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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, - NOVEMBER 19.' .1S05V EDUARD-PARLOVITZ WON EARLY !? DISTINCTION AND ADDED TO FAME -rf - 'i-. .: M. Eduard M. Eduard Parlovlts,' who Is the pian ist with ; tb Watklna-MIUs quartet, which will , bo- heard at; the -Marquam Grand theatre Wednesday tit (tit. Novem ber 1. under direction tof Xols Steers- Wynn,' Coman,' achieved- treat- success 7 whn the organisation toured Australia last year.' .. j .-.' '""(''.--' At - a very early axe Mr. Parlovlts entered the famous Guildhall School of -.k.V'-' " ; BARRIE S EXQUISITE PLAY, PETER PAN" :.: T"' ' By'Juloa Eckert Goodman. ' tFroea The Joarnal'e Owa OarnesoadeDt.) . NEW "YORK. Nov.- 10. And -this 1' the story of Peter Pan, the boy who wouldn't grow up. In ' that far off clime, of tbaNvn Kaef-J-reTTlAnd there lived all the little children who weraloat r falling out of their perambulators while their nurses heedlessly talked with policemen In tha paTKTrTaj novels. Ttie leaaer of these was ,'one peter- fan. wno nau ause'hs'had "heard his parents plotting ' to make blm president soma day. while he didn't want torow up but preferred . to live with the fairies. . " Hem Peter wse sv valiant lead and ha knew how to protect bts band. ,-He .showed them how to ward off danger .from -wolves and : Hons by looking at them through - their . legs, He alao guarded them against pirates and formed an alliance . for , their safety - with an Indian tribe. Tat even this was not .enough; what they needed moat of all was a mother, and It wae for a mother that Peter was alwaya watching. It chanced one night that peter In Ms search stopped at the nursery window of three children. Wendy. Moira Angela Darling. John Napoleon Darling ' and Michael Nicholas Darling. Mrs. Darling was telling the three children iths wonderful story of "Cinderella." . and Peter became so Interested that he forgot himself and waa detected. . Be fore ha could get entirely away Mrs. Jrllng closed dowa the window and cut , ff Peter's shadow. .; v ' ' 'v ' Pettr Search for i Shadow. .. . - ' Nightly.' aocombirKjeof by Tinker Bell, a fairy, now came Peter looking for his . shadow. One night- after Nana, the dog, who was nurse to the three chil dren, had bathed them and put them to bed and Mr. and Mrs. Darling had gona TS'TrparTyTlB rlPW'TmrTnrmig'ir that window and witn xinaer eu s neip found his shadow In a bureau drawer. Tinker Bell be It said, you can see only In a flushing ball of light and hear only In a tinkling of bells. Well. It la one thing to find your abadow and another thing to put it on again. Peter tried to stick It on with apap but It wouldn't stick. He waa almost disheartened when Wendy awoke- and aaw him crying and asked what the matter waa. He told her' his difficulty and aha solved It by sewing his shadow on for him. Then was Peter mightily pleased and ha danced to see hla shadow follow him. Wendy now began to question Peter and he described to her the fsrles. She ' asked Peter if there still were fairies and Peter explained how when the first baby laughed. Its laugh broke into a thousand pieces and went dancing away and each piece became a fairy. Since then the first time every baby laughed ', a fairy waa bom and every time a child ,- said that it did not believe In fairies '. somewhere a little fairy died. ' Away to Ntver, Never Land. .: ' ' Peter 'flow painted such a beautiful picture of the land whirl ha lived that Wendy was quite fascinated; and Peter, after he had promlsVd to teach her to fly easily, persuaded her to coma with Ihlra an be mother to his people. But she would not go alone; he must take her two brothers also. . - So Peter "Sprinkled the' shoulders of them all and right through the wall they flew away. Thursday Afternoon 9eata,pn gala Tuesday at 10 .A. f. . BssmgeBSSSSSSS"aJBJBSJsJgeBSj J.'... . .- .. R. F Parlovitx. Music,' and ' made ' suoh rapid progress that . before he was 14 years, old he passed the examination for an associate, being the yoXingest student who ever attained that proud distinction. After leaving the Guildhall school Mr. Parlo vits passed the llcentlateshlp examina tion of the Royal Academy or Music, qualifying as a professor.- Later on ha obtained the bronse medal of the Society of Arts. . ' ' To Never. Never,' Never Land Pater brought Wendy, but meanwhile Tinker Bell had" grown : Jealous of her and persuaded Peter's band to shoot J)er a she cane flying thrrmgTTThe air. Poor Windy fall with an- arrow In her heart and when Peter discovered this he waa very-wroth. It, waa -only, when 'they had bviilded a house around Wendy that aha- revived. Here nnwyou see ofThe dangers which beset the band. Captain Hook and his pirate crew were on their track. Peter- oncsrTiT" combat with Hook had. cut off his hand and thrown It to a crocodile. Aa Captain Hook explained, the crocodile, having enjoyed this morsel, had thua developed "a taste" for. bint and since that Ume waa forever after him, following him around the world.' "In one way," re turned . his lieutenant. 8mee, to him, "that might ba considered a compli ment.'! The captain, who . now had a three-pronged hook for hla left hand, was In mortal terror of the crocodile, the approach of which hs could alwaya tell by the ticking of a clock which the crocodile had swallowed. 1 "But some day that clock will run down," said Smee. "and what then f Then his fate would overtake him. , The pirates had a deep-laid " scheme to kill Peter Pan and the whole band. They would bake a large cake of pasty thickness and while It was still warm they, would leava It for Peter and, his companions, who. aa they thought, not having any mother to warn them, would eat It and thus die.. They hastened oft to put their plan Into execution, while Peter outalde the house of Wendy stood on guard with his, sword. Ilk a knight of old. . ' ' ", ' When the Pirates Came. Peter and hla companions now went to live In their cave, where Wendy be comes make-believe !..motheraj)dPe:iter, nimseii maae-Deueve lamer, un top of. the cava there could ba seen watch ing and guarding them the redskins under the command of Tiger-Lily, an Indian girl, who was In love with Pa ter. Wendy now began to think how her distracted mother would be griev ing and begged Peter to permit her to return. After a mighty struggle with himself Peter consented. . Wendy offered to take the whole band with her, saying that her mother would adopt thorn all; and Joyously thty all prepared to go, all except Peter, who feared that If ha did so he would grow up and have to be president Meanwhile the pirates had attacked and beaten the Indiana, and now aach of the band comes out of the cave ha was captured. Peter, remaining below, waa of course not. taken; but Captain Hook had a plan to get him Jusf the same. The plot of the cake, neces sarily abandoned when the pirates dis covered that the band had a mother, Captain Hook had brought poison, wRlcb ba poured In Peter's medicine. Tinker Bell, however, warned Peter and told him that the pirates had captured the band and taken them to their ship, pe ter would not believe that the medicine waa poisoned; so to save him -Tinker Bell drinks It himself. In fear and grief Peter saw Tinker Bell dying. How could hs ssvs her? There was not a minute -to lose. .What was the curat Then he remembered that ehe could be saved only it all children declared -they believed In fairies. Eagerly, tearfully he came forward, crying: . "gay that you and Evening. Nov. 23 .NOTA LECTURE BUf AN Tatier -of-- ; V. :. TICE, CUDDY TUCKER. THE YELLOW KID. Elc ; MATINEE, THURSDAY, 3:30 P. M. 25c-Children-25c , ' Grown-TJp 50c r THURSDAY. EVENING at 8:30 Prices 24c; 50c, 75c, $1.00 Direction LOIS STEERS WYNN COM AH. . . " ' M. , Butter Brown believe In falrlesiwwave your hsndker chlefs,. clap your hands; oh, clapH And aa the applause rang out Tinker Bell was saved) The Pirate Ship. " Now come we to the adventure of the pirate ship. The band wereU prlaon ers In the hold and Captain Hook meant to make them walk the plank. Just aa ha was about to order the Bret over board there was heard, however, the ticking of a clock. . In mortal terror Captain Hook turned away to hide. But It was not the crocodile this time. I. was Peter Pan, who held the clock In his hand, and by thla ruse gained pos session of the cabin. Then followed a fierce fight. In which all the pirates were thrown overboard, Peter Pan him self vanquishing Captain Hook and toss lng him to the crocodl!e. ' . Peter, now true to his promise, took Wendy horns - to- "' her '-. grief-stricken mother. ,,Wendy bagged blm to stay. and Wendy's mother promisee io mother to him. But he asked: "Must I go to school T And must I grow up snd become president?- to all of which she answered "Yes." Whereupon Peter re fused. Hs would go back to hia tree topa and live with the fairies. . He begged Wendy to go back with him, but Wendy's mother declined to allow her to . go. She promised, however, thai Wendy might come to visit him aach year to do hla spring housecleaning. So away flies Peter Pan, and the, laat you aee of him la when Wendy haa finished her first visit, flown away an a broom stick, leaving Peter on the treetop with his million-of farles dancing . in tiny sparks about hlmi . - The Heart of a Child, v t ',1' ' H Is almost sacrilege to tell the story of this play In this way. It -la Ilka tear ing apart the petals of a violet .to study Its botanical structure. For this recital la the barest outline, the veriest com monplace to the exquisite .charm of ita original. - Nothing but the plar Itself can give an adequate idea or me piay. Some may call t fanciful, others poetic, still others humorous; 'It is none of these things and yet all of them; It Is Just J. M. Barrie. ' . Looking at the play brutally, exactly what Is It? In form and at first glance, merely a fairy atory, or perhaps a chil dren's play. " Perhaps here and there may be found a person who will find In it, too. something of the satirist, the Barrio who drew a Sentimental Tommy. There Is. as a matter of fact, the same Artistic" note in Peter Pan that there was In Thomaa Sandys, and thert are scenes In this play which suggest soma scenes In Mr. Barries famoua oooa. win It Is -more allied to "The Little White Bird. similarity to -which is evident. There Is a touch of satire In almost everything that this author writes, it is not the evident, biting aa tire which la often only sarcasm; rather la it a satire of exquisite humor, held In fancy and woven with poetry. ' For Mr." Barrie la first, laat and always a poet. The Appeal of the Play. '." " On nearer view, however, "Peter Pan" becomes almost profound. Its apparent appeal Is to the child; its real appeal la to the child In every ons bf us, the child who will not grow up. Tha only way that you can possibly enjoy this play'la to put yourself In the attitude of a child. .There you havs the whole thing in a nutshell. It Is a recognition of this inner youth which never leaves us, at least which should .never leave us. Ifjt JiasJefLusJbeiLJiegYeaJielp usTTor though drawing breath we have been dead theee long years and did not know It. " " . "Peter Pan" Is a. protest against the spirit of materialism with which modern life - has been warped and made . gro tesque. It Is a protest against the apotheoala of "truth" robbing youthof all glamor. It Is a plea for that greater truth, the wonderful flctloned truth which childhood wears about It like s cloak until the years cut It sway bit by bit and give In Ita atead "facta." It recalls Wordsworth's famoua verses: "There was a time when meadow, grove and stream. The earth and every common sight '. To mo did seem Apparell'd In celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It Is not now as It hath been of yon: " Turn whereso'er I may,' By night or day, f . Tha thinga which I have seen I now can sea no more." Youth' for the Young. v . It fs this wonderland, "trailing clouds of glory," with the heaven that "lies about ua in our Infancy," for which Mr. Barrie makes his case. It is to give youth what rightly belongs to youth arid not to cheat maturity of what youth can bring it How potent this elemental poetry is within us was attested when Peter Pan came down to the footlights and begged the audience to say that it believed In fairies and thus- save the tn fafTlffkgf-Bell.1 lUerg werg law who did-. not applaud and there were many who waved their handkerchiefs and here and there an eye gnsieneo, showing bow deeply the shaft had hit the mark. ' ' " - We are aQ born with the capacity for poetry and beauty, and '"this capacity remains with us only to the degree that it Is encouraged and nourished. Let tha child therefore keep "the glory and the freahneas of Ita dream" aa long aa it may; there will be plenty or time for Information and tha thing we call ."knowledge." After all a man's person ality, what ho really la. Is not founded upon what he knows, but rather upon what he feela; and Imagination and poetry are the schooling for feeling. Taken in which light, "Peter Pan", be comes a play of unusual merit, even as It is of unusual character. It la some thing for pedagogues as well as children to think about. Also it haa a lesson for parents. Its call la to all who are young, no matter what age their years may tell, graybeards and golden curls. Miss' Maude Adam as Peter Pan, - ' Miss Maude Adams' "portrayal of the role of Pater Pan can be described In a single sentence: she was . Peter' Pan. Never has this gifted actress been seen to better advantage, never has her work so possessed that absolute finality which alone could make this sort of part convincing. - 8he was" youth Incar nate, youth with Its dreams and fancies, youth with all Its )ung vitality and Marquam Grand ENTERTAINMENT! ... v.-- V. Souvenirs for all the Children lostelBrown MARQUALI GIIAND THEATRE moire Monday; Tuesday and Wednesday Nights; Nov. 20-21-22 ' nuT ArrBAUvoi nu or Mi KIM EMC '. . . ' ' ; r V. In the Successful Comedy. ( ' Writtea Bxpresaly fo Mlm I . ', by Theodore Burt ayre," '-,, .', ' (XAJTAOEaCXirT 07 MXOM AJTO XAJUUS.) Direct Prom His Six Months' Tour In Australia ' Where he scored the most positive hit aver made by an American star actor In the Antipodes. .. A . .t .'"PRICES Parquette, $l.o0.' Parquette Circle, ft. 00. Baloony, first t , rows, $1.00; second rows, 7(c; last six rows, too. Gallery, 16 and 1 5c ' Boxes and Loges, $10.00. SKATS ARB NOW SELLINGS WMte Tuesday, Nov. Farewell Concert OF PORTLAND S P R IMA DONNA: SOPRANO MME.- NORELLI Tickets $1.50, $1.00 and 75c oomnB rotrmra Genteel Vaudeville TBI OBIAT KELTILLl In tha most sensational of all aerial acta. KB.' AJTD antS. JOsTjr OKXOX Re fined comedy sketch artists. TSAaX CXAYTOIT Greatest of living musical artists. - - , -. " ' Tn X.OUXB SSOTaTJOKgMarvel- . oua acrobats. .. ADMISSION lO AND 20 CENTS AND CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE TODAY strength. When she csms forward and pleaded for Tinker Bell's . life, there waa not a person who could resist her. And. be it aald. there has scarcely ever been a mora daring thing put upon the stage than this same Incident. The least little thing -might have destroyed tha whole atmoaphere and killed the point and then the whole play would have gone to pieces.. Throughout, the acting and the stag ing were exceptional. Evidently Mr. Ra trie's "Advice to the Players'' bad ieen read and dlrested thorouahlv. "f ne actorsnni r-niryl)Iayr-yr(-t-t Mr. Barrie, '"should feel that it Is writ ten by a child In earnestness and that they are children playing it in tne same spirit. The scenic artist Is another child in league with them. In a fairy play yon may have many thinga to do that are not possible in real life, but you conceive yourself in a world in which they are ordinary occurrencesiand act accordingly. Never do anything be cause there is an audience, but only and entirely because you think this- la how ths character In that fanciful world would do it" And thla haa been the keynote of ths preaent production. Other Openings. . . ' ' ' Of ths other theatrical events of the week, there need be said but a word at ths preaent time. Mr. Mantell at the Garden theatre appeared in "Hamlet" on Monday night, while ths Ben Oreei players In Mendelssohn hall gavs "Much Ado About Nothing"; thess two per formances, together with the Sothern Marlowa presentations, making three Shakespearean plays on ths boards at the ssms time. -' -' Ths Casino, which, btfrned down about six months ago, reopened last Monday with "Ths Earl and the Girt." THANKSGIVING DONATIONS 7 ASKED FOR PATT0N HOME The Patton Home association for old people, 'situated on Michigan 7 avenue, begs again at this approaching Thanks giving time to thank most graciously the publlo and the school children for their generous donations of money, pro visions and household linen for, the past year; alao to ask them to corns to our aid this year. , .............. We have had a very successful yesr, Inasmuch as ths horns has been well filled, there being at present II inmates. and W8, havs Many applications for sd mission, but owing to lack of quarters we are obliged to defer eonalderatlon of them until we have completed the addition to ths home, now in course of construction. la addition to this al ready large expense we have installed a heating plant and mads other neces sary repairs which- have- nearly .- ex hausted our funds. We are also doing much charity work, which tha publlo is no doubt aware of. Donations will be received by a com mittee of ladies at tha office of Puffer, Burgard A Co.. 151" Washington street. November t$ and 11, and 'until noon of the 10th, and ws hope the publlo will remember us, for thess donation ail (o va M. .Supsrb - Comply. An Efcbrate Prcdcclion Complete Every Detail Tern 21, 8:15 P. M. ' 't on sale at WoodardV Clarke "k Co ajtd nimx stubts. Week ot November 20th OKKA8TZ1ST MOTTJTO nOTOal MLH ever made; the correct Im personation of the Britt - Nelson fight. - , ! '. , UO W KITS Illustrated ' songs. WAT BAJtXIITO The famous song and dance artist. Tn XASBX&X.KOS-The' premier society entertainers. s, LYRIC THEATRE Zesting- ft mood, Mgrs. . xovsa or rocczsaxs." Week StartingMonday, Nov. 20 OATH" By P. O. MacLean. A COMEDT DRAMA IN FOUR " ' ACTS. . Iflp ADMISSION 4 A0 1UL Reserved Sat.20eJ.UC Three SongRecitals Mr. Allen-Good wyn and Mr. Claire Monteith '" ' Assisted by KM TTT,l,Tt RXKTItt snd ' mss hilik cortLAirs ML ntZD-K . OODBICK. Aeteaiyaalst. V 69 North 18th Street First oa Wedneslay, November 22 "is"; Persian Oaraen" . and "The Dal it Cbsls" (Lrkmaa.) : . ' S!U",.AM slslle at (ir.r a c., Mr. Allea-OoodwTQ,. SB Norts Rlcbtaestk. asd Mr. Montxth. 31 Tblrtentk ittit to make ths Isst days of the old ladies brighter. HANNAH NIOOLAI. . .' ' '' , ' President MUST ASK NEW TRIAL ' j OR TAKE SIX THOUSAND' ' " (flMcIal Dhpateh to The Joarasl.) " "SeatWe, Wash.. Nov. It. On the ground that er verdict bf llO Ofla iW cesslve because Mayor Zook of Ballard refused to marry Roslna Grover h Nie learned she had consumption. Judge pie Aioerton this morning gavs- the 'plaln tlfr the alternative of accepting 1 f ,000 or hs would grant a motion for a new trial next Saturday. The Jury refused to accept ths defense that Zook broke the engagement only when hs learned of hia fiancee's condition,- but believed that ha courted her arterward. A full quart of ths well-known, A. TX O. Rye wl.1 be a great contribution to the Joys of the season. Sols ownsr of brand, D. Osrmanua, Z31 Morrison U ' .. j' ' , v .r - ' , 1 ,r ' X Fourteenth and Washington Streets EO; PRICE. Oencral Manager . STARTING WITH MATINEE TODAY AT 2:15 Trf - -26h Week of the Belaaco Stock Co. - IN THK FIRST PORTLAND PRODUCTION OF ; J, Trite Gardl ELABOR ATE. SCENIC PRODUCTION AUGMENTED CAST I , y PRICES Night, 35c to 75c; vMatlns. 15c to 50c Bale of seats at theatre box office only. Reservations two weeks in advaaos. NEXT WEEK ll&VX'S; MICHAEL STROCOFF . IN PREPARATION "THE OIRl. WITH THE GREEK ETES." : a ! i OBgQOIt THKaTKB OOIITAHT, nj a nnrnj) ,-' Leases. . . MATTinHS aWsTOAT. WRSsTBSSAT AJTS SAWWDAT - NOW WE COME for Six Nights and Three Matinees. Start ing This Afterooon-;Sunday, msmm m Exlravaoanza Company Containing New. Music, New Ideas. New Costumes r and: entertainment' .. . .. : . Everybody W1U Like. Novel, Fascinating, Wonderful. . . ? EXTRA ATTRACTION I ; LA BELLE MARIE . " "t -The'Pafllangenaatlon Diieot from Curepa, ..1 , ,; ...... NOTE Wednesday Matinee, Bargain Day, SSo to anyseat. ' Kvnlng Prices Paturduy and Sunday Matinees............ 15c, 26c, !5o and (Oo Seanesaay juaiinee. ipwiu Next AVaok -; ''""' ' '''''''.'"'.' EMPIRE THEATRE ' aHLTOV W. SZAsIAV, Tertlaad's rsyslar riaykeaae. ALJL WEEK, Starting Sunday Matinee Esther j ' ; ' Rujaero's . beautiful story of the mountains of Colorado,'-' around which cling happiness - true - ; Tiurnanity, tears, laughter -and sunshine to awaken deep , interest. ) ; NOW IN ITS FOURTH SUCCESSFUL SEASON Matinees Sunday and Saturday EVENING PRICES, 15c, 25c, 33c, 50c MATINEE PRICES, 10c, 15c, 25c. lNxt Attractions LAN8INQ ROWAN ANNIVERSARY WEEK ' GRAND . ownra to rmm Tjwnncmamxrmn muocmn or ' -. : Zinn's Merry Iravesty Co. ? ' The management has extended the engagement tor another week. The theatre has been filled to the capacity at every performance, which 1 proves the company- Is an- unqualified hit. . . -Aa Batlaely Mew raroe Comedy Will Be Fresented. StartUf Moaday after. ' 1 ooa, eaUtlea - . , "THE SULTAN OF MOROCCO" SEE THE CHORUS IN NEW BONOS. COSTUMES NU DANCER. Marlasss. 10 seats to aay seat oa lower aoet. ' Zvealags, Sundays aad SeU days, lower Soor, goo. Balcony, lOo. Bob Beats, aa. CHEERFUL : VAUDHVILLE SUNDAY CONTINUOUS, 2:30 TO 10:43 P. M. Cliff Farrell ' CosMdr Mnl4aa sad '' rarodlat. Daccy,Chasc& Adair Tse Irtah "' Carte's TW." Intradsplng Kevet Ookmd . Bead Ptctarsa, Mr. Fred Purinton TU Be Tbars, Mary Dear." Greatest AcroL-'j TnETElEE goiido;.'s wttb tHirta Bovvsm lABLB. General Admission -JCefSSs THC' MA1.1 Oil BELASCO A MAYER, Proprietors i E. L. SACKETT, Resident Manager 1 'A rowerf nl Brasaa by , C Haddoa Chamhert and . C itepbenaon . As Originally Played , at Wallack'a Theatre, N. Y. " v Reappearance gf WILL R. WALLING T'H EATRE ths 10m or MUBicAi, sua- lisquk. tajfshx axd tkies stbzets. OIOBOB U BAKia. Msaager. Norember.19 ' ; ..........2. 1c, JRe, ROo and 78o ,..,,.,.,.. to any scat. London Qftlety airl . . ' - - ' - ' '- ' " ' i - ' - ' . A A ataaatav. ' . Vaeae Mala UT. A Superb Cast. A Beautiful and Elaborate Production. ' Absorbing . Human Interest, ' Love and Sympathy, i which characterixed hs long run at the New York Academy of Music. Week of Nov. 20 Week of Nov. 20 DIack & Leslie Isrhtdlns Jim Sjla. H-rT. Ihincr anH '-r....ti'- li'.h Ht-k-r, ilia M.a lu.-...i Mm). The Great Klclzrdi Male aoaOrxt. 4 l.-.f, stel y NOV