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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
"THE' OREGON DAILY .. JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMSEP. 3, KZi. FOH EALI2 ItZAL E2TATI -.- Corner M eul 8 good houses, restlug for 10 per cent of price, ttou. I-ot Sit'W. T-rooin h-niae, Faet WaaMngtoe ' " between In Ion sre. end fast Twelfth. li.laal. ' IU seres on Mount Scott. fiO cord of wood. 80. . 34 seres on Vllri Ian, all clears, ao (ravl, oia notiae, pieury or orroaro., Larre corner lot with 3 good bouaea. ceutral Fast Portland, rente 1. price 11.4O0; terms. ( I Lt lll. zi itiawtier or Couimeros. 3.7K. A SNAP Comfortable modem bouee, rlose In on tha east etrte, a living-rooms, bath. etc., gaa and electricity. Urge baeement eon- . lainin launurr. two aior ana rueirooma, ' everything about tha -bo'iae in 8rtclae ro nelr; lb lot la ir0 feet deep, contalna etilcke. house and yard and number of floa frail ' treee; aa Ideal bom' for comfort and con venience. "!! or stldresa tha owner, room 600. tb atarquam. rboo Mala tMW. I ta 4 p. m. . FOR SAIB! b-mom cottage. lota, all klnda of ' fruit, berne, tin anil, good water: to tr ta li tea' walk to car line. 10 to Souther Pacific, 12 ml lea from Portland, tee owner, A. B, Draper. 333 Waalilngtoo at., city. FOR SAI.B At a bargain, ft-room cottage at -Hunnjelae. easy roontMr psynients. TUe Amaa Mercaatll Igeney, Ablnf ton bldg. TWO fine lota, 100x100. eoraer: good view of enow snounialna; cheap, Alao new modern fnrnlaheil S-room bona, barn. ' Esst 428. or siam lein. - - FOR BALKTBxIQO-foot kit on Beat Seventeentk , and Coach; will aril for $1,380 If Bold la sett . few dare: facea eaatt wall worth $1 400! will aell part of lot If desired. . Address K 43. care Journal. JeA8T IIIIC HOME) Three f-rooni and aaa 8 room boon en Jt. Third and Multnomah .-: .; new, oesutiruiiv riotoea: nne lorefioo: convenient t,. a MHa. . - - - e,M t.ii. uonriar. owners. 348 Multnonaab at I OR SALE Modern aoburbsa cot t nee, cloee to ' hhw iw'ftliun. ar"a,,0 1UAW. V. " I'Jwnalte Co.. 184 first at. Bri.I.Wonn tOTS. S3 down and 35 a month from T5 to $200. Sell wood Towoslt Co. i nooa r.aat 7tn. . , a, LOTH.- arreara and reeMencea on Portland imrhta. J. a. Bbornar. US TamhUL aor. Park THRBB aew booaea, raat or eala: ana p. . lASSi . fonrlb at., room In. Owner. WARNER it PRTTTT. Vt Commercial felk., bare aome of the beat ban Id the rltj. Be tbea before bujlna; aad be convinced. - v -ROOM modern bona. $2.(n; tVtO down, hal. a ore fib monthly. Owner. Fhona East 471. Ri.l.Wflnn nnurit , yv room bouee, , near aew woolca mill tnru-a-roota hnnac, . lota, "food fruit treea. anv-mnm aonee, aew , , . 7 W o-rooea aew honae. J - k H.tmo a room honae. fine lot. near car. fl.a.'iO b-room moorn boaae. . amap; near ear line. a . I.T.V -room, mortem. ' Xloat of tba a bore can be bad m eaav term. j'lna lota at bedrock price, and terma of 43 - exiwa a no sn a monrn. .. gRM.WOOIt- TOWMHITal CO.--- . Taka Pellwood car. ct off at Tenlno at. Eaat 4T04. ..... . , ,..-. FOR PALE By owner, t-ronm bona and lot fcwia.- 42 rnloa are.. N...;... . ton FARMS, email 4rarta and lota; narfalna aw O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addltna. Lents. Orefoa. Tab Moont Icatt ear. Ha. . 1 A A nO I'M 1 k.wt ..II .u,. ma fin berry land; near Mllwaakia; '$2.fi00. Ai'J oreea r 41. care or joaraal.. OLD Itroowi cot tare and lot BOxloO. A.V; f 100 wwa. i a memo. jnqniro Bt oav &aac . w aaaiBaioai at. ., WIIJ aire I m mediate ajneaaaaloa of pood T-rowoi ' bona aad laraw bit. nrlr 1.V; 4JJ lowa, ,415 a month. - Inquire at 30 East Waau- ' iKtoa'at. ' r . 8r.VEP.AL. rood bomea. aU new, aa the Inetall ' .. ment plan: milk ranch of T acre for rent. . Apfile Hterene A rVm. Tabor HeUlita, and of . ansjoraUle ana, Mt. .Tabor oaf lino. I'bcne iae MM. 1 GOOD T-ronm bona. Kara and oattmildlnra. with 1 arr of land. U trere lerrn fruit treea. ; flowers and ornamental ahrabbarr, . 43.&00. Phone Kaar anw. . ' " ' ' , FOR SALE-iFARMS. ' ? len-ACUK farm. 10 miles eaat of Portlaad on Bandr rlrer: 40 acraa Binder anltWatkoa. (ood ImproremeBta, la . scree oa Powell Taller .. rua 14 mlla aootb of rtsereolr; abort dla tanoe from t carllnea. IT aero food, meal laad adjoining Motor addition. W, B. rcb- ' neiawr. xn raiinc bioat. 110.000 niX of 400 acraa. t20 raltlrated, balaaco peatnre; M acraa ciorer; hooee.- tws .. hornet won Id aell la lota of 40 a err a. A4 , . drees t. Bell. Ronta t. Rick real. Orefoa, .or 40 Seat Twelfth at.. Port lead. FOR I A LB Rtneh rancb f 1400 acraa near ' Coborg. 8 mile aortheaet of Carene. Lou roootr, Oregon; prlca low and terma eaer. r. a Cbamborlata, Labb bldg Porttaad. kARtlAINR la acreage 10 acre near Lenta, 4 arree cultivated, balaaco eaallf cleared; prlca i.oou; terma; acres near Lats: prlca Wloo, ' part cash. 40 Comawrdal bids. I'boaa I'adflc 810. . - . THKK LAND Iv ORKOOlf andcr tha Care - Irrigation Act. - Deed . direct from state. , .. Write today. . Booklet and map free. B. CeoA A Co., 3il. Aldar aU fort laud. Or. . BARGAIN nO-acr Improved farm mile aat of Portland. LeCompta, 227 front. SO-ACRE farm, 8 aillea - from Tantonrer, aew boo, l.ouo frolt treea. B2T Roaalawa av. A PIN'B S acra tract wttb Bice 4-room boose, good., barn, fin orchard, fflnd well, 114 ' miles from Lenta: will aell ehean If taken imnm ui io nata. 11 tuartra ttr; A JD-ACKB farm, all la ralttvatloa, 8 mile . . from courthouse, 1 mlla from O. W. P. A Rf. Co., 88.0(10: farm to ult. or will trade tot bona and lot. Joba P. Sharker. T01 Cham- ... bar of Commara. ' rtR SALE 0-cr farm, 8 ml lea from Keta cada. ll,ofl). Addrcas E, 1. falmateer, Cuf rlnavllla. Oregoa. - - , 83.t.V 11-acra frnlt farm at Oak Orova; good 8-ronm house; a bargain. a.1.000 Btrra a good 100-acra farm near Ooble; 40 acres wider plow. 40 can be esall C cleared, balance- la good yellow fir. 81.!10tM-lo0-acr farm Bear Galea, Creek poatoff Icoi 4-roota bmu and fatal mr. barn, 20 acre la fruit. 40 acraa ol timber, Ilrlug water; terma. . 100 seres, miles west at t. John, - B ' acra cleared. 80 acre of good timber, , - living watar; term. - 0RKOG PROff.. .' Phoo Mala , 817-18 rentoa Bldg. 80-AC KB FARM. 30 aVrea of good soil, 15 acrea ta cultivation; small bone, good barn and fence, running ' watar. echool hi mile, on connty road. 4 '4 ' mile northeast of Oregoa City; price 81.380, . easy terma. M. J. Gelser, 22m Morrtann at. FOR 8 ALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED ocrlp. an else pieces; lowest . prices. , VV O. Howell, 838 Chamber ef Oom- FOR HOMERTEAD8. timber cUlm aad crl ' apply to 800 Commercial blk. . FOR a ALB 8,000 seres ftrst-claaa timber, ekw ta Columbia river, near Can Horn. J. J. - Armstrong, - MS - Cable st..-. I'srtlaoU. . .fhona . HORSES AND CARRlXoES. HORHES of all klnda for' sale at very reaauo abla price. Iminlr 2H0 J(fraoa. . ONR 140-lb bora, t light borse. 4 and, B years old. two acta of b arses. Inqulr F. T. WU- Boa, Woodatoch. BORUKS FOR 8 ALB ALL Wf.FH AND ALL .TRICE.. "TAHI.m 2.10 JKKFER80M 8TM RKT. FIRHT AND KKCOND. TO EXCHANGE. FOR BALB OR tXCHANOR Ulart lmprora1 Kelly locnawlng uachlpo, abaap. Addraaa H . 42. Journal. ' . 80 ROOMS, honsekeepln flata, well farnlabed. to oiehaage for Iota or hones and bit. Inquire . at 107 Third at, Ilel Register Co. 4.000 8-ROOM boas. 1 8-8 acres. In Oregon City, n exchange for vacant lota la Port ia no. i an 11171, Third at. AUTOMOBILES. . HOWARD I'OVKT riftMnh mnA Alrlr, iftit rnttd, rT lr ?l 11 Jt FOR SALE MISCI-LLANEOUS. rot aiir on urvT-vrtr'ANII FPoovrv HNU HKVtlNt MAI MINI'S. IfTAM'AHU KKVtlS'O AlACUIVsi Aot.VCl. V. JUKI.S, it"o Vamhii l r. WkT print your name oa S' rsllltig-cards. proper else and atvle. iUte; KM) bualiM-as cards, 81. brow a A Bttaial. tJt Urat, furtlaud. Or. BILIJARO AND POOL tablaa .for rent or foc aale en eaar pavnienla. THE BHLM1WK 'K-BALKB C0LLESDER CO. 4u Third si., Portlsnd. i LA a HUE stork second-hand Remington and KnilthPrcoilcr tTocwrltrrs, from 840 0B. Lnderwoud Typewriter Co.. V tark at. LAR0B8T tock of liottlea ta aorthwest: order ...... . . . . . I m B..KU H.n.l, iiiiea prtioipiiy, i-oriiami 8ul North Elghtseotb st. Mala 82a. 8H0V7CA8K8 AND PI XTURK8 piart to i order; second band goods for aale. Carlson h.aU. Strom. SMi Couch St. Puon Clsy 87L UNCALLED. FOR. mounted peelmen asd for rags cheap. F. J. Urease. 8o3Vs Third st. UOTKL range tCharter Oak, used 4 months, dining choirs, tar. lea, showcases, counters. Westers eUWage Co., 827-8 Washington at. FOR HAIR pi'RROITGH NO. 8 ADDIN.I MACHINK. ALMOST NKW. 81 CHAMBER , OF COMMENCE. PACIFIC 4341. MACHINERY Of all kinds repaired. Centennial - Iron A AVteal Worse. 2S8 Ollaaa St. H.VRABDB HON. having bought tha com plet atork of plumbing material oa tha Trail ' . . , ...... -1 n4u nil tnTerpawni leo.i, h.. t"i and flttloaa and very reaennabla Bgurea; also III eiceiric nxiuree 01 . uw w"im Co., which will go to tli buyer at lesa than . half of coot prlc. FOR BALE Four No. 8 American hoist borse - .power and kt of aecrmd-baml donkey en gines, suitable for logging or bolatlng par- rea. For. Information and prlca apply td D. Kuettnar, Aotorla, Oregon. WESTERN ORB0ON MINING . MILUNH CO. beadqnartrra; atork for sal and In form ttoa .at 160 First st. Pboaa Mala 401a. 4fl ROLL-TOP DESK ...825.00 BEI1KI-KIN08 1 " 1 OIITAR 83 WH)L-TOP MATTRKR8ES 2.00 Btoves, rsnges, furniture, crockery, sren,"' and tinware and all bousrfurnlsulngl at actual cost and less. We are closing oat. FLEMING. 871 F1HBT ST. FOR KALE Good work borer, cheap. Inqulr William MoifetL at tba golf link, Sellwued. FOR HAI R (heap, a parr of very beautiful . Australian parauaets; eteo canaries oi very fin aimg. Just out of tba observatory, Port land Helghta. .. . - . . 0O0D rnram aerarator for sala cheap, for $.V; former price 112.1: only In use ahort while: . will tab half cash, reat In chicken. AuV drea Bot 404. iUearwood. Oregoa. FOR BALE Ft no aprlght plana perfect con dition; sell cheap. . Call afteraooa 170 Tenth. WEBER upright piano, $123: Decker, 8A0; orgsn, 825 : guitar. 86. 841V First at., eoraer Main, apatalra. FOR BALE New JJt-ft. gaanltna launch and kouao; pries 8300. Pboae Mala aftttt. . - i . NEW farnltnra t rooms. 1 velvet. 1 RraseeM , carpet, aew gaa at ore: sll or part cheap: tur ner heat; rent gin. a norta iweuiieiB si. WAGON. 81,-rnch steel akem, 401 8nencer at., Montavilla. PERSONAL. BE WEN! T. P. (Tltal-powee) tableta will rea tore to ro the snap, vim and vigor af manhood;. If you are larking la the power 'of vitality. It loss reuniting from Indiscretions and siecsoe. aend for a box of the tableta and be eou vtncvd of their merit. By mall la plain pkg., - 81; --Tbo- Armetrong 4Jrbleo--3B, laa., M08 ToUma blkt. Uetrolt. Michigan. SPECIAL N0T1C1 TO WOMEN Doa' risk roar Uvea by a a operation wses ro caa . be eared by harm lees methods; electricity pronerlv applied will aave life where opera- to control disease peculiar to women. Dr. w.-j. Mae. M. B.. eleu icai Kiecrriciaa. oi - fir Tl DekBm bldg. Pboaa Red 8281. Offtc , boar 0-12, S-8. . . MRS, ANNA LUCKEV and ETHEL WARD are Njtnw located at 830 Ta.vbn- at. prtuclpals of ' tbo Amerlrsa Boaaty Partora, - Wa eure all scalp dlaaasea and positively grow balr or make no chare; all klnda of baths given; electric maeeaee. manicuring and chiropody l alea Madam Karrow'a ramedle; a tie taction - guaranteed. - rhona Mam 124. DETECTIT1 AGENCT ConSdeatlal Investl gatlooa; report a made oa aaf IndlvldueJ bnal aea or property; missing relative located; bad debt collected: charge reasonable; ocr respondance aollctted. Oregoa Detactlve Servleo. ofSeea 814-818 Columbia bldg.. 808 Waehlngtoa at. Pbon Mala 841ft. DR. AUSPLCND. disease of women and aur gry. 808 Allaky bldg.. Third and Mnrrlaoa. YES, Palaw Tableta maka To sleep perfectly: they cur nervousness and maka you strong ; " price BAe a box. 8 boiea $2 60: guaranteed. All drags-tat, or addreee Brook Drug C-. 181 North Third at. Portland. . NO DRUGS, no operation; Prof. Duaa give eateofiathy and magnetic treatment, reduce , your Seen, relieve auppreased monthly Irregn larlttee. Conaaltatloa tree. Of Ac,. ,008 tioodnough bldg. ill"" ' MANLY rigor restored he Dr. Robert; Nerva Glonble. One month' treatment. 82: . Doolba, 88; sent securely eoalrd by mall. 'A genu. W'oodrrd, Clark A Co.. Port U ad. Or. BOOK 8 f Hero they are: 'necamecon." Hep. eutmeroa." "A Hot Tamal." "Fanny Hill," Twenty Tear a Faker." "ForbloVICh rruit." 50c each; lists free. A. Bchmalav 228 First at. ana's Nerve Tonic Tableta: Kc per oaesHor i MrvmiTv catf rKywrirrT; Pharmacy, 227 Horrlaoa. bat. let aad So. TUB Celebrated Star Hair remedy tetore gray and faded balr ta Ita natural color, pro mote the growth of balr; not greasy. Pari Hair Store, 80S Washington. , , i WHT llvs slena when you caa asr an a Ufa . companion by Joining tha Interstate Intro ducing Hoclaty. aad meet or correspond with reputable persons of this section, many . wealthy; th November reglater. 10 ceeu. Salta 84 BuaaeU bldg. Pboaa Paclfla 026. SUITS praaead while, yon wait, AOc. Ladles' skirts pressed, &oe. Gilbert. l"nV Sixth aU, aeit to Qaelle. Phone Clay SuO. WANTED To confer with tboo contemplating a bualnes course; to your personal and financial Interest to Investigate. . Address , l 43, car Journal. - r - LADIES You appear 20 yeara younger, re move all wrinkles, have' akla Ilk velvet by aalng Oregoa - Orap Bkla Food. V Phone " it 1207. . -, DR. ATWOOD. 18 Russet bldg..- 10AH Fonrtb- St. rental diseases and roannaawntai apB i evenings. Consultation free. . MKNt WOMENI Raymond's pllla poaltlvaly . cur aervouaneas and lark af vitality; 81. 4 boxes S3. Plummer Drug Co., 860 Third. HELONIA BGYPTIA. artenflfle palmist. peycnie. nr reader snonnesier; paar. present and future. 2: (4 4. Second, cor. Morrison at. EXPERIENCED dreaalnaker will maka engage . ment In famllle. L'nloa 844. v DIAMONDS, WATCHER. JEWELRY. BOI'OHT, BOLD OR EXCHANGED AT UNC1.B MYRRH, PIONEER MONEY LENDER. 142 THIRD 8T, NEAR ALDER. FRER a mpl corn, bunion and wart cure. Ed wla L. Dsaa. dept. E, Taontou. Maas. Tl'RKISH BATHS. 800 Oregnnlaa Mdg.i Udlea days, gentlemen nights. Msla IKla. WAeiTKO To know the whereaboola of William Stephen Rmlth. ' fnraiarlv of- fxio Angelea. Arldresa. Mother, box 12S, Santa Barbara. California. FRER to out of town patron, ear la teat rata- 4gno of fancy work, pillow tone, center fiecea, shirtwaist and aoveltle. Th Needle reft Shop.4uT Allaky bldg., Portland. Or. . DOLLS hospital;, repairing and droaamg. Yam- hill and Wast ParA ata. BING CHOONO. Importer of Oilness mot medl- for sll diseases.' 101 Second got. Yamhill anJ Taylor. t DISEASE' of, women "a specialty; maternity rases given special attention, acivats hospital accommodation: professional lady anraea In attendance: cnnaiiltateei free. . X.R.dlnm j Instltttt nd" ftanltarlum, Third and Alrior, rair.w .k snier s(. , SEND for free Itat of cut price and clubbing rates aw auagasmea. joassw noog Biora, evl Aider at. ...... ... , LADY dcelrlng to go to Denver will find It to her advantage to rail si , 81 billing! werth ere 1 take L ear. PERSONAL. or. UIUHUE UUMOMII bib nun I'syehlc palnilat. mystic hesler, dead rrsnc clalrvoTSut: settles leva ausrrel. liM-atee treaaure. mluo etc.,' reatorea bt vitality, gives business adrlce by sjsIJ, t-i 0 tues tktaa; telle everythlug.' ' HONORABLE Chrlatlsn arntlemSB la INirtland. mlisrrsssrd, eicellent charscter and eiiierl euce. alou. baa Interesting propoeltton fir Intelllr.ut bill, naat 4.V baTlug mesne for bueluess. A duress H. Z, Qulutoa, Oregon t city, or. . -. 'ifi , , 1 . , WHY be poor! geud 2!ie for valuabl secrets to nox nv. tirauta Pass, trregos. L. B. WRITE to sa. Address Woodlswa, car Journal office. Will prove aa good aa my word; why this silcocoT It you uremr, ' phono. - N. H. L EVERYBODY delighted: they do not want yua to duappotut. and premies ve more than laat; the atraogeueaa. ot course bsd some effect. Why sot a friend t J. K. MACDB That was eiactlr what waa to be ex pected; knew yon would know that aad bow to do It; It will be Impooslble tor me to get around until moay. DR. ATWOOD, 18 Rnaaell bklg.. DWV, Fourth at. Female, dleeasee and eooflnements tskca and cared fur; ouea Wed. and at. erenlug Coneultatlon free. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 000 Commercial blk.. econd and Waehlngtoa ata. t-uooe ajain eu. H. F. BCBLEIGH, lawyer, . 123 Oraad are., East fort la no. EDWARD T. TAGGABT, attoraey and couo- aelia. gig Chamber of Commerce DhiB. ASSAYERS. OARVIN -CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Monuaa Assay Offlca. IN Mornaoa sc. ART EMPORIUM. THE LATEST FAD" BOe bays 8 pea anal tnk sketch of ynurerlf from pboto nr Uf. Fay King, B2B Hawiga at., near aoin. as vas-, PROFESSOR R. MX M EVE Re- 848 : Aider. Portrait and landscape artist and teacher. NEW wall decora tlos. paaebt la oil nalatlsgs: orders solicited. Phone L'nloa 29B7. BUTCHERS- SUPPLIES. - 8. BIRKENWALD CO.. S04-S08 Everett st. Largest Butcher- supply BCAis an too roast. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWK. DAVIS A Ktl.HAM 100-111 Second at. Blank book . aaaoufactarars; ageota for J ouea Improved Looae-Leaf ledgers; , sea ins now - Eurek leaf, tha beat on th market. BATHS MASSAGE. TOtTNB) ' aetentlfle masacuee gtie elect ileal, thermal, alooholte aad aaedlcated etanent: chiropodist, ncdlcarlng and manicuring. Re- S eepUoa room 10. Brnsoa bldg., cor. Fifth sd Morrtsoa ata. Pboaa Parlna F35. . YOtl NO srlentlrle mama as alvea magMtlo. l roball and electric treatment, vaaor. -Bomaa . and medicated batrrs. 87 Taooma housa, stark ' net. Third and Fom-tn. BLACKING. 'i WEBFOOT Blacking, absoratsly vraiararoof. pro. servea th leather, make ahoes wear 80 per sect longer. For Ml verywhrsr 10 and 19 cents. SE ' : CHIROPODISTS. IF soar feat are oat of ardor, go ta Dr. Woe ley Benjamin, nno waahlnrton st too toot CAFES. TUB OFFICE 8R8 Waabtngtaa at. Pboaa Ms be T7I, -Samuel Vlgneaa. COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by tha Northwest Cnlleotlna Arency; yornr tmaineesr bandied In a . buatneaa manner; try aa. 10-iT Loooa Blag. DOES any on owe yea money T Wa collect bad dehta of all kinds, 123 Grand ave room li. Phone Eaat 4424. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE rrockery and glassware. Prsel, Hegel A Co., inn to 10s rirtn. cor. Blarx st CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBERO-OrNST CO. DlsUlbotors "of . . , FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY carea all forma of rneumattvm. Dr. Bra Hog an. 108 Hall at. Phono Mala 004. GRINDING. Raanra, knlvoa scissors shsroened to pet fee tmn. Ksrleoa A Co. 40H N. Stb. Pacific 708. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning; Co., largest plant on ta coast, ixaing sod Harding ata., tela . pbone Raat 2H0 Carpets cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid: both stesm and latest com pressed sir process; reaovatlag mattresase and faatbera a specialty. - . " SANITARY carpet cleaning, aortloa and eoee. preesed atr combined: carpets cleaned on floor . without ramovaL Mam oG34. Baat 04. CARPETS eleaaed oa th floort a oat. fa one Clay 881. J. IIl'NTIR Steam carpet aad mattrtee cleaner. B80 Jefferaoa. Pboaa Mala 814, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS., commlaalou merchants, Soar. feed, hay and produce. 308 to 204 Eronl St. 1'booa Mala X5B0. EVBRDING eV FARRELI produce and commie sloa merchants. '140 Front sti, Portia do. Or, Phon Msla 170. CLEANINO AND DYEING. VP-TO-NOW CLEANING PRESSING COM. paay Suite sreeaed. BOcj pants, to. . Pboaa Pact fie 8H4. 848 Aakeny at. YAMHILL CLEANING A PRESSING CO. Work called for aad delivered. Pbon Clay tea.-. . ........ . Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work a; peso tlesl batter la eon sect loa. Ill 4th. Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned and Cnlqae Tailoring Co pressed ft per mouth. 847 Waehlngtoa at. H. W. TURNER, prof xi atonal dyer and leaner, Son Jefferson at. I'bon Main 3513. , CURTAIN CLEANINO. KEW proeres Jaca..curtsla cleaalng. 80a lav 81 1 pair. n uilsan. Main wvm. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenters, trnflderst re , sailing and Jobbing: store and office flxtarog built. Shop 308 Columbia. Mala B30T. WASnBURNB A FI0TD, wagon builder sad gsBsrel Job work. 88 Stb e. Vbee fcUoA Saw. r. - fj. TANDERHOOF, 1 neuter aaw Joawar, 887 Stark at. Phone Mala T4T. WM. FTSHBECK, csrpentsr: repairing ssd job bing done. 2it Burnsld st. Pboas Mala 043T. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. STEVENS, Portlend'e distinguished palm ist, astromgist ana spiritnai lire reaoer. - us yon wast to know farts Important and rell ahlet If so, "call epoa this gifted and set entlfle seer. Its) Seveath at, Pboaa I'scltl TI4. ... 1 . R. n. KNEESHAW. hesler aad tea see ajeeHnm, caa b roasnltaA at 148 WxU st, . Beer 13 to 4 p. gs. v ' )t'lfblC .H, COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO Hot axenta Mr the famoa Diamond coal; try It and yoa will always buy It. W yarning and Wsahlngtou boss coals, Virginia and Wssblagtoa smithing coal; full welKht guaranteed. TeL Msla 1424. A. L. SUuiwn, managar. CRCRCHLEY BROS, bare removed from tset Davie at to 4 K earner at.. Bear 1Kb: hi Bow th largeat woodvard In th eltr. carry lag sll klnda of wood and eoal. Mala 881 GREGORY A MORRIS, eocceeeor to Cela A MrKuna. dealer la wood and eoa! at loweet prices ; sstlsfartloa guaranteed. Cor. Twtb ' and Irving. Phone Mala 4N78. WESTERN Feed A Fool Co., oa Front, between Ollssa and Hoyt. dealers la all kinds of bona eoais aad blacksmltb 00a U. I' boa Mala 1018. . ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la eordwood. coal sad greea and dry alabwood. R. R. and Al - blue are.. 3 blacks east of ferry. Eaat 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la coal, eordwood asd dry slab wood. Phoo East 484. BOXWOOD and planer, trimmings. Standard - Wood Co. Pbone East 381 5. Foot Eaat Pm. OREGON FUEL CO AM kinds at cos aad wood. SOS Alder at. Pbone Mala SB. . ' KIRK HOOTER. 818 Watar St.. wood and coal Pboaa Mala 4AB4. ' FOR SALE 8.0OO sords fir wood. SST8. DANCING. WOOOWARD'S daoclag cheol of the Wearers . Academy of. Masts, Moaday aad Thursday. Spectatora Invited. Loaeous 90c. Dancing 8 to 11. Cor. Second and Mnrrtaon. DETECTIVES.- ZLL aa roar troubles; wo never aleep; evidence traced la civil and criminal ease. B, L. Henlnger, 18-17 Labbe bldg. . DBTFCTIVB or secret eervtea work: atricttr confidential; difficult caass aousitso. 14. Washington bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR.C.F. BROWN. D.V.S.. D.C.M. Dog. Horae hos pital. Barnatde. Pbonea: Matn408:Baat2b38 DRESSMAKING riRftTCI.AM aarlors. 31T Allaky bldg.t salts. gown, coat, jacketa. latest style; skirts sou no ana jscaets reiiBea. STRICTf.T- tailor-made aklrta which were soil 8 and 80. bow 83 tkla week only. 80 Alder, at. ... .. . ...' riRMT4"LASS dreeamskliur-nsrlors OUT Com nterrt! st.rtowest prices; rhlldren'B Trorltr plain searing a specialty, t hose bcoii oiix. SHIRTWAISTS.' wool or wash silk, mad for 138; ehtrtwelat antra. 88.00. 488 East Mar. bet.. Pbon East 8231. ' - . Kaa aanmBji p ifA rm a rllTia 1" II JaP f TaTaTl sTVlf .1 Blafl It P I l I R H H lisVlflFSrt 1 aji nj WK a yarF- esg 1 jff avjei sajsj 303 and 400 Allaky bldg.:v write for booklet. DRESSMAKER will maka a few mors eu- gagemeuta la femillcs. Pnon Cflvm 844. DRESSMAKING Strictly BP ta data! latest Aa- etgns. 4e Clau at. - - DENTISTS. KEY CHURCHMAN", oentlat. S24 Marquam bklg., SUth and Morrison. Pbone Msla 1700. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES., NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 80S Stark St.. Portlaad. Ot K. for everything la the electrical Baa. Pboaa Msla 18K8.-1 - . FACTTtf! rt rr-TRIC CO. Bmaineeea. eon tree n-a. repairers, electrle wiring, supntlee. 84 - PTret, oor. stars. Mais eaai, ai. n. xsoa. asax. THE Electrical Appliance Co.. 400 Waehlngtoa a kM Ual. SSfiA . ...4. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal - society of northwest ; protect the Bring. .813 Marqaam bldg., rortiana, Oregon. FLORISTS. Aniertcan Fka-att A Garden Ca 38 Teath at. Mam 8410. Flowers and pot plants. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON ruraltars Maanfacturlng Compsay Manafactarera ef tumltara for tba trade. FURNITURE msnnfactarlng and apectal eruera. U Rarensky's furniture factory. 870 treat at. FURNACES. BfrYNTON warm -air fnraaeea ear faeL I. C. Rayer Furnace Co.. wm Beeooo. ataiB uk. . MACHINERY. PORTABLE) Incoaiotrr bailer and engine 1 less thaa H -price; u horaepower. a H. Pig got t's Uw afflea, 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR SALE One 8-Inch Smith sticker, one arm Bander, one twe-eplndle aha per, belta aad . pulleye.. S04 Foartb et.. '.. . .. . THW H. 0. ALBEB OO. Brcood hand machinery, aawmllht, etc 848 14 rand are. FRENCH BAKERIES, THE enly place la Portland to get French bread. Barrere A May IK. 40T Sixth at. DaUy deliv ery. Phone Greea 508. . GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, mass fact urera snd commlanloQ saerc heats. Foartb ' aed Osk sts. ALLEN A LEWIS. cnmmlerAoa aad pfdua asee. en an is. erorn sna If s vis sts., r-orrisuu. vr. HOTELS. HOTEL Pesdletos. Pandleto. W. A. Brews, mgr. HOTEL Portlaud. Aaierleea pats; 88. SB par Say. HOTEL St. George, Peadlatoa; baa ding beteL BELVEDERBt Earopaaa plaai 4tb al AMer am. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. eo 11 efts epaurranltr ta aunt price, 1M 1st St., oar, Alder. Mala 1884. HAY AND GRAIN. B. 0. COOPER A C0 Potatoes, fsed sa floor. ISO L'aloa see, Phen Beat 1817. INSURANCE. ISAA0 b. WHITB. fir tawaraa 800 Dskum was. LAMBERT, WHITMER AT CO Firs tnssresce ana rea 1 eataret oiiice iif.ivi nneriocn niog. Mala lOOOi dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Eaat eel. IAS. Mel. WOOD, employer' liability and In. aiviouai accident eurerv boooa .at all kino. Phone 4T. anS McKay bldg. R. F. BARTEIS COMPANY Ftre Insuvaaea. 048 haslBCk baOg. Oregoa Fbasw Clay 820. . LOCKSMITH. i. H. RICH A HURON, axienrt b-h and heremltM general repslrlor; csailroa brsaiiig; all ""irk guaranteed. 2DU Fourth et. luoo Hood 11B3, BROWNE'S IN -TOWN Ernert bjckamlth aaA Bicycle repairing 1HO UtaiB ', t lay 87x: niEbt phone, ainin MUSICAL. PIANO, violin, string snd wind hiatruments. Professor Edwta A. Smith, 34 Twelfth. Main 4708. PIANO fining. 32; perfect work guaranteed. C W. JuLnaon. Pbone Mela Iftll. VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar, 10 leeaoo 84. Phio Union 9ko7, Montavilla. WEBBER'H Mandolin. Banjo, Oultar atadlo, 37S Abler: agent fur Oll-eow mandoline. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 217 Oreconlao bldg. ' Ladlea or Gentlemen. No Futlldty. - If yoa borrow you pay back 8 1.H8 a week. If yoa borrow 8J8 you pay back 31 a week. . If yoa borrow 8 (0 yoa pay back I2.ia a week. U yoa borrow 8i5 yoa nay back 82 HA a week. If yoa borrow 8.10 yoa pay back IJIW a week, t Paymeota snaiwnded In caa of slvkBcm. Strlctlr Salary Loaaa. -THE CRBHCKNT LOAN CO, . . 217 Oregonlan Bl.lg. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for bell dins purposes. . Any amount oa from S to 10 Mars' time, with privilege to repay all er part of hsaa after one year. I-oaae ap proved from plans and money advaaosd aa building progreaaesi mortgagse takes ap aad replaced. . ... FRED TL STRONG. Flaancial Agent, 343 Stark Street. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, w. re-earaeC. ana Sat aa his note, wltbont mortgage hrnntb. Vt Month. Week. SAO On Repay to aa 818.K8 ar 80.WI or 88.W 82(1.00 Repay to aa 3 AM or II M or 81.48 $14.00 Repay to aa 4 00 or 12.00 ar 1.W 810 McKay bldg. MONEY to loan, aalarted people, tea maters, etc. wnnouc secnriiy; eaay payaseoisi a- anal ocas In 40 principal' elt lee. Tolmaa. 323 Ahlngtoa bldg. Pboae Mala 84BT. MONEY to loaa oa reel, personal and collateral security! specie! attention to chattel aaort ' cages: notes bourbt. C W. Pallet, 804-8 Featoa bldg., 84 Siitb t. . HIGHLY respeetabl place where Udlea sad gents caa borrow money on d lemon da sad Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank. 300 Waab Ingtoa at. Pboae BUck Tl. CHATTEL loan ta amounts ranging from to $8,000; nvamlng-boosea a anectalty. New Era Loaa A Tract Co.. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. WR make all kind nf Kens oa good security at lowest rat: apodal sttestloa (lrea to ; chattel loaaa. 103 Morrtaua at. MONEY to loaa la sum of from $8,000 to an. oral; terma to suit tba 300-10. Commercial blk. WANTED To borrow $180 oa bone aad lot la , Kenwood: 10 nr cent Interest; two or xnree - years. 454 Miller see. .- -' MONEY to loaa la large a email amoenta oa . good security! lowest rates. William O. Book. SOT Falling bid. MONEY to loaa en Clachamaa county lands. B. r. aad F. B. Riley, 008 Chamber ef Coav LOWEST rate aa fut ullmo and Blanoe. East ' evne 4. -a Oe, 440 Sberlock Mdg. Clay tas. TO LOAN -m. re enlt oa cbsttel seenrtty. R. A. Fnima, Bl-V, e Maruuam. MONEY to loaa on all klnda ot erwrlty. Wm. Hotl. room 3. Washington bldg. , $1,500 TO loan on Improved farm land, htebeat -n per cent. if. bin fvunmerciai niog. MEDICAL THB SPRINGSTEEN MRDIC1NB CO.. Sll De- . kum bldaC. axenta for ths celebrated Mountain Roae remedlesr cure sll Tenia le tronniee, aiao Iri OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIT A NORTHRT7P . '418-10-1T Dears bklg . - Third and Waehlngtoa ata. : Pbose ' Mala 840. . Rxamlnatloes free. ' DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. .408 Macleey bldg. Clay TTS. Bee. M. 3181. Con suits tloa tree. THB- very best lady- ostsocetb to tows.-. Dr. L. O. Johnson. 824 Salmon. Bear Sixth. - OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS ami as. cban lor ekithtng; anion made. Neaetsdter Bros., manufacturers. Portland, Or. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window-glass aad gUalng. 180 First at. ' Phone 1884. . ... . , ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second aad Taylor Wall paper, paint all at market prices; fro delivery. . BASMUSSEN A CO. J' lobbers. paints. oU, f bust. ssah aad door. ana Taylor. if' PLUMBERS. - DON N ERR ERG A RADEMACHEB. ssaltary plambera. . 04 rourth at. Hota FOX A CO.." sanitary plumbers. $31 Second, bet. Msln and Balama. Oregoa Pboae Mala 300L PRINTING. 1jm A BAfTS. '' n IlitUB 1 PUBIS St limn things wltb Ink and type pa paper. Steam bldg.. Sixth aad Morrlaoa. Mala 4I4T. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, Htbograpblog. blank hooka. Pboaa Mala if. 3ns Alder at. METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO. Everything ta printing. Main liMO. 14T Front at. n 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 nsaxi 1 11 1 1 isiiia ' , RUBBER STAMPS. ' P. C. STAMP WORKS, 340 Alder St. pbon Mala TlOr rubber stamps, era la, etencihl. baggeg, trad checks: -aend for ratalo-n No. 33. RIDING CLUBS PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Saddle b oreea aad carriage for rent. . W. O. Brown, 800 AMer, ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aaA general jobbing, 1. Loell, 313 Jefferson St. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling balr, dandruff treated: shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr. B. F. Kyae, 1884 Fourth, cor. Morrteuo. ' Room 3Z - Pboae Pad8e 388. . - SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODB'S Farnltnra House Highest price paid for second b aed faraltara. - 313 Sasssd at. Phone Padfle 403. STREET-PAVIN0. WARREN Ceaatractloa Co.. atreet paving, aide ' Walka aad srosawalks. T10 Oregoelaa bids. THE Trinidad" Aapkalt Paving Co. of Portlaaa, nines ooo worcseter -aia. - . 'SPIRITUALISTS. MI7.PAH MEDIUM Locate ml nee aad burled treaauree; asltes tbo separated ; caasee happy marriages; gives measagea from departed loved enee; brtnga peace to bomea through a higher power. KUi, Flrat st. SAFES. WR repair and rebuild automobtlea. gaa engine. printing presses, tlm locka. safes. otn lock outs, do all klnda of machine work. Columbia Oae Engine A Safe Weeks, 842 Second L Pboae Paclfla 87. rrssk .J. Super, supt, D1EBOLD Maagaaaa Be fee: tin and boralae. prurf work; tall aad prteea work: lockouts epeaedi repairs. 1. B. Davla. 04 Third e. SHOWCASES . AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af vers du clptloa; bank IMr snd store Svtnrea made to ereor. 1 he Lataa suaalactarlng V,, fsrtlaa. SIGN-PAINTZKS. OOLBi BIlibB, wtsdmrr lettering, ch'b sooner, one Bam leal el.etrl fan and s f all kind made aulekly. y.ater A bfisar, sine asd Everett, pboae message eaV TELEPHONES. THB enly exclnslv telepbon bouee. B.-B. Electric A Telephone MaBefaeturlnf oa pany, 03 Fifth at. .TREES. SHRUBS.-ROSES-v '- We have them bv the thouaanda: atrong. healthy atock. tmrajijoo llmetrated an1 or load est kaiue telle alL POHl'LAND SEED CO, Frual nd Yamhill ata. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters. aU makes, rented, eold snd repaired. Coast Agency. SHI Blark. TeL 1407. BLICKENBDOHERR typewrltera, Bappllea, re pairing. Rsaa A Rom. 300 Stark. Mala 1470. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, sea p. 81 per BMmrh. Lswresco Brno.' Towel Supel Ce.. Foartbaad Coacb. wIMJfM,,,,,, TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plana aed furniture sen, parked ready for ehlpptnf and chirped ; all work gasranteed; large. 3-ssory. brick, Sre-pesof wsrebooss for storage. Offtce 123 Flrat aL C M. Olssa. Pboas Msla 84T. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Blurb aad Osk sts.; baggage ebeekod from hotel or resilience direct to destine tfcu; passenger therefore avoid rush and annoy -aac at depota. C O. PICK. afOca 88 First St.. be twee Stark aad oak at., pbone no : pianos aad turuiture moved nd parked to shipping I aommadlaa brick wareboase. Front and Clay ata. 0BEOON. TRANSFER CO.. 184 Worth Slits. Phen Mala 40. Heavy healing aa4 a-torago. SEB Boss BL Plummer (boat atorag Ate proof; cot rate. 383 Third at Phoee Mala 303. BAST SIDE Traneter Co.. A. B. Holeomb, prep. 128 Eaat Watar et. . Pboae East AsO. . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 300aj Waah lnrton et. Pbone Msla 043. ta viclins.. : J. A. WfJSCO. vlnHa-maker aad taps tree: work Bret class, an Kuaael bldg.. 4th sad Morrtsoa. WIRE GOODS. EAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRE WORKS 3H0 East Morrlaoa at. Phono Bast 821. FINANCIAL. rBTXARD TBTJTST 00MPABY OF 0REO0B. Tba Old set Truat Company la Orsgea.. RESOURCES OVER fl.ZBO.OOO. Oeneral banking. - Bxcbang aa all parts of tha world. Savings accounts. Tims certlS- eatea, 8 to 4 per cent; abort-call special cert 18 catea. 81100 or over, 8 Vt to 4 per cent. Call for book of IU.l'STRATI0N8.' South.-aat Corner Third sad Osk Sts. .Phone Private Exchanxa 72. BENJ. I. COHEN. Preeldeat H. L. PITTOCK ......Vlee-Preeldest B. LEE PAGET........ Secretary J. O. OOLTRA Aaslataat Berretsry LASD TTXT0V. BANKERS. ' (IsmbUaaed an 1888.) Traaaact a Oeneral Baaklaa Bualnaaa. Collect lone made at all points en favorable terms. letter of credit Issued available la Eurono and all enlata la the I'ntted Stereo, j .Sight- Kxeaiur---aBd telegraphic Tranefer eold pa new xera. vtasnmgioa. t-nieu, m, I-oula, ' Jlenver. Omaha. Saa Francisco asd Montana r.d Brit lab Columbia. : Kaehanee '-a.oid oa . Ixisdon. Farla. ' Bartla, Frankfort. Hotigtong, Sokobaaja, Manila a4 Hoooluln. ' i rtskT 'XietnatT. nVf. - r , OE PORTT-ABD.-fi'TBI Deals anted Detxeutorv sad FisaVl Agent af tbo Valted Statea.V .,.,. Preeldeat nfml M." " Caahler... ,.J. W. SEe1;iK A as latent Caahler....... W. C. ALT9la! Second Assistant Caahlsr '.B.'f. STtV'fc.V!P Letters ef Credit Issued Euro pa and tbe Eaetem State. Sight Exchange snd Telegraphic TrSMfer sold oa New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Leula. BL Paul. . Omaha, nan Francisco . and tie principal points la the Northweat. Sight and time Mils drewa la aame to enlt on Loedoa, Paris, Berlin, Frank fort-on-tbe Mala, Hongkong. YofcohaaM. - Copenbsgea. Cbrlstlaqla. Btorkbolm, St, Petersburg, Moa cow, Zurich, Honolulu. . , Collections Msde oa Favorable Terma. ' u BITES STATES BATI0BAI BANK : OF PORTLAND, ORZOOB. BORTirWYST COB. THIRD AMD OAS 8T3. Traasaota a Oesaral Banking Baalam, . DRAFTS ISSUED. Available la All Cities ef tbe rutted State snd Europe. Hongkong and Manila. COLLICTI0B8 KADI OBI FAYOEABIE TERaTB. President V. AlHSWUKTrl Vlce-Preelnent... W. B. A YER Vice-President........ R. LEA BARN KB Cashier a B. W. BCHMKER Aealatant Caahler......... .....A. M. WBK111T Aaalataot Caahler.... W. A. HOLT M1 LRCHABT8 XATI0RAX BANK. P0RTLABD. BSwOB. J. FRAXK WATSO.t PresldeBt R L. DrRHAM...w Vice-Freal dent R. W. HOYT ...,,M.... ....lesbler 0EOROE W. HOTT......... ..Assistant Cssblsr Traasaota a Oeaeral Baakiag Buslnaaa. Draft and Letters of Credit leaned Available to All Parte ot the World. Collect tons a Specialty. QEOTBITY SAYTM08 A TRUST COMPART. J BVU AtUlllBUB 1UIIUUU1,- Wll Traaaacta a Oeneral Banking Bualaaaa, '' BAViaos DtriiiHtai. Interest Allowed on Tim and Saving Depoalta. Acts aa Trustee for Eststes. Draft-nd Letter of Credit Availabw la All Parts- of tba World. . ' t. ADAMS .' ....... Pveoldent A. LEWIS .........First Vlee-Preetneat A. L. Ml U S Second Ttca-Presldeat R. O. II BITH.: oeeretarr GEO. F. RUSSELL Amlataat Secrets ry M 0RBJS BB0S. . . All First It.. Fort land. Or. Offer Ollt-Edge Investment In Municipal aad Rallrbad Bonds. . Wrlta ot Call. . . JHI C0MT1BF.KTAX 00MFABT. . , ,. '' FINANCIAL A0BNTB. ; STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 343 Stark Street. Pbon Mala 1STS, MORTGAOE UOA1NS 0a VertlaaA Real latate at Lowest Bataa; , Titlea Insured. Alia tract a FsralahA TITLE OUARABTIB A TRUST 00. . 848 Waakingtsa St., Oer, SmobA, DEPOSITORS SEEKING MONEY FROM BANK'S PRESIDENT Fred Gwynner of thi)efiinct En terprise Bank -Told pitiful Stories by Losers. . r 'Joarimt Sped si Service.) . PUtsbura. Pa Nov. 20.Thay have been com ins; and Bering Alt day."-Mid Fred Gwynner, prenldent of tho defunct Rnterprlae bank, regardlrn a number of persona who called today on begging missions. . A story' waa published here that Gwynner had given depositors of tho national bank 3177,000 from hta own pocket, becattse ha felt ha was la A war reaponainio I or tneir loasca. "I did. not think there were ao many hardup people In the whole, of Alle gheny, but I find that this bank bust nesa la terrible. They have hM m aomo pitiful storlea. I ran not aro on tho alreet without 'being atopped bv soma one who nnym lie -a na a ip"lur in tho Knterprlne NH'.lnnnl bank. "I dMn't promten to pnv tliem. be raune thev rtiil not put money In i'ie bank ht it v sol i. 1 1 i iloti, Itiil nil eol.l thev rl-t m'-ivv In k h- cenae I v i -t of t 1 i i tlnn." nnt'Tnrn U.sLiauL l BEliJG DUiLT Within LessThan'a Year Csve-, Big Battieshipt and Six Cruis r Will Bo Added. UNITED STATES RANKS AS NAVAL POWER ADVANCED DoA-en Other Worships Under Con-' struction. Making Americs to Bo Reckoned With Upon SeasCon struction in Progress in 14 Yards. (Journal Special Service.) " Washington, D. C. Nov. SO Within leaa than a year aaveri big battleehlpta; four poverful armored crulsera And two protactad crulaera will be added to tha United Slates QAVjr If tbe preaant rata of construction la maintained. This will bo th greatest Increase in on ono year' a history of the American nary. And will advance materially tha rank of th United States aa a naval powce ' With thaa 13 veaaela In commisalon tha Colled States will Wave a formid able array of 20 battleahlpa and 10 ar mored crulaera on tha high aeas. -.But this la not All tha United 8tatea has In prospect with which to atrengtnsn her hand on tho sea. In addition to tha ahipa which have boon named, there are under construction alz battleahlpa, four, with A tonnage of 13,000 each, and two of 11,008 tons, two armored crulaera, three scout crulaara, four aubmarlne tor-. pedo boots and throe training? eblpa. This naval conatractlon ta In proa reaa In 11 private shipyards and three government yard. -- ... UNWITTINGLY KILLED L'OaE ELK THAU LAI7 AL10.7S Montana Hunter Pay Hundred Dollars for Being Better Shot . ,Than He Supposed. (Journal Special Service.) v Helena. Mont., Nov. 30. Joaeph Hooper, a well-known and highly ro apected ranchman llvln ptar Lincoln, has pleaded Eutlty before Judge Smith In tho district court to killing mora oik v than tho law Allows in ono open sea son,' and was Riven tho minimum pen alty Imposed by taw, a fine of 1100. . . This Tiolatlon of tho law on Hooper part wao unintentional He jaaa hunt ing elk, when suddenly ono cam out of tho vndorbrush. Hooper fired, but failed to stop tno Animal, and thought that, he had missed It Almost Instantly an other oik Appeared. Hooper ahot At hla one. but it Alao fled- Hooper then spied a calf and determined to Ret at leant one.- and -took ceireful aim and killed it- Voota going through tha tlm- I bar Hooper came upon tho bodies of thu, I other two.JIninrtuntllelv . the ienrtal limit.' When Hooper appeared for aentence a peculiar situation devel oped. ' Judge Smith announced that he had known hooper for many years and wao-on otrch frerrdlw- rootlnsj-wlth him that bo had oaten aomo of tho elk that was Illegally kfTled, as had also Attorney-General Qalan. GREAT GLACIER FOUND IN WYOMING MOUNTAINS (Journsl flpeclsl Service.) Pinedale, Wyo.. Nov. 20. William Wells, a veteran guide, and T. T. Plxley report tho dlscovsry of a treat (lacier in tho heart of tho Wind River moun tains, on tho north slda cjf Fremont's peak. Tha glacier is located In an al most Inacceaaiblo country. Wei la and Plxley reached it after two days' bard travel en foot, having left their horses and camp outfit At av point where it be came Impossible for tho animals to climb farther. Government survey rec ords say nothing of -the oxlstenco of tho Blacler, and .Wells snd Plxley a re probably tho flrat white men that have oot eye on it. Tho docks must bo owned by tho .city. TV. time h.a come. " , ,? -" i ,-4 , ... ' ift 1 Lirprrof