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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
X ...... ..f mm Twins NOT SO BAD' Judge Fraxer Investigate Case '- 'Against 'Eleven-Year-Old Acton Boys. v j ORVILLE BLACKENED - HUGH STAN LEY'E EYE l Juvenile Court Judge Trie Twine in Terry Schoolhouse, Saving Them f ' and Parents Coaof Coming In and Manj Vitncas Fees, . '- ,'.' ' i . ' ; ( Terry Bchool house, two milea north .. of Qreahain, had MJL&r ut Juvanll court aeaston jrterday afternoon, Judge Ar . Ihur U Fraaer and Clerk Marlon K. 'Johnaon ha vine; cone ther to hear the- . story of MelTla and OrrUle Acton, 11 . year-old twins, who are aald to be taa . bulllea of the neighborhood, - . '' - From reporta that had ' alfted Into 'Portland regarding the proweaa of the boya Judge Fraaer expected to find acnall horna arowlng from their fore heada. Instead, he aaya, tfkat he found healthy, full-of-Ufe. boya Inclined to be ' miachlevoua and ever ready to tight boya ' near their own alae.' : ' " x . The twlna were accused ' f having truck Hugh 8tnnleyged It yeaca,'of Graahan.. with a dangerous' weapons Vpon Investigation. It wa pnown that Stanley had hla: eye -blackened In a - fight with Orvllle Acton. Judge Fraxer heard the atorleaof the boya and the many Witnesses gathered at the school house. The twins promised to be good In the future and were allowed to go - on parole with orders to report te Mr.' 81 Clair of Oreaham.'; . . . ; i Judged Fraier aaya that ho had - t double i reason . In going to the school house Instead of having the. boys coma to Portland one to save them and their i mother the trouble of making the trip and anotliar to save the county th ex pense ot the many witncssea .The taae had been aet for trial last Friday and 'as avral . wltnessea could not be -nc-l tilled of Ita postponement, ther ap ( pea red at 'the' county house and, their testimony wae heard.? These tew wlt ' nissea cost the county at least '(if, had. the whole case been heard here $2S I more Would' hava bn added to this coat bill; , Aa It was Judge Fraaer made the round trip for tt. , -' '. ; Miss Craven, teacher at the ferry ""school, present at yesterday'a trteVoaid ; that two or three! other youngsters In the neighborhood might appear before ' the court . . . . '.. ; ' ' ralrvtew Olvio Glut Sleets. y ifUpaeUl Psipstea te Tee JmotmI.) ' l Falriew, Or.. Nov. ll.Tha monthly - meeting ef the Kmlrvtew Civic Imprsve- ment club held here elected the follow ing officer for tha ensuing six month: ; President, Napoleon Davlsr Vlee-presl- - dent, K. W. Mathlson; secretary, A. L Stone; treasurer, Mrs. William Ellison: rf rnt at arms, a. A. Dolph. ' "A com , tnlttee wis appointed to arrange for the 'matter of changing tha name of tha w'poe tof flee to Falrvlew. Tha subject of ' iri poratiag tha town waa postponed. THE ; ' ''.., w - a ... ' 1 . , . . - -.m -1 No otker cigar sold unJertlie -i. , .V-' s ! , ' ' . ' ' same guar- . ' .; 1 - . . .... - . . antee Allen Lewis, BIG FORCE OF ILTEN W0RKIN6 - ON BRANCH LINE Construction on Springfield Cut' off and Bridge Being . Rushed.! (Soeelal Dlntck te The Jnoraal.t Eugene. Or., Nov. It. All of the ma teria) for the big railroad bridge across the Willamette river at Springfield la now on the ground. The grade for the cutoff on the Springfield aide of the river la finished and on the west aide ""jrdajrsorltULJiacaBAty, The piera for the bridge are nearly completed. . Fifty team a and mora than 10 men are at work on the west aide. . - ,It la expected that tralna will be run ning between Henderson and Spring field by.February U .- ALASKA DELEGATES v , V VISITING TACOMA taseeUl DiaMtei to The JoaraaLl A Seattle, Wash., Nor;!. The second seaalon of the Alaskan convention con rened thla morning. A resolution of thanks to. Roosevelt In recognition of his message to congress in 104, waa passed. The convention adjourned pending the report of the committee on resolutions and organisation. Delegates left for Ta- coma at noon to be entertained by the chamber of commerce. ' Indications point to a hot fight be tween Ryan, -and Johnson. ' delegates elect from the second and third district in the event the convention decides to sand one Instead of three delegates. There la a rumor that the squabble will be settled by the nomination of ex-Oov ernor Swlneford. COMMERCIAL BODIES ; 2 0F MARSHFIELD MEET ; . r . (Ktdat IMspatcb te Tke JoerniL) Msrshfleld. Or.. Nov. II Th. utn. merclal bodies of this city held a Joint meeting tnis evening and .were ad- dressed hw Walter I. Tnm Af Vwt. burn and Colonel E. Hofer of Salem. The lateat Information from tha Drain and Marshfleld avtenilAii waa tnat kiiK. lie Xha. aarvey and cross sections will oe completed to Hcottsburg Monday, when mens anil nrAfllaa will K ak. warded for letting the contracts. ' The nrst (ft miles will be completed within M days from the letting of contracts. A development meeting has been called at the opera house for Tuesday evening ,r- . Josepa , Waltlg Diea. Sprlt Dktpatrk to TIM Joomi.) Ttllaraook, Or., Nov. II. Joseph Whit ing, aged 61 years, an old soldier, died her suddenly on Wednesday. He waa an annwrried man. a carpenter by trajje. Ha waa burled tha aeat day by the O. A, R. poet .-. - -r A Creeping Death. Blood poison creep up toward tha heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plalne, Minn., wrltee that a friend dreadfully Injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poleonjnu. Buchlen Arnica (halve drew out the poison, healed th wound and saved his life. Best In the World for bums snd enreai 28c st Baltimore s drug store. HI Third elreet. . OREGON SUNDAY JCUHIJAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY o r? A iBBBaealheaM Wholesale Distributors TO CHECK SPREAD OF DISEASE . . - 1 .... s . State Board of Health Offers to Make Free Tests of . ' ' - Serum s . WILL REPORT RESULTS WITHIN TWELVE HOURS Board Alio Will Test Milk or Water for Typhoid Germa Doctor Who Neglect to Report Contagious Dis eases Promptly to Be Prosecuted. The state board of health haa atarted an active crusade agalnautha spread of contagloua diseases and has called upon pnyaiciana tnrougnout th state to aa alal Free testa of. all suspected case of diphtheria, and typhoid fever will be made In the state laboratory, providing physlclana furnish serum from their pa tients. - - Blood serum tube may be had at tha laboratory In th Marqoam building free of. charge. Culture from th throat of diphtheria patianta or the blood of typhoid fever patient will be tested promptly and the reeult sent Out by telephone within II hour to th at' tending physlclarv It 1 th opinion of member, of h board that quarantine frequently la lifted from children who have been afflicted with aevera sore throat or- ' diphtheria before all th bacilli bava disappeared. , ... . Free testa will be made also of water or milk for typhoid germa whenever samples are 'sent In and prompt atten tloa will be given to other Infection muses. Th laboratory of th Oregon state board of health I th best- -equipped working laboratory In tha Pa- clno northwest. It is practically a new establishment. Xlr- Ralph, Mstson. etatel bacteriologist, has charge of th laboraN tory ana maxee tne aiagnose sssistea by hi brother. Dr. Ray Matson, elty health commissioner, who baa been ac corded . th - use of tha. laboratory for city worki - The state board Of health baa decided to fore physician throughout th state to observe the law regarding th reporting of all Infectious dleease as soon a they are discovered- Frequently caaea of Infectious, diseases are. never reported or else not until, ion after the patlept die. Hereafter all! uch neglect will be Investigated promptly and the offending physician will be proeecuted. t, a ' ' ' I 1. . . Oouty Chug SUa. (Speetal Dleeetcs to Tbe Joereal.) Vale, Or.. Nov. 11 Ellaa Claude, a county charge, aged It years,' -died In thla city " this; morning of typhoid fever. She hsd been a great sufferer Tor sev eral weeks. - Tha county court and coun ty physician did all in thel power to relieve her suffering and nurse war ecured'to tar for her night and bay, ' 'eTnw ' Vlaal - ' - (Special Masstrb te Tke Jaarsal.1 Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. IS. Oas was mad In the new plant of C. EL Burrow at o. for tha first time Tueadiy,, Ar rangements win soon aa comptta tor Supplying! customers, - ' . i . . ..... - ' , ' i. . . - - " . , " , ' ' ' . -. . 7 ev" 1 ( OREGON MAN HAS WIFE AND COmNIOII ARRESTED Fred Law and Mrs. Annie Turpln Committed to Jail In IdahO'Town. (SpeHal Dispatch to The JearaaL) Boise, Idaho, Nov. It. George Tur pln, a racehorse man of Medford, Ore gon, known at every race track from Portland to Redding, California, awor to th complaint yesterday which caused tha arrest of hla wife. Annie Turpln, and Fred Law. on a statutory chart. TM Preliminary rtimlnftl"n was held toasy ana ooin were commuted to jaU I to ssrut the action or th grand Jury. be trig unabl to give ball. Law waa a former emDlove of Tup. pin. Last March ha and Mr. Turpln disappeared. They came to thla placs about alz weeks ago, and when arrested wera working on a ranch about 1 miles from. bare. . Turpln In search of them, went to Kentucky, back to Oregon, and finally to Idaho. In December. 1101. at Redd In r. Call- fornia, Law attempted to kill Turpln, snooting mm with a shotgun held close to hi face. Th gun was loaded with fine shot, and tha charge merely tor a part er Turpln' law away. Ha re covered. On hi wife' plea h waa In duced to let tha prosecution of Law drop, v When Law waa brought to th court room Turpln would have shot him had not tha officers taken hla pistol away. SON SUES TO RECOVER v MONEY LOANED FATHER (Special rxapateh te Tke JoerstL) Oregon City. Nov. IS. The suit of William Mueller, against Franklin EL Mueller wa tried yesterday In the, clr oult court. The plaintiff is the son of FAT FOLKS a. 26T iba . ISA lbs. MRS. C. WIUJAM. tm Ellleett So,. Baffals, Kew Tera. - toel la weight... ...STyoaada la ans. , m la waist. io boat la kip .......k.SO This letars tires me ss Mee mt mr aanear. ene before sad after - my redawtloa ky De. anyder. My h-altk Is pmtt. 1 svee eajnye setter kealtk Is sr Ufa, sn a wrinkle to Be . ky earry yaw kwdea loear wsea relief to at kasaf Dr. Sarder siiaraiiteas a fa treatment ta lia perfoetiy karmleea In ery aarttralar. Ne lerriae. ae atamnt ee aiemmenrte. Or. Snre-r aa beea a auertallat Is the aarcaaafnl irai. sieet at etwalty tne tbe peat ts years, aa kaa the neqaallse endnratsmit et the swdlral rra t-ralty. A kooklet telling aU skeet It free. write toeey. a W. F. SNYDER, M. D. S18 SUravaaa Bid-. SUxth aad Morrison atrvets, ForUaao, Orefaa MORNING. UOVEllLZX 19. IV M dJ) IS o o ! r, : J - v. tha defendant and is suing hla father for 1560 which ha claimed to have loaned him and for tha additional amount of $240, alleged to be duo for labor. Tha oa alleged that, witn hi father'a consent he left homo while yet a minor and earned 1619 which ha aaya ha loaned hi father with th under standing that It would be repaid on de mand. After h waa 11 yes re old ha says ha continued -to work on hi father'a farm at current wages nntll he haa ttto more to hla credit. Th Jury waa unabla to agree and waa discharged. WALLA W ALLA Y. M. C. A. TO ERECT BUILDING (Speelal DUpef ts Tke JoaraeL) WaUa Walla, Wash., Nov. U. Th Walla Walla T. M. C. A, which has nearly (60.004 on band with which to . hiiininar le-ftmliana street early next spring, haa been permanently organised with the' following board of directors and trustees: Director W. P. Wlnana. A. H. Reynolds, D. H. Cos, J. W. Langdon, J. F. Stack. K. L B run ton. J. W. Cookerly. W. L. Stirling, O. 8. Jones, W. B. Clark. D. A. Hill. 8. B. L. Penrose, O. S. Bond, C H. Whltsman, A. K. Dice. L. EL Anderson, W. 8. Of f ner. Advisory board J. XL Ransom. John Smith. T. C Elliott. F. W. Kaaer, W. W, Barker. W. P. Reser, Oscar Drumhallari B. F. Henderson, Max Baumelster. Trustee Senator Ankeny. Mayor Oil bert Hunt. Oscar Drumheller, ex-Gov ernor m. C Moor. TWO TICKETS IN FIELD FOR PENDLETON ELECTION (Seeelal Nasatek ts The lenrasL) Pendleton, Or., Nov. U. Nomination for tha Pendleton city election, which take place December e, eloaed thla even ing with th following tickets: For mayor will Moors and Jamea A. Fee. ' i , For councllraen First ward, Thomas Tweedy and J. Munn; second ward. W. H. KoCormack and Frank Frasler; third ward. C. 8. Wheeler and Jo Ell; fourth ward, EL L Smith and J. T- Hlnkle. For treasurer Ben Burrauarha and Charles Hamilton. For water commissioner J. R. Dick- on. " WATER COMPANY RIGHTS CANCELED BY C0RVALLIS (Special Dtspatefe te Tke JeerasL) Corvalll. Or., Nov. IS. At th meeting last night th city council revoked the right ef th Corvalll Water company to lay any more , mama under. Corvalll street under tha Plttman fraachlse. To day th la borer a In the dltchee were notified that they would be arrested unless , they ceased work. Dr. O. R. Farra. president and principal owner of the company, will undoubtedly resort to litigation. There ia much feeling op tha part of th old company, because of th mountain water system now build ing for th city. CHAFFEE TO COME WEST ' AFTER HIS RETIREMENT (Jeeraal Special Serrlee.) -Washington, Nov. ll.Oeners Chaf fee conferred with th president to-lay In regard to hi retirement' about Feb ruary 1. He wanta to take hi family to California. Chaffee retirement will allow th fulfillment of th program for placing Onrbln and Hate at tha head of th army, before their retirement. 1CC3. r? Your money back if nottne test 5cN cigar tkat you ever smoked you to be tne judge Portland , Oregon STORE 208 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND ; SALMON. IMS AIJ2 OF This is the Pure New Era Products, made in Detroit, famous all the world over, a written guarantee of purity go ing with each can waa 1J$ GALLON, NOW It is guaranteed aa good as when it left the factory, and is sold at this price because water snd smoke hall destroyed the labels sad soiled the cans. . . Pednters White NEAL'S INTERIOR ENAMEL . : That smooth' finish, so easy $2.50 per gallon. , J 2g NEAL'S BATHTUB ENAMEL Transforms the old cine rob to 'porcelain; former price, Nr:.?..........;.75c NEAL'S ALUMINUM ENAMEL , For steam pipes, radiators, gas ranges, etc; .-former price, Nr:.?!....:.:..:.90c No one will oyer agsia buy Psints st tha pricea we ere selling these splendid goods for now. - Don't neglect the opportunity. NEW ERA PAINT AND VARNISH CO. 208 Front Street. Between Taylor snd Salmon. . Portland; Oregon. The John Barrett ConpAirc Gas llaimjts . Diop Lights Wax Tatiis Gas Euxkkiis : We are Designers of All That b Beautiful In pretty gaa and electrical chandelier and fixture to orflament tha noma. Wa carry a fine Una at mantel for Oreplacea. aadlrona, aparh;. arreettera and tonga and ahoval aeta. - - Wa are nrt yet quite settled In our new horn can't be trtl tha people move out of tha east part of tha building, which will be oc cupied by us. Wa ll then have a aloa store up here and invite all our frtanda ta calL v Our Number is Hear Elerenlh. $1.10 Lead 6c Pound NEAL'S CARRIAOE PAINT Tha Old Origin,; former rice, quart, 75c Jfr 1 KowuiiiiliiniUHmawi. GRANITE FLOOR PAINT ' The kind that stsys on yotrr floor; former price , CI f( $175 gallon. Now.l..4l.UU CRESOLENE SHINOLX STAIN N Wears well, won't fade; form- raiiolVow?..!!!.....70c DA VIES VARNO-LAC 1 Makes your floor look Hire mahogany; former price $275 i&r ....$1.50 410 r.!crri::.i S. . it-.