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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
r.- or.Ecou daily jou. tortland, Monday evening. Novznrzn cd, 1:33. THE OLD3,ORTMH m:meiG::STORI ' , . . . ' , . i - . . V ' ' , ' , . GTcnc c?nr;3 ; AT 8 ocloc:: a. m. STOHE CLCZ AT -6 O'CLOCK P. U. "THE DIFFERENT STORE" qood EvniNirsa FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON special demon- stration" . this week On third floor of .the "Universal" Coffee Pot.' All housewives . and lovers of good Coffee are invited to attend.! . '. -; --': Of Course You Read Yesterday's Story of Get the Habit Of ordering by mail if you can't get to the store.' ' Our expert shoppers will execute your order with the same care and attention you would give them personally, and nine times out of ten as satisfactorily, i Money back or goods exchanged at your request. .-v . ',:.' ' To them Add These Tempting' Ingredients and Mix Well A v Splendid Preparation 'for a Grand Feast of Values. 1 J'f 1 Mothers Will Save by Buying of These Offerings . Special for the Week in the- - ? J t Baby -to- '..' Second Floor. '-Vv..'.. ;f .. MISSES' - TWO-PIECE ; DRESSES . y: . ;' FOR $3.67, ;;: , A limited quantity of Misses' two-piece v Dresses, made of fine wool mater . ials, in red, navy, tan and Alice blue, and very prettily trimmed ages 12 ";, to 16 years ; regular prices from $8.50 to $16.50, Special sale pnce.f3.G7 , . . Special Note These Dresses cannot , 1 , . . . . -4 oe exenangea or rcturnca. " ; . , 'Children's Bonnets for Half, ; '"' Children's, Bonnets in all tlie-quaint fashions now in vogue for kittle ones. Full-front Bonnets, trimmed with vel vet, silk, fur, laces and ribbon. "Get the children ready for Thankse-ivintr.'' Every Bonnet' in our showiqg from -V.w $5.00 ta $20.00. - We offer special for ' -the week at Half Price. .. Miss Shoos y.:,.v -,. PI Women EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN " : : - ..,,,.V, ... ... ... , . -WVpV-: Underwear 'A:JrQ:Xy-: vX f. pint Floor. '. '.'y'.i '':? ' "'.'?X i' . The 'Women's Knit Underwear and Hosiery stocks are full to running over with the very best that the best manufacturers can supply. We mention a few especially good numbers that early buyers picked up so rapidly that, for a time,- we .were almost out of them-,- but all-are now m "stock again.; , . - ';. ",'. . ;' ' Women's "Merode" Cotton Vests and Pants, of, medium weight; always a special value at, the garment ; . ... ..... . . . . 65 Women's "Merode" Merino Vests and Pants, in natural and wliite : xtraoad-value-atr-tlie-garment. . ,yi.O(H Women's Heavy Weight Cotton Union Suits Which are so good -v that we have trouble in getting enough of them to go round; C..f priced at,; the suit ." . ''. . ' i' . . . . . ........ . .'.1.50 Women's Natural Fine Ribbed Vests and! PantsJ two thirds wool, 7 J very elastic, fine winter weight ; price, the garment. .$1.25 Women's "Merode" Part Wool Union Suits, fine medium .weight, in natural only; a suit that many sell for $2.00. ' Our special' value at, suit ?1.75 Worqen's Pure White Combed Egyptian Yarn Vests arid Pants, ; 1 fine ribbed ; vests are prettily trimmed ; pants have French r bands. Special .value price, the garment. .50e A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Stylish Footwear- - Sixth street Annex nrst rloof. v.- - - ine iime-is ripe w save on the family ' 1, Shoe bills for wav- gain awaits our wo men patrons today and' Tuesday and the v" Boys' Shoes mentioned , are . the best, values ' in the city. . Buy your Shoes along the "Fair -Way" this weeka safe "tip" to V-take and . fol-' low. , ; . : Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes $2.79 - In' button and lace, turned and welt soles, low and " high heels,; high : grade goods, made u trt tnir nriim tetr- V v;:, ,ular values $3.50 and $4.0b. special, to close X.'.,. .?2.70 Special low prices in Women's, Misses'-and Children V Leggings .. and Overgaiters.!.;. . :SV - , r '. . .: . Boy' Steel-Shod - Shoes Withrfour; rows , stitching on" viimpsT ; Will, not tlD -' "l.. i7.- -. r Cl'S - , - CU pztoM. Za nnaU wmm tlalM om auOm toor yenll pnai 1m Chamois Skins, natural color; oil tanned, me dium size; our 25c value.' "Special, ea; . 15 Sachet Powder, in; bulk,' wood' violet or La Treple odoisi our. 50c value. ; Special at,' the ounce" Fine" Imported French Tooth : Brushes, extra -quality, four rows; of white bristles; our 25c , V, value. Special at; each , .17 Fine Wire Hlr Brushes,' ebonoid backs,' extra" ' quality; our- 35c Value. Special, each.lOe Dr. Scott's Electric Hair Brushes, cure head-" ache and neuralgia; our $2 .value.. Special, . each ';.......'... .lO; Le Page's Liquid Clue, in bottles,'sticks every- ' thing; our 10c value. Special at, each... 5 Patent Stocking Darners, with spring ring -to ; , hold stocking firmly,. Special at, each..8 y Sewing Machine Oil in patent combination oil fj " cans, 4-pz. size; our 15c value. Special, .0 PRETTY FANCY ARTICLES IN A SPE , I, I CIAL SALE IN THE JART SHOP" .j 7-''s-' - 'J;. ! Second Floor Annex. ,Ll9c for Stamped Linen Collar and duff Sets . 'Stamped linen collar and cuff sets, six dif- ' ferent styles to select from, all .of them A- stamped tn't,he newest embroidery designs; ; also enough material with each set to work . same; our regular 49c : value. Special sale v- price, the set . . . . ....'....'..10 13c for Lambs' Wool Soles Muses' and Chil ' , dren's Lamb's Wool , Slipper . Soles . in all f 'sizes; special sale price, the pair.... . . .13 " THE UMBRELLA BUSINESS IS "LOOKING UP" GREATEST STOCKS OF i. The Best O U1I1 UG1 bllUU Lb in Portland are Here Sizes 11 to 2, values at, the pair ,; ..- iVLJTS v.. ?2.oo Sizes 2yi to 5yi, values at, the pair. v "FOUND An envelop containing 2,497 votes for some one in the Manual Training School Contest. Said envelope was found in one of the ballot boxes by our collector on Monday morning; but no name was on either envelope or, vote.'' ' If the owner.wilL call and "provepfoperty we; will gkdly( credit ; them with the votes fourfd. r:; v'"'.---.' ' ''. , '---,Y;w ' NAMES OF LEADING CONTESTANTS IN THE AMERI CAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTING CONTEST. WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 1(X A.-M. TODAY George Slater Ladd V. . . . v -. 1 . . .'V. . . ." I . ; 205,730 Truman Cook,. Failing ',.........'..-...";.,..V..".... 199,621 Robert Holmes, Harrison . ; . . . ..... . . .'. ; . . . . J,' . . . . 193,452 lYright Brown,Xlinton Kel1y:...i.;. 148,016 James Winston, Harrison ... ."..; .V. . . . . . . . . . ... 7. V. . ' 125,625 Sidney Crumm, North Lentral 112,158 Scattering ................. v, .... ; . . ...... . :. ; , . . . .122,652 Total 1,107,254 mmm ' Did your ever hear .of anybody having a su perfluity of Umbrellas at least, of ' being bothered by having too many? We don't know of anybody who ia par-. ticularly "long on these much-wanted ar ticles just now, and we thought that perhaps a you of a' need.1 Least ways, ;, it., won't- hurt. Soectal values in Um-' '- : ' brellas this, week grand values', BARGAINS. . Aye, that's the word.Thismbrella sale of 7 ours brings fine umbrellas for those who are particular as . to appearance in this respect j and at plump savings. And here are the prac tical sorts good-looking serviceable at a good . deal less than .: other stores will ' ask. Come in and look over the Umbrella stocks they're mighty, interesting, whether you wish to buy or not. A few price hints: ; ; ' Children's 24-inch Umbrellas, of fine cotton gloria; priced at, each ....... ...... . .50t Ladies' Fine Gloria Umbrellas, in black ; priced at, each ; i . . ,'. i . .". . . .?1.00 and ?1.S5 Ladies' Fine Black Taffeta Umbrellas, with plain Princess and opera crook handles ; priced at, each .$1.50 Men's Fine Taffeta Umbrellas, with natural Congo handles; priced at.$1.50 and ?1.75 Men's Cotton Gloria Umbrellas, with best Par- agqnjrames; priced at, eachl and ?1.25 Men's Fine Taffeta Umbrellas, with tape edge and fancy - boxwood - handle ; 4 priced - at, each ...... i... $2.50 and $3.00 -MenVFine-TaffetaUmbTellas, with horn han : dies ; priced at, each ....... ... .... .$3.00 Ladies Fine :, Taffeta .. Umbrellas, with tape edge,; fancy . handles of gunmetal, silver; .'pearl or metal caps, : with vegetable ivory trimmings ; priced at,-each ; . . . .7,$3.00 Ladies' Fine Colored Taffeta Umbrellas ; . priced at, each.......;.. $3.00 to $5.00 Ve are agents for the celebrated "Reform" frame Umbrellas, to be found nowhere but here. V. They are 'made with the very best Paragon frame, with eight ribs and a.gradu . ated rod, making it a penciled roll. Very neat appearing when rolled. :' Handles of box ; ? wood, princess, opera -and shepherd-crook. They are absolutely perfect in every respect . and are priced at, each, up from. .. .$5.00 We are now showing a choice line of Holiday Umbrellas; priced at, down from,. $30.00 Bargains in Stationery First Floor f-Odd Lots of FinBoxriUng ParrWtoe-atemtl our,35c value. Special, box. ..................... ....AUf Kid Finish Writing Paper, in boxes assorted tints; our 15c value. Special at, the box ... ............ .7 Paper Napkins for lunches, etc., with pretty decorations ; our 10c v. value. Special at, the 100 ................. .........i. .5 White Waxed Paper,, for wrapping lunches, cakes, candies, etc., 24 sheets in roll. Special at, roll. ......4e Haviland China Dinner-Sets- Thca Mta r dliipUyad In our Art-Room on th 11)1 rd Floor. . ONK THIRD OFF ON ODD PIECES , OF HAVILAND CHINA., ; . - TEAPOTS, SUGARS. CREAMERS nd CHOCOUATB POTS r arnonc thnse odd piece of Haviland China, AH ara dacoratad In choice pattern with gold knobs and handles. - FINE LIGHT- . WEIGHT DRERS SHIELDS Slaea 1, and 4; our ISO value." Special at, the pr..9 PLAIN SHELL BIDS COMBS, fin . quality, mooth finish: I our (Oe value. :- Speblal at. the pair . . .32 Great Savings in the Buying of Laces ;i-;PEvery;:W Ribbons and Shirtwaist Patterns for Less-rFirst Floor It la a great lac season. The winds of Fashion are all favorable to It. -The luxuriously elrcant period of the Empire, which sound the dominant not for the full development of winter atyles. was a great lac reign. Napoleon wti an admirer of lace, and Josephine' wore lac lavishly ah was the "Lace Empress.''. Another reason all through Europe during the past decade there has been a revival of the hand-made lace In dustries. In Ena-land and Ireland, under such well-known women aa- the Countess of Warwick, the Countess of Aberdeen and Mrs. Alice Hart. In Italy tinder Queen Marghertta and the Countess Dl Brassa, one-time. American glrL .. In Austria. And now In France a leagu of French women of the highest social standlnc,' connplcuously the rich and distinguished Duchess d'Uses. are pledged to encourage native laces. . A great lac fet was' held oa the Terrace ' of the Tulllerie In early summer that was the objective point of all ultra-fashionable Paris. Lace were nsed profusely In the trousseaux of the two recent royal brides of Europe, PrJncesa Margaret of Connaucht and Cecil le of Germany. At. the New Tork Horse Show-the past week the grea lace winter season was rore shadowed by the profuse us of lac on gowns snd for gowns, and for ultra-fashlonabl lace coats. . Aii.n .h ion .mnhnitH ma srreai voaue or lace. Htierui tnia weeir in rria. "ia. Mior ' . . ' .. ..'.40c Ribbons 25c. ; . . v. A lot of Silk Measalln Ribbons, K snd I Inches wide, all -colors, black snd white, standard quality; ; regular value 40. Special, the yard. ....... ..,.25 . Black Silk Venise Dreas Trimmings. ' In bands and floral design, som In medallions, some wide, narrow and medium . Regular (to and 75a Value Special, the yard......4ft Regular tl.oa value Special, th yard. .......... .67 Regular I1.SI value Special, th yard. ;.83- Rea-ular l-0 value Special, the yard.,... 984 . Regular tl valu Special, th yard.......ii;1.4S Regular ll.tO value Special,-th yard... ....... $1.62 $2.00 and' $2.65 Embroidered Shirtwaist Pat--, terns' $1.10. ;. ': A' lot of Beautiful New Whit Embroidered Shirtwaist Patterns. In nalneoolt and Indlanheadj regular ' values $1.00 and $1-S. Special, each. , i . rr.f 1.10 ' : Embroidered Bands and Persian Braid. . . . r', A Handsome New Linej " Regular I .16 Value Special, th' yrd .". V.. . 1 . t . . . 1T4 Regular t .SI valu Special, th yard ......... 4 - Regular I .T value Special, th yard. ... .. . . . i ,.4H4 ' Regular f ,t value Special, the yard .......B7 Regular 11. SO value Special, the yard .....98 Regular IL1I valu Special, th yard.. 91.18 ' - "''Allover Laces. " T """r' ; A lot of Cream and Whit Allover Lftcea, suitable for waists and trimming gowns Remilar to value Special, the yard B6 Regular H IS value Special, th yard Hi ' Reaular 11.10 and II. 7 value Special, the yard. . .98 Regular 1100 value Special, th yard. 48 $1.00 Laces 25c. A lot of Medium and Narrow Valenclennea Laoea and Insertions; regular values 15- to 11.00. Special, the dosen ............ .... ........... . .25 , - SPECIAL MENTION OF EXCELLENT VALUES IN Women's and Children's Hosiery fl noor. ' Women's Black Cotton Import-, ed Hose, medium weight, soft . and fine, double sole, spliced heel and toe; splen 7 did value at, the pair. . .23 Women's Black Cotton ? Hose, O light, -medium -or ''heavy weight, with ' splendidly re--: in forced heel and toe; price, the pair. . . . . . . ... . . . . .35 Women's Black tt. Cashmere ' Hose,- medium weight, full , shaped and fashioned; ex s . ceptional value at, pair. 50ft Women's -" Black Cashmere , Hose, extra' fine: matchless - values at, pair.75 and 91 ' Children's Black ' Cashmere ' Hose, fine ribbed,-seamless , foot, double knee j unusual ".values "at, the pair . r 25, 35, 50 and 75f NEW PERCALE AND FLANNEL WAISTS FOR feOYS. New Percale Blouse Waists, in medium shades and oretty, fancy ; figures, ages 4 to 14; prices at, each. ........ 50 and 65ft New Flannel Blouse Waists, in navy blue, gray and brown ; splen- did , value at, each ... . . . ... . : .". .. ; . . ... . . . . ... ?1.00 "Givers of Best Values" Are those stores that select staple, stylish merchandise that peo- Ele want and reduce the priceor sell it for less than actual mat et worth AT SUCH TIME AS FOLK NEED THE GOODS. This is the policy of the Olds.' Wortman & King organizatioiL- . 4 ii s: only, natural wia auvcitiauie Biniutms iaiuin ure sacrifice of merchandise should incite more or less incredulity on the part of the public. , f '.v "'(.."-' '-'-";' v.;... t .That merchants are not in business for their health is ob vious, consequently it's no doubt rather hard to believe that they would deliberately select good,-staple stuff for slaughter while they are still in style and season. , a ' t.-1 - ;; - Yet if they could only come behind the scenesior a few mo ments, they would realize the necessity for such sacrifices at stat ed periods. '.'"';' " r " 1 ." 7'"- , , One of these times is now at hand. The more you buy in the great Thanksgiving Sales the more you'll save., SPECIAL SALE OF PRETTY CHRISTMAS GIFTS In the Jewelry Store First Floor Annex. - The Holidays are, fast approaching and to get some timely suggestions on "what to give" you should visit our "Jewelry Store" often to keer in touch and get acquainted. with the many new and pretty pieces of Jewelry and Souvenirs that are now bc- nig ai ingf(t-trv-Hr-fchowcaftv 89c for Boys Watches Worth $1.00 A lot of boys nickel, onen- ; face Watches; the regular $1.00 value. Special sale price, reach. ................:.:.........80 SterlingSilver Thimbles 15c Sterling Silver Thimbles, - good ' weight, sizes 7 to 11 Special sale price, each... ','......15 25c Scarf Pins 15c A line of Scarf Pins in a great variety of de i signs, some , stone set and some, enameled ; '.our, regular 2"c . . , value. , Special sale price, each. ................... . . .15f 65c Waist Pin Sets for ,15c We are closing out a line of Waist Pin Sets; values up' to 65c in the lot, three pins in set. Spe ;. cial sale price, set ........................ . .' . . . . . . . . . 15 $2,500 in; mm to aa ornt TO caiirrr ai tn muo inu sraior. By popular vote. . Make every-vote count between now and robruarr 1 next, for your favorite charity. A vote with every lo purchase. Th pub-. lie will "point th way" this "year through which th store's annual benevo lent fund ehali be distributed, tt.100 to be given awy by OLDI, WOBT- MAM S) XZsTO to the clty s cnarmea. m li aivisions, as rouowa; , . VtrMft hnl -1. ....... ........ .STBtl Second choice MM) Third choice ........1. too Fourth cholc ...... ...v. . i ..... i, v ....... .. too Fifth choice lag - Five other to receive 171 each, and still another five to divide lld, each to reoeiv 110; total, iz.ftvo. ' . '. Th amount Is to be divided as above among such charities of the rlty as are supported by the city or Its organisation) otherwise Portland charitable institutions. . 4. ,. ,. .. , ; .. . - - - tots Tom ainTOLirr ran itnrTno it u a. tobat. -Fruit and Flower MIsplon.T. t.ait Baby Home ...... t ........ rr; .2T Old Lad lee' Home v ............... 4. 4.8 Open Air Fund ... ........... . .t '.' .......... . 4 Oil Salvation Army .............. .. I riT . 0 4 .......... . ... riiiun num. .......... Crltmien .Horn People Instttut Children's Horn Visiting Nurse Association..,. Boys' and Olrla' Aid Society... Mt. 8t Joseph Home. .......... Heaverton Home , . . . Bt. Vincent's Hospitsl Orphans' Horn . . . . . Volunteers of Aoxir(ca. . ...... ....... Mercy Home ..... w Ladles' Hebrew Benevolent Society Mt. St. Agnes Baby Home. W. C T. V .- Humana Society TOTAL ...... ..,.,. . . 1 . 4. . . a.aoi . 1.S7I I.IO aa a o 1 ? 1 1 1 ' 4 ! f i