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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
THE OREGON, SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1C05, TOUfJ TOPICS I TO DAT 'S AUVtZMZVT. "A ratal Card A Broken Heart" ....... "A ilaart of fci l" Empire.. luknr - I-jrlo,,.... t . Tauonvuit .a....,,.., VuJttHI Vaadevllt 4,rart4 , - Ths. course of free lectures and en tertainments given at the Men's Resort . and People's Institute by Alfred roster of Australia Is attracting- crowds of . men each Friday and Satupday even ing. Friday night's lecture upon , the convict prisons of 1149 In Tasmania 'was listened to with eagerness by a packed house. One hundred stereoptlcon views , were used. Offhand. Informal and full ' of humor, Ir. Foster is a popular en tertainer. Lt night he gave an elo- cutlonary recital, with musical numbers Interspersed. ., Next Friday Mr. Foster lectures upon "Japan, FIJI Islands and the Jenolan 'Caves." The lectures are free and all are welcome. They are ' given at the Men's Resort ant People's institute. Fourth and Burnald streets. Governor ' Chamberlain was , the first visitor to the charming Jiew studio of H. w. Moore on the upper floor of the Kilts' buildlug, Seventh and Stark, yes terday morning, and had the first "mlt-- tlng" In the elegant gallery.. Mr. Moore occupies the entire upper floor, which gives him one of tbe-Hargest photo :V graphic studios In the country, and It Is a question If, In splendor of equipment ' "ind appointment, the place Is excelled on the Paclflo. coast It has every do- vice. Instrument and thing at all nec essary to the production of modern pho- ; lographle art. It la most lavishly fur nished, and the eye Is delighted n mat ter q what direction that visitor may V. !. ; , . ;". f ' --' ' ' -V; . J ? The state haa leased again the labor of ' the convicts in the tjalem penlten- tlary to the Loewenberg-Oolng Btove . .. compsny. - The contract, which Is for two years only, was closed . yesterday afternoon In Governor Chamberlain's . office in this city. The rate to be paid : to the state. Is the same as heretofore, is cents per day . for each convict em-1 7". ployed.. In order to gtv , opportunity for the next legislature to make such , other disposition of the labor lot the convicts as may seem desirable. Gov- ernor Chamberlain Insisted that the contract should not run longer than two years, and also that It should con- tain a provision authorising him to csn- ,'. ceH the agreement on six months' notice, ; ' "" j - The Goodyear Bhoei Repair company, Fourth and Yamhill, has added a very complete , stock of men's shoes to Its ; business. This merchandise comes from as eastern factory and was made at the special Instance) of Mr. Brack, .' the manager, and the shoes. are what ! k"own as the Standard, one of the .uuwu "uU. . footwear in , America. Ho women s I - shoes are handled, bat men will find ... , . 1 hat here mar be bid bargains In every-1 " "i. ' l f ZlntU? ill.. i ESS? Sf.J amall profits at least until every men !! fSTttZ fH? "o'ri: d la to trade with the company he reprefc "Back to the old love 'J Zl t 'TlZZl I for seven years with one of the largest wholesal, millinery house .on the mm ;t and later for two year buyer of mUU- nery fot-one of PwtUntTs tenM de- ' v ..ri. ir. VJ. Ur,,v. iuZ Huo..,ww. - Becker esUbUshment. comer Third and f.'mrplIJ" . 'iL"'" ii iM.ofcMr TrfT" i- ....... --.v ------- belng conducted on th asm Principle I..',mrVSir j22J2!Ltl exception ot KTUr effort-catering to -"""""- -V- ""T ' " i r Z.iZL 1 1 "mm popular price. . " ' T :," . County Clerk IriTfc Field. pect n k ( w.iiA. k. as t....n t. MArma HiApnln mnA fnr hnnt m. niAnth I II deputy clerks Will be busy xm this work. Mr. Field sys that whll th work will be plenty hard enough, th tMroll being a big one. th. Ubor will ... tie cui aown a great oeai Dy ins rsct - ' . . . r - " " that ther I. to be a $300 exemption in d? ST. " ,,th" personal property, whereas In 104 cl0 w- deparur to' FTan ivry thing wa taxd. Th personal else.' Chen was i clad tn natlv oostum taxes alon tilled 100 page ox the tax rnrm i. mr whll. thi. rufi liirt I will require only 16 pages. , . John A. Logan, one Of th attorney . fnr Thomas E. Hnlme. the denoted plumbing Inspector, said yesterday after- would b argued In Judge Fraser' de- nervous proeirsuon, tm siowiy conva partment of the circuit court Monday, lescing. , It la expected that ah wlU The case ha been dragging along for several weeks snd manv . were ef the l . opinion that Halm Intended to drop out '"of th contest I ' - -- -. j , Td sheriff has the lloi I ta n.i m&ria un and readv tar .itv.rti.. I ing and it wlU be turned over to th printer Immediately after November 25. "", DU aomm u lawuy. Those trhA AMtre aiiv m th.lw ...!. ' ' t- ' i on or befor that tlm and save the additional cost of advertising. Property will be aold 'December 21.' . - l . i i ' , .' The efforts of the East Side Improve-1 ment association for better streetcar I service Tor that section of the city hr besinning to bear fruit. Commencing -V Cut Glass Sale 7 In order to make room fpr i Cut Glass shipments now on ' the road and to quickly : move our "left . overs," we ( offer Cut Glass at factory i prices for the next '.Week ; This rsale will last only ; short time'ind slirewd buy ers who Ifliowftell us our -; line, of Cut Glass of five dif ; ferent factories is the finest 'shown in Portland. Our,. ;. glass is always a attractive prices and we promise the' public that ..our Xut Glass Prices for the next week will ' belhe Jo westever Jenown in ..Portland. We must move it, tand quickly, so here is the ehance to buy something for that coming wedding or for that Christmas gifu ,No. : trouble to' show ittolyou.. erCo. ? ', Jewelers, Sllvertmltb , 286 Morrif on Street GJIeitkemp A Change of Account i F, for any, reason, you -contemplate a - change or division of account, , shall be pleased to hear from you. : Our fa cilities . are exceptionally "good, and we believe . we . could handle your busi ness o your satisfaction. Oregon Savings Bank - Sixth and Morrison Streets. omnii '.-" W. H. Moor. President. ...HE. I.vtla. VicevPrealdent. W. Cooper Morris. Cashier. ... & Logan Hays. Ass't Cashlsr. . DxmsOTOM W. H. Moore, - i - B. E. Lytic, lo kriede, w. h. copciana, , - W. Cooper Morris. tomorrow the Woodlawn cars will not make any stops on their north-bound trips from East Burnslde street .to Maegley street during the rush hours of the afternoon. ' This - order of things wlU be enforced for the first time on the Woodlawn car that leaves Second and Washington streets at 4:21 p. in. and will continue until p. m. Wood- lawn passengers who faU to catch those oars or who wish to go out to that sub- urb from some point between ' East Bnrnslde and Maegley street must take a Union avenue or Alberta streetcar and I transfer at Maegley street, I lTh Will Wolf bankniDt sale of mer- chandlse. known as the T. P. Kelly ptock. at 2 Morrison street, msy not be quite understood by the general pub- uc. The stock being sold at such little prices consists of ladles' ss well a ren- tlemen's apparel and covers the widest range of human garments. When It Is considered that men's white $1 shirts arJ ,old At j5. cents each, and all other classes of men's clothing In proportion. Jt wnl Da understood the bargains which ar, t0 be hmA ,t Mr, wolfa establish- ment. in women's garments similar t k. he . . m.u .m .n low , many of the places as to b al- mon unDeiievaoie. ,. . . , - . Li. Local" merchants" have been complain ing a great deal of late on account of the a,rt treaU causing mud and muck to tracked Int their stores and off icea . ,, wi. .. - y mr k.Pt dean n,,i. i, ,v u. ..ia that the city owna a great deal of hoae. I iiuinvniua pnu&iiif UKI if, ma UM cuir I trol of an unlimited supply of water. VilTh anofter ta. ba4 thoroughly rinsed, the muJ and oebrt, wept lnto tB, isacn nlgnt the Dose could be used to swrs. Th sprlnkimg carts, also coul h. used, to flush the atreeta. . 19 nuan tn etreeis. - Whll digging in a trench on the street at Becond and Hoyt streets yes- terday afternoon San Garlano, an Ital- Un accidentally struck In the back wlth Pick by a f.llow-workna and injured. He was removed to St Vincant'a hospital in the police ambo lance. . His condition 1st last night was eriou. Th man' leg are paralysed "J 7' Ltl llvered near th spins and Inflicted wvuno A group of prominent local Chines TTTilr J lST. . tTSTTiS: fJSL' ' V V... tention whll walking through th treet. . . . It wa reported at St Vincent's ho Pltal last night that Mrs. John Man tilng, wife of th district -attorney, who soon be bl to leave th Institution, U th horse at the poor farm are sick snd for th present Inmates are ient ont D7 County Health Officer Dud- ley Evans In private rigs. Th sick ness among the horses Is said to be oie that disable thera for " you want a home built according J to your own plan and upon your own 1 terms, see R. L. Cate at Na III Second Istreet. He Is agent for the Hawthorn estate and La eld's addition, the best residence tract in Portland. Articles of incorporation wer filed In th county clerk' of fie , yesterday for the - Lucky Boy -Mining company. John- De Grace, Chester Cook and George t Grace are - the incorporator - Th capital tock I 1100,000, ( ' ' Walter Baker' 'dallclou Caracas eat Ing chocolate In beautiful carton, . 10 cant. , vanilla chocolate with whipped cream,. 10 cent. Free sample and re ceipt toek to ' nousekeeper ,. st ; 127 Seventh street ,: ' ; . . r Do yon wsnt a hom in Portland' choicest residence tracts? If so see IH. L. Cat at No. 112 Second Street i He nannies in nawinorn esiaie ana Ladd'a addition, the best residence prop erty on th market. FQOTBAIXI ' FOOTBALL! IChemawa Indian vs. Sherman Indian. Great Indian game for championship. Multnomah Field, Tuesday. 2:20 p. tn. ' ' Admission, II cents. Rummage sale ' continued. Monday. Tuosday, , Wednesday, November 10, 21. SI. - 'Corner -Grand aveno and - East Waahlngton streets. Ladle . First Chrlstlsn church. ' . lis vs you talked to R. L. Cate about a homeT , He handle th Hawthorn es tate and . Ladd's addition.' None batter In Portland. . Offlc No. Ill Second trt- ; t - . - Hear the story of "Ebh Tide." Steven son' thrilling book, by Dr. House. First Congregational church, Sunday night. Morning teplc, Twa Great Questions." Football! Football; Chemswa Indians vs. Sherman Indians. -Great Indian game for championship. "Multnomah Field. Tuesday, J:t p. m. Admission, tl-eent, .'The Board of Trad Journal for No vember. Just, issued, -ha-. en extended I account of the resource of each county iu the state of Oregon, classified under neudlngn and written In an attractive style, from Richardson contributes an article on Oregon's present conditions and pronnects. Jefferson Myers writes about "What Can One Do to Be Buc- cessful In Oregon T' A. M. Lea has an article on "Oregon as a Dairy Btate' and Mrs. W. P. Lord rives an -inter esting discussion of the subject of "Raising Flax In Oregon."-- Professor -Beggs can be seen either day or night st iti Sixth street, near Msin. 'Private lessons in dancing. Audi torium hall, Saturday at I o'clock. -Watches and diamonds II down and lOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment. Xmaa la coming. Metsgar & Co., Jewelers, opticians. 111 Sixth. Deputy District Attorney Robert pal loway is In Medford on private bus! nesa. lie expecta not to return untU Thursday.. . , Whl8t! Whlst! Whist! Dance and re- freshments. Auditorium hall, Monday evening. November 20. By K. Of L. of 8. Admission, II cents. Merchants' lunch dally from 11:19 a. m. till I p. m.. 21 cents. Sunday chicken dinner, SS cents. Palm Restaurant, II Sixth street,, near Stark. '- Mrs. - Guy B. Holman. Decorated china for sale. Lessons given. Firing. Studio 71 Lewis building. Phone Main Pan-Co-Vesto dub, $1 per month. Keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 West Park. Paclflo (8. Open all night Jones lose leaf ledger and . Eureka sheets; firs prise at exposition. Howe, Davis A KUham, 111 Second street. Be sure to hear the great company of colored artists at the Whit Tempi tomorrow night. . Why ear IS.E0 to ll for eye glasses when we guarantee a perfect fit for 1T Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street. . Elayton Jubilee singers at White Temple tomorrow night. Twelfth an Taylor. : 7 : ',', Portland's best r dancing school, 101 Alder. Prof, Rlngler, Miss Buckenmeyer. LeMles' gymnasium class,' the Rlngler Physical Culture school. . 11 per month. Second number of T. M. C. A. course at Whit Temple tomorrow night. ' Two fine . sealskin . jacket for sal cheap. Marx. & Bloch, IK JThlrd street T M. C. A. Star coarse "number to morrow at, First Baptist church. , The Marquam Program reaches the better, element of ad readers. See that 120,000 ranch "Farms for Sal." . Fin chicken dinner I Oft 111 Third. Can Wooster ' find a location? -' jt. . i .... Frits' tamalea are th heat : '; MUSICAL H0USECLOCK aUftaeylni Mnalo Bos wa Hon 1 1 '; clock Offered at Cos. :- v.' Th Reglna Music company of Nsw fork ha Just advised us to sell th beautiful Reglna muslo Instrument ex hibited at th exposition -at cost price. instead oc returning It to th ' factory in Nw Tork at exorbitant freight rates. It 1 a genuine porkof art. caaed in rich mahogany, with large curved-glas front and mounted by a beautiful clock. The music box Is almost human In oper atlon. Automatically selects any of 12 pieces desired, lift It Into position, renders It in a manner only possible In tn ramoua Reglna, change pieces and plays continuously or periodically, as desired. Words fail to do Justice to this wonderfully constructed instrument. Can also be regulated to play automatically at every quarter, half or on the hour. Th pretty clock itself' is worth th price. An exceptional opportunity to secure this instrument which will prove an ornament to any home, at cost price, 1161. Drop In and hear it" Will make delivery as an Xma - present, if de sired. Eller Piano House, 111 Wash' lngton street, corner Park. - ' No Liquor Sold. V No tntoxloatfhg liquor will be gold or given away at the flfth annual cele bratlon and prise mask turkey ball given by th Fraternal Order of Eagle on . ,,. I .... ? ., , r.'i ,. , Ti -" . . & vu rcv v auerriiA naii. oriy valua ble prise will be given to th spec tators and dancer. Watch the dally paper ror list of valuable girt. v ; Xjoti by oewa, -,-r- At th African Methodist Zlon church this . evening, Sergeant J. 8. Hamilton. who wa a scout In th war of th rebel lion. . will speak on . "Seven Days and H.V.T. Klvhta In h. Just' Arrived New Mio!-WinUr Stytwof th Multnoimak;: For Styl no! QuaKty i Leads Them All - Sam l Rosenblatt V.--. &;Co.r:;-:; Cor. TKirol and Morriion St. Allaclio Wonderful Diniier , rresek Sinner that t jrm t I'M- Will remeettxMr th kin tl artolana mr, mm ,h. bi.4 . h. . AUale new te get a p. KTery eouna an enlrre'as Slrt with Its ews dUtlactlTe and fell eiona llinr. ' The hoi. waahed dowa with a bottle of ecell.nt win. and topp off with a portion of the famous . alladle Oram IIiwm. la. lars ehearriil dining kail , and the auile by Kl-hter'a errheatra will pet foa is eaeellrat antrita. whlfh the price yoa say will sot t"P. 50c , Sunday Menu At, AD One ebotre ef Meats with hpahttl ef aUeanat. ALAD Celery. Majeasalsa. OBF i Cblekea Combo. FISH -llt ef Bole, sirtar Sasea. or frawfiaa. IMTkxiachlrkea Santo a la i kMMur, Tripe a la t-'raote, Baef Toacue, Caper Saocw. BOASTS Prima Rfha ef Beef aa ... iiia. foang Turkey, Craaberry Sauea. . . TEOXTABLXs Maahed asd Itesatad Potato., Stewed Cilery. DESSEmT Vinllla Ir Cream, Ore pa ' fla, Taa, Cuffea. Milk. jtzn tabu oornx ' If try Alladlo's dlaaes eaes yea will aa aeel the setead kidatag. ''S'-' Try T? 1 T- rrcnen limner ; At 7Jie Calumet 149 Seventh OUOOsT watt a TOWXX .... XAH.WAY O01UA11T. , v HOTEL . ESTACADA ur, mioi rmoat stotzmbu a. Ldruig with kroakfaat..,............ aa eoar pa aay. ............. see and Board par weak M.OO roskiart, M. taseaees, tea. Siaaer, eOe. Tlelnt, iselBdhig, mad-trip fare as aiassr ...fl.M peelal ticket, ' taelaolag ' leaad-tHp -fare, eae sight's laagiag sad tane eeis , S.O0 f; CJUIS LEAVE rj -tioxzt crncK rutsx a axb its. Bally at TJt. SrSi. M:S0 a. a.t its. m, I:, :W P. Sk f:--.-..' phose er Write ' L. O. MacMmhon, Manarmr SSTAOAOA.. OalOO. Southern Paclflo to Try to Bring Tourist to Portland In ' ' tho Spring. COULD NOT DRAW THEM FROM CALIFORNIA NOW Assistant GeneraTPassenger Af ent of Oregon Lines Says Portland Will Be Attended to Before Advertising Fund Is All Cone. . ii i learned rrom racial sources that the 1100.000 advertising campaign due tourist travel over Its Pacific coast lines has only be run and that the Portland end of the lin will receive special attention later In the season. when wet weather In Ores-on elves plac to sunny spring skies. This cam paign 1 being directed from th San Francisco . headquarters - of th com pany. ( ; 'It would not b fair to take th present advertising matter that Is being put out and consider it a applying par ticularly to tn uregon part of the Pa cific coast trip of the tourist. Neither would It be fair to expect the tourist to extend his Journey to Oregon at this particular season If he were looking for aoleaaant out-door life. Just now southern California is having its Inning and Oregon' part of th gam will com later on," said William McMurray, as sistant general passenger agent of Ore gon line. . . "The plan ef th Southern Paclflo'a 1100,000 advertising campaign for tour ist travel did not contemplate giving much attention to th Oregon section this winter. It wa not deemed advla. able to attempt to draw th tourist from southern California to Oregon at this season of th year. The idea I to lead the tourist along to Portland In th spring, after thy er don with thelt southern California visit. Heretofore tourist travel to southern California haa returned east by th Ogden route. It 1 now proposed by th company to re turn them via Portland and over - the Oregon Railroad - at Navigation com pany' lines. It give . th Southern Paclflo th longer haul, help Oregon and Portland and we believe, will be to th benefit of the eastern people, man! of whom, will become familiar with-the great resource of this atat and per haps aettl or invest here." Later In th winter new nd different advertising matter may b looked for In the 1100.000 aerie, and It will exploit th Oregon country, th city of Port land and th Columbia waterway that i feature In all O. R. N. adver- treng pnblleatlewe. ..-., Play by Electricity. A truly wonderfnl and moat beauti ful electric piano a Haselton), now at Eller Piano House, will be sold for cost. Highest award at world' fair. Playing devlc entirely concealed. Tur on the button, that' all. plays beauti fully anything and everything. Can be attached to any light eorket - So simple child csn operate It Bee and hear It at Filers Ptano House, tit Washington street, corner Psra. v-, ' i. i Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. ' Take Sell- wood snd Oregon City ears at First and Aldr. OiiEGOfl'SlllIIG COqillG LATER THANKSGIVING DAY IS FAST APPROACHING. Have your uit for the occa sion made to .prder by Ncol r 1 LATEST NOVELTIES IN SUITINGS, OVERCOATINGS AND TROUSERINGS JUST RECEIVED. '.. :v ,.-.... Largest variety of Up-to-Date ..Foreign and Domestic Fabrics west of Chicago to se lect from. '!;.."'':' H ' '"' - 1 WE CAN DRESS YOU BETTER AND AT LESS COST THAN ANYBODY. - Full Dress and Tuxedo Suit a Specialty. Garments to Order In a Day If Required. Satisfaction ' Guaranteed in All Cases. 108 Third Street COMIINO Marquam Graod Theatre, WedY. INov. 39 W ATKIN MILLS BASSO EDITH KIRKWOOD. Soprano. - HAROLD WILDE, Tenor. DIRECTION LOIS STEERS-WTNN COM AN. -. PRICES Parquatte, 11.00. Parquett Circle, except last t rows, 11.00; last I rows, 11.60. Balcony, first f rows, II. R; last rows, 1.00. Gal lery, reeerved, 11.00. Admission to gallery, 71c. Sal of aeata Monday, November 17, at 10 a. m. - , . Is a Joy forever Wall applies to the thousand and on little) gem In preclou stones and precious metals that w havs mad or purchased in th best market for th Christmas trad. Thing of beauty they are, in-' deed, and when clothed with the happy good wish of th giver could yon ' Imagln anything in better taste, more lasting or f--- ' The beauties ar displayed by A. N.Wright THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison St. MILLINERY THAT IS COMPLIMENTED BY RITICS AND OPIUD DY OMPET1TORS At special eale, price. Over 100 to choose from. AH our latest Included. Every trimmed hat reduced. - H TO H -OTT. From our original low prices.- BECKER'S SUCCESSOR Third and Salmon streets. STORK ltlORE FREQUENT- VISITOR THAW REAPER That Oregon glories In . a healthful climate 1 demonstrated again In the report of the stste board of health for the month of October. Ther -were 167 blrtha and only 141 death. ' Report from the doctors of the state are summarise!. - showing that there were two nw cases of tuberculosis, but I deaths; 10 cases of typhoid fever, but only six deaths; II cases of diphtheria nd on death; ejght cases of scarlet fever, without a loss; eight of measles, without loss; 17 caeos of smallpox, with. out a death, and six case of other in fectious disease and two deaths from thm. i The birth and death In Multnomah county. Including th city, of Portland, numbered-III and lit, respectively. the Tailor GERTRUDE LONSDALE. Contralto. r, EDWARD-PARLOVITi, ; Pianist Matting Sale W have a very large lln of finest . quality of Linen Warp Matting on hand nd must close out in order to mak room for holiday goods now arriving, in cluding .' ' , . , ','. Xmas Toys and, Curios :ouuu An bbtaxl. . W will continue our anetion Sal 10 days longer. Com a4 gat bargains. . Andrew Kan & Co. tar mowsost sr. SAFE INVESTMENT Our aim is to give the; con sumer the best value for the smallest price. We save you 20 per cent on every dollar you invest with us compar ing high rent stores prices. We carry none but first class Men's and Boys' - Clothes with a general line of Shoes, also a full line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. It will pay you to trade with , f- JOHN DELL AR RUNNING TIV0 STCSES Cor. First ul YssSl nd Cor. Tfclr-t3l Davis Vmatllla county wa aeeont). Humeri oally, bavlnf reported If birth and eight deaths. Umatilla had eleven eaaes et smallpox. . . People's roraav , ' At th people's forum tonight, Elks' hall. Marquam building, a lecture by J. V. Stevens on "The Power ef Publle Plunder" will be given at T:ia eclork. A general discussion of tb subject will follow. . I Japanese vmli:i::g;.:;dl. mm- SPECIArSALE THESE Skirts embrace a wide variety of de- sirable, colors. The ma terials are winter weight Panamas, Broadcloths. Her ringbone Cheviots, Taffeta Silk and Fancy . Mixtures. They are exceptionally well tailored in the latest style, and every one has a made to - order appearance. And indeed if they were made to your order you would not get a better fitting or more stylish - skirt. Regularly kirt. Regularly 11 they sell for 91 to $19, but take vour choice Monday for."', TER5IS- $1 A WEEK NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS OUTFriTINGCO TU ttm Wlww Ttf Oiiht fa WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS The Holidays Are TOO WiXT TO SAT THK DOLXiRS, Look ever 'your frecery bills ef the peat asd taea eme to THS BIO STOKB. I wlU sar yo la ea every dollar's worth yoa bar. E.B.GOLWELL Successor to A. J. Farrrlcr SSI. SSS smst 884 Third ft, Cos. Jafarsoa Xote Prices Quoted Below.' ,.'.., Westers Sry granalatad cane sugar. 100 It ' aark SS.eO tVeaters dry translates eana eosar. 18 lba.l.uo Eitra Soe dry graoalated ausar, luo-lb aac I5H) Extra Saa dry (rasslate sosar.1 IS tt. . .$1 'O Beat mbm,. araate and eltroa seet. Bar lb.. like I pkga Masnolia cleaned eurrauta ...2.x- t Dkaa a.w aeeded raisins S.'ie I Iba new S-crown looaa Muaeatab) 'J.'m- 1-lb eas Reral baklng-aowdvr '.... i-is raa bc-biuids a neat Baling Bowser. ...avie -Croaae Blarkwrll'a olive ell. at kottlte. ,M 1 -lb oka Arm A Urn turner aoda ..... .. .1m t lbs Krearh praara , ....S.V; cureaaea wneet Bineait, see pf... l'w lbs Leatalasa rice ..2Se li bare Bora I Savoa boss ................ .1: 6 1b pan beat lard ......tor- 10-Ib pall beat lard 11. ("I vlb paid beat Urd ....! rineat aaatera haaw. V H Me B,at pleaie basaa, per lb J,v- Bat cotusa bama (boarWaa) pn t.redded cucoaaut. par lb .l.-Ve Hard-wheat soar, per sack ..II 'J Sroaek eata, per pkv .......... ............J'le rowiaaa . i at, e I paa; .................. .ie-w Fell's Naptha soap, per bar ....ib? Bttt soft-wbeat Soar Be sack ,"- Java A Mocha eoftee (resnlar )-) X.'m H bot BMa crack era (about lO lba).,.,r,..A-e Knillah Braakfaat tea, per lb l.o Fancy Onnpowoar tea tregular aSc ...... .I V S lba hrokaa Java eotlaa .....2i bars tar aoap .....ftc reeda Blaealt, per pk( , lie Tiger ereaal 10e ala So t Bast Bide - Deliveries Ttiesdar Ssd Frldija. araton matbt os. Miss Edith Kelly Foraerlr et Dilcace. will jasalve plaae paplla st Studio, 151 Lownadale I Flrteaotb) st. I-ISCKtTIZKT ltFTHOP. Pianoforte oleo lTochctWv PIimi h-ran. ItarfMnr and d-mnoalHoa. Stadia ef rBBCEKlCK W. ffOOO- BICH. tb(t Belatont atrl. I'hmM Faat V-UX a H. ALMS OOODWTTS MoW t.aor at flnt Coa-rasatloBal ebiircs. reeajeea paptls st kla am.iHf. SU Boctb Klsbtawath at., la. m. to anon. p. bb. to e p. st.r aud at in Northern C'oneerretorT of Wnalc, room at labile Mild . ix" t p. w:.- rtattr: jonriSTc;; ini TAiion Olve-one suit of elnlhea .ir tv- . week. No lottery. No drawn. . A . olutely free. Call asd we will airUia. k -. , s . soo wAsxrxaxca tr. vvm STSIET EfiSpM Coming : i' ' : .