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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. CUNDAY ' MORNING. NOVEMBER 13. ISS5. 12 DELIGHTS OF HAWAH WHICH - 14 -.- i JOURNAL GUESTS WILL "PUBLICITY IS THE PRIME MINISTER OF TRADED 1 v.- V" : ' TASTE . : T" ' ' vt BP ! I 1 I v u j It- " i V r. Tliousand of vote! have rolled In thli , ork In The Journal's Hawaiian trip eon teat. Each district has showed marked activity but tha Willamette '-valley has txcp particularly active, for the "fan , dldiites and their friends In that section . tiave worked hard with tha result that (Very material gains have been made throughout that, section, ' In Portland and tha entire, first district tha voting tiaa been very heavy and quite a num ter of changes have occurred. " Tha third district haa alao been very lively, one of tha largest gains of tha week having been made by Miss. Emilia Crossen of The Dalles. Another great gain was that made by Misa Madge Battao of Eugene, who In the paat two days gained Bt.Cll votes, giving her second place in the sixth district. Letters received this '' week from Hawaii state that plana for tha enter tainment of The Journal party are being perfected. In addition to the great dance given on the night of tha arrival of tha pary and tha promenade concert, during the stay In Honolulu a number of side trlpa are being arranged. Some . of these Include visits to neighboring I islands, where the native Hawallana will toe seen living Jn tha way they have Jived for years. ' A picture received. this V. n . .1.1.1. 111 be seen on tbla visit to a native village. It la a picture of a Hawaiian making pol, which la the great native diah. It 1s a thick paste and Is eaten, with a. rel V"leh by natlvea, who serve It in bowls of handsomely polished rosewood. These bowls are very valuable and as they are gradually going out of use, they are ; now almost a rarity In Hawaii. . . t Hawaiian Native Making Poi. fit ' y f '.".. i ' zzz:---z 'k ' :,J- Mia Madge Battee. "Z '. A glance at the standing of the leaders In the contest . shows how active the vottnr Is. In the first dletrlct Miss Min nie 8. Phillips retains first place with 82,07 votes to her credit Miss Ballle Madigan la second with 74.867 votes; Miss Sadie Wintermantle third with 61.299 votes; Miss Lura Baty fourth i . , i ' with 46.047 votes, and Miss Gretchen Kurth fifth with 40,011 votes. ' r I Miss Katie Nash of La Oranda ;leads the' second district with ' 70.40 votes. Misa Agnes Fletcher is second .with 6. 818 votes And Misa Mollis Proebstel ,1s third with 6T,M votes. j In the third district Miss Emilia Cros sen of Tha Dalles leads with ,77 votes.. Miss Lucile Crate is second with 21.814 votes, and Miss Stella, Richard son is third with J4.64 votes. . - The fourth district haa for its leader Miss Effle Mse King, who made, a. gain Of 8,200 votes in two days and now leads In her district with 82.418 votes. Miss Ha'ttla Barton. 4a second ' with 24.417 votes and Miss Gertrude Tica 4a third with 20.880 votes. 1 The leader of the fifth diatrlct la Miss Florence Heavren of Vancouver, who bas 23,80 votes. Miss Katherlne Gore la second with 18.488 - votes and Hiss Amelia Williams third with 17.941 votes. In ' the sixth district Miss Blanche Brown leads with 4S.24S - votes. Mlaa Madge Battee of Eugene. who made a gain of 12.811 -votes since last Thurs day, Is a close second with 43.30 votes. M las Pearl Savage la third with 1S.891 votes. The voting In this district has been exceptionally heavy the paat two days. . ;, n. j . y MISS' Bertha Courtemsnche still leads the-seventh district with 28.774 votes. Miss Hasel' Kennedy Is .second with '14. 48 votes and Miss Cor Sprang! e third with L2,0! votes. In the eighth district Miss Edna Pars ley of Roseburg leads with 88,86 votes. Miss Dale Harmon,Jajecond with 10, 32 votes. ' ' 'r LAHE nAY CLOSE HEALTH OFFICE Council's Obstruction Telctics ; May Deal Fatal Blow to" ; 7 -v CHy4 loterests;- ' - .,. i .v ...... t . .. " MATSON THREATENS V 'j TO QUIT HIS JOB . Health Commissioner Refuses to Be ', Made- Victim Political Spite work Any Longer and Insists on Help Being Furnished Immediately, - Dr. Ray Matson may resign tha po sition, of city health commissioner at tha next meeting of tha city board of health and Mayor Lane may order tha health office closed. The city conncll Ijnd. iinm iviubcu iu giant reuei to me oince although It has been shown by Dr. Mat' on and tha members of the board of itealth that a larger salary should be paid to a man who Is at the 'head of a health, department of a city tha else of Portland and that assistance should be riven him. - - --. ' Dr. Matson said yesterday that It would be Impassible for. him to sacrifice his practioe and his work at tha medical college for a . salary of 190 a month. I . JM .THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL , Tew Veople Know Sow TJsefal It Is la rreservlng Xaaltk aad Beaaty. ' . . Nearly everybody knows that char , , ohI la the safest and moat efflclent dls . infectant and purifier In nature, but few '. reallae its value when taken Into the .human system for the same cleansing - i purpose. ' Charcoal is a, remedy that the more . '', you take of It the better: It la not a , ; drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and Impurities always present In the .--a stomach and Intestines and carries them , out of the system. Charcoal sweetens tha breath after ; ' smoking, drinking or after eatlrig on ions and other odorous vegetablea. '- Charcoal effectually clears and Im- rro.,L'" 'i1". complexion, Jt whitens the , , teeth and rurther acta aa a natural- and eminently afe cathartic " t It absorbs the injurious gases which eol ect in the stomach anT bowels; It disinfects the mouth and throat from . the poison of catarrh. All drugglsta sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably the best - charcoal and the most for the money Is , In Ltuart's Charcoal Losengee; they are composed of the finest powdered Willow - - charcoal, and other harmless sntlaonti,.. in tablet form, or rather In tha form of in rue, pieanani-uniing losenges, the chnrcoal .being mixed with honey. ' Tha dally use of these losenges will soon tall In a much improved condition of tha general health, better complex ion, sweeter breath and Purer blood, anil the beauty of It Is thst no possible harm ran . result from their continued use; ' but. on tha contrary, great benefit A - Buffalo physiclsa in speaking-of the benefits or charcoal says; "I advlss Ptusrt s ( hsrooal lxaeflges to all Da llents uffeiing from gas in stomach and bowels, and to clesr tha comnles Inn and purify tha breath, mouth and Ihrrmt; I also believe the liver la greatly benented by the dally pee of them; Jhey met but twenty-five cents a bos at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal In Stuart's t'harcnal Isnaea than In any Of the orrtinery ftmrmul fahiets. CI from which ha would clerk for- the of flee.. have to pay a "For four months I have been In this. office and they have been promising me relief," ha aald. - "It was three weeks ago ' that Councilman Gray asked ma to continue In the office jintll tha next meeting of the ways and - means com mittee of the city council, whan ha said soma action would be taken; They have refused to glva ma any. relief and I am . not going to remain in the office. for I cannot afford It. If they think they are going to get my services for nothing they are badly fooled.' Members' of tha council have acknowl edged that it I because of politics that they refuse . to - grant relief for the health office: Several are In favor of giving' assistance and a larger salary to tha health officer, but those opposed, led by CouncUmen Bennett, Mssters and Gray, have sufficient influence to pre vent it, . fc' it. . "I donot blame Dr. Matson aor his at tltude," said the' mayor. "He Is too valuable a man to spend hie time in tha health office for the salary they dealre him to work for. They cannoU get an efficient man ; to do tha work for that aum. ' . .:" ' M do net know what will be done. "We may close up .the health' of flea entirely If they cannot glva us funds to run it properly. We not only need a good health officer, but there should be at least three -assistants. The sanitary conditions of the city are in a bad state I should be lookedaftet. new casea of smallpox have been Iff John Cordano. Tha case was begun lnlheC01umblacounty Jlstrictcouxt Tarbfll Is a waiter at the Louvre. rSherry Wine at D. Germanua, 228 Mor rison street taken to the peatnouse the past week. and several new cases of typhoid fever and diphtheria have been reported. Dr. Matson has been spending considerable time trying to trace tha typhoid cases to their origin in order to -remedy the evil. Ha has the- use of the laboratory of the tate board of health . to make experiments. COUNCIL APPARENTLY MADE MANY MISTAKES Anton Sechtem haa begun suit against the city of Portland to quiet the title to lot 8, block 1, In Auer's addition to East Portlsnd. The 'city bas a lien on tha property, so it Is claimed, by virtue of proceedings Instituted' by the city of East portlsnd In 18o ror the improve ment of Clinton street At that time East Portland was not a part of the present city of Portland. Sechtem gives tha following reasons why the lien of the city should be taken from tha prop- arty: The East Portland city council failed to state the" amount to be assessed to the lot: the ordinance did not describe any property, simply sayiner "lots t. -1 and (. block 1." and at that lima there were at least 10 different tracts of land In East Portland laid Off: in lots and blocks which contained lots 3. 1 and 8, in block 1 ; that the clerk in entering the Hens on tha docket did not give a suffi cient description of the property; .the Hen docket does not state tha owner of lot 8; there is no record of any assess ment being made by the city council for any Improvement of Clinton street as described in the Hen docket; In 1895 a warrant was Issued to the chief of police to sell the property, but the warrant was returned and the property unsold. .... Carl BsnVra's Program. Carl ' Denton baa arranged the fol lowing program of organ mualo at Trin ity ehureh today . '" j 11 a, m. Arietta, Coleridge-Taylor; fantasia on hymn, t "Abridge," Adama; "Kamtneril Ostrow." ftublnateln; Pre lude and Fugue In D Minos, Bach. 1X9 p. m. Offertory in A, Batiste; Prelude to "lohengrln," Wagner; Inter messo, Dellbes; Andante Sostenuto, Ba tista; Fantasia in E Minor, Stalner, ' ' ' ". -' Barely Caught See.. -. Just as Mrs. Carrie Tar bell was about le board tha Northern Pacific train at 1 1 ;80 o'clock Friday nlgbt, she was served with papers notifying her that her hus band had begun a suit for a divorce. Tha papers were served by. Drjruty Bher . - . r We beg to announce the creation, of a new departmenrin addition to those we now have, to be known as the Department of h Practical Advertising' Which will be in charge of a thoroughly corripctent instructor Thc Coursc Vill Include Modern Advertising in all Its Branches v DAY AND EVENING CLASSES v ' ' Cost of a Six Months' Course $25 Classes Commence -Monday, Nov. 27, 1905 ENROLL NOW BEHNICEMALKER COL Elk's Building; Seventh and Stark Streets H. W. BEHNKE, President J. M. WALKER, Principal c.11 Business Branches Taught 7 . www j a 1 f s.a. m - , - . , U ' I U MNTLe WttwuvB JYi . tlNTSj I 11 Vf 1 uwxcmum as - H 4witMciri I JrTO"" ' J ' v M Ob . 00lf Uftanae sussiit. .Ali ItXaaruruM svimsM 'I "; ttffaaT ' '" ' . ' I ' - For Heating and Lighting Stores and Offices the . HUMPHREY GAS ARC . IS THE CHEAPEST AND MOST CONVENIENT; FOR PRIVATE-DWELLINOS-THERE-iS-NOTHINChBETTER THAN THE . WELSBACH OR LINDSAY LIGHT WE INSTALL THESE LIGHTS FOR ' 75c Eadh GAS STEAM RADIATOR z z y 5 t It has been but a short time since these GAS STEAM RADIA TORS were introduced, but we have already placed our order for the second car. They sprung into popular favpr at once. For lighting small areas, such as bathrooms, etc. a portable heater is the most eonomicaL You can buy one for (' $1.50 ' Including six or seven' feet of tubing. ' 'J These Portable Heaters take the chill off mornings and evenings and can be moved, front one room to another.. . Z: Z, ; l Z.. ' :.iZ;' $1.15 Net PeUOOO Cubic Feet , Gas is the most economical. for both Lighting and Heating, and Cooking as wellZ - ' .-'' - ... ... , V ., ' With the Present Price of Gas GAS WJaTlaJ Jm lr7)e . J WWW II C2Z,. Z v. M 7 ' - U SIS V--Z'z:-jI -;::vz'''fZZZ;-: CO. FIFTH AND YAMHILL STa mm , - Wa v: :zz . ; -. ,