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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
r::z onzcou daily jcu.::al. roinxAND. moiiday evenwg. no'z:i-2zzim, iccx pl301o-21G-23 Firt St., Cor. Salmon. The a!23roorrio of tho arcat Boston Gtoip Eu:!::;.. For Boys' Stiff Bosom IOC 60crto: 60c to $1 Shirts. ys' School Pants. 1 For a broken lot Star 1UC 75c to $2 Waists. ri- For Boys' crow black 2L 15c Stockings. . 35; T7m Rn' tt in $4 'V light and dark color Hats. fl-For Boys 25c Suspenders. Cn For Boys 15c Uv Susoendcrs. my i dou t o oec. : ' ', t com. orncc. IJ-I4 FKUN ST ,. . 1 , e07-0ft' t$T MADI50W STKCtT '. I005-IOOJ WASMINSTON Wl -jlX- O : tfU3 PAYABLE tN NEW YVPff O CHICAGO EXCHANGE , No ciairm c (reductions Mowed except by tpeciai agreement. ; ; TERNS NET CASH 3,00 IToBn. Sryi Metfc Mat iP-For choice of an as- QCn For choice of 1.CC0 sorted lot Soft and OuL Soft and Stiff $2 and Stiff $1 to $2 Hats. $2.50 Hats. d T CFor choice of 2,000 Soft and Stiff Hats, including 4)1.00 J. B. Stetson, Alpine and Fedora; worth up to $3. ur f -y ir OF Q.1BRA T AR FAG T No. 1 Wc show the largest variety of good and extra fine clothing ever displayed under one roof west of the Rockies. No. 2-We can fit and suit any person from 4 years old arid up or any human being from 30 to 300 pounds in weight, or 3 to 7 feet in height No. 3 -The; description of styles, materials and qualities, and the prices quoted below are not in any. way overdrawn; Going at :rr-T: '--,:j:iil;--;'";''; .: 18 to 60 cents on the dollar. V. N." 4205-207 Madison n n Represent OverllTOJOO Worth of Fine CBoihi TUT ' a IP HI 1 J Consisting of over 400 different grades, colors and styles, in single and double, breasted Sacks, English Walking Coats. Clerical Cut, Prince Albert, Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits.'-Black, blue and all styles and colors of fancy, and mixed worsteds, unfinished worsteds,' tweeds,' cheviots, Thibets, cassimeres,. etc., ranging upvalue from $7.50 to "$'50 a' uit'':.i-C I ": :v; -'I''Il.-CriS: Zji : !:vr?i; ii tzx)C QC For choice of 200 regular $7.50 'TSuits, all styles. CI A CA For choice of 100 regular l4iUU-t27.50nd $30 Suits. C 1 7 CH F(r choice of 400 regular $35 4)1 .OU to $50 suits. . r. In single and double breasted sack. Tux edo and Full Dress, silk and satin lined, . from such makers as sold only by the best stores in the United States. We refrain from quoting the makers, but when you . see the. labels on the goods you'll know - - that the world produces no better or finer suits. - . v - . , Cd Cil For hoice 600 regular $10 ; $?.UU SuitS ; - j O: tZfi Tor choice of 800 regular $12 ;W0U and $15 Suits. ri , CQ CA' For choice of 1.000 regular $18 O.OU and $20 Suits. f C 1 1 C A For choke of 2,000 regular 31 1 .OU ; $22 and $25 Suits.: ., . V 10,QOO Pairs Pants .Sounds hie. but we hiv. Pot them and tan fit anv human Ki'ner mm 99 tn inr-Um I , r - in-seam and 20 to 64-inch waist measure, comprising 500 styles, and qualities worth fv" . ' "J. fromp$U5tto $10 a pair.,:- -' . :'';', ' ry;;V -i :X::': ' PA- For $l.25i Pants, ;- ' .K-. 0 C dark colors. ' AAFor gray and black, fane er cor7 duroy $2 Pants. i C For all kinds of . TW)lSrftaT$3-Psm!tST For all kinds of (M AC For all ki 4)1.71) $4 Pants. For all kinds of S2.45 $5 For all kinds of Pants. M AC F Jl.V.l tft Pnf -$345$z For all kinds of tyKn p?its 3 AC 'or h t in the worsted $8 and $10 Pants. 1,000 Odd 'A-For Odd $1.00 . OUC vests.. if A For Odd $2.00 , OUCVest' 90C Ve.t?dd $3 00 $1 40 vr dd nd $30 P For choice of a lot of Odd 3)1 00 Frock $5 to $10 Coats. . .'. You can save money now as you never ' saved before on your clothing. '".' 1 ' i '1 I ? ' 1 ( ? -v ' ' 4 - - 1 1 ? . . 1 "-1 , -X- 1,080 Overcoats or CraveneUes Consisting of light, dark and medium colors and mixtures. -From the short nobby box toppers to Paletots and 54-inch belt or plain back garments. 100 styles of Crave neUes, Priestly, Hodgman, Cohn ft Co. and other of America's greatest and best makes. $3.50 $450 For choice of 200 regular $7.50 Overcoats. . For. choice of 400 regular $10 Overcoats anoi-Cnurenettest: nettes. $8.50 nettes. For choice of 400 regular $12 and $15 Overcoats and Crave- For choice of 500 regular $18 and $20 Overcoats and .Crave-: $11.50 Cravenettes. For choice of 2,000 regular $22 to $25 . Overcoats and . "T t f Fr choice of 1,000 -regular Va-rr w ?27 Cravenettes. and "$30 Overcoats and CI? Kf For choice of 500 regular SU WU $32, $35 and $40 Overcoats . and Cravenettes... A WORD TO DEALERS We will sell in quantities for spot cash large or small amounts of this stock, but in no case will a dealer be served on Saturday. Nor will a dealer receive any discount in excess of 2 per cent, and all dealers must apply at the main office for a wholesale list and salesmen. ' . , ' : . ; '. ' ' ; v . f 1,000 YouthsVSuits Young men from 14 to 20 years of age have grandest Suit and Overcoat stock to select from ever seen west of Chicago. Forchoice J of 100 . medium 3).00 coWr all wool $7.50 Suits. A AC For choice of 200 all colors 4)4.0t) $10 and $12 SuiU. , , For choice of 500 Tailor Made $12 and $15 Suits. CQ CC For choice of 1,000 $18, $20, 3O0t) $22 and $25 Suits. ' $6.65 400 Youths $2.65 Plain-or Belt, All Colors and Styles. For choice of 47 regular $6 and $7 JO Overcoats. ; a . a V : (Ji CC For choice of 100 regular $10 4)4.00 Overcoats.' For choice of 100 regular $12 0 VCC )UUtJ and $15 Overcoats. $8.85 For choice of 150 $18, $20, $23 and $23 Overcoats. 1,000 or For choice of a 00 C broken - lot, - - small sizes $3 to $5 Suits. CI Q C ?OT choice of $ 1 00 - 500 a irregular sixes to $5 Suits. C7 CC For choice of 4Uu 500 extra fine all sixes, up to $7.50 Suits. 25,000 STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHING GBS Comprising such well-known brands asv Monarch and Manhattan Shirts;-W Suspenders, Hosiefy, Etc, The choicest arid best known makes of Underwear of all kinds; Pfpgress Sweaters, Etc. making the standard of thte ELEGANT AND GIGANTIC STOCK EQUAL TO ANY IN ALL THIS LAND OF THE FREE. : r ; 1,000 Over 25,000 piece, from . the ordinary ' 50c grades to regular $5 Silk and Balbriggan. 1 25 For odd lots worth to 75c. 30 For fleece, derby, merino, etc75cvaI0e7 40 For all kinds of $1 value. . . . ,S CO For all kinds of $1.25 and $1.50 Under ', wear. 1 A : : .; ' 89 For aU kinds of $1.75 and $2.00 Under V wear. '' ", ' "'; ": v ' : ' ?1.9 For aU Unas of $2.50 and $3.00 Under- wear. :,. , ' , ... . . 5,000 pieces in broken sizes and case lots, up . to finest, at about half value. i . . . I - .. . . ... ! .. 10e For wool, -jersey or skin 35c to 50c Gloves. 29c For all kinds of 65c Cloves. - L... ' r- -r 30 Forall kinds of 75c Gloves. 40 For all kinds of $1.00 Gloves. , 4 C9 For aU-kinds of $1.50 Gloves. ; ; ' 89 For all kinds of $2.00 Gloves. 7 v : 11.39 For all kinds of $2.00 and $3.00 Gloves. Sox .4 3 pair for 10 fancy fast color 10c Sox. ; 5 straight for fast black 12c So ' 8 straight for fast color brown and fan " cy 15c and 20c Sox. ' ; 12yit For merino, wool or cotton 25c Sox. " :v 17 For merino, wool or cotton 53c Sox. 22 For all kinds of 40c Sox. ' , 20 For all kinds of 60c Sox! ; 35 For all kinds of 75c Sox. , ' - Suspenders Over 10,000 pairs, contiiting of all kinds from ordinary lSe values tp the best Silk or Worst ed and Wilton Bros, f 1 kind. -5-For 15c Suspenders.-- O For 25c Suspenders.. 2j 17 FoV S5c Suspenders. - - 22 For 50c Suspenders. 20 and 30 for 75c and $1.00 Suspenders.' 5 a pair for a lot of dark , , color Sleeve Protectors, worth to 35c. 5 For best steel 15c Coat Springs. . Wool Sweaters 65 For an odd lot $2.00 Sweaters.' 05 For regular worsted $2 Sweaters.-. v ;..",. ?l.i5 For select wool $3 : Sweaters. - " A i. ? 1.05 For all styles of $4 Sweaters, f 2.45 For all styles of $5 Sweaters. $3.45 For all styles of Sweaters worth to $3, Shirto Penanr, PercaUs, Madras, Saten, Flannel Silk Mlx tttrea, French Stockinet and Wool. Th largest and most beautiful line ever diiplaytd in th Pacific northwett. . 10 For broken white and fancy stifflIon. "r arch and Manhattan Shirts, worth to $1.53. . 20 For a broken lot soft bosom 75c Shirts. 30 For select styles soft, stiff or golf 73c Shirts. . 40 For golf, negligee, plain and fancy sateen $1.00 Shirts: CO For all kinds of $1.50 stiff, soft or rite rn $115 Shirts. CO For all kinds of $2.CD E'-'rts. C1.43 For all kinds of tl r " ' $l.CO For all kinds vp n : " OIV SALE M. TIUU 8 P. M. DAILY; SATURDAY lO P. M. ONL.Y, IIV THE WELL-ICNOVVN r,Ti 213-213J4 AND 21C-21G FflRST STREET, COR. SALMON, 3 BLOCKS SOUTH OF MORRICON, . V r:"l :