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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1905)
II DAILY J3U7.::L', rCr.TLATID, SATURDAY EV-I.IIJG, irOVEMDER-12,XJ. J. -A i own yo?ics tokxoht'S Amjssjjrsrxs. lco "Th first Violin" I mplrs.s. . "Hoollo's Trmihlrt' I.jrlc , "A Heart of ll" l.iharty Voo.(IIs Ciar , V.udyniie . brand . VuiieUl I E. W. Moor, on of Portland'a oldest ) and foremost photographere. opened up i his new etudlo In the Elka" Punning-, I Seventh and Btark atreete, today, Oov Ji ernor Chamberlain being hie first "vic tim. The governor arrivea ai mo- si lerr a-t 10 a. m.. while the mora or !" "esteemed." prince of the capacious ele vator was on a brief vacation. Hta ex cellency was. therefor,, compelled to walk to the top floor, arriving at the end of his Journey with dilated noatrlle, but not bereft Of nls ever-preaent amlle. Hl "Bitting" was perfect a. splendid picture and inaugurated tre beginning of what will doubtless prove a prosper ou career for Mr. Moore, The studio nrnmloa the entire unrter floor of the building, and is most lavishly furnished. It la probably the largest institution - of It kind on the coast, and la supplied with everything that's modern and up to date. ' Rev. T. C Meckel, general secretary of the Missionary Society Evangelical association, Clevelenov Ohio, la mak. lng an extensive tripv throughout the northwest in the Interest of th society . h. r.r,r.....ta Ha h mad itSMlV 11 Journeys In British Columbia and the state of Washington, ana I now xnnn a list ef appointments, visiting vry church of this denomination In Oregon. Mr. Meckel hi an abla preacher. JJa will preach tomorrow as follows: North Portland. Twenty-first and Pettygrova streets, 10:0 a. in.; MUwauki. I p. m.; Lents, T:JO p. n Teere was a crook in Estacada on day last week who wu outwitted by Mrs. Allen Cooke. Ha called at hei home and aald her huaband had sent him for a sack of money which he left In the bouse. Suspecting the stranger, Mrs. Cooke, Who waa alona IB th house, Informed him that the money had been sent to th depot Bhe then rushed to the depot to await hia appearance and hava him arrested, but the- fellow did not appear there and baa not been ae In the vicinity since, , v - - After listening to a program appro- yji (SB .W v a ilea wMa.v.ast w - w - - - - congregations of the city last evening - Joined In burning , th mortgage of 11,900 which baa been bald against the Memorial . Evangelical . church. .' East Klghteenth and TlbbtU streets, sine ( 1892. The church waa built during the .' regime of Rev. O. A. Mara hard and the campaign ''to lift .th debt waa started : by Rav. P. J. Green. Rev. B. IX Stray . . ; feller, the present pastor, completed the j. work racantly. , , : t ; '.r Th Mothers' and Teachers' club of th Brooklyn school was addressed by Judge Arthur U Frasr of th Juvenile , court yesterday. He urged the mothers - to keep watchful eyes on their sons and especially mentioned the danger o the city boy In Idleness. While th lattet haa avery advantages-libraries an pub ' lie schools, for example the Judge de voured that the boy who follows a fur row frequently Bete the better of th " town boy, aa h has no time to waste. The water system of th city of Ku waa sold yesterday to the Willam ette '(.Valley company. It waa oapltallaed at MOO.OOOand f 119.000 waa paid fot tae entire plant, together with all appur- ' tenances."Bosiaes, the eompahy'"bougflf from Mrs." T. W. Shelton 00 acre ad joining Eugen for 115,900 and appro-. - prlated 10.00 to improve ids waiei system. Th Shelton property Include skinner's Butt, where a reservoir , will :b bunt, r -; :a's;::'--: ' ,W keep In touch with th faahioa - centers and put a touch of nlceness Into your suit that wlU pleas you. If yoil order a suit the workmanship ' and fit -will be aa you desire. W make -any ault In th boas to .order for Ms, and - pants tf.tO, ao mora, no iesa, the whole - year 'round. Ask your friend about us. - They all know wa. Wa can refer you to our pleased customers. Unique Tailor ing Co til Washington street.. Eastern popl Halting th Paclflt coast In search of a favorable opening for establishing ' a coffee oondenelng , plant have written to th Portland chamber ef eommerce Inquiring aa t ' what can be dona In Portland. They ' require 19 aorea of ground for a sit. ; It is aald th concern will employ too hands. Secretary Olltner - ha asked ' them to com to Portland and make a personal Investigation. .. ' Judg C. H. Carey Jeft last night for Washington. D. C, where h will inter view President Roosevelt on benair oi th Portland board of trad and aek causa of Columbia river Improvement. " He will appeal t th president to em body a recommendation In his message '.' to' COngr. A .- ' i '(v..-;.T-'-:: c Splendid opportunity to horn bujlders to secure your fin plumbing supplies cheap. ' Herman Metager t Co., 22i-2Z( Front street purchased from th Amer ican Inn all th plumbing, and It can now b Seen at Mr. Metsger'a plao. It will pay all to tham. - k .,.;.: i'c ; : It is probable that a rural delivery rout will be stabllshed out ef Eata cada within a few months. E. C. Clement Inspector of rural mall routes, - drove over th territory On day this week and believe there would b suf ficient patronage to Justify th estab - llshtng ef such a rout. J ' ' , No longer will the weather man be obliged to ascend to th roof of th cus tom house building every day to secure th temperature readings of th weather. He will merely bav to alt In hi palatial efftc and look at th hand OurLaundry h like fi ttreet car Crowded all tha time ' 'T r..'wiTH .''-' : Family WasHnj at "f 6c Pound v We're Doing Baslaesj You Cet - ; - Ring Up Main 308 ; " IKION LAUTiDItY CO.' txoon xn ooivitbia.' ,f In a little machine which couples position on a desk In the center uf the room. This hand Indicator will pout! to flguree representing the exact tem perature of the weather being exper enced on the outsMa of the building. I la a recent Invention and few of the ma chine are In use In the United fcLate. Another machine shows the tempera ture of the room. The new temperature Indicator Is known aa a teleothermo- gruph and Mr. iieals Is proud of it The seoretary of th Portland chem' br of commerce has sent toth leading grain excliangea of the United (Males and Knglgnd- sample of white feed oata and feed barley ae established by the grain standard of the chamber. Sample are now ready forHocal exchange. -The stork visited the horn of Henry R. Kverdlng, ecretary of Everdlng ec Karrell, last night carrying a nlne pouad girl. Kho Is the first heiress to Invade the home on Seventh street Mother and child are both doing welL Portland Tamale Parlor. 140 Park street between Alder and Morrison, th only place In town where enchiladas. Chile con earn with frljoles, Mexican style, also th celebrated Frits' tamale) are made. Open from It m. to 11 p. m. Dr. Brougher' topics, thWhlt Tem ple, Sunday: 10:20 a. m.. "Making tnt Moat "of Life": solo. Clair Montelth; 7:30 p. m.. "The Wedding Ring," In series "Happy Though Married"! bap tism; prominent f nature, the music. , ' Rummage sal continued. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 29, 21, 22. Corner Grand avenue and East Washington streets.. Ladles .First Christian church. ' Hear the story of "Ebb Tld." Steven", son's thrilling book, by Dr. House, First Congregational church, Sunday night Morning topic, "Two Great Queetlone." ' Watches and diamonds $1 down, ind 60s per week. Goods delivered on first payment Xmas la coming. Meisgat Co., Jeweler, optician. Ill Sixth. Our atore will be open tonight at new location. 141 First near Alder street Paints, i varnish, enamels, eta "jones lose leaf ledger and Eureka sheets; first prise at exposition. . Howe, Devi Kllham. Ill Second atreet Speotaclea and eyeglasses latest ln ventlons the beat at smallest prlcca Rubensteln's, 1(1 Fourth etreet . . Why pay tt.16 te 110 for eye glasses when we guarantee a perfect fit for lit Metsger at Co., Ill Sixth street ., . '. ' Paint' fir sal now on at new loca tion. 141 First, near Alder atreet- Store will be. open tonight Portland' beat danolng school, 109 Alder. Prof. Rlagler. Miss Backeameyea " Ladle' gymaasluna class, th Rlagler Physical Culture school. 1 per month. ' Prise wait and dance, tonight, Burk hard' half Ladles free. . . Fin chicken dinner too. 1 Third. Frits' Umales are the heat,; ' ' - HUGGETS AS PRIZES FOR CHARITABLE WORK : Klondike Cold for Largest fTTfircfSul5i rtptions f or HeTp- VJ lest Zimmerman Family. ' Portland, Nov. 1T.T the Editor of The Journal: . I have Juat finished read ing about poor Carl Zimmerman of S2t Missouri avenue, .with hi large family of eight children, ranging , from-- II month to 11 year of age, as described by today1 Journal This I a very Bad caa aad deserves the attention and aaslstaaoe of every one. I hereby contribute six gold nug gets from Eldorado creek. In tb Klon dike, for the Carl Zimmerman fund sub scribers, ta be given a prises, numbers 1, a and I. for th three largest sub scriptions made to his cause from any source. . 1 ... .s Three gold nuggets, suitable for shirt buttons, first prise. Two gold nuggetsn suitable for sleeve but ton a second prise. . - On gold nugget, suitable for pin or ring-, third prise. - ; Mow let th boy and girls or anyone eise turn in xn auoacripuona ana win these three prises for th charitable work by securing th largest subscrip tions to help those poor llttl innocent Children out ef their helpless and suf fering condition Into a comfortable home In eastern Oregon. I tAny lady or gentleman In Portland rmtTinc proud or r st 'nt gold sbn t buttons mad from Klondike gold nug get with quarts crystal tn them aa aa everlasting souvenir of th Klondike, and a a lasting reward for their charit able aeal In behalf of this large family of children In distress, which nuggets are cheerfully donated te the good cause by your bumble servant ' . v WIL80N FOSTER,' ; , . - Dawson. Klondike. s " CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. peels! pnllmaa Bxenndoa Vrala via ' Southern Paelfl Ballroad. ' On December 10 a apeolal excursion train will leave San Franclaco via the Southern Pacific for th City of Mexico Low rate hav been made for point on th Southern Paclflo In Oregon. Par ticulars by asking any Southern Paoln agent 4r writing A. L. Craig, general passenger agent Portland. Oregon. ' Mme. Norelll'e Farewell. 'Mma. Norellt sings her farewell at the Whit Tempi next Tuesday even ing.. On the day following ah starts for Europe, to be gone perhape for two years. . She will be assisted by some of th Jeadlng musicians of Portland, Including Mr. Oechsle's new wind quin tet The program will Include the- fa mous bell song from Lakme, wbioh Mm Norelll .sung at St. James. London, bringing her five enoorea. , Lendon audi, noe ar dlscrlmlnatlva Madam No. relit vnil also sing by request some of those beautiful folk songs sung at tier last concert' The -last selection has not yet' been. decided upon. . ' Madams Norellt has ' had to refuse maavy engagements on the coast as far aa Denver on account of her engage ments te sing at Crystal palac Decem ber 10. Ticket are now celling at Woods rd, Clark Co. ,,-.!;, , . Milwaukie Country Club.-- Eaetera and Seattle raoa. Tak 811 wood and Oregon City ears st First and Aid. ' Dancing School -Prof. Eaton. Beginners Monday OVenlng. Class Thursday evening. - Arlon hslL Lesson by tern. It osnta. Phon West 1049. For coush or cold us Cryatalllxed onlv 10 nts a bottl at 111 CGillfttCEiO PAY FORFEIT Executive Board Put Out by Carelessness In Submit" .'- ting Proposals. 'v"" MAY MAKE THEM GIVE UP TEN PER CENT CHECK Minor Errots Have Made- It Neces sary to Reject Many Bidi and Have Cost ity Expente of Advertising ' for New Proposals. . ' ; . ..-V, , Carelessness of contractors who sub mit propoaals for publio Improvements has become a source of annoyance , to th city executive board and an expense to th city. At ..nearly very meeting of th board aeveral bida have to b re jected becauae they are informal, and In many Instances new advertisement for proposals have te be mad. "This eareleaanees on tha part of con tractor ha proved a source of annoy ance and expense to the city for -re- advertising and causes the delay, of 1m provementa," said Thomas Green at a meeting of th executive board yester day. "I believe this board should take some action to make tit contractors uae greater car in making their pro poaals, and I move that th committee on rules be Instructed to present some rule to this executive board by which th contractor whose bid ia Informal may b mad to forfeit his certified check which 1 presented with . each propoaal.' ; , .. .... ...;,.-.., Th motion was carried and tha rule committee will preeent a report at the next meeting. The action of the board caused considerable excitement among contractors. Th checks which ar de posited with each proposal are aqual to one tenth of the amount of tha bid and a many of the. bids amount to thousands of dollars tn loss to a con tractor might be severe. On contractor said last night tnat they would never submit te such a rur He said that auch a ruling would pre- i vent many contractors from bidding for fear they would lose their money plaoed en deposit ' ' Th city council wa asked to revoke all proceeding for the Improvement of West Park street and start new ones. City Attorney McNary wa of th opinion that th Improvement should not Include 4 he block from Stark to Wash ington streets which wa macadamised less than a year ago. 'The Improvement te be of bltuutnie pavement EPIDEMIC OF Dotnr Kept Fosy Among Wc- tim of Cold. Weather and. ;v. .. -ons Pry Spell.; ' -r.- j Score ef people tn Portland are af flicted with a mild form of la grippe and physicians hav had all they could do tha past twe week anawerlng calls. No eases of a serious nature have ap peared, except among children, where It has developed In several Instaae Into dlphtharia. - Tb first symptoms of th attack appear In tha form of a .headache and hoarseness or sor throat and If not properly treated will develop Into a Be yer cold or bronchial trouble. " City Health Commissioner Mataoa is of tha opinion that the attack ar noth ing more than th usual colds which people suffer every autumn, made more serious this fall by the lack of rain and the prolonged eold weather, which has been unprecedented In th months of October and November. J He- Is of th opinion that ther will ba less sickness as soon aa a heavy rain! comes, and clears tb atmosphere. ' Th easaa of eolds amang children should he watched closely, according to Dr. Matson, as he la of the opinion that In many Instances they ar of a diph therial nature, and if nothing la done te check it may develop seriously. Ther ar a great many cases of diphtheria throughout the city at the preeent time and physicians ar bavins; hard work te prevent contagion. , j COLUMBIA-UNIVERSITY"? TO HAVE A DORMITORY Dr. John A. Zahm. C 8. C, head of th colleges of th Holy Cross, is -paying his annual visit to tb Columbia university, of ywhlch Institution he will be a guest for several days. In honor of his arrival, the various classes were dismissed yesterday and tb students tendered him a reception. : Ignatlua Mo Nam mad - th address of welcome and Dr. Zahm responded, saying he waa delighted with th condition of th local school. ... H reiterated bis former con clusion that no college In the country possesses more beautiful natural sur roundlngs. ' snd that It I doubtful if th climate and Scenery of Oregon hav a more sincere admirer. : .. . Father Zahm's particular purpoa la Visiting the college once a year Is te observe the possibilities of. improve ments. He has decided to build a $95,009 dormitory for Columbia.' but Is unable to name the exact time when Its con struction will begin. . . v . QUARTERLY CONFERENCE : ? OF. LATTER-DAY SAINTS ' 1 , . ,- : : " Tha members of fh Church ef Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint will meet in regular quarterly conference tomor row In ball . 400, Allsky- building. Third and Morrison atreete. at S and T p. m. Visiting alder from all part of Oregon and Idaho will be In attendance. There will be good singing. . Elder Nephl Pratt president of the Northwestern State mission, will pre side. . All friend and Investigator and th public generally are Invited to at tend.. No collection. ,.. ,, REDUCED SEASIDE RATES YlA th ' A. si o. a. t "Olatsop : In order to promote a. big winter travel to th coast th abov company h. . Mm.A ih. .r Inw rata of 1 4. trood going Saturday morning, returning Mon day evening, ana v ior in. rvuna trip on Sunday. Beverai noteis at in n t. Mm. In AffMin all winter and cheap rates will be mad - to ' Indue patronage. All inrormation at in cur fflca, tit Alder treat or telephone GRIP . is o;i THE - CITY - - II Mata ive. - - ; . . - - . . i"Xi.Jli-J. Ji A re Exquisite Ralston Health Oats arc Clean clean arid have New Process Ralston Health Oats (new pro cess) arc different from any other cereal food, Our new Cereal - Roaster, the only one of its kind' pn the Pacific Coast, heats the oat gradually and re folates th temperature to th fraction of . decree. That brings out all ot the natural oat flavor. : Tha Cereal HoasUr,. by the, perfectly .regulated dry' heat,.' softens tha tough little leathery envelope around each starch granule ao that tha second cook ing prepares it for perfect . and . easy digestion.' ' , " ' Northwestern Mutual Life THIS COMPANT HAS ' $16,555,450X3 LOAKED TO "ITS POt.lCTHOlDiR8 ON BECX'RITT OF THEIR POLICIES. ILLUSTRATING! THE LARGE BENE FIT WHICH MEMBERS OJ" THE NORTHWE8TERN RECEIVE FROM THE LOAN FEATURE OF THEIR IN SURANCE. . - . . SeT.Lockwood &Son " Oar -PelkTk.Ui ' Aw - Satialet ' Oeacera kld Portland. Oreaaa. We Want toMo fee TTThese Facts Plain We are i solns to BCOTa .M1 rims to aae nm stubt, corner of Alder street.- We do not wish to Use ar present stack-of Pianos with" ua W ar alvlnr lars; dlsoounts on each and every Instrument - W have lara shipments en the war for the aew store and will net save 'room ior present stock of v., --. .. . - Stelnway & Sons, . . A. B. Chase, n--y ,-t- Emerson,- - - : . ':. ' j, Estey and ; others Dundore Piano Co. 233 WASHINGTON STREET OSTEOPATHY t. . Wl1a Vr. C. S. Wliim osTXoyATRio PxTsicoAjra . Are teaas at SM Bast Karrlsea Stent TIIXTKOaTI XAIT US. ; Best Befereaea, i ,1. Ooasvltatte Free. JOHN-CUAHUt-MONT!TH ItorvaUr ef Wew Tors, berltea sMst at ta White Traplt, will reele saplle la vele cat tar. tZTVi Willi In toe at, rooai as. PsoM Mtia mis. , Belasco Theatre uZiu , stxAaoo vatx. nors. roorteesth and Wsaktaata Street. ' ' '. X. D. rrloa, Cwa, Ht B. L, BaatoM. IUs. ', ; LAST PXarOKMAXCS T0H10HT. . : White Whittlesey '-U kletaH staasaeU's ,veS aWeea "THE FIRST VIOLIN Bveslass, Me to tS; Matins. Satuear aad . Senear, soo to sue. Nett Weak, Startln ' Wits aUtlM Saadar. ,. KoT.niber 1. . '. atartlsr Wits witls TrisMtrsw, , . Ttl TAIAL CASJ)." . . Marquam Grand Theatre noil main 9m. " ' ,., - Moodir. Tnlr and WeaaMdas msfeta NownlMr SU SI aad L Tb raSMsa Irnih rraaoiiis aad Btafer; . AXDEIW MACK ' la His lint rniflfdr-Drams, ; . ' v "TOM BtOOBE." PBICM-Parewt Sl.soi nnat eireie. si. Balcnnr, ,1. Toe and ftOr. OaUerr. ' t aa iw. Bafm sna a'. io. , SEATS AUfS NOW HEtXlNO. j Empire Theatre; , Ittk aad Homeee. 'Paeae Mala 117. ., MILTOS W. SEAMAN. MinifW. , Portlma s rneniar rtunmrn. LAST PEBrOBMANCB TONIGHT AT 1:11. "Hooltotfs Troubles1 A - si.lant t lumor, fliorlBf . stnrlnf end , ETSHINO PRICES 1. , 8S, tOt. .... MaII.VKS PBlCta loe, le. S6. , atartlhr T"""W MtlBe, i "A BBOBiAT KBAET." THE QRAND Blirwa TBATESTT CO. ;' ' Aad Oasrae t Daaaia atria, A anr.AT cast. Bld r tof Wel, M.e sad Pranks, rraaese 0r aad a ftUrrr, Joll, Bb.p. - sinaln. rwselBS aad Woll-DrllW Caocas of Prallr Olrla. , floiHwsl admlMtna lfwt eTenlnsA SanOar and, Tfm4 Mti e lom Snot tori felly SMUiwas, eatlre tower Ooer 10c; boa mia sie, flavor. Folished steel and a snow white canvas drying belt are all that the oats come in contact with until theyTstart joh their journey to your breakfast table. rrs Aiin tcs roastcg ACME MILLS COMPANY Hi;;. - -y. PORTLAND, OREGON - yy. -;- h I t 1 t i t I I ' f . u.J L .-I LJ-J hJ U-J U-U STORK 20S FRONT. STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND . SALMON.. . . ; This is tha Pure New Era Products, mada In Detroit, famous all tha : world over, a .written fuaranteo of purity o- f 1 ;1 f ; , inwith aach can-waa $1.75 GALLON, ,v , ) f ; J It ia tuaVanteed'aa'iood'aa 'wbVa'iVuft'thV 'factory, and la sold at thia price because water and amoks half, destroyed tha labels and soiled the cans. ;, y v"'-'. :"; , Painters' White Lead 6c Pound : NEAL'S INTERIOR , ENAMEL t .... : . That smooth finish, so easy to- keep clean ; former price 2.50" per: faHon.Tr-J25 NEAL'S BATRTUS ENAMEL Tfanaforma tha old, sine, tubi to porcelain; tormer price. ' quart, $1.40. ;, ? ; 7K( , NEAL'S ALUMINUM'. ' .ENAMEL-ir;.'-.-.,., For steam' pipes, radiators, ffss ranffcs. etc.: former price. 1 &f!;;;.J...90c I No one will er again bay Paints at tha prices wa arc aelUng these splendid gooda for now. Dont neglect tha opportunity. ... NEW ERA- PAINT AND Ka::VARNISH;CO.;":i-;;v": 208 Front Street, Between Taylor 'and Salmon. Portland, Oregon. J 1 1 I I Ml , THEY'LL KEEP Carriages, Wagons, Harness, Itobes .v - ' ' , , , , STUDEBAKER BROS. 0., Hortiumt No. 330-336 East Morrison St., Portland Oregon AMTmXXVT. THE STAR , Bad and OtUe Weed. ' ui tuu jMklas. rtinrrl. Mar a Oa. PMrl aad Blaauat. vaaMV aa awrein, . tr. Tt4 Purlaua. t Staraeaep. ' " ' - j 1. I am 1u. .hmIkm. Riiariiva .sA nnllAsr. taard seat es tower Sec Soe; aex aia aoe. - , . .... . . - - -r---" - " l v Clean u perfectly isnrtMiin; nVAir'c; ACH6 Mrnuaeat. s Purina Mills ct - Vi "WMCstC tPHTY rft PsUVAsaXfNT ' Just Try a Package the Checkerboard , Packageand See How Much . ; Better Ypu FeeL EALSS CARRIAGE PAINT The Old Original; former GRANITE FLOOR PAINT 1 ; Tha kind that stays on your floor; former pricl Art " $1.7S gallonNow....Jl.llVI CRESOLENS SHINGLE --- : STAIN V .v Wears well, won't fade; form--er-prtc-$tSPef ' 71 t fallen. Now... ......,. I vv 4 DA VIES VARNO-LAC y ' Makes your floor look like i mahogany; former price $2.75 N;7.r:;.......$1.50 :api rons OUT THE RAIN , M AMTC sTTB. L1UCRTY TMEATHC POCBTB AKP STASK STRIETfl. Maaa.aiant ef Keatlac A riooo. ' SXASOB-S BXATZST BIXL. Hart fxiaailat. I Walt. To Bsrlhtt ChlUr-s. . gnAolpa XiaUsd. h ''T sn4 ! Msrlaa Piaiurw. Btt'4 PartorounrM e" t 1 " rr rr rt J i lEo Portland PORTLAND, OREGON. EUHOPtAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTEH9 FOR TOURI8T8 . .. AND COMMERCIAL. . TRAVELERS. - JCrerythlnir to eat and-drink, and It costs no more in the , Portland Hott Rathtkaller thaa clMwher In th eftr. Evary waakdajr nigbt tram IS.- ' K. O. BOWBBI, staaar. ALL THE MINES Operated wast ef th Mississippi send their coal to us. Thafa -wty-Teopl-call us - IKE DIG TELLOWS IN TKE - FUEL CltSIXESS ' W ell eoka, too. Our telephone. Main S77, will explain the price If you will line It up. Vulcan Coal Co. ' SS BTTsUrSTDM' BTB1BBT. , Wc MUhtTcrn Cut Poor Printing ' efforts. We ar renown foe tke eaeslance ei ear ensua. . v: fStlrapnlttatt Irtu 147 FRONT ST. Tt Maia lj ' Bet. Morrison and Alder. - ' LOOK AT THIS IS lots, aob 10x100 feet, la Hawthorne Ave. Addition FROM 3250 to S32B gM dowa, 910 per saesth. - Streets rraded. Bull Ran Water. . Fine place for a Home.. Empire Investment Co. BST Cbaa&aev ef Ooaunere. , The r.;aItaCa?.a:Ii ' Cusincss Ir.slitu'3 Special School of Ores Shorthand Snd Touch Typewriting". Bookkeeping And Business Methods. Bualneas Pen manship by th Palmar Method. OOBT OS TTTTIOB7. Xnt en third leas than Is usually required. Evening or day session Call Main 00 for particulars. . . , . i A TEETH jrr saedrn dental wortt. World-r ovmA apaclallata tiWet prlees eonl.nt wlia flrtt-elaas work. Oo te the k NEW YORK DENTI5T5 rOTJBTat AMD SOSIUD t 7 Ocas day nd nlrht. frons Sia A v , aatll CEO. H STKCG, I G3 V.'cct T: BXCLVBXVB COmmCIAL BKOTOfl'i' P'Tn CCrYI'3 Av3 II'' I l.JIU a gp::ci - 1 . ... i . ' e eat of prsetlee la that respect tb.t we latsslaa we waul suka a rash tailor of tbe loh. W. snspKt that th b i . t . -i i . I, Morrison street. ,'. . ' y