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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
Till: OREGON DAILY JCUlwJAU. "PORTtANDr MONDAY EVENING," NOV-3, ItZX' s I I t fa TODAY' lOGIUCICDLK Washington Has Association :o Millers Said to Make Prices None Here. " 'WHEAT QUOTATIONS ARE DOWN ONE CENT Dressed Hogs Off a Half Cent, While Some Are Advancing Veal Same . Amount Hops Are Moving, Fast With Short Anxious to Buy. , front Street, Not. 30. Tlx prtnclpit feature , ef th Portland wholesale mersete today are; ' Grain exporter deny combine. J. Wheat niarket -le lower. , 7"' Dressed hoga He lower, " , Turpentine le 4c lower. . - , Temporary dullnes In potato.; Chicken nailing t the price. , . -Slight rlae In lackrabblt. , . i : Hope atlU moving fast. - ' Oraia XraerterT benT Ceaablae. For oo time It haa been charged by the grain, frowere of the Inland Empire that eon bine exlata between' the dealer of Portland. Taeoma and Bettl tor the purpose of holding down the price to be paid for anppllea. Tbla la poaalblj true of the tt of Washington. bat there la nothing tn that line to thla terri tory. The Washlngtoa floor miliar bv atate organisation which l-ld to make the price paid, and It la generally agreed that moat of the miller - offer the earn value. Not eo : with Portland territory, however. The Bill la ' thla atate hare a organisation, and area tboae - that operate .a, the wheat belt of Washington --. do not belong to tb Waeblngtoa organisation Mr. Pattulio, bead of tb grata department of Balfour, Guthrie A Co.. of. thl city, ear In thla regard: "There mar he somewhat ef a combine among the Waahtngtea mlllera, bat I " know of ao such organisation hare, Export em flght hard for ampplle m the walls walla country and price there are generally about on a bails ,of Jo. advance over those roUug . olaewbere. W are aet la th combo, at least." , , . ' , Wheat Mark One Cent Xever. The wheat market I le a bnahal lower today ---oa account of-the Tartoua decline la Baron ssu markets daring the oast few- dare. Mill are willing to 'purchase at these quotations, but ? their Idraa ar eat of line with tb grower and Anlilere. Th flow market la vary quiet, there being a , Indication of any aew demand from the oramc. . . U.H. .i. .i ui so ui. ..sue mm iujv. ,-it Terpentine la Tear Oeata Lower, . Oaotatsnn la th ruroentlD market ar 4c g gallon lower ta tMr-rttyr The- dsclino la shown ta the .valu on Unseed oil, hot aaw and boiled. Ujh sew llata ar aow In errecv - -s ." Hob "r Bovine tMi.'--r"- Bhnrt sellers ar lesrlng uo stone untomed to effect purchase ta th hop market. t'rgc - tlcalty all m dealer are again gut la th yartli ' trying to fill their eontracta at present quota, tkm. On prominent abort remarked today: "We ar baying th very eboiceet good ar 10Q10Vc a pound. What' th aa of talking ' of paring more for them. Growers ar willing t eel I. even If they a mm money on rary . Bound dsrpeaed of." ,-. -, , j - A .- . Slixht Sla la Jookrabbita. Ther I aa dvnc ( e a' doses ta tb . quotation oa lackrabbit today. " A cwssiaef qhleeameant am la. ' -. - . Th noultrv market at showing good form, ' thaeo being practically am difference - between th demand and arrival of chickens. Turkeys are finding favor with aele one h a whit , -at a fractional advance ovr ta pnawa list. Ergs ar quoted firm with receipt and d Biand qul at tb prlc.- . :. . SrwMd Bag ar lanrw.' , A deelloe of He pound la abowa la th quo. tatkma oa dress, d eoga. In at aetna wsa nmgui . shout by tb very heavy arrival f lata aad " ' the decline ta th quotation a 11 restock. . Praam d veal I coming qrlt freely, but de- maid la fully aa good as ever and aom dealers ar ssklng e advance aa th Deal. Several Oar of Saaaaaa Arria. 1 Several car of baaaaaa were do to arrlv ' In tb Jrkta during tb day. -, ' a car of eranberrle aad a car of walnata are also among th ei pec ted arrival. Cxprea grape ar generally plentiful with fl oO ea th average price oa tb street. -; Callforala tomatoes ar arriving faater and 'demand i good. Price ar Joat about right for the trade. ' .;' --. Holiday good ar atrtvlng awry fast the ' days, rlga 01 at amoa are aow - una la large tapply. - - - -' " , " " Tn Xa.ST y.i kxa. Producer' price ar ee specified ran, giear saw ree. " WHEAT New chib, T3c: red Baaalaa, SOc; luetem, Tc; valley. TRTBc. m ' BttUT-Peed, f!l.BO2S OOt rolled. HIM Osaoo: brewing, 22.602,0. COttlJ Whole. $ar.(h; araeked. (UN per ' toa. v ' s - . RTC gt M par wt. I OATS Producere" prlca N. 1 white, fM.00; riOliU New eeatsra- Oregon patent. $4.88; tralghta, 3.ooC5.T0 export, $.t;oig3.48; vsl . ler. e3.T04ta.8O; grahaaa. rye. SOa, U no; balea. IXT6. . - slILLSTUrrs Braa, $lS.fa par tons - mld dllnga. 135.00: saorta, country, 20.(X alty. - 19 001 crop, f 18.00.. H AT Producer" prtc Tlnsotby, Willamette valley, fancy. 8U.aiS.OO! ordinary, I.0O 00; east era Oregon, $U Ootjliooi ml led, ri.8OC0.OOi clover, fli.00OlO.OOJ grata, 8a.frUg mi but. fsooaise., - Battar, Kgga aadisValtry. (...'' BUTTE B FAT f. e. b. Portland Sweet , rsam, ShHCI sour, tto.s 1 BUTTEB City creamery, SOet en t side fancy, 17 He; onllnary, Bfc! at or. 16017c. EOOS No, 1 Fresh Oregon, candled, S8e; told alnrsg and eastern. 87 (a 28 He r CHEESE . New Pull cream, twlq, lafte; Soiing America, lBVe; Cheddar, 14 d., OAMK Jackrabblta, 1.76 per doa. - POULTRY allied chickens, lie; fancy bens, ' 1IU per lb; rooatera, old, BHc per lb; fry ' era, llHe lbl brollera. llHe lb; dorks, 1419 16c per lbl gee, 0 per lb; turkey, 17et7ty per lb; dressed, 80 per lb; equal), $3.60$S.O0 oar do. ,,- 'I;.'. Eopa, Wool and Bide. :., HOPS 108 Oregon, choice, lOHQlle) prime. Tec poor grade, t4t7c Wasblng ton, 10c; fun crop, o for choic. WOOL IPOS' clip, valley, ooaree to asedlasa, ... Hi.Ve Sue, tsagaldl - aaatara - Oragoa, 186220, - MOHAIH Nominal, 80081c. BHEKPSK1NS Shearing, 160 10s each: abort v-eol, 2r,Q40e each; medium wool. 80f7o each; long wool, TBctSl-00 eaeh. TALLOW Prima, par lb, 8U04a No. aad f fresse, H. .- ..... TFUTTIM BARK tH per lb. " HIDES Dry, No-'l, IS lb and IP. MUI0) 17 H per lb) dry kip. No. 1, S to IB lb, lie; dry . calf. No, 1, ander 8 Iba, laei aalted hides, (teer. sound. SO lb and aver. 10) I lei eowe, - SHt9Hc: atag and bull, aoamd, fet-btp, - ts to SO lbs, ac: ralf, aoand, aaoar 18 Mja, lie; , - green, anselt.d. 1 le culls, tc per lb lea fcorsehldea, aalted, each. 81 2nftl.7j dry, each, 8I OO1.80t colt hldea, SBfiSwt goat skins, - , common, each, lOQlfici Aogort, each, tbee) 11.00. ' - rralt aad VegetaVe. . POTATOKS Beat Oregon. SfliiiPO aackl ear lots, gimj70c sack; ordinary, aoe(xac; car lotr, ' SOrHnc; aweeta, 81. HO aackl 2.lni2n erste. 0N1UNS Orrgoa-yellow Dsovara, 1.1 ' , lots, 81 Otil. 10; garlic, SOlOe per lb. PRKHH HU UTS Apples, Oregon. I."01 M; fancy, ll.Tr.iiJ; crahapplea, 8I A0 orangea, aew navel, 83.0'n :l.7R; bananas, ftu&Vbc lb; lemoea, choice. 5.S"raUB per hoi: feaey, 8 per box; llmee, Uexleen, 81 In Per- 100 ' pineapple 1 j dos; grapes. 81Wtil.T4; pears, 8l.knil0 per boa; pomegranate. 81.28 per hoi; tangerines. 8178. . VKOtiAHl.KS Turnlpa. aew, 8100 pet ear! eerrots, 81 fO per sack: berta. Si.oneJ ' ISA per aackl Oreaon rsillaha. 85c per do: .rehbag, Oregoa, 8I(17IV per cwti greea r'Pj-ere. Te per lb: (,'allfornla tomatnee, ITOtKil 2,1; paranlna. tl ilil.a,l string beans, 8tl"r; rrnllflnwer, 1 RH'12,(l per crate: rhubarb. lb: gVeen pes, lue i,er lb; braeraillh, lo per lb; articpnkea, .iiQhoi, per doa; hothoaa lettuce. . 8l.'ai 78 per bo eelerv,-local, ho878o rr do! egplnt, 81 .BO r cratej puinpklna. Itioj a,iih. 1 Hc; cvanlei rle. Jeners, 1 1 OoJ lg.oO per bbl: too bay and Tillamook, $10.00. . S MARKETS JOURNAL'S TIPS DAILY TO SHIPPERS TVhll It la true thera la a eer ie tain weakni :rs and decline In tha IV potato market a toia in xn ld Journal Saturday, it la tM an- eral benaf of tbo trada mat in dullnea will aoon pan away and normal conditions rule, again in the near future. Nona of the trade la, howevfcr. looking for extravagant values thl scaaotu DltlKD PRPITS Apple. vporad. f 8 per lb: apricots, lie per B: aacka. He per lb less; pesches. 10 U P" ,nl P0", 80 to 40. 8Mc; He drop on . each aUteenth amaller Ise: ?!, Callfornla-lack. BHffloe .per lb: California white, Re per. lb; dates, goldae, 8e per : tarda, X! per ln-ia 00a. , , loeeriea. .Ifuta. Eto. 1 8UQAB Seek basis Cube. 8 S0 powflered. 88 .: fruit granolsted.- 88.M! dry grenulsted. 80 58 1 Coof. A, 8S.S0; beet grannlated, giV85t eatra C. 85.o5( goldea C, 84.PS; I yellow, 84.88: bbla. loo; H bbU, 8Bc boas. 50 advance on aack bails, less-85 per wt for cash, IS days : maple. 14 15c par lb. Above prices epply to sales of lea thaa car lota., Car lota at special price subject ta Bortnatlnn.) , , HONEY 88.58 per crate. - i ,M, forrss Pscksas brands, 818. TH. ' ! " SALT Course Half ground. 100." per to", tsble. dairy. B0a. 811.00: 100. SlO.TSt Ins. ported Liverpool. 80s. 817.00; 100a. 8K0O; 824s. 818 00: extra Sne. bbla. aa. Us, 10a. 4.B0rB Rfl; bulk. 820 lha. 84.00O .00 aacka, 80s. 8oe. . . . SALT Coarse Hslf greaind. IrXX, per ton, 87.00: fins, per ton. 87.80: Liverpool, lump rock, lia BO per ton: bO-lb rock. 87 00; looa. 84.75. ORAIM BAOS Calcutta, ItlCS Imperial Japan, Nn. I, So: No. t, HflSHc; New Orlean. bead. Tc; - Alax, 8c; Creole. 814 c .. BBANS Small white. 88TS: lrg white. t'.OO: pink. 82 Tlt: bayou. 84.50; Lima. 88.00; Mevlcan reda, "-He. ' - NtrTS Peanora, Jamba. Ht per Ibt Vlnrrnla, Te per lb: roeated. Set eocoaanta. Sniagoe per do; walnnt, lnrtlBH Par lb: pine ante. 10m4c"per lb: hickory note. 10c per lb; cheernnta. eastern. IB Mae per lb Braall nura. 14c per Th! filbert. 14Q1Ke per lb: fancy pecans. lflveMAUe: almonda. lsetlT per lb, - ralata. Coal Ofla. Zte. ROrB-Pnr Manila. lei atandard, lSe; alssl. lie. t - " COAL OTL Peart or Aatret Caaea. SAM per gal; water whit. Iro bbla, IBc peg gall wooden. 18 per gait headlight, 170-deg., caaea. 82Hc per 1. . ' , OAOt.lNB-S-eg. ee. S4H DOT gal) Iron Mbv IS per gal. , BCNZ1NB M-de. . A per gal; troa bbla. 1He ' per gsL TURPENTINE la eat. Me per gal; wooden bbla." SOc per gal " ' WH1TN LEAD Toa lota, Te aor lb 800-Ib lota. Sc per lb: leea lots. SHc per lb. . . W7RJ NAItPreeot baa at 81.70. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In B-bbl lota, PA: t.bhl lot. Sic: ease. AAe nea eel! oeuulne kettle boiled, cases, BHo per gal; S-bbl lota. B2oi 1-bl.l lot, S3e per gal; ground cake, car Vita. 830A) per roa: less tata car wra. f-w.w par an. . , Kaat. Flak aad Prevlaloaa. 1. . FRESH hi EATS great street Beef stsers. 5aa nor lb: boa, block. 7 Vic nor lb: neck. era. -Tc per Q; bulla. 4ttfc per IbL cows, SOc per lh; veal, extra. TtftlSc lb; or.ll a.ry. tt pr lb; poor. Bo per lb: muttoa, fancy, TQ7He per lb. , HAMS' BACOr.-. frtenepaT bams. 10 to 14 lha. 120 par lb; 14 to Id lbs, 12140 lb; breakfast bacon. 1518Me per lb; picnic So per lb; regular abort eleare, aa smoked, lie par lbi smoked, lie per lb; deer backs, anamoked, 10c per lb: amekea. 9. a pee iimora m a isj Tn amoked, Se per lb; smoked, pe per lb 1 elear helliea, anaawkvd, lie per lb; amocoA, 18 par lb: shoulder. 814 per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle lesf. - 10. lie nee lb; oa, HHe par lb; GO lb tins, 10e nor lb; team taadereil, 10a, 10c per lb; 8a, U)Ue per lb; rompouna. lue. o. CANNRD SALMON Columbia river. 1-lb tall. 81.80; S-lh talla. 8&TB; fancy 1-lb Bate, 81. po; -io isney ui. pi.iu. iancy a-io ovale. B2.7at Alaaka Ulla. elnk. 8Bl80ei red. 81.80: aasalnei ga, tall, fx. 00. - - . FISH Roe aod. 7 per Thl aVmndera. Be net iv, ueiioui, per ,u. vreue, ei.ov per ooa; atrlped be. 12tto per lb; catfish, Te per lb: suns, siieeraiaea, e per I it; DiaeDack, O per lb; herring. Be per lb; eole. c per lb; anmpv. auo dcv id: perca. o Der id: Blaefe end. f per lb; elisor smelt. Te per lb; lobster, loc; frh ssackerel, he per lb; erawaab, SO per do. 0X8TERS rThoatwater bay. per gaL S.tS par aack. 88.78. "-. t . . CXAMS Hardshell, - per .bag, 88.00) raaa mams. .m per ooa. HOGS RETAKI WEAKNESS OF Receipt Still Larger, Than Ds mand Even at Cut bf a t ' - Quarter Saturday. " , ; Portland Cnwa atockyarda. Kor. 30 T.tee. teck locelptai .. . . ' ' .'Bore Cattle Today .......1.10 Sd 4KB weeg ago ..............126 ' M fMH rrevione weex. ...... ...,...,.i.iu im . 2x0, Month ago..., 800 38 300 'in hog mrat eontinne to show a weak feeltag. Receipt are liberal, but demand ia alow. Cattle fall to be en I hosed and are dull. Sheep very etrong: also lamb. Todar fit bom am Ten in. ... Official prtra tar Uwabark: Bogs Beat eastern Oregoa, 85. BO; blocker and China fata, $3.08; atocker aad ' feeden, $40004.25. , . - . , .. Cattle Boat eaatera oregoa steers. 83.0041 S.3B; light and medium steers $3.0013.38; light caws, 82.35; atockera and feeder, 82.2S; bulla, $1.50. -e , Sheep Wetbere, Set mixed aheep, dmSdKe; atralnht wea. Be; lamb. KatHac ( alvee Oood veaL 150 to 300 pound. BaxSUet tough gad heavy, 8Q3tte. :- . . XASTXXaT HOOS 10WIB, Chicago, Kev. 10. Livestock receipt: ' 1 . .. . Hora. Cattle; Sheen. Chicago ........33.000 6.0ta) 30.000 Kaneaa City.............. T.(" lv.ono . t.QOO Omaha ' ., 8,nOO 8,600 : 1,808 Hon ontned weak to B cents lower. Re- eelpta a year ago were 47.000; left over, 4.000. Prices: Mixed, S4.B0t4.TM; good. 84.80Q4.88; rough. $4.4o4.BB; llghV 4.o2.. r Sheep Strong. V; ' " y ' ' ' ' OLS XOPfl At tlX CTsTTi. (Sptolal Dispatch ta Tb Journal.) - Kogsne. Or., Nov.- 10. Tb largest hop Bale Of the season la thl vicinity ha Just been concluded. Page A Too of Wood burn ptfr. chased 4HS bale of too 1804 crop from Juha Tbornshnrg at 8 cent per pound. llorst i Co. hsve recently rrarrtitsed ovet 200 bale of th lie crop from . R. Campbell at 81 cent per pound. , i . ;'; ; rains mm eRANens. : : (Rpeclsl Dispatch to Tb Journal.)' Fvtigen. Or.r Nov.- lO.Dnrtrtg -tb-pat 48 bonra nearly two ' Incbe of rain ha fallen her and the gnmad now seems to be thoroughly oated. tm river m rising ainwiy. jne piesa nt weather of th Mat few week haa enabled th farmer to do their fall grain aow In, moat ef then havlne completed the work. The ore- ent warm rala will b of great help la etartiug the grata to growing. 1 CAR 8H0RTA01 HTJRTS. ' (Special Dispatch tn The Journal.) Athena, Or., Nov. 80. Owing to the abortag f car In thl vicinity and throughout eeatera Oregoa murh wheat le being held here that should he shipped out, At least 40 car r needed badly at the present time. The Presto Partou flouring mill I greatly la aeed of ear, and It would have been aaeeeaary for the mill Ur ehut down sever, I time of late had the owners not been able to secure a taw car at time, to keep things moving. . ' J Llvarpool Oethta Lower. , Liverpool, Nov. 20-t'otton future closed ateady, 13 to IS polnta lower, . . , '. I.V" '" stterllng Ratea. ' ' . New York. Not. 20. Sterling ratea; Demand, ' S3IB t.68; 0 days, 4H2.85a483.16. r.ier is we ii CHICAGO Market Down on Account of the Lower Liverpool and Senti-- r r ment Is Mixed. FIVE EIGHTHS CENT . IS TODAY'S DECLINE Under t Influence of the ; Heavy - World's Shipments There Has . Been, Considerajple Liquidation of ". the Product. ' MONDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. ,' , ' Close j Cloa '"y-bat, ' December.,,;,! 9 .KS May.......... jvxi .87 - Te Cloa Men. Tear Ac S .IMMA 1.0 Chicago. Nov. JO. a'he " wheat market 1a (-weaker nd a pet decline of ao ia noted 1a tb tqiiione. . , Th corn market waa extremely dull ea-the large showing mad la th visible. ' Logan Bryan aay of tb general alruatlon: "In th wheat belt there were heevy frost thl morning. Liverpool 1 to lower. Th Russian political situation seems In a fair way of clearing up. . Notwithstanding bearish senti ment, tli ton of our market continue firm. Th weather continue favorable to the move ment of the aew corn crop. Heallment la mixed and trade uncertain at best, but. aU thlnga eon. eldered, th undertone la, by a moana vary weak. In oats th rsyih business continue th prin cipal support la lla market. Hog reeelnta ar large, bat atin under to estimate. Official quotation by Overbook, Bury Cook 8811 's. ' - - aa. .Kfltt . .443 "eceraoer .i............,. My -. New December..... Msy leoanbr .................. .80 1 Msy Mhi January 13.73 an nujrcisco oxaib- xaxxxt, San rranckane. Nor. 110, Official qootatlost, morning aiasloai , - , . - . ,- . .A WHEAT. -,- Opea. ...s nigh. '" fow-. Ooa. December,,. ..8 1. SOU 8L86U 81.81 $1.36t. Uy. 1.41 1.4i .41 1.41 . .. BARLEY. . May... ....... lil 1.21 . , 1 SO December..... l.lSii .1.1854""- 1.1S 1.18 y : ' . )' PSUtlRT wRAJN MQTXXZirT. ' ;;" . Chicago, Nov. 80y Primary receipt: "V Hnah RiMh Wheat Cora . .... 1,674.000 l,h.'tA,00ft Kblnmehta Wheat BtWI.OOO 444,000 . 888.000 870,000 Corn , : CHICAGO 6 RAIN CAR LOTS. Chicago, Nov. 80. Uretn. car lota: Car Clrad Nat. Wheat ................ ......245 63 . 1N3 Corn ................... ....! 8 517 Oata .-...834 32 ilt Wheat ear today: uinaeanolla 750. Duluth 828. Year ago: Minneapolis ad, Duluth 811. Chicago 78.,,. .. ' t . 7 . t . fi TjrrERPOQT, aRAijr hariet. Liverpool, Nov. SO. Cloae: Wheat. December, Ta, Hd lower; March, 7,. Hd lower; May, 8 I0d. M lower. . ' Corn January, Kd, lower; afarch, ta 4ad, Hd lwr. . , - , . .. - 1 1 .1 . aa ' 1 ' - 1 oojutocx imrrira stocks. ; Saa k'raacbKO, Nov. 30.--Official elpa..mora- ing sesaiou. Bid. Bid. Svg $ .47 ' Potoal , .13 I nlon Co. .... .88 Yellow Jacket .. 1 .IT ' Bxrhenuer .4 Hale it Norcros LOO. Bnllloa ........$ .83 Belcher 37 Con. Cal.-Ya... 1.58 . Ophlr 8.78 raledbnla ...... .47 Mexlcaa ....... 1.8S Andee ......... .21 ' Ml -"afl Bcorploa ........ .10 ij (' y e13 eM-a"--ije.vX fc Miss Amanda Harris, a Providence Heiress, Who Is to Marry T. Ode, Son of a Wealthy New Yorker,- She Nursed Him Health in Colorado. ' '4:r'"'l:: . While It May Be True That Washington Mil lers Have Combined td Hold Price of Wheat Portland Exporters and Millmen Are Free, RUSSIAH HEL7S IS THE TOPIC Better Feeling Ther Adds to Strength In New York. Stock Market Today, SMELTER ISSUES ARE LEADERS OF SESSION Common Rises Two Points and Pre ferred Closes Three and Seven Eighths Higher Brooklyn , Rapid . Transit Has Very Good Move.. ,,", ADVANCES. Aaaeeada ......... 1 Amalgamated T Atchlao-...iv..vim Sugsr ............. S Siuelter S do preferred.... 0. N. W.....U, Chesapeake ........ fanadlan . ,viTiTi- Brle do 1st preferred. Great Western nrooaiyn g Illinois Central , Colorado Fuel ..... tAjLoulevllle ' It. Paul .......... lUIMelmnoUtan ...... uk-odiout I naty Missouri Pacific ... IL. ..IJv ..... ts do preferred..... lunula ......... tnt. A Western... Reading Southern Railway.. Southern Pacific... U. S. Steel M - do preferred. r. S. Rubber...... Pennsylvania ..... Peonle'a Cae ..... 1 Rock Island Tenaeasee Coal , ., 3 Inlon Pacific .... 1U Pacific MaU ...... l5 Faltlmor ....... Weatcra Colon ., . Central. ....i ' Wall Street, New Tork, Nov. . JO. Better aew from Rami was a help to the stock market today and advance , were t general through the list. Smelter and transit leaaea were atronreat. America Smelter c Wised 8 uo for th eooimoo'end 3 points higher for the preferred. Brooklyn Rapid Transit closed t I points nigner. at. raul roee lty ana unno tlve 1 point. Tenneeaee Coal had t polnta to Ita credit at the cloae, while tnloa Paclfl la 1 V op on the common. Official quotation by Overbeck, Starr ' A toae company: - - DESCRIPTION, i Anaconda Mining Co... AmaL Uopper Co...... Atchison, eom.,.....A American Sugar, com., American Smelt, com. . B6H 85 141 163 American Locomotive .. 744 1121 US' 173 Baltimore Ohio. com.. 1111 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 1 cnattian pacific, com.. 11 Chi. A O. W com.T.A J21!4t21 -m.T mil, at at. raui.. 17SM, Chi. N. W.. com 21 It 4 l uesnpe st unto. . . Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. 66 "4 4tt4 7 44 Colo, Southern, com.,.. do lu preferred Drnver ds K. O., com.; Brie, ' cum rr. 851 4V 481, do 1st oreferred..... Illinois Central .-, Luilavlile A Naabvllla.. mvtiiBtvi Metropoliua Bt. Ky... Manhattan Hallway.. Moxlcan Central Ry. Minn., St. P. A St. U. Muumurl Paelfto. ..... M.. K. A T.. 00m.... dopref erred N. T. Central,.... n Norfolk sh West., eon. North America ...... N. Y.. Out. A Western Pennsylvania Railway. 10OV4 100. fi 1601 'm" 71 150H g 63 ' 140 1 14014 101s People1 O.. L. C. Co. Pacific Mall S. S. Co.., .loivi Reading, com........ Rock Island, com.,... 140H XV k 85H 8 Souther By., coav... Southern Pacific..... do preferred... Tex A Pacific..,., Tena. Coal It Iron... Fnlon Pacific,' com... U. S. Rubber, com.,., V. 8j Steel Co., com., do preferred... TO Wee tern Tnloa Tel., 3' 88 I M Total ealea for day. 1,380,800 aharea. : Money, 8 per cent. - ; , J 1 r V -w , RsndolpH ' Back to , iVAfcn ti:e cr.iVER 1 '" ' : v. . ' "i Otherwise' You May Lose Nine - Sacks Out of Every Twenty 7 .1 and Wonder Why. - ; Theft of, TOO pound of coal at th residence of Ivan Humaaon, corner ef Twentieth and Waahlnston atreeta, hag led to precautionary meaaurea being taken by coal dealers. , , - The driver who wag caught In the act hail 20 aacka of coal for thLHumaon realdenca. tie backed his wagon up to th curb and secured the signature of Mrg. Humaeon to the delivery receipt be fore unloading the ooaL Br the mereat chance she sat near h front window and' watched blm unload the coal, and when he had emptied 11 sacks ah saw him cover the remalntna; sack with his overcoat and tlva empty aacka. Jump Into the wagon and drive rapidly away. It wag afterward -teamed that be took the nine aacka In the wagon to a saloon and applied tbem on a whiskey account. Th coal' wag later weighed and found to be short nine aack. The mlaalng coal was made, good by the company .and the driver waa dlachnrgod. , - A coal dealer diacuaslng the Incident said:' ' ." ; ' "W have had mora complaint on the around of short weights than from all other , eauaea. . . Dealers are certain a large amount of coal Is . stolen every day by drivers, but It la hard to detect the thefts.' It la easy for a driver to cover up av few adeka of eoal and dispose of them to. varloua people who ask no Qae. tiona. ; ' .' -. ', . . ... NEW BOOKS FOR .THE miUOIOBT. " . Haraack. K. 6. A. Expansion of Christianity In tb Pint Three Oenturte. v. 1. . , Prothoro, B. R. Paalme la Bomaa Ufa. f , SCIRMOS. ' I Hoaston. X. J. Electricity In Bvery-Day Llf a, llKlB, 8 V. ..- , .:, i .. nniriv.AUiTs ; , Do wee, T. 8. Primer of the Art ef Mas saga, 1U01; Gllmpess of the Lewis aad Clark ExpoeltoB and th Ooldea West, 1806; Fnlted Statee Signal Cor pa. Manual of Visual Signal ing, by D. t. Oarr, laud. run arts. Audaley, 0. A. Orna mental Arte of lapaa. If, " "' ' Calnaborongh, T. Gatnaboroaga aad Rla plae 1a Rngllsh Art, by Sir Walter Armstrong. Hogarth, . We William Hogarth, by B. A. Pobsoa. Raebara, Sir H. Sir Henry Rasbora, by Sir Walter Armstrong. ' Reynolds, Sir J Sir Joshua Reynolda, by Sir Walter Armatmng. Turner, t. M. W. Turner, by Sir Walter Armstroog. Watu. O. P. Ufa Wor of- George Frederic Watta, by Hngh ataemillan. TRAVEL ARB DISORIFTIOaT. ' . Oreoko, W. Northweatera rrnvlncea of India. ?lshct JrrRurrea I odea Brttmh Rla nd Before. , . - . Pheloa, W. .Our Story of Atlantis. Bverdrub, O. N. New Land; Four Teara la the Arctic Region. j, -,.- ; , - HiBTORT. 7:r:r.r-r:: Cralk, Sir H. Orotury ef Scottish History, S v. lilMllna DHL H Roman Society In tb Last Oaatary f the W cetera Rmptre. Oreene. k. B. provincial America (amaneaa Ration Series I. aiart1aeno-(Jsaresco. R. U-H, C Ubr tton f Italy. 181B-18T0. Ramaay, Sir t. H. roundaOona of England, or Twelve Centnrtee of-Rrltlah History, 8 v. Thwelte. M. O. Prance la America, ItsTT' 1TS8 (Amerlcaa Natloa Series)."" " , , nrsmBVAL biooravbt. Raleigh, Sir W. Sir Walter Raleigh, by at. A. S. Hum. ' Wagner. R Richard Wagner to Mathilda W esse ndonck. translated by W, A, Ellla, ?Z"-' .... .. TICTIOB, , . Howell. W. D.Mlsa Ballard Insplrstlon Rohlfa, Hra. A K. (0.) Head aad Blag, bf Anna Katharine Green. Shaw, O. B Irrational Knot. - . aooxa roB ohilbbkv. Brook. K. 8. Orntury Book ef the AaMrieaa Revolutloa. PraakUa, B. Benjaola PrankUa, by P, t. More. Helae. A. 0 Book of tb Dog; lllnstrated by R. P. BoaaalL a , Headland, L T. Our Uttl rblaea ttonaln. Jef feroo, T. Thomaa Jefferson, by - H. 0, Merwln Rlwrld Biographical Berlee). , Laughtoa, J. K. Cm Plgbt and Adveatarea. ; Morley. at. W. Kutterfllee and Rece. . SllvtUkt, A Adventure of a Siberia CbJ translated by Leon Oolacbmana. Wade, M. B. Oar Little Chines Ooustn. , - SART rRAjrCISOO tOCAX STOCKS. ' : Saa Praaclace, Kev. SO, Official el, Bsora tng aesaloa: ,,.:.,.... . Bia. - ass. Contra rVatta Water.' . BprlngTalleyWatct:.;.. I'.?...... Mutual Blectrle.... S. P. Oaa A Blactrte..., tllaat Powder f TdU Hawallaa OomsHrelal..... 8t4 Honokee Sugar 11V4 Makawell Sugar..., ...... ......... 80 ' inswowe auiu.,,,,, Paauhaa Sugar ei , 31 A tea a racierr.,,.,,, . Oceania Steamship aft Psdfle Statea Telephone Ita) California Wan ....t. 88 Pacific 0t Horsx . . . Oallforala rralt Caaaera' .-.v, 8T14 " . '. TOROPAH atOIIRw STOCKS. ' Saa Pranciaco, flcial close: Nov. 10. Teaopah stork, t- - ,;' Bid. Montana .......82.40 Midway .1.38 MrNamarS ..... .84 Belaioat ....... l.BO North Star .... .41 Rescue ,HT Gold Mmntala., .M Jim Butler .... .OP ''' a Bid.'. Mohawk ...... .8 .1 Dlxl ........... .08 k ends II ........ .28 Oolumbla Mt.... .18 Jumb ....... -.78 llnmbo Rxtea.u. MA n isc avurce ... ..iu Ooldea Anchor. v .82 . Silver Pick...... .08 Ray A O'Brien., .0 Ohio Tonopah.... .88 O. Bull Prog.... , .18 Diamond field ... .88 tione Star ,..:.OT , Home .......... .08 ' Cash Boy ...... .14 Nevada .134 Kea Top ...... .ea Ton. Kxteaeloa. B.fxiA Ooldfleld AS Sandstorm ..... .4 Sandstorm Kg.; .08 Adame .08 ""v. WAIX'STBKET O088IP. New Torkj Nov. 2ft. Tb Wall Street Journal aaya: Th general market ia Londoa bt better on more reasrartng now from Russia. Rue. tans rallied over 2 polnta la London to 881. Storks freely offered at 0 per cent la the Ice crowd. Consumer of pig Iron are Sahttn adraac In price for metal. On hundred and three road ahow a a wear groao lacraaa of 11.84 par cent. The banka gained from the anhtrraaury ea Fri day g-W.OOO. Rrle official expect record Or tober outemeat. . . , . ..,, ,;. . . otkrrbtxvt bords. "''"! Haw- Xork. Her. 80. Wovernrocnt pond: ' 1 Date. Rid. Aefc No. 1 rag................ 10 V) 10A1A 104 No. 8 eoupoa l"- 111s (J in No. 8 reg Hd HH 141 No. 8 eoupoa. , IPOS ' 104 -. 104 No. 8 email boade. ....... .... 108 ' ..... No. reg leor 1 00 14 im . N0. eoupoa....... ltTltt, -M-"- No. 4 reg lH'iS i: 114 No. 4 eonpoa. 1828 . 1H8 1.14 Dtatriet Columbia. 64. .... . 11x14 liavb Philippine. 4a - 1W4 HO'h OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO ' ' '.'Mewoers Chicago Board of Trade,' ' ' -4 ' ' k rmOTIBTOaTS, OOTTOST. STOCKS ABTD BOBDS. ' .101 Third) Street, McKay Building. PortUnd, Or. . . W DO A STRUOTXY OOanCtSBIOHt aVBTRTllBSL Coatlnuoug Markets by Private Wlr. Quick Service. REFERKNCES Latdd A Tllton. bankers, and United Btates National Bank of Portland. gSlisucIi TWELVE MulIONJ packages last yiarjscmi Ummm SAt2SriED S3 ing TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. .Lsavea. UNION DBPOT. Arrlv. 8 '80 x. m. Por Vsvger, Rainier. 11 :80 a. ha. DaUy. Clatskanl Weatoort, Dally. , :':. Cllf too. Astoria, WarJ , . . 3- v - rentoa, Klsvel, Ham-, . " mood. Port Stevens. . ' i 4 . . Oearhart Park, Seaside. ,,t Astoria aad Seaahora. . . T-o"ivss. V Kxproa Dally. ' s so p. an. I. C. MA TO. 0. P. and P. A., AatoHa. Or. 0. A. STEWART, rommercatl Agent. 88 Alder trt, Pbob Mala W08. - . UPPER COLUMBIA . RIVER ROUTE Proa Portland to Irrlgoa and way point. In connection with Regulator Lin and Stat Por ta Railway, steamer "MOUNTAIN GEM" Leave CZXILO - - , Ivsry TTfKSDAT for ARLINOTOV aad WAT POINTS, and Svery PRXDAT for IRRIOOW, ARUBSTOW ..- and WAt POIhlS. Freight received at ALDER BTRKIT DOCK every TUE8DAT and PR1DAT. Special rate for Umatilla, Walhila, Paaco and Kenoewlrk. .- , ' .! Par further Information addrea Supt. W. P. Oray.-felllo, Or., ar Inquire at offlc of tteru lator Llae. Phoa Main 814. . .. ' PAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS ' . Lear ' Battle 8 a. aa. "ItmiSO.," Bevembar 88, via WraageL "DOLPHIN." Vevemhe 8. IT, via WraageL "rARAXXOV," Movemhor 18, . 84, via ,. . WraageL aUtlkktle. . ." '; ''s;..' ' CAXL1N0 AT ; '' Katekrhaa, Juneau, TJeuglaa, Kara, Skag way. OaBBet with W. Pa A T. rent for , AUla, Sswwa, Taaaaa, Baaasv ete. for AU Seathasitsra Alaska Porta. Call or send for "Trip to WonderfurAlaska," "Indian Basketry." "Totem Pol." -THE ALASKA 8. S. CO. ' ' Prank Wooswy 0. Agent. SSS Oak St. - - ' Portraad. Or. NORTH PACIFIC S. S Co's. - COMMODIOUS . ' S. S. Roanoke . S,800 IOBTB Balls for Bait Francisco and Las Anae- lea, calling at Eureka en route. TBI U SUnPAT, aTOTi 83, T0I8DAT, Dlia S, .TVBSOAT, DBO. IS, n 1 o.f iiii. ri , iriTn 1 . a m M w rvm vuiumuia . ' w. n. 2u, e, v f 8peclat round trip ratea. Ticket office 181 Waablagton street. Fhone Main 1814. . H. YOUNG. Aarent. VOB ABTOSIA AJTD WAT roorxs Steamer Telegraph ' PAIIiX Tig VAJhD. lave I Arriva Portland... T a. m.I Astoria.., ..1 p. tn. Aatorla..2:80 p. m.Portland. .. . p. tn. BOOaC OOI O AL9ER IT1I1T. For Bargains, it's here you get quantity as well as quality. This applies to Meats, Vegetables and Fruits as well as Groceries. Don't fail to see us or call up. 10 Pounds . Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.80. 81.00 Sack Good Hard Wheat Flour.' ' ' . 25 ' ... pounds Broken Rica. 25 SJad Bslslns 10a v Package Cleaned Currant. , j ' "' 15a '' ' , ' pound Citron, Iemon or Orange Peel " '25 t pkge. Condensed Mince Meat .15 Pound Best Shredded Cocoanut , - ..... We open a branch store at 848 Williams Avenue . Today, No vember 20. 374 Washington Street. ; Phone V'-..!.' -'' Main 2598.7 T DOWRTUra, BIOraURTB II CO (Establlabed 1I9A ' kVoota 4, aroaad IToor, evimn oi coariirvjTtCB. ARTERICAaT ORAIX ' THIRLS. Chirage, Kov. . Oraln visible! i , ....... j Tlsy V ear Ago Increase . - Bnah. " ' Bnah. Ruah. Wheat ........ 81l.I44.ono 8.:t.onn 84.".fli (W. . .rAttllMHl . 1 aU OJMk 4 11, OaU ..gllS.OUO 84.824,0U0 8,&W,UU0 PORTLARD BARK STATZaTBVT. Clearlnra .....8n3.4lt.4l Balance ao.K4a.33 "M-SOtXE COMPANY xvz.yT",v- : FELLOWS FELLOWS; .... TRAN'SPOnTATI. Li J. tWsat-aahaaV - .JIwAV. i fTvusiern e.. a-, - AT UiaUiil'A.iiia.'a, iTralas to JLhs East Diily-3 Throurb Pullman atandard and tourlat alee. in -oars dally to Oiuaea. fhleage, HpokNn touiiat aleepina-ara daily to hansae Hit: through Fiillmau tonrlat aleeplng-eta (per, an. ally roadortedi weekly to t, Revilnlug ehalreara tsests frel to the taat dally. IfNlOM DKFOT. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND - " SPBCUU 8:18 a. aa 8 lit p. n. For the East via Bant- Dally. . Pally, lug too, ... . ,.'' . - 8POKANR ri.YKH. , roe. eastern Washing ton. Walla Walla, Lew- 6:18 p.m. 8:V)aBh, Is ton, Comr d'Alrne Daily. Daily, aud Great Northern I . , , point. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 a. as. T:1S.m. for tb East via Uut- Dally. . , Dally. Ington. i Golumbia River Division. " FOR ASTORIA and way I 8:00 p. a. wtf n ftmy atmr. for Ilwaco and lex. Sunday North Beach. atmr. Saturday, Baaaalo.. Aab-et. dock. 110. -00 p. m. 8:tal p. m. ea. Sundaya Tamhill River Rout. FOB DATTON. Oreron City and Yamhill river Elnta, atmra. Ruth and odne, Aah-at. dock. (Water permitting., T noa. . Dally ea. Sunday. T:n p. id. Dsllv ex. Sunday, Snake River Route. H)8 f.RWISTAM Id.. I ( 8:40 a. m.I - ; or upon ar-t :nrj a. Da. and way potot from Hinan. Sookao Waah stinra- rival Train Pally TICKET OrrrrH. Third and Waablugtoa Sta, Telephone Mala 712. C. W. STINGER, City Ticket Agent. A. Lv CRAIU, Ueneral Paaaaiigef Agast. EASTvu SOUTH Leave. UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EXl'HKHS. Train for Salem, Kos. burg. Ashland, Saera mentOtOgdea, San 'ra eiseo. Stock to, Lo ia teles. El Peso, New Or- " ICstNV 1WV "ks--EelSte Morning train eoa- hu. . , V"oodhnrn '7:28 a. ate dally except Sunday with train for alouni. Anger. Sllvartoa, Rrownaville, S p r 1 a g f I e I A Wendltng and 8:80 .BL 8:SB p. Da Natron. L .. . .M.M.eOH. v:is p. at. necta at woodburn With UI a oral and SUVSI- mt.i toa loesl. nso . m. 4:80 p. nx 10:rl p.m. Cores Ula peaaenger. Sheridaa passenger, forest Grove paaaenger. 5:80 p. I "a: an s. i IlltlW P- Pally. - '. ' .. ' . . ' IIDally except Sunday. " ' " Bertlaad-Onsog Subnrbav SorvU aad TaathlO Dlviaio. -'-"IVenot foot of ieffrt street.- 'Lv Portland dally r Oswego T:80 a. "M H:(W. a 5. 4:00. 8:211. :. S:84. 10:10. 11; p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 8:80. 8:30, S.33, 10:25 a. m. Sunday only, : . m. Returning from' Oswego, arrlv Portland deny 8:80 a. m.i 1:88. 8:08, 8j8. 11:10 a. 12:55 a. m- Dally (except Sunday), 8:29. 7:25 8:80, 11:48 a. m. Sunday ooly, -i2v from bm depot for DUaa and Inter, mediate point daily 4:18 p. IB. Arrlv Port. """i !l. "'a.' Wetae U,. . A Om ltr-eyEttrv-sa.-v--aa-.iiuaa... , ' , DbCtinff WIIB BOninrTB I arum wiajtr. tt ITUti and ItJvpndtca. . e. -i tytimnA tn Nurmnt at irtt8Tw " and Sa rraneiseo 82". berths Mi oond-ias . ... . . - ae ha fare lo, aecoon-na". ' T-"- , Tlckst t Rsatera point nd Bnropei also Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Offlc comer Third and Waabe Instoo atreeta. Phoo Main 112. C W. STINGER. A. UTRAIO. City Ticket Agt. Oea. Paa. Agent. TIME CARD TRAINS- TJNIOM DEPOT. Depart. Arrive. Yellowstone Parh-Ksa- aaa altv-St. Lonla Sle rial fur Chehall, ." trU. Olympla. Qrsjs 8:80 a. as. 4:80 p. aa. Usrhor. South Bend. Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane Lewlston. Butt. Bll Hnea. Deover. Omaha Kansas City. St. Louis and Soutnrsat. North Cosat Limited, electric lighted, for Ta ionta. Bent tie. Spokane, ftutto. Mlnneapnlle, Bt. Paul and the Kaat. , Pnget Sound Limited, for Chehalls. Centralla, Tarawa and Seattle only. ; Twin City K Teresa, for TaeoeM. Seattl. Spo kane. Helena, Butte, Xellowstone Park, alio, aeapoll. St. Paul and the East. 8:00. BL 7:00 . 4:80 . v. 10:88 . I 11:48 g. B. 4:50 p. has ,. A. D. CHARLTON, - Assistant General Faaaeogr Agent. 258 bforrtann ' at., car. Third. C , Portland. Oregoa. ' ; TMt COMPORTAbtX WAY. . L City Ticket Ofla, 128 84 si. 888. Ovcrbnl Trzhs Daily 7 '"'rb rivog at the Taat HaU sraiurDxn sbbticu TJl-TO-IATB nQCIFaTeWT OOUBVTBOTa ZagrZOTBS IkaVe . rrom . tAiutn i - rortlaad (7:00 a. TO. TlSeaUe l:6rnt "TliYuoaau iS.uOa. ui. ta BL BT. Oo.)l 8:fa. m 11:45 p. m 4.15 p, m. Oroat STortborn Stasm'Wf Co. flnlhng from t" i'(ie B. B. v 1Tt, Ti ' 14. B. S. m...e .- r a, r t. 1. For Japan a"i 'i'- l''n ml r- i ' (japn ' I - i . lal' f t. ( i: -i 8iNtr 1 I V?OCt( "!--1 llljt Stmt I Arrive. -aT r'ei OF mm Portland? - i vtaTV.-V - V