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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAT JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING, NOVEttEES 19. UJS. Congress ' Is Urged to Make Emergency Appropriation f Carry on the Work Without Calamitous lBterruptioh4-Sa Level Canal I Finally Decided Upon. ' . -' u ' " . y (Sped) Mttek 6 LMM4 Wlr The Josrssl) St. Lbui,ovv !. WlllUm H. Tift, ecretary of war, delivered an address before the members of th Commercial rlub et'tbe'St Lou la club tonight on the Panama' canal. The address, which la the first public ' deliverance en the subject elaee Secretary Tsft's return from the Isthmus, la regarded as eaper . clally significant ta expressing the views of the administration with regard to the crest work. - . Amsnf the moat striking , portions of kls 10,000-word address were these: "It- Is Important only that 'the money shall not be wasted by bast and that the country shall receive the worth of Sta money. Subject to thla limitation, the greatest amount w can' spend In year la building the canal, therefore, the better. , "On of the greatest obstacles to suc cess In building of the canal la the op- eats to Its construction. So long aa the work remains tinder my supervision shall deem It my duty to visit the lath' mm once a year. - "It will be necessary, ' therefore, for con arena to make aa emergency appro priation to carry on the work without calamitous- Interruption. - Nothing- could be mere disastrous than to hare the pay rolls go unpaid for evea a few weeks. ''By . the first of -December" we win have spent -160,000.000 In -the -course -el acquiring a trans-Isthmian canaL "The Dumber of laborers required will be perhaps 13.000. --; i. i ' ' ',- "Panama has a history of awful losses of life among workmen engaged In the construction of the railroad and the canal from yellow fever and malaria, and these two diseases must be stamped out. All these things . ought to be done before the dirt begins to fly. ' "The fact that no white labor can he nd to statu work In the troplcer sans -ought to remove the question from the forum -of - ordinary 'trad - union labor discussion and lead to--, solution- free - from the considerations which might properly have great weight In a more -temperate climate and Tha conditions 11 resembling a national emergency." OoarrsssiMin repo hsmin fo Be lief ef Osaal Commissi om. (Snecfal Dtmlefe by Leasee Wire Is The Jul sal) Washington, Nov, 18. Members of th ways snd means committee (houae) who have had knowledge of Secretary Taft's aneech today at St. Louis that the lath mtan canal commission - had exhausted its flO.OOf.OQO fund and could not pay Its December bills, are-getting ready for an urgent deficiency bill, wnicn it is proposed to rush through at the earliest possible moment after the meeting of congress. There is also some tain sdoui the secretary of the treasury lsaalng the bonds for- the csnal which . he la authorised by act to issue. Some of the treasury officials, now- ever, say that In art probability .th bonds would not be taken up greedily by tth banks. - because, being I per cent and the tax being 1 per cent, the bonds mla-ht not even sell at par. It Is very probable that before the urgency bill le pa need there will be dis cussion in congress on various Items of expense Incurred by the canal commis sion. ., -r-4 BONAPARTE AS CENSOR I OF ALL NAVAL REPORTS SEA LEVEL CAM Al Board ef Consulting Bngiaeer Seold Ag-aiast Xcke. - -IJeersel Sustsl gervtee.! ' '' Weahlngton. Nov. II. The boarftTet consulting engineers today declared hi i favor of a sea level canal. ' A long and careful study preceded -the declaration. - Members ef the board have the great est reputation of any In their profession. . France, Holland and Germany sent erigl- " neers who say that the sea level canal will coat more and take longer to build, bat will ultimately be of greater use, because it will allow ships to make . much shorter tripe than If they iad to go through several locks. . - The official statement will not he made until th report reaches the presl , cent, probably In January. The announcement may cause ' great changes in the plana of the administra tion, which has all along favored a lock '' canaL A number of American engineers """'" 1 -"""- w- lock canal, but the great maaa ef opin ion waa In favor of the other style. - In a way the decision, la aa Indorse ment of the plane of former Chief En gineer 3. T. Wallace, who waa always an advocate of the sea-level plan, which (Special Dispatch by Lea d Wire to The iosraal) Washington, Nov. 11. Secretary of the Navy Bonaparte has become a knight of ths blue pencil. Henceforth he will -permit no reports 'of naval officers to be made publto until he has edited them. This means that there has been too much publicity In the affairs of ths navy de partment to suit Mr, Bonaparte, end he is going to screw down the lid - It all comes from the fact that recently Bear Admiral Rae took occasion to criti cise severely the faot that the navy was hampered In Its work -by reason of ths inefficiency of Its engineers. Ths report was mad coincident with th report upon the blowing up of the Bennington, Where many Uvea were lost, due. It was eald, to the fact that yoong ensigns had been assigned to do engineers' duties when they were not capable, there being do. engineer, corps In the navy. - Every thing of the kind will, under the new rule, vanish under Bonaparte's blue pen oil. - .. v . - 4 v. ..-. . INCREASE IN WAGES FOR ; SAILORS IN SUBMARINES (Special DU patch br Leased Wire te The Jowsal) ; Washington Nov. IS. The McOlntys of the United States navy, as are called the,.. men . who take perilous service in ths submarine torpedo service, are 1 to get an Inorease of pay for the daring and the rlak that they Uke against theti lives" even In the casual performance a . ... . . .. : :. . -. rat cAiiiFiii m; r m ' ARE ALL EXHAUSTED Bgg " IffiW WlflJIfitttt 1 - i . , ., - L did not find flavor In Secretary Taffa i -Sv . I -. I I ."'- . '' " - . r- eyea. - J " ,' ' I'll ' r'" ' ' ' ' . ' ', ' . WM t - ' 'J THEN-GET A SHARP UNIFE, A TErKENT '. Has Con Xrilti AC- t ; "5? hehwuln follow "thTadvloe'cf -5 v ; ' i . RflTTIF OF fil I IF AN n ' - ii t. ' the foreign experts Is still a matter of : V IVCiL- I : , , s ; UV I ILL-, VI ULUL"" AilllT . ' .! . M .quiring Ditch. t ; qu..uon. ., , V27S H v ;: :. ? ;,. , 3 ! ENTER OUR MIMATURE lM , wnrrunc um i ruLO i : - . . - 11 iiuvr j, i t iiii.iii . - v - f i i i " II ill y imti vo srr wm em., ofMir . . 5.eAey.,-. Hand of Susan ' Geary, the Boston Suitcase ' Victim,' Showing - Bines That Aided in Her Identification. TELLS COUSTY CLERK TO RECTIFY HIS FIBS U ' - sannssssssessnssseMS ''" Mrs. Pratt Says Statement About Her Age May; Keep Her From Getting a Beau.' , 1 extra for every day that the bottom of the sea. - The extra pay, however, must not exceed US In any one month. - They now receive 16 month more than the men In ordinary service. The , president, during his recent' trip In one of the see. monsters, was so Im pressed with the hasards that the men took In that branch of the service that he suggested the extra compensation. . m 1 ' WAITSBURG TO HAVE ' FILTRATION PLANT fBpeefa! Pisnatek ts The tarsst) Waltaburg, Wash., Nov. II. The city council is negotiating ror the Installa tion of a I M00 filtering plant at the Intake of th city water system. Th proposed plant will have a datlv ca. pacity of 7&,009 gallons. The Exchange bank moved into Its new brick building this week and now has one of the neat est banking quarters in eastern Wash Ington. . day 4 H- feet they are ' at gat is sua gaaedT (Special Dispatch to The Joe real.) La Grande. Or Nov. Is. The Amal gamated 8u gar company of this olaoa cioeeo lis i ail campaign yesterday aft ernoon. The company had a very suc cessful run. , Neglecting Weak Kidneys ; Is resignation without cause, "" " ' - 0 "' , , N Strong Kidneys don't need medicine, but weak Kidneys DO. v.-' i V-.. .. : . .:' '.. ' " ';:. f V--. ' . j ; Proper attention to weak Kidneys means strong Kidneys ' again. ' ..s " - ' , '-;' Neglect of weak Kidneys means lifelong suffering and -' often death. . . ;.,;. ' - : - -. r. V:;, - UWING'S BUCHU WAFERS Are unequaled as a kidney help. They contain just , what is wanted.ta remove the disease, heal the sore spot, and strengthen !the whole organ. They build up the shrunken walls of the Kidneys as tio other remedy has been found to do before .L and being a purely, vegetable compound, free from all mineral drugs, do not act-rm the bowels. They act directly on the ' . Weakened tissues and blood vessels of the : i. c ICidney and Urinary. Organs cleansing jhem ot impurities. and giving a feeling of Renewed - r- r life- and vitality. ; . - "v - - v.i.r.. .r .... ;,- If you are suffering with pain in the back, scalding urine, ' or any other kidney ill, try a box of " . , - : IR.VINCS BUCHU WAFERS' . . ; Price 50 Cents :. -.',.::.)' t liny w ill cur e . y o y ; S. G. Skidmore & Co.,' Druggists, 181 Third St, Sole Agents for' rortland, Oregon. , . I- - - - if ........ J , -v--- - - fepeelsl JMapates to The Joans!.) - HUlsboro, Or Nov. IS. Home time ago an Item appeared . In the HUlsboro Independent stating that Mrs. Pratt of Beaver-ton of this county was II years old. while she is In fact onlyTl. The Information concerning her age waa taken from some records on file In the office of the county clerk of this county and the mistake waa made -In setting the type tn the printer's office. How ever, the good old lady, thinking the county clerk. E. J. Godman, made the mistake, wrote the following letter: "Beaverton, Or, Nov. I. Mr. County c-iera i saw in th HUlsboro paper an item rrora, you saying- that I was 81 years-ld. Now, young man, Just take that back. My mother had two chil dren older than I, and the oldest one would have been 71 If she waa llvina-. I am 71, sir. If you go to putting me up in the 89's I never will catch a beau. So you Just rectify that fib. - And here Is another fib.. It was 47 years since J wae in the courthouse. I know - ope. thing, th clerk wae gone I don't know1 vheie hunting' or making boards or rails, I don't know which. I know my husband had to hunt, about .two houra for him, and I laid down on an old lounge and went -to sleep. ' Now, If you want to put an Item In' the paper get MARi-Ar VHATTrf TRAIN BACKS FOUR MILES ...... . ,;.;.. ' (Continued From Page One.) . ' up and urged the conductor to return for the child. Several declared they had seen the women on the platform st Dll ley before she boarded the train and that she had four children with her.. The conductor remaining obdurate. the passengers told the woman not to worry, that Forest drove was only four miles distant and that the train would stop there. "We will telephone back to Dllley and see anout it men, said Frank J. smith. yrsisnas to Telephone, At Forest Urov ths conductor was rrevalled on to telephone back to Dllley. t la aaserted that ha made pretense ef using the telephone but did not do reo, afterward telling the woman her child wa not there. "Tour child waa probably left at home," he Is as Id to have asserted, "and you have forgotten all about It"' Then the - passengers emphatically' as serted themselves. One woman . de clared that the ectlon of the trainmen was a shame and that she Intended re porting them. The station agent knew this woman and told ths conductor that the chUd must have been left at Dllley, as he knew her to be a responsible per son. The sgent then telephoned Dllley and was told that the little boy wae sitting on the platform there, crying as If his heart would break. When he communicated this news to the passengers a roar of ' Indignation rent the air snd the conductor wae told he must run the -train back to Dllley and get the child. ' - SWsfnsee to Bun Back, - "I won't do any. suoh thing," be snapped, "the woman can get off here with the rest of her kids and- go back on the .night train. I . can't afford to lose th time that' It would take to go back there. -'.-. ' The brakeman. voiced the same opin ion snd Barrett, the HUlsboro student, took their side In the affair. An argu ment resulted, during which Barrett angered th passengers " and the men mad a rush for him. He fled into a ear snd wss protected by a number of women, l who begged the male pas sengers nok to harm him. "Come out of that oar,' you black guard." .shouted one of the passengers. and rwlll thrash you within an inch of your life." - "Yes," declared" a priest, "my pro fession is that of priest and I am a man of peace, but If you com out of that car, where you are protected by the skirts of those women, I will give you a good trouncing myself. , rasseagers Threaten Oondnetoa. The oonductor m shout to give ths signal to send the train ahead when a delegation or Portland men, ' headed by Attorney R. R. Duniway, Frank J. Smith, the priest, a Union laundry driver and a -local policeman told himthal he would do o at hie peril. He was Informed that hie eonduot was deserv ing of something mors than censure and lfhe attempted to go ahead he would get what he merited. mm. Alarmed by this decided stand of the angry1 passengers, the conductor sent a wire to Portland asking for orders to run the train back to Dllley, and they were given htm. There on the platform eat the youngster, digging grimy fists into his tear stained face and walling for his mother. . . , The passengers entered a running con test to deride who should have the honor of plcklsg the -child up and gtvlng him to his .mother. Attorney Duniway won and amid the cheere of th passengers men, women and children bended the $I2S IN PRIZES For the most perfect sets of furniture models from design and materials fur nished by us. You don't have to buy anything from ua to enter the competi tion e knife, a bottle of glue and ordi nary skill are all that are required. The models alone are worth having, aside from the prises. This series consists of five diagrams of library furniture, mailed without charge at Intervals of 14 days. Kach when properly eut out and aet up la a miniature model of a piece of furniture. They are uniform in style and are what are known a Mission Designs. , .,. ' '-v. ' - - This aeries Consists of five pieces, lt.:-- 7 - " - ' No. 1. Library Table, latoed Monday,' :- , -Nov. 20. ; ..,-".' . ".. No. 2. Divan, issued Monday, Nov. 28. No. 3. Library ' Arm Chair,' issued Monday, Dec. 11. : . No. 4. Writing Desk, issued Monday, , Jan. IS.- .. -- '( ,: ' No. 5. Desk Chair,, issued Monday, r r Jan. 29. . - , COME DOWN TO OUR STORE TOMORROW . We 'will give you a ' large pasteboard card on which is printed a' diagram like the one printed below. By following the instruction's on this card you can cut this dia- "gram apart and from the various 'pieces construct a perfect MISSION LIBRARY -; TABLE like the picture beside the diagram.1 You will then be falriy started to earn . the FIFTY DOLLARS. Read the rest of this announcement for further particulars, -i DESIGN NO. 1. LIBRARY TABLE. . . The diagram opposite when properly cut - apart 1 and put together will look Hke this. 1 CONDITIONS OF CONTEST We will issue these diagrams on the dates above mentioned. , Call or sand . for them, which ever pleases you best. , .. f, To the person submitting to us the neatest and most perfectly constructed sets of five pieces there will be awarded $123X0 in prises aa follows: ' FOR THE BEST SET. $50.00 IN GOLD. ' : . . FOR THE "SECOND BEST" SET. $25.00 TN T50TDV rrn-o tmw THTurA .TttTr'4'P RTtT litnrt in finT.n. , r FOR THET FOURTH BEST SET, $10.00 IN GOLD. FOR THE FIFTH'BEST SET, $3.00 IN GOLD. FOR THE NEXT FIVE BEST SETS. $2.00 EACH.' -FOR THE NEXT TEN -BEST SETS $L0OJEAClL - ' AH prise winners to, receive honorable mention in the newspapers. V: SECOND -All five models must be delivered at our store TOGETHER, 'on Saturday morning, Feb. 3rd, 1906. Each competitor will be given num ber in the order in which they come and prUes will be awarded with refer- 1 ence to the excellence of the work. i- THIRD The committee of award will ' be 1 announced later through the newspapers and will be disinterested persons who are competent to decide oa , the work.'' ?"" ; 'V? ""V v' t : -r- FOURTH We reserve the right to retain for 30 days the sets of models upon which prizes are awarded; all others can be had on call after the award has been announced. '..- ..'-... ;t t- FIFTH In case you spoil any of the cards and want to make another at tempt, duplicates can be iiad at our office for 3 cents each. if - . SIXTH In case you find it inconvenient to call at our store for these : , cards, send. us your name and address, and we will mail them free.; ' w DONT DELAY CONTEST OPEN TO EVERYBODY i f i .... .: J .. (Vr' 1, I i .-. n-. Lew4 DIAGRAM No. l-UCIttRY TABLE This contest' will be conducted on its merit. There is no element of chance. 'Your ability to win the prizes depends upon your skill .In setting up the five pieces of furniture. Start tomorrow. DIGNIFIED CREDIT TO ALL CORNER FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS -DIGNIFIED-; CREDIT TO ALL, little fellow to the woman, who hogged and kissed him and held him tightly-In her arms until the train arrived at Portland a half hour late. A number of the passengers placed t- wnm.M mnA Viar rhlldrn aboard a car and escorted her to the Rhelnpfals noteu one manKea inera orunnij tor their kindness whed she reached the hostelry. ; were secured and a complaint Is to be mad against the conductor. ... TILLAMOOK SCHOOLS IN PROSPEROUS CONDITION ' (SpcHsl rMHItrb te lb ornM ' irni.mivik. Or.. Nov. IS. In Tillamook county there e IS school districts. Of rh.. s now hive schools In operation in whloh are employed 41 teachers 11 Wales and IT females., w - f There has been; consiasraoie aone in nf Kraetlns! and lmnrovlne school buildings during the past summer. Buildings nav oeen reova in nm mini, South Fork and Hsbo districts. - These are moasrn, up-w-om muuiui.. , yvn addition to the building in Onion ereek has been completed, .ana. cunnings are being enacted In the Rtverdale district snd proposed In the Garibaldi district BIG LAND TRANSFER v IS MADE AT MOSCOW -J ' (Kpodal IHspstek to Ths Jminal.1 ' Moscow, Idaho, Nov. II. For 1 see tlone of land on lower Crab ereek, In Douglas oounty, Washington, the Wash. Ington.Idsho Land company of this city paid 111,17. This transaction Is by far the Jargeet deal ever recorded by real state firms of Moscow. This property was purchased from the Northern Fs clflo Railway company- three'yeaVs age for 7,409, More than half Of the land caabe Irrigated. . r DUNBAR FORCEd TO TAKE HIS DOBS AND VACATE y ;.. ' ' t ...:. Seattle Man Not Particular a to . 'Making Kennels of Other Person' Rooms. . r t tBOseUl Dtapstcb ts Tit feernal.) . Seattle, s Wash.. ' Nov. II. Horace B. Dunbar, formerly proprietor of the Rainier Grand hotel, In this city, was today eompelled to leave the sunder hotel, -accompanied by bis family tnd string of thoroughbred dogs, and had he not gone when he did Sheriff Smith, un der ascder of the court, .would have been forced to aet a' man weighing; 150 pounds and his belongings out Into the street . - . Dunbar, who while conducting the Rainier - Orand was. a most particular host regarding the making of kennels out of his roomsnd doing housekeep ing la them. Is apparently not particular when he le the gueet of another hotel. I After having been ordered to get Hd of his dogs and cease having. the family meals' prepared In their room, and had refused to comply, his rent was raised. He, refused to pay the advance. Then Mrs. Lillle B. Wlsner, proprietor of the house, went to the court and secured art order'for the sheriff to, remove her ob noxious guest Dunbar, accustomed to th courts, secured a .restraining order against the sheriff In another court, but thla afternoon Judge Takey dissolved that order snd Dunbar agreed to move If the sheriff would give him time to peek his belongings and arses his dogs. - -.' Mrs. C. S. Walmef Bead. rgpWit rnspstfb te Tte Jnmsl.V Colfax,' Wash., Nov. laMrs. Walmer, wife of C. B. Walmer, a mining nan, died here today. She waa the daughter of Edwin Irwin, a pioneer of Whitman county and a member of the legislature In territorial ' days. She had lived in and near Colfax since girlhood. She waa a prominent member of the Ordei of the Eastern Btar, and had 'been worthy matron. ' She will be burled Sun day afternoon nder the auspices of that order., Mrs. Walmer leaves her parents, a husband, Ihre daughters, two sister and one brother. . .J. ' . ' Sunday School BvaUy. '; :' (Special Dlspatsh te The JoonuL) Newberg, Or., Nov. II. The Tarn hill county Sunday school workers are hold ing a. rally here and numbers from dif ferent parte are in attendance. Na tional Committeemen Merrltt spoke yes terday evening at the Methodlet church. The business- sessions were held there today and a basket dinner was served in the Baptist church.- - . r.: " .; - . siusa a? a van. ' (BrUl Dlspstcli ts Tks-Jesrssl.) '. Aberdeen, Nov. 11. A 1. Booth, the second mate of the schooner F. M. Blade, fell from th deck Into the Wishkah LJ . -L..- .Ll ... 1 L I JJ rzzz::zz:rr:szzzTz2s3Kxzz2zz2zxrz3nEranKza river, striking on his stomach on a log boom. As he has for some time suffered from' an absoess in his stomaoh, the fall resulted In . Injuries which caused his death. His funeral took place at Ho quam yesterday, under th au'splsea of the sailor's union. ., -, Saildlar AoUvsr aa Aserdeea. s (apsslsl Brspateh to The oeraal. ' Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. ll-Building Is much more active this month than last, the. Retail Lumber company sold twice as , much lumber . already thla . month as they did In all of hist month.1 Seventeen building permits have been Issued to' date this month agalnat 10 for all of-October.---They are almost entirely for. dwellings.-. . . i ' ' . r'vT X.ectajs aa Seaweed.- : (Ipselsl, TMspsted to The Joorsit T-Z" r Sell wood, Nov. ll.--Rev. H. H. Pratt will deliver a lecture , on, "Sidney Lnler,"- at the school building, Tues day evening. November tl, under th . aueploee of the Sellwood Public Library association. . This lector Is one of series that the Library association Is giving and there le-no-edmlslon fee charged at any of the lectures. ; - M M Coupon Free Ha wallan Trlp HoooIuIu, Hawallaa lalaaui h - at VOtt forefL4-4 ! a e $ m a a e m.H H , , ' Thla eoupoa must be voted on or before November tl, 1141. C i - !' r. ' - ' -