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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY "EVENING. NOVEMBER" 3, 1905. UliE refuses to BE SCARED Story of Plot to Attack Hit House ' Does Not Bother Mayor to. Any Considerable Degree.) POLICEMAN NO LONGER ' GUARDS HIS DOMICILE Hand of tha Law .WUl Not Grab Any One on Suspicion and Coast Ii Clear for, Desperate Quartet ' to , Do Thing, ' vV i-:'' - While the police are reticent In ftlr- nlHhing Information relative to the al leged conspiracy. Chief Grltsmacher ad mits that he received a warning from . August Erlckson. the concert hall man, that the Ufa of Mayor Lane waa la dan .' er and Patrolman Joe Keller wae de - tilled to keep. watch on hie houee. '' Who la concerned , In the conspiracy or the . motive underlying- It ta rno known. A fairly good doacrtptlon hae becu furnished of two of the men said to have- been mixed up In the affair and an attempt la being made to locate them. Erlckson waa unable to hear the con versation fully, which waa on street . car, but picked up fragment oouh to cause hire to become satisfied that the authorities should be notified. -He , reached the conclusion that ona of the men had worked - at- a hous near- that occupied by Mayor Lane and had been ; selected either to do him bodily harm or roh him. - This man waa to meet the ,- -one who. broached . the,., subject $& ntra Monday evening at a saloon, at First . and Madison streets.. :, spent Sunday at my farm, this side of Oregon City." said Ertckson, i "and drove to the . car track Monday to come back to Portland.;-""', , . Tha Suspicious Qaartet. ' 1 , Two men who followed me Into) the , car greeted two men, already there, anl one. a fellow about six feet talh who - wore a .brown suit of clothes and a : slouch hat, remarked tovthe smallest Of the four: : 'Where have you been? 'I have been looking for you on that mat- ter for' several daya.' - The reply I t could nofmake out; awing to the rattlingi of the car as we aped along.. - -- -, - "Now and then I caught a phrase, but paid little attention until I heard one M them, the small fellow, say: ..Tea, I know right where Xane lives and won't : have any trouble about that. I worked at a near him for a whlle.an4 : know the neighborhood well.' i - "The next sentence I heard was spoken by the tall fellow. He declared that : lne ought to be killed, any way.; Some. . thing waa said about -the treatment ac corded some women and then there was home discussion as; to how" the 'job' lowered during this part of the conversa tion, but were raised again-later on THF FARHFRV AND --" mmmmm we a'aj mm ea aw e ear HECHANfCy STO T .247 FBONT STREET Yoa Will Thank Us on Thanksgiving If you era one of the participants In our 15th Anniversary Thanksgiving Sale When every article for the worklngman and his family is to be 'had at greatly reduced prices. : y- V That Sale Is Now On. .;. And the purchaser may now buy cloth ing for the family at the price of cloth ing for one. We are now selling . Men's 110 Worstel Suits for dally ' wear at $5.25 Mens 112. Ill and til English Serge ' Wool Suits at S)9.95 Our tie Waterproof Overcoats at sale price of..... .....$5.25 . our 17 to xie aoys overcoats we sell fen MV.-rr-.f4.-9g Children's School Suite worth 5 on sal at ..$2.15 Wholesale Prises oa ladles' and Chil dren's Coats aad Macklatoakes, We are the only house on Front street that carries th:j superlative Una of goods. -' , ,- ,,;.'.. ' .' Monster Shoe Sale. ,'All our hand-made II. SO and ft.- Shoes for men go now et. ........ ..$1.65 Indies' Vlcl Kiu and Calfvghoes, worth up to II. during this sale. .. .$1,65 Children's 12 School Shoes, less than ', half price at pair. .93 MEN'S HIGH-TOPPED AND LOU. . OER8 SHOES UP TO ., QREAT k LT REUoCED. , ladies' $10 to 11 Felt Slippers at. V per pair .......... w $1.05 Men's Elastic Romeo Slippers, worth S2.S0, at per pair. ...... .....$1.45 We have one of the largest assort menu of Shoes In tue city at from 26c -. rslr up to $8.6). ... , Mens 7 So Goodman Bib Overall . .at pair .... v., .53e - : K new pair If tbey rip. Boys' Kflc OA-erslts at ........... t .25 ; ' Men's Black Sox. per pair. ...,. . .5 ,.J0e Outing Flannel, per yard. ...... .54 J 00 yards Spool Sewing 811k. ....... 12c Sofa and Quilt Cretona, per yd.. 5 : . , , , . Three to a customer. : '--vlOe Calicoes, all grades, per yard.. .5e ;; xt tot Birr ras oooomas mat ' x Tea Oet "The Beet Mat la th world." "4. Boys I1.S0 Canvas CoeU, each..,.63 Any bady Wko Aeaatas herself Wltk Oar Bargalna la Alsee. gklrts Wtll -. Be Sara to Bay Ona at This . -:L V Orsat Sale. . v , f Great Bargains in Our Dry Goods 7" Department : Wool tlnderwaar for the family ' at firtces aaked by others for cotton goods. " Blanketa and Quilt. Trunks and Va ' Uses. Oiled and Rubber Goods and ' everything the family needs at prices . you cannot at ford, to mls, ; ; , , THE FARMERS' AND r.IECIIANICS' STORE X. OOOOMAXr, PBOP, ;,. 247 rror.t SU Bet Main and Madison The Only Flrst-Claas IVpartment Store on Front Street. - " BatabUadied M years. WC V ertna. c '" liv '' V ' ; y - ' .i 'I I Mrs. Adolph Ladenburgh and her little is well known in America as a horsewoman, has made, preparations to take a prominent part in the English hunting season., '. ' " . and I heard the big man In brown and the little fellow whom he had spoken to first . on .entering the car arranging for a meeting. ...,- .-- lwll! see you. thla avenlngah4Jn the meantime will look for my man and see what he Will agree, to do,' aald the larger.? ,... -..; )..'-, J ' i.m - ""Then they talked about the time, toat" I could not make out what tlm.8 ' waa agreed on.-- I .concluded that a plot ex isted either to kill the mnvM or roh his hoiiae and wenFlo police headouartera and acquainted Chle' QriUmacher with what I had hear..' - . , , ( . ,. fate Waa Sept., ' Patrolman Joseph Keller wae told by tha chlc( to keep the vicinity , of the may-7,g house -under close surveillance t&fct night and to bring In any person tie detected hanging around the vicinity who could not aatlnfactorlly explain why he was there. - . ... , . .1 ' ' ' ' ' "For various reason a," said the chief, "I waa of the opinion that Erlckson tiad misconstrued what lie had heard,, par ticularly because I did not think) con spirators would talk where they could be overheard by anybody. - While I told Keller to keep watch that night, I have detailed nobody to watch the mayor s bouse since that time. ' - Erlckson says that the men had a bottle of whisky, which -was passed around while they were! talking. -Their actions, he says, showed they had been drinking before 'they boarded the car. He is nrra In his belief that he Is not mistaken In his Impressions of the con versation. ; ...v.'......',..-... .4 . Ifayor Bot Spared. ' .' "I'll find that policeman and put him to bed." said tha mayor today when told that a patrolman . , was watching" hla houae . to ' prevent would-be assasatns from entering his premises, Mayor Lane admitted that he had heard soma talk- about men plotting to from 'August Erlckson, who had over heard a conversation between . gamblers, He denied, however, ' that these threats had anything to do -with the raid -which waa mads on tha Mllwaukle elub Satur day night . . - 1 "I. have ' paid . no attention, to the threats," said he, ."for J thought they were nothing but talk.' I fear or any Harm from that source. "Ae , f or a patrolman, watching my house If somebody has been detailed for such - work. It has been , without' my knowledge. ,; 1 have toe ver heard of it. neither have I seen any of fleer-about the place,, although I frequently go home late at night. I; am pretty observing and If 5 there waa anybody- around I would '.have my eyen on him1.,' ., AT 'THE THEATRES. Andrew Mack at Marquam Tonight ToBtrhf at the Maronam Orand tneatre "the en tent rlab eamedlaa. Andrew Mark, supported by Ms ewa eieellrat tomnaay,. will preaent tlte lelaa nnaetu-dramn. ."Tom. Moore.'- euntin- alnr la the aatne hill tomorrow-aad Wedaeaday alglita. The poaltton keM er-Andrew Mack aamig AiseTleaa stars la M the Imt, and al produrtlona of I Hah tomedr aor held In tit klsheat eataeia by all elaaaea ef theatre-gnera thronshoat Ike east, wber he lun plared "Tom Maare,."--bls . latest surweaa,, smre -tltas 1,WW e w ' ' v ; - Tha-Original-Britt-Neilaon-. Pictures.. Tke arlrlnat and only pletnres ever taken nt the famoua Krltt Keawa lalit will be shown at Ik Marqnam Grnd theatre aest PrMay and Mturdar nlht. The adrance aale of eeata will eoea neit Wednesday 'srernlng at 10 e'elock. ' '.,. VAtjDEVILLE AND STOCK. . ExtraVaganxa at Grarid. ' i As -eaMreiy new aaiialcal extravagaaaa will he prodneed er the Orand , thla. week by Kbia'a Merry TrsTeaty eoaipanr. The sew efferteil beara the title' e( J Toe kuliaa ef Mnrnrea. ' This vehtrla will exploit the pretty cherne gtrla I sew eoatsmea. eons and daneea. Theea will be daily awtineae aad two aertormancea crery ' Bill at the Star. Winter la mmhx oa, bat' tb Star la wn heatetl. Tills werk the tkre Mnnlona kare tha headline arnthafl art. Cliff rarrvll ilnra a roMlr mmVal art. Hlark awl lolte ia(rvnw the only HoiMms anntMt la lii amrM. l--r, (aae and Adair, Ike sroat rtlciaTr. Uh illm trabxt eoag aad tbe,,nxiTtna ekiurue cumplete Uie Mil. - 1 .1 reredoomed to Fall. . ' . . I'rnai tha Kw fork Evealog Peat. The eapvnnmil ef enllehlnt an "Idfal" seeapaavr In Chlmse kaa falle., Ita Mara fee Ilea la Uilcafo aa loo aereae a taau 1 "C I daughter MrayL Ladenburgh, who , -'.I.. .STRIKERS RESUME WPP-X (Continued frfiu Page One.) loyalist jolrtent threatens trouble and a mutinous spirit is apparent among the .Uroops. .-;- '- ; "t ''". '. Sails for Xronstadt.. ' " ' '47 (Journal Bpeclil Service.) " Cherbourg. Nov. 20. -The Minneap olis, the warship sent by the United States to protect United States cltlsens in Ruaala. sailed for Kronstadt " this this morning, v ' RELIEF FUND A WONDER. Tonight WiU probably Beach . ;. Mark Originally Set. ' Xlgk .Portland's response, to the appeal of the relief committee for financial as- sistance -for-the - persecuted 7 Jews-of Russia haa been of touch proportlona that the whole town haa marveled. The aum had exceeded $14,000 last Saturday at noon and as the Interest In the work is not diminishing It la praotically cer tain that $15,000, the original goal of the committee, will have paased through Treasurer Ben Selling's hands by clos ing time tonight In fact, tha total at noon today was within $300 of that figure.-'' ' ..- " . " ' .-' ;.'' " Yesterday's mall carried a check for $100 from the Merchants' National bank and $2$ from- H. R. Lewis. 'And al though yesterday was Sunday, the mall received by Mr. Selling . thla morning Included several sums of smaller de nomination. . Among 'the latter were $20 from George' Lawrence, $20 from Albert Wursweiler,- $10 from Herman Enke, $S from Whitney L. Boise. $140 from. Master Leslie" Blchel, ll'-from Olilnl siid $t fluill B0 MendenhalL During mass -st the Cathedral yes terday. Father. McDevltt. spoke of the movement and expressed great sympa thy for the stricken people, intimating that he hoped the members of his con gregation?would contribute" to the relief fund. . . . .; ; ' ... ' '.. v. . -;. . WORKED WITH CITY CLUB (Continued, From Page One.) committed. In another county? hi myJ opinion the authorities In their eager ness have gone a little too far." -1 Peter St. Mary, night manager of the Mllwaukle Country club, and the other six : men arrested as roulette dealer, players and witnesses, respectively, ap peared In the .ponce court this morn ing.: All. are under $260 bonds. - except the witnesses, - who were relessed , on thelr.owa recognisance.- 1 , -v. , '. 11 -. ' . ' SHERIFF SHAVER'S .! STAND. Befnaed to Olese Bool Club for Tear . Ill Bills Woald Wot Be Bald. , ." ' iBntrlal Dtanatch to The loernal.t ' "Oregon City, Nov. 20. The raid made by Portland 4ollce Saturday night on the Mllwaukle Country club was the topic of conversation at Oregon City yester day to the exclusion of everything else. Rumors were current, and are yet. that the arrests were made at the InatlgatioTi Cheap Prices China Crockery Dolls Glassware y Christmas ; Holiday Goods " COME EARLY See Our Tempting Prices Great Imerlcaa Importing Tea Co M3 Tlnrt St. -a . 331 Washlagtoa St. "aae VERY of the- gambling fraternity of Portland. Statemeula were made that the Clack' a ma a county of flclaia had ..been ap proached with offers nf bribery by the Portland gamblers and tnat they were reruaeo. Sheriff John R. Shaver was . asked this morning about the truth of ttie rumora of attempted bribery. . - I He aald that he had been aaked to cloee the Mllwaukle country club and that he had said that he would not Incur the expense and tuke chances of tha bill being allowed, and In suDDort of his poeitlon referred to the experi ence 01 enerin - word or Multnomah. Sheriff Shaver went on to aay that after the Clackamaa county grand Jury had Indicted Gratton and Neaae he waa again aaked to raid tha club. On his refusal representatives of Portland gamblers offered to file an Indemnity bond to cover tha cost, should tha Clackamaa county court refuse to pay the bills. Mr. Shaver aald he waa perfectly will ing to serve any warrants that might be issued against any gamblers, but Judging from tha manner In which this Indemnity bond was "offered, he . sus pected that the crusade against the Mllwaukle Country club mum the result of a factional fight between, Portland de votees or tno green cloth, and ha waa unwilling to nave nie office used aa tool in the hands of either faction. . JUDGE BETHEA HELPS ROADS KEEP UP RATES - ' (Jottmal Special Berries.! Chleago,Nov. 20. Judge Bethea today rendered a deolslon against the Inter state Commerce commission In the case against the Chicago Great Western and 17 other roads. The cemmlaaion held thatthe roads charged rates too high and ordered a reduction. - - - The commission eharaed. the rail- roada with dlacrlrtUnating against the small dealers Hn favor of the packers and alleged that rates for shipping cat tle were too high. Th court held there was no discrimination and declared the roada on account of extra trouble tni Handling catue must cnarge more-tor livestock than packed meat. An appeal is undecided, . but It is - thought the sweeping victory of the roada will pre vent an appeal. .. ,.. 1 .' ; vr- HEARING DEMURRERS - v IN INSURANCE CASES ' ' (Joeraal Special Servlee.'t ' ' ' r New Tork, Nov. SO The hearing of the arguments on tha II demurrers in terposed by former directors' - of the Equitable Life Assurance company-to tha aulls brought agalnat them by State Attorney-General Julius M. Mayer, waa begun todav. - Among those who filed demurrers are General Louis fltsgerald. James -Wr-Alexander, -Senator Cbauncey M. Depew, Henry C. Demlng,. 'James Hasen Hyde, William HMd-re, John "').vvi)t.ijerj--J. Ciould, James J. ', August BeUnont. Henry C Frlck, Darius O. Mills. Alexander J. Cassatt, Alfred O. Yanderbllt. John Jacob Astor and Edward IL Harrlman. MADE A FORTUNE BY . TRUSTING EVERYBODY tJooraal Special Berrlce.I '' fflfux City, Nov. ?0.l. IX Bamerdl proprietor of the Havana restaurant, haa made a fortune of $11,000 In three years from a capital of $40, almply by trusting everybody, and retired. When Barnard atarted hla restaurant on a very modeat acale be let it. be known that no hungry man would be turned away. Any man who wanted to eat could order, what he chose and have It charged.. ' No one waa . -aver refuaed credit. No bills were sent out, no cus tomer waa ever dunned, and yet Barnard aaya that, be lost very little in , bad debta. 4 THE ORIENTAL LIMITED. Oa BzhlblkloB Wot. S3 The Mew Trata of the Oreat Bortkarm Ballway. The Great Northern railway haa Juat placed in service a new train between St, Paul. Minneapolis and the west named "The Oriental Limited," and the company haa achieved a distinct success In the excellence, eaae and elegance of thla regal train,, which lands the trav eler at his journey's end, be it east or west, with, a pleasant memory llrrgertng In hla mind of the comfort which . haa been provided for him.- The equipment for these new tralna, eight of which are required to complete the service, ia en tirely new and modern in every respect, and several new featurea not heretofore Included en leaaaeentlaeatal provided. Including the Observation Buffet Library Compartment cars. The new dining car aervlce of the "Oriental Limited" equals In beauty, design and Interior, finish, ae well, as In the excel lence of the meals, the luxury which a n rat-class hotel or club provides. - The first of these new.' tralna will leave Be attle Wednesday,' November . 11, at -1 p. m. and will be n exhibition at Se attle Colon depot from 11 o clock- noon until' t ten. that date,- and It la ex pected that many will avail themselves of-the opportunity to inspect the. train. OLDEST. VETERAN IS ; DEAD AT NINETY-NINE '".. - ' ' 1 y, .. (Joeraal Special nVrrtae.) .', , Salinas. Cal.r Nov. to. David nose, aged 99, the oldest elvll war pensioner in California and the United States, died last night from heart failure. . Me came to California tn lftto. mined In this state. Fraser . River, British Columbia, and Washington territory, and made and lost several fortunes. When he wsa It years old he enlisted In the First regiment of the .Washington territory Infantry, nerv ing three years. He haa several brothers alive In Canada, the -youngest being 18. FAREWELL SERMON OF - PENDLETON MINISTER : '(Special Dlipatrh te The loaraal.) V '- Pendleton. Or.. Nov. 10. Rev.' TV-It gerton," pastor of the Congregational church in tnia city, delivered bis fare well sermon last night which waa at tended by members of the following lodges In a body: Rebekan, I. O. O. F, I. .O, a R., W. .O. .W. and K. of P.. of Hwhleh ha, Is a member. Her. Mr. gger- ton will leave for Livingston, Montana. FEDERATION HAS LONG ' LIST OF UNFAIR GOODS (Joemal Anadal Barvlee.) . , Pittsburg, Noy. 10. Tha report of the coram 11 tee . which considered Oompers' report was - adopted by the Federation of . Labor thla morning. A long Hat of "unfair good was .read and a number ef mail prdsc" houses- were ., declared "unfair." ., '. .. LAUNCH SET ON FIRE ' BY GASOLINE EXPLOSION (Special bUpatrh to Tb JosrsaLI - 4 Seattle, Nov. 10. The Harry R. Fruit, launch plying between Seattle and Hood's canal, was badly damaged by fire and' Water this morning. ' The ves- Jsel had just left the, dock and was re T turning to the oanal when her gasoline unk axDloded and in an insiani ane waa enveloped in flames. She hurriedly put back, and T-the flreboat Snoquelmle. which witnessed the explosion, waa soon sending a stream of wster Into the era ft. " The vessel filled with water and now !) half submerged at the city dock. The loss will be about $1.(00. No one was seriously Injured but several of the crew were scorched. ENGLISH LABORER IS HEIR TO FIVE MILLIONS 1 '- - (Jonrsal Special eerviee., 1 London. Nov. 20. A sensation has been caused in Great Ilarwood, a thrlv Ing cotton manufacturing town in Lan eaahlra. by the announoemant that one of ita workmen, Michael MacDonald, la exnected ahortly to Inherit with his brother a fortune of $5,000,000. It ap- Deare that MacDonald a uncle, who ami grated to America- many years ago, has Just died and left his immense fortune made in mining to me two nepnewa MacDonald ia at present employed aa a gardener, and hla leap to fortune will, therefore, be a great one. . OREGON SENATOR AND ; ; WIFE IN WASHINGTON - IMneelal Dtenatrh to The Journal.) Washington, IX C, Nov. 20. Senator C. W. Fulton and hie wife arrived in Washington this morning and have taken a aulte at the Portland apartment house for the winter. . ' Jape Suppress Slav Mutiny. ' ' (Joeraal Special Service.) Toklo, Nov. ,10. More than 500 pris oners of war on the Vladimir and Bo rons! I bound 'for Vladivostok are re ported to bave attempted to mutiny near Nagasaki and assistance waa asked or Japanese authorities' and Japanese tor pedo boat a at once aurrounded tha two Russian vessels, while constables were sent aboard. 1 The. Boronejl carrlea Ad miral Rolestvensky. - THE of Commerce '. fv'w Capital $8,700,000 Resorva $3,500,000 v Portland Branch, $44 Washington. , -. E, A. WTLD Manager. -' - Travelers - letters of Qedi! ' Available la all parte of the world) ' 111 branches In Canada and the -TTnttewStatea, Including: ; San Francisco, Seattle, Victoria.' Van couver. Nanaimo, New. Westmins ter, Dawson (Tukon). , ... Drafts Issued on ; . any Branch " , Transfer of money to or from : any part of. Canada by letter cr telegram. A Qeirrral Banking " Business Transacted ' THB THREE - STORY BRICK BCILDINO ' OC-' CUPIED BT . RICHARDS' i RE8TAl'RANT ON" THB SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARK AND ALDER AND V 'NEAT.' TU "1 TELE- "' 1 "... PHONE COMPANY S FOR ' . SALE. A GREAT CHANCE .' r'X'' TO BUT INSIDE ALDER ! , ST. PROPERTY' AT .A. ; " X REASONABLE VPBICB 7 ; AND ON EAST TERMS. ?'';V,; PAYS WELL. -.''t Thomas Scott Brooke " BOOK , OOWOO&9 Teeth-NoPain Marvelous ia what all the dentiata aay about tha wonderful system of Alveolar Dentistry, originated and practiced ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, !1H Morrison street We eave teeth if only a good root remain We restore old decayed, teeth to ; usefulness and beauty. - . . We replace loat er absent teeth with out plates. . v,- - -We extract teeth without pain free of charge. . - '' . We treat and tighten loose teeth, and soft or bleeding gums are made sound and healthy. . u .:?:..: j . .1, .- We guarantee our plates to fit. We give you the best dental work for the lowest coat . consistent with first class work. Come and have free exami nation and consultation and learn - for yourself what, we can do for you. Boston Painless Dentists Mitt Vorrlsoa ai, opp. Meter Trank - ,. and yootoffloa. . -XOUWS S0 a. aa. e S p. aa. Son. day, Si30 a. m. te 1Bi30 p. m. Cy,"rker lbs Fnll Naias exctive irosio Quiaisa CorCol4liOeDayrCr9tat tyi Dyf en wary box. 25c Alder Street we have . t . cation, our experience, our reputation, con- V. demn all 'such quackery. '. We will make Zrfarert BstabUso ed. Most Saooeesfal aad Bailable Spe cialists la Oil nig tuis m. of Kea or women, out leaving as Medioai ipio- tem( an(j at T mas. Xrfoensea aaa - , 4 i.:itr..i . 1 r., . T Bewspaper Beoords ""nwi,; miuui uu autccbsiui ireaimeni. e Snow. " ...y' ,; .-.Vlt iuii! z Ecrema and All Forms yt Pedine, Rectal, ICidney end Urinary ; y " i v ; ? ' Diseases, Varicocele, Hydro-, yv:A;'; rW' ;;.-V ce!e end Rupture V'-- ;'. V '. ; . And AD DIseiMM ana Weaknesses of Both Men an Womea.t y CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Write for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call. ' ' ,;' v:v" v --f,v . -.-C:.-' -: ' .'X-' St " Louis Medical and : 5 , , zou w iamnw wen, roroana, ure. , .: ; Always Inclose .Ten 2-Cent Stamps When Writing.- A ' We treat successfully all pr Irate aer roua a .id chronle diseases of men; ale blood, stomach.' heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS without mercury) te stay cored for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or petit In IS daya, J We ' atop draina, ' night- loaaea and spermatorrhea by a new method In a week. We oan restore the sexual vigor '.' of any man under B0 by means of local ' treatment peculiar to ourselves. ; W Cure Gonorrhoea The doctors ef thla Inatltstte are all regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have aeea Known in Portland for li years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertaa-e no vnleaa certain euro can be effected. We e-uaranfoe a rure In every case we andsrtake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential. Inst rue- 1 tle BOOK FOB MITN mslled plain wrapper. ' -. We cure the wtrt eases ex piles la two or three tree tm ants, wltaoat oper tlon. Cure guaranteed. .. - .. Iou eaanot call at ofllce. write for ettesUoa blank. Borne treatment sue : Offlea houra te I and T to a.' Jluadaya and holldaya. 1 ta It. :'y: DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. OAoaa In Van Noy Hotel, JUt Thlr v - eases, canuer, paralvsla, tumor a, rheumatism and ail dlnordere of the stomach, liver and kidneya. He hae had great success In curing con- sumption wnen the victim is net snd will ston hemorrhaares In an lacredlblv short time.- pwii iiieuii' ine-TVom"3htnewe'eeesrweewarfcaaaeaaeas 1 ere unknown to American doctora He uses In his practice over toe dif ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful pa tients. , DR. WIIVO r; LEE u vomn rotrsTX stbmt. miiuitb, ousow. w f o spices a OFFEE,TtA' DAinnopovDEn, firCa:;:5EXTRLas G0SSET Ct DEYER5 ! PORTLAND, ORtCOM. , FOR INSIDE-PROPERTY sza .1 v Thos. Scott Brooke oowcoas BvrLDivo. Tor ' modern dental worK. ' World-re- nownea speciansia tiewest prleea eonslatent with flrat-elasa , wort y '.,' .' v Oe to tha ' ; NEW YORK DENTISTS rOTTBTH AID MOBKISOW SS. ' Open' day end night, trots, ; a. aa aatU ! a. m. . us n r-,T3 1 a uo no free proposition, cheap or X t trial treatments, no pay until cured catches, or. similar devices to sell medicines, belts, ; etc Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such methods, Our-edu- j you no false promise as to curing your case "in a short time, knowing it will take longer, as wc promise noyiing dui wnat we can ao, and always do what we promise. . ; " We guarantee a complete, safe and last- mc ijuiv-B-csL jjussiuic iime, wun injurious after effects in the svs- the lowest i cost possible for 1 . ... ,r .; . of Skin Diseases, Nervous Surgical Dispensary t WWw d f treat. Corner Pine. PorUaa, OfL , . . .-, f-er . .... ; win The Great Chinese Doctor LO CAT BD IN PORTL AMD SINCB 138 O , i - . ' Re la called great because he earee all dlseaaaea without resorting to the knife. ,. - Call and have a f roe examination. He will tell you the exaot nature of your trouble . He treats suooessfully every form of fe male eomolatnt. all private and blood die too r.uch run-down or tno aisease,, brews his X setahle X . C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Foranarly a a.Ma Tblrdr toeated et Has Moved aniMin a. a. ' 1 et riral ssd Morrtsea sta. - . ' Entraneej y'V I62J4 First Straet Dr. C. Oee We, the Steal Ohlaaae Seetet, la arall know a sod famova throesboet tke V. 8. becanaa fels woadarful and BarTalooe eares kave bees brallad broadoaat tbroeKhoot tke , langtb aad breailtk ef thla aoeatrr. Be treat) aay end all -etneaam wltb powerful Cklnaae roota. barba, bada. barka and Tatbl thai are entlraly snknows te medical aciaoee Is tali . eoenfrr. an throniib the bm ef tbaae barmlaa rmrUe k snarantiwa te cere eaUrrh, aathsia.' tang trnahlae; rbenmatlam. t-mmnrt. stonaeh, lirrr. kldoey, featata trooblae sad aU prirate dlf'Kaea. . ... " ' " " Tula famous dnetnr enras wttksot the aid . ef the knlf. without aalns pMaona ee drasa, nandrafla of tmrlmotrlala en et bte etSaaa, Call aad se Mm. - Char mawate, . ( ,.- , . : coKBtaianow ntn."-- "Patients est I ( the It watte - foe Masks- aad tlrnlu. tncloa 4e atasts. Iddreaa Tin 0. ee Wa Oktnaae Kaataue .we Mmm aea BV, r. Morrlaoo, rortiaae, ui, . -riaeae maoUoe tbla raaast'v t ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath and good bad ' n the sight, an for A, King's Baths! Seventh and Waabe tngtoa Stai Ilaeat ' and largest hatfed ta the aity. ' $1.00 1 1 1 - ' , -;: ; - -