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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
gBeat'-iTaliiro n .. :t New Tinter Oar vtvdlotlOB of the poplarttr f w m tortMi TUr in Is kirk fare mow Hi M HMOl a4vMea wlU e mtm la fcaekUr tor ear customers the wa ml the slans arlat u prorldea ahoaoaatlj early U the eaaoa. Toaar "a mot kmr aarsaeate. at the prloee HU Unsurpassed JLssortment Priced at 81.25,- 81.75, 82.25, 82.75 and ; up to 815.00 v. ..i J I i J fc ttit)! Ill si H iIlM - i : ' ' v Portland's Fastest Crowing Store Leather Goods SpeeicJc Better values hare never been offered thaja we are prepared to it you in Women's Handbags they are. divided Into two bl lota as follows; fcot J Consists of large Walrus Real ' Bag with heavy leather handle. Ptce...SO Xrfrt S Consists of the popular envelope-shaped Bag, they come In all colors, , Price Mon day and Tuesday ST &ood Gloves at 01.00 t-Clasp Prima - Lambskin Gloves, with ? silk embroidered stitching; In black;, brown, tan. gray, white; every pair fitted and guaranteed.- Special price.1 $1.00 !... .rr i - ' . This store provides unexpected money-saving; opportunities and every department has its Interesting bargain lots. Not at any time this season have prices been so favorable to the buyer. For the past week bur. store has been simply crowded with people all eager to partake of the wonderful harvest of bargains we have offered. You will make no mistake if you buy your winter supply here now everything is priced exceedingly low. Read our bargain announcements, they are money-savers. Thanksg ivin of t win The Season's Greatest Values . : h We do not look for-your linen Trade merely on account of strong values. That. ONE reason for the faith that is in us, but by no means the ONLY. Any firm with equal facili ties can buy as cheaply, and IF so disposed sell as cheaply. We admit. that. ,:;XTnx-'..-'.'-' . BUT and here is our -trump cardwhere else is shown not only the variety, but qual taste in selection of patterns? Are not . these as important considerations as good values? We combine them all. '- ' ,;; v';v.' Top This .Week's Sale We Offer : J.-' y;V;,;- --i,:: i Table Damask A Peerless Collection. v: Bleached Damask, all linen, full 6Cf jnches wide, large as sortment of pretty patterns besr 60c quality: Now on " sale at ................... , . . . . . ... .50 Bleached Damask,lall linen, 62 inches wide, attractive pat terns and designSTWi usual value at 75c a'yard. Now; on sale at ....... ...... A... VV.;.....62 Bleached Damask, all linen, 66 inches wide, good heavy qual Tty; never before sold tor less than 85c a yard. Now on . Bleached Damask, all linen, 72 inches wide ; unusual width and dualitv at $1 a yard." Now on special sale at. 85e IfafKflT""". all linfnrIliill-72-4ngheft-wKler' extra heavy quality t well worth $1.25 a yard. Now on sale at,08 Bleached Damask, all linen, 72 inches wide, in a splendid as sortment, ot new patterns ; extra good values at $1.35. Now on sale at. .. .......... .., ..81.12 Bleached Damask, all linen 72 inches wide, the best assort ment of patterns wcrhave, ever shown at $1.65.' Now on aale at.v,;.;. .4 . 4 . .v. . i i . r. . I ..... . Slj95 Damask Napkins - '' r ?A Striking Assortment. V 20x20 Bleached 'Linen Napkins; $1.40 quality. On V Special sale, per dozen V; , ". .81.18 21x21 Bleached Linen Napkins; $1.65 quality. Now on sale, per dozen......-.....;;'..........;. ..'.81.38 21x21 Bleached Linen Napkins;" $2.25 quality. Now . -on sale, per dozen ............ r.-. ............... . . .81.88 22x22 Bleached Linen Napkins ; $2.50 quality. Now ' ' on sale, per dozen.. 82.15 24x24 Bleached Linen Napkins ; $2.75 quality. v Now on sale, per dozen , v . . . ........... . j . . 82.35 24x24 Bleached Linen Napkins ; $3.25 1 quality. . Now ' ' on sale, perdo.zen.,,1 .7 -; 482.85 94v9i Rleached Linen Naokins: $3.50 quality. Now "v on sale, per dozen. ................. 83.10 . Damask Tray (Cloths? 18x23-inch Bleached All Linen Tray Cloths. Special at. .25t 18x27-inch Bleached All Linen Tray Cloths. Special at..35 20x30-inch Bleached All Linen Tray Cloths. Special at. .45 20x30-inch Bleached All Linen Tray Cloths. Special at .60 20x30-inch Bleached All Linen Tray Cloths. Special' at. .75 20x30-inch Bleached All Linen Tray Cloths. Special at. .3)81 All Linen Tea Cloths v 36x36-inch. Bleached All Linen Tea Cloths'. . Special at 7S4 36x36-inch All Linen Hemstitched Tea Cloths. Special. 81.00 36x36-inch All Linen Hemstitched Tea Cloths. Special. 8125 36x:36-inch All Linen Hemstitched Tea Cloths. Special. $150 45x45-nich All Linen Hemstitched Tea Cloths. Special. $2.25 54x54-inch All Linen Hemstitched Tea Cloths. Special. $2.50 Battenburg Collars . i . special price 2s4. Women's Stock Collars of real hand made Battenburg lace, in serpentine and floral designs. . Special.......... 25 - 75c WOMEN'S STOCKS 45.- VVomens -Stocks and Jabots made of chiffon nd'sijjk ' combinations ; 75c values, for. .. . . . .... ... ... . . , . . . . . ,455 Handkerchiefs "' ; ; At Holiday ,PHcea. V ' Holidaya will soon be here. Handkerchief! always make acceptable $ft-here are few good ones, underpricedi. Women's Swiss i and,LinerL'plain, embroideredor .with r. scalloped edges; 25c values.. Special, each. '....13 Tine Linen, hemstitched and embr6ldered edges ; splendid values at 35c. ) Special, i ..... . . . . . . . . . . .25 Handkerchiefs, each one packed in a neat box already to mail to the'little friends in the eastv Special pri4r5.-..i,.:15i '"S'; : '.Vi'.TORCliOM LACES 3. v Torchon Laces with insertions to match, suitable for trim- ' mifig underwear and wrappers. Special, per yard. ... . . .3f ggaTXXXirIMlIITSXZIS: icxxxxzzzxz: CO ATS SUITS- SKIRTS ..:..., i ; . y ,,. -io. "' '"" . ,....,:.- i V" A large and well selected stock in this department at prices to suit every one, and styles that are correct: Those who are quick to recognize quality combined with .moderate' pricey arc most enthusiastic in ' what they find in our popular Suit Room. For Monday and Tues- day we have arranged an exceptional par gain list. Worn $18.00 Values for $12.50 Smart Walking Suits of novelty : materials," Scotch mixtures, broadcloths and tweeds, in all colors which Dame Fashion' says are v cor New; Skirts $7.50 Values for $5.50 Newest fall models, handsomely, tailored; full circular gored and plaited styles, made of finest Amrrinn Panamas, cheviots broadcloths and rectThese- suits are- strictlyman-rtailored4Tnixturesr" Fir guaranteed ; regular 4? C Cfl $7.50 value, un special saie. Excentional Values in v Seasonable Shirtwaists . , White' Linen' Waists with embroidered fronts with rrvat trimmed with inlaid bands of stitch ed velvet, notched coat collars and collarless,1 newest skirts ; regular values $18.- 01 CA On special sale at..,....,.;..... DlaVaUU at Popular Prices Fresh arrivals have swelled the assortments . . .vaa. mmM t 'M '.. ' a. to an. invitiner decree. I nis lot coniams Mohair Waists, in -cream -and colors. Nuns Veiling , and Albatross Waists, Henrietta Waists and many other ' desirable materials. Priced at 75, 1.00, 1.25, 7 c 150T82.25rnd. ; . t ......... . Lit O GREAT VALUES IN RAlN COATS at 88.50, 910.50, 812.50, 815. Cravenette cloths made up in the latest' styles and de sirable colors. ' x' . wj ir '""a - . , : ' 1 sis men dozens orsTrictly up-to-dafe styles m cheviots j ?1.&U and Taney mixtures, coverts, Kersey cioins ana Thibet materials in all colors, all lengths from 42 to 50 inches. Remarkable reduction for this sale. Priced at 87.50, djl C f( Jp9.50, 810.50, 812.50 and....)lUUll Childr eii's Winter Dresses We are showing an immense stock of Chit-. dren's .Dresses in a great variety of pretty styles and. trimmings. v Materials include every fabric from good quality flannel to finest wool materials in all popular colors, plain and fancy mixtures. Now is the time to buy while stocks are complete. Every mother can find the style she desires. It's an exceptionally fine line and th nrices are unusually low. for instance: A. from 2 to 8. SoeciaUv oriced at 81.25. 81.50, 81.75, 81.00, 82.25 up to.... 84.50 - . . . ' ... . m. .m Mam sht ska sv A a M A . as (V Mr aV Agei from .10 to 14, , Specially priced at ?l.a, a.a,,, y-.ou up w qi.oy!! M M huziuiiiiinmunnmmninnnnnniiiiiiii iiuiinnnniinnnnu A Sale 6t Flannelette Gowns These prices will surily induce you "to do your shopping here tomorrow. A distinct saving on every garment. It does not pay to make them, when you can buy at these prices. , WOMEN'S GOWNS $1.50 VALUES 81.10. Plain colored and striped -s Flannelette Gowns made with double yokes, extra full skirts and sleeves, roll collars and fancy cuffs, trimmed with finishing braid; regular $1.50 values. A On sale tomorrow for......,.,...... P11U WOMEN;S GOWNS $1.25 VALUES FOR 08. Flannelette Gowns, made of blue and white and pink and white striped flannel with plain , and V-shaped yokes, trimmed with fancy braid and stitching,, also ruffles ; regular value $1.25. QO Special for Monday and Tuesday. ........ , WOMEN'S GOWNS $1.00 VALUES 80. Made of best striped Outing Flannel with fancy tucked yoke and finished with ruffles. . Others iwith square yokes trimmed with braid. Rolling collar. Full sires; $1 values. Your choice OA. tomorrow at only,,....'.' ..........OUiv WOMEN'S GOWNS 85c VALUES FOR G5J Square Yoked Gowns with" large . sailor collar, finished with buttonhole stitching . and braid. Good quality outing flannel, full skirts, all (LCn sizes; 85c values. Your choice...' Reduced Prices Tomorrow on Fast Black Equestrienne Tights f or.Women and Cnildren v Black Worsted Tights for winter wear, most practical undergarments for cold weather. Tomorrow we place on sale four of" our best selling Qualities at prices vastly reduced from the regular figure. " We are agents for the "ALPHA- BRAND TIGHTS. Most perfect fitting and most satisfactory tight on the market EacfiTpair made with ; reimorcea mp nu mice. , LOT 1. 25 Dozen ankle i length fast black Worsted Tights, full sized, splendid - winter .... . . 1 a j . i. : or. n C.I. . mm s weigat, COior ana wear garamrcui icguiat F-c ., Kll ...?.... ......... ...... ........................ . w tomorrow, pair Tights for-Girls, made just like those for women, fast black, warm and CA. durable; regular 75c grade. On sale tomorrow at, the pair........ .....GUV f WOMEN'S BLACK WOBSTED TIGHTS ' . All sizes hvankle length, open or closed style, a full two-thread worsted gar- ' ment, reinforced hip and knee, colof and fit guaranteed ; best. $1 quality. .7Qf ' ..Tomorrow. ................. f t J WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL TIGHTS Strictly all wool garments,-none better made,, either, style open or closed QQ, best $1.50 quality. , On- sale here tomorrow at, the pair. ... j.. .70L 1.. " Variety and Value in Dress Goods and Sillio " Some very special offerings for Monday and Tuesday in this season's most stylish fancy weaves; all through the Dress Goods Section the latest tints for winter are showing there is splendid assembling of the new fabrics, much that is rich and fine and novel. Look here first, We are not afraid that you will not come back. . ; . - ' - .: '- ' ':---- $1.40 Basket Panama 50 inches wide, fast black pure wool, hard twisted, a new and very desirable weave; regular . price $1.40. On sale Monday and Tuesday at. -. .05f $1.00 French Poplin 44-inch fast black French Poplin. Beau tiful soft finished material the very fabric for a dressy gown. Special price. . . . . ... . . .'. . . . .... ..... 75e $1.00 French Prunilla 42-inch black French Prunilla. Beau tiful hard finish, acid proof dye; regular $1.00. grade. Special at , . . . . ; ......... ...... .85 Blacli Serge Specialo 54-inch Black Storm Serge ; $1.65 quality. Special- 52-inch Black Storm Serge ; $1 .35 quality. Special . - . ' af Monday at : . -"P-yv 50-inch Black Storm Serge; $1.25 quality. Special 7 . . . . . , : -4kA TAnnav at . ... v 48-inch Black Ocean Serge ; 95c quality.-Special Mondav at 4l-inrh "Rlaclc Ocean Seree : 75c aualitv. Special Monday at ....,.n..u.ul)l . -t. . 4 ...... v.. 60f 38-inch Black Ocean Serge ; 65c quality. Special , w - , Monday at .........;.......... . .. ...... ;.. .50 Cravenettes This is the season for the rain coat-456-inch dark gray rain proof Covert on sale Monday and all next week at the special price, per yard.;... ............ A... 08 $2.50 Cravenette 56-inch Crawnette, warranted rain proof. Comes in all the desirable winter shades, such as castor, gray, light and dark tans ; regular $2.50 quality. Special , tt J...S1.00 Mixed Tweeds and Worsteds-r-Immense showingfof all wool mixed goods, in plain or broken plaids and stripes, all colors, blue, brown, green, tan, gray, red ; regular price $l.50 to ,$1.65. All in one big lot at the special price.... ..... ?!.-:. WARRANTED TO WEAR BLACK PEAU DE SOIE SILKS Positively the best values in, the city -our own per sonal guarantee with every yard: ,' '- 21 inches wide Black Peau de Soie Silk. Special price. .81.00 22 inches wide Black Peau de Soie Silk. Special price.. 81.25 23 inches wide Black Peau de Soie Silk. Special price.. $1.50 New Plaids Just received, a new shipment of new Plaids, rich and beaulijcolcjanc7l Sfift ?"d rfunhlr rnm-in,.aiUhe wlnTedTcBTnations ; exceptional values, moderately - priced. . Special i. . ; . . .75f, 81.00 $1.00 Snake Skin Moire 20 inches wide. This is one of the Very newest weaves, is rich, effective and durable, new shades of greens, blues, browns and grays; regular $1 quality. Special price- .... , ................85 ...... .75 Attractive Prices in BlGll'S "Wear MEN'S 20c WOOL SOCKS 12. v ' Men's Merino Wool Socks, in light and blue gray color; 20c value. Special. .. .......... ... ......12 MEN'S 35c WOOL SOCKS 25. ; Men's fine Worsted and Cashmere Wool Socks, in black j gray, camelshah and tan colors. Special. ............. .23 0RESS SHIRTS.. ' ' Men's new winter styles in Dress Shirts, both' golf and, stiff bosom, in the well known Monarch and Standard . brands. Extra good values for .... .81.00 MEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR 75. Men's fine camelshair color Wool Undershirts and draw ers, all sizes; extra good values for $1. Special... 75 t MEN'S $1.25 WOOL UNDERWEAR 81.00. Men's fine All Wool Underwear, in tan color, all sizes; regular $1.25 grade. .Special .....81.00 v .'. MEN'S 65c UNDERWEAR 50. -Men's heavy fleece lined Underwear, in ribbed or flat gar ments, all sizes. Special...... ......................... 50 GOOCL Shnfin for Bad Weather r 7 ' AND FOR ALL AGES. VVe have many newstyles in Women's Shoes at $3 and $3.50 that are "unsurpassed for style and fitting superiority. It has Jjecn Jpur. constant endeavll; to- give- just-a-little-more at these prices than any one else is -offering, and it is our belief we are fulfilling our part of the undertaking in every sense of the word. They're strictly hand made every pair in any . weight sole and any leather at .83.00 and $3.50 BOYS' GOOD SCHOOL SHOES. -For rainy days, good and solid, in sizes up to 7 for men. 91. CD v MISSES $2.50 SHOES 81.49. This is.a lot of Misses' Hand Made Shoes in all loathe aM almost every size up to 2; this i a rcmarkiUe ( ! - r j and you should ,take advantage of it. Spcculfrt days only at. t