5 f v - ; i.HI. I I at , S B7 m 'K. . . I I I I l-F . 1 '':V ' Jtmmsmriy ..w&fvti' i 'U:-C- Z3X2 " , 'J r r a. at ' :f. . .v i rm m i' " , i i f 'i i i i v i ' m . - v . i v . . v . .. ; r w s m m m 0?J5 dramatic than thi mad rallop : of the three couriers who carried : peace news from Aix to Ghent; -. , , ' . mortf uriem neea ror nana ihtH : i1urrA -th ihirt nnhlfi, mht) dashed ., - -r . TJ - . . . ,, o . ' V fii Av'tttr ". rti. a resent ihrillinr hoTSC- back ride of two American women around the mountain gorges of Mexico. A ; -v -:.-" 1 V TAVtr. plantation home attacked by hu J . . ' . 1J lit. area or more rcwwnonory vcomt ana t their husbands and the other men on the place, heuewed. tm nn nlA hnrtnAt hutldinr. these v .JJt j tL: tteeJt iwTi- 3 7 . . .. . i r Set OUt across a StretCh Of Wtia COUniry tO Sum- ; ! ' ' "i ' -mon neip. - - y?. . y ' VI : of the three courters who camea vg- J, I If E .VV,VI n-rtSrSSK? V IS. , y" ' ' ' . KttnwtJttrthrtttlir In-rt nf-1inxr1ll'hifrdifleVntt fnmea tjjbllhd IheniMlvea on tha CtheiTIdTT : m , ; :v depended upon their SUCCeSSf JOT .SiXh0UrS I; they galloped at breakneck speed; in danger". ' every moment of falling' into fhe hands of r tncwes, X At any moment, too, they felt that , 1 the' battle forlife might be raging in the rear:, Vv.J-.- ' -.. - . - ..." . , - . ' , A faltering of the guiding hand, a mis step by the flying horses, and help would only ' y . .. : ,. ... ' reach-the besieged settlement too latin ? .';rj Thi-fortune thai favors the brave 'at tended these two women. JVord reached the Governor of the province jn time', ' a detach-', men l of soldiers sent hurriedly upon al special train arriving just as the Indians were prepar ing tO etjflC.-Vv;.':.-;::;V I y'- v,, A- ; - i. :? '-. . . .. .:.?:.' MANY brave deed upon the frontier have given to women tho laurel crown of beroitnt, bat no one expected that auch V display would ever be - peetad of Mr. F. C. Pool and Mr. Jamea F. 1 Itave'nacroft " Jr, living peacefully'. In tha Mtnaa Vleja Vallny of Kslc. . . - ' v Ttler n luv-urlnii. un-kled dale. urrOVtiag tun, meunuiins, in uie iuiu evvnur, wwwwm . and an Lul Potiat HtUa joclony l Amerlcan had aottled apon (In old ranch. In the hnniH of tha Mninrr the Word Mini meant . mlnM. and in tha .yrroundlng hllUi , tha tarly 8r.nl.h vl Long sine the mine have bean abandoned, and to Minn baa been tacked Vledas, meaning loV so that, th? Mexican now kn-ws the place aa the Old Mine. ' - ; Expeoting to reap more wealth front the fertile toll than from the grim rock of tho mountain aide, the Amer- , ,can aettler purchased an old hacienda, or plantation, and transformed . It Into a bustling, progressive American , , rancn. . , , . ,. ' - ., -- "Fair a the garden of tha Lord" I thla famous old ; Mtnaa VI Js hacienda. In'the midst of rich flt lda and .amliin vlnevarda. surrounded by wooded mountain' side. whore bird of aong and. brilliant plumaga flit amidst tha . tree, where herd of deer roam at will and whera the : wild turkey la plentiful. It aeem a veritable little para , ' V.nr1mA .iW .tm ..aurM ther ar ' ', (core of sturdy oxen to draw the plow and wagrnis. ; - Sparkling stream roll down the hill and through till ' pleasant valley. They water the stately oypress tret; r along their courses, they turn the wheel of tuy con ' mills, a aaw mill and th elect rlo plant that hsve nenn . ' i Installed through American enterprise. Spreading out ihMHHh th. ritta ilAhla Ihmr trriaala tha MWin aroaa. - To this lovely, iteaceful spot Mrs. Ravenscroft came , nut .uiip " w ........ . . i-- a mora beautiful spot for her honeymoon. Slw'wst not lonely, for three othjr American famlliea.had already ' ettled thir, , , f '. - ZC 'V v PROOLALHING A REVW.UTION j J ' : " ' There wet) no thought of trouble. Meslcd w peace : rut. an Americans weto considered af almuat any- kwa within hA t.flMrl. 'v. But for soma unexplained reason the peons r .In dians and half-cast laborer of th Mlna Vtejae cllslrlf-t a ' lew week ago suddenly arose In revolt. Perhaps their idea was to start tlu Area cf a revolution that would sweep nwnv the order of Ihlngg . andafftrd them license In the numb of liberty. . . flueh uprlalng had been comntch-enouirh In th day heforeth Iron hand of President Ms had grasped th halm if atavlean atAte. 1 -Ijrnorant. downtrodden and re-eni;l by i.ature, the !xli au pjoa 1 not floitant ftlow at beat, but when. Inflamed oy. puiquo ana inconuiaix iiirni ne im not only obdurate to reason." but la aa murderous a a rattle- v"Aiiout noon one Saturday, whll William Starr, one of ' the American proprietors of the Mlna Vlejaa ranehj waa directing rem workmen in ounoinu; a fence, -trey wera . suddenly surrounded by a swarm of poop ami Indiana, moKt of them armed. Tn Mr. Starr they read ttw provision Of "new law," s Uey called It, whlchj aa far aa he could naka oit.. wa nothing mora nor l's than proclamation of rev jlu tlonr - . :..' Th prosperity of the American, and the fact that - - they were always supplied with money with which to pay thalp heln- ha4 alvan rnrth a aanaeal imnresaloil that the , were very wealthy, uni kept large sum vf money at th h.tlnlA. . w It waa thla nnAn amaav Athat thlnaa that the tnatle gsnw wss after. Thla ti their llrst demsnd. Py no meana a coward I Mr. Ctarr. HI ftravary ha t;:z cnzccn cu:,dav mmiL urn im yy w -. fPMUM.lv nrflwd. but th. tu.Uo UrtUng. 'to aay the ieau ji w a mud, out it uid hv tw . . . h. MnAi buikllnca. whera tha other Amorlcani wero. Thero the (te- manda of, tha rarolutlonUta wera repeated, but no aatia- fctry abawer wti flven them. , . 1 Tha oolonlata withdraw toito Ui vto buliatof. lockad mna KrTlcded th loor. and nreoared for a aleae. The the lawn, aome one. hundred yard away. v ", ' .- - ; Ai that afternoon the two. rartla wara recalvln re I ii fore men t on o opily. the tther accrrtly.' - . fortunately. In their Ignorance, the tandita did not' throw a cordon around tha building. Therefore through - trut. , v Finally the defend the back way the Americana atoalthlly took Into tha ? friendly Mexlcn aa they couid find and , Finally the defender numbered about thirty, but. the crowd of ravoluUoniata ' waa on hundred ac mora and trowing eontnty.i . ; 4 Nut aiifliMontiv arnuul tar warfare wera the American and their menaa. They naa one largo aixoigun, a i ' rifle, 'two 'effeetira -revolver, aoni Inferior one, end a . A DESPERATE RIDS 'The fact that there waa ccnddrrablo' money In thi ' building Mr. Starr alone had aeverat (houiand dollar . there appeared to be known to ajl the peon, they ; were heard dlacuaatng the matter aa they prepared fcr ; tha attack. ,V; v- Fortunately for tha defenders, the Mnxlcan charr'ter K la not aggreeaive, and tha peon I prt-vcrblally alow. ' , All the afteruoon the beaieglng crowd loitered nndr ' he tree and in a veranda nt onu tud of the yartL" Th4 rank and .1U amokeit cigarette and gossiped, while their, officer went tbroiiKh the formality . of sweartt g them .. into the aervlca of the revolution. ' , A each peon wa sworn in by the lianait cnier tne entire ,crwo wouia yell "vnmouji "let us ra. wii Interoreted to irean "Let ut ma ret the monv, Thi to b Aewteit oft. The nearest town waa Ciudad del Mais, soma ditanc up In th mount iln. The Governor ft that district was at San Lul totosl. and to him must go a call foe troup. A tail, r.i w-boiw l Mexican owboy named L.upe waa Jd to J M.Hj, 1, reeculnr party. l.upe was iiven a roll of mdney and told to ride for .ARTICULAF.LT Interesting from th viewpoint ot th sociologist htr- th model Hebrew colony at Woodbine. N. J. . 'i r.etabllshed four yeara im br tha Baron da . Hlrsch fund with a three-fold purpoev, the settlement Is srnd to be satisfactorily accornp.'labing all the object of the founders. . llrst. th Idta wa to afford a havun nf refuge for the poor Imcvlgrant, driven ovor th a to esoipe perse cution; next to prevent oercrowhng In the large cities, and third, to Instill In the settlor the true American spirit by providing him with eomfortahln, healthy hometi eppose tunlty of esrnlng a decent living and of sending hie chil dren to good erhool. ' Pome 1M people now t-emnos tha popiilollcit of Wood bine, nenrly all eelng of the Udurtrtous, home-seeking Hebrew immigrant class. . There ar hours la th town, th great majority Prosperity's March, in New Jersey's :,' ' ' y JBjLi ' ;..:iav Portland, cji;d.y - y c.iNi:;a r ;zvz::zzt. t - icx Tlfjr6rVlinrour ho, buy nothrj ut , .. 1 Jl . - " ' 5 m ' ' .unnnaa T.nne fa'u'd to reach hi deatlnatlonT Ho might fall whll,trlng along "that treacherous road? he might ba held up, or shot from ambush. Such waa tha anxtoua question In th mlnda of all h left behind.' ", Help must ba sought In another direction. Mra. Pool and Mrs. Ravenacroft decided to seek it-but they, did not let their husbandtt know. : Six houra ride awaythat la, six hoirra of dprt Speeding, not of th leisurely pace of ft pleasure Jaunt wa th town of Mlooa, on tha Mexican Central Railroad. From thra a message could be lent to th Governor t San Lul Patoat by telegraph. - . f'hll tha mea ware busy barricading door and-ock-Ing after th firearm, the tw li.trepld woman quietly tola out th back way. .',-' ' r -They were not observed by the peon, nor by that husbands, who would hav forbidden th brave but ha ardotw anterprlae. - ' . Running to tha stable, they saddled their own pet riding, horse, and before any cn realised their Inten tion were off down th valley road Ilk th wind. - So surprised wr the peon that not even a shot, waa fired at th flelng women. ; .- . y . Th flight, however, did stir th lelaurely br.ndlt to action. Tbey almply wade a peremptory demand, nut only fcr all tho money In th house, but for the gun and horses, nf tha colonists aa well. Thla being refused, both alder prepared for conflict. . In the meantime th two women were hastening toward M1oo with all lb spetd of their splendid tbor-oua-hhred. !" - At very jump tne rmrse wrfyrgea,,o-ioaies. ad. and mn imuueiit 'tnTWtihion'ex-wcted tJhear tha iota that marked the beginning of the flaht. ' That relontless macaacr would follow tne defeat of tha little garrison they hal no doubt. At first, speeding over the valley road waa compara tively easy, but soon th way began to mount by painful, tortuous courses. Into the mountain aide. Could the horses land the tamflo atrUnT ; They hud the (an.lna of true blood, and moreover tbey were ridden sxufully. Ajny Irstant a sitting bullet from th forest or ft of I ham heln owned bv their aftin.nt s. About TO Pr cent, of thee houses coat front HOD to ilOC each, whll th remainder cost more thaa lltf acb - In making -Woodbine a eommimlty cf home-own are 1 the managers of the Hnron da Hirsch fund have pursued a liberal pf-llry. The first tltt- aaved car. be Invested In ft house, and when floo I pud In the purchaser fete hie. title, giving mortgage for th t a la ace, upon which he makes eaay pnynients. Supplied with pur water -from artesian wells, th health nf the community la good. Th town la lighted . witn niectnciiy ana nas no neea 01 none ro: ce. While a-t tiers are enrnurssr l to-enaaae In truck and ' dslry farming, most f the Inhabitants wrrk In the sev- sev- t 1 ;srge industrial entcrpriaea or tne place, it la said thst the average yearly ewmlnan of a family nr over lA The far-.rlng commartltv I represented by fortv-slx families. Ranging In its from a few aerea up to thirty,' th farm ar well tilled, and anad g yield a good rev '-' M.k. hMt. h did. rMUif fct deprt pod long ' - . It - i' , th nert bypath, up hl nd down; around ruCT4 U " ' : S VV' X i , wounUlB ldw through ruhinr torwnU. And M ; ,' : 7 , '. ' ! ' . from mob In th road In front might step their eourse. For als long, weary hour thla headlong flight con tinued. At last Mica wa ra?tad and an urgent tela gram was soon before th Ueveroor at San Lnla Potoat. ' That offlolal acted promptly. Ir was not long before special train, filled 4vith aoldlera, wa hurrying toward th Ulna Vleja Vany. . When LleuUnant Francisco Lopes, In command of th rescuing aoldlera, reached th - hacienda, about daylight th next morning h found It atlll surrounded by bandits, who, however, for soma reason had failed to make tha expected attack during th night. They were Just pre- eculteFt IneslMfflrt ySterious Crimes '"-CRIMES are sometimes brought-to tight and erlm- I mala to Justice throsgh th most remarkable S agencies. A wealthy Frenchman named Pellly murdered ft yeung girl in hla neighborhood. So mysterious was tha case that, no clue eemed ever likely to develop. , Among those deeply Interested. In th case was a. Model; Hebrew Colony v III' 11 - ''sr'riVp' 'VvSJv- r V y - (r?' i j: ' A A ' enue from garden truck, fruit, poultry and th dairy. Educational facilities aro excellent, iieslde th publ' ' school maintained by Stat and county, acadmlo courses .and a thorough scientific training are given by the Heron de Hirsch Agricultural School, under the presidency ot Professor H. U Babaovlch. who I slew Mayor ot th town. This -Institution gather deserving and needy boys from all sources, md glva thm a thorough business nd sradomlf training, while Instilling Into them a com plete theoretical and practical knwUlge of farrrfing and dairying. . ' lurlng the summer pm'tlona v.llh farmers are fnnnd for th boys, and In th fall thny tetura to resume thatc studies M-ny. tpon leaving the plc at the txplratlon of their term, become successful farmer or managers of state 1 . paring to rush th building when th soldier appeared. 'In ft few minute th ntlr aspecf of thing had 1 changed. Thj jldlr chexged th ir (urgent cimp in the front -yard, the besieged party streamed eat to assist and : ' th crash ot rifle rang out on th morn luff air. , " Surprised and terror-stricken, th mob aeattered. Ten - of them. Including th ringleader, were captured. And In thi battle of Mlnag Vlej j not drop cf blood wa shed. When Mrs. Poole and Mr. Ravenacroft returned uur ' In th day they found their beautiful vatley home aa peaceful aa It had ever been. Ard they found two men who were very proud of htrolo wive. , magistrate, a, sloe friead of Pellly. Every vnlBg. after - having worked npoa th case alt day. th magunrat . wa accustomed to call upon hla wealthy friend, hav a glass of win and Indulge In gam of card. ; -. On day th magistrate received by mall ft written ,: confession from PeUly. detailing all th facta of th ' , crime and hi efforts to hid It Although when arrested and clearly proven guilty . Pellly again confessed, h alwtya Insisted that ha had never written th latter, although the handwriting waa '. hla and som ot th fact could bay beam known only ' to himself. - Thjnoat plauslbl expUnatlon Is that Pellly wrote the self-accusing letter whll In ft somnambuUstte stat. In another case an old gentleman, waa murdered and robbed, among other things of m peculiar ancient silver ' watch. Thla th murderer hid In hollow tree and with the money he secured went to ft distant city, where he proeierd. For ten yeara he wa haunted by th thought ot the j watch In th hollow tree, and at the end of that time Journeyed back to th scene of th crime to secure It. lie found the watch, and. aa It waa out of order, took " It to a local watchmaker to hav It repaired. Struck by 1 it peculiarities, th Jeweler remembered that the old man , murdered ten year ago had possessed such a timepiece. He communicated with the police,, and th murderer we , arrested and convicted. . Sir Astley Cooper, the eminent English physician. ' when ft young- man waa called by tha police to se a man they had arrested 'for murder. He mad his examina tion, and was preparing to leave when ho wa amsied t. , see a dog- walk up to th prisoner and anlff at ft plac on hi cost. ' Thla spot, whloh had escaped notice, was examlwat and found to be human bloxi. it did much toward send . Ing th man to th gallows. , MYSTERY OF A TELL The dog wag th mystery. What became of hint no one aver knew. The wardens stoutly maintained that the door had been closed all the time, and that It was 1m v posellile for a dog to hsve entered. Cooper always be . lieved that It waa ft spectre sent to point out th blood stain clu. 1 Two laborer were working In ft field.' when ene. a stranger in th vicinity, asked the other th acareet war to th village. 'He was told.. "Hut." said the Informant, "do not cut through a certain piece cf woodland, it con tains an old well Into which you might fail." ...During; th rest of the day thla aid wait haunted tha tlilnd of the stranger. When work was done he sk-d hi companion to show him th place, and wa so inslelent lht h other finally agreed. When they arrived at th Well and peered over ls edge they heard ft faint cry from below.. It was mi , bv a little baby boy. Hla mother was arrweted and con teased that ah hd placed the child In the well. AN ISLAND CLASSED AS A SI IIP TUB Irisnd Of Ascension. In the Atlsnllc, I lh prop erty f the British sdmlrslty antvimin. 1 1 borne on th navy lint a a vl. t ft fender to one Of His Mi-r s'i.1 ' I "r The (aland Is awwrned I r a .. I ' - ' men statlnnel thus ti-tiiwv i"' ta tha aama Viilea a tl" v M I 11 I Thnre Is no vrlvai 1 rents, rates or tax. 1 n r , j,n.rTtv. snd the in t In i I I I egetalias grown on l i'.