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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
TT-r. T : :7. X7 XXX-.- - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY. EVENING. NOVEMBER 3. 1805. 18 A.' 11 SAYS L1HGE IS ; LIFE UIIIOII Dr. Brougher Says k Scriptural Reason Is Only One Suf ficient for Separation. - CLANDESTINE WEDDINGS MOST ALWAYS DOUBTFUL ' Mutual Conference Between Man and Wife Absolutely Essential to Con . nubial -Happiness, Declares the 'f Preacher. , , - ' " ., , '. ''Marriage should be a badge of union . for- life," . declared Dr. J. Whltcorob Brougher at .-the - White-' Temple laat night in the course of a wratn on "The Wedding Ring: the third of a aeries OB -Mow to Be Happy Though Married." 'JiMiue Christ teaches that marriage la "the union of one man and one woman for life. If it la baaed upon love and fa ttirand" mutual herpfulnuea. and these pledge are kept, there is no reason for a ' separation except at death.'. If you - have married without" these reasons, then two wrongs will 5. never ' make a right and unless you have a scriptural ; reason, there ought not to be a. separa tion. ,,; V. --v. V ' ' " '. ' . , vyott muat make the beat of a bad matrimonial t bargain. The Scriptures admit of various reasons for separa- tton, but only .one which gives" the prlvt- r lege of remarriage.- ' If yon have-tried every poaslble way. to live a happy mar ried life and found it absolutely Impos sible, then, of course, it were better to , - be separated than to live together. There are good and lovely women mar ried to contemptible men. There are " kind and considerate men yoked to dls agreeable. Ill-tempered x women. 1 Ood helps people to endure martyrdom and he will help you. Remember the pa tlence of Job. His wife was worse than air his carbuncles, but he remained loyal and true until Ood made all things right... ' " - 'A Sacred Institution. "Marriage Is a sscred lnstltutlon.Its Meal Is the onion between -Christ and the believer. This union, if reaL can never be broken. - The . teachings .of , free-love-lsro,' or convent celibacy, or vthe heresy of - Mormon polygamy will never be able to destroy the fact that Ood has ordained and decreed that '' marriage should .be the union of one "man and one women" forllfe. - . . .' . "From the nrst simple ceremony pro nounced by Ood himself, declaring Adam and JEve to be one, to the latest elaborate church wedding, there has al ways been connected with a Wedding a- feeling of Joy as well -aa solemnity. Mart lace siould bs a, solemn yet Joyful occasion, - - It is . connected . in ..out thoughts with : the ' maglo . charm ot Inline and with all that ia pleasant and attractive in the tenderest and most ' sacred relations of life. There may be - a religious or civil ceremony. In any ' event it ahould be a publio one. : ' ' " Clandestine Xarrlageo Ba. " .' "Clandestine marriages, are nearly al ways doubtful affairs. They are cites in opposition to the wishes of parent and the best Judgment of good people. : They are usually proposed by men who have no character to recommend them and do not deaerve the respect and .commendation- of deoent people. - If a young man and young woman "are of - age, lr tney are or respectaoie cnar- acter. and If the parents on either side should object In an unreasonable way, then let them be man i and woman enough to go forward and carry out their determination publicly without sorting to a sneaking secrecy. After . young people have become engaged I believe It la well to have an early mar- , -rlage. " : Absolute Coafldeaee sTeeded. The marriage ceremony should be a ' pledge of absolute confidence.'' There can be no true marriage unless there is mutual confidence. Faith Is the under- ' lying principle ot-all abiding harmony ..and unity. The Drat foundation-atone of the happy home must be faith in th i moral character of each other... It may .. not be necesaary for you to believe in , the Infalitnle Judgment or perfect dls position of the one you are going to m-rrrbiit if there ta to be real hsnDl- ness it mutn"baaea',upo"iri,ooiairi , confidence' In the moral integrity of the one to whom you are to be wedded. If .a man lose conlldence In his wife's loyslty. or if the wife lose confidence In - ' the .loyalty of her husband, neither can be truly happy until that confidence la restored. . ' "" . ,,.... atany for torsi1,'. ; , The marriage ceremony ahould be a pledge of love. Choose for character ' but marry for love. If you are In love with a young woman who lacks char- ; acter. better never marry her. If you CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Bridge Whist Sets Dapllcale Whist Sets Pinochle Sets ; 7Dombo Sets v CribbageSets r . Poker Sets The. Finest Assortment of PlayhijTCards In the City Mahogany Folding $r a a Card Tables.-r. .OaUU ;: rCrldge-Pads , , " rSW Score Cards Z v'x; Tally Cards r , .THE ' JJCGILLCa Booksellers and V ' . , Stationers. '', THIRD AND ALDER Creat Things at UttJe Prka BRONCHITIS a.-, ' Bregflaea Waodaul, Ojarke ft Oo. Tea the ' Veople Qniokest Meaaa to Cove It, "Asked ens day la-iheir store the ques tion. "What is good for. bronrhltlsT" a member of the above Arm answered "For years old-fashioned cod liver . oil has been known to possess the most re markable curative and healing proper ties for throat bronchial , and lung troubles-, of anything known to medl olne. but on account of the greaae which enveloped Its curative principles, it tiaa beex Impossible for many people to take enough of It into tneir ayatems to com bat a thoroughly settled disease without clogging the. system and upsetting the stomach. .. - ... .-, "Now.'-- however "-"continued 'he,- ! have VI not which contslns In a highly concentrated form all of the medicinal curative elements of cod liver oil actu ally taken from fresh coda' livers,' with out a drop or oit or grease to upset tns stomach and retard its work, and physl dsns agree that it is the greatest cure for all throat, ' bronchial .end lung troubles known, to medicine. - Miss Anna Ray writes us that after suffering for five years with bronchitis, and trying ill Kinds of medicines with out relief. Vino! cured her. and we have hundreds of , Just auch letter a, : - ' We wish avery person suffering from chronic colda, ..coughs, bronchitis,, and every aged, weak or convalescent person who needs a healing, atrength-oreatlng and blood-making tonlo would try Vlnol on our guarantee to return the pur chase money If It falls. Woodard. Clarke Co., drugglstf. -. , OLVERTOII MAY BE Governor1 Chamberlain Believes That the Justice. Will Sue v . .. ceed Judge Bellinger. ., v ' THAT WOULD CREATE : VACANCY IN OREGON Thomas G. Hailey, in - That Event, Would Probably 'Bt Placed on Stat Supremo Bench Until Elect- org Could" Fill the Post ' v i " It la highly probable that it , will soon be Incumbent upon Oovernor Cham berlain to appoint a justice of the state supreme oourt. If President Roosevelt should appoint either Justice Bean or I Justice Wolverton to the place - mad vacant by the death of the late United StateaZMarict Judge C. B. Bellinger and it la now generally believed .that one of them will be the appointee- there wlU be a vacancy in the state su preme court. ' . 1 ' . ' . . Oovernor Chamberlain's appointee would have bur a brief tenure of . of fice. Under the law he would hold only until, the general - election next June, when the office would be filled by vote of the people. But any lawyer In the statet would appreciate the honor oi being en the supreme bench, even though. It were only for sis months, and If the governor la 'called upon- to'' make the appointment his choice will be a mat ter of keen .Interest. ? ' , . . All three of the present Justices of the supreme' court are Republicans and residents of western Oregon. Com plaints have frequently been made that there la no member of the oourt fa miliar with the peculiar conditions la the eaatern part of the atate or who has a practical knowledge of the prob lems growing out of stockralalng. Irri gated lands and kindred subjects. .In response to , this - criticism Oovernor Chamberlain would undoubtedly appoint some lawyer from eastern Oregon, and It ia equally aafe to assume that the appointee would be a Democrat. . If the expected vacancy occurs It Is extremely probable that It ' would be frlhJd I Tlismas O. Hallos of Panrtla. ton, ' He Is believed to be Governor Chamberlain's first choice for the of floe and hla appointment would undoubt edly meet with strong approval In tha eaatern part of the atate. Judge Vf. M. Ramaay of. La Grande has also been mentioned as the possible appointee an J he has been warmly indorsed by many Democrats as eminently fitted: for the supreme bench, - Governor Chamberlain . says that ha cannot tell yet whom he would appoint In the event of a vacancy, but It la evident that he regards Hailey with do elded favor. It la his belief that Jus tice Wolverton wilt be-appointed United ntates aisirtct juage. . know a young woman of sterling 'char acter and (Jo not Jove her; better not marry her. Marrying a worthy char acter who haa no genius for love will bring only misery snd sorrow upon both, Character and disposition count, but you had better break any engagement to marry that la not based upon fsltb Snd love. ". A', . J -'.....;v : '. "Better be sorry before - marriage than to be sorry sfterward and because of It. Let the one you are going to marry have a genius for love. Mrs. Carlyle Jived a most unhappy life with people at the close of It. 'never marry a genius.' - "The marriage ceremony should be a pledge of-matual helpfulness.- A -troe msrrlage will double our Joys - and l. vide our sorrows. Sscrlflces must be made on both sides In order that there may be the truest happiness. Selfishness and unwillingness to surrender personal preferences and dealrea will always re sult In discord and Borrow. It should be distinctly undorstood. that. each la t bear hla or her part of the home s -burdens. In the happy home husband and wife must both get under the 'burden. It is sympathy and -mutual helpfulness thst will.: bind husband - and wife to gether In making the happy home." DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. Splendid Weather - at Tbla , fopataa . VaelSe Ooaat steaast, ; ' Delfghtful In every particular Is the Weather at Newport, and the Southanf Psclfla and t ha Corvallla A Rastara mL. roada have resumed their cheap rates f te this place for the winter. Particulars by asking at Third snd Washington streets, Portland. Ten thousand demons-gnawing away St one'a vitals couldn't be much wares than the tortures of Itching piles. Tet there's a cure. Dosn's Ointment never falls. , . V"i, ." - . ' T Prsf erred aneek OaaaaS Ooede. ', "'' Allea A Lswls' Best Brand, '-. a-.-;Tr' CHOSEN EAST SIDE POLICE STATION SURE Will Be Established When Ap ..; propriation (or Coming Year . '.' -a Is Available. TWENTY-FIVE OR THIRTY MEN TO COMPOSE FORCE Likely That New Station Will Be : Located Near East Third and East ) Puia Streets,, Whera City Owns a Lot Slover to Have Charge. " , Tbs seat sloe of Bee of Tbe Jonrsal Is hi the tor of J. M. a Miller, 390 aat storrlsos trset. Takuaoae Saat STs, It ha a been decided definitely by the' administration that -an eaat side police station shall be established as soon as tbe appropriation for the coming year becomes available, upon Its comple tion Captain Slover will be transferred from the second night rel quarters and placsd in charge. Acting Sergeant Baty will work under . biro, Baty has been : recommended to the mayor and -police . commission for appointment as sergeant la anticipation of the change., ... . 1 - It Is probable that the station will be located in the vicinity of East Third and Eaat Pine atreeta, where the city owns a quarter block of land. - The only building occupying tbla plat or ground at present Is a fire engine house. ' If there la pot room enough for the sta tion with, a barn more ground probably will be purchaaed. - It la poaslble that a separate parcel of realty in the vicinity may be purchaaed by the city. The city council will have a good deal to say about the matter and may decide to establish a station on a much, largsr scale than Is planned at present. , Twenty-five or 10 men are to do as signed to duty on the east side by Chief Orltsmscher when the station la bunt. Application waa made by the chief Frl- May for four more patrolmen to make a complement or omcers.' Some talk has been indulged in aoout selecting the Logua block aa a head quarters. It Is located at East Wash Inston street and Grand avenue and would, make a good station, but hardly could be used as a permanent one. . It Is possible that It' may be fitted up temporarily for use until the new sta tion is erected." A. lot could be pur chaaed "for about . I2,60.- a house-and bsrn built for 15.000 and appsratus In stalled for 11.600. Tbe entire coat' of lot, building and equipment thus would notbe moTarthan-eSiOflO. . , , . A jail waa built on tbe lot at East Third .and Pine streets many years ago. It waa a substantial structure and was used 'for a short while after the eaat and weat sides were consolidated., In ct an ' important . institution ana it was made uae of for a brief period during the first Incumbency of Charles H. Hunt as police chief. , ' -'.,.. ! , - REV. S. E. DUBOIS IN CHARGE. tOnJatea- of Vote Aasnmee Veetorate of - Grand A venae Chorea. ' Rev. 8. E. Dubois, formerly of the First United Presbyterian church, of St J Louis, preached hla Initial ermon aa minister of tne urana Avenue unitea Presbyterian church yesterday morning to a large - congregation. Mr. Dubois made a plea for harmony and said that he would endeavor to do hla part in up building the church If tbe members would support him In the work.- Rev. Dubois is one of the leading ministers of the denomination. - . The Grand avenue church, after mors than a year of contest between the two factlona, haa buried past differences. The church was rent laat year by fight between former Pastor Gibson and some of the leading members snd since Mr. Gibson's resignation It has been or months without a pastor. " ' The work of translating the sermon yesterday to -the large number of deaf mutes that attend the service haa been taken up by William Hall, a teacher In the Vancouver School for Mutes, and this feature of the morning service will be continued. NEW SCHEDULETODAYe Woodlawa . Oars Stake IMart Stop at Maegly Street Daring mask BtoarS Beginning today, the Woodlawn car will not make atopa On their north bound trips from Eaat Burnalde ' to Maegly , atreet between 4:11 and :1( o'clock, when the rush of - homeward travel la on. . Persons falling to catch cars stopping between these points will take the Union avenue or Alberta car and transfer at Maegly street. , Manager P. I. Fuller, In response to the demands of business, has Improved the service on the L car line, the Plsd mont and North Alblna- runs, and re lieved the pressure on the St. Johns line. Large cars are being built for the St. Johns line. It la said the Portland Ratlwsy company. In response to petl tlons of the East Side Improvement as sociation, is considering the feaalbllLty of' an alleast side line with through connections. The shops of the , com pany .are busy turning out new ' cars, and It la stated the estimate of new equipment required for next year will have to be revised and materially en- la egea. ., . ,. FORTY HOURS' '." DEVOTION. Ssrvioee Begin Wit Xigb Mass at Holy ' Bosary Church. The '40-hours devotion began vaster day morning at Holy Rosary - church. Union avenue and - Clackamas street. opening with high mass, attended by aa audience that tiled- the ch'urth. Mlev. Father Lawler, - O." P, conducted the service, aaslated by Rev: Father O'Brien as deacon and Rev. Father Lamb -as sub-deacon, - The sermon was delivered by Rev. Father Dal ton. XT SVC T6f Co lumbia university. The male quartet. directed by J. H. Case, rendered a musi cs 1 program. - The ceremony waa, con cluded with a procession of the blessed sacrament. , Services morning snd even ing will end tomorrow night with a pro cession and benediction. . ;y, Ms c. A. campaign. Beat Bide Oh arch as Will Be Brought late Oleee Tenak With AssocUtioa. A Mmnilin Simons ths e.iat aMa churches is the interest of the T. M. C A. win started laat evening when the congregations of the Centenary Metho dist snd Bunnyslrte Congregational churches were addressed by officers of the city sssorlatlon. At the Centenary meeting Secretary Stone oi the local as sociation spoke.' a a did trustee V, Mo Klrchner and Director J. R. Weatherbee. Serretsry -Stone aald that 'ha recently had employed aa additional pbysloal-di- cy--y -.r-i :: .i'flC1 Vfe arc not OverstocKed . af-'i'. -i .f i''''V;--y'VV- :S:-v 7w.:: i .v'..'.: : I Than any other store in: town asks. $12.50 to $15 for.; It is an easy matter to be convinced just look in our windows or call at our i store and ours WK11 for The Best $3 OAT in the World ; Mearis thef best possible HAT VALUE-no need paying more for any hat 1MIM Leading rector whoas work would be to form drill and gymnaalie) classes among the Sunday schools of .the city snd to co operate with the pastors In their work among the boys. The growth snd pres ent importance of the Portland T. "M. C A. was apoken of by three speakers, snd the aaauranoe gtven that the aa- aoclatton would work with the churches of the east aide. . .-, ' Paator Heppe of the church-epoke. for T5e consTreSanoirafid asufatBeBnT elation officers present that the church would do all in lta power to further the work. The new campaign will be car ried .through all the Important east side denomination and before tha end of th winter months the association officials aspect to have athletic classes in more than a score 6f the churches. . - BETTER CARRIER SERVICE. date Asks Store Workers . to Serve atroaa ef Station a District. Tbe lack of art adequate delivery serv ice In the Alblna district which has ex isted for the nine months past, will b remedied If ths request of Post mas t Mlnto for additional -carriers is grsnted. Multnomah, the Patton addition, t'pper and I-ower Alblna and .Piedmont have been served poorljr ever since' the fair uK began mat spring; and In many llstrlcts where deliveries were msrie twice a day laat year) there only on are not Selling Out Nor have v;c Had a fire - Wearcrsimply WHEN YOU SEE IT The Best $3 HAT ?in the -; . World m Hatter has been made for six months past Probably In the dletrlct served by the station ,000 famlllea have been added to the population since the first of the year. One thing that has kept the needs of station B from being attended to promptly has been the lack of. Improved atreeta and aldewalka In much 'of the territory. Postal Inspectors who hav gone - over the field have not favored the employment of more carriers. . . . : lie Center of Attraction. Judging from the erowds that attend the great half price aale of the Muck fine clothing, hat and furnishing stock, now going on st ths Hub. Third and Burnalde streets the Portland People are always appreciative of real money saving opportunities. This grand stock of tilah-class goods ia without a parallel In clothing aelllng In thla city. When the Muck Clothing company threw up the - sponge, R. W. Bell, trustee, waa obliged to refuse all shipments of goods In-transit. Such high class tailors aa Sidney B. Cnhn A .Co!, trousers snd crevenettes' and other htpmejrta were thrown bak to the railroad .companies. The Hub secured the Muck stock of Sid ney B. Cohn and other gooda 'St JuSt one half wholesale pricea by paying spot cash and the Hub-. Is now holding a one half price sale of the entire com bined stork at Third- and Burnalde streets. ' There 4s"no man ao particular or exact In hla apparel desires but can be aulted In this great sals t half price. mm 'r;'X,;:::.:': x-'X' ' r --.:''.: -x X) X'X-'-iX':' n- v." Selling fetter IN OUR AD ITS SO THIRD AND L-W Ue V THE NEW TRAIN-FIRST . Establishes the Standard of Excellence . .. n i rain t4uijjiiitin. in m, wv. - iRAIN-THAT-PLEASES- Operattag Sally '" .,. - ' j Portland, Seattle, ; t5pokane, ; , St Paul and Tin tha. ... I GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY -v. 'THE COMFORTABLE MKT. NEW COMPARTMENT v v OBSERVATION CARS Affording- be The Privacy of Horn - The Comforts of a Club ; ; The Luxury of a First-CIast Hotel esA-fw pamphlM descriptive -ef ",-the Orieatal tlmited end Has Observation Compactmsnt Cars and for p .. tailed Safonnatlon, Bates, eto, eaU on or address , . ..-'!.- , .. '...' :. '' -., , H. WCKSON. CP.eV T.A. - Ui Third St, PortlaneOr S. C. YElUUtS. A.C P. A. v . - - - Saattle, Waah. ; T$riJROTrntin wtiw PULUNG TEETH Is all i tm. w. X.,wmn But nothing that modern dentistry haa accomplished Is greater : than extrant ing teeth without pln. We have 1 yesra' experience In doing this. ' We rn honestly extract a sore tooth with out hurting you. Dr. Stnrdevnnf, spe cialist on children's teeth and regu- '"WISE BROS., Dentists Falling Bids., Third and Washington. H e. m; .lo t p. m. Sundoys, 8 to 12. Main 20:. JOURNAL WANT wto:..v.V'.-'-- r.-:'.,;.:;t" .!v;-v;'-V.'-"-' ' " .Hi'M.'l t s-w.vJjVi Y "1 inihV iim ..iJi TRAIN NOVEMBER 22 Between ;. , ' ' ." -i ' Minneapolis . ... . Traveler, . otiErrr decemeer w the oldest of dental work. ADS PAY BEST ei: tn. t. ' p. wtnn ,