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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
1S03. 13 (HIIE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY, MORNING, NOVEMBER -19, Q 01 D D.I IO i in i u nn vm'ii rxx minn lfttvna flrand MUr. Tiwhr, WtdoMdar. AMlnw Mack la "Trim Hn" TlMnter mftwma ul Blkt. . It. f. Oatfinlt'a Irrtur 4Boatr Braxra"! Trtity lriT. or- ' Imm plctuna f Brtu-Kloa tent. Th f.Ul C'rd." . Bakor PrtUa Ballcs (bartMqiM). A fcMuph Broke Hmt," wita KM Onaaaak Lyrto Hrlodrtau. tarVaadMllI, . L . i .: " Vread VodTlll. Libartr Vaaoarllte. . , , -. 1 HZATBICAli atanagara through out tha east ar making oon ldmMt of a fllht aamt JriH- la abaorbina; tha aKlUtion. On tha part of trarellBf managera, tha effort la de trrralned mora mo than among honae VanaeraaahaxpenBofJttCbafc4 . wertlslnv to tha latter la nominal. Tney wont aiumateli' t9:Q:''jnttt:UH-Ald tradition that lntaraat In an attraction la a mmu4 nnl hV m lurid diflDlaT of paint on tha wall of a building or a pine-board fence, and throw tha money tt the - newBpapera-T4ha real medium through which the intelligent elaaaea .are reached.- - . .- There la plenty of reaaon In th ar 'gumenta of aympathlaara with th move ment Othrwie. M ion ana uni r.A WAiil -tnr Kava mt down the bill 'pester a extenaiyely a they fia 'dona, nor would Denver, th theatre of which city are practically controlled by on man. i - Colonel J. E. Caven, who la conduct In th tour of Ml Elai Oreaham in ,-A Broken Heart." 1 strongly In fnror of using only newspaper to adTertla attraction a. ; "And 1 11 tan reu wny. ata ma coi onel. "It coat a company something like $119 a week to blU it rout and -non of them gets a run for 1U money. 7 get lithograph Into a window the d vertiatng agent give paaaea. That. In , Itself. I an ex pens to both th theatre and th ompaay. More than l,0 ia war given ant In Denver In that -way last season. What percentage of -rri-'Iiopi""rTvinrtntQ'Tnii;fttTiAVi gone to th performances on paid ticket a- - M m .1 ma 1 Kn h theatre loot mora than they gained and they hav flult window work tlrelv. ' - i ---.... - 1 "It wouldn't be bo bad If all bill txwtar wer honest, but In a dosn dlf f erent dUe w hav played thl seaaon I hav secured evidence of lithographer ellln Basse at a reduced rate. Fre ouenUr. too. they eteel your llthor nnhi antrta-ht. and Ball them to th II Hi BUSTER BROWN'S PAPA t 1 i- JMj . . i T , .i . . I ' "1 . . kg" . '. Tl 1 I I J nW VBVJ m .W BBrBBJBMJ Mil f B- d.-M ) ULV, WW . BVT - oid nd young sr titofly awwltrng the coming of Buster Brown's daddy, who will be at the Marquam Grand on Thursday, November 21, for an after noon and evening, direction Lol Steer. Wyno Coman. ' ' Duster Grown'! prank are true to " .em" MHO ty" I ' x jn-nnnn I j J -v f an s - first cheap company that, may happen long' without 'an over aupply. ' "In Pendleton, in Seattle and again la Baker City X found walls covered and window filled with' paper for 'A Broken Heart-for a repertoire company. . "Thl sort of thing cannot laat much longer! Managers are realising more clearly every day that th newspaper 1 th beat medium of advertising. Dick Sutton of Bott started a company put of Salt Lax and It traveled for sis weeks without to much as -a printed dodger. The receipts were aa large ar aver and Sutton now declare that h la don, with the bill-board. The move- meat na oeen auecessiui in ine aaai and personally I am glad t see it spreading weC" .1'.. ' Tonight marks the close of White Whittlesey' engagement a a stock star at th Belasco. He has presented some of th best playa of the aget and they all htvg "been magnificently pro duced. But the public did not patronise them a tney flesei ed and tTie manage ment la Justified In trying out the fickle play-ahopper with melodrama, v . To Fatal Card" goe on tomorrow night. with W1U Walling in hi old place of leading man. Tha Mar-Quam ' wa vtalted by Harry Mestayer In Ibsen's ponderous "Ghosts. ft was an artistic triumph for the. pop ular young atar. but th financial result compel the belief that a pnblio which wants to be amused prefer muitrIsy to th Norwegian philosopher. RACB WHITNEY. SMALLTALK OF STAGE PEOPLE. Tod Sloan, the Jockey, likely will suc ceed George Cohan In the principal role of "Little Johnny Jones." Th role ia that of a Jockey , and ' Manager" Bam Harris and Bloan are trying to get to gether as to th latter' salary. ModJeeka. who has played many farewell" tour, opened another season at Pittsburg on th f th Instant Tha "Filibuster" came to an end at if.sttsas ' Pit i sws wok ' gi Despite it attractive title it was a distinct froat Mr. Carter will ose Zsa," "Adrea" and "Du Barry" during her- road tour thl season. Bernhardt rather , than trust to American artists, will bring complete productions of th eight play she is to us in America thl aeason." It will require eight car to -transport th scenery and a bond of 8100,000 will be necesaarr to insure It return to Franc. There I some talk of Mra. v Leslie child watur and all wnjoy btg-tnnoeent fun, benefit by hi' philosophy and ar aided by hi wise counsel. Richard F. Outcault who created Buster Brown, Is a great story teller, a widely traveled man, and a lover of children, and hi en tertainment will consist of a pleasant . . ... - V ? . A ." ...Aii S X - A f--r jTjir nrr r-o on rns5omcBXAwm mlBROKEN'tm&r XRFjrm EMPIRE 1 Carter -trying "Cleopatra' Macbeth' next season. - -;. .-- Peter . Dailey I to be atarred by th .Schubert In a play called "Tb Preaa Agent ' - Tha parent of Sam Schubert who was killed In a wreck of a Pennsylvania railway train, hav brought suit against th company for $200,00,0. . David Belasco will atar Bertha Gal land In "Sweet Kitty Bellalre." George McCutcheon' novel, "Brew ster's Millions," is to be dramatised by Fred Thompson of the New York Hip podrome. ' ' , " When "Mr. ' warren r roression was knocked out in New Tork Arnold Daly revived "Candida." - and popular though It was at ono time, it piayea to empty benches. It may be that Daly haa killed th goo of golden egg. Den man Thompson boasts that th cowhide boots worn by Unci Josh In "Th Old Homestead" will b It year old next July and were purchased In Albany, New Tork, when th play had it first presentation there In 1881. W. A. McConnoU, who was In charge of th California theatre In San Fran cisco when Haverly owned it 1 dead. A benefit will be given tb widow at Lew Fields' theatre In New Tork. ewryl-"-H"y' Darnabe ha bull en1 gaged to create the star comedian role In a new satirical opera Called "Clover dale." - David Henderson, one famous for hit extravs sansa, ' will star Louise Allen (Mr. Willi Collier) In th repertoire of play mad famous by Bosina Voke. George Ad has sold "The County Chairman" to Maclyn ' Arbucklo and Joseph E. Luckett of Washington. The company will remain Intact with Ar buckle as th star. Belt sco Mayer hav secured fof IS COMING WOO RAM real GtO.VMsMCTSMl wenmi Htfl -sfdr?-lning chal," Interspersed with picture drawn In full view of hi audience. After th entertainment Mr. Outcault who I a great lover of chil dren, will meet th little chap in his audience and chat personally with them. Each child will be presented with a souvenir f Buster, Tig, tto. a in - . t . I I v)- .' 1 ' , V ; It fe 1 TAF FATAL - v i i ..... ifSsS'X and "tJtffTlneTrT6ck houses. Including th ' Be lasco In this city, the rights to "TM Admirable Crlchton." In which William Gillette appeared with tremendous suc cess in both New Tork and London. Th play will be don at th Alcasar theatre first '. '. Norval MacOregor of Mestayefs "Ghosts" company wa Initiated In the local lodge of Elk last Thursday night High Jinks accompanied th event William H. Crane, with Hilda Spong as leading lady. Is playing "Th Ameri can Lord," a oom ear by George Broad hurst and Charles T. Dasay. It wa success at Power' thatr In Chicago. Th Sohubort hav . acquired - i n Belle of Mexico,'" a new comlo opera by R. B. Smith and Raymond Hubbell. wha wrote "Fantana." E. 8. WUlard has added "ine iwn Revenge" to his repertoire, tip piays the role of Bertuccid . Inquirer: "Cashel Byron's Profes sion" Is th titl of th Bernard Shaw play in which Jamea J.Corbett 1 to b starred. Ho will begin his tour In January. - SUnUau S tango arranged the romance ror tne siag. - Miss Orac Lamont witn -ine d Heart" company at tha icmpir ims . .a.v.o.a TAetla nd erlfl JVTl! ta distinction ISxnri dramatlo profession. Miss Lament wss for om tlm a member of th Jessie Shirley company ana leaa-n with th successful Elleford company. Mis Lamont retire-a short tim ago, but th lov for her profession has finally triumphed end she onoe more undertake - th Ubor o dear to all those who have one tated aueeess. Th Belasco stock company will glv a performance of Clyde Fltch a celebrated play. "Th Girt With th Oreen Eye, on December 4. for the benefit of th Women's exchange, one of Portland a charltablp organlsationa. Mis LlUlan Lawrence will play th role originated by Clara Blood good. ' I r MONOLOGUES. Andrew Mack In "Tom Moore.- Andrew Mack, who for som year ha been the mot popular Irish star In th east - and who has returned recently from a triumphant engagement in Aus tralia of alx monthar duration, will be teen at th Marquam Grand theatr to morrow (Monday), xueaay ana Wednesday nights, . Tha nlav of "Tom Moore," In which h appear. dal with certain roman tic happening in th lit of Ireland's favorite pot ' Moor-1 hown In th early day of hi ambitious longing, when his courtship of th charmlp Bess! Dyke I interrupted by hi desire m aaek a wider field in Ireland. First in aiao calls him taXondon, and he find a that he has to protect his eweet haart from the delgn of a villain. In a London-attic h struggles with pov rtv .with an unfailing good humor. Then, when fortune smiles and the pat ronag of tha-pnnc regent, cringe mm into- notice, he display aa equal seren ity, ready to take the blame belonging to another rather than caus injury to tb f athr of, th girl he love. Friends rally-about- him. . th. prince's mind 1 disabused and all is brought to a happy conclusion. r " . Andrew Mack, beside being an actor of superb quality, , I possessed of a (atirand effective tenor voice, which he use to perfection in th rendition of th songs offered by him during th performance of.iTbm Moor." Moore's famed . ballads . Bsed JUi tb piece, are "Evlyn's Bowr, "Love's Toung rtraam " "Believe M of All Tho. En dearlng Toung CharmS-nd "The Last Rose of Summer." Mr. Mack will als sing some of the composition expressly written for os by him In "Tom Moor. Heat r now belling for th three per' formano.;--;- r " .', j' '. CARD "XT THE ' . 70HT7 WTX ESLASCO :-- STUCK CO U. of O. at th Marquam. Th boy sing with aplandld ensembl and expression, sustaining well th rel ative harmonies without even the sug gestion of barber shop blare. There have been mora grandloso choruses turned out at th unlveralty, but none to compare with th present on In th coloratura of ensemble effects. ' In each Instance encores were gra- cloualy responded ro. Th selections of th mandolin olub war all enthusiasts cally received and In each Instance th boy war recalled. Thar I nothing more alluring than th haunting melody of mandolin and guitar music - As for Rountre. ba should be haled before th faculty for reducing hi au dience to a Jelly of laughter. Th ver dict of guilty would be pronounced at one. It would take a composite of Ken dall, Thornton, Kolb and DIU and Stew art to turn out a duplicate of this clever little chap. Unlike most am taura h haa renos' and atag presence. Hi' satire tn Brutus and th enoor In which b Impersonated in me aiaiecii war done with th drollery and flnlsk of ' a stag veteran. 'HI other work throughout th evening was equally no table and deserving -of - th highest praise. Morning Eugene Register. . - Th University "Of Oregon Ole nn3 Mandolin cluba, 80 trained musicians, three soloists: Robert Rountre. funny man. and others will ,b at tha Marquam Grand theatre Thursday; November 80, Thanksgiving night , ; . ; '. ' UMatedraina-BeUtwo;-": Th management of th Belasco Stock company - literally changea Its 'policy after tonight White Whittlesey leave th organisation. Will R. Walling re turning to his -tald -position of leading man. and tha plays to be produced ip the future will b chieny meiodramaa. The first of the I tb splendid success. "The. Fatal Card, which- has thrilled hundreds of thousands on both sides of the Atlantic, and which more than ono ha been classed aa th ideal melodrama. Tha play teems with color. Its action Is brisk and ther I strong heart interest in the story of lov and Villainy which It relate. Th usual matinee wuum given this afternoon and --aonlght occur th last opportunity to aee Whit Whittlesey at thl theatre. "Th First Violin" has proved a snsatlonal auocess, with Whittlesey. In th beautiful role of 'Eu gene and Miss Lawrence a May, th pupil who go abroad, whtl ther ia enough left to glv th other member of the organisation extraordinary promi nence. - ., , ., . Parisian Bellei Burlesque Company. Th Parisian burlesque and xtrava- gansa show I announced aa th at traction at th Baksr th coming weak. starting with the matinee today. Thar wtu Dm mail nee a- Wednesday and Sat urday, Wednesday being bargain day when all prices ar cut In two, and Sat urday matin th laat performance of "' "'T"' 5 Th long and merry entertainment I a combination of burlesque and variety act. xne travesty or I ne sultan' Wives" Is a satir on th Sulu Islands In th Philippines. - Th eostumee and dressing of th people ar of th very finest Among th apectadular feature la a national march which- I said I th most elaborate offering In burlesque today. Th closing burlesque, "Th Girl From Manila," I on of th most gorgeous and well dressed . scene now before the public. There -have been many burleSqu how at th Baker this season and many Portlanders who hav not missed a single one. The Parisian Belle com pany promises all th attractive fea ture contained In th ordinary bar leaqu ' performance, also several that ar decidedly out of th ordinary. London Gaiety Girla Coming. Cliff W. -Grant's magnificent' produc tion. ' "The . London Gaiety , Girls, a musical extravagant In tw act and bubbling over with high class vaude ville, which will be seen at th Baket next week after "Parisian Belles," Is a cona-lomeratlon of beautiful girla. gor geous scenery, glittering costumes and tuneful music, -clever and funny oome dlans and amusing situations and com plicatlona Th cast contains som well-known player and I headed by th clever . acrobatic - danseuse, . "Made moiselle Vedmar. "London Gaiety Girls" company will open Sunday mati nee, November 86, at th Baker, - - "A Broken Heart." " ' "A Broken Heart" which oome to th Emplr theatre for one week, commenc ing next. Sunday. November It. 1 dlf ferent from th ordinary western drama, for th reason that it ia not only bub. bllng over with th moat delicious hu mor and permeated with delightful and natural sentiment, as tender aa it is true, but at tb asm, tim th cne and lncldanLa.wb.lch. are true to. Ufa, hav been brought together In tha most dramatlo ana effective manner. Those who hav attended th produc tion of th story say that th action Is swift, carrying th Interest of the spec tator from one Incident to another with bewildering rapidity. . Th play tell a story of mining life In th Rocky moun tains of Colorado. Th pathos . which underlies th play haa been a source ol wonderment to dramatlo critics, and that a woman so young as Miss Esthet Rujaero should writ of th sorrowr In such a masterly manner i much commented upon. - Th author haa been shrewd enough to snake th dark side of life v constant etudy, and 1 all th kUh tnrlna a ter to tha eve she ha warrant for th situation; so with the comedy,' so with the sterner scenes, and altogether there is not one unnatural or improbable scene. If la a living picture of hearts that throb In keeping witn tu-irwi un v Hu manity. .... ' . The drama is taaen out mis aeason oj tt- am a moat avnellant cast headed by tb talented young ao . .v.IsIa AieAhAjs. BUDDorted by such clever artists aa Mr. A. R Brooks, - Frank vtaywn.- v.-ui-klna, Al T. Llckeneon and A R. Harvey, -kii. ,.. . v sill ba riven the moat Bumptuoua a wll a artistic Investi tures.-, - -- ; -- - -v---r- ; .- w Lansing Rowan Company, t ,i' nntken Heart" at the vni . n avira attraction is offered th patrons of thl cosy hous in th Lansing Rowan company, which opens nest Hunday afternoon and continues all Thanksgiving week. Mia Rowan,' wh u.inh utn.rt'a leadlna? woman In th good old tock days down at th Baker, ha a large circle or. irienas ana admirer in . Portland. , - .. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK;: " awaw-Baaj - , "'''.iJ'J ., New Bill at Star. . at tha Star, today will be continuous from 8:80 tp 10:48 p. m Thl will be the jaat appranc oi Elaiur Jenkins,, th prims' douna so prano in th disrobing scn from "Fr Plavolo"; th comedy sketch of Dia mond and May, th midair act of Bub and OUl "Wood and th rest of th modern vAidevlll champion who have been so popular during th past week. With tb matinee tomorrow mere wtu be a ehang of bill, Th new program will bo found particularly attractive, a the varloue acta wer selected with car .. lth a anaclal view to the likes of Portlanders. The three Gordons hav th plac of honor. Thy ar aarooaia, Their turn is novL ' The three brother have appeared in th beat, vauaevuie thuiM. in tha eountrv and should find Instant favor with th patrons of th popular Bur. Black and Leslie hav turn that alo is a novlty. Jt Intro, duos Black, as a high kicker. Ha- IS th only acrobat in th country who eaa perform without limb. Daoet, Chase and Adair hav a comedy sketch called "An Irish Unci' Vlalt" During th twhanM m III. AAma1v ilnlnua Ttlntilraa ar mad with colored1 aanda. Th great Rlonaras. in nest ox in mousana ox Impersonators, will b on th list of magnetic attraction a. There will be a HTlnatYata sons' and new marina plcturea Daily matinee and two par formancea each night ar given at th Star, t- - -' - w w .Tha LIbartjr Laada AIL . l Maa kill la nromlaad for th Lib erty tor th week commencing Monday aftaranan. . it la daaslln in 1U array of feat urea. aU of which ar new to thl eoaat and far superior , to anytning ever seen on a local stag. Th Liberty ha n hua In tha field Ion but 10 has demonstrated lta superiority, over all ltd competitor,- : . Commencing . Monday afternoon th bill ia headed by th great Melville, In th most sensational aerial act aver attempted. Following Melvlll com. Mtanoiirw Tolin Chick, two clever artist In a r-- IT ia a long, slender. No. hand, as soft as that of any grand dam. If you looked at the shapely, imaginative fingers with their sensitive padded tips you would say their owner was a musician. If you .-J .v.. J.llharatlnn of thair IBOVt- DUiai ww .."- -- ments you would add that eh was a lovr of dtaii. bowb . ' " wildest flight or rancy couia y .v . .an. dia-lta at their dally occupation, all their artlsUo ability bent to th nanating m""J - flowa Ilk a stream from a never-ending eource. pennies, nickels, dimes, quarter bills of every denomination, com and go through UlOS BOUJIUl nnera never a pau. Th brain of tha woman hi i . -.A MHiminui effort but th finger themselves, with th splen did accuracy of an infallible machine. do the ligntning raucuiuv - made lta owner famous. .. ' A For th idealUtio hand belong to none other than the cleverest ticket seller in th United Statea. and blr th world. Sh would not admit It herself. She depreoatea comparisons with the pinMSi ana blushee. But Harriet wrepu golden-haired, brown-yd and Just past 80. haa beaten every known rooord . star of the big HlppoddmranMTOT u liar twinkle on s .h night fn thV m. ticket offic at tha Forty-rounn erree .. -...' ttatr aaata for a T.. antaea. t worth any of tb wild animal ahowa within. . tJ. , It waa to njoy mi !"" ""7- ;- ... jk tn tna. Ron fined In that box offle la.t Saturday night I ay "oonftnd" advlaedly. - Ir at space three people of slender build would b l V-V w atand In th OOmef to avoid Mln Klrkpatrlck- business- Ilk elbows, and in gam. 8h seated herself on a high, narrow stool XI roll ot tlck.t. on th. nail to th. left Of th window. thr.w op.n th lid of th. treaaur box to th right and tod wung off at a homa-run p.c. . . . " j, .v. r.ft that ah had movement -me ie u.u- ""-"-,- '1Z rtght tor off th ticket, descending to "weep out the Chang ilk an automaton. It might b six tlck.t. or three, of was no prcepwui - . . ... thav llahted UPon dimes and coppera with th. sur.ty of a pianist trlKing a cnuro. , There wa no uggstion of hurry . . . . . tritrnatriok. PsrhaDS.bef smut aaia - - Gorman origin for sh is German vn with that name na suium"' . with It Her demeanor was ei 1 cslm as though she wer slicing eak fot aftornoon tea.- But In thre mlnuU by my watcn ana naa ivw .. ---. It wa appalling. I am not strong on -J.V7.r n..ttMKlt to follow the sums which her -.yes and finger disposed of in a breathalmost "J1"? J my reason, 'in mum -.I... A a.-a 4ntn a slla of all do riant iinuu a v ... - - nomlnatlone; the allver Juet below be cam a sea. Evrywhr I looked figure danced before my eye. That constant succession of faces, old, young, battered, refined, seemed to mere into a mass, an ye no momna, - . th roll swung -round and th tlckts fell. ' ' ' " ' ' ' '"' - Do yow know what a Saturday. aJghl rush at th Hlppodrom manT . The waiting lln. reaches, to Fifth avenue. wiim th. jmh ara. throsm ooen neo pie. pour In like A torrent whloh Rounds- man Fogarty and two oinoers nav an h m Aa ta tim. It exudes through the very cracks, if. is a heedless.- un thinking, -noisy, torrent, making turbulent-demand a. But- Mis - Kirkpetrlok never seemed to know It Suddenly a small. Impish eountenaae rramed itsen at ine griue. . "V... - It Mma,1r.jl attAelfirtl V. A small fist covered th ehang on the helt Miss Klrkpatrlck' right arm bad Jtrkt broiight the ticket Into a focus when they wer snatched, to ssoney WorlcCs-Eastesticketelleir r fined comedy sketch which never falls In make a hit. Then tner is r r ' Clayton, the greatest of living mul artists, direct from me mg .. vaudeville circuit. . In addition the bill Offers the Louia Brothers, marvelous so- robata. and Leo White In the Deauu- ful Illustrated ballad. "Like , Star That Falls From Heaven." The big feature offering of the Lib- , erty for the ensuing week will t th most widely discussed moving picture film ever made, giving a correct im personation of the iBrlttNalon-. fight, which the management ha secured ex- cluslvely at au enormous expense. If , yon want to eaa how Battling Nelson put"1-.- Jimmy Britt to sleep visit the Liberty., Continuous performance today. " ' ' ; ' W w ' -v . r J ' At the .Lytic V . . For th coming week at the Lyrto ' the stock company, under the direction of P. O. MoLean, will present comedy drama whloh is said to be on of the Strongest ever Seen here. "A Tramp's . Oath" I th titl of th play in which Mr. McLean, who also : la th author, will be seen In the leading role..' A all ' who have ever seen Mr. McLean can testify, he 1 at hi .best In th tramp character, having appeared upon One or two. other occasions as a tramp in the plays produced at the Lyric. ' The story of "A Tramp's Oath"'! that of a happy-go-lucky knight of the road ,' who, haa no home nor want any but la content to roam th world' In hi free .. and easy manner doing good when he can and doing harm .to no on. - The comedy of - the play "predominates, but ther la much patho and many thrill Ingvsltuatlona '"A Tramp'a Oath" gives each Individual member of th company ' ample opportunity and several special ties are Introduced. The play will run the entire week with a dally matinee. -Today will be th last opportunity to ' see ."The Heart of Steel,"., this week's ; " successful play, ' .' : ',.,. . . "'" ' ' ''?: i ' - Anniyereary Week at Grand. - This Is'anotversary week at the Orsnd theatre. A year ago the house . wss opened by ' 8ulliva.n& Consldlne.' The high standard of vaudeville maintained by tha Grand baa made it- th most -popular plac of amusement in Portland. For the anniversary week Manager J. . H. Errtckaon haa decided to present Zlnn's Travesty company In a new farce comedy with musical trimmings. Dur- ' " ing the past week this organisation, eccu pled the stag of th Grand and It., proved aa unqualified success. .. In the year which the Grand has been -catering to the amueement lover of this city ther hav been many great act and many record-breaking week, but thl. past week, with th Zlnn Travesty company, has exceeded all others. Th large aeating capacity of th Grand has. been taxed three time dally. Th com-' dlan proved to be funny, th .soloists were good and even better Jhah those found In -the average light opera or ganisation, while th chorua Wjrlth out doubt, Mas-best of any Been this season - or last For th current week, ' starting tomorrow afternoon, g complete new bill will be given, with new oo--tumes, new songs and new dances. "The Sultan of Morrooo"- Is the title of the -coming fire comedy and It I even better than th .one which haa caused such favorable comment during th past aeven day. Those who attend th Grand will no be -disappointed. . Continuous -parformanc today.. . -.- released and three mintatur toughs wer dashing ' for th stair. Dime. nickels and pennies ar lh th little heap before the ticket-seller, bnt the Instan taneous glabc discover th cheat ' "Stop those boy, officer!"-her vole ring out without a aliada-of temper before th culprit hav reached th third star. "It's only a nickel, son, but I want It." ' And tha shame-faced boy went dean Into hi pocket 'The roll swung round. Th ticket fell - Fifteen minute to th second Miss Klrkpatrlck had sold 1.000. . "No seats " sane out Miss Klrkoat- rick. - -.-;. "Standing room only, shouted Fo garty, returning ' from a raid on th peculator on th street to guard tho gallant little tlcket-aeller. But ho spoks to deaf ears. Th crowd on tho stairs grew every Instant - An, don't take that baby up." Miss KIrkpstrtck'a hand never paused while ah . pleaded with the- mother. "There ar so many up there you won't eo any- - thing, and think how tho baby will suffer!" She prevailed after several ef forts. The baby was savtd. "Thirteen hundred capacity." called Mies Klrkpatrlck. "Not another ono. I wouldn't take the risk for any money." Tnrnowdw6uldi?r belle vrtt-r piled her with 60-cent off era, vn 81 Thls house ia full. 'Officer, cloa the window." - And Ml Klrkpatrlck, the money and I disappeared from th publlo gas. But only for a few moments. Tb barrier wa removed to return th money to the few straggler who returned to say they could not see. At 1:80 the procession formed from the box-office to . th "front" of th hous." .The money counted by those swift fingers, tb bal ance made. Mis Klrkpatrlck could 11 to me at leisure. - . . "When I wa a Uttl girl not yet It I wa at th falit In Omaha. I had an idea I eould sell ticket and I applied at on -of th shows. I wa accepted, and, well, here I am. Mr. Dundy was con nected with that show, and I have been with him ever since My biggest day was a record of 80,090. 1 have never failed to sell out th capacity before the performance commenced, even on th Hippodrome's opening night." Miss Klrkpatrlck' hours ar from a. m. to 10 p. m., and one night till mid night each alternate week. On th ofhera sh commences work at noon. In cloth, lengthens the life .of a garment and causes it, to hold y its ; appearance.. The appearance must be there to begin ' with.- It will be there if the tailor ing Is done by . jus. WASHINGTON ST : -PORTLAND, . HtNS ; .The standard of good taateJ' QUALITY -' OF -)