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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORWINQ.r NOVEMBER 19, -1905. lOCAL JOTERESTJtl ESSICK SHUTS OUT 1,1. A. A.C VMSHlNGTOf TIES OREGQri TEALT eeeeeeee . - THE SEALS - . ... BEAT SIIEIifll brilliant Football Contest Ends Commercial LaU Has Been Blond Haired Twirler Too Much Club Men Play - Ragged ' Ball Against Indians and Miee Good Chance to Score. ; Doing Splendidly Sine Its Beginning on Tuesday." 7 for Parke Wilsorf .Ball ' Tos8ere.'.;' V. '; With Score .12 to 12 on ,. Seattle Field. YOUNG BOWLERS GREATLY VAN BUREN AND M' LEAN MULTNOMAH HELD ON 1 - SENSATIONAL PLAYING OF V THE EUGENE ELEVEN INTERESTED IN SPORT HIT THE BALL HARD i VISITORS' ONE-INCH LINE JJUILT F0,1 OHEGON BUILT FOIt OHEGOri Clj10T BP S :: l v F0R MENH Portland Tenpin Knights Will Hol4 Telegraphic Contest With Ameri "canBowlinr-Congress-Teams in Distant Cities. ' - ., : '. The . Portland Tenola 'Commercial league, composed, of 11 teams, began Its season last Tuesday evening. The , Gold Leaf team took two of three from the Woodard-Clarkea on the Portland alleys and the . Llpman-Wolfe team ' . took all three games from the Golden ' 'Wests on the Oregon alleys. Wednes . day night the Gold Bonda took two of three from the American Guilds on Portland, alleys and the Honeyman Hardware team took all three games from the Brunswick en the Oregon - alleys. 'Thurejay. evening the Jos ', 'Vilas took two of three from the Kob , ru Bros, on th Oregon alley and 'Portland got thre game from th 'Archer Schane by ' default Gatnea will take place every' week on both alley on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night until th echedule 1 completed. A meeting will be held at the Port land alley Monday evening to complete arrangements for prises for th league. i Many women are becoming interested - In the game and McMenomy, manager ct th Portland alleys, plans a woman .team. ..- The local pin knight will play many telegraphlo matches, thia winter. The ' first one will possibly take place Nov ember 25. Nine cities, member of th .Western Bowling eon areas, ;wlll enter "this match aa a preliminary to their tournament in March. The cltlea to -take part are Portland. Seattle. Tacoma, . Spokane, Salt Lake, Denver, San Fran cisco, .Los Angeles and Oakland. Five game. will be bowled at each city and .the result will b telegraphed to th other cltlea after each . gam. The ,. Golden Rod team will represent Port land and the gamea will be bowled 0 'th Portland alley a. .. 'i: ; "-. KEEFE .WHITEWASHES THE Jisher'StarTwirlef Let Oak- i land Down Without a ; . Hit or Run. 1 Keefe pitched a ; magnificent gam against Oakland today -rand abut out ths Commutura wirhout bit. Had it not been for 'Track Egan'a ' fumble of Devereaua'e fait grounder In th third inning, not an Oaklandtr I would have reached Brat baa. - Tacoma played en errorle game otherwise, and gave the 'Santa Clara boy perfect sup port. The run getting commenced in the fifth. ' Blexrud walked Keefe and ""Bhechan and Casey came through with ' a three-base hit to deep right, Keefe and Sheehan crossing th plate. In th ninth Lynch hit. and started ' for second. Hackett threw over Kelly' lies'" and th ball rolled tnto deep cen ' ter. Before It waa recovered Lynch waa on th bench. . Bcorai , , TACOMA. ' ' AB.R.H. PO.A. E. Sheehan, lb..... Ill 1 S Casey, 2b 4 o 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 - 0 0 0 1 0 Nordyke, lb.... , Kaan, as McLaughlin, If. Lynch, cf... Oraham, c. . Koran, rf.l i e, p Totals 20 2 4 27 II . OAKLAND. , AB. R. H.PO.X. E. VanHaltren, cf. S O I 0 0 Hogan. rf S O 0 2 0 0 Tunleavy, If 2 0 0 1 6 0 I Mimkimaii.1 lb I a a T Keliey. io.. s.v.v J o Franks, aa t 0 0 t 1 Tevereauz. Sb. ....... S 0 0 2 0 Hackett, c !..! 2 0 0 "T 2 Blexrud, p 2 0 0.0 0 Totala 2T I It t 2 RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. . 'Tarnma 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 l-2 ' Hits .2 0 0-0 1 0 0 0 14 ' Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Hits 000000 00 ' SUMMARY. . v- . ' Three-baa hits Casey. Stolen-base Lynch. First base on balls Oft Blex rud, S. Struck out By Keefe; (; by Blexrud, 0. Left on bases Tacoma, t. 'First base on errors Tacoma, 1: Oak land, 1. Hit by pitcher-Keefe. Time 1 hour and 10 minutes. Umpire Per . rln. - X Oraad Ttotorloaa. (SpeeUI Dtipateh te Tbe icwrnl.) ( ' LS Orande, Or., Nov. 12. In th foot . ball gam - this afternoon between 'Union and La Grand High schools It .resulted In favor of La Grande by the score of 6 to 0. It was an interesting : i game. - niaainmnimnnimumuimimumnizxaii 79 Til TIVTT ALWAYS SATISFACTORY. ALWAYS PROPER STYLE. " 1 80LK AOBNTS ' ROBINSON C& CO. 289 WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL PERKINS BLDG. Portland. Bunch .H its Henley Along at Lrvely Rate Essick Mad Pine Control and Hi -Sup port -Was Gilt. -.Edged Story of Contest, f- (Special Btapatek byLeased Wire to-The Joaraal) San Francalco, Nov. It. Th Seal could do nothing with Easlck'e shoots at Recreation park today. Only threa sin- gle were made off him, and but one of these came before ' the ninth Inning. Henley, on th other band, was clouted freely by th Gtanta. Tie, runs, how ever, were mostly mad becausa of th bad condition of th outfield, . which mad It difficult to field anything. The Scale Bartered mere- In thla reapect, be- causa Henley wat hl(, bard - - - PORTLAND. .' . .'"'." AB. R. H. POl A. E. At a, .. 6 0 0 . 0 van Buren, )!,..... Ul ' 1 . 1.' - muniaiw. vi ...... MltchelL lb.......... 1 Schlatly,. b.. ..... 2 McLean, e..w 4 1 MoCredie. rf. and If. ...4 flVMMV.. lb.......L.. a a ,i Essick, p.(. A.i. ..V 4 ' Jones, rf. 1 Totala 1 t 27 XT SAN FRANCISCO, i .. -u . . in x r po. A. H. Weldron. cf. ......... 4 0,0 0 0 Mohler. 2b. 2 0 0 1 SO Hildebrand. If........ 4 S 1 1 rNealon, lb. . . : 4071 IS ' 0 1 Householder, rf . 4 0 1 0 0 Irwin, 2b............ 2 0 0 e ,4 0 Onchnauer, aa.. ...... I 0 Wilson, C... J0 0 Henley, p............ 1.0 0 0 2 - Totala r. S. . i. T . I - - S 7 It- $ RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. : Portland ......... I 0 0 t I 1 0 Hits ..i. 2 112 10 10 0 San Francisco.... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 nits .....,..... i t f o Z I SUMMARY. Two-bane hlta--Hweenev. MrlMn. Householder.' . Sacrifice hits Henley, McHale. Stolen baaee Mcllale, Schlaf ly. First base on errors Portland, 2. Bases on ball a Oft Eanlck, 4; off Hen ley. 2. . Left on bases Portland. : San Francisoe), .. Struck out By Easlck, 2; by Henley, . Poubla plays Hilde brand to Mohler. Time 1 hour and 2i mUiute... Umpire MoCarthy. , ALTON ELEVEN BEATEN BY COLUMBIA ,LAD3; Rn-End-Runnrng-Characterize LYejterday!eCUmft-WonJ)y4 ; White and Purple Men. , On Columbia University campus ye. terday Columbia university first junlof team defeated th Alton '12 to 0. Co lumbia made one touchdown in th flral half and another In th second half. Neither goal waa kicked, but Ford, for Columbia, tackled Clase behind their line and scored two points on a safety. Jansen and O'Brien did some of tha best line bucking ever seen on th university campus. - Waldrlp played an excellent gam at tackle, a did also Hood and Ford on th other side of the line. When Halfback Krebs bit th line tbtr waa no stopping him. -Columbia kicked to tha Altona at th beginning of the second half, but soon regained the ;all, and forged steadily towards thelrvopponents' goal. Seufert made some and run that brought th spectator to their feet Smith. Brown and Clsse, for Alton, played well, The tram endwfcwlth the ball In th center or ine rieia in loiumbia.a posses slon. 11V UUCUjl, . Columbia. Altona B. Small J. Krebs. Holcomb Sullivan Waldrlp ...C... R.O. L. .'L. O. R . . .... Bradley. U . . .V. "Johnson . R. T, L... C. Small Hood t r 9 "f.'.'.R.K.Lfr .....UK.R.... e.Qe ft . 1 1 . l R. H. 11 , L.1LR... Pearcej Beurert . Waldrich , Leavy .... .. woodard . .. McGulr . Barbey (c) Jansen . . . . Brows O. Kreba i..t. Smith O'Brien . , ...... Claa GRANDSTAND FALLS . . AT ANN ARBOR GAME Speelal Dlfpatek by Lease Wire te Tbe Joaraal) Ann Arbor. Mich., Nov. 12. Michigan defeated Wisconsin by th score of 12 to In on pf th most sensational games ever played here. During the game the grandstand, oc cupied by more than 200 persona, fell a distance of .16' feet. Crlea from th multitude brought both team to th cen and those injured were hurriedly taken to th dressing-rooms and their Injuries attended to by phyalclana. No on wa seriously hurt and In less than 10 minutes th playara were again In their placea and th gam being car ried on. . A UAT B i-'y CJ.HbMea.PjseritlPtchednt7BTn and Redskins Plajr a Terrific Line ucking ContesWMiiltnomsh. Was, V Held Within an Inch of Coat Line. "Multnomah Amateur Athletie club, l;1 Sherman Indiana. . ' In a stubbornly contested gam yea terday afternoon on the local gridiron th sturdy sons of Sherman and the Mult nomah lada atruggled -for two long halvaa without either alda being able to score. The result .of the gam can b hardly, counted a disappointment ; to Multnomah aa the vlaltor played bril liant ball during the entire gam aad deserved every inch' they made. ' ' ' Multnomah oame within art" inch' f scoring In the second half and would havetdone so had the proper ruling been mad when Sherman wa penalised for being off-aide within, the .five-yard Una. It waa Multnomah's third down when the penalty wa inflicted, which would naturally give Multnomah first down, but It was eaUed. the third down- and on 'the next play th Indiana held Horan wnnin an men ox ine tine, rvoen ine forward advance of th ball waa atopped "down"' wa yelled, but when the player were pulled off the heap It looked aa If th ball waa over -the Una, fcut It -waa placed , within on Inch .of the whit line and given to th Indiana. Sherman kicked out and that wa the last chance the club had to score, tlma being called a few minutes later. ,,. .. The Indiana bad a remarkable tandem offense and aimed It at Multnomah' left tackle and guardtfer steady galna. The red men' defense was very good and it was not until the latter part Of th second half that th clubmen effected an ' opening through tbelr opponent' lin. Multnomah presented a patched up aggregation and at time they played like a lot of lobsters. - Fumbling -wa frequent and helping th man with th ball was out of the question.' If the club men entertain th JTalntest Idea of defeating Oregon on Thanksgiving, they had better be up and doing..- Thar I too much seir-assuranca about some of the club players and theraooner they get quieted down te a normal condition the better it will be all around. . On account of the- score 4elng a tie. a detailed account of th play la un necessary. ' Sherman played a beautiful game, while Multnomah played wen la spots, the spot being far apart. Th umpire in th game, knew n mora about th gam than a fat hog would know about a full drees party. Several of the club men suffered saver bruises, from Thf line up: . ' ! . . : Multnomah. ' Position Sherman, Jordan (C.).. .L.E.R..,.. Beholder (C) Dowllng McMillan . .... .u. . n. ... . uiuo v m n ...... Burt-Klrkley ...L.G. R.... Black Tooth . , . . .C. . . . , , , ,. C. Coleman .R. G. L.. Morale Wilkin Overfleld Pratt ..........R.T.L........... Lugo Bay k. ,. L. Coleman Rupert-Stockton . ...Q.... Neafu Horan R.H. L... ...... Magea Owen'.... L.H. R.. , . Tortes Saunders F. Gait Score 0 to 0. Length of halvi IS minutes. Referee Mr. Lonergan. ITrapire Mr. Minnesota. . Tinier Mr. rschelmer. RALPH TOZIER PITCHED A T GAI.IE. . Angels' Young Twirler' Pitched Forty-Four Innings Without a J Run Being Made Off Him. . (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Joaraal) L Loa Angeles, Nov. IS. Ralph Toaler I ceriainiy ue original norae-conar aid. Th golden-haired Mormon wound up today'a gam but a fw notch behind a world' record. At -the close .of the shutout game with Seattle Toaler bad pitched Juat 44 Inning without a acor being made against him. Jamea Whalen, the pride of San Francisco, also made a bid for Cheabro's record, which stands at 42 consecutive innings. Jamea atubbed bla auperior toe on th 41th Inning, and ha not done anything alnoe. . . The best thing about today'a perform ance la tha fact that Toslar waa the only man on the team who did not know that he waa within striking- distance of a world' record. . Captain Dillon knew It land wised th entire team up, warning them not to tell Toaler for fear It would make him nervous. e In the fifth Inning, with one hand down, Strelb singled in right and Frary paated a single Into left Th next man hit .a'-bullet down to Jud Smith, who calmly scooped It with one band and tagged "Tool te" aa ha passed and ahot lh ball to . second ahead of th human Ice Wagon. Thla was as oloae aa the Indlanscame to a score. The score: LOS ANGELES. . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bernard, cf 2 2 1 4 0 Flood, Sb-..i.. 21V12,4 Smith. 2b X 0 o Braahear, a.....,.... 4 Dillon, lb 4 Cravat h, rf. 4 Roea. If.............. 4 Bager, e 4 Toslar, p..' I Totals 21 I II 27 11 SEATTLE. AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Bennelt, 2b 4 0 1111 Kane, cr... Walters, rf 4 Blnnkennhlp, If........ 4 Strelb. lb.........:.. 2 Frary. e .... 2 Lauterborn.' 2b 2 R Hall. s. .......... s Vtokers, p... 1 Jones, p. ............. t TOtalS rr.20 0 I 14 N 4 RUNS AND HITS BT" INNINGS. Lon Angeles., ....2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 S lilt 2 1 11 2 1 1 1 11 Seattle ...0 0 OO 0 0 0 0 00 t Hlta -i..O 0 10 2 1 0 1 ) SUMMARY. H.t Off Vlckers,-; Jones. 2. Two bas bits Dillon, Toiler, Brasbear. Sao rlflc hlts-Smlth, Flood. Basa on er rors Los Angeles, 1. Left on nases--li Anaelea. 6; Seattl, 2. Struck out By Tosler. t Jones. 1 Vlchers, 2. Double) plays Vlckers to Strelh tA Lau terborn; Smith to Flood. Wild pitch Vlckers. Hit bv pitched ball I Tn 11. Time 1 bour and 29 minute. . Umpire Da via. , , ( ; , E9J!LTjernJifade. a -Touchdown, by 'Straight Football and Each Scored on a Fumhls Nnf final Rinv -Mitaed Story of Contest. ! . v . t ' ' (Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Seattle. Wash., Nov. 18. Oregon and Washington played each other to a standstill at Recreation park thla aft ernoon and when darkneaa and the ref eree's whlstla .-put an end to the con teat each team had scored 12 points, r. ' From a spectator's standpoint the game walone 'of 'the moat sensational contests ever played on the coast. Each team scored a touchdown on straight football and each scored one on a chano playi ' Neither team scored during th first half, although Oregon at one time carried the ball to Washlngton'a 10 yard line, where a forward pass spoiled all chances fo a teuchdown.,- During thlS half Washington had a alight ad Vantace over Orcnm ! atralrht ltna bucka and. masses on ' tackle, . but Ore gon defense waa stubborn, and Moul- Hen, Oregon's reliable, freshman punter, kept booting the ball Into Washington's territory.- v ' -' ' . ' . . rumble and Tooehdowa. That second half started off ilka a whirlwind. ' Oregon received the kickoff and a line plunge by McKlnney netted nv yards. Kerron then dov Into the slippery, muddy masa and gained five yards, but fumbled th ball to Tilly,' Washlngton'a star halfbackr-who ran 20 yards for a score before the player of the conteatlng teams could realise what waa happening. Palmer kicked a goal amid the. deafening shouts of the.Waahlnf ton rooters. ..TV " " . Oregon thnf started off with a ven geance. An exchange of punt followed th kickoff,' and a fumble gave Oregon tha ball on Washlngton'a 25-yard line. Big McKlnney waa called back from tackle and his terrific plunges netted Oregon 20 yards In thre playa. Moorea and Templeton made ateady galna, until th four-yard lin waa reached, when Kerron waa given the ball and pushed over ths Una for , a touchdown. The toeleaa boot of Fred Moullen sent, tha ball aquarely between , the - Washington goal poats and tha acor .stood S to 1 Washington received the kickoff and after a few short Una buck Winaor attempted - a quarterback . kick. Arn spiger, Oregon's speedy left tackle, went through the line like a flash and blocked the ball, which flew high In the air and swerved back toward Washington's goal and landed In the outatretched arms of Moullen, who raced 4u yarda for a jmirhilnwn, which ha pnnvarted Into a goal. Half of the Washington team wer at Moullen' heelabuOil OBOed. and the fine Interference or Moore ana Arraplger wer too much for Wash ington. In sheer desperation Washing ton now began her fight to tie th More. Th ball waa ruined to Oregon's two yard line, where Chandler cam In from the end and fell on a fumble. Moullen panted from behind Oregon's goal line. but Washington by swirt cross ducks and line plungea soon carried the ball over Oregon a goal line, uaococa cor ing a touchdown. Washington Ties Soors. All eyes were turned on Palmer aa he stepped back to kick goat The acor waa 12 to 11 In favor of Oregon, but Palmer's kick . went straight and true and th greatest football game ever seen In- Seattle waa all but ended with an even dosen points for each team. Th remaining SO seconds were featureless. . Daring the entire game Washington displayed a alight advantage In Una bucking, but Oregon's defense waa au perlor, the visitors orien tnrowing Washlnaten'a runners for a loss. Dur ins- the whole game Oregon lost ground but once, when Moorea attempted to run end. Moullen s putlng and his an around work branded him aa the atar player of the day. Hurd, an Oregon freahman, played a great aerensive game at right half, and Latouretta, aa ueuaL played brilliantly and ran his team with good JudgenJKorrowho Oregon, waa In tha thick of the fray, and aside from his fatal fumble, waa a star. McKlnney'a plungea with the ball were sensational, aa waa Tsmpleton's defense. Pullen. Babcock and McDon aid war sure ground gainers for Wash ington, aa waa Palmer, the freshman fullback. Cole, who played quarter dur Ine the first half, waa on of Washing ton's best men, aa wer alao Tilly tha chunky halfback. The field waa wet and a -hard rain fell during the game. Waahlngton's auperior weight told on the muddy -field. There waa no dirty work, but penaltlea for holding and off side play, were frequent. Spencer, Ore gon' guard, waa hurt In th first half and- - waa replaced by Mclntyre,- who d laved a splendid game. The lineup: Moore L.E.R Brlnker Arnspiger . . .L. T. R. . (c) McDonald Moullen .L. G. R. ..... . Babcock Hug C Crlm Spencer and Mclntyre .... k. u. Ok ... hoss McKlnney R. T. L Pullen Chandler R. E. L .. ........ Grim Latouretta (c.) . . . .Q. ..... .Cole, Wilson Templeton U H. R. . , . .Tilly. Smith Hard R. h. L-.-snaw, unrtaty Kerron i.-.Fi .... Palmer Average weight Oregon. ITli Wash ington. 180..Touehdown Tilly, Bab cock, -Kerron, Moullen. Goala Palmer, 2; Moullen, 2. Tiro of halves It minutes. Attendance-H.000. Referee, C. M. Beat of Seattle, Umpire C a. Murphy of Portland. ' Sng-eae Sefeata Saleaa. (Special PUpates t The Jnorsal.) Ruaene. Or.. Nov. 12. The Euaen High echool f o6tball team defeated the Salem High school team on Klncaid field ' thla afternoon by tbe score of 20 to 0. ' Notwithstanding th muddy condltlonrbf th ground th game was a fast one and few Tumble war mad. In th Drat half Ferret mad two touchdown by straight line bucking. The ball waa so slippery that It wa Impossible to kick goal. In th sec ond half Hurd mad-the first . touch, down by straight football and Clark th second by a 55-yard run: . .. Baooad WlUameSt t Wins. ' "apctal tHspat to Tb Journal.) Salem.Nov. 12. A dlfnoult place kick and superior team work won th game for Willamette's second team to day. ' The score waa to 0. It wa S hot contest from start to finish, only superior tesm work and fake quarter back runs making It 'poealble for Wil lamette, to score their only touchdown Both scores war made In tbe Brat half after an exchange of kicks. VE GUAR ANTEE-VEAR AND A SAVING OF 50c TO $1.00 ON EACH PAIR All l ; GOODYEAR S"0E REPAI2 FACTORY in Connection. Largest Up - o rx v. iau . ? 3.50 IDAHO VANQUISHES THE WHITMAN TEAM Championship of Three States - Is Struggled' for With Great . fierceness at Moscow. (Special Dispatch ts Th Joaraal.) Moscow, Idaho, Nov. IS. -In one ef the flerceat contested ball gamea played in the northwest Idaho won from Whit man college today by th scor of to 0, giving Idaho the undisputed chain, plonahlp of Washington, Montana and Idaho. The reault came aa a thunder bolt from a clear sky to the Idaho backers, who predicted a score at least"! 20 to 0, and when the game bad ended with ' nnn accord th Idaho rooters cheered the plucky tittle missionaries. Idaho) waa almply unable to break through the atonewall defenae ef Whit man, who held them for downa suc cessively and forced the former to punt. Whitman's - defensive - waa perfect and was censldered by far the strongest line tbe ailver and gold have ever bucked. The feature of the game waa Captain Mlddleton'a superb generalship and Small's kicks, which averaged 45 yarda. The game opened with Idaho kicking to Whitman who returned the ball is yarda, but waa forced to punt. Idaho seen red th ball and . went tnrougn tackl around tackle playa and pounded Whltman'a Una for a touchdown. Rogers carrying the ball over. Mlddleton failed to kick a goal. Idaho kicked to Whitman, but the ball waa held In Whitman territory for the reat of the half. Here the atruggle waa flerceat, both aldea being forced to punt repeatedly. Tiiaha forced the ball to Whltman'a It- yard Una, where Mlddleton kicked a' clean goal irom ine neia. ecors S to 0. Th' rest of the half was about even and ended with th ball In tbe middle of the field. Tbe atar player for Idaho were Mlddleton, Small, Roose velt, Snow, Thomas. Whitman: Prn- ger, Dutcher, Spagel, KoaeDurg. BAKER CITY DEFEATS " jgAAra--vjzrz Ti. .- i-iT TTm-mL-M-r PENDLETON PLATtno rSprdal Dapiteh te Tke Joaraal.t ; Rakar City. Nov. 12. In one of th most xciting and spectacular football a-amea ever played here, the Baser HieTh echool - team defeated the Pendle ton High school to 0. In tha second half Baker Kicked to Pendleton on th 6-ynrd line. After carrying tha ball td the center of th field. It wa lost on oowns. ay line plunge of the backa and tackle Baker carried the ball to Pendleton' 1-yard line, where Halfback Dodaon went over the line for a -touchdown. McKlm kicked an easy goal. For Pendleton Strand and Scott played star gamea. Quarterback McKlm, by brilliant head- work at critical points, won tha gam for Baker. Dodson and Enberg wer strong on offensive work. MISS ELMORE WINS THE -HUNT CLUB CHASE Th Hunt club paper chas yesterday afternoon waa an exciting - event deaplt the bad weather. Mis Elst Elmore , of Astoria was , llrst at th finish and her. sister.. Mine . S. .Elmore, waa aerond, J.'-N. Coghlan finishing third. Thos who rode through were' Mrs. Buffum, Mr,-Norton, Mlse El more, Mto Elsie Elmore, T. -ft-Tongue, Tom Tongue, T. 8. McOrath, J. J. Coghlan, James Nlcol, C. -11. Leadbet ter, V. 8. Howard, F. O. Downing, D. Patfullo. J. W. Cruthera, D. R, Eldredg and lohn Iiatta. - -, FOOTBALL SCORES . "-".r' 1 1 ' -i West Point .24. Trinity 0. . Pennsylvania 42, Vlllanovc 0. Brown 12. -Vermont 0. Holy Cross 12. Tuft I. Princeton 4, Tile 11. Tale freshmen It, Harvard freah man 0. 'J " .-.' ' Cornell t, Columbia 12. , - -"- Georgetown 0. Rucknell 1. ' Michigan 12. Wisconsin . ; Zrvlagtoae Win. A hard fame of football was played between' the Juniors of Irvlngton and East Portland on the old Portland field yesterday mornlngTh features of the game were the long end runa made by Barnes and the tackling of Uusrter- back Klrkland.. Th acor ended .a In favor of Irvlngton. . j. - The Irvlngton Juniors will accept anv challenge of a team averaging ti the Popular Styles and Leathers . Y. H. C, A. Building I Q Cor. 4th and Yamhill b) II. BRUCK, Proprietor A a ; . - V ( - Dltl I IMfi TFFTH I vbuna ibbiu all dental work. But nothing that modern dentlatry haa accomplished la greater thAn extract ing teeth without pain. We have 12 years' experience In doing thla. Wa can honestly extract a sore tooth with out hurting you Dr. Sturdevant. spe cialist on children's teeth and regu lating: ' , WISE BROS., Dentists Failing Bid., Third and Washington. S a. m. to i p. as. Sundays, to 12. Main 2022, . . :Z pm. w. a. wiss EHSOIfS CAFE AND MUSIC HALL Engarjement Exfraordbiarj - SfBOlf S3TTSTS OXBOTXT. Bertha Garland . Character Change Artist. Marian Goodwin Famous Blu Ribbon QirL Ownro to Txa stupjspotjs . XCA92I BT ' TheFiechtl'sIdies' , Quintette and Tyrolean Trio Tuns avoAoaitx has 2UI aXTBSTPSP. -Program Changed Daily. Special . t Matinee Sunday. Batrenoee at SI Vorth Third Street, SI, SI and IB north Seo end street, and S44, IU aad S47 Barnalde street. sou Aaazir FOB - Frnitdale Mineral Water Th natural "water a It ma from th springs avir. chemicals or drugs beat remedy known for stomach and kidney trouble. pound. Addr lamook tret- F. 8, Bamea, fit Til Trial ty Wrna. A tean from tha Trinity church de feated the Rao Trark eleven Satnrrtev afternoon hy the score of 2 to 0 on th former'a ground. Hoth teams a 'III m"-t again next Bxtuniny at 2 mi'" k ' n I race track flnld. a to - Date Shoe Shop on the Coast M ) PORTLND'-O'ntrisi - athetrtdeat - of c. a EE wo The Great Chinese Doctor fcoataS et Sah-e. Has Moved Te the beildlas st e( rtrst sad I63& First Street , tf greet CktMoa ..Dm taar.nioB tkroaakuat tka have keea imlAv bnadeaat taroagtMet tlx length as brMdtk ef tat aMatry. Be tnan aay as all 11mm with aowwtal CtlM. roots, aerka, bade, barks aad resotaafca are eatirelr ankBoirB te ntdlcal Kinit Is this rr. aa nraul taa mm er tkeae umM reawdies ke gaaraatMS te an eatarrfe. aatkaia. km traablea. raeaautUst. s Um. ktdoay. leatakt tiuaklis aa all private This IS sines aneta euiea wtrkest tke M f the katfe, wHheat sala. sotaeas eVmae. Randrwt nt wt1svfila ee Sle at his arson. Call as see fclm. Chars sudetat. oosnaianog rsu. Satfaat sat ef th eltr writ for Maaka aad lrrnlar. Iaelo 4e ataaiB. Addraaa Tka a Ooe W Cain Madieta C laiS 1st St ear. Harriaaa, IrtUa4, O. raw siaauoei taw saaen . Fook Sang & Co. AT, TO CHONa Mgr. 231 Aider St, Pordssd Pur. Beautiful Jad Jewelry. Oold Bracelet a and Signet Ring ef all ueacrlptlona mad to or der. American namaa engraved in Chinas character on Pure sold rings, or good-lurk rings engraved with th three cardinal ChTnca character. Via.! Glorv. Prooerltr . and Lonaevltv. Chargeanrasonabia and order of any design promptly executed and sent pr- paia to any part ox tne united aiaiea TEETH Fee aaedam dental wom. Warld-re owned apetellat UvmI prices nalata wits Brf t-la " Oe te the ;'- NEW YORK D0NTIST3 ' ' rovBTx Airs sronnison sts. OpM day and nl-ht. freaj ( av jUl 1 a. sa. PS. T. P. WIgaj (ill . 2r. 0. Seej Is s eB " Suos ST B.