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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
-13- rTIIE ORECOlTTJAILy-JOUUNAirPORTLAND. MONDAY, EVENING, NOVEMBER 0. 1CC5. All - of our fancy Cheviot, Cassi- ';'. ; :" -. mere and Tweed ':C:yJ'. MEN'S SUITS divided into four great lots prices n '-V reduced like this ' SEQRTiDF EERY CLASS AND KIND FIGHT runs LOOK FOR GOOD 60 "'ril' ,f l inn Sullivan-Gardner Contest on Fri- ; daylight Is Attracting At . . tention of Sports. BOXERS'WJU ENCOUNTER - AT CATCH WEIGHTS Both Principals Think That - Nelson ; Will Be Induced to Box the Winner of This Contest Dane Will Insist ' Upon. Lightweight Regulations j.;' . . . . " . i Joarul Bowial SMTtea.t ' ' i-rrnc1co. Not. JO. Th date of th Jimmy Oardner-Mlk Bulllvaa box ing match la approaching rapidly and the lovera of the same pugilistic are -tllinaijoutthe event la a way .thai M preaaffea much excitement and a j bis crowd when the' men face each other In the ring at Woodward next Friday ninht, - The cfrcumstanoea attending thla par- tlcular fight are aur.h that the llrwt- alur In regard to the honeaty of the affair e yet to be uttered. Sullivan and Gardner are rising yourlg boxera. Each of them 'Is eager to. be known aa the beat of hla weight, and. what la also to the point, the- personal rivalry between - them la quit Intense and of long standing. ' Kach man haa been seen In the ring In Ban Francisco. Sullivan's work with Joe Angeli did not attract aa much at tention aa Gardner's fights 'with Rufa Turner, and Buddy Ryan for the simple "" reason " tht SuUIvsn drifted torSan Francisco . comparatively unheralded. Hla affair with Angeli did "not attain , the dignity of a "main event." It waa "an ordinary everyday "preliminary." - Gardner, on the other hand, came with quite a flourish of trumpets. He had been touted aa a world beater 'long be- . ,ore ha reached the coasU The patrons of pugilism were quite worked up over him before he put up a hand. A good ' showing waa expected of him.. He made it, and it waa thoroughly- apreclated. Looking back a 'judge of 'fighting van . easily satisfy himself that Bulllvaa die played considerable class. In hla. bout with Angeli. He boxed neatly, waa care ful to waate no punchea and he gave the San Francisco lightweight no rest. An- . cell's, defeat .waa encompaased - In a " mmooth, artistic manner, and it waa evl 'dent at the time that Sullivari was not . fully extended. The go waa little mora ... ilhan sn ' fiexfilaLSa llopfor him. . Sullivan and Gardner are to" bit 11 catchwetgha. Like moat of tlte men of , their trado they are sensitive on the ' question of their avoirdupois and try to convey, the . impression that they are always giving away weight to their op ponents, it la very likely aa this a : "no limit' gam that each of them will - scale about Its pounds In battle array. - ' ' Tha winner of the contest ' Friday ' .night might call himself welterweight champion of the. world without fear of ! being; harassed "with challenges, but while a title of any kind daxslea a scrap .per and inflameahla ambition, neither Jimmy nor Mike la aching to be known .'. -as ths welterweight king. , .The truth of the matter Is that th "f prospect of a match with Battling Nel ' svn, tha Durable Dane, has more attrao- 'tions for tha two young men from Maa aehuetta than anything else depending upon the coming contest. . , . . '; - Nelson's attitude toward Gardner and r . Sullivan is someahat peculiar. Tha ii ' IJane met- Brltt '. aflSJ pounds, "the , weighing process being gone through -hou re before entering,, the ring. - He ,'wlU bos Brftt again on similar terras, ' but insists that if Gardner or Sullivan ' want a match the weight must be lis at ringside. . Sullivan hesn't salt! definitely that he ;'' cannot do the ringside weight, -but his . manner convey tha Impression that he . would like a few hours' grace. ' Gardner '".Wt franly thut he cannot make 133 , just before the gong, but he la satis fied to tackle Kelson if allowed equal . , ljiv'ltM with Jimmy Brltt. T- 'Nelson absolutely refuse to make : the concession; hut Gardner and Sullivan ar not Inclined to" take Nelsons refu sal as 'final., They think- that public pressure wilt force Nelson to box the ' ..winner of tha Gardner-Sullivan match oh - . the same conditions that prevailed In ! t h - Britt-Nelaon- ronteetv - --j? t i lb Ttmbls Skm &courf kchin. Bunting, Bksdinj. Wscpmt; Uwtlnt; Scaibtf, , fltlh Sables aMSt sflMeted. We slfV.wefvet . enrmlnc. itrhlag. Il.eleaS BKitber wnrn eat wits WMrywatrtalDs. There Is a Quick. puelUve care la CICINHCALTH TRZATMCriT W(ti ef narfla Sea p. nMlcalad, antlsep. . tKt Sklaheaith olnl . te kill hnnkir gen". t.-) the skis ami atop Itching, and IklahraMk laMeta, to eir- I kemor grrm. Ml l.TI 1 1 OFMol HI'lHIrFlrMlklBkeaiia tn-atmeat wlifc Hirtaa ) fnr lssiellately rilelig aa4 q'll.tlr earlag all kinds ef siatrras t. e hnr fna lufancy u ol sr beantl t.inr tb akls and balr, awtalni all IrrltafJese 1.4 tut SMuy aallsepti Bara, . UraggUla. - woopad, .ciAxn at co, rosrta avki WasAiflgloa Sta, r: ,, , ' v.v , " rmX--:!!-;-:; : :-. WMi whem 1 jtmt. jA-a. rue , ft feil : M;aaPa ; OREGON J - fc -'IT ' . ' fl A. I J I 4 . Mil J II 1 T i .." I VTI IVTI f Tad's Rumination on the Return of WltlBUniE Chemawa and Sherman Braves -Will Face Each Other on Mult V nomah Held Tomorrovv y CONTEST WILL BE FAST ' t ) . ; , AND SPECTACULAR The Salem Redskins Have Been ' Training Hard for This Event and Have Hopes of Holding the River side Scalpers Down, i 4 . - x Tomorrow i afternoon on 'Multnomah field the Chemawa Indian eleven ,and the Sherman Indian team will meet for honors. , '', ' "?. '' The 'Chemawa bravea' -sare- rapidly being hammered Into , shape by Coach Vfrgll Karf tof tha . Univeralty of Ore- son. Aitnougn tne gamn in ni a naT away yet the Indians sre maaing up in enthusiasm and Vim for tha lack of tima. Chemawa haa Tvery powerful aggregation this .year, and -among thera several stars of- both eastern and west ern ' gridirons. Everyone' on "the coast knows Rube Sanders, who will be In the game aa fullback. ' Neklfer Schouchuk, as 'center, , played against Harvard last yea? with' the Carlisle team. President Roosevelt -witnessed f the, gam : and months after when tha team visited him in the. White House patted Neklfer on tbe back ; ywd , told him he played the best game for hla team. White Bear and James. , both ex-Carllslera, , will be in the game and Payne will -be" there with hla awful plungea. ' The team hss been strengthened this week by tha re turn of Bender, who. will play In the line. -iThls will shift . Green to end, which will further add to the strength of the" team. " '' ' r Tuesday's contest on Multnomah field will be one of the hardest-fought eon- testa ever witnessed In Portland. Both Sherman And Chemawa tare determined to win and-both , teams will put forth their. best efforts. If the Chemawa boys win It will be due to the effective war or coacn rn, wno nas ine game aj, nis fingers' ends.. Chemawa haa had a training-table the entire, season and the- men are. in, the, best . physical .condition. Their handicap haa been the lack of a coach andsnow . that U la supplied, they may not. only -take 'the Sherman game but give the strong Willamette team a run for their money: on Thanksgiving. The lineup will he: :, jj -Chemawa. Posilfon." Sherman. Williams " .1- K. R. . Beholder Schllts ...UT.R..,vom, Lubo White Bear . . , .1 O. R. . ... . . . . . .-" I-ugo , . ' .-rt'-r -. Coleman, Schouchuk . .C-iAU.. ".'."."'Crawford Bender :,.'"I-w - Mo vales James . .R-T. L.. ... .Black tooth Hortor f . i n... ".R. K. L. , . , , Culeman Poland ,.,.. v .Q . ....... , Neafus flaumlera- . . -.-r. R, H. fc.t .r. Magee Hmtth ,rr..-. A. HiH. Tortus Psyn ........... .K..i. Gait , ,. . .;v ' 1 .'.'. AatomohUe Olub BlsetloB. 1 . i ' , (learsal Special Serrk. . ... "t '. New York, Nov. 20. The annual meet ing and election of officers of the Auto mobile Club of America waa hed today. The 'following officers were elected; Dave H. Morris president'; Colgate Hoyt first vice-president; Frederick G. Bourne, second , vice-president; Clarence Gray Dlnsmore, third vice-president W. . 8. Fanshswe, treasurer; governors to serve three years, Colonel John Jnonb Astor, George F. Chamberlain. Schuyler Skaata Whet-ler; for governor' to -serve twe yeaews William Plerson -Hamilton; fee governor 'to serve one year,' John' II Borne. The club , memberahlrt. his reached Its limit f ion and there Is a m'.' ..i.r. ir.i " it IBDIffllMHnS Fitxaimmons to the Fighting Came and the Outlook. - .PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. sji y i is CLUBS. Um ADXelea. ..... Has Vranclsee tiakland t ...... ...k. INMlaud .-,.. Keattle ............. Tacossa ............. rio ma ii Tsttw 17110 .ens .V13 s is 1.1! 14 .510 Is IS o a ,4, SIUI 12 10 .4I2 .4U0 ,N sin tj w as ,iw:Tiwg;BiiroiaHa! Aarels riay Oreat Ball. - tJoarnaY Special Aarrlee.) . IX5S 'Angeles, Nov. JO. Ths Angels beat the Blwaahea In ths first game yes terday after 11 Inninga of brilliant work. and tied tha second game In the. sev enth, on Cravath'a home run. darkness putting a atop to tha gams. Scores MornlrtK smme - R. H. K. Los Ang......oe00 1001 i; 6 . S Seattle . 10009000 l z l . Batteries Hall and Eager; Shields and Illankenshlp. . i . Afternoon game ' RSXE. Los Angeles .,..0 0 0 0 11 i Seattle . . ... 0 0 0 0 10 1 li 1 Batteries Nagle, Goodwin and Eager; C. Hall and Blankensmp. . , ompi DaVlS. - ' --t - - - r ; , Bala, Helps Oakland. Ban Jose, Cal.; Nov. 20. Oakland de feated Tacotna yesterday in a flve-innlng game, rain interfering wiin toe contest. The score: ' ItTH. E. Tacoma . .... I 1 4 DaVlanit -' S S 1 1 . 0 1 . t ' Batteries Brown and Hogsn; Smith and Byrnes. - umpire perrine. "Old O-lory" Korss Sale. '; .' ' I Journal Soedal SVrviea.l - , New Tork. Nov. 10. The annual "Old Glory" sale of light harness horses, the greatest offering of its kind, was opened today In Madison Square Garden before an attendance representing the trotting turf of the entire world. ' Buyera rrora European countrlea were present In per son, while Australia and South America were represented by sgents commissioned-to secure good Americsn racing blood, Tha most notable consignment to be put on the block Is the trotting and show horses belonging to C. . K. O. Billings; With tha exception of Lou Dillon, Major Delmar .and Hontaa Crook, every light harness horse in the famoua Billings stable will be sold. The list Includes Sir Albert 8., :!: The Monk, t:05t Prince of Orsnge, 2:06; Prince Direct J:07, snd ft score of other hlgh-c.lneH performers . with, records better than . f Settle Taoht Baelaf Bales. (Journal Boedal Rmlee.t New Tork, . Nov. 10. Committees -of the Tscht Racing association of Long Island sound and of the New. York Taehl club -held a' conference here today to discuss several matters of Importance to yacht racing In thla' country. They wUr make an .effort to -readjust the classification of schooners and will prob ably recommend a change of tha time allowance from "0 to. 60 per cent., .They will also appoint a committee which will confer with a similar committee of the British association for ths purpose of adopting a universal rating rule for racing yachts. tTr tatanuUlonal Ttald Trials." " ' JtSlrsal Specie) Senlee. ) , t . ' Ruthven. Ont.. Nov.l JO. The seven teenth- annual meeting Of the Interna tional Field Trials club opened here to day -with a good attendance. The three principal events of the meeting are the Members' stage, ine Lteroy ana ne aii Age' stake. .The preserves are well stocked with quail and all Indications point to one of the most successful meetings In the history of the club. ; , Costly Colt Is Dead. ,. j'? '' aJoarsal 'Xperlal SWvlea J Louisville, Ky., -Nov. JO. fleotg Q. Bennett, one of ths best colts In the west, and the property of Fred Cook, died this afternoon at Churchill Dosrna, of pneumonia. The colt had been sick for several days but. only thla morning took a . turn ' for tha -worse. . He -wn valued at tat. 000, and duly a few days aao I30.00U waa offaraat and i,Xor aim,,' ,, !;, ' . '- ' . -.' .; ; ' .. . v. ; : an Illustration of Fitg'i Opinion of. BY 'FRISCO Pitcher Califf Makes Balloon A- Y'censio'n Tin '; Seventh , Innihg-'"- :With Disastrous Results, i- SEALS SCORE SIX RUNS - f: IN FATAL INNING Wilson's Men LPlay ; Errorless Ball, While the Giants Contribute Bunch of Miscues Into the Game Mitchell Leads With Stick and Errors. ,- - (Joomal Special Bar T lea.) -' San "Francisco, : Nov. 10. ThaSeals landed upon Call ff yesterday In the seventh inning and batted him far and near for six runs and a victory. - The Glanta we're one to the good before the balloon ascension, but -when the smoke cleared -the visitors were five to the ,,bg&im UJltJIaJlftt.Ua g snd srrnrs wars ths features of the game. Score: . PORTLAND. ." . AB. R. It PO. A. E Ats, ss. i 1,8 1 Van Buren, If. .. McHale, cf. ......... J t i l Mitchell, lb. S I Schlatly, 2b. 4.. t- J "1. Huess, c. , . . . . . v .. .'. . 3 0 Ferry, rf. ........... S O Pweeney, Sb.. .........31 ' Califf, p. I 0 1 1 0 t 1 Totals . .14 4 1 SI li SAN FRANCISCO. , . AB.R.H. PO. A.E Waldron. cf. Mohler, 2b. ........ lllldebrand. ,t. .... Neajon, lb. ....... Householder, rf. .... 4.1 4 1 4 1 - J v.l 1 0. lt 1 1 " J 1 .s J 1 1 I Irwin, Sb. Gochnauer, aa. Wilson, o. . . ., O'Brien, p. . ... ' Totals , . .2 . 11 11 .: SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland!. . .....:.s..O I 1 It I 0 t Hits . . 1 I I 1 0 J 0- fein' Francisco ........2 0 0 1 0 S -Hits . i J 1 1 0 t -'..'V SUMMART, 'f ' , ' Home run Schlafly. Sacrifice hit- Ferrr. Stolen bases lllldebrand. Nea Ion, Gochnauer, Wilson, O'Brien. First base on errors San Francisco, J. Baaes on balls Off Califf, 4; off O'Brien, 3. Left oq bases Portland, I; 'Frisco, 4. Struck out By Califf. 4; by O'Brien. I. Hit by pitcher Van Buren, McHale Double ploys Suess to- Sweeney-to Suess; Waldron to Mohler. Time of nmt One hour and 40 minutes. I'm plre McCarthy. Game called 4rr first half oCclgnth Inning on account of rain. "-Worth Portland Sadly Defeated." The South Portland Ramblers foot ball team defeated the. North Portland boys yesterday to tha tuna of 25 to 0. The featurea of the game were In the all around team work of the South Portlands. Wagner, Barr", 'Taylor, Foley and Fellows shona aa the bright stsrs for the Ramblers : while Kern alone starreit" for the north end boys. The South Portland Ramblers are open for all challenges at ISO- pounds. Call up L. Harwas, .main l2. Address 232 Glbbs street, . v Sanaysldes eate.' - -,' -The Sunnysides were defeated yes terday by the Bunker Hills by the score of S to 0. FIfleen-tnlnute halves were played.- - ' . ' - . l- 7-L - - " II. 1 - 1 California Prune Wafers Purely vegetable, they sr' nature's product and should be In every house hold. They cure constipation snd all disorders of tha stomach, liver and bowels. 100 Wafers 25 Cents a 0. Skldmors ft Co, Bragg lsta. 111 Ihlrd St., sols ftfsats lor rotUaad, Or, GIANTS TROUNCED HOPES TO BEAT f,l. Li C. Champion College Eleven Sees Victory at Hand In Club Game i on Thanksgiving, i CONTEST WILL BE HARDEST .ONE OF THE SEASON Eugene Players Have Every Advant -? age and Have .; Good Reasons fot , Feeling That They Can Down Old Multnomah How Betting Stands. ' Now that Multnomah . haa demon strated her ability and foupd It wanting. winning but one arame out of four, tlelna- ftworTirid loelnroni-the clubmen tr- be" ginning to look around and R,ee If some- thlne; cannot he itoiwt in ntrmngthmn tht eleven so that a reapecuble ahowlng can be made against Oregon on Thanks giving afternoon. ',' Regarding the coming match between Oregon and Multnomah, there is but one thing certain and that la the splendid prowess of the Oregon eleven. :1 Oregon hss the strongest team In Its history. The" team Is eompoaed of veterans who know how to play the game for all that It la worth at every stage and -under every condition; Is coachedbya msn who nowa football from ita Infancy and who haa tha faculty of getting out of the 'men the best that they can give, and Is captained by a young general who is aa resourceful In battle aa a Napoleon who watches and studies the opponents with remarkable quickness and who la capable of picking out the weakest spots In an opposing line and then select lng the. plays t that ar certain to ; be ground gainers. - That la what Multnomah will have to proceed against on Thanksgiving. Is It any wonder that' the clubmen are worried T For yearelhe superiority of ths Mult nomah club i haa alwaya been disputed, but it haa always prevailed, though at tlmea it took every bit of 'strength that tha club had to save tha day.. While the club eleven haa been maintaining . ita usual strength from year to year the ?oUfigftlaanis In the nui l1iwi'Sf-BayeTti'C been getting stronger snd more force ful every season.. Last tear It gave Multnomah all that It could do to de feat Willamette by a single touchdown, and thla year with Wlllamette'a propor tionate gain of strength, snd experience, Multnomah waa beaten 4 to I. - - Last Christmas Multnomah narrowly escaped defeat at the handsof Corvallls. the score) 'being 11 to 10. now this year Corvalluvle, stronger than ever and her Dacxera are oetting.tnat Multnomah will go down to defeat on December t. Last Thanksgiving Multnomah defeated Ore gon by a touchdown and safety after being outplayed by the Eugene lads in ths first half. Thla year Oregon la the most formidable football eleven lnthe Paclflo northwest and baa but one de feat against her, a setback by Stanford, IS to 4. Oregon tied Berkeley. 0 to . tied Washington. 12 to 12. defeated Wil lamette, 11 to . and beat Corvallls. to 0. From tha above scores it Is readily spparent that Multnomah will have the hardest proposition that It haa ever en countered, and backers of Oregon, who are now betting 10 to 0 on their eleven's chancea, know prteey well what they art abOUL ". -.,-. -':... r The club team will undergo a severs shakeup during the coming week. Ine fault of the players are not In their In, rflvMilal nl.vln hut I. tK.( V..m i.b and the handling of punts. - In -practlcSl Multnomah handlea punts superbly, In a gams Multnomah rarely catches one. Coach Overfteld has a. Jot of work set out for every night, beginning tomorrow, and expects to see every football man In the club out for practice every night Football work will-also be held at. 4 o'clock every - afternoon for - those--who have the time to -turn out .. . . .. , SMART SET IS GRILLED BY - PREACHER AT ALBANY - . . . - - .,,,- Declares That the FourHundred of Herod's Day Were the Same as Present Society. - . ' (Special Dispatch to Tbe Josraal.) -Albany, Or., Nov. 20. The union evangelistic services In tha Christian church continue In Interest and tha at tendance la so great as to causa the ministers In charge to make provisions for overflow meetings In the First Pres byterian church. -The ministers of the city ohurches are taking 'turns In de livering tha sermons and at the aame time take turns In -delivering short evangelistic addresses at chapel at As- bany college ever morning.'. Tha In terest is growing aad U Is s if acted ; REGU1AK PRICES $12.50 10 $15.C 3 $17.50 $20X3 $22.50 YOUNG MEN'S Single Breasted :'r.Jv: .Suits -V U-'V - $5.C0. $3.50, 'ALL WORSTEDS INCLUDED ' 7 CS- OT Ttinf St. B VC2TLANDS rlin CLOTinEDV ' that tha meetlrrgs will continue for soma time.':- .: - r' "Rev. Mr. W. P 'White, pastor of .the First United Presbyterian church., preached the - sermon last evening' on ) !'Tha Tragedy of the Soul- before a large audience, , He " took for Ms text the words of John the Baptist, ad- took' d reused to king (lerod regarding his marriage .to his. brother Philip s wife. It Is not lawful for. you- to leave her. 'In describing tha feast on the oc casion of the Illegal wedding, the preacher said that all the "rotten Four Hundred" were present, quite as rotten as the Four .Hundred of society today." He Inveighed against tbe double life and preached especially1 against the in fidelity of the supposedly respectable man and woman to the marriage vows. LADIES OF MACCABEE ' HOLD A CONVENTION (Special DUpatcb to Tbe JeorseL) " -'Albany. Or., Nov. 20. The Ladles of the Msccabees held a district conven tion at Jefferson Saturday afternoon and evening at which the hive of the valley were represented. After , the convention work was concluded the drill teama of the several organisations con tested for a silver cup. offered for tha best drill, and the team of tha Albany hive secured ths beautiful. and valuable trophy, bringing It home at an early hour yesterday morning. The Albany hive was represented at the convention by 41 members. Including ths members of tbe drllLcorpa.:ThS team, had drilled for tha event for several weeka and - Maw Xsxioaas Vroteet (Journal gpeelat Serrice. Santa F. N. M., Nov. 20. In response to the call of Chairman H. O. Bursum, the members of the Republican terri torial central committee aasembled hers today for an extraordinary session. - The meeting la held In view ' of " probable statehood legislation at tha coming ses sion of congress, snd to Issue a final and emphatic protest against tha pro posed -.Jointure of Arisona and New Mexico Into one state. , ipiiiioni ON EASY PAYMENTS Has proven a double success. To you it means that by ;the aid of our liberal credit system we. enable you to wear a diamond or watch while saving for same. No C matter how small your income, your reputation for hon resty Is the only security we require;'5" ..r;-----r---------r'--: -; To us it has proven a successful device of disposing ' -; of our tremendous stock of unredeemed pledges, as well as new stock, which accumulates from time to time. .U - - : -. . -'-'.--' . - REMEMBER, we charge no extra for credit accom- ' -; modations--no embarrassing conditions you take your .- purchase when making first payment., - .. -, . .IMM OLM . -74-THIRD STREET, NEAR OAK. ' , . SALE PRICES $10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 S8.C0, $9.50. . ma- S isisimni li a I I I I. -a. . ' t 1 - J n - : iTvK tin in. Tvvti arri .unnii li etween Stark Oak A la not only1 to beautify It, desirable aa that Is, but to preserve wood and metal,' Paint from our stock meets both ' purposes. Another ' thing: Quality granted (any reasonable test will show It), we guarantee cost for the -aame article against any compe tition. We want your business and will merit It. - . fisher, Thorsen Co. rsosT An XOB&ISOV sis.' . -5 f CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO;- peolal mllmaa, Kxeursloa Trala : rim, southern vaolfls BaUroaa. ... On December 10 a special excursion'' train will leave San Francisco via the Southern Paclflo far the City of Mexico : Low rates have been, made for points on tha Southern Paclflo In Oregon. Par-, tlculars by Baking sny Southern Paclflo sgent or writing A. I. Craig, general' passenger agent. Portland. Oregon. . " ' Builds up' the system: puts pure, rich blood In tbe veins; makes men and worn-' en strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Rlttera. At any drug store.- ins i 4 J ' I J' . Painting a r House: , '"'.V . . : " .'