often seen Cuticura - advertised and concluded to try it. - It '. just took two applications of Cuticura , Ointment to take tha soreness out of , my hands. I Commenced by putting it on three times st day. then jut, in. . tha vninJ anI wllfll I had Head frtllT . (Jl)XrB VI v,Ml..t .Cutkura Soap, and three vials of Cuti cura Jtenolvent Pill, my handa wera well, and much softer and smoother than ever before. Thanks to tha Cuti- rura Remedies. Yours respectfully, i Mrs. O. L. liestoa, lucaa, Iowa, May 2, lwa." - ".-',: :- :;- ; Mrs. Alios Desdwfley of Srotthvflla, I.T., says; "My baby wss troubled with an itching skin humor and waa cured by Cutieur' O "" " ' rawM ral Sa4 f sWfael T.t-il ) 'mmf wMa at Cumrnim Sa. , ""',-. - aJ", i. ri.o-o .i. c4 nito. 1 ' 1 ail. - mm mm mt U Sal Sa s,ta I t S I'mmm. t arm ' rf.s. j ' aa Ummmt Irmt, "UmW tm CaM kmrnmrnm.' . c 1 xr vortianil. thanoa Overland to New Tork. and thence acroai the . i.haai wmf.Vtiaire a Atlantic to r"" - - , . --v. . tMnannrtatlon boundlesa in ... nnaaihintiaa tA our' future commer cial and maritime development 4trr mIImmji tnav ia inni in. ijt u ClTQI T --------- share of thla trade would seek terminals ,vi , trAm th standpoint of 111 IUI. UVBW ' . general progreee, tha .more tranacontl- nentai railways -ws i. ... prlvllegea the sooner orlentar commerce - . - a . 1 Wa.aw 1. will Will te capinreo ana in. be for tne wnoie country. . ' eaisrhe Avext Dlaaster. "What it would mean to the Pacific coast ia scarcely conceivable. . Yet. If our transcontinental linea ahould divert bualneaa to caiiromia irons aim ... mhaa roada that would give Port land 1a square oeai,- n wouia am mm short or an outrage., .. At the present time our raciric coast , ! anmathlna- . over , IZ17.- WMlllltw " w - 000.000. tnerading Imports and exports; these are about evenly mviaea eo-as n give bottoms run tonnage twin wij .i , M A,larial traila hn.V.r. Aliviv " -" ' quite capable of being diverted by way Of Pacirio porta emounurny- to a,pvo, 000.000. Thla Is also equally 'divided . .. .ln,i.i,.. a total timntni noast- blllty for Pacific porta of $7,M!.000.000, and tnia in itaeii is vi viiai unicuw ne?s to men'wno can comprenma tne tonnage ponioilllivi .uic.i.a mm tlm-.,mmm - . . . V ' X atostlv Coast Trada "rh.n ara a number f thlnaa. how- 4evei to be considered. At preeent our coastwise tonnage ia aDout seven times greater than our rorwign tonnage, vis-, Coaatwlae. 1.000.000 tone; foreign, 150.000 tons; while the vessels of all kinds engaged under our flag tit this trarfa 'ara 11 times more In coast than llTTOTeltinfiae. Tbifmay .account lo a measure tor tne poor enowing our merchant marine has - made, compared with trade developments in other coun tries. f , -.,..' "Hill, llarrlman, Gould and Earllng of the St. reel. If permitted a free port entrance, could, so far aa oriental trade ia concerned, put a kink In Oer man, British and Norwegian navigation by discriminating rates upon their own ocean and. railway llnea Stlgfet Ooatrol SltwaUom. "The poanlbllltlea ef such- a scheme are big. With a total possible Paclflo commerce, both exports snd Imports, of 11.112.000,000 annually. It .la evident that there would be profitable work fof m HHMKae k MflsaAnl ltia.fl lal HftaS- aaaajl tt U povsiblo) for thM llne. If nfAire 111 Ul IVTIl IBBI WUIIIVIV IW SfV llV(imillHff In thlr own tvsr to ovtvom th alsMManr rt YtnAnm anil rl Jsk.r1.nsT sVati I isvbaiii RiirnnMit oonselarnmntm' with - th ' JddlUonl idvnUf . of ipte4 ,MW The Greatest of all Modern Remcdico for COUGHS.; COLDS 'and CONSUMPTION. :VVJMMy.homeis'in 'Sidney.;Ohia.V'I have been nearer death with consumption than any other living personam the world, and I want you to read this, so you can" tell others. I .took a severe cold and neglected it I grew worse all thi time, and at the end of two years I had run into consumption, ,, I coughed terribly, lost flesh, could not sleep, and became so dreadfully-weak that I had to take to bed. - In the" follow-;, ing efigteen; months I gradually reached '.the last stages of ; consumption. No less than seven physicians ' treated me and all gave me up aying I was incurable I was absolutely helpless.- ; The whole family wore themselves out caring for mei v .y day" mother and sister came to my bedside and said I had but a day or two more to live, j Tear 3 j ;he3 down their cheeks' as they sobbed the news. The doctors had declared : I was in the last stage, " and ' rio fiuman being could save nie. I was willing to die, but before going to the. cruel grave, I wanted to go oy.ajid see 'my dearly " beloved town of Sidney once more. - They told me "suchv 7 a : thing was impossible -that . I . would -surely die before I got back. But I insisted, and . to gratify my dying : wish, a carriage was, fitted up with a bed of pillows, and to ' this I was carried and slowly driven around Court House Square. IV got . home more dead than" alive. 1 1 Through the mercy , of Providence,-' someone 7"broughtva trial J bottle ; of : medicine said to be a consumption cure. No one Imagined for, an instant it was ' worth trying. . But as a drowning person grasps at a straw, so I tried this medicine.; I was better after tak- ing two Joses."r2Mother-. got nioreoCthe medicine and Xtook it, Jmpro Today . I am as well as any reader of. this paper, and the medicW that curedme was Acker's English . Remedy for . Consump-, tion. Tdeclare before God and man that every "word hereinlte true.: " - " V'-;:'V'-'-V v V'v'1 V'J ' V-''igned)' v BERTHA SHERK. - : ' This remarkable testirnonial, oQ file ia;the office of Messrs, W. H. Hooker & Co.; Buffalo, N. Y., proprietors of Dr. Acker'i Celebrated English Remedy, is .vouched for by them, as well as by j prominent druggists of Sidney, Ohio. . ' vv' : ", VfTall stop a cough at any timo and cure the worst cold in twelve lioarfi. -.Wo finvA snh Mnfldence In fills irreat Remedv that we sell. every bottle under, a most positive guarantee, that your money will be refunded jfqJnreJnot- -eimtirely-sausfiett5Ce5oca,'anaXe Dotue SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY S. C. SKIDMORE A CO. sreatlr . diminished Insurance charges. This, in Itself would attract commerce to Paclflo ports to such an extent aa to open the very . flood-gates of develop ment and put progTese on the deadTrun." WISE SEE SIGNIFICANCE IN DAVIS BUYING HOME Slcnincance .la attached br railroad men to the fact "that-Henry C Davis, who was one of the party accompanying President Berlins; of tne Milwaukee railroad to . the Pacific northwest, haa purchased a residence at. Taooma, pay Ing 18.300 for the property. . -This undoubtedly . means that Mr. Davis Is to be located for some time at Taooma to handle the financial end of the Milwaukee's-Paclflo coast con struction work." said one. .- "A. man who resides at the Waldorf hotel In New Tork would not be buying a realdence at Tacoma, unleas he Intended oslng it." Mr. Davis Jen Tacoma wiunujr who Mr. Earllng for tha eaat. The party spent the entire week ' looking - aftet business mstters In the sound cities. H. S. Rowc, Portland representative of Mr. Earllng.; returned . home tnia morning from Seattle.' "J wss on the sound simply to look after trafne matters witn air. loaning, -ha aald. 'There la nothing new that I I'gri" IBll In tenniiiilen with affairs."! the Milwaukee road. In my ludgraen It la not likely that Mr. Davie will be come a resident of Taeoma. I do know be haa a large number of friends there and that be alwaya haa liked the city. He was formerly a confidential employe of President Oakes of the Nortnem ra clflo, but la now -a financial agent - ob Wall street,- New Tork." FIVE HUNDRED DOCTORS DISCUSS YELLOW FEVER irioarnsl SaeHsl Serrtce.l Memphis. Tenn.. Nov; Jl. Nearly 100 physicians from Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee are assembled here at present to attend the Trl-Btate Medical Association convention, which opens here todsv -for a three days' srsslon. The opening-session was hld, as In former years. In tne Hotel uayoeo ana was called to order by Dr. M. L Sutherland of Rosedale. Mlsataatppt. tha president of the -assoc'latloa. The attendance Is larger than ever before and the intereat among the delegates Is greater than In former ' years,, owing to the fact that matters Of the utmost Importance to the three states represented In the conven tion will -come un for ' consiaeration. The Trl-State Medical aaaoclatlon Is tha largest and poet Important district medical society in the south and Its meetings are practically a clearing-house for med oal Information, as tne pnysi clans get, together and exchange Ideas and .Information, and profit -by each other's experience. This year many im portent papers will be read concerning the prevention and treatment or yeuow fever, malaria and other dleeaaes pre-vaillne- In tha Mississippi valley. The entertainment program Includes a ban ouerwTtfch will be tendered to Tne visit Ing delegates tomorrow evening. The quarantine question will ba carefully dis cussed, y -,"!-.' ' - - The Kind Ton Have Sways Bought, and which has been. - In use for over 80 years, has borne the signature - of and has been made under his per- ij , sonal saperrlslon since Its Infancy. . 'C4C44 . a Teve- no en tnAtwlvn vnn In thla. ; All Counterfeits, Imitations and J nst-as-g-ood " are bat Experiments, that trifle with and endanger the health of . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA 'Castorla is a harmless' subsiltu'e for Castor Oil Pare gorlc Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. - It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor. other NarcotJo : lbstencei I ts aire isits etiiaranteei "I t deslf ejs ie - and allays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ; Omc It relieves TeetMngf Troubles, cures Constlpatloa ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, 'regulates the , ; Stomach and Bowels, cltlngr healthy and natural sleep r The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , CEriUINE GASTO R I A ALWAYO Bears the Signature of i ; The KM You Wm Always Bought v ' In Use For Over 30 Years. ; ps. w. a. wisa PULLING TEETH J thd:t!de";or0kf But nothing that modern, dentistry has accomplished Is greater thnn extract ing teeth without pain. We have IS years' experience In doing thla Wi can honestly extract a sore tooth with out hurting you. Dr. Bturdevant, spa clallat on children's .teeth and regu- '"WISE BROS , Dentists Falling , Bldf ., -Third and WsshlngtoU a, - m. to i p. m. Sundays, 9 to 13. Main 202. . , PK. T. P. W1WS REDUCED SEASIDE RATES i - "' ria the' a,1 a c. a. m. te ; outsop Beaek. . . In order to promote a big winter travel to the coast the above company has nsmtd the very low rate of 14, good going Saturday morning, returning Mon day evening, and $1.60 for the round trip on Sunday. Several hotels at the beach will remain open all winter and cheap rates will be tnada to Induce patronage, All Information at the city office, -141 ' Alder street, or telephone Mala 101. .v . " . - Amsrteaa Teomesi Meet. - (Jon real Spatial IMrHr..) ' Colorado Springs, Col, ov. Zl. The v. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING ; mi ANO IKON FENCING ..?: Barbed Wlrs. Wire and Lawn Fenctngv Poultry Nettine;, Etc. ;. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS : Phone Main jooo ., aoj FLANDERS ST., Near Third Brotherhood' of American Yeomen.' a fraternal organisation with a member' ship of nearly (0,000 scattered through out tha country, began It oiadrnnnlal anpreme conclave. In Colorado -Springs today. The most Important : mutter likely to com before tha convention Is the attack made by the eastern lodges on 3. B. Paul of Des.Molnes, the present head of the order. Mr. Paul has the support of a majority of the western lodges and the controversy Is likely to be a spirited one befora .the end' la reached. . - Get the Hiabit I of 'Moping' yourself with so-called Vconstipation cures that nerer, cure -i only . giving temporary relief. A :. dangerous .habit that ; ruins your digestive organs beyond repair. 1 v Constipation Tablets ; .Thiejr taot onlur relieve - They euro The longer you take thern the less you need nexf time. . They go ' to the cause of the . trouble and restore to', working health your weakened digestive ; organs. : Be W . WATCH-SBAPS '. J BOTTLM THAT FIT 35 BST pockbt. Tooa i, rnt THSCHASB HTO.CO. .' NawBtraoat, '. FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. IN A WEEK 1 We treat saooessfatly all private ne , voua a .id chronic diseases of meat alee blood, stdmach. heart, liver, kidney and -throat trouble We -care BTPHIL.1S (without mercury) to stay enred for., ever. We remove STRICTURE with out operation or pain, in It daya ' We , stop drains, . night losses and snermstorrhea by a new method In a - week. - We can restore the eexuak, vigor 1 of any man under (0 by meana of loeal treatment peculiar toourselvea,--a- - r - sm. - We Cure Gonorrhoea .- In' a'WeekT---vr-" . The dvetora ef thla Institute ara alt regular graduates. - have- 'bad many years' experience, have been known in 'Portland for 1( years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no eaael Unless certain euro can ba effeoted. S We guerantee a euro In every case we nndertako or charge no fea Consults, tlon free. Letters confidential Inatruo. . tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper.' Wo cure the worst easea of plloa la two or throe treatments, without operas tlon. Cure guaranteed. - If you cannot eall at affloa. write for oaestloa blank. Bono treatraeat oeosfiil. OfBee tioara, to I and 7 to Saadays and bolldaya. It to It : DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' Offlooo In Van Noy Hotel. iSU Third Street. Corner Pine. Portlaa Or. , JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DEST