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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUEIIAL PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3.-1605.-, FOH ALH r."AL ESTATE. INCOME PROI'r TY glii r3 CLOSE IO TKUMIN'AL DIH'IRICT. Corner ld ud 8 good houss. noting tor ' 10 pre cent "t price, s 50. Lot fllixliio, T-rMw hitise. East Washington between Union eve. nil East Twelfth. l!.OuO. ' 15 acres Oft Mount Scott, 400 cords of wood. $. ' acres on Wltierg lan. all cleared. BO grsvvl, old boiiee. plenty of orchard. 31.b.0. r - Lsree corner lot with 3 good bouse, central East Portland, rents $.'t.. prln gtl.400; terms. CULVfcH, mi Chamber of Commerce. 9.T.T0O, A SNAP Comfortable modern bona, rloaa In on tha aaat aida, 0 Urine -room, bath ate, gss and electricity, larga basement eon talnlne laundry, two ators and fuclrouma; everything about .the house Id Bret-claas re pair; tba lot la loO feet deep, oontatua chlcken nouss and ysrd and number of So fruit - traaa; ao Ideal bom for comfort and con venience, ('all or srtdrea tha oanr. room boo. tba Marquam. Fboo Mala eoO, llil p. m. , FOR PAI R B-room cottage. Ma, all ktnda of fruit, banisa, flna soil, (rood water; 30 mls- iitaa' walk to ear Una. 10 to Southern Pacific, ... 13 ml lea from Portland. See owner, A. B. , Draper. ZSS Washington st., tit. FOR HAM At bargain, B-room cottage at -Sunoyelde. essy monthly payment. TlHViAme Mercantile "Agency, Ablngmn bldg. TWO (In lota, 100x100. coraer: good view of a now mountains; cheap. Also new modern fnmlslied 6-room booss. barn. - Eaat 42a, er Mala 1413. . FOR HALF) TBxIOO-foot lot an Esst Seventeenth . and Couch; will ell for ll.SSO If sold la et . few dare face east! trail worth 31.400: wilt ell part ef lot If desired. , Addroaa K 41. ' car JournaL EAST BIDS HOMES Three f-mon and aaa room bona on p.. Third and bin It noma b ate.! new. beaatlfnllv hn.bed; flna mention: coavenlent to 3 rarltneaj esav terms. Parlsb Gnnrlar. owners. 343 Multnomah at 'OR 8ALE-Moder aohorbsn cottage, eloaa to rsrllna, flna location.' ground louxloO. O. W. ' P. Townalta Co.. 134 First at. BfXLWOOn LOTS. 3 down and 38 a month; from 375 to 3200. Sellwood Townslte Co. Pbona Esst 4Tt4. LOTS, sf rears anil' residence on Portland nelght, J. a Suofoer. S&S YamhllL aor. Park THREE saw honors, rant or aalt; aaaa. 10V . Fourth at., room 16. Owner. WAflNER it PETTT. 202 Commerclsl bli hsvs soma of tha bast bora tn tba city. g4 toata befora burlng and be convinced. ROOM modern bouas. 32.000; 3200 down, hal " asro $16 monthly. Owner. Pbona Eaat 375. ' ' KTXTVOOD ROMRS. -f MM rl room bouse. , ns a woolen nllla mid 2 lots. . 3W1 g-rrxxa hnnasj, f lota, good (rait trass. 3hi0 4 room bona, sew. . , 7 W ftroom Bew bnnaa. -.'-.-. 31.000 n-room bonap. flna lot, baar far. " 91.330 B-room modem bonsa, snap; near ear ' Una. -.-,'. - 31.TnuW -rooa, modern. ' ' - - bloat of Mm a bore ran ha had m aaa terms. ftt Wfts at hadrark prkca, and terraa ( 33 down and 3A n month. HEM. WOOD TOWNSITB CO. ' t Taka llwood ear. get off at Ten loo at. East 4T04. - - - ' FOR WALK Mr owner. B-rnnm boas and lot 0OI126.- 42 Tnlon ara.. N. - . i v. . - Son FARMS, small 4rspt and lota: bargains on O. W. p. ateetrie Una. O. R. Addltnn. Lenta. . Orsgoa, Tab Uoaat Scott ear, 3. . .A IPUL1, V luw. II ALu ..I . flna berrr krul; near Mllwaosle; '3.ft00. Ai'-f - araaa w at. enra M jenrnsl. . --. OLD H-reom cnttaga and VM VtiluO. $.v: 3100 oows. 1A a mantbr JaQUlrs st 30 .naanmgum si. r-ronni rVme.aira firmed 1st a noaaasslon of good 7 Mouaa aaa largs mr. priea -a flown, .v IS a . month. Jnqulra at 3s Cast Wssu - - Ington at. - . , - , ' BEVBRAU good komesi. aU new, an tbe tnstsll , merit -plan; milk ranch nf T acres for rent. Apply Kterens ft Hon. Tahor Heights, end ef Vti Ml. .Ti1 a- TTr.ast. bowi. . r . .... ... GOOD T roora honae, barn and outbuildings, with 1 acre of land. 3a serg large fruit trees, flowers and ornamental shrubbery, (3,300. Phone East eflhO. TOR SALE FARM S. Ifn-ACKa; farm. 10 miles east ef Portland on . Sandy rlTer: 40 acres under enltlrstloa. good lniirorements. la acre on Powell Vallng " rued, k mile eouth of iiatmilr; abort dla ' tance from 1 earllnee. - IT acres good. Tal laad adjoining Motor addition. W, B. Peek belmer. 227 lallng bldg. tlO.OOO FARM of 400 acres. 330 cultlrsted. . ha Usee psstnre; SO acres eioeer; booss,- tws barns; won Id sell In lota of 40 acres. Ad . ; dress E. Bell. Rnnte 1, Rlckreal, Oregoa, ' . ee 0S Eaat Twelfth St., Port lead. - . FOR BAU3 Htnrk rnne ef 3 4O0 am neat Oobnrg, 8 miles nortbeast of Eugene, Lane county, Oregon; price, low and terms eaay. F. IK Chamberlain, Labb bldg., PertUad. BAROAINH In acreage-10 acre near Lenta, 4 - acre cultivated, balance eaally cleared; price 31.600; term; 3 acres near Lenta; price 970O, ' part cash. 403 Commercial bldg. - Phono ' Pacific 818. , FRKK LA Jill IN ORKOOJt under tb Carey Irrigation Act. Deed . direct from state. ..Write today. . Booklet and map free. B. S. . Coose Co.. 3ul AJdac at, PertlanaV- Oe. BA KG A1X no-ecre Improred farm mllee cast of Portland. LeCompte, 227 Front. SO-ACRE farm, 8 mile -from Vancouver, new v bona;" 1,000 fruit tree. 637 Roselawa av. A r-iyg Jt KJX-trnct-silth lllne 3 an htnai, y larn. fine orchard, good well, 1 S4 ', aniies lima ixniaj win evil - ciintvi i. taaoN Inalde of 10 days. Charles B. Johnson. Lents. A tO-ACRE farm, all In enltlTatinn, 8 miles . from court house, 1 mile from 0. W. P. A By. . Co., 33.000; trm t ault. or will trade fnt - bonsa and lot. John P. Kbsrksy, T01 Chaaj- - bet of Commarsjs. ... FOR 3AI.K BO-arre farm, 8 miles from Eata. cads, 81,&W. Addresa E. i, Palmateer, Cuf rlnsTllls. Oregon. - - .: ' - - - " - , $3,330 ll-cr fruit farm at Oak Oim; good 8-room bonae; a bargain. g.1.000 Bny a good 100-acr farm near Ooble; 40 acre nnder plow. 40 can be easily t cleared, balance- In good yellow fir. 31,300--lHO-a-r farm near Galea Creek . poe tofflcst 4-room honae and furniture, barn, i 30 acre la fruit, 40 scree of timber, Ilrlng water: terms. . as.,000 lot) acre, mile west of St. Johns, - S3 acre cleared. 80 sores ef good timber, ,-llring water; terms. GRKdO BROS., Phone Mala X03. 817-18 Eeato Bldg. . - r- 30-A(RB FARM. 30 acna of good anil. 18 acre In cnltleatlmt; amall bona, good bam and fences, running ; wster. school H bille. nn eonnty road. 4 miles northeast or Oregon i ity; price ai.zou. esay terms. B. J. Geleer, 221 Morrwon at. . : FOR S ALBTIMBER. . - CERTIFIED scrip, an elaa pieces; lowest prices. W. G. Howell, 338 Chamber ef Com- msrea, ' ' n FOR HOMENTEADS, flmber claim and acrlp apply to 804 Commercial blk. FOR SALB 3.000 acre first -class timber, close - to Columbia rlter,- near Cane Horn. A. J. . Armatrrma. 3SS Cable .U- Portland, - Phone ... . Main Baud. ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. BO ns Eft of all kinds for sale at esry , , able prices. Inquire xso Jsrraraon. ONE 140-lb horse, t light horse. 4 ind B yesra old, two seta of Jwrneaa. Inqulr F. C. WU- son. Woadatork. ' HortKF, FOR SALB ALL Slf.FS AND ALL PRICES. OTAKI.KK X0 JKKFERMON ST., BKT. . FIRHT AND SKCOND. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALB OR ETCH A NOB Latest tmpro.! Kelly loasawUig machine, cheap. Aeilrass M 43. Journal. . SO ROOMH. honaekeeplng fists, well fnrnished. to eichange for lots or bouas and bat. Inquire . at 107 Mi Third st. Dial Register C. 34 0O0 a-ROOM honae, X 8 5 acres, tn Oregon City, to eirhango for vscsnt totala Port land. Call I on Third at. AUTOMOBILES. HOTTASD COTET, Fifteenth nnd Alder, srent . for t adlllac snd Pierce antomobllva; mscbinrf rented, repaired and etored. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB OR RENT NKtV AND SECOND HAND HKWINU MAi'H I NFS. STANDARD SKWIVO MAClilSbi AOfc.SCV. B. l. JONhd, 2rl YAMHII.L BT. Wbf print your name oa SO calllna-carda. proper alas and atvle. 3.1c; M bualueaa canla, 31. brown A rktmsle. Vat Flrat, Porllsud. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL tsblaa .for rent for - sale en esar pavments. THE bKLNSWK h BALKB COLLENDEB CO. 40 Third St., Portland. LAKllR stock second-band Remington . and Snilth-Prrniler tyiwwrlters, from 340 nn. Indsrwood Typewriter Co.. 1 SUrk at. LAR0B8T at.wk ef bottle la north feeat; ordora filled promptly. Portland Bottle Simply C, 31 North Elabtaeotb et. Main SxaS. SHOWCASKS AND FIXTCRBS made to order; second hand gowls for ssle. Carlson a. kail Strom. 3ral Coocb at. Puon Clay STL UNCALLED-FOR, mounted specimens and for ruga cheap. F. J. Ureses, 803 Third at. . HOTEL ranae (Charter Oak), used 4 months, dining chairs, tables, showcases, counters. Wester Salvage Co., 827 g Washington St. FOR SALB BURROUGHS NO. 8 ADDINO MACHINE. ALMOST NKW. 818 CUAMBBR OF COMMEBCK. PACIFIC 4341. MACHINERY Of sll kinds repaired. Centennial -Jroa Steel Works. 28 Gllssa at. 31. BABDB SON. having betight tba com. plete atock of plumbing msterlsl on tlx Trsll and Gnvernroeut Island, offer all tha pine and fittings ti4 ery resaonsbla futures; alao tb electric fixture of . the Amerirsa Inn Co., wlib-b will go to tba buyer at les tbaa half of coat price. - FOR SALE Four No. 8 American botst borae powers snd lot of second-hand donkey en glnea, suitable for hniglug or hoisting par. rrs. For. Information and prlc apPV W D. Kuetttier. Aetorla, Oregon. WESTERN OREGON MINING MILUIJH CO. headquarters; stock for sals and In formation at 180 First st. . Pbona Main 1618. 143 ROLL-TOP DESK ,2?-15 BKOSl'KINGS i 1 GUITAR ..; J $3 WOOL-TOP MATTRESSES Stoves, ranges, furniture, crockery, grsnlts and tlnwars aud sll bousrfurulsblngs at actual coat and lcs. We are closing out. FLEMING. 2TI FIMST ST. . FOR SALE Good work- horae. cheap. Inquire WUlUm Moffett, at tb golf links, Stllwood, FOR SALE Cheap, a pah? of very beautiful Australian perayoets; alao canaries of very fine aong. Just aaat of the observatory, Port land Helgbta. . . GOOD enrsm seriarator for aal rheap. for .y former price 8123: only In uae abort while: -will take half eaah, ret In chickens. Ad dress Box 404, Sherwood. Oregoa. FOR -SALE Fine, upright plsno, perfect con dition ;el. cheap. .Call afrernoon 1T0 Tenth. WEBER nprlght plsno, $125; Decker, $30; onran. $23; guitar. 85. 341(4 First St.. corner Msln. apstslrs. " - FOR SALE New 88 ft. gaanllns launch and hmles; price H0. Phons Msln 4ottS. NEW fnrnltnr $ rooms, -1 velvet, 1 Brnssela - carpet, new gas stove: all or part cheap: fur nace heat; rent $1. 64 North Twentieth at. WAGON. 8 S Inch steel akem, good aa. new. 40 Spencer at., Montavllla. ' PERSONAL. BE MEN! - ' ' P. (TltsJ Power) tablets wltl reetare te you the snap, vim and vigor of manhood;, tf yon are larking la tha power 'of vitality. Its ioaa rraulttng from Indiscretion and exreeae. aend for a box of three tablets and be con vinced nf their merit. By mall la plain pkg., 81. The Armstrong Tsbh C.. lnv 803 " Tolsma blst. Detroit. Michigan. SPECIAL NOTICB TO WOMEN Don't risk Kur Uvea by aa operatwn when yon esa cure4 by, barraleaamgtbols; elrtrlcltg "Tiropcrlv applied will as re life where opera tion kill. We poaa.aa tba lateat Invention tn control dlaeaaea peculiar to women. Dr. W. 1. Naee. M. B.. Medical Electrlc)aa. " Of - fire Tl Dekam bldg. Pboa Bed 3281. Office , boora S-13, S3. . '' MRS. ANNA LUCK FY and ETHEL WARD are nnw located at 330 Taylor at. principal of ' tn American Besaty Parlors. Wa enra all seals dlsaasea and positively grow hair or make n ehsrge; all kinds of bsths given; electric msaaare. manicuring and chiropody; ' ales Madam Harrow's remerflee; aatlafaatloa guaranteed, rhone Mate' 2243. . DETECT1TB AGENCY Conidentlal Investl ' gatlona; reporta made on aay Individual bnsl . nees or property; missing relatives located; bad debta collected : charge reasonable: ocr reepondence nollcitrd. Oregoa Detective Service, offlcea 314-818 Columbia bldg., SM " Washington St, Phone Mala 8418. DR. AUSPLTJND. dhMssea of women and sur lery. 30s Allaky bllg Third and Morrieoa. YES, Palaw Tablets make yon aleep perfectly: tbey cure servonaneaa ssd make yon atrongi ; price 50e a box. S boxes $2.30; guaranteed. All drngalata. or addreaa Brooke Drug Ce 14J North Third St., Portland. " - MO DRl'GS, ao operations; Prof. Dunn give steopetby and magnetic treatment, reduce , your Been, relieves suppress, d monthly Irregn . IsrlUe. Cnnealtatioa tree.- OtSca. 80S Uoodnongh bldg. t ii i ... MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve doubles. On asouth'e treatment. 83; $ .Bootha. $3; aaat aecurely sealed by mall. Agenta. Woodard, Clarke A Co.. Purtlaad. Or. BOOKS! Her they are: 'Decameron." Hep tameron," "A Hot Tamale." "Fanny Hill,'" "Twenty Tear a Faker." "Forbldilea Fruit." P" ; tlca;jlill fra A snhmalai yni sirsi sw LOST powers restored bv tb great Dr. Lorene's Nerve Tonic Tablets; t&e per box, 8 boxes for 31.23. Writ er call at Eysaell's Pharmacy, E2T Morrlaoa. bet. 1st . ssd 3d. THE Celebrated Star Hatr remedy rt store grsy and faded hair ea Ita antaral color, pro motes tb growth of balr; not freaay. Pari Hair Store, 808 Washington. WHT live elen when yon can secure a Hfa com pa a Ion by Joining the Interstate Intru . during Sodaty, and theet or correspond with reputable persons of this section, many . weal thy; the November register, 10 ceata. Suite 34 Buanrll bldg. Phone Paclfle OS. SUITS praaeed while, yon watt, 50c' Ladle' , skirts pressed, 60e. Gilbert, ion Sixth at, aett t Quelle. Phone Clay 80S. WANTED To confer with those contemplating a business conree; to your personal ana financial Interest to Investigate. Addreaa ' J 43, care Journal. . - - - LADIES Yon appear 20 years younger, rs mnv M wrlnklrs, kav akla like velvet by . using Oregon - Grape Skin Food. Pbona ' Seat 126T. . - DR. ATWOOD, IS Rassel bldg..' IflBt Fourth at. Female dlsesse end couftnemeutsi epsn i evenings. Consultstlon free. . MEN I WOMEN! Raymond' pill positively cur nervouaneaa and lark ef vitality; 31 4 boxes $3. Plummcr. Drug Co., 2A0 Third. HELONIA EOYPTIA, scientific palmist, ' psvoble, life reader snd heeler; past, present and future. 234t Second, ear. Morrison St. EXPERIENCED drssstnaker will make engage ments In families. Union 844. x DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT UNCLE MYBRS, . PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 148 THIRD ST, -NEAR ALDER. - FREE sample card, bunion and wart cur. : 3.4 . win L. Dean. dept. E. Taunton. Mas. TURKISH BATHS, 300 Oregnntan bldg. Udlea nighti Main ins. . WANTED Tn know the whereabouts of William Stephen Smith. fnrmrlv ef los An re les. - Address Mother, box 128. Santa Barbara. ' California. FREE to out nf town patron, cmr latest est .logn of fancy work, pillow tons, renter . pieces, shirtwaist snd novelties. The Needle Craft Shop. JOT Allaky bl.lg., Portland. Or. DOLLS' hoapltal;- repairing and dressing, bill and West Park eta. - - Yaw BINtl CHOONG. tm porter of Cb rlnea; sells Cblpeee tea -that la certain cwr for all dleeaee.' 101 Second bet. Yamhill anJ . Taylor. DISEASES of women a specialty: maternity . rase given special attention, arivata nnspitnl aecom mods t Ion: prorevaionsi isdy nnraee m sftemtance: conaitltstl free. . X-Rarttnta ' Inatltnta and Sanltsrlnu eotranie 2TA Alder at. Third and Alder, SEND for free Hat of cot price snd elnbblti ratee an magaslnee. Jones' Book Store, Jul ' A'1 at. - - ' , . .. - LADY eVelrlng to g to Denver will find 11 to her advsntsg tn call at 02 killlugswerth are. )ak L ear. PERSONAL. ST. GEORGE ORMONDE 328 Fifth St. Psychic paloilst. myetlc brsler. dead trance elalrvojaut; settles kiv qusrrela, '"'''' trraaure. niltius etc., restores bt vltsllty, gives bualneas sdvle by mail, -l 4U'' tloas; tells everytklug.' . HONOHAHLB Christian gentleman In lortland. suthsrrssaed, sicellrnt character snd experi ence, sloue, has Intereatln proposition r - lutrlllavnt hidv. past 43. havlne mesne for business. - AUth-ss H. B. Uuluton, Oregon City, Or. WHY be poorr Send 23 for valuable eeerat to Box flu, Grauta Psas. Oregon. L.-B. WRITE to aie. Addreee Wood law a, - rare Journal office. Will prove ae good ss nar word; why this silence! If you prefer, pbun. N. H. L. EVERYBODY delighted; tbey da not wsnt you to dststnolnt. snd prvaila va mors tbsa last; the strsageueas, of course, bed en me effect. - Why not a friend! J. U. MAUDE That wa exactly what wss to ba ex-j- peered; knew yon would know that aud hew to do It; It will be liapuastble (or aie to get around until Friday. L. DR. ATWOOD, 14 Ruaarll bldg. ,-18 Fourth at. Female dlaeaaea snd confinements tskca and ci red for; open Wed. and Sat. evenluge. twoauitarion tree. ATTORNEYS. A- H. TANNER." attorney, S00 Commercial bib., : Second and Washington ata. Phon Main 842. H. F. BURLEIGH,' lawyer, 122 - Grand avf Eaat Portland. . EDWARD T.- TAGGART, attoraey and ooua selur.. 414 Cbsmber of Commerce bids. ASSAYERS. GARVIN 'CYANIDE BXTBAOTION CO. and i Montana Aeaay Offlrst, im Mornaon ai. ART EMPORIUM. THE LATEST FAD" SO buva 8 pen and Ink sketch of . yourself from photo or life. Fsy King, 828 Raleigh St., near 26th. 31 car. PROFESSOR B. MX METE Br S4S Alder. Portrait aa landecape artist and teacher. NEW -wan decoration, panel tn oil narattega: order solicited. Pboae Union 28BT. BUTCHERS- SUPPLIES. 8. BTRKENWAl) CO.". S04-S0S Everett t. Largeet butchers' appply bouas en the coaet- blank-book: makers. ROWSl DAVIS sV KITH AM 103-111 Second at, Blank book aunnfactnrera; agents for Jonee Improved Loose-Lear ledgers; aee til new - Eureka leaf, the beet on the market. BATHS MASSAGE. TOTTNB ' oelentlfle maascoee gtees alectrfcal, thermal, aksoboll and sasdl rated sttnent: - chiropodist, pedicuring and manicarfng. Re ception raosa 10, Benson bids., cor. Fifth and Morrison ata. Phon Parlfle fao. a. XOUNG arlentlflc masseuse give magnetic, al coholic and electric tree tmenta, -vapor, Roman , and medicated bathe. ST Tacoma honae. Stark ' bet. Third and Fonrtb.- - - BLACKING.'. WEBFOOT Blacking, abaotatsly wsierproof. pre eervs the heather, makea ahoea wear SO per erst longer. . Fee aal everywhere, 10 and 18 eenta. .:.,,.- n- . . . . CHIROPODISTS. r. Worley Benlamm.. 3WU - Wsshlnrtoo st the foot speclsluit. Phon Hood 304. - CAFES. TUB OFFICE 2MB WcshlngtOB St. TT1. Samuel Vigneaa. Phone aUlv COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by the Northwest CoHeotton Agency; year business bandied In a . business ' manner; try ns. lo-lT Lsbbe bldg. DOES any on owe yea money t W collect bad debta of all kind. 122 Grand av, room 12. Phone Esst 4424. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware. Prael. Hegele Co., 100 a 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at CIGARS AND TOBACCO. - enBBnnnAansjB KSBERG-OI'NBT CO. Dtstribatora 'of , FINB CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY cere all form of rheumatism. Dr. Era Hogea. 2W Hall at. Phon Msln 604. GRINDING. Bason, knlve, sclssut sharpened to Derfe- '. nro. racmc iui. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Ca., largest plant a the coaet. Lacing and Harding ata., tele , phone Eaat 20 Carpets cleaned, refitted, ' aewed and laid: both ateam and lateat com pressed air process; renovating saattraaaea and j. feet be rs a epecialty. ... - -'i SANITARY carpet cleaning, eoctloa and) Com pressed air combined; carpers cleaned nn floor without removal. Mala 8634. Bast 334. CARPETS cleaned ea the floor: w rare ns dnat. Pheoe Clay 381. tree demonstrsrloa. t. HUNTER Steam carpet ead msttres cleaner. 630 Jefferson. Pbon Mala S14. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS., commlesloe mercbanta, Sow, feed, bay and produce. 202 to 266 Front at Phone Main 2303. EVERDING A FARRELL, produce and commie alnn mercbanta. 140 Frost St., PertUad, Or. Pbon Main -ITS. CLEANINO AND DYEING. UP-TO-NOW CLEANING B PRBSSINO COM. . pany Suite preesed. 50c; pants, 13. Pbea Paclfle 2X4. 848 Aakeny at. YAMHILL ' CLEANING PRESSING CO. Work called for and dsllTsreU. Pbon Clay : 3X2. Portland Steam Cleaning 4k Dyeing Works: prac tical hatter la connection, til 4th. Clay To. CLOTHES eleanedand pressed 81 per BtoathT Unique Tailoring Co 34T Washlngtaa St. U. W. TURNER, nrnfesslonal dyer and elaeBer. BOA Jefferson at. Pbona Main 2313. CURTAIN CLEANINO. NEW pence lac anrtaln cleaning, SOe to $1 palr 404 Ollaan. Main 4n-. - , - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS WOOD, carps nters, tmfldeest Kiting and Jobbing; atore and office flxtara lit. Shop 20 Celambla. Mala 82ST. WASHSUBNB ri.0TT, wagon hsrllder. -ead general f b wark. 83 Btb L phone Hood ewe. P. R. TANDRRHOOF, 2ST Stark at. 'Phone carpenter ssd Jubbee. Mala T4T. WM. FTSHBBCK, esrpenter: Tepsltiag aad Job bing done. 2111 Bnrnslda at. Phoae Mala 843T. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. STEVENS, Portland s dtstlngnlabsd palm let, aatrologlet aad spiritual Ufa reader. Da yon want to anew racta imparTsnv aaa rn ablet If ao, call upon thla gifted and act entuie aeer. Its) Seventh et. Phoae Pacific IV. . . . B. Ft. BNEFSHAW, heater aad trance niedlnm, raa he cscsnltsd at 143 SUth et. . Heart 12 to 4 p. m. . . Hii'f SMI. ,-- w ... . i COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO Sols agsnta for the famous Diamond coal; try It and yoa will alwaya bny It. Wyoming and Washington bone aoels, Virginia aud Washington smithing coele; full wsbfbt guaranteed. Tat Main 125. A. L. Steuuena, auuager. CHURCHLET BROS, kav removed from foot Devi st. to 428 Kearney at.. Bear 11th: la now the Unrest woodyard In tba cltv. carry ing all kinds of wood and eoal. Mala 33L GREGORY A MORRIS, successor to Cala McKune, desler In weed and eoal at lowest prlcee; sstlafartloa guaranteed. Cor. Teutk and Irving. Phone Mala 478. WESTERN Feed AV Fnet Co., on Front, between Gllssn and Hoyt, dealers In all ktnda of bouse eosia aad blacksmith ooals. l'b"B 1 Msla 1018. . ., j. .. , v. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la mrdwood. coal and green and dry slabwood. R. B. and At. blag ava., 2 block east ef ferry. Eaat 874. STEEL BRIDGE' FUEL CO. Dealer la ensL otmwwuvu mam air IHnwm, rnwov BOXWOOD snd planer trimmings. Standard Wood Co. Pbona Eaat 2313. Foot Bast Pine. OREGON FUEL CO. ATI kinds of eoab aad wood. SOS Aids at. Phene Main SB. EIRK HOOTER. 818 Water at., wood and eeaL Phone Main 4B3S. ' FOR SALE 8,000 aorda fir wood. 23TB. DANCING.' WOOOWARD'S dancing school of tb Western Academy ef. Music, Monday and Thursday. , Spectators Invited. Lee eons 30c Denclug S to 11. Cor. Second and Morrlaoa. DETECTIVES. TELL aa roar troubles; we never aleep; evidence traced la civil and criminal cases. B, L. Ilenlnger, ld-IT Labbe bldg. PETFCTIVB or aecret aervice work: strictly confidential; difficult raiai sollelteSL 14. Washington bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL; DB.C.".BROWN.D.V,S..D.C.M. Dog. Horse he. pi I a I. onrnsio. raoeni eiiur . wiww DRESSMAKING. FIRST-CLASS narler. 21T Allaky bldg. u1ts. gown, coats. Jacketa. lateat atyl; aktrta bound and Jacketa rellned. STR1CTT.Y tailor-made aktrta which were aol.1 $3 and $3, now $3 this week only. 230 Alder at. . -i . . - - , - - . FIRST -CLASS d reea making -psrmrs flT Cem- merclal at.; lowest prices; children's work; plsln sewing a epecUlty. Pbon Scott 4172. .ni.ew vmm ' - er wssh ailk. made for Slaatrtatm. 8B.BU. amax mar- kwc. Phone Beet 8231. KRISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING OOLI BOB, 202 and 400 Allaky bldg. ;v write for booklet. TjaeasilAKtR will make a few gagements In families. Pbon Union 844. DRESS MA RING Strictly an tn date) Is test ae-stgnav- 4S5 Cle St. DENTISTS. RET CHURCHMAN, dsutlst. 834 Marauam bldg Slxtb snd Morrison Pbon Mara 1TS0. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 303 Stark at.. Portland, a K. for everything la ' tb electrical Una, , Phone Mala ISM.'- .',...',' PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. PM sincere, eontrae. an-, repalrsrs. electric wiring, auppHsa. 34 First, aor. Stark. Mala 838. B. H. Tata. mgr. THB Electrical Appliance On.. 430 Wssh Ingtoa it. Phon Msln 4Hn. . - . FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society or northwest; protects roe living, m? Marnuam lung., rortiana, uregon "FLORISTS.' American Florkrt Garden x Tenth at.' Mstn 3410. rmwera and pot plants. -rUKWll U Kl. KACIlOlUES. OREGON FnrattBre Manufacturing toapaay--Msnafactnrera ef turnltare fur the trade, ' Pertlaad. Or. FCBNITURB mannfsctartnjf aad special order. U Bnveneky'e furniture factory. gTO rreat ax. FURNACES. BfrTNTON warta-atr rnrnacea ssvs fnL J. 0. Bayer Furnace o., gne aeeono. atam en a. MACHINERY. PORTABLE locomotive heller aad etiiina; lean then H -price; 4Va horsepower. C H. Pig. gotfe law effbss. 4 Malksy bldg. - FOR SALB One S-meh Smith sticker, one arm asnder, en two-spladle she per, .. belt aad pulleys. 304 Fourth St. . THB H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-bend mscfalnery, sswmllls. etc 24S Grsnd av. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE enly place la Portland to get French bread, Barrsrs A Mayll. 407 Sixth at. Dally deliv ery. Phone Green -DOS. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., wholesale grocers, nana. lecturers snd commission sssrebaata. Fourth 1 and Oak eta. ALLEN A LEWIS, cnmmlaefoe and pcodoee mev chants. Front and Davis era., Portland. Or. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton, Pendleton, W. A. Brawn, mgr. HOTEL Portland, American plsa) 83. $8 per day. HOTEL St. George, Pendleton l leaning hoteL BELVBDERB; Ferop-sa plsa; 4th and A Use ace. HARDWARE. Portland Hard era re Co. aallrrt opportunity t goots price. 133 1st St., eer. Alder. Msla 1334. HAY AND GRAIN. L O. COOPER ca fwtatoea, feed aad flour. 124 L'aloa sve. Pbea Esst 1S1T. INSURANCE. LAMBERT. WHITMER CO. Fir tnsarsac snd reel eatatei efflce lOT-lo SbMloch bldg. Mala loos; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. . Esst 4eL JAS. Mc. WOOD, smployere liability ssd la- i virtue! accident snretv boqda at all klada. rkooe 4T. 8 McKsy bldg. . ' ., F. BASTETS COMPANY Sir Insorsnea. a BbesVack kids). Oregoa Fkoa Clay $28,. - LOCKSMITH. J. H. R1CHAR0HON, sipert b-k and kevemlthi general repairing; eaetlron brasing: all wrl guaranteed, aud Feurtb at. Hione Hood HaX BROWNE'S IN 'TOWN Ernert locksmith aad hicyele repalrl ns 3t3 Mara. i'w. Clsy 323: alrht pbom. Main Sites. MUSICAL. PIANO, violin, atrlng and wind loatrumente. Professor Edwia Smith, 234 Twelfth. Maui 47(13. PIANO tuning. $2: perfect work guaranteed. C W. JoLnaon. Pbona Main 1011. VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar. 10 lessons Si.' Phene Unloa 3bST, Misitsvllls. WEBBER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar atudlo, 375 Alder; agent for GIIeon mend-llna, guitars. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. Or 3j ontsji nv biUpfe --- - i .me Ladles or Gentlemen. No PulUelty. If yen borrow 31 you pay bach 31.38 a week. If yoa borrow tO you pay beck 31 33 a week. . It yon borrow ftfl yon pay back 32.O0 a week. If yoa borrow 3 (8 yoa pay back 32 88 a week. 1 If yon borrow goO yon pay back $3.00 a week. Pa; menu suspended In esse of atckaea. Strictly Salary Loana. : THE CREtCENT LOAN CO-, . 21T Oreconlan Bl.lg. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for bending purposes. Any amount on from I to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay U er part of wan after one year. Loane ap proved from plana aad money advanced as building progresses; mortgage taaea Bp aad replaced. , . FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, s 242 Stark Street. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, ens 23 , an hi note, wltbont mortgage Month. H Month. Week. 330 on Repay to aa 813 33 or 33.03, or S3.M 823.00 Repay to as $ 8.03 or 33.33 or 81. S $18.00 Repay to a i 4.00 or $2.00 er $1.00 810 McKay bldg. MONET to loan, salaried people, teametara. etc.. wltboat security! . essy payments; Urgeet kualnees'ln 43 principal dtles. TolBUB, 223 Ahlmrtou bldg. . Phone Mais 8487. MONEY te loan oa real, personal and eollatsral eecurityt pecl! attentloa tn chattel mort. r" igea: aotea boorht. C. W. Pallat, 804-8 entoa bldg.. 84 Slxtb at. - . - HIGHLY reepectable place where tadiea and gent can borrow money on diamonds and . Jewelry. Collateral l-oaa Bank. 24S Waah Ingtoa at, ' Pbea Black Tl. CHATTEL loana In amounts ranging froa $28 , to $3,000; roomlng-bonsee a epecialty. New Era Lose Trust Co., 208 Ablngton bldg. WW make atl ktnnst of tnana a SOSd Security at lowest ratee; special attention give 3 - enartei loana. ma Momaoa wu MONEY ts Ioaa In sums of from 33,000 to Sn.nnO) terms to suit tb 300-10. CommercUI blk. WANTRO Tn- borrow $130- ea bonsa aad lot la , Sellwoed: 10 per cent Interest; two or xnree years. 454 Miller av. . - MONEY te Wa la Isrg ae email ansnants en . good security: lowest rat, ,. Beck. SOT Felling bldg. WUUea MONEY to loan oa Clackamas county laad. .i X. F. aad F. B. Bllsy, 80S Chamber f Com- LOWEST ratse ea furnltilte and plane. Es srae B.oga os rmeneca nsng. ussy TO LOAN num., n enlt oa chattel bsl Billy. R. A. Frame. B14', Maroaam. MONEY t bwa en all kind ef 4g.rrity. Wra. . Holl. room S. Washington bldg. ' S..' $1,300 TO loan on Improved farm lsnd,, mtereat n per cent.. i. mrj t ommerciai pm. MEDICAL. ..- knm hlda. aaenta for tha relrnrated Mountain Rose reined lee; cure all female trouhlee. alee stomach and liver trouble; consultstlon free. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. AD1X A NORTHRTTP, 413-14-tt Dekam bldg., ' Third ' and Washington ata. - Pboae -r Main' MS.- Bxamlnatlona free. - DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN. 40S Macleay bldg. Clay T78. Bee. M. 2181. Consult Uoa free. THB very bwt lady osteopath tn town. L. G. Johnson. 324 Salmon, near sixth-- Dr. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD' OVERALLS and see haa1crf clothing; nntoa made. Nenstadtsr Bros., msnnfsctursr, Portland. Or. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Pleas Patat Oa.) wlndow-glasa and glaslug. US First at, Phone 1334. ......... ERNEST MILLER A CO.J Second and Taylor Wall paper, palat oil at market prices; free delivery. KASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, paints, etl, flaaa, eaah aad doora. Second and Taylor. v PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBG . A RADEMACHEB. ea artery . plumber. 84 Foarth St. Both FOlf A CO.." ssnltsre nlnmbei state-nT'S7mn a. Oregon PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS. Printer Doers f thing with Ink snd typ oa paper. Btaama bldg.. Sixth aad Morrison. Mala 414T. ANDERSON A DTTNIWAT COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank booka. Pbona Mala tf. 208 Alder t. METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO. Everything in printing. Main iiwo. it rroni ai. RUBBER STAMPS.' P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder at. pbon Mala Tioj runner stamps, seam, erenctia. nsggage, trade checks: eend'foe cataWxrne No. S3. RIDING CLUBS PORTLAND BIDING CLUB Saddle boras and carriages for rent. W. O. Brown, 606 AMer. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and gensral Jobbing. J. Loall. 212 Je I fereoo St. , SCALP TREATMENT. , GRAY, fslllng hair, dandruff treated: shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mis, B. F, Kyae, 186 Fourth, cor. Morrhwa. ' Room 22. Phone Psclflc 388. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'S Fnrnltnr Hones Highest price paid for second-hand fnrnltnr. 21$ Secosd c Pbona Psclflc 408. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Construct loa Ce. . street paving, side mA e.i.ika. 114iiregoBlaB bldg, THB Trinidad Aepbatt Paving Co. f Portia ad. " Offlcs 433 Worcester blk. SPIRITUALISTS. MIZPAH MEDIUM Locates ml nee -and burled treasures; nnltee tb separated: cause happy marrlsges; gives messages from departed loved sues; brings peace to homes through a higher power. 324 ' First st. SAFES. WE repair and rebuild automobllee, gaa engine. ; printing presses, tlm lech. afe. open lock out, do ail kind of machln work, Columbia Gss Engine A Safe Work. 243 Second et, Pboa Paclfl 870. Frank t. Snpar. aupt. DIEBOLD Maagsneaa safe: fir Bad bnrglas. prurf work: Jail aad prlaoa work: lock oat repair, j. a. mta, as Third s. SHOWCASES' AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef eery deeeriptloai bank, bar , and stnrs Svtnre made tn order. . Tb La Iks AUBBfacturlBg Ce. Fertland. , SIGN-PAINTERS. COLD SIONB, window rettering. cheb bannere, nseasmlcsl electric fane snd skib ef sll kinds mads oulckly. F'siter A Btnasg. Fifth and Everett, phone Eictasuge seV TELEPHONES. THB enly exclusive telephone bouse. B.-B. Electric A Telephone Maaafacturlas euar - pany, 83 Fifth at. - , " TREES.gHRUBS. ROSES. We have them by the tbonsands: strong, healthy stock. Our 1803 Illustrated and priced cata logue tells slL PORTLAND HUSO CO- rroal and Yamhill sts. - -- - TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all amkes, rented, sold sad repaired. Coast A gear y. 231 Stark. Tel. 14UT. BLICKEN8DORFER typewriters, sspplles, rs - pslrlug. Rosa A Ross. 304 Stark. Mats 1070. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, sea p. 31 par stent h. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply Co.. Fourth sad Coach. Pboae 429. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piano aad furniture ao4. packed reedy for shipping snd shipped: all work gueraateed; large, 8-eiory. brick, re-proof warebone fog etorag. Office 128 First St. C M. Olses. pboae Mala)84T. THB BAGGAQB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Slurb and Oak ata.) baggage checked from hotel or residence direct te destination; paaaengera therefore avnld raah and aanuy- ance at depots. a 0. PICK. efSc 88 First St.. bet-wees Starij aad Oak sts.. phone 304; plsno aad furatture atoved and packed for shipping: aommedloae brick wsrshoasa. Front aad Clsy sts. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala 40. Heavy hauling aad etorag. BEB Baa 1 rat rate. , Ptnmmer about storage: are proof ; 282 Third at. Pheae Mala 202. BAST SIDE Transfer Co.. A. B. Holcomb, prop. 123 Esst Wster St. . pbon Eaat 833. . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ne. 300 Vk Wash In rt on St. Phone Mala SS2. VICLINS., J. A. WES CO. etolln-ankee aad renatree Srst class. 23 Busael bldg.. 4th sad Morrlaoa. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRE WORKS 280 Eaat Morrieoa at- Phone East 82). FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RKO0B. P The Oldest Trust Corn easy ia Oregea. . -BESOUBCES OVER $1,200,000. General banking. : Bxchaage ea all parte of tba world. Saving account. Time eerrlS- catee, 8 to 4 per cent; abort -call special cert 18 eate. $300 or ever. SU to 4 pee eent. . Call for book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS." . Bnutb'sst Corner Third sad Osk Sts. .Phone Private Kxehanjta T2. BENJ. I. COHEN...,...-. President H. L. PITTOCK i..Vle-PrealdeBt B. LEE PAGET. Secretary J. 0. GOLTRA ..Assistant Secretary LADD TTXTOM. BANKERS. (Established la 1338.) . . :rr TMuuft a flanaial BaablnsT Bnalnaaa Colleetloue made at all points on favorable firms. Letters of credit issued available la Eurone and sll Dolats la the United 8 teres. M.SIgbt Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers old ca New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, ' Jienver. Omaha.. Saa Francisco aad Montana CA British Columbia. , ir. ..... vld on Tendon. Paris. BorMn. Frankfort. Hupgtung.-Hekohama, Manila snd Honolulu. . rtair -siTinsir llVI r . OF PORTLAND,' xVJOOa. Dralgaatad Depository and FlnaV-al Agent ef Prealdeat. ...j. W. NEWalRK raahlev.. AaahUant Caabher evA-.W. C. ALVOMP ..""..B. F. STEVENS Second Aaslatant Cashier. Letters ef Credit Issued Avallsbl. la Karapa aud tb Eastern Btates. Slcht Excbance and Telearaphle Transfer sold o New York. Boston. Chicago, St, Louis. St. Paul, Omaha, Ban rranctae . ana u principal points la tba Northwest. Sight and tlm Mil draw la sum to entt on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort -on-the Mala. Honckong. Yokohama. - Csneahagea. Cbrlatlanla, Stockholm, at, Petersburg. . Maa- Eurich. Honolulu. . -Collections Mad o Fsvorshl Term. U BITES STATES NATIONAL BANK . OF PORTLAND. 0BEOOX. MOBTRWEST COS. THIRD AMD OAS BTB. , Traaaaat a 0nral Banking Bus la an. , DRAFTS ISSUED. Avallsbl la All Cities ef tb United Statea and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. - COLLECTIONS MAD! 0B FAVORABLE TEEMS. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. ATER Vice-President.... ...R. LEA BARN KM Cashier a. B. W. SCHMKER Aaalstant Cashier... A. M. WUK1HT Aaslstsnt Cashier. W. A. MOLT B g EBCTf ANTS NATIONAL BANE. VI POBTLASD, BEOOB. J. FRANK WATSON. .President R U DURHAM... ...Vice-President rt r l Be miH ,1 QEQTiGE, 7Kne MtT3tT."i"t ..iT' ."ritJ R. W. HOYT. ...Csshler Drafts aad Letter of Credit leaned Available All Parts of tn wort. Collection a Specialty. SECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST COMPART. 384 Morrison St., Portland. Or. Transact a Oeneral Banking Busineae. " SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tlm and Ss rings Deposits. Act Traatee for Estates. Drafts aad Letters of Credit AvsJlabkr la All ' Pacta ef the World. C.". ADAMS ....President L, A. LEWIS.... First Vlce-Preeldet A. U MIIXS Second Vice-President R. O. JUBITZ Seeretsry GEO. F. RUSSELL Am tots nt Secretary MOBBJS BROS. ... . 133 Firet Iertlaa4. Or. Offer Ollt-Edjr Investments In MunlHpal aad . Railroad Bonds. Writs oe Call. . THE COMTIMr-KTAX COMPART. , ; !.'. FINANCIAL AGENTS. - '''-- - ' STOCKS, BONDS AND MORT0A0E8. '. 24S Btarh Street. Phone Mala 1ST8. MORTOAQE LOAMS Oa PeHlaad Baal stout at Lesrest Bate; . Tltlaa Inaursd. ' Asstrnot Furnished TITLE outlllTit lsmi Wi . v as wasningvsn nv. wor, DEPOSITORS SEEKING MONEY FROM BANK'S PRESIDENT '.V'-:-.'. :. ' Fred Gwynner of the Defunct En terprise Bank Told Pitiful Stories by Losers. . ' (Jonruel Special Service.! ' Ptffitburg. Pa., yov. 20. "They have been eomlng and going all day," aald Fred Gwynner, president of the defunct Knterprta bank, regarding a number of persona who called today on begging mlnslonn. a story waa publlahed her that Gwynner had given depositors of tha national bank 177,60 from his own pocket, because he felt ha waa in A way reaponalble for their loaaea. "I did not think there wera ao many hardup people In th whole, of Alle gheny, but I find that thla bank bual nesa in terrible. They have hold ma some pitiful atoriea,. 1 can Hot go on tha atreet without being atopped by soma one who aaya ha waa a depositor In the Enterprla National bank. "I -didn't promise to pay them, be raune they, did not -put money In the bank at my anllcltaurm. but all aald tney aepoeiten money tn tn Dang ne cauae I waa president of th4 lntltu Uon." DEKIG GUILT Within Less Than a Year Cevtn Big Battleships and Six Cruis ers Will Be Added. , UNITED STATES RANKS AS NAVAL POWER ADVANCED Dosen Other Warships Under Con struction, Msking America to Bs Reckoned With Upon Seas Con Btruction in Progress lit 14 Yards. " (Journal Special Service.) J Waahlngton. D. C, Nov. 20. Within leas than a year aeven big; battleahlpa, four powerful armored erulaera and two protected erulaera wilt be added to the United Btatee navy If the preaent rata of construction Is maintained. This will be the greatest Increaae In any on yaafg hlatory of the American navy. and will advance materially the rank of the United Statea aa a naval powee With thee 1$ veasela In commlaalon the United States will have a formid able array of 20 battleship and 1$ ar mored erulaera on the high Bean. But thla la not all the United Btates haa In proapect with which to atrengthan her hand on the sea. in addition to tne ahlpa which have been named, there are under eonatructlon aix battleahlpa, four with a tonnage of 13,000 each, and two of 13,000 ton, tw armored erulaera, three scout erulaera, four aubmartna tor- -pedo boat and threw training ahlpa: This naval conetractlon la In prog rwas In 11 private, ahlpyards and three avernment -yardav; t -rv -'.' - mmm killed cose ELK THAN LAW ALLOWS Montana Hunter Pay Hundred Dollar for Being Better Shot . .Than He Supposed. . '' - (Joamal Special Service.) Helena, Mont.. Nov. 28. Joaeprl Hooper, a well-known and hlshly . re-.-spected ranchman livln's near Uncoln, has pleaded (uilty before Judge 8mtth In the district court to kllllnf more elk than the law 'allowa in on open sea son, and waa given the minimum pen alty Imported by law, a fine of $100. . - This violation of the law on Hooper'a part waa unintentional. Ha .waa hunt- Ins elk. wnen auaaeniy one cam out oi the underbrush. Hooper fired, but failed to atoo me animal, snd thpughX-tl had miaaed It. Almost lnatantly an other alk Appeared. Hooper ahot at thla one, but It Alao fled Hooper then -spied a calf and determined to set at leant one, and ' took earefwl aim and . ' killed tt- Upon coins throuBh the tlm- bar Hooper same upon tn nomea or tne tha legal limit. - When Hooper appeared for aentenoa a peculiar situation devel oped. - Judge Smith announced that he had known Hooper for many yeara and was on such friendly footing; with him that he had eaten tore of th elk that waa Illegally killed, as bad , also Attorney-General Galen. . GREAT GLACIER FOUND IN WYOMING MOUNTAINS (Jbarnal Bpselat 8frrkN. Plnedale. Wyo., Nov. 20. William Wells, a veteran guide, and T. T. Plxley report tha discovery of a graat glacier In the heart of the Wind River moun tain, on the north aide o Fremont'a peak. Tha glacier, ia located tn an al most tnacceeaible country. Wei I a and Plxley reached it. after two day a' bard travel on foot, having left their horsea and camp outfit at a point where It be came impooalble for tha anlmaJa to climb farther. Government survey rec ord aay nothing of ' the existence of giaUer. aaa.JKsUaofIJBJtl protbly th. first whits men that have sot eyes on The docks must be owned by tbs.ctty. Tha time has come, '. 1 4 ; - I Emperor of Korrs. Who V. Suicide Unless rrx'ar 1 1 nUes His